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Secrets of the Ring Volume Two: Peter Michaels and SWF 2011

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[B]Sean McFly[/B] vs. Bull Wrecker/Big Smack Scott [I]Sean might be up against it, but he's 'Mr Wrestling' and if anyone can overcome these two corporate goons it's 'Mr Wrestling' however I'll expect the Corporation will get the last laugh with a post match beatdown.[/I] Tana the Mighty vs. [B]Ryan Powell[/B] [I]Tana's a comedy jobber to the stars and Powell could do with a solid win to help establish himself a little further.[/I] [B]LOW 2K11[/B] vs. Can-Am Blondes [I]I think the Blondes are the better team, but Power taking on the Warlord gimmick would be a waste of time, if they weren't going to get some kind of push....which I see being short-term as this current incarnation of the team, because surely Warlord Agony must be pretty near to hanging up the boots.[/I] [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/B] vs. Joe Sexy [I]Could go either way, Smith's a bad-ass but Sexy did get the somewhat surprising win on the Pay Per view. I can see Sexy getting another fluke win, to further aggravate someone who takes his wrestling more seriously.[/I]
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[B]Sean McFly[/B] vs. Bull Wrecker/Big Smack Scott [I]Thank goodness common booking sense took over my mark out for the Smacker[/I] Tana the Mighty vs. [B]Ryan Powell[/B] [I]Like Tigerkinney said, Tana is a comedy jobber and Powell needs a win[/I] LOW 2K11 vs. [B]Can-Am Blondes[/B] [I]Can-Am Blondes need some momentum and beating the LOW 2K11 will give them that[/I] [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/B] vs. Joe Sexy [I]BBS has the title shot, so beating Joe would get him more over as a serious bad-ass. Maybe Joe may get the upset though[/I]
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Show 31 "Four" [B][CENTER][SIZE="4"]Show Thirty-One[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][SIZE="4"][CENTER]“Four”[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] [B][CENTER](Internet Pre-Show)[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] The pre-show begins with the dancing girls of Hollas fo’ Dollas shaking it in the ring under the watchful eye of the SWF’s resident pimp Danny B Bling and his bodyguard/thug Dez Davidz. As the music comes to a stop, Bling does his now trademarked shuffle-step dance move to the delight of the fans, who stand and applaud its awkwardness. Grade: B- [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Ryan Powell vs. Tana the Mighty[/CENTER][/B] [B][I][I]Result: Ryan Powell wins via countout @ 4:05[/I][/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: What was supposed to be a very simple countout loss that left both Tana and Powell with their momentum in check turned into a good sized issue for the SWF medical team. The young hip-hopper plays the underdog role very well, looking even smaller than usual next to the tubby Samoan, and eats most of Tana’s white bread power based offense with the ease of a veteran. However, Tana doesn’t really return the favor during Powell’s run, even though the crowd pops like mad for his unorthodox attacks. The trouble in Tana’s island paradise comes when Powell hits his rebounding elbow and Tana flips over the top rope, landing very awkwardly on the floor and immediately clutching his ankle, screaming out in pain. Golden and Jenny watch from the stage as Jay Fair counts out their chubby ally, a few paramedics rushing past them and attempting to tend to Tana. As Powell looks on, he is surprisingly announced the winner, jumping onto the second turnbuckle to celebrate. As he does so, he motions to the back, waving his arms, beckoning someone. Out onto the stage walks….. [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] …..Stevie Grayson, trademark ballcap pulled down to his eyes, jeans slung low. He slides into the ring and high-fives Ryan Powell, the two men playing to the excited crowd together, looking very much like a unit. Grade: B-[/I] [B][CENTER](Start of Live Telecast)[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] An awesomely tricked out low rider with blacked out windows rolls up to the talent entrance in the rear of the building, hydraulic lifts hissing as the car wobbles back to front. When it stops, new SWF Shooting Star Champion Antonio Maxi Marquez leans out the open door, title belt over his shoulder. [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Before he is even completely out of the car, the Cult of the Grey Dragon is on him, punches and kicks coming from all directions, Sammy Bach’s face twisted from its usual bland disinterest into one of rage and violent intent. [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] Suddenly, two other men jump out of the low-rider and join the fight, still not evening the odds against Marquez, but