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Secrets of the Ring Volume Two: Peter Michaels and SWF 2011

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[B]Bull Wrecker [/B]* vs. Darryl Devine – North American Title Rematch Devine belongs in the main event so Wrecker will win by DQ following Morpheus interference. Dirty White Boyz vs. [B]Can-Am Blondes[/B] setting up can am vs new wave. [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith [/B]vs. Greg Black Dozer is going places and he needs momentum plus Dez will interfere to keep that fued running. [B]COTGD [/B]vs. Skye/Powell/??? The Cult needs the momentum more, not sure on the mystery man tough altough Minnesota getting involved would be sweet. [B]Tana the Mighty[/B] vs. John Greed Not a big fan of Tana but he is entertaining,has more overness and a storyline with Rocky kinda so.
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[B]Bull Wrecker *[/B] vs. Darryl Devine – North American Title Rematch [I]Bull Wrecker will win thanks to the Corparation, but Smith will use his clause to get a match, beating Wrecker for the title.[/I] [B]Dirty White Boyz[/B] vs. Can-Am Blondes [I]Like I've said before, I loves me some old Kevin Smith homage.[/I] [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/B] vs. Greg Black [I]Smith takes an easy win over Black, who has became a jobber over the months.[/I] [B]COTGD[/B] vs. Skye/Powell/??? [I]The Cult need some new momentum so they should get the victory over the three. Btw, I guess that the mystery partner is the returning buddy of Skye, California Love Machine![/I] [B]Tana the Mighty[/B] vs. John Greed [I]It will give Tana some momentum and also help further the feud between him and Golden.[/I]
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Bull Wrecker * vs. [B]Darryl Devine [/B]– North American Title Rematch Devine looks like a loser if he drops another match here. Morpheus related interference seems probable. [B]Dirty White Boyz [/B]vs. Can-Am Blondes Are the DWB faces now? I want them to have one more match against New Wave. [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith [/B]vs. Greg Black Yeah, this isn't exactly a tough call. COTGD vs. [b]Skye/Powell/???[/b] The COTGD needs momentum more? They've dominated Skye pretty much every step of the way, and looked strong against Sean McFly. And the CLM's gotta be long gone, following his legal problems. [B]Tana the Mighty [/B]vs. John Greed Second easiest pick of the night- Tana sits on the cruiserweight, end of match.
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Bull Wrecker * vs. Darryl Devine – North American Title Rematch [I]Morpheus related inteference, leads to this one ending up as a clusterf*** of a draw, ensuring that Devine doesnt to the job but Wrecker keeps hold of the NA title.[/I] Dirty White Boyz vs. [B]Can-Am Blondes[/B] [I]DWB have now turned face and their rivarly with the New Wave looks like it's a closed chapter, so the Can-Am's go over here. I wouldn't be suprised if Futureshock get involved to screw over DWB. [/I] [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/B] vs. Greg Black [I]Straight forward win for the man with an NA title shot in his pocket[/I] COTGD vs. [B]Skye/Powell/???[/B] [I]I wouldn't be surprised if ??? is the International guest...leading the faces to victory, much to the frustration of Bach and his merry band of emo misfits. [/I] [B]Tana the Mighty[/B] vs. John Greed [I]Tana has a storyline going with Golden and Greed is just a jobber. This is the sort of match Tana should be winning to retain his spot as a lower-end 'comedy' mid carder.[/I]
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[B]Bull Wrecker [/B]* vs. Darryl Devine – North American Title Rematch [B]Dirty White Boyz[/B] vs. Can-Am Blondes [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/B] vs. Greg Black COTGD vs. [B]Skye/Powell/???[/B] [B]Tana the Mighty[/B] vs. John Greed
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Show 27 "Returns" [B][CENTER][SIZE="4"]Show Twenty Seven[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER][SIZE="4"]“Returns”[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER](Internet Pre-Show)[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Tana the Mighty vs. John Greed[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Tana the Mighty wins via pinfall @ 3:01[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: Just a straightforward squash match with Tana going over John Greed with extreme prejudice, hitting his monster butt-bomb finisher just a tick past the three minute mark. The point of the match was to establish some momentum for Tana and continue to put over his strange friendship with Golden and Jenny, who watched from the stage, Jenny fanning Golden with a large palm frawn throughout. Grade: C[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Puerto Rican Power is looking at the night’s run schedule backstage, searching for his name. As he works his way down, finger marking the trail, he realizes that he is not scheduled to compete this week on Supreme TV, nor is he scheduled to compete on the internet pre-show. As he sets a hand over his face, a bit upset, Danny B Bling and his gang of dancing girls shuffle by, Dez Davidz casting a huge shadow behind them. DBB: “Why the long face, dog? You need a ‘pick me up’? Pick a girl; dinner is served.” PRP just shakes his head. PRP: “It’s not that. It’s….” PRP trails off, but it only takes a second for Bling to turn the knife, knowingly or unknowingly. DBB: “You ain’t on the show tonight, are you?” He throws his head back, laughing, exhorting his whole entourage into a laugh before he even says anything funny. DBB: “You really are a loser, aren’t you big man? I’m all for the ‘American dream’, but you might as well jump on your raft and paddle yourself back to Puerto Rico, bro.” He pops his cane and does a quick two step before snapping his fingers and leading his street brigade down the corridor, not even waiting for a response from PRP. He looks almost on the verge of tears, knowing what his won-loss record has been in the SWF; knowing what Danny B Bling said, pompous or not, might very well be right. He turns, grabbing his bags from the floor where he had dropped them, and heads for the exit. “Psssssssssst.” “Hey you.” Puerto Rican Power spins his head around, blinking his eyes trying to focus them into a darkened room off camera. PRP is visible, but the speaker remains hidden. PRP: “Me?” A chuckle. V: “Yes you. The regional superman. We know each other.” PRP puts up a hand shielding his eyes, trying….to…..see. V: “I have an offer for you; an opportunity to repaint yourself…. with a different brush. Join me.” Blink. V: “Don’t be afraid.” Blink. V: “Be a legend.” PRP drops his bags in the hallway and walks into the room, the door creaking as it closes behind him. Grade: B [B][CENTER](Start of Live Telecast)[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] Just as the show open finishes, the cameras quickly cut to the backstage area where the SWF World Heavyweight Champion Gregory Keith is arriving at the building. Keith wearing a sharp black suit, sunglasses resting in his sun gold hair, walks down the hall a while before snapping his fingers, impatiently pointing corporate lackey Big Smack Scott, who is carrying the champ’s bags, toward his locker room. With McFly scheduled to issue a PPV challenge tonight, is it a coincidence that the champ is in the house? Grade: A [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Jacob Jett/Acid vs. Remmy Skye/Ryan Powell[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Remmy/Powell win via pinfall @ 4:55[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: Well, how about this for a bit of a clusterf*ck? This was scheduled to be a six man match with Remmy Skye adding a partner to take on the COTGD as late as last night. However, our plan to have Remmy’s little buddy, the California Love Machine, show up as his mystery partner was foiled when CLM did not arrive to the building, either for the walk through or the live show. The hope was the, with CLM’s legal troubles nearly behind him after a plea bargain or two, we could help him right the ship, so to speak, giving him