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GAMMA: The Next Level

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[CENTER][IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/GAMMA.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]BREAKING NEWS!!![/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]In huge shocking news today Gamma appointed relative unknown Joshua Gay the new president of the organization. Joshua had booked a couple of small town MMA companies and apparently Matt Tripp liked what he saw because now Joshua is the new President of the organization. Along with these changes have come several others. All contest in Gamma will now be contested inside of a round cage. The rules have changed somewhat as well... Rumors are also circulating that Gamma is on the edge of getting a major TV deal and will air special shows, stay tuned to Gamma.com for more info on that situation. We can also confirm that the next Gamma pay-per-view will be entitles Rage In The Cage, and the event will be headlined by Raul Hughes defending his Gamma Heavyweight Title against Lefter Oktay. The poster for the event can be seen below.[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/RageInTheCage.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/GAMMA.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"][B]July 6th, 1996[/B] [B]Today the full card for "Rage In The Cage" was announced.[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]GAMMA Heavyweight Title Fight Raul Hughes (c) (11-0) vs. Lefter Oktay (6-0)[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B][CENTER][I]The dominant ground and pound fighter, Lefter Oktay looks to dethrone the GAMMA Champion, Raul Hughes. Hughes won the title last month from GAMMA legend, James Foster. Raul Hughes has amazing stand-up fighting ability, and though Hughes is considered the underdog he will be looking to pull off another upset. One way or another one man in this fight will no longer be undefeated! [/I] [B][SIZE="3"]Maarten Devries (13-4) vs. Patrick Thomas (6-1)[/SIZE][/B] [I]Devries is coming off of an upset loss to Matthew Dean and will be looking to get back on the winning track. Patrick Thomas will want to take this fight to the ground where he has a clear advantage. It is widely believed that the winner of this fight will be in line for a shot at Matthew Dean and his Middleweight Title.[/I] [B][SIZE="3"][I]James Foster (16-2) vs. Frank Sheedy (10-6)[/I][/SIZE][/B] [I]"The King of Ground and Pound" will be looking to get back on track with this fight. Sheedy is outmatched in this fight and better be praying a lot going into the fight.[/I] [B][SIZE="3"]Mike Watson (2-0) vs. Christopher Sharp (9-1)[/SIZE][/B] [I]"The Calgary Assasin" is considered to be one of the next generation fighters who will take MMA to a new level. Christopher Sharp is no slouch himself and is looking to cement himself as the leader of the next generation of fighters. This one will be one that we will look back on years from now as a fight between two legends who were just starting out.[/I] [B][SIZE="3"]Jack Humphreys (12-2) vs. Peter Bracewell (17-7)[/SIZE][/B] [I]Jack Humphreys lost his belt last month and is looking to get back on track. Despite being hated by the GAMMA fans, "The Show Stopper" is a phenomenal athlete who will put on an amazing performance in this fight.[/I] [B][SIZE="3"]Giovani Silva (20-9) vs. Duane Weatherly (10-7) Faas Smit (5-0) vs. Owen Hyde (2-0) Ray Eton (6-2) vs. Nathan Chambers (5-0) Ichisake Miyagi (14-6) vs. Dana Delaney (4-1) Kenny Magilton III (4-1) vs. Luke Hilton (4-1) Thomas Smith (6-1) vs. Don Norman (6-9) Richie Stiller (0-2) vs. Brandon Sugar (7-2)[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER]
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"Rage In The Cage" Quick Picks GAMMA Heavyweight Title Fight Raul Hughes (c) (11-0) vs. Lefter Oktay (6-0) Maarten Devries (13-4) vs. Patrick Thomas (6-1) James Foster (16-2) vs. Frank Sheedy (10-6) Mike Watson (2-0) vs. Christopher Sharp (9-1) Jack Humphreys (12-2) vs. Peter Bracewell (17-7) Giovani Silva (20-9) vs. Duane Weatherly (10-7) Faas Smit (5-0) vs. Owen Hyde (2-0) Ray Eton (6-2) vs. Nathan Chambers (5-0) Ichisake Miyagi (14-6) vs. Dana Delaney (4-1) Kenny Magilton III (4-1) vs. Luke Hilton (4-1) Thomas Smith (6-1) vs. Don Norman (6-9) Richie Stiller (0-2) vs. Brandon Sugar (7-2) Tie Breaker: How will the Main Event end? Prize: Name one competitor in the main event of next months show...
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I'm on board - I'm such a sucker for event posters :) GAMMA Heavyweight Title Fight Raul Hughes (c) (11-0) vs. [b]Lefter Oktay (6-0)[/b] Maarten Devries (13-4) vs. [b]Patrick Thomas (6-1)[/b] [b]James Foster (16-2)[/b] vs. Frank Sheedy (10-6) [b]Mike Watson (2-0)[/b] vs. Christopher Sharp (9-1) [b]Jack Humphreys (12-2)[/b] vs. Peter Bracewell (17-7) [b]Giovani Silva (20-9)[/b] vs. Duane Weatherly (10-7) Faas Smit (5-0) vs. [b]Owen Hyde (2-0)[/b] [b]Ray Eton (6-2)[/b] vs. Nathan Chambers (5-0) [b]Ichisake Miyagi (14-6)[/b] vs. Dana Delaney (4-1) Kenny Magilton III (4-1) vs. [b]Luke Hilton (4-1)[/b] [b]Thomas Smith (6-1)[/b] vs. Don Norman (6-9) Richie Stiller (0-2) vs. [b]Brandon Sugar (7-2)[/b] [b]Tie Breaker[/b]: Oktay gets Hughes down and pounds him out in the 2nd. One more thing [quote]Devries is coming off of an upset loss to Matthew Dean and will be looking to get back on the winning track. Patrick Thomas will want to take this fight to the ground where he has a clear advantage. It is widely believed that the winner of this fight will be in line for a shot at [b]Fernando Amaro[/b] and his Middleweight Title.[/quote] How is Amaro champion at the beginning?
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/RITCBANNER.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Navy"][B]Live from Los Angeles, California with 6,029 fans in attendance.[/B][/COLOR] [I]A video plays hyping all of the fights on tonight’s card. From ringside the announcers hype the fights and go over the new rule changes for GAMMA.[/I] [COLOR="navy"][B]Lightweight Division Fight Richie Stiller (0-2) vs. Brandon Sugar (7-2)[/B][/COLOR] [B]Round 1[/B] Stiller goes to the center, and immediately throws some jabs, looking to engage in a striking battle. Sugar doesn't commit though, instead circling and looking for an angle. Sugar comes in, ducks a right hand, then unleashes a flurry of punches. Stiller covers up at first, then throws a scathing right hand, but Sugar is already out of range. Sugar repeats the trick, working a new angle, darting in, then firing off strikes while keeping out of the way of any counter punches. It happens a third time, and Stiller is beginning to look frustrated. Sugar's footwork and general movement is looking good, Stiller is being made to look very slow and lumbering in comparison. Furthermore, Sugar is being able to launch multiple short bursts of offense without really being in any danger, Stiller has yet to hit any sort of meaningful punch, simply because Sugar is too quick. Stiller finally gets in close enough to grapple with Sugar, clinching up. Stiller scores a nice body punch, then steps back and goes for a vicious right hand, but Sugar bobs out of the way and hits a right hook of his own. Time is ticking away, and Stiller is well behind in this round, he needs to do something special. Stiller swings for the fences, but Sugar has no problem avoiding it. The round peters out. End of the round. Blurcat.com scores it 10-9 for Sugar. [B]Round 2[/B] Slow start; nearly a full minute of circling, occasional fakes, and long-range jabs. Neither fighter is creating much. Sugar works an angle, but takes a low kick to the shin when he advances. They clinch, and end up with Stiller backed up against the cage. Sugar gets a couple of right hands to the body, but his attempts at knee strikes are deflected by Stiller, who uses his legs well to defend. Sugar pulls free and takes a step back, then powers in a right hand. Stiller gets out the way, ducks under a second right hand, and backs up to the center. Sugar follows, and we're back to circling. Uninspiring action so far, they've both been fairly devoid of inspiration. Sugar hits a couple of right hands, both hitting gloves, then a left hand to the body that connected. That was the best shot of the round so far. Stiller tags him with a flicked jab to the cheek, but it had virtually no power on it. Stiller leans in to a looping left, but it puts him off balance and it's only at the last second that he gets his chin out of the way of a vicious right cross that comes back. If that had hit, we may have had a knock out. Time runs out with them standing, circling again. End of the round. Blurcat.com scores 10-9 Sugar. [B]Round 3[/B] There is some tentative circling to begin with, before they meet in the center for the first action of the round. It's a tight affair, both fighters heavily using the jab, but Sugar looks to get the better of it, landing with one crisp strike to the face in particular. Stiller backs off, a little shaken. Replays show that it landed right on the nose. Sugar press the action, forcing Stiller back against the cage and upping the tempo with rapid-fire lefts and rights, bobbing and weaving at the same time to keep from getting caught with a counter punch. Stiller clinches up. Sugar is displaying a much more accomplished and confident striking game than Stiller, the technique and speed with which the punches are being delivered is leaving Stiller looking ragged in comparison. The pattern continues once they've been separated, with Sugar looking the sharper of the two. He isn't overwhelming Stiller by any means, but he is comfortably controlling the pace and tempo of the round, and preventing Stiller from stamping any sort of mark on it. The 3rd round ends. Blurcat.com gives that one to Sugar by 10-9. Brandon Sugar wins, with a score of 30-27 from two judges, 29-28 from the other. [B]Winner via Judges Decision is Brandon Sugar!!![/B] [I]The announcers highlight the main event and give their predictions for the night.[/I] [COLOR="navy"][B]Heavyweight Division Fight Thomas Smith (6-1) vs. Don Norman (6-9)[/B][/COLOR] [B]Round 1[/B] Smith isn't hanging around, right from the start Norman is forced onto the back foot by four hard shots, although none of them get through the gloves. Norman circles, steps in, then unloads a combination of punches, but Smith weaves out of the way and scores with a beauty of a right hand, glancing above the right eye. That was some lovely counter punching from Smith, the timing had to be perfect and it was. Norman is looking a bit frustrated, and uncorks a ragged-looking uppercut that missed by several inches. Smith really should have taken advantage of that mistake, Norman was wide open for a moment there. Smith hits a high kick, catching Norman on the shoulder. Jab from Norman finds the mark, but it didn't have much power behind it as he was leaning backward too much. Smith fires off a couple of straight punches in response, but only finds gloves. They clinch, and the fight enters a lull. Norman scores with a knee from the clinch, it landed around the hip area of Smith, who responds with a couple of shots to the ribs. The time runs out with them still clinched though. End of the round. Blurcat.com sees it 10-9 to Smith. [B]Round 2[/B] They circle to start, both throwing a few tentative jabs. An uppercut misses its mark from Norman, providing the first moment of real action. Smith hits a nice combination of body shots to set up a big right hook, but Norman side-stepped to safety. A few punches get thrown, but there's a lack of real action to talk about. Smith is being slightly the more aggressive, but neither fighter is really going for it. They come together again and exchange punches, but no big shots get through, and they end up clinched for a while. The referee separates them, but the time is ticking away and this round looks like it's going to the judges. The second round is over. Blurcat.com has it down as 10-9 Smith. [B]Round 3[/B] Norman leads with the right hand to set up a low kick, Smith deals with it well. They clinch, but only for a few seconds before it gets broken. Both throw stiff jabs at the same time, neither connects properly. Back to the clinch. It has been a disjointed start to the round, the flow hasn't quite developed properly. Smith uses a knee to the ribs before backing Norman up against the cage. Right hand from Norman connects though, that was well timed. Smith breaks the clinch and backs off. That was sloppy on his part, Norman was basically gifted a free shot. Three quick jabs from Smith sting the gloves, then a crashing hook to the body finds its mark. Good recovery. Norman fires off a low kick again, but it's well wide. Smith clinches with Norman. A quick trip sends Norman falling backward, pulling guard to take Smith down with him. Smith manages to push the guard apart, and leans over Norman, trapping one leg underneath his body. Bad position for Norman to be in, and Smith now starts throwing big lefts and rights. Norman tries to deflect them away but quite a few are hitting home. Norman tries to bring his free leg in to add some leverage, but Smith swats it aside and gets the full mount. More punches start raining down, and Norman is left just covering up to try and weather the storm. It's no use though, as the barrage of punches without answer convince the referee to call a halt to the action. Smith wins via TKO at 3:44 of the third round. [B]Winner via TKO is Thomas Smith!!![/B] [I]After the fight Smith gives his commentary on the fight and tell the crowd that this is just the beginning of his domination in GAMMA![/I] [COLOR="navy"][B]Lightweight Division Fight Kenny Magilton III (4-1) vs. Luke Hilton (4-1)[/B][/COLOR] [B]Round 1[/B] Very, very slow start to the round. Over a minute has gone before the first meaningful strike connects. It's Hilton who hits it, scoring with a shot to the chest. Magilton fires back with a couple of jabs, both of which connect with the shoulder rather than the face where they