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Secrets of the Ring Volume Two: Peter Michaels and SWF 2011

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Show 29 "Go Home" [B][SIZE="4"][CENTER]-Show Twenty Nine-[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][SIZE="4"][CENTER]“Go Home”[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] [B][CENTER](Internet Pre-Show)[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Ryan Powell vs. Greg Black[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Ryan Powell wins via pinfall @ 4:55[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: A nice showcase for Ryan Powell here as he takes it to the half-interested Greg Black, stopping him in a bit under five minutes. The finish is a pretty cool sequence when Black attempts to slingshot Powell into the turnbuckles, but the young hip-hopper instead lands on the top rope and wows the crowd with a corkscrew backflip moonsault. They stay on their feet as Powell climbs back up and hits his finisher for the pin right afterward. Black has a contract renegotiation coming up and I think he’s starting to send us some ‘signals’ about how he’s feeling about the SWF. Duly noted, Groucho. Grade: B-[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Cameras are on hand for the arrival of Futureshock as they pull up in a lo-ooong stretch limo, boos cascading down from the rafters back in the arena when the fans see them on the ‘tron. However, the jeers become even more fierce when Natsu Miyamae and Ken Shimedzu jump out of the back of the limo behind them, tailed by an ever serious Mr. Hayes. As they start walking toward the building’s entrance the Rebellion begin conversing in Japanese, drawing stares from Starr and Glenn. BS: “Um…..You’re not talking to us are you? ‘Cause we don’t know what you’re saying….not at all.” Shimedzu and Miyamae stare back at Starr. BS: “Are you hearing me at all? Do….you….understand-o?” Stares. BS: “He’s from the south. I’m from Hollywood. We speak the United States.” Mr. Hayes has heard enough and gruffly steps into the shot again, cutting off Starr’s attempt at foreign relations. MH: “They said that you needn’t worry about a thing; that they’re going to take care of the DWB tonight and then, on Sunday, take the World Tag Team Titles from the New Wave at ‘Times of Trouble’……” Glenn pipes in, smiling. KG: “…..and then they‘s gonna sell ‘em to us. Right?” Wearing sunglasses but no doubt rolling his eyes behind them, Mr. Hayes sighs. MH: “Yes. They are.” Mr. Hayes holds up the steel briefcase handcuffed to his wrist and makes a ‘money’ gesture with his other hand as the Rebellion both smile and nod. MH: “That’s the plan anyway. The benefactor has very deep pockets and will spare no expense to have a successful stable of wrestlers. This is an investment in you; in your professional futures.” The two tag teams are all smiles, albeit for different reasons, as they go past the security checkpoint and enter the building, Mr. Hayes, serious as a stab wound, close behind. Grade: B- [B][CENTER](Start of Live Telecast)[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] When the show kicks off, pyro and house music filling the air, Danny B Bling is in the ring dancing, surrounded by scantily clad ladies. As Dez Davidz steps out of the way of DBB’s swinging bejeweled cane while he does his shimmy-shimmy shake, one of the ladies grabs the ringside microphone and hands it to Bling. DBB: “Hollas fo’ Dollas is in the house; bark if you’re a dog like me!” The arena is filled with loud barks. Bling smiles and does an extra two-step in response. DBB: “Now, last week your boy PRP, he of the j-o-b, showed up at Supreme T-V with a relic from the SWF of the past, Warlord Ag-o-ny. Now I know that seeing a hero from your childhood probably made you all nostalgic, but the truth of the matter is that the man is too old to be competing safely in today’s business.” The fans boo now. While they like the pimp, they’ve loved the Lords of War for years. DBB: “Oh you don’t think so, do you?” They boo some more. DBB: “Well, it would appear we’re going to get a chance to find out how ‘ring-ready’ ‘ol Agony really is. This Sunday at “Times of Trouble”, the mowhawked greybush Warlord Agony will step into the ring to face....one tough mutha’, Dez Davidz!” Davidz flexes his pecs back and forth while rubbing his hands together menacingly. DBB: “Alright then. Since we’ve gotten our business out of the way…...” He leans back toward the ladies who crowd around. DBB: “…I think…..it’s time for some pleasure. Hit it.” The funk flows throughout the building, some people dance, some don’t. Most ogle the Hollas fo’ Dollas girls until they dance their way out of sight. Grade: B- [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][CENTER] Remmy Skye vs. Joey Minnesota[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Joey Minnesota wins via pinfall @ 5:44[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: We luck out with some incredibly good chemistry in this one, as Joey and Remmy really let it all hang out. It’s really too bad that we only gave them a few minutes to do their thing, but we’ll know better next time. Joey is the aggressor, getting all up in Remmy’s business right at the bell and, as you might expect, begins unleashing his arsenal of suplexes, drawing a big pop with a face front drop suplex that he turns into an over-the-knee backbreaker. He continues his relentless assault until Skye finds an opening, ducking a pair of lariats and scoring with a flipping neckbreaker, and takes control himself. Remmy gets in all of his spots and looks to be well on his way to setting Joey up for the “Skye Diver”……. [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] ……when he notices all five members of the Cult of the Grey Dragon sitting in the front row, watching the match. Sammy Bach produces a cigarette and rolls it between his fingers before slipping it behind his ear coolly, pretending to only half pay attention to the action. With Remmy’s focus diverted, Joey is able to recover, climbing to the top rope and nailing him with a pinpoint missile dropkick, sending him flying. The COTGD hoot and holler as Joey lifts the dazed Remmy from the mat and efficiently drills him into the mat with an “Empire Spiral”, rolling him up and getting an equally efficient three count. Jacob Jett leaps out of his seat, licking his chops, but Sammy Bach raises his finger and Acid and Plague pull him back into his seat. Joey Minnesota goes batsh*t, celebrating again in a very over the top manner, veins bulging scarily. As the COTGD begin to file out, all taunting the downed Skye, Joey pulls a piece of paper from his tights, unfolding it quickly and holding it up. As he whoops, the camera closes in to show it to be Bulldozer Brandon Smith’s missing NA title shot contract. Grade: B+[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Sean McFly and Phil Vibert walk out onstage looking the same as ever, McFly showing no signs of last week’s attack by Gregory Keith. As Vibert slaps as many hands as he can on the way down the ramp, McFly following close behind, the crowd pops like mad, really ready for “Mr. Wrestling” and Gregory Keith to get it on, one-on-one. They take familiar positions in the ring upon arriving, Vibert front and center, McFly to his right, towel over his head, bouncing side-to-side. PV: “This Sunday night at “Times of Trouble”, there’ll be no excuses. Gregory Keith. Eric Eisen. You think that attacks and punishment bookings are going to give you the advantage that you need to retain the World Title when “Mr. Wrestling” comes for it?” The fans boo when Vibert mentions The Corporation. They are hot. PV: “What I think you’ve failed to realize, Gregory Keith, is that Sean McFly is so much better than you could ever hope to be…..that there really is nothing you can do to gain an edge. He’s too far ahead to be passed.” Pops. Like 10,000 individual kernels of adulation-corn popping simultaneously. PV: “Tonight, there is business to attend to. Valiant, Jack Bruce, we have no issues with you. But when you get in the ring with “Mr. Wrestling”, you’re going to have to be ready to lose the match and that’s exactly what’s going to happen tonight. And like everything else that “Mr. Wrestling” and the superagent are into….it’s strictly business.” They absolutely love it as Vibert breaks out an old catchphrase from his pre- DAVE days. McFly rips the towel off of his head, a small square bandage now visible, a reminder of last week’s violence. SM: “I’m coming for that belt, Keith. Make sure it’s good and shined up by Sunday. Tonight, Valiant, Jack Bruce…..bring it on!” Grade: A* [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER] Tom Gilmore vs. Golden[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Tom Gilmore wins via pinfall @ 6:12[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: I love Tom Gilmore! There, I said it. And, to be honest, it makes me feel better about the push I’m going to give him to just come out and admit it. He and Queen Emily have “it”, whatever “it” is, when they work together and I want to capitalize on it. Golden, accompanied by Jenny and Tana, has his only real highlight during his entrance, muckling onto a rowdy male fan and pretending to hump him. It was a high point in Supreme TV history, I was assured. Gilmore is able to adapt to any style and work a great match with a variety of opponents, that’s a fact. Golden is an entertainer in the most direct sense of the word and yet, I believe Gilmore brought out as good a match as he capable of, with the painted freak pulling a few surprise reversals and interesting variations on his usually basic moves. The finish comes just a shade over the six minute mark after Golden has taken control, reversing a suplex into a stiff looking DDT. Tana and Jenny urge him on, but Golden instead saunters over to the side of the ring they’re on, blowing kisses to them. Gilmore recovers and is waiting for Golden when he is done air-smooching his hangers-on, kicking him in the belly and sending him into the ropes, catching him with a tight tilt-a-whirl suplex