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Secrets of the Ring Volume Two: Peter Michaels and SWF 2011

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[CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [U][SIZE="5"][CENTER][B]Secrets of the Ring Volume Two: Peter Michaels and SWF 2011[/B][/CENTER][/SIZE][/U] [I][CENTER]…Please Insert Disc Four: Peter Returns to Supreme Wrestling Federation…[/CENTER][/I] Voice: “So?” Peter Michaels: “So.” Voice: “I guess that just about brings us up to the year 2011 and your defection…” PM: “My what?” Voice: “You don’t like ‘defection’? Ok, how about ‘re-arrival’?” PM: “Perfect.” Voice: “…2011 and your re-arrival in SWF, a company that you had previously worked for before departing for TCW in 2007. Just in case the people in TV land purchased the discs out of order, can you summarize why you left the SWF initially to join Tommy Cornell’s TCW?” PM: “Well, toward the end of 2006, my ego took a couple of substantial hits during the last part of my tenure with SWF. As you may or may not know, I had become an important part of the creative team at the time along with Sam Keith and, without naming names or stories, had many of my ideas turn into big money for SWF, which was great. I was glad to be part of things like that. When Richard Eisen fired Sam as the head booker and announced that an in-house replacement was the most likely solution, I applied immediately, and why not. I had proven my worth in the SWF as one of the most effective on air storytellers of all time…” Voice: “…like Gordon Solie?” PM: “Who?” Voice: “Never mind.” PM: “Anyway, Eisen’s ‘exhaustive in house search’ turned up his own son, Eric. Exactly how exhaustive could it have been? What, did Richard go all the way from his living room to his kitchen to make that deal come together? Craziness. Everyone knew that Eric was eventually going to have a big influence on the goings on in SWF, but I thought it was too soon for a young kid who never really showed more interest in the business than when he went out at night with the boys doing god knows what. He got to get in the ring, and get a push mind you, just because of his last name? Should that also be the reason he ascends at twenty-nine or however old he was at the time…" Voice: “Twenty-eight.” PM: “… to one of the most powerful positions in the world of professional wrestling? Apparently, the answer was indeed ‘yes’ and that was, as I believed it to be, the exact beginning of their demise.” Voice: “When were you approached by Tommy Cornell and his TCW?” PM: “Maybe late December ’06. I was working without a contract my last couple of months in Supreme. I had dealt with some minor health problems and was granted, graciously, an open door agreement by Mr. Eisen. I think that they were ready to move on without me anyway, but he told me to just worry about myself and my family, and that my headset would be waiting for me when I was well enough to return. That is something that most people either don’t know or don’t believe; Richard Eisen is a good man. Regardless of how you’ve seen him portrayed on SWF programming or through the lens of the media, Richard Eisen is a decent person, and he was going to let me come back…” Voice: “Until?” PM: “…until I heard through a friend with a great spot on the grapevine, who shall remain nameless, that Tommy Cornell was looking to shake up TCW TV with a new head booker, someone with a different and distinct vision. My friend had also apparently revealed my displeasure about being passed over for the book at Supreme to Tommy….and, well, that was that. I was on the air and running the show less than two weeks later on a TCW PPV.” Voice: “Can you talk about your run in TCW and the business in general, you know kind of bring us up to speed?” PM: “Well, as far as TCW went in my time there…you name it, man, and we did it. We put the SWF in the hole pretty deep, down with USPW, who actually got better with Chris Caulfield handling the booking. We bought out DAVE and turned it into one of three brands running on major television networks during a period of time that the American economy and the country’s interest in wrestling were at astonishingly low levels, all while keeping NOTBPW, a great company doing great things, mainly based in Canada with our exclusive PPV deal with the biggest North American carrier. Granted, they make their way through the US now, but we held them back for a long time with a very successful strategy.” Voice: “What about TCW? What are some of the things you are most proud of from your tenure there?” PM: “We did quite a lot that I am proud of, in fact, it’d be hard to put my finger on just one or two things. I feel like the fact that we created a ton of new superstars while being true to our veterans was a huge reason there was such harmony in the locker room for so long. Both Bumfholes, when they got to TCW, we good young wrestlers, but we put them in the ring with Tommy Cornell, Rich Money, and Steve Frehley, and let them do their thing. We made them into superstars. In fact, we had so many superstars, we had to split into three brands just to accommodate them all. Voice: “So you are one of those who considers the brand split a success?” PM: “Sure do. Saturating the market was one of our business principals, plain and simple. Not only were we offering the rabid TCW fan five hours of live programming a week, but we were dividing the attention of the casual watcher, who might catch USPW or SWF on cable instead. We gave that guy a chance to watch much more than either of those companies could, and maybe he watches the next week’s show because of the amount of hype we do for it on this week’s show. Voice: “What about the decline of the TV ratings from 2009 through most of 2010 and, most notably, DAVE’s huge dropoff. The rumors were rampant that you couldn’t book DAVE like the fans wanted, and that you were burned out.” PM: “First, everyone’s numbers were down across the board. The industry was in the toilet swimming side by side with the American economy, and yet we were still growing as a company. DAVE’s TV ratings were down because of some show on the ACE network, ‘Sebastian’s World’. I’ve never seen it, but whatever it’s about, it draws a lot of sets of eyes.” Voice: “It’s an American remake of a British comedy series. It has Steve Carell in it.” PM: “Who?” Voice: “Never mind.” PM: “Whatever it is, it didn’t keep the hardcore DAVE fans from tuning in, but it kept the casual fans, the ones who balanced all those crazies out, away from the show. Those fans, the nutjobs, are the best and worst kind all at once. They gave me headaches.” Voice: “They gave you a lot of grief?” PM: “On their little message boards or a few other online places of the like; they drove stakes into the whole of TCW, but they always aimed for the heart when it came to DAVE, and TCW’s ‘vision’ of it.” Voice: “They wanted Vibert’s DAVE…” PM: “…with Tommy Cornell’s money behind it. And you know what? We gave them ‘Vibert’s DAVE’ when we put Phil on the creative team, and they still weren’t satisfied.” Voice: “Were you burning out?” PM: “In a way, yes, I guess I was. But I was surrounded by such competent people, like Vibert, like Mitch Naess, that things still got done. Besides, I had done everything for so long that it was good to involve some other folks. Especially a younger guy like Naess, who needed to learn what those responsibilities taught him. TCW was the biggest wrestling company in the world…” Voice: “So why leave?” PM: “Why not?” Voice: “That’s it? Why not? Nothing about the whopping amount of cash Richard Eisen offered you? Or anything about your much rumored blowup at Tommy Cornell’s wife Jennifer?” PM: “She deserved that.” Voice: “Why?” PM: “Jennifer Cornell will act like she has no interest in the wrestling business at all, but she was the one that got into Tommy’s ear about Mitch doing more than his share. And she was also in the office, smiling mind you, when Tommy suggested that the workload of booking three shows might be too much for me to handle. I have no doubt that, had I not left, Jennifer Cornell would’ve had me out of a job with TCW in less than a year’s time.” Voice: “Why?” PM: “I have no idea really. I think that it might’ve had something to do with the way that she wanted to structure TCW more like a corporation. That’s a fine model for business, but there are certain aspects of it that don’t adapt to the wrestling world. And I think, to her, I represented the ‘old school’ approach that she despised and was really looking to get away from. Even though I was making her company, I’m sorry, her husband’s company, a great deal of money doing things my way, she couldn’t stand it.” Voice: “So instead of the lucrative, and I mean lucrative, offer that Richard Eisen made you, a sum totaling nearly…” PM: “…it’s enough.” Voice: “…a ton of money, you’re going to pin your exit on Jennifer Cornell?” PM: “Is that what this question is about? Jennifer Cornell and I do not get along in a business environment. Is that what you wanted me to say? Because that’s all I’ve got on that particular subject. ” Voice: “Ok, then.” PM: “You should ask me about Supreme instead. I’m done with the Cornell's.” Voice: “Where do you want to start with Supreme?” PM: “When I arrived for my first day on the job, I was blown away at what a carnival it had become backstage since I was last employed there. I mean some of the boys missed house shows regularly and got away with it because of who they were friends with on the staff. The company itself had sunk into a sort of depression since it had been knocked from it’s perch as the top wrestling promotion in North America, getting passed by both TCW and NOTBPW. And that feeling seemed to have bled into every nook and cranny of the Supreme Wrestling Federation, from the in ring talent to the road crew to the writers; everyone had lost hope.” Voice: “Who or what do you think was to blame for that?” PM: “I think the Eisen’s really had to shoulder the blame for most of their descent. Richard should have known better than to put a kid in charge of the whole show, and, further than that, should’ve had the creativity to do something other than putting the belt on him too when they felt like they really needed to circle the wagons