his old job back and allowing him to be part of a safe, team oriented environment while getting back on his feet. Instead, he doesn’t show up and doesn’t bother calling to explain, so screw him. But, that leaves us with a booking error. And even though we sold the mystery partner’s disappearance as having something to do with the COTGD, we blew it and we know it. The match in its place was still a pretty good one and Ryan Powell really took center stage, awing the crowd with some of his trademark springboard moves, but the COTGD’s story concerns Remmy Skye, so it was he who was involved in the match’s finish. Jett spends the bulk of the match on the apron, licking his lips in anticipation of his first meal, while Acid does a great job battling both Remmy and Powell. But, as Acid makes his way to the corner to make the tag into Jett, Skye nails him from behind stopping his progress. When Skye stands him up he knows what’s coming, spinning Acid around, back facing Jett, as the masked man sprays his green mist, hitting his partner in the face. As Jett scratches at his eyes on the floor, Skye rolls a few moves together before nailing Acid with the “Skye Diver” and making the cover. Sammy Bach, the leader of the COTGD and Skye’s main rival who has been absent from ringside, sprints down the ramp and attempts to sneak attack Remmy before Powell calls out to him and the two escape the ring unharmed. Grade: B-[/I] [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] Tom Gilmore and Queen Emily walk out of the Championship Committee’s office, with a contract in hand. It is obvious from their banter and glad handing that they are pleased with whatever has transpired. When Joe Sexy turns the corner and sees them, their faces change; straightening. The Queen tries to hide the contract behind her back but Sexy sees it, tonight finally forgoing his Ed Tibiase-wear. JS: “What’s that behind your back? Is that a contract? Who are we taking on; I can’t wait?” Gilmore shakes his head and turns away from Sexy, looking directly at Emily. TG: “So, are you going to tell him?” She nods and Gilmore walks ahead a few steps, stopping with his back to the pair. QE: “Joe….Tom and I are frustrated with the way things are going with Sexual Aggression…..with the team. So I ….we……decided to go a different way.” Sexy is still smiling, not understanding. JS: “So…….what? Are we going to have to wrestle some of those flippy-floppers from the Shooting Star division because…..” She cuts in. QE: “Joe, I’m going to start pushing Tom as a singles wrestler. This contract is for a match at “Times of Trouble”…..for him…..not you.” Sexy is stunned. JS: “Really?” QE: “Really.” She starts to walks away. JS: “So…..what about us? Are you still my manager or….” She stops, but doesn’t turn around. QE: “We’ll see.” Queen Emily and Tom Gilmore walk off, leaving Joe Sexy by himself yet again. Grade: B+ [B][I][CENTER](commercial)[/CENTER][/I][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Joey Minnesota walks into a locker room and picks up a chair, holding his ground as Bulldozer Brandon Smith emerges from the showers. Joey feigns a swing, maintaining a healthy seven or eight feet between them. He is pissed. JM: “What did you mean?!” Bulldozer doesn’t flinch as Joey postures with the chair, turning back toward his locker and pulling on a pair of tights. Joey takes a step forward. JM: “I said, what did you mean?!” Bulldozer looks back over his shoulder as though he is just noticing Minnesota. BBS: “What are you talking about? Get out of here before I feed you that chair.” Joey steps even closer, pulling the chair back a few extra inches, getting it ready. JM: “You said you don’t like my kind. What did you mean, ‘my kind’?” Smith snorts and goes back to taping his wrists. BBS: “You know what I mean; what you are. Don’t make me say it.” Minnesota is blank. BBS: “I am drug free….and you are not, get it?” He lowers the chair a little bit, puzzled. BBS: “I knew it shrunk your nuts but I didn’t think it made you stupid, too.” Joey snaps out of it. JM: “What?” BBS: “The gas, man, the gas.” JM: “Huh?” BBS: “You’re on steroids. Everyone knows that.” Stunned. BBS: “Since you seem to like shortcuts so much, why don’t you take another one…..straight out of my sight, before I give you a repeat performance of a few weeks ago.” Joey starts to walk away, but is suddenly awash with emotion, rearing back and nailing Bulldozer with the chair. Dozer is a beast and takes the brunt of two more, but is still able to fight back, battling Minnesota out of the locker room and into the hallway, slamming and locking the door upon getting him out. Joey kicks the door from the outside two or three times before screaming something and storming off. Grade: B [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. Greg Black[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Bulldozer Brandon Smith wins via submission @ 2:01[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: Listen……..can you hear it? Listen closer…… It’s a sqqqqqqqqq-uaaaash! Wow! Just a flat out whitewash by the Bulldozer who needs only to get in a few stiff moves before throwing Black to the mat and latching onto his arm, yarning on it for a few seconds before getting his opponent to tap out. As BBS poses and gets set for a ringside interview with Ana Garcia, Joey Minnesota comes shooting down the ramp, again armed with a chair. But before he gets all the way down to the base, SWF security have him surrounded, escorting him back around the stage and into the back. Grade: B-[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket [/CENTER] Bull Wrecker arrives at the arena and sneaks in the back door trying to be as quiet as possible. As he pushes through the door, trying no to let it slam behind him, the wind blows slightly and a faint laughing sound can be heard, getting louder for a second as the leaves twist by. Wrecker is almost in a dead sprint, eyes glassy with fear, when he turns a quick corner and bumps into Alex DeColt, who is being led around backstage on a tour by some SWF Championship Committee members. CCM: “Mr. Wrecker, just the man we were looking for.” Wrecker huffs and puffs, looking back over his shoulder at least three times before processing what is happening in front of him. He shakes his head, confused. CCM: “I wanted to introduce you to your opponent at “Times of Trouble”, CGC Champion Alex DeColt. He came in on the company jet to sign the contract in person this evening; we’re taking him around to meet some of the superstars; get him acclimated.” [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] Alex smiles. AD: “Really looking forward to your match tonight.” DeColt sticks his hand out but doesn’t act surprised when the Corporate Assassin doesn’t reciprocate. AD: “So that’s how it’s going to be, then?” Wrecker blinks. BW: “Yup.” Alex laughs and pushes past Wrecker, nudging his shoulder on the way by. AD: “Great, that’s just how I wanted it.” As the entourage scampers ahead to catch up with their Canadian guest, the camera looks up at the massive North American champion who notices the laughter echoing again, faintly, and takes off running. Grade: B+ An ad for our next pay-per-view, “Times of Trouble”, the international supershow rolls, hyping the SWF’s relationship with the most prestigious promotions in Canada, Mexico, and Japan and really hyping the ‘dream match’ possibilities with some more announcements planned for next week as well. Grade: B [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Dirty White Boyz vs. Can-Am Blondes[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Can-Am Blondes win via DQ @ 6:41[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: I don’t know if Frederique is really whipping the Can-Am Blondes into shape or not, but he’s worth everything The Guru is paying him; it’s his interference of late that has corresponded with good things swinging their way. Tonight would be no different. As you might have expected, Grease Hogg and Lead Belly drew a ton of respect from the fans since their pseudo split from the Corporation, executing all their trademark moves and striking with a renewed sense of energy, really putting it to the Blondes. But Owen and Damian have begun to