on the rebound before lifting him up and smashing his face into the mat with the “Anger Management” (Front Russian Leg Sweep). Gilmore rolls out of the ring and has his arms raised, walking backward up the rampthe instant the three count is complete. Queen Emily beams alongside him, looking excited about her opportunity for success after so much failure, finally managing a winner. Jenny and Tana attempt to help Golden to his feet but he flips out, yelling at the both of them and storming off alone, leaving a confused blonde and Samoan alone in the ring. Grade: B[/I] [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] Tom Gilmore and Queen Emily hug as they walk through the curtain, making plans to go out on the town following his big win. As they hustle into their locker room and grab their bags, Joe Sexy walks in, smiling because he still just doesn’t get it. JS: “Nice win, Tom. Looking really good out there, man.” Gilmore grunts and makes ‘awkward’ eyes at Emily, who takes the hint. QE: “Joe, listen….” He cuts her off. JS: “I was hoping that maybe you got me a match at “Times of Trouble”, you know, anything. I’ll even wrestle on the pre-show…..” She jumps back in. QE: “JOE!” He stops. QE: “Listen, I don’t want you to take this the wrong way, Joe, but I’m not sure that my being your manager is such a good idea anymore.” Joe shakes his head. JS: “Are you…..I mean, I don’t mean we have to be a tag team, I know it wasn’t really working and…..” QE: “Joe.” He stops again. Starting to realize. QE: “Enough.” He shakes his head again. JS: “Do you think you could set me up with something before we go our separate ways? Is there another spot in the four way that Tom is in at ‘Times of Trouble’?” She shakes her head now. QE: “No, Joe.” JS: “No how, like…..?” She’s mad; Gilmore walks away. QE: “No to all of it. No, there isn’t a spot in the four way, the last spot is being held for the last international superstar. And no, I will not get you booked in a match if I’m not going to manage you anymore. You know what? You’re a loser, Joe, ok. Whatever you used to have that made you successful here in the past, you’ve lost.” He is slackjawed; she is dressing him down right in front of the camera. JS: “But….” QE: “No, no more talking, Joe. Just go home. Go away. Leave us alone.” As she walks away and closes Gilmore’s locker room door behind her, Sexy stands wide-eyed, as if he is in shock. Grade: B+ (commercial) [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] Shirtless, long black hair, dark skin, muscled, taut, lean, walking barefoot along the wet edge of a beach’s sand. The sun is behind him, keeping his face in the shadows until the camera shifts position. “There are stars, there are superstars; there are legends and icons. And then, above all of them…..there is me.” A close up. “I’m Antonio Maxi Marquez.” The shot changes. We are now with Marquez in a posh, private gym, where he runs on a treadmill, hooked up to various monitoring devices. If the Rocky movies existed in this universe, an Ivan Drago reference would be perfect right here. “In Mexico, I am on the highest rated TV show of all time; I make blockbuster movies that make millions, all while I win championships.” The shot changes again, now rolling some career highlights and some very impressive offensive maneuvers. “There billboards with my face on them all over Mexico. Soon, they’ll be in your town, too.” It comes back to the beach where AMM is now squatting, writing “SWF” in the sand and watching it wash out. The camera is still close. “I’m coming at ‘Times of Trouble’. My goal is the same as it always is, to be the best at whatever I do. Right now, I feel like winning one of your SWF titles; so that’s what I’m going to do. Be ready.” Grade: B- [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER] The Rebellion vs. Dirty White Boyz[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: The Rebellion wins via pinfall @ 8:03[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: The fans’ first look at Natsu Miyamae and Ken Shimedzu, otherwise known as BHOTWG’s Rebellion, is a pretty good one, but the match ends with shenanigans. And after last week’s attack on both the DWB and their pay-per-view opponents, the New Wave, the Rebellion draws a significant amount of heat. Lead Belly and Grease Hogg barely let them get to the ring before they initiate the action, throwing hands and exchanging vicious blows with the Japanese imports. When referee Baby Jamie restores order things get much more traditional, with Shimedzu and Miyamae taking the upper hand with a combination of very fluid tag wrestling and top quality heel work, gouging eyes, pulling hair, and faking tags behind the referee’s back, really drawing the ire of the fans. They appear to be on the brink of ending the match when the former SWF tag team champions begin to rally, Lead Belly tagging in the monstrous Grease Hogg who hits the ring hard, dropping both members of the Rebellion with clotheslines before powerslamming them, stacked one on top of the other, and hollering out to his recovering teammate. Lead Belly gets a final burst and rejoins the fray, sending Miyamae over the top rope and setting up beside Grease Hogg as Hogg gets set to deliver their double boot finisher to Shimedzu. However, as Baby Jamie looks over the top rope, checking on Miyamae’s condition....... [CENTER] Photobucket [/CENTER] ......KC Glenn emerges from underneath the ring with Mr. Hayes’ steel briefcase, walloping Lead Belly but only scraping Grease Hogg. No matter; Miyamae grabs hold of Hogg’s ankles from the floor, pulling him down as Shimedzu covers the stone still Lead Belly for the three count. The bell rings and both members of Futureshock join the Rebellion in the ring, with Grease Hogg getting to his feet, not realizing that it is now four-on-one. When he finally stands and turns around and sees the situation, he doesn’t back down, putting his hands up and beckoning them all in. As it looks like he is about to get trounced...... [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] .....the New Wave sprint down the ramp and clear the ring with chairs, saving Hogg. Barrowman hollers for a microphone, very riled up. TB: “Rebellion, we’ve wrestled you in Japan before and beaten you for titles. You’re comin’ over here lookin’ to even it up with us? Trying to make us look bad in OUR promotion? In our house? Do you believe that, Scout?” Finch grabs the microphone. SF: “No way, son; no way!” Suddenly there is chaos again as...... [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] ......Owen Love and Damian Carvill appear in the ring and begin swinging the very same chairs that the tag-team champions used to save the DWB only moments ago. Scout takes a good pop before Grease Hogg pulls him out of the ring, but there are only a few seconds before the whole scene descends into absolute bedlam again as all ten wrestlers begin brawling, drawing the largest group of polo shirt clad SWF security yet. They finally begin to separate the men as the show goes to the next segment. Grade: B- (post) B+[/I] A promo for “Times of Trouble” rolls, highlighting the three international, inter-promotional, SWF title matches, featuring CGC’s Alex DeColt, OLLIE’S Antonio Maxi Marquez, and BHOTWG’s Rebellion. It closes with a quick montage of all the match-ups, ending with some more hype for Keith vs. McFly. Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Sean McFly vs. Jack Bruce/Valiant[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Sean McFly wins via countout @ 14:08[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: A fabulous output from these three; both Valiant and Jack Bruce raised their games to stay with “Mr. Wrestling” and it made for a very entertaining main event. There is crazy tension from the start between all involved, and the stipulations of the match make it even more interesting. Valiant shoves Bruce out of his face as JB appears to go over to discuss a plan of attack with him as the opening bell rings. McFly puts Valiant through the paces and the big man bumps his tail off, taking a huge dropkick flush in the mouth before reversing an irish whip into a bodyslam and making the tag. Bruce seems willing to cut corners, in contrast to his partner tonight, and begins taking control against McFly, trying unsuccessfully to catch “Mr. Wrestling” with a “NYM” several different times. No matter how much it appears that they don’t want to, Valiant and Jack Bruce begin working well together, in and out of the ring, wearing down the Canadian legend and no doubt drawing a smile from Eric Eisen wherever he’s watching, as this was his intention in booking this match. As the match reaches its peak...... [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] ....... Raven Nightfall/Abby Eisen rushes through the curtain and comes out to the ring, pounding the edge of the canvas as Valiant looks to be on the verge of putting the match away. The fans, understandably, give her the verbal business from the second they see her, drawing a side grabbing laugh from Bruce but visibly upsetting Valiant. Phil Vibert urges McFly on from his side of the ring as Valiant’s attack has slowed considerably, his attention diverted three ways, between McFly, Raven, and the crowd who haven’t stopped. Bruce reaches, wanting the tag, but Valiant doesn’t even look at him. Raven tries to get Valiant back into the game, yelling out to him as McFly begins getting to his feet, but he can’t seem to focus. “Mr. Wrestling” hits a pair of left hands before Valiant snaps back into things and he leans to make the tag to JB who hits the ring, going head to head with McFly, the action really hitting a fever pitch. But as Bruce and McFly begin putting on a clinic, Raven hops up onto the apron, trying to shake some sense back into Valiant. Bad move. Behind her, Bruce reverses his way out of a superplex attempt, sliding down and quickly grabbing McFly, positioning him for a “NYM” from the top rope. But McFly is McFly and shoves JB off at the last second, sending him tumbling into the cables and violently, but unintentionally, knocking Raven from the apron to the floor, leaving her in a heap. Valiant flies into a rage, but quickly realizes that Raven is really hurt and, after a conflicted couple of seconds, goes to her. McFly climbs down, shaking the cobwebs loose, looking for Bruce as Valiant pick up Raven, cradling her in his arms. As “Mr. Wrestling” slowly begins stalking JB, looking for the “Delorean Driver ‘11”, which would undoubtedly end the match, Valiant heads up the ramp carrying his unconscious girlfriend. Referee Jay Fair starts and ends his count, counting out Valiant, before McFly can catch Bruce with the move, the bell ringing to the surprise of both men. As the ring announcer bellows the match’s result, McFly winning by a countout, the backstage cameras catch up with Valiant, as he helps some paramedics load Raven into the back of an ambulance before climbing in, the doors shutting behind him before they speed away, siren wailing. Grade: A*[/I] Show Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket [B]Copyright Supreme Sports 2011[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]The Past, Present, and Future of Professional Wrestling[/CENTER][/B]