in 2009 and 2010.” Voice: “You don’t think that was a solid booking concept, putting the World Title on Eric Eisen while they were getting raided by the other, bigger promotions?” PM: “Solid? Sure, it’s a solid idea. But where is the creativity in that? I thought that Eric was a chip off of the old block when it came to this stuff? That’s all ‘boy wonder’ could come up with? Keeping the whole fed from ever pulling out of whatever funk it was in by clogging up the ring with his main event length training sessions? That’s just great.” Voice: “So why don’t we talk about what you did with the SWF in 2011. Do you want to start off with the roster and your impressions of what you had to work with?” PM: “Why don’t you pick a few names and we’ll discuss them a little bit? But, I’m really more anxious to get to my actual booking logs and journals. Those will give you all more than just a glimpse of things SWF, if you know what I mean….Anyway…” Voice: “Eric Eisen.” PM: “Did you start with him on purpose?” Voice: “No, I just made a list off the top of my…” PM: “I’m going to pass on that one. Voice: “Really?” PM: “Really.” Voice: “Ok, Darryl Devine.” PM: “The main guy in Supreme, at least in my opinion. He was kind of getting the shaft when I got there, too. A talented guy as well, who is capable of much more than was being asked of him. Really came into his own in the last year. And even though he’s a bit of a brat, I really like him backstage. We share a similar vision of things." Voice: “Morpheus.” PM: “One of the veterans on the roster that I trust and respect. Now, he’s not going to surprise anyone with a match of the year offering, but he’s a solid worker who can make his opponents look pretty good. Plus, the Morpheus character has evolved so much that it’s just an extension of him now. That and the third person thing has gotten him over like gangbusters. We’ll ride that forever.” Voice: “Joey Minnesota.” PM: “You mean Joey ‘Frickin’ Minnesota, don’t you? That’s what everyone calls him you know. Certain things deserve your respect without question.” Voice: “Who’s everyone?” PM: “You know...everyone.” Voice: “Oh, ok then. (pauses) How about…” PM: “That’s all you want to know about Minnesota?” Voice: “Yup, for now…….how about Valiant.” PM: “The next big star in our industry. No question.” Voice: “Confident much?” PM: “Valiant had been working for four or five different companies at the time I took over the book in SWF and right after the company re-arrived as a national level promotion. And he’d been getting groomed by some of the better talent developers around like Sam Strong and Chris Caulfield in USPW, Rip Chord in MAW, and The DeColt Family in CGC. That’s a pretty wide variety of influences, wouldn’t you say? And the SWF had kept him right around the midcard level; I’m not sure if they had a reason for it or not. I got the opportunity to push him further. Voice: “What about your approach as the booker? Who will be the next generation of SWF fans? PM: “The Supreme Wrestling Federation in 2011 will cater to many types of fans, and hopefully the next generation is the very same one that we’ve been nurturing for the last few, slower years. The product will be progressive, while still being true to the old school roots that this business was founded upon. It will set its own status quo. All bets are off. It’ll be unpredictable. Everything is in play. My goal was to do anything possible to return SWF to its spot atop the wrestling mantle. [B][CENTER][SIZE="4"]First Show Tomorrow Night at 8pm EST[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [I](OOC: This dynasty is only being written due to the massive enjoyment I get out of reading my two favorites on these boards, Monkeypox's DAVE and J-Silver's USPW. Consider this an homage to those works. Enjoy.)[/I]
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[CENTER][FONT="Verdana"][B][SIZE="4"]Show One Preview[/SIZE][/B][/FONT] Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]-Eric Eisen* vs. Darryl Devine -Non-title match-[/CENTER][/B] A reign of epic proportions; nearly two years has passed since Eric Eisen stole the World Title from Darryl Devine at “Supreme Challenge”. And, of late, Eisen has been squeaking out the narrowest of victories against his challenger, using an assortment of dirty tricks to continually stay one step ahead of Devine. SWF Owner and CEO Richard Eisen insinuated last week that Darryl Devine is simply running out of opportunities to regain the title and needs to score a victory over his son, the World Champion, in their match this week on Supreme TV. Anything less will take Devine out of the running to challenge for the World title at the next PPV, “When Hell Freezes Over”. [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]-Valiant* vs. Morpheus - North American Title Match-[/CENTER][/B] The other long running struggle over a title in the SWF is between Morpheus and Valiant with the North American title the object of both men’s desire. This feud initially started as a five man story, beginning with an elimination bout. Contenders fell by the wayside until Valiant and Morpheus began locking up regularly. There is bad blood here, but it hasn’t surfaced a great deal, with the spirit of competition winning out…so far. [I] [B][CENTER]Also[/CENTER][/B][/I] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]-Tana the Mighty vs. Danny B Bling-[/CENTER][/B] This feud, started many moons ago, will culminate with a match on Supreme TV this Friday night. What started as a comedy program took a decided turn into the personal realm when Danny B Bling told Tana that “….samoan ain’t black enough to roll with me” when the two started teaming together following the dissolution of Bling’s pimp faction, “Hollas fo’ Dollas”. After a bloody match at the PPV two weeks ago, how will this rivalry end? Find out tonight at 8pm EST. [CENTER][B]Photobucket[/B][/CENTER][B][CENTER]-Joey Minnesota in Action-[/CENTER][/B] Joey Minnesota has been out of action for seven months after tearing the tie in muscle that connects his right pectoral muscle to his deltoid on the same side. Aside from teaching a few classes to the fresh meat at the RIPW training academy, Joey hasn’t been in the ring at all since the injury. How will it affect his wrestling? His psyche? Tune in to see his return to the ring this Friday night. [CENTER][SIZE="3"][B]All of that and a whole lot more, tonight at 8pm EST on Supreme TV.[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER]
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Well I enjoyed the first SOTR with Phil Vibert and if this is paying homage to two of my other favourite reads, I'll definitely be following this one. It's also interesting to see you working with a future version of SWF, a promotion that in most of my longer running games, were left floundering. As for Hollas fo' Dollas... consider that stolen. ;)
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[SIZE="5"][B][CENTER] [FONT="Book Antiqua"]Show One Photobucket “Debut and Heartbreak”[/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] When the America Sports One picks up the live feed at 7:59:58pm, Richard Eisen, the owner of the SWF, is already making his way toward the ring from the backstage area. Soon, the massive bursts of blue, green, and white pyro subside, giving way to some music as the boss walks through the curtain and out onto the stage. After surveying the crowd for a moment and soaking in his usual mixed chorus of cheers and jeers, Eisen heads down the ramp, signaling for a ringside attendant to bring him a microphone, stopping a moment to stare at a fan with an “Eisen Ruined the Fed I Grew Up With” sign. Richard Eisen: “Good evening fans. And thanks once again for that warm, warm Boston reception.” [CENTER][I]Crowd unifies, booing very loudly now.[/I][/CENTER] “As you may be aware, tonight’s show is going to go a long way in deciding the future of the world championship. Darryl Devine has nearly exhausted his ‘opportunity well’, so to speak, and needs a victory over my son, your World Champion, Eric Eisen, in tonight’s non title main event to secure another championship match at the PPV.” [CENTER][I]The crowd boos the very mention of Eric Eisen, which brings and awkward look to Richard’s face. He then pauses for an unusually long time, especially on live TV. Loosening his tie, he brings his voice down, barely above a whisper. The crowd quiets.[/I][/CENTER] “Listen to me now dammit, if you’ve never listened to me before, listen to me now.” [CENTER][I]Near Silence.[/I][/CENTER] “I have grown very tired of carrying the burden alone, do you hear me? Very, very tired and I’m through with it.” [I][CENTER]WTF?[/CENTER][/I] “I’m weak…and I’m sorry.” [I][CENTER]Stillness.[/CENTER][/I] “My son, Eric…” [I][CENTER]Richard pauses, clearing his throat.[/CENTER][/I] “My son, Eric…” [I][CENTER]Again.[/CENTER][/I] “My son, Eric…” [I][CENTER]Richard pauses again, this time pulling a handkerchief out of his jacket pocket to dab the sweat appearing on his brow.[/CENTER][/I] “My…..” With that, Richard Eisen falls awkwardly onto one knee. His jacket, still buttoned, bunches strangely around his midsection as he clutches his chest and falls onto his face, not moving on the canvas. In seconds, the ring, the ringside area, and the show itself are unspeakable chaos. Staff and security rush the ring and quickly tend to Eisen. [I][CENTER]The live feed goes to a “Please Stand By: We Are Experiencing Technical Difficulties” screen for about thirty seconds.