helping his cause. Things look bad for the outnumbered men when Acid blasts AMM in the face with the valet parker’s steel chair, wielding it like a madman. Then, from across the street, his cab pulling away…… [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] ……Remmy Skye sprints across the asphalt, flying into the battle, dropping Acid almost immediately with a huge overhand left hook. One of the walkie-talkie having carpark valets has called security and within seconds both SWF security and a handful of local uniforms are on the scene, trying to break up the brawl. Grade: B [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][CENTER]LOW 2K11 vs. Can-Am Blondes[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Can-Am Blondes win via pinfall @ 5:11[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: Owen and Damian continue to build momentum and they beat the Lords of War cleanly, attacking them after the match to keep their heat strong. And to be honest, the Can-Am’s looked pretty good doing it, bringing a pretty good match out of both the noticeably aged and the notably jobbed, respectively. For their part, Agony and Power bring their “A” game, but is easy to see the drop-off in crowd response week to week with the LOW. Nostalgia can only get you so far, it seems. Anyway, the story in this one really starts after the match when their personal trainer Frederique joins them in really beating the tar out of the legendary tag-team, brandishing his weapon of choice, his workout bar. As he winds up and blasts Power with it, bloodying the massive man, Owen and Damian pull a table out from underneath the ring, each pulling one side’s legs into place. The Guru is wide-eyed; excited, urging his team on, finally seeing a killer instinct from them. But, as they position Agony for what looks like a double power bomb… [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] …… Lead Belly and Grease Hogg rumble down the ramp wielding chairs and clearing the ringside area almost immediately, the entire Can-Am posse bailing out. The Guru, though, is almost salivating, standing on the ramp; a new future for his tag team is on the horizon. Grade: B- (post) B+[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Mr. Hayes is standing backstage with KC Glenn and “Hollywood” Brett Starr in their locker room obviously smarting about not having been able to buy the World Tag-Team titles at “Times of Trouble”, The Rebellion having failed to win them. BS: “Why don’t we just get a match against the New Wave and win them the old fashioned way?” Glenn nods but Mr. Hayes just sighs. MH: “But what if you lose? Then you’ll be banished to the bottom tier of the division with a long time to wait before your next shot, Hollywood. What then? Why climb when you can pay for a ride to the top?” He pulls up his glasses showing his glowing red, tired, intense eyes. MH: “And the benefactor doesn’t tolerate losing. He’ll find someone else, you know; someone to replace each of us.” Glenn and Starr are serious as Hayes gestures to the briefcase handcuffed to his wrist. MH: “I’ve still got the all this cash, we’ve just got to find someone else who wants it; who’ll do what we want them to do for it.” They all turn and look at the monitor as The Dirty White Boyz continue to celebrate in the ring with the LOW. Grade: B- [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. Joe Sexy[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Bulldozer Brandon Smith wins via submission @ 5:23[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: With Tom Gilmore and Queen Emily joining the broadcast team at ringside, this match was short and pretty entertaining, even though the two combatants had a few issues getting their styles to mesh. Sexy comes out tonight as, surprisingly, Joe Sexy; pink tights, purple boots, feather boa: the works. And even though his former tag team partner and manager are making constant fun of him on the headsets, Sexy looks comfortable as himself again and has a pretty good showing…..for a minute or so anyway. Smith is down from a knee lift, but is not as hurt as Sexy thinks he is and walks right into a chokehold, Gilmore laughing loudly at the misstep. From there, Bulldozer begins throwing Sexy around, scoring with a pair of half-nelson suplexes and a super-high power bomb, netting a two point nine count from referee, Baby Jamie. Sexy, fading fast and realizing it, reaches into his bag of tricks and sticks his thumb into ‘Dozer’s eye, stopping him instantly. Knowing that Sexy could pull out his own finisher at any moment, Gilmore and Queen Emily drop their headsets and rush to the ring, Emily quickly getting the attention of Baby Jamie. Sexy sees him coming, but there’s nothing he can do, getting drilled by Gilmore who is wearing brass knuckles, falling instantly. Bulldozer snorts at Gilmore, who thinks about going at the big man for just a second before sliding back out