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PPV News [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER][SIZE="4"]-SWF News-[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [I]As it is the SWF’s international supershow, it seemed only fitting to hold "Times of Trouble" outside of the United States. But where? After narrowing the choices to the two countries the US shares a border with, Mexico and Canada, the powers-that-be decided on a novel concept. For the first time ever a wrestling pay-per-view will be held simultaneously in two different locations; in two different nations. One part of “Times of Trouble” will be held in Mexico City, Mexico while another will take place in Toronto, Canada with both locations expected to sell out. With two loaded cards and the other half of the event being shown live, as it happens, on the SWF’s monstrous jumbotron, the live fans won’t miss a single thing. For the home viewer, the transitions are expected to be seamless from location to location, broadcast team to broadcast team. Don’t miss this historic occasion which officially kicks off the countdown to “The Supreme Challenge”, our biggest show of the year. (OOC: Just watched WMII about a week ago and……well…..you know.)[/I]
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Show 30 Preview [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][SIZE="4"][CENTER]-Show Thirty PPV Preview-[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] [I]Our main event, finishing the show in Toronto, will be the SWF World Heavyweight Title match pitting corporate champion Gregory Keith against “Mr. Wrestling” himself, Sean McFly. Since joining the ranks of the Supreme Wrestling Federation earlier in the year, McFly has had his sights set on Keith’s World title. Yet, as he has for anyone attempting to wrest the belt from his champion, interim SWF CEO Eric Eisen, has made McFly’s road to the title match a long, tiring one. Can “Mr. Wrestling” win the SWF title, a belt he already wore over a decade ago? Will Gregory Keith once again find a way to escape with his precious World Championship? What will happen when the two best wrestlers in the world finally step into the ring to face off, one-on-one? Those questions will be answered this Sunday at “Times of Trouble”. Sammy Bach and his Cult of the Grey Dragon have been making life very difficult for Remmy Skye over the last couple of months, not only thwarting his chances to wrest the Shooting Star title away from Bach, but threatening his very being with the undead Jacob Jett lusting for his blood. At “Times of Trouble”, Sammy Bach will have to refocus his evil energies in a different direction as OLLIE superstar Antonio Maxi Marquez comes calling, looking to add SWF gold to his already vast collection. In the second of our two featured contests in Toronto, local legend Alex DeColt represents his family’s company, CGC, but more importantly, his family’s legacy at “Times of Trouble” when he steps into an SWF ring to take on the North American Champion, The Corporate Assassin, Bull Wrecker. While Wrecker has been haunted by the returning Morpheus, he has still had time to alienate the visiting DeColt, treating him like rubbish upon their meeting and then beating the tar out of Alex’s younger brother Ricky in an exhibition. How will the SWF’s monster fare in the ring against a man who is generally regarded as one of the finest technicians in his country? With so many tag teams legitimately in the hunt for tag title shots, the SWF Championship Committee has ordered a three way table match to decide who is next in line for a championship opportunity, regardless of the outcome between the New Wave and the Rebellion. At “Times of Trouble” the perimeter of the entire ringside area will be lined with table after table, with eliminations occurring only when both members of a team have been put through a table. Witness it live when the Dirty White Boyz, Futureshock, and the Can-Am Blondes do battle, hardcore style, with a shot at the belts on the line. A four way match with some international flavor just got a whole lot more interesting following the last Supreme TV. With the smarks already marking their shorts in anticipation of a match featuring Bulldozer Brandon Smith, Joey Minnesota, and Tom Gilmore (plus an international superstar to be named) add to it the fact that it was Minnesota who stole Bulldozer’s NA Title shot contract, and we’ve got ourselves a scorching hot match. Joey, obviously upset that BBS branded him a steroid user, went after something dear to his rival, pulling the folded contract from his trunks after his match last week, trying to settle the score. This match could very well steal the show; don’t miss “Times of Trouble”. The SWF has been graced over the last two weeks with the presence of one of the greats, a true tag team wrestling legend, Warlord Agony. Offering Puerto Rican Power the opportunity to reform the Lords of War with him as an honorary third member, Agony also dropped himself right in the middle of PRP’s issue with Hollas fo’ Dollas. At “Times of Trouble”, Warlord Agony will be put to the test, matching up against the HFD’s Dez Davidz, a mammoth street thug. Will experience overcome youth? Or is the young horse just too fast? Tune in to find out. The New Wave’s pay-per-view opponents, BHOTWG’s Rebellion, took an untraditional route with their debut, viciously attacking both Barrowman and Finch and the Dirty White Boyz, costing them an important eight man tag match. As it would turn out, the Rebellion is working for Futureshock and their mysterious benefactor, settling Starr’s and Glenn’s grudges for them with their nasty kendo sticks and now apparently planning to sell the World Tag Team Titles to Futureshock when they beat the New Wave for them at “Times of Trouble”. How will this whole thing play out? Don’t miss what should be one of the best tag team matches of the year. Remmy Skye's quest for the SWF Shooting Star strap has been sidetracked of late by the continued vampiric advances of the COTGD's Jacob Jett. It can only be described as a blood feud in the fullest and most literal sense of the phrase and at "Times of Trouble", it comes to a head. Will Remmy prevail over the darkness or will the COTGD add another to their midst? Will Jacob finally eat? Find out this Sunday night. [B][CENTER] All of this, some other surprises, and a huge announcement about "Supreme Challenge"..........[/CENTER] [CENTER] .........only at "Times of Trouble" on PPV![/CENTER][/B] -Quick Picks- Gregory Keith* vs. Sean McFly – World Heavyweight Title Match Bull Wrecker vs. Alex DeColt – SWF vs. CGC North American Title Match BBS vs. Tom Gilmore vs. Joey Minnesota vs. Final IN Superstar Warlord Agony vs. Dez Davidz – Challenge Match Dirty White Boyz vs. Futureshock vs. Can-Am Blondes - #1 Contender Table Match Sammy Bach vs. Antonio Maxi Marquez – SWF vs. OLLIE Shooting Star Title Match New Wave vs. The Rebellion – SWF vs. BHOTWG World Tag Team Title Match Jacob Jett vs. Remmy Skye (OOC: Folks predicting on this PPV will be included on the next incarnation of the SWF Championship Committee and will be polled, both individually and as a group, deciding the outcomes of the biggest storylines that we have going. With “Supreme Challenge” only five shows away, this is the time to jump onboard if you haven’t yet. Don’t be shy; lurkers, new members, trolls, any of ADeezy’s many, many online alter-egos; everyone.)[/I]
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Firstly apologies for missing the predictions last time round, I'll make sure I wont miss these one though by predicting now, instead of making the 'I'll predict a bit later' mistake Gregory Keith* vs. [B]Sean McFly[/B] – World Heavyweight Title Match [I]There's been enough build up in this feud, that the blow-off and there can only be one blow-off a McFly [B]title [/B]victory- could come at any time. Thing is I don't think it'll happen this time round. Notice the emphasis on title, as I think McFly will win but Keith will retain in classic cowardly heel fashion, by taking the count-out loss.[/I] Bull Wrecker vs. [B]Alex DeColt[/B] – SWF vs. CGC North American Title Match [I]A bit risky this one, by I see DeColt winning the belt. I honestly don't think Wrecker really needs the title to continue his feud with Morpheus and DeColt could be useful as a transitional champion.[/I] BBS vs. [B]Tom Gilmore[/B] vs. Joey Minnesota vs. Final IN Superstar [I]This is one of those matches that could honestly go to anyone, and it wouldn't hurt any of the guys. So far we've had Japan, Canada and Mexico represented, so could the final International Superstar be someone British ? Even though he works in America Jack Giedroyc fits the bill.[/I] [I]Toss of a coin, I'll go for Gilmore to win, as you've hinted that it'll be getting a solid singles push from now on. [/I] Warlord Agony vs. [B]Dez Davidz[/B] – Challenge Match [I]I can't see much point in Warlord Relic winning this match.