[/CENTER][/I] When the feed picks back up, the cameras are running among the throng of staff as the owner of the SWF’s stretcher gets navigated up the ramp. As the show goes to its first official break, the image is of Richard, the patriarch of the Eisen family and the godfather of modern wrestling, lying motionless, strapped to a gurney. Grade: B [B][I][CENTER](Commercial Break)[/CENTER][/I][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] When Supreme TV returns, the cameras are following the herd of wrestlers and staff crowded around Richard Eisen’s stretcher as it makes its way to a spot in the arena where it can be picked up. Eric and Jerry Eisen are right with their father, talking on cell phones to family members a mile a minute, moving toward the ambulance. As the EMT’s load Richard into the back, Jerry and Eric argue for a second before both climbing in. The ambulance fires up its sirens and tears back up the concrete ramp. But after it travels a few yards, it screeches to a halt, and Eric hops out the back, jogging back toward the building. When he gets back to the crowd of staff and wrestlers, Eric says red eyed, “He said the show must go on. That’s the last thing he said. The show must go on.” Grade: B [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER][FONT="Verdana"]Joey Minnesota vs. Jim Force[/CENTER][/B] [I][B]Result: Joey Minnesota pins Jim Force @ 8:22[/B] Peter’s Notes: Joey can rest a bit more easily about his bum shoulder affecting his wrestling…at least for his first match back, that is. This bout was exactly what you’d expect from Joey Minnesota; a variety of suplex variations without names, a few crowd pleasing chops in the corner, and a small side order of blah. Joey’s problem getting over the midcard/upper midcard hump has never had anything to do with his in ring work per se, but more with the utter disinterest it he seems to project while performing. He has great gifts but needs to focus more to get a push from me. In fact, I’m thinking about going another way entirely and auditioning some tag team partners for him on the house shows. That is, unless Joey has any thoughts on the subject, which I’m certain he will. Regardless of the question, Joey’ll always offer his own answer. The spectre of what has happened with Richard Eisen has the crowd in a weird place. It didn’t help the match. Neither did Jim Force, whose contract can’t expire quickly enough for me. The merciful finish comes when Force screams at referee Jay Fair about a supposed slow count, not noticing the now recovered Minnesota sizing him up for the Minnesota Salute a few feet away. Seconds later, Joey has struck, and this one is in the books. Grade: C+[/FONT][/I] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] The cameras return from a commercial break to find Remmy Skye shaking a backstage vending machine. Remmy, known to be extremely laid back, is a bit incensed and muttering under his breath about the potential loss of his tasty treat when California Love Machine rides into the frame on his mountainbike and begins watching the goings on. With another unsuccessful shove of the beast, Remmy, throws his hands up in disgust. Remmy: “Whatever, dude. Stupid machine.” CLM: “Easy bro, s’no big deal. I’ve got some gnarly snacks in my backpack, if you feel the need for feed.” [I]California Love Machine hops off the bike and spins his backpack around to his front, rummaging through it and frantically dropping its content, item by item, onto the floor. It looks as though he has been on a scavenger hunt and is now selling his bounty at an impromptu yard sale.[/I] Remmy: “No, it’s not that. It’s more like I had this feeling beforehand, like if I hadn’t decided on the grainy fruit bar and had instead picked the M&M’s, none of this would’ve happened. It’s so….like…..” CLM: “Weird, bro. That’s f’n weird.” [I]California Love Machine finds what he is looking for in the backpack, a good sized bag of trail mix which he immediately tears into. As he fills his mouth and pours Remmy a handful, Skye just shakes his head.[/I] CLM: “Weird, bro. Been a weird night all around.” [I]He shrugs.[/I] CLM: “Wanna go burn one down, dude?” Remmy: “You’re the only one who understands me.” Grade: C+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER][B][CENTER][FONT="Verdana"]Tana the Mighty vs. Danny B Bling[/CENTER][/B] [I][B]Result: Tana pins Bling @ 5:51[/B] Peter’s Notes: In what will be one of the final matches of their three month long feud, a leftover from the old booking team, Tana and Danny B Bling don’t muster up anything special and threaten to end their program with a fizzle. It’s too bad really, because I’m at a loss for what to do with either of them. Tana is a steady attraction because he’s a mammoth Samoan, but I just don’t sense that there’s that much interest among the fans in spending more time each week with Tana the Mighty. Danny B Bling has a tired gimmick, for starters, and he’s still convinced he can wrestle. I’m not saying he hasn’t improved, but I’m hoping to convince him soon to return to a managing position. I know that’s not why he resigned with us last year, but I have to think about what’s best for the company; having wrestlers who can’t even cover up their own deficiencies also have to take on the burden of covering up somebody else’s isn’t fair. Tana wins what boils down to a glorified squash match, but Bling does much of the heavy lifting (pun very intended) by selling the crap out of the mediocre offense of the rotund islander…or at least trying to anyway. A splash just shy of the six minute mark seals this one up. Grade: C[/FONT][/I] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Supreme Assault’s Number One Wrestling Reporter and certified “it” girl Emma Chase, who finally arrives at Big City Hospital, counts backward from five and waits for the cameraman to let her know that she is live. Emma gets the signal and immediately begins recapping the earlier incident, emphasizing the very chaotic manner in which the show is now proceeding due to SWF owner Richard Eisen’s collapse. After a quick look at the video, she returns with Jerry Eisen, who rode in the ambulance with his father. As Jerry’s two cell phone’s ring simultaneously, he stoically goes through some very standard questions with her. At one point though, Jerry turns very pale and gets a bit aggressive, cutting Emma off in mid sentence, obviously tiring under the weight if being the family’s spokesperson. “Look, I know this is a big news story. And a big opportunity for you to show that you can cover the news like a real reporter; that you’re not just a piece of SWF eye candy. But this is my family. My real life. That’s my father who is fighting for his life in there. I don’t expect you to understand.” Grade: B [B][I][CENTER](Commercial Break)[/CENTER][/I][/B] A video plays promoting tonight’s Darryl Devine / Eric Eisen main event, showing highlights from 2009 of Darryl Devine’s World title reign. Then, a slow mo sequence, showing Eric Eisen’s improbable Supreme Challenge upset of Devine for the belt, runs in black and white flashes. Abruptly, the video starts counting through all nineteen (yes, nineteen) losses Devine has accumulated attempting to regain the strap during the course of Eisen’s twenty two month domination of the company. Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Valiant vs. Morpheus[/CENTER][/B] [I][B]Result: Valiant and Morpheus disqualified @ 9:31[/B] Peter’s Notes: What should have been a solid midcard attraction devolved very quickly after Valiant blew a back body drop a few forgettable minutes into this one. It made Morpheus look like a hack on live TV so the veteran taught the youngster a few stiff lessons with his left fist, catching Valiant on one occasion with a bomb that staggered the baby babyface. Valiant, to his credit, didn’t come back with anything of his own, but started playing it a little tighter the rest of the way through, staying away from anything in his moveset that was at all questionable. The two do end up mixing it up in pretty rugged fashion though. At one point later in the match, Morpheus gets creative, using the top rope to slingshot the two hundred and seventy pound Valiant. Both men exchange power based offense with no clear winner being apparent, which was the plan coming out of the locker room. Who’d have thought beforehand that a double disqualification would be the perfect way to go? If you guessed me, then you are right. Grade: C+[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [FONT="Verdana"]Lead Belly and Grease Hogg sit side by side on stools at the very end of a long, lonely mahogany bar staring at the TV which is showing SWF Supreme Assault. As they throw back their last mouthfuls of beer and hammer the bottles against the bar, the grey, smokeworn bartender reaches up and switches the channel. Lead Belly, a mountain of a man, stands up and grabs the bartender by the wrist.[/FONT] Lead Belly: “I suggest you put that there TV back on the program we was watchin’.” Grease Hogg, staying silent as is his trademark, nods, his eyes also locked on the bartender. The bartender reaches out frantically with his free arm and awkwardly flips the channel back to Supreme Assault. When finally released with a curt shove, the bartender asks why the big biker has such an interest in a wrestling show. Grease Hogg: “All that stuff on there tonight, with the guy having the heart attack and all that, that’s my boss. That’s the company I work for.” All bartenders have something witty to say up their sleeve no matter what the situation. This guy was the one needle in the beer jockey haystack that didn’t. Bartender: “You’re a wrestler? Don’t you know all that stuff is fake?” Lead Belly and Grease Hogg both bristle at the suggestion that their profession is a joke. Then, from the back…. “Yeah, wrasslin’s for sissies.” A bunch of thick necked barfly locals who had been shooting pool crowd around The Dirty White Boyz and start running their mouths about professional wrestling. With a quick shared glance, Lead Belly and Grease Hogg beat the redneck mob to the punch, very literally, and begin knocking down hillbillies like bowling pins wearing NASCAR attire. Lead Belly takes a beer bottle to the back of the head from some drunk before running him through the bathroom door and out the window, into the street. Grease Hogg, seeing the bartender on the phone and hearing sirens seconds later grabs his partner by the shoulder and leads him toward the door. He then pulls a wallet out from the back pocket of the overalls of one of his now unconscious would be assailants, takes out a couple of hundred dollars, and places it on the bar with a quick smile before rushing out the door. Grade: C+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Eric Eisen vs. Darryl Devine[/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER]-Main Event-[/CENTER][/B] [I][B]Result: Darryl Devine wins via countout @ 18:32[/B] Peter’s Notes: A great main event will be a secondary storyline after