put it together and come back with offense of their own, scoring with their frequently used tandem dropkicks before doubling up on Lead Belly and nearly getting a three count with a double slingshot suplex. Lead Belly is then turned inside out with some nifty submission holds by Carvill, taking the heel’s mid-match comeback in stride before finally working his way back to his own corner for a tag. That’s when things get out of hand. Feeling his team’s grasp on the match slipping, The Guru orders Frederique to the ring apron, pulling himself up on the other side and calling out to referee Eugene Williams. Once The Guru has Eugene’s attention, Frederique attempts to toss his workout bar in to Carvill, but it is intercepted by Hogg. Frederique’s jaw drops as Grease Hogg winds up and nails Love with it, sending him rolling to the floor, but he gets a great idea as Hogg lines up Carvill, yelling out to The Guru, who grabs Williams by the material and spins him around. As he does Grease Hogg levels Carvill with the bar, getting a huge pop from the crowd, but getting disqualified by the referee as a result. From out of nowhere, KC Glenn and Brett Starr hit the ring, Starr with a ballbat. As the Blondes come to, shots are flying and, with Love and Carvill looking for revenge too, Futureshock and The Can-Am’s look to be on the verge of delivering a serious beatdown on the outnumbered bikers when Barrowman and Finch sprint down the ramp with chairs, chasing Love, Carvill, Glenn and Starr from the ring before any serious damage is done to the DWB. Grade: (match) B (post) B+[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] When his music hits and Sean McFly walks through the entrance, starting to the ring, towel over his head and covering his eyes, superagent Phil Vibert at his side, the crowd goes crazy. Vibert pulls a microphone from his jacket pocket before shooting his cuffs and starting, having to wait a few seconds for the attendees in-house to quiet. PV: “‘Times of Trouble’, the SWF’s international supershow is now only two weeks away. And as far as I am concerned, Gregory Keith has done all he can to avoid a one-on-one confrontation with Sean McFly since “Mr. Wrestling” arrived here in the Supreme Wrestling Federation. A fighting champion he is not.” The crowd is completely behind Vibert and McFly. PV: “Tonight, in front of the world, I’m calling you out Greg; we’re challenging you to a match for the title at “Times of Trouble”. Vibert grins as the opening guitar licks of the Corporation’s theme music plays and Gregory Keith walks out onstage, the massive gold belt draped over his shoulder. He laughs as the crowd boos, but then, as they get louder; unified, he goes crazy, dropping the belt and covering his ears, yelling unintelligibly at a pair of fans along the top of the aisle. [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] GK: “Listen Vibert, I warned you before not to bully me, and I meant it. With Double E not around lately, I’m still not sure who I’ll be facing at “Times of Trouble”, but since it’s a pay-per-view, I’m sure it’ll be a much bigger name than McFly, someone with some cred. As they boo him, Vibert nods back at McFly who has been bouncing side to side on the balls of his feet the whole time. He lifts his towel slightly, interrupting his shadow boxing to return Vibert’s nod. PV: “Everyone knows there is no bigger name out there right now than “Mr. Wrestling” Sean McFly….” Keith cuts him off. GK: “….in your opinion. And you’re an idiot.” The crowd boos. He sneers. GK: “You ran a whole company into the ground, Vibert, just like you’re going to do with what’s left of McFly’s career.” Vibert never loses his smile. PV: “Yes or no, Keith, will you defend the World title against Sean McFly at “Times of Trouble?” McFly’s agent throws his hands in the air ad the crowd begins to surge. They want this match to happen. GK: “I have no reason to….” This time Vibert cuts off Keith. PV: “…..you need to get into the ring, one-on-one, with McFly……” The World Champion is getting upset. GK: “….I don’t have anything to prove….” Vibert closes in. PV: “….or everyone will know that you are a coward…..” Keith is pissed, ripping off his suit jacket. GK: “….. and don’t bully me, Vibert!” Vibert hits home. PV: “……or everyone will know that you’re a coward…..just like your old man!” Keith begins losing his mind, dropping the microphone and flipping out on the stage, shouting several obscenities that the live filter misses. PV: “So, what’ll it be, coward. You’re a chip off the old block, aren’t you?” Keith scrambles to pick up the microphone. GK: “NO ONE INSULTS MY FAMILY! YOU WANT A MATCH? YOU’VE GOT ONE! I’LL PUT YOU IN THE REST HOME WHERE YOU BELONG, MCFLY! AND THEN I’LL SEND YOU BACK TO THE USED CAR LOT YOU CAME FROM, VIBERT!” Vibert raises his arms again and the crowd goes bonkers with the main event for “Times of Trouble” set live on Supreme TV. “Mr. Wrestling” asks for the microphone as Keith continues to rant on the stage, his live feed cut off by the boys in production. SM: “Bring it on, Keith! I’ll see you at “Times of Trouble”.” Grade: A [CENTER][I][B](commercial)[/B][/I] Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Valiant appears on the jumbotron with Raven Nightfall. As he begins to make their statement, the crowd is solidly mixed, with more boos than usual for the clean-cut big man. V: “I requested this time so that I could set the record straight with everyone, on behalf of both myself and Raven.” Nightfall does not look up at the camera even once, having noticeable rings around her eyes. V: “I want it to be known that Raven Nightfall is not, nor was ever, related to the Eisen family. That entire idea was created by Jack Bruce, who is so egomaniacal that, even after turning against me at “The World is Watching” in my World Title match, is still trying to find ways to win your approval. He says he doesn’t need you, but he does. He figured he could make you hate someone even more than you hated him. And he chose Raven, the girl who left him. And, by association…..me.” The camera gets a full shot of Nightfall, still staring holes in the floor. V: “Pretty convenient, huh? Just sort of fell out of the sky at the perfect time, didn’t it?” He appears angry for the first time, visibly gritting his teeth together. V: “Last week when Raven came out and announced that she was seeking some sort of family reconciliation, you have to understand……she was under so much pressure…..being pulled in all sorts of directions; she was delusional. She left “Master of Puppets” without me and I didn’t see her again until right before the TV showtime.” Grit-t-t-t. V: “She was out of her mind!” The crowd actually comes together now, but do so negatively, showering Valiant and Raven with anger. V: “You have no idea what she is going through!” Boos. V: “Believe what you want. That’s what Jack bet on, you know, that you wouldn’t be able to resist such a dirty, sordid story.” More boos. V: “Looks like he was right.” Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Bull Wrecker vs. Darryl Devine[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]-North American Title Rematch-[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Darryl Devine wins via countout @ 13:55[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: We went the other way this week; instead of trying to find a way to ‘out-brutal’ the Boston Massacre Streetfight, we decided it would be a good idea to let these two go out have a great wrestling match….and we were right. Although, I have to give all the credit to Alex Braun, who came up with the idea and put the match together, which was a big time balancing act from the storyline’s side. And look, everyone knows that Darryl is a good in ring performer, but there are both doubters and haters of Bull Wrecker’s abilities in the locker room. On this night, he gave them something to think about, not necessarily with his Jeremy Stone-esque workrate, but more for his ability and willingness to sell for Devine, which was nice change and I think really contributed to the hot feel of the match. Admittedly, the middle part of the match that Wrecker, as the heel, controlled, was pretty pedestrian, but still put over the Corporate