were aimed. The two fighters come together in the center and exchange punches, neither getting the clear advantage. Magilton suddenly shoots in and goes for a takedown, but Hilton manages to sprawl long enough to get them all the way back to the cage, which keeps him upright. Magilton tries to complete the takedown, but realises that the leverage isn't there and instead stands and clinches. Hilton hits a couple of shots to the back. Magilton hits a stomp. Hilton lifts his leg to go for a knee, but that gives Magilton the opportunity to lift him and slam him down to the ground. That was a hard slam! Magilton is on top, almost sitting on top of a balled-up Hilton. He throws some hard downward punches, Hilton defends most of them, although one hits hard above the eye. Magilton leaves his arm in for a second too long and Hilton reaches up and almost gets an armbar. Magilton gets free though, although the effort puts him off-balance enough for him to stumble, giving Hilton the opportunity to scramble back up. There's a nasty mark above the eye where the earlier punch connected though. They go back to circling each other. There's not much time left. Hilton tries one last big attack, swinging for the fences with two bombs, but Magilton avoids both, adding a nice shot to the stomach after the second dodge. The round ends there. The round is over. Blurcat.com sees it 10-9 to Magilton. [B]Round 2[/B] Magilton is forced onto the backfoot almost immediately, having to retreat to avoid a series of sharp jabs. He ends up with his back to the cage, with Hilton advancing. A sharp right misses, and Magilton takes the opportunity to pull Hilton in to a tight clinch against the cage. Hilton tries to break free, but cannot. It looks like we know the strategies for this round already; Hilton wants to stand and bang, Magilton wants to keep things at close quarters. Hilton tries for an elbow, but only succeeds in getting turned around so that he is now the one against the cage. Trip from Magilton, and we're down to the ground. Magilton has side control, but Hilton has landed with his left hand side against the cage, so that side of the body is basically safe for now. Magilton will have to try to work the right-hand side, and starts by ramming a knee into the ribs. Hilton tries to squirm into a better position, but Magilton puts a stop to that with a stiff elbow to the stomach. Magilton tries to work a kimura on the right arm, but Hilton defends it. Hilton manages to bring a knee up and catch Magilton in the side, something of a cheeky move given his position. Magilton responds with five or six rapid-fire right hands to the face, but Hilton covers up and doesn't take any serious damage at all. Time is ticking away though, and so far Magilton may be easily winning the round, but he is not taking full advantage of this great position. Magilton tries to float over into a mount, but Hilton uses the cage to push away and manages to unbalance Magilton enough to get to a kneeling position, then standing, albeit back into a clinch. A knee from Magilton is the last action of the round. End of the round. Blurcat.com scores 10-9 Magilton. [B]Round 3[/B] Magilton hits three straight jabs, but they all connect with nothing but gloves. Hilton fires one back, off target, and then comes in close to land a body shot. That stings Magilton, and also allows Hilton to follow up with a takedown straight after. Magilton has a very loose guard applied, almost daring Hilton to pass. A right hand from Hilton, then he does pass into side control, but Magilton immediately scrambles as soon as Hilton started moving, and they end up struggling for position. Magilton manages to slip behind Hilton and get his back. Hilton tries to turn, but gets flattened and Magilton sinks in a choke. It isn't in fully yet. Hilton tries to work free but Magilton uses his legs to stretch out Hilton's entire body, and that's enough, Hilton has no escape and has to tap. Magilton wins via rear choke submission at 0:52 of the third round. [B]Winner via Submission is Kenny Magilton III!!![/B] [I]A video package shows the training regime of Ichisake Miyagi and he gives his comments about his upcoming fight.[/I] [COLOR="navy"][B]Welterweight Division Fight Ichisake Miyagi (14-6) vs. Dana Delaney (4-1)[/B][/COLOR] [B]Round 1[/B] The two fighters circle. Miyagi flicks out a couple of jabs, then an unconventinal looping right hand. Delaney easily side-steps it, but trips and falls to the ground! He is up quickly, before Miyagi could get in. Replays confirm that it was purely a stumble, the punch was well wide of the mark. Delaney moves in, ducks under a big right hand, and gets two crisp jabs in before getting smothered into a clinch. One of those jabs landed hard, Miyagi is a little rattled. They struggle in the clinch, both throwing small punches to the back and ribs. The referee separates them. Miyagi forces Delaney back up against the cage, and starts throwing jabs. He looks to be keeping Delaney in position, waiting to unload a big punch. Miyagi does, lunging in with a huge right cross, but Delaney saw it coming and goes underneath it, scoring with a right hand to the gut on the way past. Miyagi turns and tries to follow up immediately, but gets tagged with a wicked left hook that drops him to one knee. Miyagi is up quickly, causing Delaney, who was about to dive in, to back off. Replays show that the punch connected, but Miyagi was already going downward to duck the punch, so it wasn't as powerful as first thought. Miyagi throws a high kick, but it doesn't do anything but cause Delaney to step back. The time expires without anything further of note happening. The round is over. Blurcat.com has it down as 10-9 Delaney. [B]Round 2[/B] Good start from Miyagi, taking Delaney down almost immediately! Delaney scrambles though, and gets back to his feet without taking any damage at all. Miyagi will be disappointed with that. Delaney comes in and throws two big right hands, but neither connects, and they put him off balance, allowing Miyagi to score with a nice right hook to the side of the head, crunching into the top of the ear. Delaney felt that one for sure. He stalks Miyagi, trying to back him up against the cage. It doesn't work though, Miyagi keeps out of the way. Delaney tries a kick, but Miyagi catches the foot and uses it for a trip. Miyagi gets Delaney down for the second time, and this time is right on top of him in guard position. Miyagi throws some punches, then tries to pass. Delaney doesn't allow it, and tries to grab an armbar in response. Miyagi easily stops that, and throws some more punches. That becomes the pattern, as the fight falls into a predictable pattern; punches from Miyagi followed by a pass attempt, with Delaney blocking the pass and throwing the occasional punch in response. The round ends like that, just as the referee was about to stand them back up. That's the end of the round. Blurcat.com sees it 10-9 to Miyagi. [B]Round 3[/B] Exchange of punches to start, nothing really hit though. They go into a clinch, and the pace disappears as both fighters try and get the advantage. Eventually the referee separates them. Jab from Delaney, who then has to react quickly to avoid a right hook that was aimed right at the chin. Delaney puts on a burst of energy and fires off a big sequence of punches, maybe twelve or thirteen in a row, although not many actually connected. Miyagi covered up well, and gets in a couple of shots of his own before moving out of range again. Delaney looks to be working an angle. Low kick from Miyagi, almost to the groin, although it didn't look intentional. They come together in a clinch again, and it returns to a stalemate. Not a great round by anyone's standard, but that flurry should mean that Delaney will take the round on points. The round ends. Blurcat.com scores 10-9 Delaney. The three judges all give the match as 29-28 to Dana Delaney. [B]Winner via Judges Decision is Dana Delaney!!![/B] [I]After the fight Delaney is ecstatic and he comments on his HUGE upset victory![/I] [COLOR="navy"][B]Welterweight Division Fight Ray Eton (6-2) vs. Nathan Chambers (5-0)[/B][/COLOR] [B]Round 1[/B] Chambers is the first to score a meaningful blow, tagging Eton with a jab to the cheek. Eton uses a nice straight left to return fire. Chambers comes in to work the body, but Eton saw it coming and uses a quick takedown to put Chambers onto the floor, falling into guard. Eton tries to grab an arm to work a submission, but Chambers is defending it well by using short, sharp strikes to keep him back. Eton tries to pass the guard, but has no luck. A punch from Eton connects, but there was no real power behind it. Eton fakes Chambers out cleverly, and slips to a half mount. Chambers manages to hit a firm elbow, then is forced to defend the full mount attempt. Eton switches tactics and tries to work a kimura on the other arm, but Chambers blocks it, squirms his leg free, and secures the guard again. Eton looks frustrated at losing the half mount after having worked so hard to get it in the first place. Chambers is liable to lose the round on points, but he has done a fine job of defending the submissions attempts so far. Eton tries to secure a leglock, but the guard is tight and Chambers is safe. That's the end of the round. Blurcat.com scores it 10-9 for Eton. [B]Round 2[/B] Exchange of strikes to start. Chambers suddenly shoots in and gets a takedown, ending up in guard. Eton keeps the guard high. Chambers half-stands and throws a big right hand, narrowly missing the mark. Another punch connects, but Chambers leans into it too much and Eton brings his legs up and closes them around the arm. It's Chambers now on the defensive, trying to get out of the armbar attempt. He gets in close to stop any pressure being applied, but that allows Eton to sweep him from that position. A scramble for position ends with the situation being completely reversed, with Eton on top in Chambers's guard. Eton tries to pass guard, but Chambers doesn't allow it. Chambers throws a couple of punches, but they're parried away. He breaks his guard to bring a leg across and try to kick Eton in the face, but it's a mistake as Eton pushes the leg aside and gets side control. Eton pushes them closer to the cage, near his own corner so that they can give him instructions. Following what they say, Eton throws some heavy blows to the unprotected stomach of Chambers, then tries to isolate the closest arm. Chambers frantically tries to stop that happening, but does indeed give it up. He does manage to roll to the side, giving himself some good leverage and preventing Eton from extending the arm. Eton continues trying to apply an armbar, but Chambers is not allowing it. Eventually Eton turns and tries to get a crucifix position instead. Chambers fights that off too. The round ends with Eton still doggedly trying to get an armbar submission, and Chambers tenaciously stopping it. End of the round. Blurcat.com sees it 10-9 to Eton. [B]Round 3[/B] Chambers starts fast, coming out almost immediately with a three punch combination. None of them get through, and Eton manages to squeeze a jab of his own through and score just above the left cheek. They exchange a flurry of blows right in the center, it's difficult to see who got the best of it, and both of them retreat a few steps to recover. Good start to the round, early indications are that this is going to be all about the striking, neither fighter has even hinted at going for a takedown. Eton uses a low kick to set up a nice right hand, and Chambers is forced back against the cage. Eton picks his shots and gets a big punch to the body in. Chambers uses a couple of looping punches to make Eton keep back, but it doesn't last for long, as Eton bursts forward and hits two big right hands, taking a counter punch to the body though, and they wind up in a clinch. They exchange weak-looking blows from that position, before the referee grows tired of the inactivity and breaks them apart. Chambers scores with a low kick. Eton throws out a few jabs, nothing too dangerous though, Chambers easily avoided them. Eton unwinds a right hook that narrowly misses. That will be the last action of the round though. The round is over. Blurcat.com has it down as 10-9 Eton. All three judges give a score of 30-27 to Ray Eton. [B]Winner via Judges Decision is Ray Eton!!![/B] [I]The announcers talk about the fact that in the next fight one man will walk out with a loss on his record for the first time in his career.