of the ring away from the monster, Emily letting Jamie get back to work as Bulldozer locks his arm bar onto Sexy’s limp shape. While Gilmore and Emily laugh nearby, Baby Jamie drops Joe Sexy’s arm three times and calls for the bell. Grade: B-[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Abby arrives with Eric Eisen and as he gets set to answer a few questions from Tommy Townsend, Jack Bruce strolls up. JB: “Evening Eisens. Family’s looking sharp tonight, I must say.” His condescending look says a lot, actually. Abby rolls her eyes and turns to face Eric, boxing Bruce out completely. AE: “I don’t have anything to say to him.” Eric nods and snaps his fingers and Big Smack Scott emerges from out of nowhere with about four other SWF security thicknecks, standing at the ready. Jack puts up his hands. JB: “Hey, I’m cool. No need to worry about me; I’m not here to start any trouble.” BSS and the guards inch a bit closer to Bruce waiting for Eisen’s signal. JB just shakes his head. JB: “This is no way to treat the SWF’s biggest star, you know. Your father had it all over you when it came to interpersonal management……” Eisen sighs and starts to order Scott and the goons onto Bruce, but JB puts his hands up again and takes a step back, Abby still refusing to even look at him. JB: “Alright, I’m leaving. I just wanted to check in and make sure you were doing ok, Abby. Since it looks like your boyfriend Valiant……….” He doesn’t even get to finish before Abby, so visibly upset at the mention of the former North American Champion, that she herself turns and orders Scott and his boys on. They quickly hustle Bruce out of the picture. Eric turns and smiles at his half sister. EE: “You’ll find that everything gets taken care of like that when your last name is Eisen.” She nods. Just once. EE: “Come on, let’s go see the champ.” He takes a step but she doesn’t. EE: “Have you ever even met Greg?” When he turns back, she is right behind him, catching up and listening to him drone on about Keith all the way down the hall. Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Antonio Maxi Marquez/Gino Montero/Remmy Skye vs. Jacob Jett/Acid/Plague[/CENTER][/B] [I][B]Result: AMM/Montero/Skye win @ 10:22[/B][/I] [I]Peter’s Notes: A superb wrestling match; these six men have some serious chemistry connections that we’ll be looking to capitalize on in the future, no doubt. Marquez’s associate, Gino Montero makes a big splash, really shining in this match and looking like one of the fastest wrestlers in the world, absolutely flying around the ring. The other five men are no strangers to that frantic pace and the whole match is filled with spot after spot after spot, many involving multiple members of each team, an electric chair drop/powerbomb combo a highlight. One sequence saw four dives from the ring onto the growing assortment of folks on the floor, the highlight being Acid’s corkscrew backflip-sault which knocked everyone down like a collection of bowling pins. Sammy broods from about halfway up the ramp as his team begins to take control, his eyes shifting back and forth between AMM and Remmy. Jacob Jett scores with a pinpoint dropkick, the action back in the ring, and fluidly tags out to Plague who rolls in with a series of chops and kicks, snapping them off in succession and really beginning to put the screws to Montero. His comeback is very old school, and there were two or three ‘near-miss’ tags that had the crowd gasping; Montero is a great talent. Reversing out of a suplex and finding his way back to his corner first, Gino’s tag brings Marquez into the ring. Fuerza pumps his fist outside the ring as Marquez begins cleaning house, landing dropkicks and roundhouse discus punches left and right, offering them to anyone who crosses his path. The ring fills with combatants and for a few moments there is confusion. Remmy produces his crucifix again and charges toward Jett, who recoils as though he is being blinded by a brilliantly bright light, skittering under the bottom rope and jumping the guardrail, Skye giving chase. Referee Eugene Williams never gets to finish his count as Montero and Marquez deliver their finishers simultaneously in the ring, AMM scoring the pinfall over Plague after his huge frog splash. Bach never attempts to get involved, staying put on the ramp during the finish, but does yell something at AMM that causes Emma’s jaw to drop. Grade: B[/I] [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] Eric Eisen is back in his office, sitting alongside Abby and Gregory Keith who share a leather couch to the interim CEO’s left. Keith very serious, getting set to watch Sean McFly’s handicap match on the boss’s plasma screen TV, knowing full well McFly and he are headed for another showdown. We join them in mid-conversation. GK: “I don’t care that he got the ‘win’ at “Times of Trouble”, I still have the most important thing, the SWF World Heavyweight