tonight’s events, but Darryl Devine pulls a very good match out of Eric Eisen in front of the capacity crowd in Boston. Having spent the better part of the year embroiled in a feud has given both Eric and Darryl very good timing with each other, Darryl being especially good at anticipating Eric’s attacks and coming up with creative counters and reversals, keeping the matches feeling fresh. We play Eric being distracted by his father’s demise as a constant in this match and it set up the finish beautifully. With both men narrowly avoiding the grasp of the other’s finishing moves in an epic slugfest outside the ring, Devine reverses an irish whip and spears the World Champion into the steel barricade and the two fall into a heap. As senior official Jay Fair makes his count and both combatants use their final bursts of energy to try to get back into the ring, the jumbotron crackles to life. As Devine rolls in under the bottom rope, the face of Jerry Eisen returns to the ‘tron. Jerry has the microphone and is obviously very upset as he asks the cameraman if they are live and if the feed is being piped in to the arena. “Eric? Can you hear me? If this isn’t going into the arena during my brother Eric’s main event, someone needs to tell him to get to the hospital right now. We don’t know how much time he has left. Tell him to hurry.” Eric’s eyes never move from the big screen…until he hears the bell ring signaling the match’s end. As Jay Fair waves his arms and declares Darryl Devine the winner by countout, Eric Eisen turns and jogs up the ramp and through the curtain. As the cameras follow him through the hallways and into the parking garage where he hops into a limo and tears off, the show ends with the image of the SWF World Heavyweight Championship, the most prestigious belt in wrestling, sitting folded on a chair at ringside, abandoned by a son worried about his father. Grade: B-[/I] Show Grade: C+ Copyright Supreme Sports 2010
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[CENTER][FONT="Verdana"][SIZE="4"][B]Show Two Preview[/B][/SIZE][/FONT] Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket [B]-Valiant* vs. Liberty- North American Title Match-[/B] [B]-Main Event-[/B][/CENTER] One of the side challengers in the Valiant/Morpheus feud over the North American title, Liberty, has finally convinced the powers that be to give him another chance to win a belt he has never held in his storied career. Valiant was in a pretty tough match with Morpheus on the last Supreme TV; will he be able to be one hundred percent by the time he steps into the squared circle with the veteran Liberty? [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]-Dirty White Boyz Defend the World Tag Titles-[/CENTER][/B] The DWB have been tag team champions for about two months and have seen little competition with the division in a state of great transition. These two behemoths make their own rules and will look to make life miserable for their opponents, [B]Remmy Skye and California Love Machine[/B]. Plus, exclusive updates on the condition of owner and [B]CEO Richard Eisen [/B]that are not available to most media outlets. We’ll have live interviews, via satellite, with the World Champion Eric Eisen and Jerry Eisen, as well as a special discussion with Mr. Eisen’s longtime physician, Dr. William Hicks. [B][CENTER]-Also Featuring-[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]-Bulldozer Brandon Smith in competition-[/CENTER][/B] [SIZE="5"][FONT="Impact"][B][CENTER]-All of this and more on the next Supreme TV-[/CENTER][/B][/FONT][/SIZE]
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Good start so far, so I'll definately try to keep up with this. Your style of match write-ups are right for this sort of fed where the focus isn't entirely on the in-ring action. I'm intrigued already by the Richard Eisen storyline, is he really having a heart-attack or is this just some worked-shoot to try and boost up ratings ? One minor criticism, is the decision not to provide a roster run-down..... Your diary starts 4 years on from the start of the game and just from reading the first show, it looks as if the SWF roster has changed quite a bit. So a brief run-down and a few notes on what each worker has done for the last few years wouldn't go a-miss.
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[QUOTE=Tigerkinney;367335]One minor criticism, is the decision not to provide a roster run-down..... Your diary starts 4 years on from the start of the game and just from reading the first show, it looks as if the SWF roster has changed quite a bit. So a brief run-down and a few notes on what each worker has done for the last few years wouldn't go a-miss.[/QUOTE] I'm actually find it better seeing the workers revealed more gradually through the shows, rather than having the whole roster slapped down in the first couple of posts. That and it fits more with Peter Michael going through his booking logs and journals. Enjoyable first show, with Richard Eisen's collapse being the obvious attention grabber.
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[CENTER][FONT="Verdana"][B][SIZE="4"]Breaking News[/SIZE][/B][/FONT] Photobucket[/CENTER] [I](AP)-The Boston Globe is reporting that the founder of the Supreme Wrestling Federation and CEO of Supreme Sports, Richard James Eisen has died at the age of 56. The magnate, who appeared weekly on his own professional wrestling programming, suffered an apparent heart attack while performing on a live show on Friday. Sadly, and perhaps ironically, many had written off the incident as another far fetched soap opera story concocted by the wacky world of wrestling. Richard Eisen is survived by his wife Edie, and two sons, Jerry 34 and Eric 31.[/I] Copyright Supreme Sports 2011
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[B][CENTER][FONT="Verdana"][SIZE="4"]Show Two “Ascension”[/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER][/B] Before the show open even rolls, the Supreme Assault cameras are outside as the SWF’s corporate hummer limo pulls up at the talent entrance. When the driver opens the rear door, Eric Eisen and Jerry Eisen emerge followed closely by their mother and make their way into the building. All are wearing black. Grade: B [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] With his mother and brother Jerry in tow, Eric Eisen makes his way to the ring amidst many camera wielding reporters. Upon getting the ring announcer’s microphone, he proceeds. “Ladies and gentlemen, tonight the SWF and the Supreme Sports family would like to thank everyone for their prayers and their good wishes during such a trying time for the Eisen family. However, we would like to officially call the story, printed by the Boston Globe and in over one thousand papers nationwide via the associated press wire, a complete and total fabrication. [B]Richard Eisen is alive[/B].” [I][CENTER]The crowd gasps.[/CENTER][/I] “However, Richard Eisen…my father…is barely alive. We’ve had him moved to his estate in Amherst, the family home, where he can receive the best twenty four hour care possible provided by a team of privately hired doctors and nurses. While we don’t know how long he’ll live, we wanted him to be at home surrounded by the people who love him.” [I][CENTER]A smattering of shocked, slow applause murmurs through the arena.[/CENTER][/I] “With our father unable to continue in his duties as the CEO and President of the SWF and Supreme Sports, the Eisen family, along with the Supreme Sports board of directors, have appointed…… me… the interim CEO in his place.” [I][CENTER]The crowd boos viciously.[/CENTER][/I] “I will be overseeing the entire operation, from top to bottom, starting tonight.” [I][CENTER]More booing.[/CENTER][/I] “After a lengthy discussion with my brother Jerry, who will be announcing his retirement from wrestling later this week via press conference to attend to the family’s personal affairs, I have decided that, in order to avoid a potentially disastrous conflict of interests, I will be vacating my World Heavyweight Championship, effective immediately. A successor will be crowned at our next PPV, When Hell Freezes Over.” [I][CENTER]Jerry leans in and whispers something in Eric’s ear.[/CENTER][/I] “The Eisen family again wishes to thank everyone who has sent letters to the family during this crisis, and wants to thank you for the courtesy of our privacy in the weeks to come. We will not be taking questions from the media. Good night.” Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. Jim Force[/CENTER][/B] [I][B]Result: Bulldozer Brandon Smith wins via pinfall @ 3:11[/B] Peter’s Notes: Bulldozer gets the opportunity to squash someone with some overness on TV in hopes that we can begin to re-emphasize the fact that the man is an absolute beast. The old booking team saw fit to turn him into a comedy act and put him in a makeshift team with the since departed Frederique Antonio Garcia, who really, really…admires, shall we say, bikers. And leather. I’m not sure how long it will take though as Dozer’s new, more serious attitude seemed to leave the audience a little confused. There was even a spot in the match where Smith half sneered after a move and a more than a few people in the crowd laughed, because that’s how they’ve been programmed to perceive ‘ol Bulldozer. Anyway, Force does his very best to make this match worse than it should be, but with the ferocity of Bulldozer’s attack, his trademark no-sells were kept to a minimum. A monster lariat to the back of the face painted one’s head ends this one. Grade: C-[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Greg Black stands backstage in front of a mirror rubbing cocoa butter onto his modest pecs and flexing them back and forth while grinning at his refection. As a gorgeous female staff member passes, Black turns his head to follow her walk the entire way down the hall. When he turns back, Robbie Retro is standing right in his face, his voluminous hedge of a Caucasian afro all but blocking out the entire top corner of the screen. Retro: “We’re you just looking at that girl?” Black: “What’s it to you? Is she your sister? Maybe she was looking at me? I mean…look at me.” Retro: “Yeah, you really are the type that just makes the ladies shiver, aren’t you now? What do you weigh? Like a buck-fifty? Black: “More like a hundred and seventy eight pounds, thank you. One hundred and seventy eight cut pounds.” Retro: “Well [I]el gigante[/I], we’ve got a match tonight. And no matter how shiny you make yourself with cocoa butter, [B]I’m going to do it to you like we used to.