[/I] [COLOR="navy"][B]Light Heavyweight Division Faas Smit (5-0) vs. Owen Hyde (2-0)[/B][/COLOR] [B]Round 1[/B] Hyde is the first to score a meaningful blow, tagging Smit with a jab to the cheek. Smit uses a nice straight left to return fire. Hyde comes in to work the body, but Smit saw it coming and uses a quick takedown to put Hyde onto the floor, falling into guard. Smit stands into a half-crouching position, dragging Hyde's guard with him. Hyde reaches up, parries away a couple of strikes, and tries to grab an arm to apply an armbar to. Smit knocks the attempt away and nails a hard shot to the ribs before reaching over and trying to nail a downward punch to the chin. Hyde blocks it. Smit floats over and gets into side control. Hyde scrambles to try and get back up, but is too close to the cage, which works against him. Smit lays in a couple of punches to the chest to soften Hyde up, then tries to move up and isolate one of the arms. Hyde makes sure to bring his body around to give him as much protection as possible. It works, as Smit can't get either arm isolated properly. Smit changes tactics and tries to get into crucifix position. Hyde fights it for as long as he possibly can, but eventually gets caught. The length of struggle is, in itself, a good defence though, as the round ends before Smit can do anything with the position he has achieved, which will frustrate him enormously. End of the round. Blurcat.com sees it 10-9 to Smit. [B]Round 2[/B] Slow start to the round, they're both circling, looking for an opening. Hyde tries a looping punch from way back, but Smit side steps with ease. Jab from Smit, gets one back in response. Hyde comes in, looking for the right hand lead, but Smit shoots in and uses a double-leg takedown. He winds up in a closed guard. Smit tries to pass guard, but Hyde doesn't allow it. Hyde throws a couple of punches, but they're parried away. He breaks his guard to bring a leg across and try to kick Smit in the face, but it's a mistake as Smit pushes the leg aside and gets side control. Smit pushes them closer to the cage, near his own corner so that they can give him instructions. Following what they say, Smit throws some heavy blows to the unprotected stomach of Hyde, then tries to isolate the closest arm. Hyde frantically tries to stop that happening, but does indeed give it up. He does manage to roll to the side, giving himself some good leverage and preventing Smit from extending the arm. Smit continues trying to apply an armbar, but Hyde is not allowing it. Eventually Smit turns and tries to get a crucifix position instead. Hyde fights that off too. The round ends with Smit still doggedly trying to get an armbar submission, and Hyde tenaciously stopping it. End of the round. Blurcat.com gives that one to Smit by 10-9. [B]Round 3[/B] The round begins, and it is Smit who starts better, energetically bounding straight into action by throwing a three-punch combination and a scything leg kick. Hyde defended all four blows well, but is forced to be on the backfoot right from the word go. Smit works for an angle, coming in from the left hand side with a high right hand. Hyde ducks under it and nestles a stiff jab in the solar plexus. It doesn't seem to slow Smit down much though, as he swiftly turns and hits a crisp left to the side of the head, followed almost instantly by a mid-level kick that smacks above the hip of Hyde. Interesting first minute of action, Smit is looking particularly sharp. Hyde tries to turn the momentum by advancing quickly and driving Smit back against the cage with a series of jabs and hooks, and they end up clinched. Hyde tries a knee from that position, but it is blocked. Smit scores with two sharp blows to the ribs, and then they break away from each other. Smit with a body shot. They square up to each other in the center. Smit throws a head fake and comes in from low down to hit a rising shot that catches Hyde on the side of the head. Hyde got a shot in too though, although it hit the shoulder rather than the head. Time is running down; Smit has probably done enough to win the round, but it has turned quite scrappy since the clinch against the cage, both will probably be slightly unhappy with that. Hyde tries a late surge, coming in hard and fast with a leading left, but Smit defends it well and scores the only meaningful shot of the exchange with a crisp left hand. The round is over. Blurcat.com scores it 10-9 for Smit. The judges scores are unanimous, and give a score of 30-27 to Faas Smit. [B]Winner via Judges Decision is Faas Smit!!![/B] [I]We are shown a video package of Lefter Oktay’s training regime. Oktay said that tonight he will walk out the GAMMA Heavyweight Champion![/I] [COLOR="navy"][B]Lightweight Division Fight Giovani Silva (20-9) vs. Duane Weatherly (10-7)[/B][/COLOR] [B]Round 1[/B] They circle to start, both throwing a few tentative jabs. An uppercut misses its mark from Silva, providing the first moment of real action. Weatherly hits a nice combination of body shots to set up a big right hook, but Silva side-stepped to safety. A few punches get thrown, but there's a lack of real action to talk about. Weatherly is being slightly the more aggressive, but neither fighter is really going for it. They come together again and exchange punches, but no big shots get through, and they end up clinched for a while. The referee separates them, but the time is ticking away and this round looks like it's going to the judges. The round is over. Blurcat.com scores it 10-9 for Weatherly. [B]Round 2[/B] Silva starts fast, coming out almost immediately with a three punch combination. None of them get through, and Weatherly manages to squeeze a jab of his own through and score just above the left cheek. They exchange a flurry of blows right in the center, it's difficult to see who got the best of it, and both of them retreat a few steps to recover. Good start to the round, early indications are that this is going to be all about the striking, neither fighter has even hinted at going for a takedown. Weatherly uses a low kick to set up a nice right hand, and Silva is forced back against the cage. Weatherly picks his shots and gets a big punch to the body in. Silva uses a couple of looping punches to make Weatherly keep back, but it doesn't last for long, as Weatherly bursts forward and hits two big right hands, taking a counter punch to the body though, and they wind up in a clinch. They exchange weak-looking blows from that position, before the referee grows tired of the inactivity and breaks them apart. Silva scores with a low kick. Weatherly looks to be working an angle. Weatherly unwinds a right hook that narrowly misses. That will be the last action of the round though. The 2nd round ends. Blurcat.com scores 10-9 Weatherly. [B]Round 3[/B] Weatherly throws a big head kick, but Silva ducks and back pedals to safety. If that had hit, this was all over, because Weatherly wasn't holding anything back on that missile of a kick. Silva regains his composure and advances, throwing a pair of looping rights. Weatherly throws a kick to the legs, then a range-finding left hand. Silva steps to the side to get a better angle, then steps in...and this time the scorching head kick that comes his way catches him unaware and lands flush to the side of the jaw! Silva goes completely limp as he crash-lands to the ground, that was a brutal knock out kick. Weatherly wins via 3rd round knock out with the official time being 1:27. [B]Winner via KO is Duane Weatherly!!![/B] [I]The next fights is promoted through a video. The video concentrates mainly on Jack Humphreys.[/I] [COLOR="navy"][B]Welterweight Division Fight Jack Humphreys (12-2) vs. Peter Bracewell (17-7)[/B][/COLOR] [B]Round 1[/B] Flat start to the round, thirty seconds of circling without any actual contact. The fans begin to get a bit restless. Bracewell is the first to try something, stringing together a couple of jabs and a low kick, but Humphreys blocked the first two and avoided the latter. A lunge from Bracewell is meant to set up a punch, but it's clumsy and just leaves him off balance. Humphreys is quick to react, and gets a great shot to the side of the face in before Bracewell can cover up. That landed above the left eye and has left an ugly red mark. No cut, but that will start to swell and could give Bracewell some problems later on. Bracewell moves in for a right hook, but takes a hard kick to the knee, then is forced to retreat so as not to get caught with the two right hands that follow. Humphreys is staying on it though, and glances three shots off the gloves of Bracewell before they wind up in a clinch. That punch above the eye, or maybe the mistake that led to it, seems to have completely thrown Bracewell off, since that moment he has been comprehensively out-struck and is now in danger of losing this round. They struggle in the clinch, neither fighter managing a great deal more than minor blows. Bracewell goes for a trip, but Humphreys cleverly spins out of it and the two fighters are back to circling. Not a great round for purists, it has all been a bit disjointed, but that one shot from Humphreys may prove decisive. As the round comes to an end, they wind up back in another clinch, with nothing coming of it. The first round is over. Blurcat.com sees it 10-9 to Humphreys. [B]Round 2[/B] Humphreys throws a nice series of straight rights from the start, bobbing and weaving to keep Bracewell from landing anything in return. None of the punches got through though, Bracewell parried them away. Nice crisp start to the round though. They come together, both throwing punches. Humphreys gets a nice clean shot in, and Bracewell stumbles backwards and falls to the floor. Humphreys is on top of him quickly, and unloads with two more big punches, both connect solidly. The referee jumps in and pulls him away before a third is thrown, this match is over by TKO. Replays show the referee may have been slightly early. Humphreys wins via 2nd round TKO with the official time being 1:38. [B]Winner via TKO is Jack Humphreys!!![/B] [I]After the fight Humphreys said he was robbed last month and next time he gets the GAMMA Welterweight Division Title…he will NEVER lose it!!![/I] [COLOR="navy"][B]Light Heavyweight Division Fight Mike Watson (2-0) vs. Christopher Sharp (9-1)[/B][/COLOR] [B]Round 1[/B] The two fighters meet in the center with an exchange of jabs, but neither gets anything but gloves or air. They go right into a clinch, with only a few seconds of the match gone. Watson gets a knee to the ribs in, but it wasn't particularly hard. They break. Sharp leaps forward and puts all of his power behind a 'Superman' punch, catching Watson completely by surprise! It smashes into his chin, and Watson goes down, knocked out. Sharp wins with a punch that owed as much to luck as skill, but a win is what it has resulted in, and that's the important thing. The official time of the knock out is 1:20 of round 1. [B]Winner via KO is Christopher Sharp!!![/B] [I]After the fight Sharp says he thinks that will shut the critics up! Sharp says that he is the future of MMA and maybe now everyone will realize it! Before his fight James Foster says that tonight he will prove why he’s the best Heavyweight in the world. The announcers say that they think that Foster will show us something good tonight![/I] [COLOR="navy"][B]Heavyweight Division Fight James Foster (16-2) vs. Frank Sheedy (10-6)[/B][/COLOR] [B]Round 1[/B] A touch of gloves to start the round, and we're underway. Foster lets rip with a vicious straight right almost immediately, but it's easily avoided. Sheedy sneaks a jab through the guard and catches Foster on the left cheek, but the follow up right hook only finds gloves. They get close to each other and end up in a clinch, from which Sheedy manages to get the better position, pushing Foster up against the cage. Right hand to the ribs from Sheedy. Foster hits a couple of knees to the side. There's a struggle for supremacy going on, it's difficult to see who is winning it. Sheedy tries a knee of his own, but that is the opportunity that Foster was waiting for and he sweeps the standing leg to take Sheedy down to the ground, in side control. Excellent takedown. Sheedy covers up to defend against a pair of back-hand blows, and even manages to sneak a knee strike in. Foster hits a big elbow to the ribs, Sheedy definitely felt that. Foster drives a knee to the near side, then attempts to float-over into a mount. Sheedy brought his legs in though, and manages to pull guard. Foster will be disappointed with that. He tries to get a big punch in, but Sheedy defends it well and gets a hold of both arms. The fight grinds to a halt, with Foster unable to generate any attacks, and Sheedy unwilling to give up a good defensive position. The referee stands them up. Foster will likely be very angry that he didn't make more of that takedown. They exchange half-hearted jabs as the round draws to an end. End of round 1. Blurcat.com has it down as 10-9 Foster. [B]Round 2[/B] Foster leads with the right hand to set up a low kick, Sheedy deals with it well. They clinch, but only for a few seconds before it gets broken. Both throw stiff jabs at the same time, neither connects properly. Back to the clinch. It has been a disjointed start to the round, the flow hasn't quite developed properly. Sheedy uses a knee to the ribs before backing Foster up against the cage. Right hand from Foster connects though, that was well timed. Sheedy breaks the clinch and backs off. That was sloppy on his part, Foster was basically gifted a free shot. Three quick jabs from Sheedy sting the gloves, then a crashing hook to the body finds its mark. Good recovery. Foster fires off a low kick again, but it's well wide. The two fighters come together in the center. Sheedy leads with a left, but Foster easily avoids it and comes in close to throw some body shots. It all gets a bit scrappy, but it ends with Foster falling to the ground. Replays show that Sheedy did catch him with a jab, but it clearly did very little damage, Foster had already stumbled while taking a step backward. Regardless of how it happened though, Foster is down, and Sheedy is quick to rush in to capitalise. Sheedy is firing off punches while kneeling across Foster's upper body in a half-mount, and there's not a lot Foster can do about it. He needs to get out of there, or at least pull guard, but can do neither as he can't get his hips free. Sheedy rains down the punches even faster, and Foster is just getting pounded into oblivion; even though he managed to block three quarters of the shots coming in, that's still five or six good shots that have gotten through. Those five or six shots are enough for the referee at any rate, as he calls an end to the match, obviously feeling that Foster was getting overwhelmed by that barrage. Sheedy wins via 2nd round TKO with the official time being 4:46. [B]Winner via TKO is Frank Sheedy!!![/B] [I]After the fight James Foster is practically in tears when he says that he needs some time to re-evaluate his position within GAMMA.[/I] [I]We are shown a video package hyping the De Vries/Thomas fight.