Championship.” He pats the belt, sitting folded on the couch next to him. GK: “I know I’m a better wrestler than him, Double E. No question. And when we hook it up again, I’m going to wipe the canvas with him.” Keith pushes his sunglasses, which he is obnoxiously wearing inside, up onto his head, pushing his trademark blond locks out of his face. He smiles; evil. GK: “But…..you know me. I’m a Keith. I don’t want to leave anything to chance. I need an edge.” Eric grins smugly himself and leans over, patting his champion on the shoulder reassuringly. EE: “That’s precisely the reason I made McFly’s match tonight no disqualification. It’s a start, at least, right?” They nod at the same time, obviously on the very same page. Keith leans back and stretches his legs out onto the glass coffee table, letting his sunglasses fall back over his eyes. GK: “And that’s why you’re the boss, my man.” He snorts. Abby shifts her weight to move as far away from him as she can without looking like she moved. EE: “But, from here on out, until “The Supreme Challenge”, you’re going to have to take care of your business yourself.” Keith nods. EE: “If I’m going to get back in the ring with Darryl Devine, I’m going to need to get ready. And I’m going to do it like an old school prizefighter, too, just completely devoting myself to it, all day, every day, until the show. Got a big place in California all set up.” He leans forward. EE: “And for sh*ts and giggles, I’m going to leave Big Smack Slow in charge of running Supreme TV.” He laughs. EE: “I told him that if I didn’t see an increase in our ratings under his ‘watch’, that I’d give him his walking papers. I should’ve canned him a long time ago, I know, but he’s so pathetic….well, I almost enjoy having him around.” Keith is nonplussed. GK: “Whatever, man. He’s an idiot, but I don’t take orders from him, so it doesn’t bother me. I’m focusing solely on Sean McFly.” Eisen nods. EE: “And I’m focusing solely on Darryl Devine.” Grade: A* [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Sean McFly vs. Bull Wrecker/Big Smack Scott[/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER]-No DQ Match-[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Sean McFly wins via pinfall @ 11:41[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: For a second time, McFly pulls a very good match out of Big Smack Scott; it was much better than we expected. Not to mention that Bull Wrecker really seemed to turn it on for this one. Road agent Steve Flash said he was hyped since morning when they went to breakfast together. There’s really nothing too complex going on here, booking wise. Wrecker and Scott are both big men and they use their obvious size advantage, as well as some pretty good work as a tag team, to overpower McFly, beating him up pretty good for most of the match. Wrecker really ratchets it up a notch in his attempts to wrestle with McFly, showing some previously unseen agility and mat technique, turning “Mr. Wrestling’s” Greco-roman knuckle lock into a nifty northern light suplex with a bridge. He and Scott do their worst, obviously under orders from Eric Eisen and Gregory Keith to do so, forgoing what look like opportunities to win to attempt to inflict more punishment on McFly, and they actually seem to function pretty well together. Scott catches McFly in a bear hug and swings him around violently, turning it over when he could no longer hold “Mr.Wrestling” and tossing him overhead with a belly-to-belly suplex. Phil Vibert does everything he can to try to derail the Corporation’s team, but is unsuccessful, forcing him to watch as Wrecker moves the match to the floor, ordering BSS to start clearing off the announce table. Monitors hit the floor and papers are scattered as Scott begins preparing the surface, the Corporate Assassin ramming McFly into the ringpost before carrying him over, knocking Phil Vibert over viciously on his way by. Ana Garcia ditches her headset but Peter Michaels stays on, jumping the guardrail and continuing to call the match from the front row, with Wrecker now rolling McFly lifelessly onto the slab. There is a split second where Wrecker and Scott argue about who is going back into the ring to climb the turnbuckle. The Corporate Assassin gets right in Scott’s face and orders him up onto the top rope and BSS does so, slowly, begrudgingly, and a bit awkwardly as climbing the turnbuckles is not something he normally does. They continue to exchange words as Scott stands, perched, lining up McFly. When Scott finally gets his balance, he puts his arms up, bends a bit, and leaps, careening through the air all knees and elbows and comes down with a huge impact, smashing through the announce table….but not Sean McFly who rolls away at the last second. As BSS writhes on the floor, Wrecker tries to grab the bell from ringside, paying no attention to his partner’s issues, intent on harming McFly for his Corporate masters. McFly