[/I] [B]Dirty White Boyz[/B] vs. Futureshock vs. Can-Am Blondes - #1 Contender Table Match [I]Only way I'll buy Futureshock being champions is if they 'buy' the titles, Can-Am's could do it......but the team I'll be choosing as tag champs, means that DWB are the logical choice more on that later....[/I] [B]Sammy Bach[/B] vs. Antonio Maxi Marquez – SWF vs. OLLIE Shooting Star Title Match [I]This one wont go the way of the guest talent, as Bach will retain, but AMM will impress enough for you to offer him a full time contract with SWF. [/I] New Wave vs. [B]The Rebellion[/B] – SWF vs. BHOTWG World Tag Team Title Match [I]The Rebellion, get the 'job' done, and then sell the titles to Futureshock. Futureshock now have heat for being undeserving champions and you have ready made feuds in the line with both DWB and The New Wave. The New Wave will also have 'that loss' to The Rebellion, hanging over their heads...so a return match between the two squads will be inevitable. After all that, I wouldn't be suprised if this ends up being some routine defence for the current champs.[/I] Jacob Jett vs. [B]Remmy Skye[/B] [I]Could go either way, but I'll say Skye wins here, otherwise he's going to start looking like AOTF, oh sorry CotGD personal bitch. I will say even though I've accepted your version of CotGD, Monkeypox's original version in his DaVE diary was kind of cooler, especially as Acid (who the original version was built around) has been reduced to a bit part playing tag team jobber. [/I] [I]The original CotGD, had more of a mysterious vibe and had Acid as their leader and cheated to victory with things like clouds of smoke and blow-darts. This SWF version has more of a band of misfits/emo-kid vibe (a-la Age of the Fall in ROH) and is lead by a cigarette rolling Sammy Bach. [/I]
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Gregory Keith* vs. [B]Sean McFly[/B] – World Heavyweight Title Match [I]It's time.[/I] [B]Bull Wrecker [/B]vs. Alex DeColt – SWF vs. CGC North American Title Match [I]Unless you pulled in Alex[/I] BBS vs. Tom Gilmore vs. Joey Minnesota vs. [B]Final IN Superstar[/B] [I]I'm gonna say Joey S.[/I] [B]Warlord Agony[/B] vs. Dez Davidz – Challenge Match [I]With a powerful assist[/I] Dirty White Boyz vs. [B]Futureshock[/B] vs. Can-Am Blondes - #1 Contender Table Match [I]The builds been there[/I] [B] Sammy Bach[/B] vs. Antonio Maxi Marquez – SWF vs. OLLIE Shooting Star Title Match [I]Once again, unless you signed Lover.[/I] New Wave vs. [B]The Rebellion[/B] – SWF vs. BHOTWG World Tag Team Title Match [I]Oh how I want this to be true.[/I] Jacob Jett vs. [B]Remmy Skye[/B] [I]REM-MY! REM-MY![/I]
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[B]Gregory Keith*[/B] vs. Sean McFly – World Heavyweight Title Match We're one month from Supreme Challenge, which makes this decision more difficult. My gut says McFly's done enough to get the job done, and in front of a crowd that absolutely idolizes him, but with one month to go before the biggest Pay Per View, I don't see him getting the win just yet. [B]Bull Wrecker[/B] vs. Alex DeColt – SWF vs. CGC North American Title Match As much as Bull doesn't need the belt, I don't like the idea of him dropping the gold to a guy who hasn't "earned it." Call me old fashioned. [B]BBS[/B] vs. Tom Gilmore vs. Joey Minnesota vs. Final IN Superstar This one's a tough call. He hasn't done much since he won a title shot, so we'll see if he gets his momentum back here. Warlord Agony vs. [B]Dez Davidz[/B] – Challenge Match I mark for Des Davids, even under a gimmick where he can't spell. Dirty White Boyz vs. Futureshock vs. [B]Can-Am Blondes[/B] - #1 Contender Table Match The Blondes are your best legitimate tag team threat, and a good foil for the New Wave. [B]Sammy Bach[/B] vs. Antonio Maxi Marquez – SWF vs. OLLIE Shooting Star Title Match I see no benefits to Champagne Lover winning the belt here, unless he's in for the long haul. Even then, I want Bach/Skye to be for the title. [B]New Wave[/B] vs. The Rebellion – SWF vs. BHOTWG World Tag Team Title Match One for the good guys- have my biases against short term guys shown through enough yet? Jacob Jett vs. [B]Remmy Skye[/B] Skye gets the win to set up his final showdown. And as great as Monkeypox's diary was, are we really going to say blow darts were cool? I was on NoNeck pages ago for feeling like the current cult was just a pale imitation/tribute, but since then it's turned into something different, and I think that's awesome. Except for the name, they're not even that similar. Also, how cool is it that four shows away, I can pretty much predict every match at Supreme Challenge? I mean God, even Wrestlemania usually has a "thrown together" type match or two, but this card has got literally months of build between practically every feud.
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Gregory Keith* vs. [B]Sean McFly[/B] – World Heavyweight Title Match [I]I really think McFly is ready for the title. Greg Keith has been a great heel champion, but I truly feel his reign is over[/I] Bull Wrecker vs. [B]Alex DeColt[/B] – SWF vs. CGC North American Title Match [I]Ah, I'm a mark for the DeColts, and I smells a win for the hometown hero.[/I] [B]BBS[/B] vs. Tom Gilmore vs. Joey Minnesota vs. Final IN Superstar [I]I went with my bias. :D[/I] Warlord Agony vs. [B]Dez Davidz[/B] – Challenge Match [I]Old man Warlord Agony is in Agony, and the crowd is in Agony watching his matches. Dez to win.[/I] Dirty White Boyz vs. [B]Futureshock[/B] vs. Can-Am Blondes - #1 Contender Table Match [I]This may be DWB's backyard, but I sense Futureshock coming away with the upset.[/I] [B]Sammy Bach[/B] vs. Antonio Maxi Marquez – SWF vs. OLLIE Shooting Star Title Match [I]Both are excellent wrestlers and this will no doubt be a great match, but I see COTGD antics here.[/I] [B]New Wave[/B] vs. The Rebellion – SWF vs. BHOTWG World Tag Team Title Match [I]Rebellion winning isn't the best solution, and New Wave already have a big feud set up with Futureshock.[/I] [B]Jacob Jett[/B] vs. Remmy Skye [I]COTGD antics. Nuff said.[/I]
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Gregory Keith* vs. [B]Sean McFly[/B] – World Heavyweight Title Match But by CO/DQ - he gets a re-match at Supreme Challenge and will take the title there Bull Wrecker vs. [B]Alex DeColt [/B]– SWF vs. CGC North American Title Match Alex wins in Canada. BBS vs. [B]Tom Gilmore[/B] vs. Joey Minnesota vs. Final IN Superstar Gilmore to win, as BBS and Joey go off on their own personal grudge match, leaving Happy and the other guy to fight. [B]Warlord Agony vs. Dez Davidz[/B] – Challenge Match Going with a draw here - interference from both partners. Dirty White Boyz vs. [B]Futureshock[/B] vs. Can-Am Blondes - #1 Contender Table Match Futureshock win to get a tag title shot at the champs next month [B]Sammy Bach[/B] vs. Antonio Maxi Marquez – SWF vs. OLLIE Shooting Star Title Match Sammy to sneak home, but now with an immediate challenger after he beats Remmy next month. New Wave vs. [B]The Rebellion [/B]– SWF vs. BHOTWG World Tag Team Title Match Much as it pains me to predict a New Wave loss, The Rebellion are probably my next fave team in the C-Verse - so we will have them taking the titles, but then refusing to give them up to Futureshock - which will lead to a 3 way at the Supreme Challenge - Futureshock v New Wave v Rebellion (c) Jacob Jett vs. [B]Remmy Skye[/B] Gotta keep the future challenger strong for now
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[QUOTE=Tigerkinney;492903] I will say even though I've accepted your version of CotGD, Monkeypox's original version in his DaVE diary was kind of cooler, especially as Acid (who the original version was built around) has been reduced to a bit part playing tag team jobber. [I]The original CotGD, had more of a mysterious vibe and had Acid as their leader and cheated to victory with things like clouds of smoke and blow-darts. This SWF version has more of a band of misfits/emo-kid vibe (a-la Age of the Fall in ROH) and is lead by a cigarette rolling Sammy Bach. [/I][/QUOTE] [QUOTE=lazorbeak;492943]And as great as Monkeypox's diary was, are we really going to say blow darts were cool? I was on NoNeck pages ago for feeling like the current cult was just a pale imitation/tribute, but since then it's turned into something different, and I think that's awesome. Except for the name, they're not even that similar.[/QUOTE] I wanted to address this before I posted "Times of Trouble". My intent with the COTGD was to continue their existance, as they were a focal part of my all time favorite diary on the board. However, I was also worried that by bringing them in and doing what Pox had already done with them, it would draw the inevitable "Do something original" responses. That's why Sammy's the head of the faction and Acid's role has been reduced and it's also the main reason why there hasn't been a blowgun sighting (which I'm saving for a cool, one time only, situation.). Mostly, I was trying to recapture the same feeling that I got, watching wrestling in the mid to late 90's, when someone who I absolutely adored from ECW showed up in either WCW or WWF. To me, turning The Sandman into Hardcore Hak is totally something that the SWF would do. More than a total repackaging like turning Mike Awesome into The Fat Chick Thrilla (which was a great gimmick but on the wrong guy), the things that they did to some fleshed out, ready to go characters, were crazy. I'm trying to write the SWF as I believe the SWF would be. Also, on the same thought, but in a different place, the COTGD story is still playing itself out. If you're feeling shorted by the lack of Acid, just wait a little while. I assure you he'll be used as more than a tag jobber in the coming months. :cool: Best to all; I'm glad folks are enjoying this. :)
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I just wanted to say that I've really enjoyed your diary, NoNeck. I discovered it a few days ago and have been hooked ever since, reading straight through to the most recent Supreme show. Really looking forward to the PPV. Keep up the good work! Did I say 'good' work? I meant...goddamn devine!