[/I] [COLOR="navy"][B]Middleweight Division Fight Maarten Devries (13-4) vs. Patrick Thomas (6-1)[/B][/COLOR] [B]Round 1[/B] Tentative start to the round by both fighters, neither looks willing to commit themselves and make the first mistake. De Vries stalks Thomas, working him back toward the cage. There's an exchange of strikes...and De Vries is down! Thomas goes to finish it, but gets sucked into the guard position. Replays show that Thomas stunned De Vries with a nice straight right to the cheek during the earlier flurry, and that's what dropped him. Thomas fires off a couple of tentative punches, testing out the guard of De Vries. Thomas tries to pass the guard, but can't, De Vries isn't going to let him get a better position, as he knows that Thomas will start raining down punches. Thomas tries a big right hand, but it's easily defended. De Vries gets a punch of his own in, but it didn't connect properly. Thomas again tries to get past the guard, but again is foiled. It's turned into a bit of a stalemate, although the referee probably won't stand them up as long as the punches continue to flow. Thomas fakes an elbow before trying to pass the guard for a third time, and briefly has side mount, but De Vries fought it hard and gets back to guard within seconds. Butterfly guard by De Vries, and Thomas is having trouble generating any attacking threat. He'll probably win the round as he has been more aggressive, but De Vries has defended the danger well. The 1st round ends. Blurcat.com sees it 10-9 to Thomas. [B]Round 2[/B] De Vries's straight right hand punch finds its mark early, tagging Thomas below the right eye, leaving a mark. Thomas throws a couple of strikes in return, but can't find a way past the gloves. De Vries keeps Thomas off balance by switching between looping punches, low kicks, and plenty of jabs. Thomas can't work an angle under the barrage, and backs off. De Vries tries to press the advantage, but Thomas is quick to clinch up. Thomas goes for a trip but De Vries kicks it away. Thomas drops down and tries for a single leg, but De Vries bends down and blocks it. There's an awkward moment as neither can do a great deal. Thomas eventually releases the leg and gets back into the clinch. De Vries hits a knee, and they part. Thomas throws a nice kick. De Vries gets in close enough to hit a kick to the body, then darts back out of range. He repeats the trick, this time replacing the kick with a hard right hand. It appears that he is using 'hit and run' tactics, and Thomas isn't coping with it yet. De Vries goes for it again, and this time almost gets taken down as Thomas times it well and shoots in. De Vries sprawls to block the first attempt, then scrabbles free on the second push, getting out from the side. Thomas was very close then. De Vries keeps Thomas back, throwing kicks. The action unfortunately peters out, with Thomas unable to get in close enough to go for a takedown, De Vries unwilling to risk the takedown by coming in and throwing strikes. The time eventually runs out on the round. End of the round. Blurcat.com gives that one to De Vries by 10-9. [B]Round 3[/B] Nice fast-paced start from Thomas, who gets right in De Vries's face from the beginning of the round, throwing some crisp jabs and then a vicious uppercut. The two jabs got parried, the uppercut missed as De Vries side-stepped. De Vries fires back with a left hand, then a right to the body. Thomas steps in, but only into a waist-high kick from De Vries. Thomas is quick though, and manages to catch it around the knee. Using it as leverage, Thomas sweeps De Vries's standing leg and takes them to the ground. De Vries quickly pulls guard. Thomas fires off a couple of tentative punches, testing out the guard of De Vries. Thomas tries to pass the guard, but can't, De Vries isn't going to let him get a better position, as he knows that Thomas will start raining down punches. Thomas tries a big right hand, but it's easily defended. De Vries gets a punch of his own in, but it didn't connect properly. Thomas again tries to get past the guard, but again is foiled. It's turned into a bit of a stalemate, although the referee probably won't stand them up as long as the punches continue to flow. Thomas fakes an elbow before trying to pass the guard for a third time, and briefly has side mount, but De Vries fought it hard and gets back to guard within seconds. Butterfly guard by De Vries, and Thomas is having trouble generating any attacking threat. He'll probably win the round as he has been more aggressive, but De Vries has defended the danger well. End of the round. Blurcat.com gives that one to Thomas by 10-9. Patrick Thomas wins the match by split decision, getting 29-28 from two judges, the other giving 29-28 to Maarten De Vries. [B]Winner via Split Decision is Patrick Thomas[/B] [I]Thomas celebrates while De Vries looks pissed obviously thinking he had won.[/I] [I]We are shown a video package highlighting the main event. From ringside the announcers hype the main event and give their predictions.[/I] [COLOR="navy"][B]GAMMA Heavyweight Division Title Fight Raul Hughes (c) (11-0) vs. Lefter Oktay (6-0)[/B][/COLOR] [B]Round 1[/B] Hughes isn't hanging around, right from the start Oktay is forced onto the back foot by four hard shots, although none of them get through the gloves. Oktay circles, steps in, then unloads a combination of punches, but Hughes weaves out of the way and scores with a beauty of a right hand, glancing above the right eye. That was some lovely counter punching from Hughes, the timing had to be perfect and it was. Oktay is looking a bit frustrated, and uncorks a ragged-looking uppercut that missed by several inches. Hughes really should have taken advantage of that mistake, Oktay was wide open for a moment there. Hughes hits a high kick, catching Oktay on the shoulder. Jab from Oktay finds the mark, but it didn't have much power behind it as he was leaning backward too much. Hughes fires off a couple of straight punches in response, but only finds gloves. They clinch, and the fight enters a lull. Oktay scores with a knee from the clinch, it landed around the hip area of Hughes, who responds with a couple of shots to the ribs. The time runs out with them still clinched though. The first round is over. Blurcat.com scores 10-9 Hughes. [B]Round 2[/B] Right hand from Hughes was thrown with power, but bounced off the gloves of Oktay. Hughes follows up by coming in close, but Oktay is ready with a straight right hand that glances off the side of the head. They clinch. Oktay fires off a couple of right hands to the ribs, then ducks down and secures a leg. Hughes hops up and down, but can't prevent Oktay from simply pushing forward and taking them to the ground. Hughes uses his free leg to wrap up a half guard, and manages to secure that to full guard pretty swiftly. Hughes struggles to contain Oktay, who passes to half guard without too much trouble. A few hard shots get thrown, and Hughes does well to defend them, deflecting them off his gloves. Oktay is trying to get his leg free so that he can get into side control. Hughes throws a couple of punches from his back, but they do very little damage. Oktay half-stands, and throws a couple of big punches with a lot of force behind them. One is blocked, but the other hits home just below the left eye. Hughes tries to cover up, while Oktay manages to get his leg free and get into a mount. Hughes is in big trouble. He tries to roll his hips and shift Oktay's weight, but it's not working. Oktay fires off a couple of punches, then drops an absolute bomb of a right hand, landing flush on the chin! Hughes is out, just for a second, but the referee has already pulled Oktay off. Sharp-eyed refereeing there. This match is over by knock out. Official time of the knock out is 1:56 of the second. Lefter Oktay wins the GAMMA Heavyweight title. Winner via KO and NEW GAMMA HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION is LEFTER OKTAY!!! [I]Lefter Oktay celebrates while he's holding the title over his head. The announcers recap the results of the fights and remind everyone to tune in next month for more GAMMA action![/I][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/GAMMA.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="Red"][CENTER]July 28th, 1996[/CENTER][/COLOR] [CENTER][B][U]RANKINGS[/U][/B] [COLOR="Blue"][B][U]LIGHTWEIGHT[/U][/B][/COLOR] [B][I]1. Sean Morrison 2. Mario de Souza 3. Jason Dalglish 4. Charles Stiles 5. Jackson Gray 6. Duane Weatherly 7. Beau Gorshin 8. Brandon Sugar 9. Kenny Magilton III 10. Giovani Silva[/I][/B] [COLOR="Red"][B][U]WELTERWEIGHT[/U][/B][/COLOR] [I][B]1. Jack Humphreys 2. Joe Hinchcliffe 3. Geoff Cahill 4. Julio Reguiero 5. Alan Kendall 6. Simon Vine 7. Noach Van Der Capellen 8. Ray Eton 9. Dana Delaney 10. Ichisake Miyagi[/B][/I] [COLOR="Blue"][B][U]MIDDLEWEIGHT[/U][/B][/COLOR] [I][B][B]1. Fernando Amaro 2. Dan Halvorsen 3. Greg Atteveld 4. Andrew Rush 5. Patrick Thomas 6. Matthew Dean 7. Bixente Fontaine 8. Stuart Strange 9. Carl Ratcliffe 10. Linfield Ballard[/B][/B][/I] [COLOR="Red"][B][U]LIGHT HEAVYWEIGHT[/U][/B][/COLOR] [B][I]1. Anthony LeToussier 2. Christopher Sharp 3. Zvonimir Asanovic 4. JJ Reid 5. Nicolai Mickiewicz 6. Ricky Heath 7. Aleksei Chekhov 8. Bryan Van Den Hauwe 9. Lenny McFadden 10. Elgar[/I][/B] [COLOR="Blue"][B][U]HEAVYWEIGHT[/U][/B][/COLOR] [B][I]1. Rick Stanley 2. Lefter Oktay 3. Stratos Papaioannou 4. James Foster 5. Tim Boyer 6. Frank Sheedy 7. Tony McCall 8. Fatuma Roy 9. Shane Gilchrist 10. Gary Sampson[/I][/B][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/GAMMA.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"][B]July 29th, 1996[/B][/COLOR] [B]Today it has been made official that GAMMA has signed a contract to begin airing our new show eXtreme on Sports America. The first show will air live on Friday, August 23rd, live from San Diego, California. This show will he headlined by Sean Morrison defending his GAMMA Lightweight Title against Jason Dalglish. You don't want to miss this awesome event live on Sports America![/B] [IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/Extreme1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/GAMMA.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"][B]July 30th, 1996[/B] Today the full card for [B]eXtreme[/B] on Sports America was announced.[/SIZE] [B][SIZE="3"]GAMMA Lightweight Title Fight "The Miniature Killer" Jason Dalglish (9-2) vs. "The Man With No Nickname" Sean Morrison (c) (12-3)[/SIZE][/B] [I]This fight will be Jason Dalglish's GAMMA debut. The 26 year old fighter from Scotland will be looking to make a name for himself and win the GAMMA Lightweight Title in his debut. The man standing in Jason Dalglish's way of making history is Sean Morrison. The Man With No Nickname has been the champion for a year and a half and had five defenses of the title to date. A win here would further cement Morrison's legacy as one of the best fighters in the history of MMA.[/I] [B][SIZE="3"]"The Spider" Tony McCall (20-4) vs. "The Tower of Power" Tim Boyer (16-3-2)[/SIZE][/B] [I]The 6'7" Tim Boyer is coming off of a loss to now GAMMA Heavyweight Champion, Lefter Oktay. In this fight Boyer will be looking to get back on the winning track and show everyone why he deserves a rematch against Oktay. "The Spider" is one of the more exciting fighters in GAMMA today, whether he wins or loses you can expect a good fight![/I] [B][SIZE="3"]"Ripper" John Rivero (7-0) vs. "Hollywood" Ricky Heath (9-3)[/SIZE][/B] [I]26 year old John Rivero is looking to continue his undefeated streak in this fight. "Ripper" has been tapped as one to watch out for in the coming months and years. Many believe it's only a matter of time before Rivero becomes GAMMA Light Heavyweight champion. Much like John Rivero, Ricky Heath is also a young 26 year old who is looking to climb further up the ladder in GAMMA. In this fight between two ground and pound experts the first man to get a takedown may win the fight.[/I] [B][SIZE="3"]Luis Basora (7-0) vs. "Flash" Alan Kendall (10-2)[/SIZE][/B] [I]The man from Spain, Luis Basora will look to continue his undefeated ways in this match. Unfortunatley for Basora he will be facing off against a favored Alan Kendall. Kendall will hope to keep this match standing and get a KO win.[/I] [B][SIZE="3"]Fernando Amaro (15-3) vs. "The Perfectionist" Dan Halvorsen (22-11-2)[/SIZE][/B] [I]In a rematch from June of 1994, Fernando Amaro squares off against Dan Halvorsen. These two former GAMMA Middleweight Champions will be looking to set the bar high with this opening contest. Many believe that Dan Halvorsen's career is winding down and he would like to hold that GAMMA Middleweight Title one more time before he retires. The winner here will certainly be in line for a title shot.[/I][/CENTER]
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eXtreme Quick Picks GAMMA Lightweight Title Fight "The Miniature Killer" Jason Dalglish (9-2) vs. "The Man With No Nickname" Sean Morrison (c) (12-3) "The Spider" Tony McCall (20-4) vs. "The Tower of Power" Tim Boyer (16-3-2) "Ripper" John Rivero (7-0) vs. "Hollywood" Ricky Heath (9-3) Luis Basora (7-0) vs. "Flash" Alan Kendall (10-2) Fernando Amaro (15-3) vs. "The Perfectionist" Dan Halvorsen (22-11-2)
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Eh, why not. GAMMA Lightweight Title Fight "The Miniature Killer" Jason Dalglish (9-2) vs. [b]"The Man With No Nickname" Sean Morrison (c) (12-3)[/b] - TKO, Round 1 "The Spider" Tony McCall (20-4) vs. [b]"The Tower of Power" Tim Boyer (16-3-2)[/b] - Decision [b]"Ripper" John Rivero (7-0)[/b] vs. "Hollywood" Ricky Heath (9-3) - Decision [b]Luis Basora (7-0)[/b] vs. "Flash" Alan Kendall (10-2) - Submission, Round 2 [b]Fernando Amaro (15-3)[/b] vs. "The Perfectionist" Dan Halvorsen (22-11-2) - Decision