gets to his feet with Wrecker only feet away now wielding the very dangerous chunk of dark blue metal, a very threatening look in his eye. But, as has been the case now for a little while, every time Wrecker is about to do something evil…….. [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] …..the lights dim and then go out entirely. The fans roar as the lightening crackles and flashes, knowing that Morpheus is here. And when the lights come back on, and Morpheus is standing behind Bull Wrecker, the Corporate Assassin looks terrified. However, the look of terror doubles as Morpheus steps forward and wraps his hand around the throat of Wrecker, who drops the bell, turning white. McFly takes another few steps back, turning around the corner if the ring, squatting alongside Phil Vibert, as Morpheus grabs hold of Wrecker’s trunks with his other hand, lifting him high into the air, moving forward, and chokeslamming him down on top of Big Smack Scott. The crowd goes wild as Morpheus has finally gotten his hands on Wrecker, flashbulbs popping like mad as the lights go out again. And when they come back on, as expected, Morpheus is gone……but McFly is not. He calls for referee Jay Fair, who took cover during the blackout near Peter Michaels in the crowd. Fair hops the guardrail and slaps the floor’s protective mat three times after McFly covers both members of the corporate tag-team, “Mr. Wrestling” snatching victory from the jaws of defeat thanks to Morpheus. As the logo rolls onto the screen, signaling the end of the show, Sean McFly climbs back into the ring and plays to the crowd, Phil Vibert applauding from the floor. Grade: B+ (post) A*[/I] Show Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket [B]Copyright Supreme Sports 2011[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]The Past, Present, and Future of Professional Wrestling[/CENTER][/B]
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Another new tag team? Is there a shelf big enough to hold Giant Tana? Another handicap victory for McFly? All this and a Latin Invasion! Is that El Fuerza with the sunglasses and chain? I always thought he'd be much better suited in a promotion like SWF than South of the Border, where workrate matters and all he can do is squash tiny masked men in mediocre matches. I hope since Eisen's disappearing to go train, we get some more appearances from more of the big faces next week, as Valiant and Devine haven't been doing much on TV lately. And I can't help but think Eisen stepping down, even temporarily, is going to come back to bite him. There's three other Eisen's on the roster now, and Richard and Jerry have kept an awfully low profile. I would love to see Jerry Eisen come back as a sort of "anti-Eric," if only for the short-term. Of course, I'd also love to see Christian Faith, Rich Money or Lobster Warrior back in an SWF ring. Great show, and this pay per view should be truly epic.
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Show 32 Preview [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][SIZE="4"][CENTER]-Show Thirty-Two Preview-[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] [I]This week’s Supreme TV will feature the first of two sit-down interviews Peter Michaels conducted with Eric Eisen and Darryl Devine discussing their long and brutal feud. With a ‘loser leaves the SWF’ match set for “Supreme Challenge”, hear first from interim CEO Eisen for what may very well be one of his last Supreme TV appearances ever as he has taken a leave of absence from the SWF until the pay-per-view, setting up a training camp in northern California. There are so many questions about so many things, and Peter Michaels will ask them all. Interestingly, in his absence, Eric Eisen has left none other than corporate lackey Big Smack Scott in charge of Supreme TV, telling him to keep the ship afloat until “Supreme Challenge” with an eye on the TV ratings; his job with the SWF hanging in the balance. That said, BSS has made some interesting matches for this week’s edition of Supreme TV that will no doubt draw some interest. In our main event, BBS has apparently accepted Joey Minnesota’s ownership of Bulldozer Brandon Smith’s stolen guaranteed North American title shot as legit and accepted it, giving him a huge opportunity that he never really earned. This week on Supreme TV Joey Minnesota gets the chance to face the Corporate Assassin Bull Wrecker, one-on-one for Wrecker’s NA championship. A lot of things are going on around these two men, and surely Bulldozer will have something to say about the questionable proceedings. And what about Morpheus and his proposed banishment of Wrecker’s soul? Will it come to pass this week? After leaving the Corporate Assassin laying flat in last week’s main event, there is no doubt Morpheus is on Wrecker’s mind. Speaking of Bulldozer Brandon Smith, he is part of a truly odd, yet interesting, tag team match