[/B] (pop for his catch phrase) [B]Back in the day[/B].” Grade: C+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Greg Black vs. Robbie Retro[/CENTER][/B] [I][B]Result: Robbie Retro wins via pinfall @ 6:29[/B] Peter’s Notes: Black and Retro have great in ring chemistry, and they put on quite a surprisingly good match. We had seen the two of them in a few house show pairings when they were both working in the tag ranks. Now, with Black’s new heel persona, it makes sense to see if they can wow a wider audience. Retro used his size advantage and power to outmuscle the smaller, quicker Black, nearly stopping him in the match’s first minute with a turnover powerslam. However, a closed fist to the throat and a vicious eye poke brings Black right back into the match, and he capitalizes on Retro’s momentary loss of vision scoring with a running frontflip neckbreaker. Black keeps up the offense, scoring with a pair of running sentons before getting behind Retro and locking him in a variation of the dragon sleeper. The crowd resuscitates Retro with their energy and at the last possible second he knocks Black into the corner. With a hearty yell, Retro steamrolls into the corner with a splash, waiting only a second before Black staggers back out, right into a “Throwback” (snap mare driver). The pin was an unnecessary ornament. Grade: B- [/I] [B][I][CENTER](Commercial)[/CENTER][/I][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] When SWF Supreme Assault returns, Greg Black is backstage in the midcard and lower heels locker room watching the finish replay from his match before the break. As he rewinds it again, he notices that has drawn a crowd…a crowd of one in the form of Danny B Bling. Danny studies the replay for a moment. DBB: “You came close tonight, bro. Real close to knocking that jive ass turkey clean out the ring. Retro my ass, I’m the real gangster from back in the day, not some punk white boy with an afro and fly away collar. If you ever need me, bro, [B]give me a holla’[/B]! (pop for his catchphrase) Danny walks away, putting his business card on Greg Black’s TV monitor. Black snatches it up, looking at it quickly before putting it in a zipper pouch in his bag. Grade: B- [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] Before going to ringside for the next match, the camera shows Eric Eisen backstage on his cell phone. With his back turned to Jerry, who is helping their grief stricken mother with her coat, he is all smiles. EE: “Tonight? Sure, I can meet you tonight….Here in fact, right at the arena….You’re in the area, aren’t you?” [I]Eric suddenly spots the camera and flips his phone shut.[/I] “You come back later.” Grade: B [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Dirty White Boyz vs. Remmy Skye/California Love Machine[/CENTER][/B] [I][B]Result: DWB win via pinfall @ 5:23[/B] Peter’s Notes: Remmy and the California Love Machine came to the ring giggling about something, but as soon as the Dirty White Boyz hit the ring with the World Tag Team titles, the fun loving burnout tag team has nothing left to smile about. Grease Hogg and Lead Belly are all business, tagging in and out fluently and using all of their tandem moves, knowing the match is a pretty short one. Remmy Skye has a nice run of moves that slows Lead Belly for a few moments before he takes a knee to the kidney from Grease Hogg as he bounced off of the ropes. With Remmy rolling to the floor, the tag champs made short work of the now partner-less CLM, polishing him off with a brutal looking double boot to the face. Grade: C[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Morpheus opens a windowless door and sticks his head into the room backstage where the Eisen’s are watching the show. Eric gets up from his spot and quickly ushers the big veteran back into the hallway. Eric: “Listen, this isn’t the best time to try to… Morpheus: “Morpheus knows that you have risen to the highest levels in the universe known as the Supreme Wrestling Federation. And Morpheus knows that means it is you who could grant me the rematch with Valiant I seek. You possess the necessary power.” Eric: “I still don’t understand the whole third person thing, but aside from that, you’re right to know that I am the main man around here, effective immediately.” Morpheus: “So?” Eric: “So, what?” Morpheus: “Has Morpheus been granted his rematch?” Eric: “To be honest, big man, you’ve been in a bit of a rut lately and the company, the corporation, can’t be looking out for someone who’s just dragging it down.” [I][CENTER]Morpheus looks stunned.[/CENTER][/I] “You need to start taking things a bit more seriously. You need to think about whose side you’re on, man. You need to start winning matches.” [I][CENTER]Morpheus is stunned.[/CENTER][/I] “I’ll put you in a tag match against him in next week’s main event. But….” [I][CENTER]Eric leans in to Morpheus.[/CENTER][/I] “Show me something.” Grade: B- [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][B][CENTER]Valiant vs. Liberty -North American Title Main Event-[/CENTER][/B][/B] [I][B]Result: Valiant wins via pinfall @ 14:51 [/B] Peter’s Notes: We were taking an extended look at Valiant in this one, and we told him as much in the locker room before the show. He didn’t disappoint. Using his very basic moveset, but getting a great performance from Liberty who put the moves over as painful, Valiant blew our minds when, at about the twelve minute mark, Liberty spins out of an attempted full nelson, but before he can manage any offense of his own, Valiant hooks him behind the neck and drives him to the canvas with a vicious lung blower. From there it was a couple of elbowdrops and a bulldog out of the corner from Valiant before he catches Liberty with the V-Split for the finish. However, as Jay Fair is raising his hand, [B]Morpheus slithers into the ring behind him [/B]and lurks squatting in the corner for a moment before lining Valiant up and blindsiding him with an MS ’09 (Pounce). The shot of his face afterward, completely expressionless, standing over the heap that is Valiant, will surely be a focal point of any hype videos we’ll do concerning this feud. Grade: B (for match) B (for post match attack by Morpheus)[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] With the final minute of the show’s allotted time ticking into infinity, the cameras follow Eric Eisen, talking on his cell phone as he makes his way through the backstage area and into the parking garage where a long, black Hummer limo sits, idling. Smiling at his own reflection in the tinted windows the length of the stroll down to its rear door, Eric pauses to acknowledge the camera for the first time the very second he grasps the handle. Eric: “Bet you’d like to know who’s in here, huh? Who’s my choice to lead the SWF into the new millennium? The new face of the Supreme Wrestling Federation?” (Pauses) “See you next week.” Grade: B+ Show Grade: B- [B]Copyright Supreme Sports 2011[/B] (ooc: Credit Brat99 for the cool alt pics)
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Interesting twist with Richard Eisen's 'death' being denied by the family. The scenario of him being treated by the best private medical care that money can buy whilst Eric (apparently) runs the show makes one wonder whether he's there by natural causes or indeed if he's actually still alive at all and not confirming his death somehow benefits Jerry and Eric. Also nice to see the characters continuing to develop, especially Greg Black whose new gimmick reminds me of the current Petey Williams push in TNA, only amped up a bit more. He and Danny B Bling should be a good fit if that's the direction you indeed go. Finally as all good SE shows should have, you've left a cliffhanger ending.
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[CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]PWHits Exclusive: Botched E-Mail Send By Eric Eisen Creates Mystery[/CENTER][/B] -Writers for at least a dozen online wrestling sites were accidentally sent a copy of what is apparently an e-mail response from the acting CEO Eric Eisen to head booker Peter Michaels concerning a recent acquisition, perhaps the one hinted about at the end of last week's Supreme TV. The e-mail is as follows: [I]From: Eric Eisen (TheBoss@SWFcorporate.com) To: Peter Michaels (TheVoice@SWFcorporate.com) Peter- I heard he signed this morning. Three years with the fourth as an option was really the kind of long term investment that my dad really avoided. But, you did great things in TCW and you say he’s the right one for us right now, so I believe you. I am excited, though. I’m interested in the name change you brought up and how it’ll seem all right once I know all the details. You don’t think that it’ll diminish his ‘recognizability’? I know that he’s young, but still. It does worry me a little bit. It won’t take long to gauge the crowd’s perception of it though. They’re always quick to point out when they hate me…or other things. But whatever, I think he'll get right over. Can’t wait for next week’s show. Oh and I love his submission finisher, it looks so painful. But, he did learn it from the best. Best, Eric[/I] [CENTER][FONT="Arial Black"][SIZE="4"]Who Is It?[/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER]
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[QUOTE=NoNeck;368325] [CENTER][FONT="Arial Black"][SIZE="4"]Who Is It?[/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER][/QUOTE] My guess is either Matthew or Greg Gauge.. I'll probably go with Matthew, because I think he is better one of the two And diary has been awesome thus far, keep up good work!
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Props on this diary, it's getting very interesting with the Eisen heart attack, the mystery sign (my bet's on either one of the Gauges), the show write ups are a perfect fit to SWF, and having Valiant and Devine in the main event scene are some of the reasons I'm digging this dynasty, keep it up!