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GAMMA Lightweight Title Fight "The Miniature Killer" Jason Dalglish (9-2) vs. [b]"The Man With No Nickname" Sean Morrison (c) (12-3)[/b] "The Spider" Tony McCall (20-4) vs. [b]"The Tower of Power" Tim Boyer (16-3-2)[/b] [b]"Ripper" John Rivero (7-0)[/b] vs. "Hollywood" Ricky Heath (9-3) [b]Luis Basora (7-0)[/b] vs. "Flash" Alan Kendall (10-2) Fernando Amaro (15-3) vs. [b]The Perfectionist" Dan Halvorsen (22-11-2)[/b] for the sake of going against crazedfan for once on this card.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/Extremebanner1.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"][B]Live! From San Diego, California with 3,623 fans in attendance![/B][/COLOR] [I]The announcers welcome us to the premier of eXtreme! They go over the card for the evening and waste no time in sending us to the cage!!![/I] [COLOR="red"][B]Middleweight Division Fight Fernando Amaro (15-3) vs. "The Perfectionist" Dan Halvorsen (22-11-2)[/B][/COLOR] [B]Round 1[/B] The round begins with Halvorsen taking the iniative, coming in quickly with a straight right and a leg kick. Amaro replies with a snap jab and a wild left that misses by a long way. Halvorsen goes for the takedown, but Amaro sprawls. Halvorsen tries to power through, but Amaro uses that against him and turns it into a takedown of his own. They're quite close to the cage, which may help Halvorsen defend this. Amaro is in guard. He throws a couple of half-hearted jabs, then tries to pass, but Halvorsen isn't allowing it. Halvorsen pulls Amaro in tight, locking up both his arms. Amaro pulls free and again tries to pass guard. This has turned into a bit of a stalemate, the referee may be thinking of standing them up if nothing happens soon. Amaro tries a big right hand, which Halvorsen defends well. He has quite a high guard, Amaro has to be wary not to fall into a triangle when leaning in like that. Halvorsen once again drags Amaro down into a clinch, and this time even tries to work a guillotine, but Amaro easily deals with it and hands out two solid right hands to the ribs along the way. We're back to Amaro trying to pass guard. Halvorsen tries to throw a big punch and almost hands an armbar to Amaro, but he realises the danger in time and manages to recover. The referee finally gets them back to their feet due to the lack of progress that has been made. Amaro scores with a jab, then a second. Halvorsen goes for a sweeping kick to the right knee, but it isn't fast enough and gives Amaro enough time to take him down again. Amaro quickly goes to pass guard, looking for side control, but Halvorsen once again defends it. It looks like a frustrating round will end with them on the ground, and almost certainly has to go to Amaro on points due to him being the aggressor and getting two takedowns in. The round ends. Blurcat.com scores it 10-9 for Amaro. [B]Round 2[/B] Tentative start to the round, the fighters are circling. Amaro throws out a couple of range-finding jabs, but they aren't anything that will trouble Halvorsen. Kick to the thigh from Halvorsen, but it lacked power. An exchange of punches goes nowhere, and they fall into a clinch. The referee separates them when nothing happens. The two fighters are circling. Halvorsen comes in for a punch, but Amaro countered well by coming in fast and low and using a good solid takedown. Amaro is in Halvorsen's guard. Halvorsen is forced to cover up as Amaro starts hammering away with enormous strikes from the guard, trying to simply power the shots through. Some do cause some damage, landing as Halvorsen tries unsuccessfully to throw some counters. Amaro transitions to side control without any issues and starts finding the punches down again, this time with more leverage and therefore more power. Halvorsen tries to defend them, but a lot of them are getting through. The referee finally has enough and calls an end to the match, feeling that Halvorsen was getting overwhelmed. Amaro wins via second round TKO at 1:19. [B]Winner via TKO is Fernando Amaro!!![/B] [I]After the fight Amaro says that he has proven repeatedly that he’s the best middleweight in the world and now he wants his rematch against Matthew Dean![/I] [COLOR="red"][B]Welterweight Division Fight Luis Basora (7-0) vs. "Flash" Alan Kendall (10-2)[/B][/COLOR] [B]Round 1[/B] There's a few minor exchanges of punches to start the round, and Kendall gets the better of them. Neither fighter is throwing any bombs, but Kendall is showing the better technique, and has hit a few nice body shots. They come together again, and Kendall shows quick hands to get in three nice shots. Basora definitely felt them. Neither fighter seems interested in taking this to the ground, they're just circling, throwing a few punches, then regrouping. Basora is struggling to inflict much damage. He may need to switch tactics, as so far Kendall is looking very comfortable. Basora comes in with left, but Kendall saw it coming and slipped in a great right hand counter punch. Basora is getting frustrated. The remainder of the round is no different, as the occasional exchanges of strikes are clearly go the way of Kendall's superior technique. The round is over. Blurcat.com sees it 10-9 to Kendall. [B]Round 2[/B] There is some tentative circling to begin with, before they meet in the center for the first action of the round. It's a tight affair, both fighters heavily using the jab, but Kendall looks to get the better of it, landing with one crisp strike to the face in particular. Basora backs off, a little shaken. Replays show that it landed right on the nose. Kendall press the action, forcing Basora back against the cage and upping the tempo with rapid-fire lefts and rights, bobbing and weaving at the same time to keep from getting caught with a counter punch. Basora clinches up. Kendall is displaying a much more accomplished and confident striking game than Basora, the technique and speed with which the punches are being delivered is leaving Basora looking ragged in comparison. The pattern continues once they've been separated, with Kendall looking the sharper of the two. He isn't overwhelming Basora by any means, but he is comfortably controlling the pace and tempo of the round, and preventing Basora from stamping any sort of mark on it. The round ends. Blurcat.com gives that one to Kendall by 10-9. [B]Round 3[/B] Kendall starts fast, unleashing a bomb of a right hand, but Basora avoids it without too much trouble. Kendall isn't disheartened though, swinging two more huge punches, with Basora getting out the way each time, but being forced all over the place. Kendall finally backs off a little, breathing hard. That was quite a frantic start. Basora opts to use that, and comes in to throw some jabs. Kendall is backed up against the cage, covering up. Basora clinches. They struggle, and the fight enters a lull. Kendall hits a knee strike to the hip. Basora slips one leg behind Kendall and uses that as leverage for a big trip. Kendall landed hard, with Basora on top. They're in half guard. It's to Kendall's advantage that they're right next to the cage, that is blocking Basora from attacking the left hand side of the body. Kendall is forced into action to defend a kimura attempt. Basora tries to step over to mount, but Kendall keeps his legs in position and ends up almost rolled into a ball. Basora fires some stiff punches to the back, then one to the face. He reaches through and tries to secure an armbar, but has to be careful as he is in danger of getting picked off with a counter armbar too. Kendall doesn't appear to be trying that though, instead trying to shift his weight so that he can get back up. Basora isn't allowing it though, and gets a couple more punches in before settling back into half guard. Kendall ties him up in a snug clinch. The action halts, and time expires before Basora can get free. The round is over. Blurcat.com scores it 10-9 for Basora. All three judges give a score of 29-28 to Alan Kendall. [B]Winner via Decision is Luis Basora!!![/B] [I]We are shown a video package highlighting KO’s by both John Rivero and Ricky Heath![/I] [COLOR="red"][B]Light Heavyweight Division Fight "Ripper" John Rivero (7-0) vs. "Hollywood" Ricky Heath (9-3)[/B][/COLOR] [B]Round 1[/B] Heath moves in quickly to begin, trapping Rivero against the cage. The advantage doesn't last long though, as Rivero uses his superior wrestling ability to turn the tables and gain the upper hand. Knee to the thigh by Rivero, then a solid punch to the shoulder. Heath tries to get a punch in, but Rivero uses his grappling to gain a better position and put a stop to that. Heath squirms free and away from the cage. Heath throws a nice combination of punches, and although none of them find anything but gloves, it does force Rivero backward against the cage. Heath follows in and scores with a superb jab. Rivero felt that. Heath tries a venomous kick to the thigh, but Rivero saw it coming; he catches the leg just below the knee, steps in, and puts Heath down to the canvas with a trip, done with a violent snap. Heath pulled guard though, stopping Rivero from getting around and into side control. Heath is forced to cover up as Rivero starts hammering away with enormous strikes from the guard, trying to simply power the shots through. Some do cause some damage, landing as Heath tries unsuccessfully to throw some counters. Rivero transitions to side control without any issues and starts finding the punches down again, this time with more leverage and therefore more power. Heath tries to defend them, but a lot of them are getting through. The referee finally has enough and calls an end to the match, feeling that Heath was getting overwhelmed. Rivero wins via 1st round TKO with the official time being 2:11. [B]Winner via TKO is John Rivero!!![/B] [I]After the fight John Rivero had the following to say. Rivero: Let me tell you something I’m one pissed off Puerto Rican! Let me tell you something, when I enter this cage I mean business! Every time I get in this cage I gurantee you someone will get knocked the **** out![/I] [I]We are shown comments from Tim Boyer and Tony McCall before their fight.[/I] [COLOR="red"][B]Heavyweight Division Fight "The Spider" Tony McCall (20-4) vs. "The Tower of Power" Tim Boyer (16-3-2)[/B][/COLOR] [B]Round 1[/B] Boyer's straight right hand punch finds its mark early, tagging McCall below the right eye, leaving a mark. McCall throws a couple of strikes in return, but can't find a way past the gloves. Boyer keeps McCall off balance by switching between looping punches, low kicks, and plenty of jabs. McCall can't work an angle under the barrage, and backs off. Boyer tries to press the advantage, but McCall is quick to clinch up. McCall goes for a trip but Boyer kicks it away. McCall drops down and tries for a single leg, but Boyer bends down and blocks it. There's an awkward moment as neither can do a great deal. McCall eventually releases the leg and gets back into the clinch. Boyer hits a knee, and they part. McCall throws a nice kick. Boyer gets in close enough to hit a kick to the body, then darts back out of range. He repeats the trick, this time replacing the kick with a hard right hand. It appears that he is using 'hit and run' tactics, and McCall isn't coping with it yet. Boyer goes for it again, and this time almost gets taken down as McCall times it well and shoots in. Boyer sprawls to block the first attempt, then scrabbles free on the second push, getting out from the side. McCall was very close then. Boyer keeps McCall back, throwing kicks. The action unfortunately peters out, with McCall unable to get in close enough to go for a takedown, Boyer unwilling to risk the takedown by coming in and throwing strikes. The time eventually runs out on the round. The round is over. Blurcat.com has it down as 10-9 Boyer. [B]Round 2[/B] McCall seems to be growing in confidence over the past thirty seconds. He has just come up with four good separate straight rights, although I don't think any of them did too much damage. He moves in for another, but takes a wicked kick from Boyer. McCall looks wobbly, and his hands drop. Boyer sees it, and comes in with a solid right hand that drops McCall to the mat. Boyer follows up with more punches, and the referee has to get in there and stop it, McCall was not defending himself properly. I think it's the kick that did the most damage, it seemed to scramble his brains. Boyer wins via 2nd round TKO with the official time being 1:25. [B]Winner via TKO is Tim Boyer!!![/B] [I]Post-fight Boyer says that now that he has another win under his belt he feels good. “The Tower of Power” says he’s keeping his eyes on the prize of the GAMMA Heavyweight title.[/I] [COLOR="red"][B]GAMMA Lightweight Division Title Fight "The Miniature Killer" Jason Dalglish (9-2) vs. "The Man With No Nickname" Sean Morrison (c) (12-3)[/B][/COLOR] [B]Round 1[/B] Morrison hits some tentative punches, then comes in fast and forces Dalglish to back up against the cage, where they clinch. Morrison hits a nice body shot, but takes two short punches to the side of the head in return. Dalglish tries a trip, but it doesn't go anywhere. They separate, with Morrison having to stay sharp to avoid a scorching right hand from Dalglish. Morrison makes Dalglish back up against the cage by throwing some looping punches. He comes in closer and hits a right hook to the body, getting a jab to the cheek in return. Morrison throws another two punches, both to the body, then steps back to avoid an uppercut. Dalglish lets fly with a scorching punch though, and it catches Morrison by surprise, putting him down! Dalglish follows up and starts raining down right hands. Morrison covers up as best he can, but it's not enough as the referee pulls Dalglish off, the match is over. The official time of the TKO is 3:21 of round 1. Jason Dalglish is the new GAMMA Lightweight champion. [B]WINNER AND NEW GAMMA LIGHTWEIGHT CHAMPION IS…JASON DALGLISH!!![/B] [I]Dalglish is running around the cage in shock! Dalglish gets his belt and thanks the fans and Sean Morrison! “The Miniature Killer” puts over Sean Morrison as one of the best fighters in the history of MMA and says it would be his pleasure to fight him again, any time, anywhere! Morrison says that he is disappointed with his loss, but gives his congratulations to Dalglish saying he’s a great competitor. Morrison says that he’s going to get back in training and get back to his winning ways.[/I] [I]The announcers congratulate Jason Dalglish and encourage everyone to tune in for the next GAMMA pay-per-view, Showdown.[/I][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/ShowdownPoster.