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Storyline question:

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I have been playing TEW for about a year, and here are my basic views: 1. I can't seem to get past about a year into any game i play. After that i just want to wipe the roster and restart. 2. I can't ever seem to be able to sit down and do written story lines. I am thinking that because i always do unchained story lines and really don't bother telling a story, rather focusing on in ring action with 1-1 taunt/hype promo's mixed in. I am rarely able to put together a strong tag division, as i always have 1-2 key teams either too far behind or ahead on popularity. so my question is this: What should i do? Should i stop doing unchained story lines and make an attempt at playing the game correctly? will it be more entertaining?
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I wouldn't say you are playing the game incorrectly, you probably just haven't found the style of play that you enjoy most. As for storylines, I would reccommend downloading the huge storyline/angle pack recently posted (it's somewhat of a compilation of alot of different modders' work) and use the written storylines when you find use for some that you really like and mix in unchained when you can't find a storyline to fit what you want to do. Sorry if that was a bit of a ramble, just trying to help out.:rolleyes:
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[QUOTE=brat99;364001]I wouldn't say you are playing the game incorrectly, you probably just haven't found the style of play that you enjoy most. As for storylines, [B]I would reccommend downloading the huge storyline/angle pack recently posted[/B] (it's somewhat of a compilation of alot of different modders' work) and use the written storylines when you find use for some that you really like and mix in unchained when you can't find a storyline to fit what you want to do. Sorry if that was a bit of a ramble, just trying to help out.:rolleyes:[/QUOTE] Can you please provide a link to that pack please? Sounds interesting, and I really draw a lot of inspiration from the 'scripted' story lines. And no, I don't use them as a crutch. No, really...! :rolleyes:
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I'm pretty much new to this but I've read about additional storylines and angles before. I don't know if this is it but there'a a fair bit at [url]http://www.bobinc.net/TEW07Downloads.html[/url] If this is right tho, does installing the angle pack for example wipe out the original angles listed in the game? I don't know if I'm even posting this in the right place so any guidance is appreciated. :)
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[QUOTE=Bunglerana;365975] If this is right tho, does installing the angle pack for example wipe out the original angles listed in the game? I don't know if I'm even posting this in the right place so any guidance is appreciated. :)[/QUOTE] No. But I tend to wish it did. I like to mix and match stuff from various angle & storyline packs to maximize my preplotted options and I inevitably end up with a lot of duplication. At times having the same angle in triplicate or even quadruplicate. And that gets annoying when trying to search for the angle you need.
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