Assassin as THE badass in the SWF. The finish comes when Devine rallies, boxing Wrecker’s ears three times before the big man releases the bear hug he is using to squeeze the life out of him. With Wrecker reeling, Devine strikes with a running forearm shot, staggering his huge opponent before going to the top rope and nailing him with a flying body press, getting only a two count from referee Jay Fair. Devine hops up quickly and waits for Wrecker to get back to his feet, circling around his confused opponent, looking for the perfect spot to hit the “Devine Dream Drop”. But Wrecker does what heels do, punching Devine in the groin and then pulling him by his waistband face-first into the top turnbuckle. Suddenly, the roles are reversed, with Devine scrambling to get back to his feet, holding his face, Wrecker squatting in the corner, one hand on the middle rope steadying himself, looking for the spear. There is a flash; the house lights go on and off as if a storm is affecting the power supply. The hairs on Wrecker’s neck stand as a voice fills the arena. M: “Run, run, run away, Bull Wrecker.” A huge swell from the audience as they realize. [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] It’s Morpheus. M: “Live to fight another day.” Wrecker shoots under the bottom rope, tripping over his own feet as he runs up the ramp. M: “But your day of reckoning is fast approaching. And you shall suffer an unthinkable fate…..” The big man almost gets to the stage before there is another flash, this time two bolts of green lightning come together just ahead of Wrecker, a huge explosion knocking him backward. The laughter fills the arena again; the dark, sinister laughter. A ringside camera points upward and spots a hooded figure jumping across the beams of the catwalk and escaping into the shadows. M: “……I…….Morpheus!” Grade: (match) B+ (post) A[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] As the crowd looks skyward and the Supreme TV theme begins to play, signifying the end of the show, Eric Eisen, gone since the pay-per-view, climbs into the ring behind Darryl Devine with a length of chain wrapped around his right hand. When Devine turns around, he himself trying to get a look at whoever is in the rafters, Eisen drills him right between the eyes, a maniacal look on his face. Devine lays bleeding on the mat, the interim CEO standing over him, chain dangling off of his wrist menacingly; the camera inching closer to him as the logo flashes cross the screen. Peter Michaels: “Eric Eisen is back! And I think he killed Darryl Devine!” Grade: A* Show Grade: C+ :( [CENTER]Photobucket [B]Copyright Supreme Sports 2011[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]The Past, Present, and Future of Professional Wrestling[/CENTER][/B]
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C+? Did you not have enough wrestling? Couldn't you have replaced CLM with somebody else? I loved the McFly/Gauge segment, and that match should be money. Speaking of money matches, I *really* feel like Valiant/Jack Bruce is being screwed up. What should have been an easy money match, elevating Valiant from golden boy North American champ to Heavyweight contender has turned into this soap opera-ish thing, which isn't bad in of itself, except for two things: first, Jack Bruce has disappeared from the feud. Instead of teasing their eventual match, we have to watch Valiant and Raven stammer through some weak explanations. Second, having Valiant say Bruce was just lying doesn't make for interesting TV. Either Bruce is lying, and all the build-up was for nothing, or Valiant's full of it, and gets turned heel before you get the guaranteed money match-up of Valiant vs. Bruce. Either way, the feud is coming off way overbooked, which is a shame, because it started off so hot. I like the gimmicks as much as the next guy, but sometimes I want to see guys fight each other. Minnesota/Brandon is starting to be a big deal, which is nice. I'm also a little surprised at the abrupt end of Sexual Aggression, but I'd like to see if Angry Gilmore can break the glass ceiling as a solo guy.
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Breaking News -Signings [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][SIZE="4"][CENTER][I]SWF Makes Wave of Signings and Call-Ups[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] (AP)- The Supreme Wrestling Federation announced that it has come to terms with four wrestlers and has called up another pair from RIPW, their development territory in Rhode Island. Freddie Huggins, Shane Nelson, and Lee Rivera all have signed contracts, leaving their previous employers, USPW and CZCW respectively, immediately to join the SWF roster. Additionally, the SWF has recalled Mainstream Hernandez and Stevie Grayson from RIPW. The final signing is being held as a closely guarded secret, with the superstar’s debut rumored to happen as part of this year’s “Supreme Challenge”. In other news, the SWF has announced that any of the international superstars competing at “Times of Trouble” with title opportunities will be offered contracts with the Supreme Wrestling Federation should they win, so as to maintain a title defense schedule.[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket [B]Copyright Supreme Sports 2011[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]The Past, Present, and Future of Professional Wrestling[/CENTER][/B]
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[QUOTE=lazorbeak;485343] Either Bruce is lying, and all the build-up was for nothing, or Valiant's full of it, and gets turned heel before you get the guaranteed money match-up of Valiant vs. Bruce. [/QUOTE] Not so, Lazorbeak. Perhaps your powers of prediction have returned to mortal status? ;) I hope that everything resolves itself for you after the story has run its course, because honestly it's a part of the one major arc that I'm doing right now. Know that there is a lot more to this than just the 'he-said she-said' aspect of it, although I realize that it may seem tedious in the short term, having all of the JB-Valiant stuff be promos. There will be a payoff and it will be big; dare I say a 'holy-sh*t' moment. This week's Supreme TV should help you see things a bit more clearly, as it progresses the story into the next phase. Glad you're enjoying everything else though. :)
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Show 28 Preview [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [SIZE="4"][B][CENTER]-Show Twenty Eight Preview-[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] [I]This week’s Supreme TV main event figures to be a slobberknocker of epic proportions with four tag teams choosing sides before rearing back and letting fly in a hardcore match. Don’t miss out on your chance to see the Dirty White Boyz team up with former enemies turned allies, the World Tag Team Champions Barrowman and Finch of the New Wave, when they square off against the young brash Futureshock and the suddenly hot Can-Am Blondes. With last week's melee between these eight men foreshadowing the carnage that they are all capable of, plus the varying levels of bad blood (past and present) all of these teams have for each other, this week's main event won't be for the faint of heart. After meeting Alex DeColt, his opponent at “Times of Trouble”, last week on Supreme TV during the Canadian’s impromptu tour of the SWF’s backstage area, North American Champion Bull Wrecker has invited any of the three other DeColt brothers to Supreme TV this week for an “exhibition”. Wrecker is one of the most violent men in the entire world of wrestling; which of the other DeColts will show up and test the SWF waters against the Corporate Assassin only two weeks before “Times of Trouble”? Puerto Rican Power has issued a challenge to Dez Davidz and Danny B Bling, which they accepted on SWF.com, to meet him in the ring on this week’s Supreme TV for a tag team match. One can only assume that PRP’s partner will be the mystery person that beckoned him from the shadowy locker room; who could it be? Will it even matter in the face of DBB’s massive street thug, Dez Davidz? After last week’s tag team match between the COTGD and Remmy Skye/Ryan Powell ended with Sammy Bach’s failed attempt to attack Remmy further, the leader of the Cult has requested an opportunity to “teach the friend of the lamb” a lesson, drawing a match up against the young hip-hopper Powell for this week’s Supreme TV. Jacob Jett will surely be on hand, hungry as ever; will he make Powell the appetizer to Remmy Skye’s main course? The featured match on this week’s internet pre-show should be an intense technical wrestling filled contest as Joey Minnesota takes on resident dark match favorite John Greed. Joey recently found out why he was shunned by Bulldozer Brandon Smith when he was searching for a partner for the tag title tournament, as BBS said last week he doesn’t associate with steroid users. Will Joey’s slide continue in light of this new revelation or will the accusation give him the focus he needs to start scoring victories in the ring? [B][CENTER] All of this, plus…..