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"][B][COLOR="Lime"][U]GAMMA Light Heavyweight Title[/U] "Live Wire" Anthony LeToussier (13-5) vs. "The Croation Sensation" Zvonimir Asanovic (c) (10-1)[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [I]In a hugely anticipated fight, LeToussier will challenge Asanovic for his title. This will be purely a fight where the better striker will win. In this contest don't expect any takedowns, submissions, or grappling, this will be pure striking. This will be "The Croation Sensation's" second defense and you can expect a great fight.[/I] [SIZE="3"][COLOR="lime"][B]"Mr. Awesome" Carl Ratcliffe (8-3) vs. "The Titan" Patrick Thomas (7-1)[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [I]This will be a good contest between two in-form fighters. Whoever comes out more ready for this fight will more than likely be the victor! [/I] [SIZE="3"][COLOR="lime"][B]"Urban Cowboy" Steve Mason (2-0) vs. "The Pit Bull" Rick Stanley (20-7-3)[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [I]Stanley is coming into this fight with a thirty pound and 28 fight advantage. This is simply the veteran facing off against the young up and comer. Steve Mason will be hard pressed to find anyone who would pick him in this fight.[/I] [SIZE="3"][B][COLOR="lime"]"Blazin" Callum Henson (4-0) vs. "Rogue" Charles Stiles (8-1-1)[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [I]Both men in this fight are currently on winning streaks. Both of these men will be looking to climb the GAMMA Lightweight rankings with a big win here. Charles Stiles is the submission expert who will want to take this to the ground and submit Henson.[/I] [SIZE="3"][COLOR="lime"][B]Faas Smit (6-0) vs. Nick Detroit (5-2)[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [I]Smit is coming off a win at last months "Rage In The Cage" pay-per-view. When the matchmakers of GAMMA got a call from Faas asking for a fight at Showdown they were a bit surprised. Despite trying to convince him to sit out this event he insisted and is on this card. Smit will be looking to continue his winning streak with a win over Nick Detroit.[/I] [SIZE="3"][COLOR="lime"][B]"Citizen Pain" Will Kane (7-0) vs. "Super Animal" Noah Van Der Capellen (10-3)[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [I]This will be the GAMMA debut for "Citizen Pain" and he will be facing off against GAMMA veteran Noah Van Der Capellen. Both of these fighters are currently enjoying winning streaks but something has to give at this event. Both competitors are evenly matched and this could be a candidate for Fight of the Night.[/I] [SIZE="3"][COLOR="lime"][B]"The Beast of Birmingham" Rav Kapur (5-0) vs. Milton Harvey (9-8)[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [I]This will be English sensation Rav Kapur's first fight for GAMMA. Most analyst agree that this should be quick KO for "The Beast of Birmingham".[/I] [COLOR="lime"][B][SIZE="3"]"Hell Boy" Simon Vine (7-3) vs. "Dangerous" David Allen (4-2)[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] [I]These two young fighters will be going head to head to try to establish themselves as competitors for the future.[/I] [COLOR="lime"][B][SIZE="3"]"The Specialist" Darren Southall (1-1) vs. "Zodiac" Malcolm O'Hearn (4-2-1)[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] [I]"Zodiac" will be looking to get a big win in his hometown of Las Vegas. Darren Southall will be trying to keep himself from falling into a losing record.[/I] [SIZE="3"][COLOR="lime"][B]"All Business" Phil Ball (7-6) vs. "Brickhouse" Thorbjorn Rekdal (3-1-1)[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [I]The Norwegian "Brickhouse" will be making his GAMMA debut and is hoping to get a win here. Even his strongest supporters would say that Ball is at a serious disadvantage in this fight.[/I][/CENTER]
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Showdown Quick Picks GAMMA Light Heavyweight Title "Live Wire" Anthony LeToussier (13-5) vs. "The Croation Sensation" Zvonimir Asanovic (c) (10-1) "Mr. Awesome" Carl Ratcliffe (8-3) vs. "The Titan" Patrick Thomas (7-1) "Urban Cowboy" Steve Mason (2-0) vs. "The Pit Bull" Rick Stanley (20-7-3) "Blazin" Callum Henson (4-0) vs. "Rogue" Charles Stiles (8-1-1) Faas Smit (6-0) vs. Nick Detroit (5-2) "Citizen Pain" Will Kane (7-0) vs. "Super Animal" Noah Van Der Capellen (10-3) "The Beast of Birmingham" Rav Kapur (5-0) vs. Milton Harvey (9-8) "Hell Boy" Simon Vine (7-3) vs. "Dangerous" David Allen (4-2) "The Specialist" Darren Southall (1-1) vs. "Zodiac" Malcolm O'Hearn (4-2-1) "All Business" Phil Ball (7-6) vs. "Brickhouse" Thorbjorn Rekdal (3-1-1) [B]Tie Breaker:[/B] Accurately predict the round that the main event finishes in [B]Prize:[/B] Name a fight at the next event
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GAMMA Light Heavyweight Title "Live Wire" Anthony LeToussier (13-5) vs. [b]"The Croation Sensation" Zvonimir Asanovic (c) (10-1)[/b] by KO/TKO in the first. I've seen this fight played out a million times and not once did LeToussier pull through. "Mr. Awesome" Carl Ratcliffe (8-3) vs. [b]"The Titan" Patrick Thomas (7-1)[/b] [b]"Urban Cowboy" Steve Mason (2-0)[/b] vs. "The Pit Bull" Rick Stanley (20-7-3) Mason has a penchant for KO'ing more experienced strikers when he's matched up against them. "Blazin" Callum Henson (4-0) vs. [b]"Rogue" Charles Stiles (8-1-1)[/b] Fear the 'fro [b]Faas Smit (6-0)[/b] vs. Nick Detroit (5-2) [b]"Citizen Pain" Will Kane (7-0)[/b] vs. "Super Animal" Noah Van Der Capellen (10-3) [b]"The Beast of Birmingham" Rav Kapur (5-0)[/b] vs. Milton Harvey (9-8) [b]"Hell Boy" Simon Vine (7-3)[/b] vs. "Dangerous" David Allen (4-2) [b]"The Specialist" Darren Southall (1-1)[/b] vs. "Zodiac" Malcolm O'Hearn (4-2-1) "All Business" Phil Ball (7-6) vs. [b]"Brickhouse" Thorbjorn Rekdal (3-1-1)[/b] It's funny that Rekdal should gas in every fight and yet he always stops guys late in the third.
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GAMMA Light Heavyweight Title [B]"Live Wire" Anthony LeToussier[/B] (13-5) vs. "The Croation Sensation" Zvonimir Asanovic (c) (10-1) - 3rd round KO/TKO "Mr. Awesome" Carl Ratcliffe (8-3) vs. [B]"The Titan" Patrick Thomas[/B] (7-1) "Urban Cowboy" Steve Mason (2-0) vs. [B]"The Pit Bull" Rick Stanley[/B] (20-7-3) "Blazin" Callum Henson (4-0) vs. [B]"Rogue" Charles Stiles[/B] (8-1-1) [B]Faas Smit[/B] (6-0) vs. Nick Detroit (5-2) "Citizen Pain" Will Kane (7-0) vs. [B]"Super Animal" Noah Van Der Capellen (10-3)[/B] [B]"The Beast of Birmingham" Rav Kapur[/B] (5-0) vs. Milton Harvey (9-8) [B]"Hell Boy" Simon Vine[/B] (7-3) vs. "Dangerous" David Allen (4-2) [B]"The Specialist" Darren Southall[/B] (1-1) vs. "Zodiac" Malcolm O'Hearn (4-2-1) "All Business" Phil Ball (7-6) vs. [B]"Brickhouse" Thorbjorn Rekdal[/B] (3-1-1)
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GAMMA Light Heavyweight Title [b]"Live Wire" Anthony LeToussier (13-5)[/b] vs. "The Croation Sensation" Zvonimir Asanovic (c) (10-1) - Round 2 "Mr. Awesome" Carl Ratcliffe (8-3) vs. [b]"The Titan" Patrick Thomas (7-1)[/b] "Urban Cowboy" Steve Mason (2-0) vs. [b]"The Pit Bull" Rick Stanley (20-7-3)[/b] "Blazin" Callum Henson (4-0) vs. [b]"Rogue" Charles Stiles (8-1-1)[/b] Faas Smit (6-0) vs. [b]Nick Detroit (5-2)[/b] "Citizen Pain" Will Kane (7-0) vs. [b]"Super Animal" Noah Van Der Capellen (10-3)[/b] [b]"The Beast of Birmingham" Rav Kapur (5-0)[/b] vs. Milton Harvey (9-8) "Hell Boy" Simon Vine (7-3) vs. [b]"Dangerous" David Allen (4-2)[/b] "The Specialist" Darren Southall (1-1) vs. [b]"Zodiac" Malcolm O'Hearn (4-2-1)[/b] "All Business" Phil Ball (7-6) vs. [b]"Brickhouse" Thorbjorn Rekdal (3-1-1)[/b]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/ShowdownBanner-1.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Lime"][SIZE="4"]Live from Las Vegas, Nevada with 2,997 fans in attendance.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [I]A video plays hyping all of the fights on tonight’s card.[/I] [I]From ringside the announcers hype the fights and talk specifically about the main event between “Live Wire” Anthony LeToussier and “The Croation Sensation” Zvonimir Asanovic.[/I] [COLOR="lime"][SIZE="3"]Middleweight Division Fight "All Business" Phil Ball (7-6) vs. "Brickhouse" Thorbjorn Rekdal (3-1-1)[/SIZE][/COLOR] [B]Round 1[/B] Ball doesn't waste any time and throws two jabs to the face, but Rekdal easily side-steps both and circles to the left. Rekdal throws a head fake, then comes in fast from an angle with a looping punch, but misses and takes a glancing shot to the shoulder from a left hand counter. Ball throws a jab while coming in quickly, it doesn't hit, but it does allow him to clinch up. They struggle for supremacy. Ball steps backward out of it...but gets caught with a bomb of a right hand! Ball goes down like a ton of bricks, and Rekdal is on top of him within seconds. Rekdal starts throwing punches, teeing off on a stunned Ball. The referee sees that it's one-way traffic and covers up Ball, signaling the end of the fight. The official time of the TKO is 1:07 of round 1. [B]Winner via TKO is Thorbjorn Rekdal!!![/B] [I]The announcers highlight the main event and give their predictions for the night.[/I] [COLOR="lime"][B][SIZE="3"]Lightweight Division Fight "The Specialist" Darren Southall (1-1) vs. "Zodiac" Malcolm O'Hearn (4-2-1)[/[/SIZE]B][/COLOR] [B]Round 1[/B] They start the round with an exchange of strikes, all from fairly long range as they circle and try to work angles. None of the blows did any damage, either missing or being straight into the opponent's gloves. Southall is the first to land a worthwhile blow, hitting a straight right that catches O'Hearn on the side of the cheek. Southall follows up by backing him up against the cage, throws a couple of big punches, but gets pulled into a clinch without doing any serious damage. O'Hearn goes for a trip and almost gets it, but Southall is able to regain his footing at the last moment. O'Hearn has Southall against the cage, and hits three right hands to the side of the ribs. Southall reaches down and picks up a leg, using that as leverage to topple O'Hearn, who pulls guard. Southall starts pounding away and does some damage before O'Hearn grapples and pulls him down into a clinch. O'Hearn has both of Southall's arms tied up, preventing much in the way of attacking action. Southall uses some shoulder shrugs to the face, but O'Hearn isn't going to be too bothered by that. Southall pulls one arm free. O'Hearn still has tight control of the other, and brings his legs up, trying to apply an armbar. Southall sees it coming and blocks it easily, getting in a couple of punches for good measure. Southall steps through the legs and forces O'Hearn to release the arm so that he can cover up against a series of strikes. O'Hearn manages to ensare one leg though, and so Southall has to make do with being in half guard instead of getting the full mount that he wanted. Southall hits a couple of punches, takes one back, then attempts to get side control. O'Hearn keeps him at bay. Time is ticking away, if Southall is going to use this position to finish the match, it had better be done soon. Southall pulls O'Hearn's left arm to one side and straightens it out, perhaps looking to turn it into an armbar. O'Hearn rolls over to stop the arm getting trapped. Southall continues to work for it though. Time expires though, the round is over. The first round is over. Blurcat.com scores it 10-9 for Southall. [B]Round 2[/B] Two jabs from the left hand of Southall set up a hard waist-high kick, but O'Hearn steps back to avoid it. Nice attempt though. Southall moves in closer, bobbing and weaving, and looks to score with a looping right hand, but O'Hearn uses the gloves to parry it away, then counter-strikes with a crisp jab and a kick to the knee. Good opening to the round, both fighters are looking lively. Southall finds himself backed up against the cage briefly, and has to scramble to safety to avoid a flurry of strikes. O'Hearn is working for position, and is currently looking the more composed of the two. O'Hearn takes down Southall, but is pulled into the guard straight away. O'Hearn tries to unload with a couple of bombs, but Southall safely defends them. O'Hearn is leaning a little too far forward, which Southall notices and tries for a guillotine. O'Hearn didn't seem to see it coming, and is caught! Southall wraps it up tightly and forces O'Hearn to tap out! Southall wins via 2nd round guillotine submission with the official time being 2:33. [B]Winner via Submission is Darren Southall!!![/B] [I]After the fight we are shown footage of Anthony LeToussier arriving at the building earlier tonight.