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Almost forgot, since I'm caught up now, I might as well make my predictions... [B]Gregory Keith*[/B] vs. Sean McFly – World Heavyweight Title Match Going with Greg to sleaze his way to another win here. Bull Wrecker vs. [B]Alex DeColt[/B] – SWF vs. CGC North American Title Match I...Morpheus! BBS vs. [B]Tom Gilmore[/B] vs. Joey Minnesota vs. Final IN Superstar I'm such a Gilmore mark. Warlord Agony vs. [B]Dez Davidz[/B] – Challenge Match I like Agony, but I see Dez pulling off this one. Dirty White Boyz vs. [B]Futureshock[/B] vs. Can-Am Blondes - #1 Contender Table Match Setting up a title match with New Wave [B]Sammy Bach[/B] vs. Antonio Maxi Marquez – SWF vs. OLLIE Shooting Star Title Match No way Sammy loses his title here. [B]New Wave[/B] vs. The Rebellion – SWF vs. BHOTWG World Tag Team Title Match Just can't see them dropping the titles either. Jacob Jett vs. [B]Remmy Skye[/B] Remmy's been getting a raw deal for too long. I think he gets things going here.
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Show 30 "Times of Trouble" (PPV) [B][SIZE="4"][CENTER]-Show Thirty-[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][SIZE="4"][CENTER]“Times of Trouble"[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. Joey Minnesota vs. Tom Gilmore vs. Joe Sexy[/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER]-Fatal Four Way-[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Joe Sexy wins via pinfall @ 10:29[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: A fabulous match that really gets the crowd into the show right from the start. And there is a huge pop when Joe Sexy emerges, taking the final spot in the match, held open for an international superstar, as “The Mounter”, the longtime Canadian Mountie/porn star gimmick made famous in the kayfabe era by Jacques Flambeau. The match progresses as you might expect with Gilmore, Minnesota, and Bulldozer all trading impressively stiff and innovative offense, letting Sexy take care of the sports entertainment on his own, which he does, doing a host of Flambeau’s trademark spots to perfection. Joey and Bulldozer are constantly battling each other, with Dozer’s steroid accusations seeming to drive Minnesota to a new level competitively. And while it seems Sexy is hesitant to really unload on Gilmore, Angry has no issues with cutting corners to gain the advantage against his former partner, drawing applause from Queen Emily who paces at ringside in a little black dress. Everybody gets in all their offense, and it is a really well wrestled match, as we expected. The finish comes with all four men battling on the floor; referee Eugene Williams having a hard time keeping up with the action. Minnesota has somehow lifted Smith across his shoulders and swings him down across his knee, knocking the wind out of him before hopping on into a mount position at the base of the ramp and starting to throw punches. As Smith rolls it over and begins dropping bombs of his own, Gilmore hits Sexy low with a knee and rolls him back under the bottom rope, signaling to Queen Emily that it’s time for the “Sky High” tandem. After a vicious snap suplex, Gilmore flies up to the top turnbuckle and takes to the air, soaring majestically almost halfway across the ring, scoring with his trademark flying elbowdrop. But as he goes to grab a leg, Sexy grabs his and turns over, trapping his former partner in a small package and getting the surprise three count to end the match. Gilmore quickly rolls up onto his knees, both hands on his shaven head in disbelief, staring at Joe Sexy as he rolls out to the floor. Sexy is all smiles as he retreats up the ramp, being careful not to get near the still brawling Bulldozer and Minnesota, who are now being separated by SWF security. Grade: B+[/I] [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] Valiant arrives at the arena with Raven/Abby to huge applause only to be met by Eric Eisen at the gate. The interim CEO is flanked by at least a dozen police officers in riot gear, and motions them forward toward the big man before crossing his arms. EE: “I told you what would happen if you walked out on last week’s main event without finishing Sean McFly, and you did it anyway.” He nods at one of the cops. EE: “Get him out of my building.” They descend on him and immediately have him subdued, even though he struggles mightily. As is walked away, he never breaks eye contact with Eisen. EE: “You’re suspended from the Supreme Wrestling Federation until further notice, Valiant. Enjoy your vacation.” They finally get him around the corner. Eric turns his attention back to Raven/Abby. EE: “Why don’t you watch the show from the company box, Abby? We’ve got some things to discuss after the show, if that’s alright with you. Not just business, either, although there’ll be some of that too….” He pauses. EE: “…there are a lot of people that’d like to meet you, you know. Family.” He puts out his arm, apparently offering to walk her up. She takes a second, and reaches out, stone faced, taking it and walking up the hall, arm-in-arm with the interim CEO. [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] Jack Bruce peeks his head around the other corner, very interested in the goings on between Valiant, Raven/Abby/ and Eric Eisen. Grade: A [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Dirty White Boyz vs. Futureshock vs. Can-Am Blondes[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][B]-#1 Contenders Table Match-[/B][/CENTER] [I][B]Result: Dirty White Boyz win via stipulation @ 8:55[/B][/I] [I]Peter’s Notes: I’ll bet these three teams destroyed more SWF property in this match than any other bout in the company’s history, not including the nine tables they left in pieces around the ring. The Dirty White Boyz were a bit more motivated than usual after their recent interactions with both Futureshock and the Can-Am Blondes and go right to work, looking like it is their night from the start. And pity Baby Jamie trying to keep thing straight; he looked lost. With three people at ringside (The Guru and Frederique on one side; Mr. Hayes on the other) plus six men competing, there was an awful lot of traffic in and around the squared circle. One of the spots of the night comes when Owen Love has recovered from being tossed into the ring steps by Grease Hogg and decides to use them to his own advantage, setting them up and getting a running start, leaping off of them and throwing a dropkick that hits Lead Belly in the back of the head. The steps stay in play as Hogg comes back, lifting Love up and dropping him with a front suplex onto the still standing stairs, leaving him gasping and holding his ribs. The finish comes with each team down to one man. Grease Hogg, Damian Carvill, and KC Glenn are all battered, their partners recovering in piles of wood shrapnel in various spots around the arena. After setting up tables in three spots around the ring, Carvill and Glenn decide to work together and really work over the remaining Dirty White Boy, doubling up on him and working as a pretty efficient unit; a double overhead armdrag onto a chair laying flat on the mat the highlight. Deciding that they could really ruin the DWB’s title hopes for a long time by injuring Hogg, they wrestle him to the cables, using the top and middle ropes to tangle his arms, effectively tying him to the ring. However, after leaving him helpless, they begin to argue and start to exchange punches, battling into the corner. Carvill gets booted in the gut by Glenn who hoists him up onto the top rope, hooking him for a DDT before standing and trying to re-adjust the Blonde so he can do the move through one of the tables on the floor instead. Suddenly, Lead Belly staggers onto the ring apron, freeing his partner. Hogg rumbles across the ring and immediately knocks Glenn off of the top turnbuckle, backward; destroying the closest table and eliminating Futureshock. Taking a second to give the crowd a thumbs up, Grease Hogg lifts a shocked and terrified Damian Carvill over his head, heaving him high into the air and watching him come flying down, smashing through the other table and ending the match. Grade: B[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] As the ring announcer climbs back between the ropes and the attendants scramble around the ring, still picking up pieces of table, the crowd goes ballistic as Darryl Devine hops a guardrail and slides under the bottom rope. The announcer tosses him the microphone, which he catches, spinning around to face the hard camera. DD: “I don’t want to take too much of your time…..” The crowd cheers wildly again; they really do love Devine. DD: “….but tonight is a very special night. Not only is tonight the very first time that a major PPV has been held at two different locations, in two different countries no less…..” Cheap pop, but a pop nonetheless. DD: “….but tonight is the night that I do something I should’ve done a… long… time ago.” They are hanging on his every word now. DD: “Eric Eisen. You keep saying that you’ve gotten rid of me for good and yet I keep coming back. I think you are what’s holding the SWF back from reaching the stratosphere, from really being the number one wrestling company in the world. It’s you that protects Greg Keith, a bogus champion, denying the people what they want.” The camera gets really, really close. DD: “Tonight, Eric, why don’t we just put it all out on the line? How about, at “The Supreme Challenge”, we go one-on-one in a ‘loser leaves the SWF’ match?” The crowd goes crazy, but Devine isn’t finished. With the camera close, Devine pushes back his hair and displays a huge, half healed wound, no doubt from Eisen’s chain attack on him. DD: “And I want your blood; and I don’t want you to be able to run. That’s why I requested that the Championship Committee allow us to have………” A hush. DD: “……a DOG COLLAR MATCH!” Wild cheers. DD: “AND THEY AGREED TO IT!” More. DD: “I’LL SEE YOU AT SUPREME CHALLENGE; THAT’S WHERE THIS THING BETWEEN US ENDS!” He drops the microphone to a huge ovation. This is something they’ve waited nearly three years for. Grade: A* [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Jacob Jett vs. Remmy Skye[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Double Countout @ 6:58[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: One of the matches that we had huge hope for stutter-steps its way to the finish, falling a bit short of our expectations, but progressing this story toward its climax regardless. And, it’s not as though it was a bad match, it’s just that this match was our consensus show stealer when we had our walk through, and Steve and Alex know the boys better than they know themselves sometimes. Jett and Skye are both quick wrestlers that prefer to keep the match’s pace fast and that’s how it starts and ends. Both men get in all of their good stuff and Jett even breaks out a new reverse DDT as the match reaches its high point, with the vampiric COTGD member in control. Much of the middle portion of the match, a stretch that Jett controlled, was geared toward selling the mystery bag that Remmy brought to ringside with him; what was in it? With Jett looking to be on the cusp of closing the deal, licking his lips and flashing his points, Remmy makes one last attempt to escape his control, rolling Ricky Morton-style, across the ring and to the floor where he begins fumbling with the bag’s tie. Jett’s slithers out onto the floor as well, lurking around the corner, attempting to sneak up on Remmy. With his mouth open wide, fangs gleaming, Jett descends from behind……..but Skye pulls a handful of garlic from the bag and turns, shoving it into Jett’s face; into his mouth. He recoils, screaming out in agony, doing his best to run backward up the ramp, away from Remmy and his poison. Skye then pulls a cross from his bag as well and holds it up, chasing Jett into the backstage area where the camera crew loses them. After the mandatory twenty, Eugene Williams calls for the bell, counting out both men, leaving fans wondering just how this story will end. Grade: B[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Mr. Hayes stands just behind the curtain with Shimedzu and Miyamae, who’ve broken out their ‘special event’ maroon and silver lightning bolt tights. As they wait to go out and, hopefully win the titles, selling them to Futureshock afterward, Mr. Hayes opens the briefcase handcuffed to his wrist. MH: “It’s all here. Just get the job done tonight and all of it is yours.” The Rebellion nod and ogle the case which is absolutely stuffed with cash; it looks like it might overflow if you move it wrong. MH: “I’ve also taken the liberty of booking you on a flight back to Japan. It leaves right after the show. First class, of course.” Shimedzu and Miyamae can’t take their eyes off of the briefcase. But when Miyamae reaches out to touch the cash, Mr. Hayes deftly snaps the steel shut. MH: “Get….the….job….done. Then, you can touch it all you want. Get me the belts.” They nod again and walk off, taking to each other excitedly in Japanese. Hayes opens up a cell phone and dials a number. Before he walks out of the camera’s range, it hears the start of his conversation. MH: “It’s done, sir.” He sighs. MH: “But even if it doesn’t work out tonight, I have a plan “B” already in the works… just in case.” Grade: B [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]New Wave vs. The Rebellion [/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]-World Tag Team Title Match-[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: New Wave wins via pinfall @ 10:07[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: Just what we expected from these four professionals, a solidly constructed back-and-forth tag team match that successfully fuses old school with new school. And due to their familiarity with both teams, particularly Shimedzu and Miyamae, the Mexico City fans absolutely ate it up. Barrowman and Finch are aware of Futureshock’s presence at ringside from the start, but seem to enjoy controlling the match’s early going right in front of them; almost putting on a display for the young team and their bodyguard, who stand on the floor. But the Rebellion are both excellent counter wrestlers and work their way back into it, taking the advantage in a sequence that sees Shimedzu reverse out of a reversal by Finch, whipping him into the corner and rocking him with a nasty shining wizard. Miyamae tags in and goes to work with his vast arsenal of submission holds, wrenching Finch in a half crab, STF, and camel clutch before attempting his trademark finisher, the “Miyamae Spoiler” (reverse underhook driver). But the New Waver is wily and turns it over into a quick backslide that nearly nets the three. The finish, which comes moments later, would not sell the fans short. The Rebellion again appear to be on the brink of taking the match, and the World tag team titles, wearing into Finch even more and dropping him with a tandem flurry of chops. With Barrowman clapping the crowd to life, creating a heartbeat in the arena, Ken Shimedzu climbs to the top turnbuckle and showboats a bit before beginning to size Finch up for his renowned flying headbutt. But, with the crowd behind him, Scout somehow finds the strength to roll out of the way, avoiding Shimedzu’s skull, and finding his way to Barrowman who hits the ring charged up and handing out punches to both members of the Rebellion. [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] Mr. Hayes scrambles out to ringside, obviously looking to tip the scales in favor of his hired guns, but it is too little too late as the jacked up Barrowman cruises around the ring dishing out offense, dropping both Shimedzu and Miyamae with full nelson bombs before rolling Miyamae out of the ring and nailing his partner with a lung blower, signaling for the “Guided Missile” as he pops up. With the crowd in full throat, and Mr. Hayes standing at ringside nodding knowingly, Barrowman lifts Shimedzu up and buries him with the northern lights bomb, hooking his leg afterward for the three. Mr. Hayes is already halfway back up the ramp when the New Wave get their belts back from ringside, raising them high overhead, leaning out over the top rope; celebrating. The camera gets a quick look at Shimedzu and Miyamae, recovering on the floor, before refocusing on Hayes, who tears the Rebellion’s plane tickets in half, throwing them into the crowd before retreating through the curtain. Grade: B[/I] [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Peter Michaels and Ana Garcia sell the card from their broadcast location while the camera cruises around the ringside area in both locations, stopping once or twice for some celebrities to mug for the SWF home audience. Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Warlord Agony vs. Dez Davidz[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Dez Davidz wins via pinfall @ 3:12[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: Just as you expected this one would be. No, not crappy. I actually meant stiff, hard-hitting, and mercifully short, thank you. Warlord Agony gets the appropriate amount of respect from the fans in attendance and then, after only a few punches of his own, gets beaten down by the impressive Dez Davidz. Very ‘A’ to ‘B’ here, Dez cuts corners even when he doesn’t have to, really upsetting Warlord (Puerto Rican) Power at ringside and drawing rounds of applause and herky-jerky two-step dances from his manager, Danny B Bling. Dez’ seals it up by distracting the referee while Bling drills the face-painted legend with his bejeweled walking cane. In seconds, Dez has flipped Agony high overhead with his awesome belly-to-belly and made the slick cover for the three. Grade: B-[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Sean McFly stands in front of a floor length mirror in his locker room, shadow boxing and listening to music on his headphones as Phil Vibert paces behind him, banging his stylus loudly against his tiny digi-device. PV: “Sean, tonight’s your night, man. The night you get your hands on the biggest prize in the game, the SWF World Heavyweight title. Big things’ll start happening for us after that; big things.” McFly pulls off his headphones and wipes his brow with his ever present towel. PV: “But you’ve got to be ready for whatever the Corporation might throw at you, and you know what they’re capable of…..” McFly steps up. SM:” Phil, what does it say on my tights?” Vibert looks quickly even though he knows what says. PV: “Look, don’t…..” McFly cuts him off. SM: “…..it says “Mr. Wrestling”. That’s who I am, goddammit. I… am… wrestling. No matter how good he is, which isn’t nearly as good as claims, he’s not “Mr. Wrestling.” Vibert smiles, motivating his would be champion PV: “No, you are.” McFly yells it. SM: “I AM!” Vibert gets right in his face, still smiling a wide, devious smile. PV: “YOU ARE!” McFly yells again, exhorting; a huge noise but no words. PV: “NOW LET”S DO IT!” McFly throws a shadow punch and marches off, leaving Vibert