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The editor and repeat material

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Since a lot of suggestion stuff is being put here in the 08 section lately, I'll post here. Although if it gets kicked to Suggestions, I'll understand. Essentially what I'd like to know is the possibility of getting an another search for the editor. Sort of like how the game will search for missing parts of a database when you start a new game. Except it searches out and ID'ing repeat angles and storylines for you. I try not to miss any mods that might have new material as far as creative matters like storylines, angles and gimmicks go. Always want to have the widest variety of material possible to kick start my thinking story wise. But when I merge all these mods I inevitably have a lot of overlap. Especially of angles because it's hard to go through manually and pick out just what's new. Would it be difficult to have the editor ID and bunch together data which appears to be copies from the game perspective? That way we can decide if we want that worker taunt angle from DOTT for historical accuracy. Or if the the t-shirt shooting angle in Sprinkle's story pack is essentially just the original with a SEX header and therefore expendable. It sure would make life easier for modders and data compilers. I thought it would take forever to edit my 05 material for 07 after I'd converted it over.
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i think thats going to be to hard to due mostly because people name things different ways ex: u could have a basic attack angel named at-backstage attack 1V1 or as attack-backstage attack 1VS1, also besides that the details put down for this angel could also be different, and also the ratings could be different ex: for the award ceremony i have seen it two different ways where all 3 wrestlers we're rated on overness or one has overness, 1 have entertainment and one has acting. now what would be a better suggestion that everyone would add the type of angel it is in the beginning with a abbreviation instead of attack just put att.
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It doesn't sound like you follow me. I'm not asking for it to be a respecter of text. Whether that be headers or road agent descriptions. I'm asking that angles that are all the same by the numbers the game crunches be searchable for and put into blocks we can examine. It would still be up to us to look at each one and determine where there were enough human reasons to keep them or not. I just want to be able to find the stuff the game considers extra easily rather than go bleary eyed trying to find it myself. Plus the ability to better target clutter in angles and storylines could speed up people's gameplay. Letting people shrink the amount of data they have to search through to find the pieces of their master plan.
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I think you're missing what he means When you add all the mods etc, you're probably gonna end up with about 87 angles that are 1v1 hype both rated on overness for example. They'll have different names and text, but in the game's mind, they'll be exactly the same in how they work, so the editor should be able to pick them out as being the same. If the editor shoud you a list of all the angles that were the same in this way, you'd be able to pick the one you wanted to keep (ie the one with the name you wanted) and delete all the rest. However, the problem would be that you might have two angles that are practially very similar but they differ in sublte ways, for example one has one participant rated on overness and the other on entertainment, while the other angle rates both on overness. Or one might be a hype and one might be a taunt. Here it would probably be a lot harder for the editior to pick out what you consider, in essence to be duplicate angles.
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