[/I] [COLOR="lime"][B][SIZE="3"]Welterweight Division Fight "Hell Boy" Simon Vine (7-3) vs. "Dangerous" David Allen (4-2)[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] [B]Round 1[/B] Vine misses an uppercut and is off balance, which allows Allen to get the takedown. Side mount. Allen is looking for an armbar, but Vine is defending it well. Vine gets a nice elbow in, that caught Allen by surprise. Allen fires off several elbows to the ribs, and Vine is left gasping for air. Those were hard, there's a big red patch where they hit. Allen takes the left arm, Vine couldn't defend it any longer. The armbar is applied, there's no way out. Allen wins by tap out. Official time of the armbar submission is 0:56 of the first round. [B]Winner via Submission is David Allen!!![/B] [I]We see Zvonimir Asanovic warming up backstage. We are shown a video package about the upcoming fighter, Rav Kapur![/I] [COLOR="lime"][B][SIZE="3"]Heavyweight Division Fight "The Beast of Birmingham" Rav Kapur (5-0) vs. Milton Harvey (9-8)[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] [B]Round 1[/B] A fizzing right hand from Kapur opens the round; it didn't find its intended target of Harvey's chin, but it did land hard on the left shoulder instead. Harvey fights back with a jab, but takes a hard shot to the body after leaning in too far. Kapur pins him to the cage with a quick burst, and unloads with lefts and rights. Harvey looks for a moment like he may be about to get overwhelmed, especially after a right hand appears to hit flush on the chin, but he recovers well and works his way back to the center. Kapur is looking the more confident of the two by far. He smells blood, and comes in looking for a big right hand, only to walk right into a takedown. Harvey had to time that perfectly, and did. Kapur doesn't pull guard, instead scrambling, ending up onto his knees, with Harvey taking his back! Harvey tries to go for a choke, but Kapur bucks and twists, scrambling back to his feet and backing off. A big right hand and a high kick prevent Harvey from following too closely. After that frenetic minute of action, things die down, with the fighters circling. Kapur scores with two leg kicks, Harvey hits a tasty right hand to the body, but otherwise nothing much happens for the next couple of exchanges. Indeed, the clock runs down and the round ends without further noteworthy events. End of the round. Blurcat.com scores it 10-9 for Kapur. [B]Round 2[/B] Harvey starts strongly, immediately rushing in for a takedown. Kapur got taken by surprise a little, but wrestles his way free of the grapple and pulls to safety. Kapur doesn't hang around for a second attempt, he uses a looping left to set himself up to come in close and score with a series of strikes, two or three nice body shots included. Harvey covers up, throwing the occasional jab as a counter. Kapur goes for a vicious uppercut, but gets pulled into a clinch. Harvey goes for a takedown via a trip, but Kapur defends it. Another trip attempt, another failure. Harvey pushes Kapur up against the cage and tries to wrestle him to the ground, but Kapur keeps his balance and sprawls to stop it. Kapur gets in a hard right hand to the side of the face, taking advantage of the fact that Harvey was leaning in too far. Kapur reverses so that Harvey is against the cage. They remain clinched, with nothing more than minor strikes being thrown, for a long time. The referee finally breaks them apart and gets them back to the center. Kapur throws a kick, waist-high, but Harvey avoids it. That could have been used for a takedown attempt if Harvey had been quicker and caught it. Kapur hits two or three punches in a row, stinging the gloves of Harvey. The round draws to a close. It'll be interesting to see where the judges go with this, as Kapur clearly got the better strikes in throughout the round, but Harvey did probably show more aggression by virtue of his almost constant attempts to get the takedown. End of the round. Blurcat.com gives that one to Kapur by 10-9. [B]Round 3[/B] They come together, both throwing punches. Kapur gets a nice clean shot in, and Harvey stumbles backwards and falls to the floor. Kapur is on top of him quickly, and unloads with two more big punches, both connect solidly. The referee jumps in and pulls him away before a third is thrown, this match is over by TKO. Replays show the referee may have been slightly early. Kapur wins via TKO at 0:24 of the third round. [B]Winner via TKO is Rav Kapur!!![/B] [I]After the fight Rav Kapur gives his commentary on the fight and let’s everyone know that he’s just getting started here in GAMMA![/I] [COLOR="lime"][B][SIZE="3"]Welterweight Division Fight "Citizen Pain" Will Kane (7-0) vs. "Super Animal" Noah Van Der Capellen (10-3)[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] [B]Round 1[/B] Kane hits some tentative punches, then comes in fast and forces Van Der Capellen to back up against the cage, where they clinch. Kane hits a nice body shot, but takes two short punches to the side of the head in return. Van Der Capellen tries a trip, but it doesn't go anywhere. They separate, with Kane having to stay sharp to avoid a scorching right hand from Van Der Capellen. Kane pushes Van Der Capellen up against the cage in a clinch. Kane throws a knee, then a couple of short punches to the side of the head. Van Der Capellen pushes him away and steps in to score with an uppercut. Kane took it flush on the chin and is rocked! Another right hand drops Kane against the cage, and Van Der Capellen follows up by unloading with a barrage of punches. The referee gets in and pulls Van Der Capellen away, he wins the match by TKO. The official time is 3:16. [B]Winner via TKO is Noah Van Der Capellen!!![/B] [I]After the fight Van Der Capellen says that he’s really happy about this win and he can’t wait to get his next win![/I] [COLOR="lime"][SIZE="3"][B]Light Heavyweight Division Faas Smit (6-0) vs. Nick Detroit (5-2)[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [B]Round 1[/B] Detroit works an angle and comes in from the side of Smit, getting two good jabs in before a ragged left misses by quite a margin. Smit hits a low kick to back Detroit against the cage, then works the body with a series of short punches. Detroit fights out and the action returns to the center. Detroit swings for the fences, but Smit ducks under and comes in closer, into grappling range. He scoops up Detroit onto his shoulder, and then flattens him with a slam. The crowd pop for it. Smit gets side control, but loses it almost immediately as Detroit is able to regain composure and pull guard. Smit moves from the guard and gets side control. He is trying for the mount, but Detroit is defending it. There's a small lull as Smit continues to try and get the mount. There it is, Detroit finally couldn't stop it. Smit starts firing off punches, and Detroit has nowhere to go. A big elbow gets through. A right hand lands on the nose of Detroit. The referee is watching intently, I don't think he's going to let this go much longer unless Detroit can come up with some answers. Smit hits another big elbow. And another. The referee leaps in, it's over! The official time of the TKO is 2:39 of round 1. [B]Winner via TKO is Faas Smit!!![/B] [I]After the fight Faas Smit says that he’s got another win under his belt, and he’ll continue to win until he gets a Light Heavyweight Title shot![/I] [COLOR="lime"][SIZE="3"][B]Lightweight Division Fight "Blazin" Callum Henson (4-0) vs. "Rogue" Charles Stiles (8-1-1)[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [B]Round 1[/B] Slow start to the round. Not much happens before they wind up clinched together, struggling for supremacy. Henson uses a trip to make a takedown, but doesn't go down himself, instead staying back. He pushes the raised legs away and dives in to get side control, but Stiles scrambles and manages to get up, pushing Henson down to the ground. Stiles ends up on top, in guard. Stiles tries to grab an arm to work a submission, but Henson is defending it well by using short, sharp strikes to keep him back. Stiles tries to pass the guard, but has no luck. A punch from Stiles connects, but there was no real power behind it. Stiles fakes Henson out cleverly, and slips to a half mount. Henson manages to hit a firm elbow, then is forced to defend the full mount attempt. Stiles switches tactics and tries to work a kimura on the other arm, but Henson blocks it, squirms his leg free, and secures the guard again. Stiles looks frustrated at losing the half mount after having worked so hard to get it in the first place. Henson is liable to lose the round on points, but he has done a fine job of defending the submissions attempts so far. Stiles tries to secure a leglock, but the guard is tight and Henson is safe. That's the end of the round. Blurcat.com has it down as 10-9 Stiles. [B]Round 2[/B] Henson comes out fast and quickly backs Stiles up, all the way up against the cage. Henson throws a series of rights and lefts; none of the strikes to the head got through, but two nice body shots did. He doesn't follow up though, instead keeping a few steps back, clearly not wanting to get tied up in a clinch. Stiles throws a low kick, then advances with some jabs, forcing Henson to back off a little. They meet in the center and exchange strikes, with Henson looking the crisper striker of the two, although without doing any real damage. Stiles shoots in for the takedown, but Henson sprawls and eventually pushes free. Right hand from Henson, then two jabs which both find their mark. Stiles bats away a third, then comes in hard and fast for a second takedown attempt. Henson sprawls again, but gets pushed all the way up against the cage. Stiles has a leg, but is low down to the ground and doesn't have the leverage to complete the takedown. He works to a better standing position, but has to lose the leg and grab a clinch instead. They both fire off some small punches from there. Stiles tries for a trip, but Henson avoids it and works free from the clinch. He returns to the center, clearly wanting a striking battle rather than a grappling match. Stiles follows, hands held high, and throws a couple of jabs. Henson connects with one instead though, and then with a looping right hand that catches Stiles above the eye. He felt that, but doesn't go down. Best strike of the round so far. Stiles throws a low kick. Henson comes in to strike again, but this time cannot sprawl quickly enough and gets taken down. Henson pulls guard. Unfortunately for Stiles, now that he has finally gotten the takedown, there's less than thirty seconds left. He tries to pass guard to get to side control, but Henson comfortably defends it until the round is over. The second round is over. Blurcat.com scores it 10-9 for Henson. [B]Round 3[/B] Exchange of strikes to start. Henson suddenly shoots in and gets a takedown, ending up in guard. Stiles keeps the guard high. Henson half-stands and throws a big right hand, narrowly missing the mark. Another punch connects, but Henson leans into it too much and Stiles brings his legs up and closes them around the arm. It's Henson now on the defensive, trying to get out of the armbar attempt. He gets in close to stop any pressure being applied, but that allows Stiles to sweep him from that position. A scramble for position ends with the situation being completely reversed, with Stiles on top in Henson's guard. Stiles tries to pass guard, but Henson doesn't allow it. Henson throws a couple of punches, but they're parried away. He breaks his guard to bring a leg across and try to kick Stiles in the face, but it's a mistake as Stiles pushes the leg aside and gets side control. Stiles pushes them closer to the cage, near his own corner so that they can give him instructions. Following what they say, Stiles throws some heavy blows to the unprotected stomach of Henson, then tries to isolate the closest arm. Henson frantically tries to stop that happening, but does indeed give it up. He does manage to roll to the side, giving himself some good leverage and preventing Stiles from extending the arm. Stiles continues trying to apply an armbar, but Henson is not allowing it. Eventually Stiles turns and tries to get a crucifix position instead. Henson fights that off too. The round ends with Stiles still doggedly trying to get an armbar submission, and Henson tenaciously stopping it. End of the round. Blurcat.com has it down as 10-9 Stiles. All three judges give a score of 29-28 to Charles Stiles. [B]Winner via Judges Decision is Charles Stiles!!![/B] [I]Charles Stiles says after the fight that he enjoyed fighting Callum Henson, he’s a great competitor and he was honored to fight him! A video is shown with Rick Stanley and Steve Mason giving comments about their upcoming fight.[/I] [COLOR="lime"][SIZE="3"][B]Heavyweight Division Fight "Urban Cowboy" Steve Mason (2-0) vs. "The Pit Bull" Rick Stanley (20-7-3)[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [B]Round 1[/B] They circle to start, both throwing a few tentative jabs. An uppercut misses its mark from Stanley, providing the first moment of real action. Mason hits a nice combination of body shots to set up a big right hook, but Stanley side-stepped to safety. A few punches get thrown, but there's a lack of real action to talk about. Mason is being slightly the more aggressive, but neither fighter is really going for it. They come together again and exchange punches, but no big shots get through, and they end up clinched for a while. The referee separates them, but the time is ticking away and this round looks like it's going to the judges. The round is over. Blurcat.com sees it 10-8 to Mason. [B]Round 2[/B] Mason starts strong, hitting a nice low kick and following in with a shot to the body. Stanley backs off, but just gets pushed up against the cage. Mason presses the advantage and works a nice hook to the body. Stanley responds with an attempted sweep, and when that doesn't work, a punch that lands behind the ear. Mason gets in a low kick as he backs off, and the fight returns towards the center. Stanley misses a right hand and is off balance, allowing Mason to come in for a takedown. Stanley pulls guard, and it's a particulary high one, Mason has to be careful that he doesn't get careless and end up in a triangle choke. Stanley bats away a couple of punches with his hands. Mason tries to pass guard, but leaves an arm in for just a fraction of a second too long, and Stanley is able to clamp his legs around it and pull. That's a tight arm bar, and Mason is going to have really trouble getting free. He tries to pull free, but it's no use. Mason taps out to the armlock. Official time of the armbar submission is 2:19 of the second round. [B]Winner via Submission is Rick Stanley!!![/B] [I]After the fight Stanley says that he is happy with this win and he wants the GAMMA Heavyweight Title! Rick Stanley tells the viewers that he can’t wait to get his hands on Lefter Oktay and pound him to a pulp![/I] [COLOR="lime"][SIZE="3"][B]Middleweight Division Fight "Mr. Awesome" Carl Ratcliffe (8-3) vs. "The Titan" Patrick Thomas (7-1)[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [B]Round 1[/B] Ratcliffe comes out fast, but gets hit with a counter right hand strike when he throws a left hand which was too high. Thomas moves in and hits a nice body shot before they clinch. Ratcliffe gets in a short, sharp jab to the side of the head, it looked to hit right on the ear. Thomas didn't like that, and scores with two knee strikes and a punch to the cheek. They break apart. Thomas swings and hits a nice right hand. Ratcliffe fires off a series of sharp jabs, all hitting gloves. He throws out a looping left, but gets tagged with a punch to the jaw and stumbles to the