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[CENTER][FONT="Verdana"][B][I][SIZE="4"]Show Three Preview[/SIZE][/I][/B][/FONT] Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Eric Eisen has an announcement for the SWF talent and staff, so they will all gather in the ring at the beginning of Supreme TV for a “State of the Corporation” address. What could the acting CEO have to say that affects so many? [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Darryl Devine and Valiant join forces for a tag team bout that is sure to shake the building to its foundation, squaring off against the newly motivated Morpheus and his partner, Puerto Rican Power. Morpheus attacked Valiant at the conclusion of last week's Supreme TV; so surely the North American champion will look to take his revenge in the ring this week. [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Plus, the SWF debut of RIPW standout KC Glenn as he takes on the bellbottomed Robbie Retro. Glenn is a protege of our very own Joey Minnesota and is viewed by many in the SWF hierarchy as a can't miss, blue chip prospect. Is his time now? [SIZE="4"][CENTER][B][FONT="Verdana"]All of this and more, on the next SWF Supreme TV.[/FONT][/B][/CENTER][/SIZE] Copyright Supreme Sports 2011
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[B][FONT="Verdana"][SIZE="4"][CENTER]Show Three Photobucket “Pink Slips”[/CENTER] [/SIZE][/FONT][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] Eric Eisen, the interim CEO of SWF, heads out to the ring to his new music carrying a metal briefcase. For someone having such a family hardship, he seems in a great mood. [CENTER]“Good evening SWF fans.”[/CENTER] [I][CENTER]A vicious boo-fest. [/CENTER][/I] “Like any good business man, I spent the week evaluating the SWF. Its products, its rings, its roster, everything. And I have found several things that need fixing. The SWF championship committee, comprised of and founded by…me, has identified the bottom ten wrestlers that currently work for the company. While simply sweeping all of them out the door would be economically unfeasible, we can afford to send the weakest two home tonight. You know that I am all about fair play, so tonight, in-this-very-ring we will be having two four way “Feast or Fired” matches. The rules are very simple. Four men; three suitcases containing contract extensions. The loser has a pink slip waiting for him in his locker and his bags packed by the staff right after the match.” [I][CENTER]The crowd's boos turn to a chorus of “Who? Who?”[/CENTER][/I] “In our first match, Tana the Mighty will take on Remmy Skye, Big Smack Scott, and Citizen X and afterward one of them will no longer be employed by SWF.” [I][CENTER]The crowd hates Big Smack Scott. The hard camera catches two fans high-fiving at the prospect of him being fired.[/CENTER][/I] “And, our second match of bottom feeders, of cellar dwellers, of losers will feature Danny B Bling, Jim Force, Greg Black, and Bulldozer Brandon Smith.” [I][CENTER]The Jumbotron awakens and a quick video plays showing the end of last weeks show, with the mystery wrestler in the company’s Hummer limo.[/CENTER][/I] “Concerning the video, I can assure you that the corporate choice for champion is indeed here in the building and will be introduced to the world later this evening. As a special bonus for you, our valued TV viewers, he will even be in action in tonight’s main event in the first of two ‘Final Four’ matches to determine which two combatants will go to “Hell Freezes Over” to compete for the World Heavyweight Championship.” [I][CENTER]The crowd cheers the announcement of an unannounced match.[/CENTER][/I] “However, right now, let’s get on with our SWF backstage housecleaning, shall we?” Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket [B]Tana the Mighty vs. Remmy Skye vs. Big Smack Scott vs. Citizen X Feast or Fired Match #1[/CENTER] [I]Result: Citizen X loses and is fired @ 13:32[/B] Peter’s Notes: I threw these guys together mainly based on the recommendations of the outgoing road agents. No wonder this place has been steadily sinking for almost five years. It sounds like the beginning of a bad joke, “So, a gimmick, a pot smoker, a spot blower, and a quarter ton Samoan walk into a bar…” And now I know why. I am glad however, that the fans were all about the match stipulation, because that kept their interest a lot longer than the wrestling. Spot of the match goes to Remmy Skye for turning a Citizen X superplex attempt into a backflip neckbreaker from the top, leaving X as the only wrestler without a suitcase containing a contract. Weepy, weepy. Grade: C[/I] [I][CENTER](Commercial)[/CENTER][/I] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] When Supreme Assault returns from a commercial break, Big Smack Scott is standing backstage in catering area with a towel around his neck and a secured SWF contract folded up and stuffed into the pocket of his too tight black Levi’s. As the staff mill around doing whatever it is that backstage staffs do at a wrestling event, Scott beams, attempting to engage someone…anyone in a conversation. Soon, it becomes apparent that, for whatever reason, no one will stop, including road agent Steve Flash, who sidesteps him completely en route to a backstage monitor. Scott begins fuming and quickly makes his way out of the catering area and down a couple of hallways until he is in the valet section of the underground parking garage. Knowing that this is where most of the staff and talent have their personal vehicles parked, Scott, ironically, rips a steel “Caution” sign out of the concrete and begins bashing it against everything. As he struggles to pull it free from the rear windshield of a large white SUV, two security guards emerge from their phonebooth headquarters and draw their batons. Scott frees the sign and gives a quick maniacal grin before swinging it in the direction of the law. When they scurry, Scott goes back to the vehicles, significantly upping his damage tally with every passing moment. Suddenly, Scott seems to have a moment of clarity and notices the cameraman that followed him through his entire escapade. Without an ounce of remorse on his face, Scott peers into the camera. “Will someone pay attention to me now?” Grade: C+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [B]KC Glenn vs. Robbie Retro[/CENTER] [I]Result: Robbie Retro wins via pinfall @ 5:02[/B] Peter’s Notes: Glenn is a lot like Joey Minnesota in between the ropes. Very creative, high impact offense with many suplex/backbreaker/neckbreaker variations, and sticking to a very methodical pace. His differences are most noticeable outside of the ring…and it’s not good. Joey can talk, flat out, and is very good at getting the writers’ message across. Glenn is southern and…well, sounds like he’s speaking the gibberish most of the time. But in this one, Glenn no talkie, Glenn only wrestle…y. I only put Retro over in here because he’s going to have the program with Greg Black they both requested after their match last week and he needed the momentum. That and it’s KC’s first match with the parent company since his recall from RIPW. And since it’s just sort stuck in the middle of the show, I felt ok about letting them call it themselves in the ring, just to see what happened and how they handled it. Retro reverses a crucifix bomb attempt by Glenn into a “Throwback” and gets the well deserved three count. Not bad, boys. Not bad. Grade: C[/I] [I][CENTER](Commercial Break)[/CENTER][/I] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] When we return to action following the commercial break, the cameras are behind the building, zooming in on a smoke filled SUV. When the doors open, so much smoke pours out, it almost obscures the shapes of [B]Remmy Skye and California Love Machine [/B]who get out and head back though the haze toward the building. R: “Thanks for the ‘pick me up’, bro.” [I]They chuckle.[/I] CLM: “No worries, dude. I’m looking forward to watching the rest of the show tonight, too.” R: “Yeah, it’ll be good….I bet. I bet it’ll be good is what I mean.” CLM: “It’s too bad we weren’t in action as a team tonight, but I guess we would be if we’d have won our match last week. At least you won your match though.” R: “Well, I didn’t win, but I didn’t lose either.” CLM: “You saved your job, dude. That was huge.” R: “Yeah, I guess you’re right.” CLM: “I’d have been filling my cargo shorts for sure, bro, thinking about getting sent home.” R: “It’s funny, but I wasn’t really worried about it. I just sort of knew everything would work out for the best.” CLM: “That’s weird, dude.” [I]They pause and look at each other for a moment.[/I] CLM: “What were we talking about?” R: “I don’t remember. Let’s just go inside.” Grade: C [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket [B]Greg Black vs. Danny B Bling vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. Jim Force Feast or Fired Match #2[/CENTER] [I]Result: Jim Force loses and is fired @ 11:53[/B] Peter’s Notes: Not a superb match, but it certainly shows that we are gaining a handle on who can do what among the contracted workers we have. The company is willing to buy out contracts, without question, as I’ve been told that money is not an issue when it comes to the rebuilding of Supreme, but I also get the feeling that they’d like me to at least try to use some of these guys. Bulldozer Brandon Smith stood out again in this match and really looks ready to shake his comedy character and get back to being a serious ass kicker. At one point in the action, he flipped Greg Black completely over with a clothesline, turned, and with one step, did the same to Danny B Bling. Later on in the match with only one briefcase remaining, Greg Black’s boot to the crotch of Jim Force, after Force had been tripped up by Bling, gives him the opportunity to line him up for the Black Attack before retrieving the case and a contract extension from the SWF. Grade: C-[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] With the show only minutes away from going to break, the cameras catch up with Darryl Devine and Valiant backstage going over some last minute strategy for their match against the on again off again team of Morpheus and Puerto Rican Power. When Valiant notices the camera, he stops Devine and puts his arm around him, posing, before saying, “You’re looking at the future of the SWF right here.” Devine, with his game face already secured into position, tosses Valiant’s arm off of his shoulder before getting up to run the