[/CENTER][/B] -The returning Eric Eisen has demanded time to discuss the Raven Nightfall situation live on Supreme TV. Where has he been? What will he say? And what of his attack on Darryl Devine at the end of last week’s Supreme TV? What of Gregory Keith’s agreeing a one-on-one match against Sean McFly at “Times of Trouble”? -Also, an announcement concerning the legacies of some of the Supreme Wrestling Federation’s superstars of the past. -Plus, Jack Bruce will make an appearance. [B][CENTER]This week……on Supreme TV![/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket [B]Copyright Supreme Sports 2011[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]The Past, Present, and Future of Professional Wrestling[/CENTER][/B] -Quick Picks- DWB/New Wave vs. Futureshock/Can-Am Blondes Bull Wrecker vs. Jack/Steve/or Ricky DeColt Sammy Bach vs. Ryan Powell – Shooting Star Title Match DBB/Dez Davidz vs. PRP/??? Joey Minnesota vs. John Greed[/I]
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Guest Bolton
[B]DWB/New Wave[/B] vs. Futureshock/Can-Am Blondes [I]The Tag Team Champions get a win here.[/I] [B]Bull Wrecker[/B] vs. Jack/[U]Steve[/U]/or Ricky DeColt [I]Why have him lose to a guest? Have Bull win and get even further in his push.[/I] [B]Sammy Bach[/B] vs. Ryan Powell – Shooting Star Title Match [I]Sammy Bach is obviously going to win this one.[/I] [B]DBB/Dez Davidz[/B] vs. PRP/??? [I]PRP is a jobber to the stars, and future stars. His mystery partner? No-one special.[/I] [B]Joey Minnesota[/B] vs. John Greed [I]C'mon Minnesota, punch in that Greedy Git![/I]
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DWB/New Wave vs. [B]Futureshock/Can-Am Blondes[/B] [I]It's not for the belts, so the heel alliance takes the win via some form of cheating[/I] [B]Bull Wrecker[/B] vs. Jack/Steve/or Ricky DeColt [I]Can't see you giving away an appearance from Jack or Steve on a run of the mill T.V Show appearance so Ricky comes over and does the JOB.[/I] [B]Sammy Bach[/B] vs. Ryan Powell – Shooting Star Title Match [I]Bach's not dropping this title to Powell in a routine defence with zero build[/I] DBB/Dez Davidz vs. [B]PRP/???[/B] [I]I beg to differ with Bolton, I think PRP's partner will be the difference maker and will lead the regional icon to his first victory in ages.[/I] [B]Joey Minnesota[/B] vs. John Greed [I]Minnesota's a couple of rungs above Greed, who let face it is only on the roster at the moment to be the resident 'Funaki' jobber.[/I]
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[B]DWB/New Wave[/B] vs. Futureshock/Can-Am Blondes [I]I like New Wave more[/I] [B]Bull Wrecker[/B] vs. Jack/Steve/or Ricky DeColt [I]For the big Mo[/I] [B] Sammy Bach[/B] vs. Ryan Powell – Shooting Star Title Match [I]Although Bach needs to loss this title so he can rise, Not on a TV show.[/I] DBB/Dez Davidz vs. [B]PRP/???[/B] [I]Make me Mark Out, No Neck.[/I] Joey Minnesota vs. [B]John Greed[/B] [I]DQ Finish.[/I]
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DWB/New Wave vs. [B]Futureshock/Can-Am Blondes[/B] My string of picking against Futureshock ends, as even though they don't deserve this spot, internal tensions between the White Boys and New Wave should allow the Blondes to pick up the win and set up a tag title match. [B]Bull Wrecker[/B] vs. Jack/Steve/or Ricky DeColt No reason to job one of your top guys to somebody else's roster. I pick Ricky to do the job. [B]Sammy Bach[/B] vs. Ryan Powell – Shooting Star Title Match Powell performed well last week, but I can't see him getting the win or the title here. DBB/Dez Davidz vs. [B]PRP/???[/B] Dez is undefeated one on one, but then again, he hasn't really done anything but beat up jobbers. My prediction is that Puerto Rican Power's new friend is a huge South of the border star, and the two pick up the win. Ooh, maybe it's "Mexican Batista" El Fuerza! Tag teams composed of giants are always fun. [B]Joey Minnesota[/B] vs. John Greed Poor John Greed. he's got a great superstar look and a decent amount of talent; in Coastal Zone he could be a 10-time champion. But, like my basketball coach always said, "you can't teach size."
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Show 28 "I Told You So... " [B][SIZE="4"][CENTER]Show Twenty Eight[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][SIZE="4"][CENTER]“I Told You So….”[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] [B][CENTER](Internet Pre-Show)[/CENTER][/B] A promo for tonight’s Supreme TV rolls, reminding the internet pre-show’s online viewers that a huge main event is on tap featuring four top flight tag teams taking sides and battling it out. Grade: B [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Joey Minnesota vs. John Greed[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Joey Minnesota wins via pinfall @ 4:59[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: John Greed is a fine wrestler, we know that. But in this one he is so overwhelmingly outclassed by Joey Minnesota that it almost looks as though he would struggle to keep up in a retirement community like USPW. After exchanging punches at the outset, Joey turns Greed inside out with a short-arm clothesline and controls the match from there, tossing the youngster around the ring with his many variations of the suplex. With Greed on the mat perpetually, it is only a matter of time until Joey unleashes the “Empire Spiral”, spiking him into the mat and lazily hooking his leg for the three count. As he gets his hand raised by referee Eugene Williams, Minnesota screams out, exhorting until his face turns red. He then leaps up onto the second turnbuckle and pounds his chest in celebration. Grade: B-[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] KC Glenn and “Hollywood” Brett Starr are backstage, getting ready for tonight’s main event in their locker room, a tape of the Dirty White Boyz playing on a monitor. As they discuss a particular strategy to use against the big bikers, Mr. Hayes snaps his phone shut off-screen and walks into the shot, briefcase, as always, handcuffed to his wrist. MH: “Tonight’s an important night for you two. The benefactor will be watching.” Glenn and Starr nod at Mr. Hayes then at each other. MH: “Now you know you’ve already disappointed him when you didn’t win the tag team titles in the tournament; tonight is a shot at redemption. Redemption for what the DWB have done to you. Redemption in the eyes of the man who is your maker, your financial backer, and biggest supporter….” They start to get really fired up. MH: “…..your benefactor.” Grade: B- [B][CENTER](Start of Live Telecast)[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Eric Eisen is shown getting out of the corporate stretch limo talking on his cell phone as Big Smack Scott shoos away the various reporters and photographers that have gathered around. Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]LOW 2K11 vs. Dez Davidz/Danny B Bling[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: LOW 2K11 win via pinfall @ 3:54[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: A tale of two entrances….and little else. But in a sports entertainment promotion sometimes that’s all you need to have a successful match. The Hollas fo’ Dollas funk music has now come to signify the time during the show when the fans actually get out of their seats and dance, many mocking the awkward motions displayed by the man who leads them down the ramp, Danny B Bling. The second entrance had the fans on their feet as well, albeit in celebration as PRP walks out onto the stage alongside Warlord Agony, both in full face paint, both wearing the awesomely spiked shoulder-pads; the Lords of War’s signature heavy metal music filling the arena; Puerto Rican Power is reborn as Warlord Power. Dez and Danny B Bling are stunned, as everybody knows that, in their day, the LOW were head and shoulders above all other tag teams. This incarnation looks pretty good, even in this limited action. Dez and DBB strike as soon as the LOW get to the ring, but barely have time to double team Agony before Power tosses Dez to the floor and the LOW descend upon DBB, nailing him with a double clothesline and tandem headbutts before obliterating him with a “Hostile Takeover”. Agony drops a boot onto Dez as he tries to get back into the ring as Power makes the cover on Danny B Bling, tongue out and eyes wide, in full Lords of War style. Grade: B-[/I] [CENTER] Photobucket [/CENTER] Eric Eisen makes his way out to the ring, getting resoundingly booed after his actions last week. (Some really believe the attack on Darryl Devine was too over the top.) His seemingly ever present smirk is gone, replaced by a look of stone indifference. Holding his pinstriped jacket closed as he leans through the ropes, the interim CEO of the Supreme Wrestling Federation barks at a ringside attendant, viciously grabbing a wireless microphone. EE: “Let’s just cut right to the chase, ok; I know why you’re here.” Boos. EE: “I have had my people…..my best people….. investigating the claim made by Jack Bruce at “Master of Puppets” that Raven Nightfall is a member of the Eisen family.” He pauses, clearing his throat and then swallowing; dry. EE: “After an exhaustive investigation, we finally found some conclusive evidence. It is my duty to report that…..” Swallow. EE: “…..it is, in fact, true.” Shock. EE: “Raven Nightfall is the daughter of my father, Richard.” Swallow. EE: “Her name is Abby…..Abby Eisen. She’s…..my half-sister, I guess.” [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] The fans boo heartily as Raven/Abby and Valiant are shown backstage on the jumbotron, dragging suitcases, wearing dark sunglasses, hurriedly making their way out of the building. EE: “We have a lot of things to talk about….to sort out. Family things. But not tonight.” Endless heat. Peter and Ana are speechless on the headsets. EE: “But enough about that!” Eisen snaps back into intense-mode, losing the dreamy far-off feeling his previous announcement had. EE: “Now that I’ve finally….FINALLY….gotten rid of Darryl Devine, the next biggest thorns in my side are Sean McFly and Phil Vibert. “Mr. Wrestling” and his superagent.” The crowd loves McFly and springs to life, cheering the very mention of his name. EE: “Vibert, you might’ve railroaded Gregory Keith into giving McFly a match at the pay-per-view and tricked him into getting your way, but you’re dealing with the boss now, so listen up.” The camera gets close, right in his mug. EE: “Let’s see how your boy looks going into “Times of Trouble” after…..his handicap match next week on Supreme.” The big heat again. They hate that he can make matches; that he’s in charge. EE: “Next week Vibert, it’ll be Sean McFly on one side of the ring………” Cheers. EE: “….and on the other…..” A hush. EE: “…..two other thorns…….Jack Bruce and Valiant.” He smiles. EE: “The catch is the best part. So that Bruce and Valiant don’t just pound on each other or walkout or what have you, ruining my fun, there will be a stipulation in place where if either of them are disqualified or counted out, they will be suspended without pay… indefinitely. It’s like being fired, only worse. They’ll be in career limbo. Forever.” Eisen despises the audience, you can see it on his face. EE: “But next week isn’t about those girls and their spat…..it’s about you McFly. It’s about you and your ability to take an ass-kicking, ordered up by The Corporation. Remember who’s behind it when you’re laid up in a hospital, eating your meals through a tube…..remember that it was us that did it to you.” They rain hate upon him. EE: “And at “Times of Trouble”, Gregory Keith is going to kick your ass!” Eisen drops the microphone and heads back toward the locker room area, his bodyguard/lackey Big Smack Scott coming out to escort him back up the ramp. Grade: B+ [B][CENTER](commercial)[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Jack Bruce is backstage with Tommy Townsend, looking at himself in a hand mirror until he sees the camera’s light go red. JB: “Now, I’m not the kind of guy that says ‘I told you so’……” He closes his eyes. JB: “…..but…..” Wait for it. JB: “…….” Wait for it. JB: “…….” I said wait for it. JB: “……I TOLD YOU SO!” Air guitar solo. Nasty, nasty air-guitar solo. JB: “I TOLD YOU that Raven was an Eisen; some sort of secret love baby that old man Eisen has been hiding for years, but you didn’t want to believe me……even when it was right in front of you, plain as day.” They boo him, but he acts like they are cheering. JB: “It’s ok, I understand, you’re all very slow in this part of the country. However, in the future, I’ll expect a bit more respect.” Bigger heat. JB: “She snuck in the back door of the company, using ‘Jack of Love’ to slither into the SWF so she could reveal herself. And when she didn’t need me, because she knew I saw right through her, so she moved on to Valiant…..the innocent, trusting,……three hundred pound pile of stupid that he is, latching herself to him for protection. He probably thinks she loves him. I wonder how long that’ll last now that she’s ‘out’.” A little bit more air guitar. JB: “Probably not too long. Now that she’s rich.” Tommy sells next week’s main event but can’t even get the question out before JB takes over again. JB: “And as far as that handicap match goes, you don’t have to worry about ‘ol JB running off or starting trouble. I’m a professional. And besides, my goal is still to be the SWF World Champion and Sean McFly is in MY way; trying to win MY title. All it takes is one mistake, “Mr. Wrestling”, and it’ll be over…..” He throws his head back and his arms out, as though the crowd is going to accompany him for his catchphrase as they used to. Some do. Not many. JB: “…..in a NEW YORK MINUTE!”” Grade: A* [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Sammy Bach vs. Ryan Powell[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER][B][CENTER]-Shooting Star Title Match-[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Sammy Bach wins via countout @ 6:55[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: The entire Cult of the Grey Dragon accompanies Sammy Bach to the ring, and between the creepy music, the purple fog, and the sheer number of folks around the squared circle, Ryan Powell looked like he started this match from behind and he never really recovers. He gets in a few of his spots, including an unbelievable rebounding backflip DDT from the second rope that makes Emma scream out at the referee, stalling his count. But Sammy is resilient and begins working in his stuff, eventually taking control with a running knee lift that turns his opponent inside out, flipping him onto his head. He sets out on his signature run, his five moves of doom if you will, heading straight toward the “Bach on Your Back”, Powell reeling. When he whips him into the turnbuckles and heads in, looking for his running lariat, the young hip-hopper pulls one last trick out of his bag and grabs the top rope, bouncing himself up, trying to grab Bach in a hurancanrana coming in. But the leader of the COTGD sees it coming and catches Powell’s legs on his shoulders, throwing him over the top rope to the floor. Powell lands hard and struggles to get to his feet and with Acid, Plague, Jett and Emma, he has no chance to make it back into the ring, getting counted out as Sammy looks on, sitting in the corner. As the numbers overcome Powell, it looks as though Jacob Jett is going to bite him, Powell being held, head tilted by Acid, Emma cheering him on. Mercifully, Remmy Skye comes tearing down the ramp wielding a sledgehammer and a stake (!), making a beeline