ground! Thomas dives in to finish him off, but he scrambles back up quickly and they end up facing off on their feet again. Replays show that the punch barely connected, it was more of a stumble on Ratcliffe's part than anything else. It might not look that way to the judges though. Thomas looks more confident after that, and puts together a nice chain of strikes, ending with a scathing low kick that catches Ratcliffe on the outside of the calf. He definitely felt that. Time is running out; Thomas will probably take this round on the judges' score cards, primarily due to that one dubious knock down. The first round is over. Blurcat.com sees it 10-9 to Thomas. [B]Round 2[/B] Thomas and Ratcliffe circle to start. Ratcliffe throws a couple of looping punches, neither hitting, while Thomas sits back, waiting for an opportunity to attack. Ratcliffe comes in closer, looking to unload with a right hand; that misses, and it allows Thomas to slip a nice jab in, catching Ratcliffe just underneath the right eye. Thomas comes in and scores with a straight left, then bounces a right hand off the body. Ratcliffe misses with a right cross, then backs off. Thomas stalks him, forcing Ratcliffe back up against the cage. Thomas doesn't rush in, instead standing back and throwing the occasional punch. Ratcliffe throws a big left hand in response, but it misses by quite a margin. Thomas pounces, hitting lefts and rights. Ratcliffe covers up from the first two punches, then clinches up to prevent any more coming in. They're up against the cage, Thomas in the dominant position. They remain that way as the time ticks down. Thomas throws the occasional knee, but can't really do much with his arms tied up like that. The referee finally tells them to break, and they return to the center. That clinch ate up a lot of time though. Ratcliffe comes in hard and fast, bobbing and weaving, and throws a couple of big shots. Thomas parries them with his gloves and scores with a well-executed counter punch, hitting just above the eye. They come in close again, throwing punches, but wind up clinched again. The time expires with them like that, and that round will definitely go down in Thomas's favour. End of round 2. Blurcat.com gives that one to Thomas by 10-9. [B]Round 3[/B] Ratcliffe doesn't waste any time and throws two jabs to the face, but Thomas easily side-steps both and circles to the left. Thomas throws a head fake, then comes in fast from an angle with a looping punch, but misses and takes a glancing shot to the shoulder from a left hand counter. Ratcliffe comes in from the side and hits a right hook, then a left. Thomas ducks down slightly, looking like he might be considering a takedown, but gets a knee to the face and staggers back. That looked more accidental than intentional. Thomas looks unsteady. Ratcliffe quickly moves in and fires away, forcing Thomas back up against the cage desperately covering up. The referee has seen enough and stops the match, feeling that Thomas was in no position to defend himself intelligently. Ratcliffe wins via third round TKO at 1:57. [B]Winner via TKO is Carl Ratcliffe!!![/B] [I]After the fight Ratcliffe celebrates his win that will cause him to shoot up the GAMMA rankings.[/I] [I]We are shown video footage of previous fights that Anthony LeToussier and Zvonimir Asanovic have competed in. Both of these guys have serious highlight reel footage and it was shown in this package. Zvonimir Asanovic says that he is going to be happy to KO Anthony LeToussier. LeToussier says that tonight is his night and he will prove that he’s the best fighter alive today![/I] [COLOR="lime"][SIZE="3"][B]GAMMA Light Heavyweight Title "Live Wire" Anthony LeToussier (13-5) vs. "The Croation Sensation" Zvonimir Asanovic (c) (10-1)[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [B]Round 1[/B] LeToussier isn't hanging around, right from the start Asanovic is forced onto the back foot by four hard shots, although none of them get through the gloves. Asanovic circles, steps in, then unloads a combination of punches, but LeToussier weaves out of the way and scores with a beauty of a right hand, glancing above the right eye. That was some lovely counter punching from LeToussier, the timing had to be perfect and it was. Asanovic is looking a bit frustrated, and uncorks a ragged-looking uppercut that missed by several inches. LeToussier really should have taken advantage of that mistake, Asanovic was wide open for a moment there. LeToussier hits a high kick, catching Asanovic on the shoulder. Jab from Asanovic finds the mark, but it didn't have much power behind it as he was leaning backward too much. LeToussier fires off a couple of straight punches in response, but only finds gloves. They clinch, and the fight enters a lull. Asanovic scores with a knee from the clinch, it landed around the hip area of LeToussier, who responds with a couple of shots to the ribs. The time runs out with them still clinched though. The round ends. Blurcat.com scores it 10-9 for LeToussier. [B]Round 2[/B] LeToussier leads with the right hand to set up a low kick, Asanovic deals with it well. They clinch, but only for a few seconds before it gets broken. Both throw stiff jabs at the same time, neither connects properly. Back to the clinch. It has been a disjointed start to the round, the flow hasn't quite developed properly. Asanovic uses a knee to the ribs before backing LeToussier up against the cage. Right hand from LeToussier connects though, that was well timed. Asanovic breaks the clinch and backs off. That was sloppy on his part, LeToussier was basically gifted a free shot. Three quick jabs from Asanovic sting the gloves, then a crashing hook to the body finds its mark. Good recovery. LeToussier fires off a low kick again, but it's well wide. LeToussier backs Asanovic up against the cage with jabs. Asanovic covers up. LeToussier throws a big right hand, and it manages to slip through and crashes against the left cheek. That was a total bomb of a punch, it came from way back. Asanovic stumbles and falls, stunned. LeToussier rains down further punches until the referee has little choice but to save Asanovic by pulling LeToussier off. LeToussier wins via TKO at 4:50 of the second round. Anthony LeToussier is now the GAMMA Light Heavyweight champion. [B]WINNER via TKO…AND NEW GAMMA LIGHT HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION IS ANTHONY LETOUSSIER!!![/B] [I]After the fight Anthony LeToussier shakes Asanovic’s hand and the belt is strapped on. “Live Wire” Says that he’s happy to be the champ and will be a fighting champion and defend this belt all over the world! The announcers recap the card and remind everyone that the last three GAMMA Title matches have resulted in new champs! The announcers remind you to tune in next month for GAMMA on pay-per-view![/I][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/GAMMA.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"]GAMMA Rankings[/SIZE] [U][SIZE="4"]HEAVYWEIGHT[/SIZE][/U] [B][SIZE="3"]1. Rick Stanley 2. Lefter Oktay 3. Tim Boyer 4. Stratos Papaioannou 5. Stafford Alois 6. James Foster 7. Frank Sheedy 8. Fatuma Roy 9. Shane Gilchrist 10. Tony McCall[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="4"][U]LIGHT HEAVYWEIGHT[/U][/SIZE] [B][SIZE="3"]1. Anthony LeToussier 2. Christopher Sharp 3. JJ Reid 4. Nicolai Mickiewicz 5. Aleksei Chekhov 6. John Rivero 7. Lenny McFadden 8. Bryan Van Den Hauwe 9. Elgar 10. Zvonimir Asanovic[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="4"][U]MIDDLEWEIGHT[/U][/SIZE] [B][SIZE="3"]1. Fernando Amaro 2. Carl Ratcliffe 3. Greg Atteveld 4. Andrew Rush 5. Matthew Dean 6. Bixente Fontaine 7. Stuart Strange 8. Linfield Ballard 9. Maarten De Vries 10. Dan Halvorsen[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="4"][U]WELTERWEIGHT[/U][/SIZE] [B][SIZE="3"]1. Jack Humphreys 2. Alan Kendall 3. Joe Hinchcliffe 4. Geoff Cahill 5. Noach Van Der Capellen 6. Lukas Mellberg 7. Julio Reguiero 8. Ray Eton 9. Dana Delaney 10. Ichisake Miyagi[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="4"][U]LIGHTWEIGHT[/U][/SIZE] [B][SIZE="3"]1. Jason Dalglish 2. Sean Morrison 3. Charles Stiles 4. Mario De Souza 5. Jackson Gray 6. Duane Weatherly 7. Beau Gorshin 8. Brandon Sugar 9. Kenny Magilton III 10. Giovanni Silva[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/FalloutPoster-2.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="teal"][B][SIZE="3"]GAMMA Welterweight Title "Spanish Silk" Julio Regueiro (c) (9-0-1) vs. "Die Hard" Geoff Cahill (21-13)[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] [SIZE="3"][I]In this Welterweight title fight "Spanish Silk" will be looking to make his first defense. "Die Hard" is ten years older and six inches taller than Regueiro. This fight should be interesting as this will more than likely be the last chance that Geoff Cahill will get at a title seeing as he is quickly approaching the end of his career.[/I][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"][B][COLOR="teal"]"The Tiger" Christian Mountfield (5-2) vs. "The Knife" Christopher Sharp (10-1)[/COLOR][/B] [I]In his last fight "The Knife" had an impressive first round KO win over Mike Watson. Christian Mountfield has to be considered the underdog in this fight and will be looking to prove that he's a competitor in the Light Heavyweight Division. A win from Sharp will get him a shot at Anthony LeToussier's GAMMA Light Heavyweight Title![/I][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"][COLOR="teal"][B]"The Butcher" Shane Gilchrist (11-2) vs. "The Pit Bull" Gary Sampson (16-11)[/B][/COLOR] [I]Most people think this fight will end in TKO for sure! This should be a good heavyweight fight that will help the winner go further up the heavyweight rankings. "The Butcher" will want to keep this fight standing and look to knock Sampson out![/I][/SIZE] [COLOR="teal"][B][SIZE="3"]"The Amazing" JJ Reid (12-0) vs. "Fists of Death" Aleksei Chekhov (8-2)[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] [I][SIZE="3"]This fight will feature the number three and number four ranked Light Heavyweight's in the rankings. This fight will be the classic submission fighter facing off against a striker! If Reid can get Chekhov down to the ground he may be in trouble as "Fists of Death" doesn't have a great ground game. If Christopher Sharp loses later in the night then you can look for the winner of this fight to be the next challenger to Anthony LeToussier.[/SIZE][/I] [COLOR="teal"][B][SIZE="3"]Buddy Garner (8-0) vs. "Ace In The Hole" Alex Cole (5-3)[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] [SIZE="3"][I]Garner is coming into this fight undefeated and most experts agree that he will walk out of this fight with that still in contact. Most people think that Cole will get caught and submitted pretty early.[/I][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"][COLOR="Teal"][B]"Storm Trooper" Jamie Hewitt (1-0) vs. Mario De Souza (12-6) "Super Snake" Randy Carsley (5-0) vs. "Cannonball" Bruno Epps (3-1) "The Blonde Bomber" Nicholas Bretton (2-0) vs. "The Colorado Cobra" Ian Linderman (2-2) "Chief" Fatuma Roy (16-5) vs. "Smash-Mouth" Derek South (1-0) "The Master" Greg Atteveld (15-10) vs. Dante Holdsworth (4-0)[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER]
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Fallout Quick Picks GAMMA Welterweight Title "Spanish Silk" Julio Regueiro (c) (9-0-1) vs. "Die Hard" Geoff Cahill (21-13) "The Tiger" Christian Mountfield (5-2) vs. "The Knife" Christopher Sharp (10-1) "The Butcher" Shane Gilchrist (11-2) vs. "The Pit Bull" Gary Sampson (16-11) "The Amazing" JJ Reid (12-0) vs. "Fists of Death" Aleksei Chekhov (8-2) Buddy Garner (8-0) vs. "Ace In The Hole" Alex Cole (5-3) "Storm Trooper" Jamie Hewitt (1-0) vs. Mario De Souza (12-6) "Super Snake" Randy Carsley (5-0) vs. "Cannonball" Bruno Epps (3-1) "The Blonde Bomber" Nicholas Bretton (2-0) vs. "The Colorado Cobra" Ian Linderman (2-2) "Chief" Fatuma Roy (16-5) vs. "Smash-Mouth" Derek South (1-0) "The Master" Greg Atteveld (15-10) vs. Dante Holdsworth (4-0)
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[b]"Spanish Silk" Julio Regueiro (c) (9-0-1)[/b] vs. "Die Hard" Geoff Cahill (21-13) Regueiro is like the BJ Penn of WMMA sans the cardio issues. "The Tiger" Christian Mountfield (5-2) vs. [b]"The Knife" Christopher Sharp (10-1)[/b] [b]"The Butcher" Shane Gilchrist (11-2)[/b] vs. "The Pit Bull" Gary Sampson (16-11) Gary Sampson has to be my all-time favourite can in this game. That said, he's still a can. [b]"The Amazing" JJ Reid (12-0)[/b] vs. "Fists of Death" Aleksei Chekhov (8-2) [b]Buddy Garner (8-0)[/b] vs. "Ace In The Hole" Alex Cole (5-3) "Storm Trooper" Jamie Hewitt (1-0) vs. [b]Mario De Souza (12-6)[/b] GAMMA's foremost geek maybe a little over his head here. [b]"Super Snake" Randy Carsley (5-0)[/b] vs. "Cannonball" Bruno Epps (3-1) [b]"The Blonde Bomber" Nicholas Bretton (2-0)[/b] vs. "The Colorado Cobra" Ian Linderman (2-2) Possibly the non-fight of the night. "Chief" Fatuma Roy (16-5) vs. [b]"Smash-Mouth" Derek South (1-0)[/b] [b]"The Master" Greg Atteveld (15-10)[/b] vs. Dante Holdsworth (4-0) Though I'll admit I can't remember if Holdsworth's any good.
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[B]"Spanish Silk" Julio Regueiro[/B] (c) (9-0-1) vs. "Die Hard" Geoff Cahill (21-13) "The Tiger" Christian Mountfield (5-2) vs. [B]"The Knife" Christopher Sharp[/B] (10-1) [B]"The Butcher" Shane Gilchrist[/B] (11-2) vs. "The Pit Bull" Gary Sampson (16-11) "The Amazing" JJ Reid (12-0) vs. [B]"Fists of Death" Aleksei Chekhov[/B] (8-2) [B]Buddy Garner[/B] (8-0) vs. "Ace In The Hole" Alex Cole (5-3) "Storm Trooper" Jamie Hewitt (1-0) vs. [B]Mario De Souza (12-6)[/B] [B] "Super Snake" Randy Carsley[/B] (5-0) vs. "Cannonball" Bruno Epps (3-1) [B] "The Blonde Bomber" Nicholas Bretton[/B] (2-0) vs. "The Colorado Cobra" Ian Linderman (2-2) [B]"Chief" Fatuma Roy[/B] (16-5) vs. "Smash-Mouth" Derek South (1-0) [B]"The Master" Greg Atteveld[/B] (15-10) vs. Dante Holdsworth (4-0)
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