to his stylus. The super agent begins punching at the screen again frantically. Grade: A* [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Sammy Bach vs. Antonio Maxi Marquez[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]-Shooting Star Title Match-[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: AMM wins via pinfall @ 13:44[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: While I’d hesitate to call this an upset, I would definitely call it a super shocker; the fans in Mexico City went so crazy at the finish I cannot accurately describe it. Bach and the Cult of the Grey Dragon drew a hush as they entered and actually had the fans so fearful that they all immediately got behind AMM, a fairly despicable heel himself, probably the biggest in the country. Both of these men can flat out go and their skills are on full display from the get-go. Bach is the aggressor early on, but the back and forth chain wrestling sequences that come out of his attacks makes it hard to say he is controlling the action. And while Marquez isn’t your traditional lucha wrestler per se, he does a lot of spots to show his proficiency in the art to the local fans. But, as Sammy’s matches tend to do as well, AMM still leans heavily on his modern influences, doing a great sequence of moves with a steel chair from ringside. A drop toe hold face-first onto the seat of the open chair starts the exchange. Then, after whipping him into the turnbuckles, Marquez gets a running start before leaping off of the chair and snapping Bach backward with a hurancanrana. Adding his standing corkscrew legdrop nearly nets him the three before Bach starts getting back into it, Emma doing her best at ringside to distract AMM. One eye gouge later and Bach is in the driver’s seat, drawing a howl of approval from Emma, and his flurry of offense stops Marquez flat, a wicked snap legdrop the exclamation point. The finish comes moments later, with Bach looking to seal the deal with the “BOYB”, sizing up the staggering AMM from a few feet away. When he sneaks in behind Marquez, the Mexican superstar senses it and reverses out into a go behind of his own. Bach, still stronger at this point, reverses out himself and clamps on the “BOYB” with AMM still standing, supporting both their weights. The crowd stands as Marquez takes a few steps back and slams Bach backward into the turnbuckles once…twice….three times before the Shooting Star champion loosens his grip enough for Marquez to sit him on the top rope and step out, delivering a tide-turning super stunner of his own. Bounding up to the top himself with Bach rolling around on the mat, AMM launches himself into the air, landing his monster frog splash, the “Champagne Sunrise”, and covering Sammy for the unlikely pin. Emma screeches as Marquez is handed the belt, staring at it in disbelief; holding it in two hands, looking into its eyes. Bach is hurt but gets to his feet looking to attack AMM from behind, but Marquez sees Sammy’s reflection in the belt and quickly slides under the bottom rope to the floor. As Sammy stands in the ring, holding his ribs, with Emma at his side, sulking, eyes glossy, Antonio Maxi Marquez holds his SWF Shooting Star title aloft; a standing ovation from those in attendance. Grade: B+[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] A promo rolls hyping The Corporation, paying special attention to both Wrecker’s and Keith’s long title reigns and drawing comparisons between Wrecker/Keith/Eisen and some of the other legendary alliances throughout wrestling history. Grade: A* [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Bull Wrecker vs. Alex DeColt[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]-North American Title Match-[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Bull Wrecker wins via pinfall @ 5:32[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: The DeColt name is one of THE names in Canadian wrestling, without question. And with two other brothers in attendance, including Ricky who was demolished by the Corporate Assassin two weeks ago on Supreme TV, Bull Wrecker annihilates Alex DeColt, injuring him so badly that his in-ring career may be in jeopardy. Wrecker came in knowing full well that the talented technician Alex was going to try to wrestle him and made sure that he couldn’t even get started, breaking DeColt’s nose with his first haymaker just seconds into the contest. Things get no better for Alex after that, with his blood staining the mat and Wrecker on the constant attack, his advances so explosive, the finish comes pretty quickly. After a pair of release german suplexes, DeColt throws a wild punch that goes over the corporate assassin’s head. He ducks it and hits the ropes hard, bouncing off the cables and launching into his spear, lifting the CGC’s finest up off of the canvas and bending him in half, leaving him crumpled and broken on the mat. Jack and Ricky cringe as Wrecker crawls over to the mess that is their brother and covers him for the three count. He snatches his belt from the referee who cowers a bit as Wrecker snarls. But just as soon as his gloat has hit full stride, there is a clap of thunder and the lights flicker twice….three times. A familiar lightning strike, this one a two pronged job that hits two ringposts, illuminating the entire ring area with an eerie glow. [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] The fans flashbulbs take over as they realize Morpheus is in the ring standing only a few feet from Bull Wrecker. When he speaks, his voice is heard coming through the speakers even though he’s not holding a microphone. “Bull Wrecker.” The corporate assassin slowly turns around to see the man who has terrorized him for over six weeks, standing on the other side of the ring, looking huge even to the massive Wrecker. “Ask not for whom the bell tolls; know that each chime is for you. It signals your end, which is drawing near.” Morpheus takes a step toward Wrecker which sends him cowering, trying to climb through the ropes. But it doesn’t matter. Another crack from the sky; another pair of lightning bolts and Morpheus is gone, a wisp of smoke in the spot where he stood. “The haunting is over. But the real terror has just begun.” His voice on the public address system still; where is he? Wrecker stands halfway onto the apron, eyes wide. “I………Morpheus!” Grade: B+[/I] A video plays, recapping the show up to this point. It also serves as our production department’s high point of the year, as the “Road to the Supreme Challenge” portion of the piece is something that they’ve been working on for the past twelve months. Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Gregory Keith vs. Sean McFly[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][CENTER]-World Heavyweight Title Match-[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Sean McFly wins via disqualification @ 18:59[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: An awesome encounter, match of the year candidate, and yet, with a finish that leaves us able to do it again. McFly gets a huge ovation from the Toronto crowd and the usually oozing with confidence Gregory Keith looks a bit intimidated as “Mr. Wrestling” soaks it up on the stage, enjoying the adulation. The start has one of those “big fight” tones to it, as the fans have wanted to see this particular match since McFly arrived in the SWF, and as the two men face off, nose-to-nose, in the center of the ring, the crowd buzzes with anticipation. Things progress as you might expect with a few nice chain wrestling sequences spicing up an otherwise old-school start, McFly looking a half-step faster than the World Champion in the catch-as-catch-can opening. But down the stretch, Gregory Keith begins to pull it together, still using every heelism in the book, but really breaking his back to wrestle a top tier match. He seems to take special pride in trapping McFly in the corner and leaving welts on his chest with his trademark chops. “Mr. Wrestling” stages his comeback, rallying and bringing the crowd to their feet, hanging Keith upside down in the corner and tying his legs underneath the buckle before getting a cross the ring running start and nailing him with his sky-high hesitation dropkick, crossing Keith’s eyes and sending him to the floor. McFly gives chase, but ends up face to face with Eric Eisen and Big Smack Scott on the floor. Eisen gets in his face, yelling, buying Keith time, but with Jay Fair right over his shoulder in the ring, McFly is safe. But not for long. When his rally is interrupted a second time by Keith rolling to the floor, McFly doesn’t notice Eisen distracting the referee and takes a huge clothesline from Big Smack Scott from behind, putting him down. Scott is relentless as Eisen steers Fair away, Vibert having to grab a chair to finally ward off the interim CEO’s lackey. Keith takes it a step further, smashing McFly’s face into the top of the steel steps as he leads him back into the ring, taking control. The fans boo viciously as the World Champion stomps McFly’s back while he lays prone on the mat, a sure sign that his trademarked hold is on its way, and when he locks it in, really rocking back and wrenching his opponent, things look grim for “Mr. Wrestling”. 