for Jett who turns and runs immediately upon seeing Remmy’s weapon of choice. Acid and Plague drop Powell and follow suit, bailing out over the guardrail, helping Emma through the crowd. Grade: B- (post) B[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] Bulldozer Brandon Smith is in the arena’s fitness center finishing up a rigorous workout by wearing out the heavy bag, peppering it with huge rights and lefts. After a monster final blow, BBS begins to towel off the sweat on his brow and walks back to the locker room area, pushing open a door and walking in. When he does so, the camera pans back to show his locker room in shambles, having been completely turned upside down. Almost as if he knows, Smith goes quickly to his bag and begins rifling through what’s left of its contents. When it’s empty and he still hasn’t found what he’s looking for, he storms to the doorway, looking up and down the hall before hollering to an intern. BBS: “Hey! Did you see anyone going in or coming out of here, other than me?” The intern shakes his head. BBS: “Dammit! My North American title shot contract is gone! Go get security!” Grade: B [B][CENTER](commercial)[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Backstage, Alex DeColt stands over his younger brother Ricky, giving him some last minute instructions as they head toward the curtain, waiting on his music. As he adjusts his elbow pad, Bull Wrecker pushes by both of them, snorting as he does so. BW: “The little one was the best you could do?” Alex pats his brother on the shoulder. AD: “Ricky can handle himself in the ring just fine. You’ll see.” Wrecker looks Ricky up and down and, to his credit, the youngster does not look intimidated in the face of his massive opponent. BW: “I’m going to eat him for breakfast, Alex, just like I’m going to do to you at ‘Times of Trouble’. Send you both back to Canada having learned a lesson.” Grade: B- [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Bull Wrecker vs. Ricky DeColt[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]-North American Title Match-[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Bull Wrecker wins via pinfall @ 3:31[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: The Corporate Assassin does as he claimed, totally sandblasting Ricky DeColt with his brother Alex watching (cringing) at ringside. Wrecker manhandles the young Canadian from the start, displaying his unbelievable power by military pressing Ricky over his head ten or twelve times before tossing him over the top rope to the floor. The youngest DeColt brushes himself off only to get destroyed with a clothesline and lifted up into a torture rack backbreaker upon re-entering the fray. Alex begins getting worried for his brother’s safety and scrambles around the ring, looking for a towel to throw in, Ricky gasping and fading stretched across Wrecker’s massive shoulders. Bull realizes what Alex is trying to do and decides to get in the final part of his message before he can save Ricky, setting him down on his feet, almost unconscious, before bouncing off of the ropes and spearing him out of his boots. The three count is a formality, with Bull scowling at Alex the whole time, not averting his eyes until he rolls out of the ring and heads back up the ramp. Suddenly, a crack of thunder. Wrecker’s expression changes completely and, fearing an appearance by Morpheus, he turns tail, beating feet up onto the stage and into the locker room area before anything can happen. The crowd (and cameras) look upward, scanning the arena’s catwalks for him, but see nothing. Grade: C+[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] The cameras quickly rush backstage where Gregory Keith is bashing both Sean McFly and Phil Vibert with a baseball bat as the pair are leaving the building for the evening. The champion is covered with sweat as he takes potshot after potshot at McFly with the butt end of the bat, Vibert moaning and curled up on the floor, holding his sides. By the time SWF security gets to the scene, Keith is running out of steam having beat “Mr. Wrestling” so soundly. He barely resists as they wrestle the ballbat from his grasp, smirking as some paramedics begin taking McFly’s and Vibert’s vitals. Grade: A* [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] Tommy Townsend announces to the crowd that in conjunction with “The Supreme Challenge” the SWF will induct the first two members of the SWF Hall of Fame. Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][I][CENTER]Vs.[/CENTER][/I][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Dirty White Boyz/New Wave vs. Futureshock/Can-Am Blondes[/CENTER][/B][B][CENTER]-Hardcore Match-[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Futureshock win via pinfall @ 12:06[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: A crazy main event, with the stipulation and sheer size of it almost demanding that it would descend into chaos. Mission complete. Surprisingly, Glenn and Starr shone in this match, really standing out and proving that they may yet have what it takes to get a sustained push. Needless to say, they focused mainly on the Dirty White Boyz while the tag team champions, the New Wave, tangled primarily with the Can-Am Blondes. Each squad got the opportunity to do at least one cool spot while the action was still in the building. Barrowman and Finch stuff Owen Love into a trashcan and smash him repeatedly with chairs from both sides until Carvill and Frederique fight them off with chairs of their own, engaging in a nifty chairfight. KC Glenn takes a huge bump, probably the bump of the year around here, getting powerbombed off of the stage by Grease Hogg, taking him out of the match until its conclusion. Slowly, the fight makes its way from the stage and the crowd into the backstage area. As The Blondes run the New Wave down a hallway, smashing them into things along the way, absolutely destroying a service cart, Grease Hogg and Lead Belly beat the beejeezus out of Brett Starr, double teaming him at their leisure. Frederique appears again, this time wielding his workout bar, tipping things in the favor of Owen and Damian, and helping them set up Barrowman and Finch to be put through tables. But the DWB spot the goings on and drop Starr, going to help their new allies instead, turning the tide once again. While they battle, Starr slowly gets to his feet and staggers into a trot, just trying to get away from the Dirty White Boyz, heading down a corridor and out into the arena’s main entrance area. After throwing Frederique through a wall and into the women’s dressing area, they leave the New Wave battling the Can-Am’s even up, two-on-two again, to go after Brett Starr. When they get to the arena’s back door and walk out into the parking lot, they spot Starr across the way, down, cradling his arm. The redneck tandem shares a laugh before heading over toward him. From out of nowhere, a van roars up and screeches to a stop only a few feet away, windowless. [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] The door slides open and two Japanese men, dressed in black from head to toe, spring out with kendo sticks. Grease Hogg and Lead Belly get caught totally unprepared and are quickly both on their backs, each pulverized with vicious cane shots. Starr, playing possum, jogs over and arrogantly pins Lead Belly, getting a tidy three count from referee Jay Fair. Cameras follow the two Japanese men as they sprint into the building, doling out two caneshots each for Barrowman and Finch, bloodying them and knocking them out. Hurrying, with their chore complete, they rush back out to the van, jumping into the still opened van door and sliding it shut. Brett Starr runs up and swings the passenger door ajar, momentarily revealing Mr. Hayes behind the wheel and KC Glenn inside, holding his head, before the van screams off into the night. Grade: B+ Show Grade: B+[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket [B]Copyright Supreme Sports 2011[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]The Past, Present, and Future of Professional Wrestling[/CENTER][/B] (OOC: Went to post the predictions for the next show and realized I had forgotten to post this one. :rolleyes: My apologies.)