cameraman off. “Do you mind? We have work to do. Do you want to get some revenge on Morpheus or not?” Grade: B+ [I][CENTER](Commercial)[/CENTER][/I] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket [B]Darryl Devine/Valiant vs. Puerto Rican Power/Morpheus[/CENTER] [I]Result: Darryl Devine pins Puerto Rican Power @ 13:30[/B] Peter’s Notes: The people were firmly behind Darryl Devine tonight, with Eric Eisen’s rise to head of the SWF putting Darryl clearly into the lead face/underdog role, a spot the fans have been willing him toward. You see, they love the brash dirtbag character that he has been playing since his USPW days, but he’s always seems to be the dominant entity in his programs. This is a great, new flavor; one that the fans have clamored for. Anyway, Devine took his usual hellacious beating in this one, being the smallest man in the match up by a long shot. Morpheus spent quite a good stretch in the ring, taking Devine apart piece by piece capitalizing on a huge gourdbuster. Toward the end of the match, Puerto Rican Power, he of many rest holds, lets Devine wriggle free from a reverse chinlock to make the hot tag to Valiant who tears the ring up with three clotheslines and a big boot that sends Morpheus to the floor. With the crowd in full throat, Valiant tags Devine back in who signals for the Devine Dream Drop and hits it on a staggering PRP for the win. Grade: B-[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] Supreme Assault returns after three minutes of words from sponsors to find Interim CEO Eric Eisen standing in the ring. Having already been introduced, Liberty, one of the final four, stands outside the ring near the announce table as staff roll out a red carpet from the stage all the way to the ring. Eisen turns to face the hard cam and flicks his wireless microphone on. EE: “Ladies and gentlemen, without any further delay, I would like to introduce to you the man who I have hand selected to lead the SWF into the new millennium. The corporate choice for champion and second generation superstar….” ….. ….. ….. [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]“Gregory Keith!”[/B][/CENTER] With the lights turning purple, Gregory Keith struts out onto the stage, resplendent in a floor length sequined robe. Taking a quick turn to show the crowd the craftsmanship, Keith heads toward the ring where Eric Eisen is sitting on the second rope, holding it open, inviting him in. After a quick handshake, Eisen hands the microphone to his prized signee. GK: “I never make a promise that I can’t keep and, by god Eric, I promise I’m going to win the SWF World Championship at the PPV… and I’m going to retire with that belt. That belt will be in my casket when I die.” [CENTER][I]The crowd heats up.[/I][/CENTER] “You people may recognize me from TCW, where I wrestled as Greg Gauge and was one half of their World Tag Team champions for almost two years with my twin brother Matthew. But I couldn’t ever get a singles match. Tommy Cornell kept me down. He fears me like he fears my brother and my father. Are you watching tonight Tommy? I left my tag belt with Matthew. I don’t want it anymore. I’m here in the big leagues, finally in the SWF and I’m going to do every single thing I was born to do. I was raised to be a World Champion by a World Champion, and that’s why I have decided to take my “family” name of Keith. Tonight is the next step on my path to immortality.” [I][CENTER]Big time heat.[/CENTER][/I] “When you’re the man, you can back up everything you say, and people, believe me when I say I’m the man.” Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Gregory Keith vs. Liberty[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Gregory Keith wins via submission @ 17:55[/B] Peter’s Notes: When the bell rings, it is obvious that Keith is in total control. Liberty gets very little offense before he is on his back on the mat getting stretched. Keith continues working over various body parts on the mat and utilizes some very subtle heel tactics to solidify his character. He cheats even when he doesn’t have to. At about the fifteen minute mark, the young Keith, possessor of arguably the most vicious chops in North America, unleashes a flurry on Liberty as he leans slumped against the turnbuckles and, as he staggers out kicks him in the belly and hoists him upside down, dropping him on his head with a piledriver that causes Liberty to bounce straight up off of the mat. With the tie dyed veteran out on his feet, Keith’s butterfly brainbuster sets up his Proton Lock. A moment later, Liberty is tapping. As the second generation star celebrates, leaning out over the top rope, Eric Eisen hops into the ring with a microphone and stands over Liberty.[/I] EE: “It seems that we have one more pink slip just kicking around from earlier, just waiting for some loser…any loser… to come on by and claim it. And by the looks of things here, by the way the corporate choice for champion handled you, Liberty, you are indeed that loser.” [I][CENTER](He drops the pink slip on Liberty)[/CENTER][/I] [CENTER]“Enjoy the USPW, idiot.”[/CENTER] Grade: B (for match) B (pink slip delivery) Show Grade: B [B]Copyright Supreme Sports 2011[/B]
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Interesting show, with a storyline that seems to have cleared the decks a bit. The BBS segment did it's job well, putting in motion a push based on the dellusional amount of recognition that Scott thinks he deserves. Greg Keith should fare well as a main player and Eric Eisen is no doubt stepping into his father's shoes as the heel authority figure.
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[B][CENTER][SIZE="4"]Show Four Preview[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] With Gregory Keith securing a spot in the main event at “When Hell Freezes Over” on last week’s Supreme TV, only one spot remains in the match to decide the next SWF World Champion. In this week’s featured bout, Eric Eisen has matched his long time nemesis Darryl Devine against Morpheus, with the winner matching up with Keith at the PPV. Eisen has motivated Morpheus of late, and is rumored to believe that, upon winning, he can convince the big veteran to lay down for the corporate choice for champion at “When Hell Freezes Over”. This match goes a long way in deciding the direction of both the PPV and the company as a whole. [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Queen Emily has been posting on her blog for weeks that she has been scouring the world, looking for talent to bring back to SWF under her tutelage. Last night’s post says that she struck gold north of the border or rather…blonde. This week on Supreme TV, tune in for the in ring debuts of the newest charges of the Queen, Owen Love and Damian Carvill, The Can-Am Blondes. [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Greg Black and Robbie Retro will butt heads on Supreme TV again this week, but will do so with tag team partners at their side. Danny B Bling gets the invite from Black while the massive Bulldozer Brandon Smith will join Retro on his side of the ring for what is sure to be an exciting match. [B][CENTER]All of this, plus a whole lot more. With only one show to go before "When Hell Freezes Over" on PPV, this is sure to be an exciting night of wrestling action. Be sure to tune in for Supreme TV, brought to you by SWF, the past, present, and future of professional wrestling.[/CENTER][/B] Copyright SWF 2011
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[FONT="Verdana"][SIZE="4"][B][CENTER]Show Four[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [CENTER]Photobucket [B][FONT="Verdana"][SIZE="4"]“The One Before the PPV”[/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Puerto Rican Power vs. Tana the Mighty[/CENTER][/B] [B]Result: Double Stoppage @ 4:13[/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: Nothing too amazing to report about in this one that opens Supreme TV, just a traditional opening match that gets talked over by the announce team, who are busy selling the PPV to anyone foolish enough not to order it. Puerto Rican Power may still be over, but not because he’s been putting on great matches. In fact, the old pre-show featured PRP so often that the internet fans had dubbed it “The Puerto Rican Power Half Hour”. Anyway, these two beasts lock up and trade slow offense until [B]Big Smack Scott jumps the guardrail and enters the fray with a steel ringside chair laying both men out.[/B] With Baby Jamie calling for the bell as he jumps out of the ring for his own safety, Scott grabs a microphone. “Pay attention to me! I demand respect!” Grade: C[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] Danny B Bling gets out of a cab with his bag and sees Greg Black doing the same a few feet in front of the building’s talent entrance. Bling hollers out and Black stops. After an elaborate handshake, the two walk into the arena together, talking about last week’s “Feast or Fired” match that saw Black save his job in SWF, and not without the help of Bling. GB: “I’m telling you, man, that’s just the beginning for me. People are going to look back at that one win and say that it was the catalyst that started my rise to the top of this company.” DBB: “No doubt, brother man. No doubt.” As the two make their way through to the backstage area, an SWF intern (re: unpaid slave) rushes up to them, very out of breath. Intern: “Why aren’t you guys in your gear yet? I’ve been looking everywhere for you.” DBB: “Easy playa’. I’m not understandin’ your words.” GB: “Yeah, why would you be looking for both of us?” Intern: “You guys have a tag team match, as partners. And it’s up next.” Danny B Bling and Greg Black look at each other and then scramble toward the locker room with their bags, obviously in quite a hurry to get ready. Intern: “…and you’ll be facing Robbie Retro….and Bulldozer Brandon Smith.” [I][CENTER](The crowd really pops for Smith)[/CENTER][/I] Grade: C+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Black & Bling vs. Robbie Retro/Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/CENTER][/B] [B]Result: Retro and Bulldozer win via pinfall @ 7:45[/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: Greg Black and Danny B Bling seem to be gelling as a team more every minute, which is a good thing for their SWF careers. The story here is Black vs. Retro with Bling on the side, so Bulldozer was just a bonus part of the booking here. The important thing is to keep him on the upswing, momentum wise, for now. This is a good