35,000 strong get behind Sean McFly as he squirms around on the mat, trapped in the “Proton Lock” and reaching out for the ropes which are more than an arms length away. He works, battling Keith, and slowly makes up some space. Inch by inch, he claws his way to the bottom rope, drawing a huge sigh of relief from those in attendance, who begin building for the final crescendo. Vibert leaps up and down as “Mr. Wrestling” gets back to his feet, the crowd behind him, Keith with his hands raised; seemingly ready to slug it out. They stand in the middle of the ring, just as they did when the match was beginning, only now, both are covered in sweat, both are tired, both want to leave the building this evening with championship gold. McFly lands the first punch and several punches thereafter, sending Keith reeling into the ropes, leaning into them to keep his feet. McFly hooks him and lifts him for a snap suplex before looking out to his agent on the floor, giving him a quick thumbs up and ducking off into Keith’s periphery, looking to catch him off guard and hit the “Delorean Driver ‘11”. He stomps his foot, getting the sold out arena to do the same as he stalks around the ring, waiting for Keith to turn into the right position. Just as Keith turns and McFly takes a step toward him, the crowd in full throat, Eric Eisen has seen enough and sends Big Smack Scott into the ring, swinging a chair. McFly grabs hold of Keith just as Scott steps into one, bending the steel around “Mr. Wrestling’s” head, drawing a frantic wave of the arms and a call for the bell by Jay Fair, disqualifying Keith. Eisen gets into the ring and urges Scott on as he and Keith beat on McFly, not noticing Vibert getting into the ring behind them with a chair of his own. Not a large man, Vibert still gets a good amount behind his swing, knocking Scott off of his feet, the chair out of his hands. Keith spins around and grabs hold of Vibert, wrenching his arm and trying to make him drop his chair. McFly somehow pulls it together and gets to his feet, picking up Scott’s chair and stepping up behind Keith and Eisen. The crowd lets Keith know that McFly is behind him and he turns around very slowly, the arena getting louder with every second. Eisen bails but leaves Keith in the ring to face the music, and McFly plays him a tune in the key of chair, bashing him in the face with a monster shot, doling out another a second later for the momentarily revived Big Smack Scott. As his music begins playing and Phil Vibert stands beside him, Sean McFly stands in the ring battered and victorious and yet, still title-less, The Corporation reassembling on the floor. Grade: A*[/I] Show Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket [B]Copyright Supreme Sports 2011[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]The Past, Present, and Future of Professional Wrestling[/CENTER][/B]
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So, we got Devine vs. Eisen, Morpheus vs. Wrecker, Minnesota vs. Bulldozer, Bruce vs. Valiant, and Gauge vs. McFly as all but sure bets for the Supreme Challenge. Slightly more up in the air is where the North American title is going to be in a month, and whether AMM's upset title victory in Mexico City upsets any plans for a final showdown between Skye and the Cult. We've also got the Gilmore/Sexy situation developing, plus apparently a match between former enemies DWB and New Wave, barring a third (or fourth) team enters the fray for the title match. I'm willing to guess you'll find something to do for guys like Rocky Golden, Dez, and everyone else Also, typing Wrecker and Bulldozer in the same sentence gave me an idea: you should have a big, menacing guy named Piledriver join the roster, and the three of them can call themselves the Wrecking Crew. [URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wrecking_Crew_(comics)"]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wrecking_Crew_(comics)[/URL]
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[QUOTE=NoNeck;495993][CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] Jack Bruce peeks his head around the other corner, very interested in the goings on between Valiant, Raven/Abby/ and Eric Eisen.[/QUOTE] Oh I know what he's planning. Jack Bruce you naughty thing. :eek: :D Another awesome PPV btw!
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1-900-wrestle [CENTER]Photobucket [/CENTER] [CENTER]Photobucket [/CENTER] [SIZE="5"][CENTER][FONT="Impact"] - Tommy Townsend's 1-900-WRESTLE Hotline -[/FONT][/CENTER][/SIZE] [I]-More Eisens on the way? That’s what a backstage staffer has said off the record to TT, and you won’t believe how it’s going to happen. Tommy Townsend has the scoop. -A departing worker discusses his displeasure with the “new” SWF, Peter Michaels in particular, in an online podcast interview with TT. You won’t believe who puts some of the biggest names in the Supreme Wrestling Federation through the ringer. -If you wondered what the official song for “Supreme Challenge” was going to be, wonder no more, superfan. -A backstage shake-up has divided the locker room of one of the biggest companies in North America. Find out which promotion it is and where they may go from here. -Two Hollywood heavyweights and their significant others attended the last “Times of Trouble” and were seen backstage glad-handing some of the members of the roster at the post show party with rumors of a movie deal being in the works. Is an SWF superstar in line to play troubled actor Mickey Rourke in a biopic about his up and down acting career? -Plus, a wrestler is jumping from TCW to SWF and will appear live on Supreme TV next week….and Tommy Cornell doesn’t even know about it yet. -A rib among the boys turns into a new gimmick for one of the most popular wrestlers in North America. Who is it? What is it? Where will he or she be performing it? Tommy’s got all the facts. -Tommy picks out the five wrestlers most likely ticketed for superstardom……if they can somehow get out of their current contracts.[/I] [B][SIZE="4"][CENTER]Tommy's wisdom is available for the oh-so-low price of [COLOR="Red"]$2.00[/COLOR] per call.[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="4"]Don't get left out; know what the insiders know, right now.[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="4"][RIGHT] Stay up to date, fanboy; how else will you smark with the smarks?[/RIGHT][/SIZE][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket [B]Copyright Supreme Sports 2011[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]The Past, Present, and Future of Professional Wrestling[/CENTER][/B]
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Tommy Talks Back [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] "Two dollars Canadian, Bolton? These days, since I moved to the United States, I only accept [B]real [/B]money, bro, so cough up some green if you want to get inside Tommy's bean." ;):D [CENTER]Photobucket [B]Copyright Supreme Sports 2011[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]The Past, Present, and Future of Professional Wrestling[/CENTER][/B]
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Show 31 Preview [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][SIZE="4"][CENTER]-Show Thirty-One Preview-[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] [I]A monster main event is on tap on this week’s Supreme TV, be sure to call your friends and let them know. After falling just short of winning the World Heavyweight Title at “Times of Trouble”, Sean McFly left an open contract with the Championship Committee, demanding someone Corporate in the ring on Supreme TV. Apparently, the Corporation was able to squeeze two names on the line instead of one, sending North American Champion Bull Wrecker and Big Smack Scott into battle, two-on-one. Wrecker has been on a huge roll, issues with Morpheus aside, and Big Smack Scott is always dangerous as we saw at the PPV; how will “Mr. Wrestling” deal with such a massive Corporate roadblock? Tune in to find out. Looking to rebound following their loss to the Dirty White Boyz in the number one contenders table match at “Times of Trouble”, the Can-Am Blondes are set face Warlord Agony and his new partner Warlord Power, LOW 2K11, this week on Supreme TV. One of these teams will take a giant step toward the tag team title picture, the other, a giant step away. Who will it be? Who wants it more? An interlude not caught on camera after “Times of Trouble” gives us an unexpected slobberknocker of a match-up. With Joe Sexy winning the four way international scramble dressed as “The Mounter” while Bulldozer Brandon Smith brawled with Joe Minnesota outside the ring, he has drawn the ire of the big man, getting challenged to a one-on-one match as he cut a promo, exclusively for the DVD release. Bulldozer Brandon Smith is one tough customer; can Joe Sexy put aside his comedic antics long enough to stop one of the baddest men in the company? Jack Bruce’s publicist has announced via his website that the rock star will be on hand for this week’s show, no doubt with something to say about Eric Eisen’s suspension of his friend turned nemesis, Valiant. And what of Abby? How will she handle Valiant’s indefinite suspension? Plus, fan-favorite Ryan Powell squares off against Tana the Mighty on the free internet pre-show. [B][CENTER] It’s all going to happen this week……….on Supreme TV.[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket [B]Copyright Supreme Sports 2011[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]The Past, Present, and Future of Professional Wrestling[/CENTER][/B] -Quick Picks- Sean McFly vs. Bull Wrecker/Big Smack Scott Tana the Mighty vs. Ryan Powell LOW 2K11 vs. Can-Am Blondes Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. Joe Sexy[/I]
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