put together by Scott for this week as he teams up with Golden to take on Tom Gilmore and Joe Sexy. All four of these men are headed to the top of the card; who’ll step up and take the win and guarantee their spot? How will Gilmore and Sexy co-exist as partners after having their actual partnership dissolve along with their personal relationship so very recently? A member of the Cult of the Grey Dragon gets a shot at Antonio Maxi Marquez’ Shooting Star title….and it’s not Sammy Bach. This week on Supreme TV, AMM makes his first official Shooting Star title defense against the high flying masked man, Acid. There’s no question that the COTGD’s interactions with Marquez since the Latin sensation’s arrival in at “Times of Trouble” have been intense, will this match be any different? Even after taking a loss last week, crowd favorites the Lords of War get the nod from Big Smack Scott who puts them in a match against the New Wave for the World Tag Team titles. Warlord Agony and Warlord Power are two of the most decorated wrestlers in the history of the sport; can they bring their “A” game one more time and wrest the tag team titles from Barrowman and Finch? Plus, Ryan Powell and Stevie Grayson take on John Greed and Greg Black in tag team action on the free internet pre-show.[/I] [FONT="Impact"][CENTER][SIZE="4"] All of that, plus a whole lot more. This week......on Supreme TV.[/SIZE][/CENTER][/FONT] [CENTER]Photobucket [B]Copyright Supreme Sports 2011[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]The Past, Present, and Future of Professional Wrestling[/CENTER][/B] -Quick Picks- Bull Wrecker vs. Joey Minnesota – North American Title Match BBS/Golden vs. Tom Gilmore/Joe Sexy New Wave vs. LOW 2K11 – World Tag Team Title Match AMM vs. Acid – Shooting Star Title Match Ryan Powell/Stevie Grayson vs. John Greed/ Greg Black (OOC: I'll be sending IM's to the members of the Championship Committee in the next couple of days, to shore things up for "Supreme Challenge" and beyond.)
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Bull Wrecker vs. Joey Minnesota – North American Title Match I can see interference from both Morpheus and Bulldozer here - so I'll call a draw - double DQ or Countout BBS/Golden vs. [B]Tom Gilmore/Joe Sexy[/B] Could go either way, but Tom and Joe have a bit more talent overall [B]New Wave[/B] vs. LOW 2K11 – World Tag Team Title Match Absolutely no chance in hell of LOW2k11 winning the titles here! [B]AMM [/B]vs. Acid – Shooting Star Title Match Sammy's lackey isn't going to get the job done - at least not until after the bell when AMM will take a combined Cult beating! [B]Ryan Powell/Stevie Grayson[/B] vs. John Greed/ Greg Black Ryan is the only one getting any kind of minor push so he goes over
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Bull Wrecker vs. Joey Minnesota – North American Title Match [B](Double DQ)[/B] [I]Smozz double DQ draw as both BBS and Morpheus get involved[/I] [B]BBS/Golden[/B] vs. Tom Gilmore/Joe Sexy [I]The team once known as Sexual Aggression wont be able to get alone, but BBS and Golden will get on less, so Gilmore and Sexy pick up the win.[/I] [B]New Wave[/B] vs. LOW 2K11 – World Tag Team Title Match [I]How did LOW 2K11 get a title shot, when they lost their last match. Anyway you've said they're basically a short term Nostalgia fix (that's so Sports Entertainment !) so I doubt they'll beat New Wave for the belts.[/I] AMM vs. [B]Acid [/B]– Shooting Star Title Match [I]I'm calling it.... Acid wins ! Acid wins !...It'll come with help from the rest of the cult, however with Acid now holding the gold I can see this leading to an angle where Bach's leadership of the Cult could come under fire from within.[/I] [B]Ryan Powell/Stevie Grayson[/B] vs. John Greed/ Greg Black [I]Out of any of these jobbers Powell seems to be getting pushed the most, so I see his team winning.[/I]
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Bull Wrecker vs. [B]Joey Minnesota[/B] – North American Title Match Wrecker finally drops the title, Bulldozer vs. Minnesota should be for the gold, and this is the best, last chance to get the gold off Wrecker. [B]BBS/Golden[/B] vs. Tom Gilmore/Joe Sexy BBS picks up the win, Gilmore and Sexy officially come to blows. [B]New Wave[/B] vs. LOW 2K11 – World Tag Team Title Match Tough call. Tough, indeed. [B]AMM [/B]vs. Acid – Shooting Star Title Match We all know Acid's a great worker, but let's keep it real: as a 6'4 law student, I have better charisma and a better superstar look than Acid- this isn't DAVE, stuff like looks and charisma matter. Champagne's got both, so he picks up the win here. He's going to be too good for the division in pretty short order though, and since he's not wallet-sized, he ought to be able to move into a North American title feud down the line. [B]Ryan Powell/Stevie Grayson[/B] vs. John Greed/ Greg Black Hm, when was the last time Greed OR Black won a match?