match for what it was. Robbie Retro pulled out a new move that we haven’t seen him do before, a falcon arrow, that almost stopped Black after a pretty nifty chain wrestling sequence between the two. As has been his custom lately, Bulldozer flips Black completely over with a monstrous clothesline and gets set to do the same to Bling before Bling steps back. Pointing to his head and expressing how smart he is would’ve looked a lot cooler had he seen Retro sneak in behind him. Grabbing Bling quickly, Retro hooks him for a german suplex just as Bulldozer superkicks the pimpdaddy square on the button, knocking him senseless. The pin is a formality. Grade: C[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Eric Eisen is sitting backstage behind his brand new desk looking comfortable with his feet up. Gregory Keith knocks quickly on the office door and walks in. EE: “Glad to see you made it tonight, champ. It’s just a little while until we find out who you’ll be facing for my…the World title at the PPV this Sunday.” GK: “Does it even matter? Either of those blue plate specials could walk out of the arena tonight with a win without it bothering me one single bit. In the world of professional wrestling…there is me, and then…there’s everyone else.” EE: “But at least when Morpheus wins…and he’d better win…you’re title win is all but assured.” GK: “How so?” EE: “We have an agreement of sorts, Morpheus and I.” GK: “Oh yeah?” EE: “No, actually…well, sort of I guess. It’ll work itself out. Besides…you’re the man.” GK: “I am the man.” EE: “Nothing to worry about.” Grade: A [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Joey Minnesota/KC Glenn vs. Can-Am Blondes[/CENTER][/B] [B]Result: Can-Am Blondes win via DQ @ 7:22 following Glenn getting caught with a chair by the referee.[/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: As much as I hate having two tag team matches back to back, there is really nothing I can do about it. Besides, stylistically, this bout and the one that preceded it are polar opposites. With Minnesota and his protégé taking on two Canadian bred technical wrestlers, this one totally moved at a slow, deliberate, British pace. It stays predominantly on the mat until the end sequence when Joey works to escape an abdominal stretch and makes the tag to the rested, yet very inexperienced, KC Glenn who tears around the ring, dropping both Love and Carvill numerous times before attempting a pin following an exploder suplex. Seconds after that near fall, Glenn debuts his finisher, an air raid crash, which looks to have Love down for the count. But the very aware manager of the Can-Am Blondes, Queen Emily, spots referee Baby Jamie on the other side of the ring with his back turned, making the mandatory count on Minnesota who is attempting to get back in the ring. Knowing the situation, she tosses a steel chair into the ring right to KC James who instinctively catches it just as Baby Jamie turns back around to check on the action. Owen Love, still down after Glenn’s finisher, looks as though he has been blasted with a chair so having no choice, Baby Jamie waves his arms and calls for the bell, disqualifying Minnesota and Glenn. Grade: B-[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Standing backstage on the interview set with Emma Chase, Darryl Devine leans in and whispers something into her ear just before the interview begins. She turns red and smiles, handing the microphone to Devine. He watches her walk off the set, leaving him alone under the heat of the production lights. “She’s a smart girl. I always get what I want anyway…and maybe later on tonight I’ll want Emma Chase. (pop) But before all of that, before Emma’s night of ecstasy, before her night of pleasure, I have to create a night of pain…for you Morpheus. You’ve been tabbed by Eric ‘Bossman’ to handle his business, and I understand that, because I have been at war with that snake for almost two years without interruption. He won’t take me on in a fair, one on one contest because he’s afraid that I’ll get my World title back, but that doesn’t matter tonight. Morpheus you need to understand who you’ve agreed to step into the ring with. I am the best wrestler in the world today. Anyone who would dispute that wouldn’t step into my ring to prove it.” [I][CENTER](Big pop from the crowd.)[/CENTER][/I] “Tonight, Morpheus, with a chance to move on to the PPV and get a shot at the SWF World Title on the line, you’re going to find out why all the people say…” [CENTER][I](The crowd joins in)[/I] “He’s not just good, He’s goddamn Devine.” [/CENTER] Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] Bulldozer Brandon Smith is backstage stuffing his gear into his large black duffle bag when Joey Minnesota and KC Glenn walk into the locker room, still smarting about their defeat at the hands of the debuting Can-Am Blondes. Emma Chase enters the locker room area and asks Bulldozer if she can get an interview with him before he leaves, but he declines. BBS: “Nah. Why don’t you go ask the rookie for some comments? From the looks of his match, he’s more suited to talking than wrestling.” Joey Minnesota hears him and gets right in his face, very upset about the remark about his protégé, but Bulldozer just puts his hand on Joey’s face and shoves him away, nearly starting a fight between the two before Emma alerts SWF security and they cool things down. Grade: B- [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [B]Darryl Devine vs. Morpheus[/CENTER] Result: Darryl Devine pins Morpheus @ 15:54[/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: A conflict of styles keeps this from being a bit better, but still, it serves as the right match to headline this show. Devine is usually very good at adapting his style to suit his opponent, but has his bell rung early on a nasty whip into the guardrail that splatters a front row fan with his Dr. Pepper, and isn’t quite right for a while. Morpheus ends up driving the match for a huge portion of the middle, which leads to a lot of banter with the crowd and the announcers by Morpheus as he tries to eat up a bit of time for Devine to recover. As the big veteran looks poised to end things late in the match, Devine ducks under an errant clothesline and comes up throwing hands, scoring with a pair of rights and a left before locking Morpheus in a Greco roman knuckle lock and a running up the turnbuckles; ropewalking before scoring with a jump swinging DDT. After two more near falls from Devine, Morpheus mounts his final comeback attempt powerbombing Devine three times in succession before attempting to stand him up for the MS ’09. As he lifts Devine, the brash youngster spins him around and hooks his arms, taking him over with a backslide and getting the shocking three count before sliding out of the ring, leaving Morpheus pulling out his hair, angrily asking the official if his shoulders were down.[/I] Grade: B [B]Show Grade: B-[/B] Copyright Supreme Sports 2011
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[B][CENTER][FONT="Verdana"][SIZE="4"]Show Five / PPV Preview [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [U]“When Hell Freezes Over”[/U][/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER]Gregory Keith vs. Darryl Devine -SWF World Title Match-[/CENTER][/B] CEO Eric Eisen vacated the SWF World Championship on Supreme TV a few weeks ago and hand picked the four men who would battle for the right to replace him. The two that remain, Gregory Keith, an arrogant second generation superstar, and Darryl Devine, Eisen’s long time nemesis, will get it on in the main event at “When Hell Freezes Over” with the most prestigious title in professional wrestling at stake. Will Keith assume the highest throne so soon after his SWF debut or will Darryl Devine finally win back the title that he believes was stolen from him almost two years ago? [B][CENTER]Valiant vs. Morpheus -North American Title Match-[/CENTER][/B] Morpheus was running out of chances to capture the North American title from the young champion, Valiant….that is until Eric Eisen seemed to take an interest in him, using him as a distraction against Darryl Devine in the “Final Four” and motivating him to return to his dark roots, convincing him to blindside Valiant on Supreme TV following a NA Title defense. How will this play out? Will Valiant be able to dispose of his challenger once and for all before moving on or will Morpheus bring that little bit extra to the table and wrest the belt from the champion? [B][CENTER]Dirty White Boyz vs. Can-Am Blondes vs. Black & Bling -SWF World Tag Title Scramble-[/CENTER][/B] After last week’s show, the Can-Am Blondes and Black & Bling both petitioned the championship committee for a match against the World Tag Team Champions at the PPV. While neither team is a clear cut number one contender, the DWB left an open contract and, after an online fan vote, told the championship committee to let both teams sign the contract, calling it their “death warrants”. Queen Emily did not bring the Can-Am Blondes to the SWF to be second best to anyone and Danny B Bling seems to have helped Greg Black turn an important corner in his career. Will either of these two teams be able to unseat the rough and tough tag team champions? [B][CENTER]Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. Joey Minnesota vs. Remmy Skye[/CENTER][/B] At the conclusion of last week’s Supreme TV, Bulldozer Brandon Smith insulted Joey Minnesota’s protégé, KC Glenn, and the two nearly came to blows over it. With Remmy Skye slated to square off against Smith at the PPV already, adding the upset Minnesota to the mix just seemed natural. Three of the SWF’s next generation square off in what should be an exciting and hard hitting contest. [FONT="Impact"][CENTER][SIZE="5"]Plus, the return of a wrestling icon.[/SIZE][/CENTER][/FONT] [CENTER][FONT="Impact"][SIZE="5"] All of this and more at [COLOR="Blue"]“When Hell Freezes Over” [/COLOR]live on PPV. Contact your cable or satellite provider now; don’t get left out in the cold.[/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER] -PPV Predictions Short Form- Gregory Keith vs. Darryl Devine- SWF World Title Match Valiant vs. Morpheus- SWF North American Title Match DWB vs. Can-Am Blondes vs. Black & Bling- SWF Tag Team Title Match Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. Joey Minnesota vs. Remmy Skye Tiebreaker: Guess the Icon Sam Keith Jack Bruce Sam Strong Rip Chord Sean McFly Copyright Supreme Sports 2011
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