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The Rebellion joining is a big surprise, I take it their contracts with BHOTWG ran out and they decided they decided they wanted to explore the american market. With The New Wave, DWB, Futureshock, Can-Am Blondes, CotGD and now The Rebellion and LOW2K11 added to the mix, you have what must surely be one of the strongest (if not the strongest) tag division I've read in a TEW Dynasty. One criticism I will have on the show though is the segment where Greg Keith blind-sided/beat down Sean McFly/Phil Vibert with a baseball bat. I know it brought an A* rating but as a reader it just felt like it was randomly 'crow-barred' into the show as an after thought, as if you had five minutes spare and decided to place in an angle with three of your most over workers. McFly's already up against it next week with the announcement that he has to take on Jack Bruce and Valiant in a handicap match. Is it really necessary to have him 'limping' in all banged up as well ? Or maybe we're supposed to buy into McFly as some kind of superman :rolleyes:
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Pretty fill-in show. The Gauge McFly bit just came up out of nowhere, and the man event was a gimmicky encounter between a bunch of non-main eventers that ends with interference from a BHOTWG tag team? Although in reality, I would've checked the time, realized that this was the main event, and promptly changed the channel to some sort of future sitcom like "My three Martian sons" or something. I guess I thought we'd see more wrestling from these international superstars. We know the DeColts will be there, and I guess we'll get the Rebellion working with the DWB, but so far all we've seen from international superstars has been one 3 minute squash. We've also only got one week left to set things right and actually make fans care about Valiant wrestling Jack Bruce. I did like Remmy interfering with a stake, and even though I was wrong on a Fuerza/Power team-up, we get a nostalgia team up, with a new member of LOW. Warlord Agony is what, sixty, seventy years old? Hopefully we won't have to watch him in the ring each week. This was such a "Sports Entertainment"* show it's frustrating to a fan that wants to see simple storylines and solid wrestling. What was on TCW this week? :P * I mean this as a compliment.
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[QUOTE=Tigerkinney;489692] One criticism I will have on the show though is the segment where Greg Keith blind-sided/beat down Sean McFly/Phil Vibert with a baseball bat. I know it brought an A* rating but as a reader it just felt like it was randomly 'crow-barred' into the show as an after thought, as if you had five minutes spare and decided to place in an angle with three of your most over workers. McFly's already up against it next week with the announcement that he has to take on Jack Bruce and Valiant in a handicap match. Is it really necessary to have him 'limping' in all banged up as well ?[/QUOTE] While I wouldn't go so far as to call it 'crowbarred' in, I would say that, in retrospect, it might be pushing the overkill line a little bit. But I do want to portray him as much like an underdog in this situation as I can, even with the nickname "Mr. Wrestling". Remember, he is going up against the Corporation who've shown themselves to be a ruthless gang at every opportunity. Ask yourself, would Gregory Keith kick a guy when he's already down? Answer: Twice, probably three times if he knew he could get away with it. But I understand where you're coming from Tigerkinney. I do, however, know that you're a Keith hater, though. Might that have something to do with it? ;):D
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Show 29 Preview [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][SIZE="4"][CENTER]-Show Twenty Nine Preview-[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] [I]An absolutely huge main event six days before “Times of Trouble” headlines this week’s SWF Supreme TV. World Champion Gregory Keith’s opponent at the PPV, Sean McFly gets put into a handicap match by Keith’s corporate master, Eric Eisen, against two feuding blood rivals, Jack Bruce and Valiant. There are so many storyline implications in play here that this match may in fact blow the roof off of the arena. Proceed at your own risk. Last week’s Supreme TV main event ended with the shocking appearance of BHOTWG’s most decorated tag team, The Rebellion, as they appeared in cahoots with Futureshock, lambasting the Dirty White Boyz with kendo sticks and costing them the victory. With a head-to-head meeting with SWF World Tag Team Champions, the New Wave, on the horizon at “Times of Trouble”, can Shimedzu and Miyamae finish what they started last week and take out the New Wave’s longtime rivals turned unlikely allies? Will Futureshock play any role this week? What about the Blondes? Find out when The Rebellion squares off against the Dirty White Boyz this week on Supreme TV. Getting ready for what he hopes will be his breakout match a singles competitor at “Times of Trouble”, Tom Gilmore will face off with the SWF’s favorite freak, the oddity that is Golden. Since abandoning his failed tag team with Joe Sexy, Gilmore has a win under his belt and a singles championship in his sights. Will he be able to get past Golden, whose mysterious project with Tana the Mighty masking the fact that he has been on quite an in–ring roll himself? Two internet darlings will do battle this week on Supreme TV when Remmy Skye takes on Joey Minnesota. With both men’s focus more on their individual rivalries rather than the match at hand, yet both needing the win, will this match yield the results that the smarks believe it should? Or will the COTGD continue to haunt Remmy Skye and cast a shadow over everything he does? Ryan Powell has been very impressive the past couple of weeks, opening many eyes backstage, and will get an opportunity to begin climbing the ranks, starting at the bottom of the Shooting Star Division this week when he’ll take on the returning Greg Black on the free internet pre-show. Already a favorite with the crowd due to his unorthodox offense and hip-hop attitude, can Powell build on that solid foundation with some wins? [B]Plus……..[/B] -Meet the international superstar who’ll challenge for Sammy Bach’s Shooting Star title at “Times of Trouble”. With Canada and Japan already represented, one can guess that Bach's opponent will hail from south of the border. The possibilites.... - And, the latest on the Raven Nightfall/Abby Eisen situation. Since Eric Eisen confirmed that she is in fact his half-sister, Raven/Abby has been unavailable for comment. Will she accompany Valiant to Supreme TV this week? Will she address the situation? All this week…..on SWF Supreme TV. [CENTER]Photobucket [B]Copyright Supreme Sports 2011[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]The Past, Present, and Future of Professional Wrestling[/CENTER][/B] -Quick Picks- Sean McFly vs. Jack Bruce/Valiant The Rebellion vs. Dirty White Boyz Remmy Skye vs. Joey Minnesota Tom Gilmore vs. Golden Ryan Powell vs. Greg Black[/I] [I](ooc: Thanks for the nomination and the votes in the DOTM, ya'll. I appreciate it.)[/I]
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[B]Sean McFly[/B] vs. Jack Bruce/Valiant They don't call him "Mr. Wrestling" because he can't wrestle; that wouldn't make any sense! Can I just say, McFly has been booked excellently? He's incredibly talented and half the readers here were like "give him the title!" the second he walked in the door. But, to your credit, you're forcing him to show us his talent by wrestling in some outstanding matches. Not to mention, get his ass kicked a few times. [B] The Rebellion[/B] vs. Dirty White Boyz They're getting a title shot in two shows, they've gotta beat somebody, right? I doubt we'll see them cleanly beat the #2 team in SWF, though. Remmy Skye vs. [B]Joey Minnesota[/B] This is a tough pick, as both could use the win here. Is Skye facing off with another member of the cult while Bach takes on someone south of the border? Skye vs. Jett? [B]Tom Gilmore[/B] vs. Golden It's a toss up, but I'll pick the guy I could actually see moving up the card. Get a character, Tom Gilmore! [B]Ryan Powell[/B] vs. Greg Black I don't know what I'll do if Greg Black ever takes on John Greed. I think Sid Vicious would probably come out and powerbomb both.
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