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Bull Wrecker vs. [B]Joey Minnesota[/B] – North American Title Match [I]MINNESOTA WINS! MINNESOTA WINS!!! It could work out well, because you have either Minnesota vs. Bulldozer or what would be a better match IMO, Minnesota vs. Glenn[/I] BBS/Golden vs. [B]Tom Gilmore/Joe Sexy[/B] [I]Although I have to vote against ma mayn the Smacker, I'll go with SA[/I] [B]New Wave[/B] vs. LOW 2K11 – World Tag Team Title Match [I]New Wave beats the Nostalgia Express[/I] [B]AMM[/B] vs. Acid – Shooting Star Title Match [I]AMM is the guy who finally beat Sammy Bach for the title, and he will continue to enrage Bach by beating his cahoot Acid[/I] [B]Ryan Powell/Stevie Grayson[/B] vs. John Greed/ Greg Black [I]Gives the faces some momentum by winning a match against the heel jobbers[/I] I'm sorry NoNeck, but I'm off from 3-4 October to 10-11 October. So I don't think I can be in the Championship Committee.
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Show 32 "Three" [B][SIZE="4"][CENTER]-Show Thirty-Two-[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][SIZE="4"][CENTER]“Three”[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] [B][CENTER](Internet Pre-Show)[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Ryan Powell/Stevie Grayson vs. John Greed/Greg Black[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Powell and Grayson win via pinfall @ 4:51[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: Greg Black really let it all hang out in this match, his last before we take him off of TV while we negotiate with him, which has become my personal policy. More performances like this one would’ve probably seen his contract already renewed. Powell and Grayson get the fairly easy victory, working out some of the kinks like any new team. Stevie, while not nearly as flashy as his new partner, seems to provide a bit more of a fundamental base, showing a wide array of crisp, yet basic offense. The finish comes in just under five minutes, with Powell hitting his senton on Black while Grayson tangles with Greed. Grade: B-[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] As Warlord Agony and Warlord Power arrive at the arena and open the door to their locker room, the lights are switched on by Mr. Hayes who is already inside. He pats the briefcase that is, as always, handcuffed to his wrist. MH: “I’ve got a prop……” He barely gets to finish the sentence before the Lords of War look at each other and charge him, chasing him from the locker room and effectively declining what was to be his offer of money for the tag team championships, should they have won them tonight. The cameras catch up with Mr. Hayes as he straightens his suit and tries to regain his composure down the hall. Try as he might to remain emotionless, he is seething. Grade: B [B][CENTER](Start of Live Telecast)[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Cameras are on the scene as Jack Bruce is attacked outside of the arena as he arrives by an enraged Valiant with security pulling the suspended big man off of the rock star before he can do any real damage. But Bruce is hot, having to be held back himself after slapping Valiant, driving the former North American Champion into lather. Big Smack Scott answers the call of one of the security heads and arrives on the scene, ordering the men apart further and stepping between them. BBS: “Listen up.” They both still try to get at each other but can’t. Valiant points at Bruce over the shoulder of one of the men holding him back. V: “I’M GOING TO RIP YOU LIMB FROM LIMB! YOU RUINED MY LIFE! IT’S ALL BECAUSE OF YOU!” Bruce swipes at him again, nearly clipping Scott, who pushes back. BBS : “LISTEN UP!” Security finally has a foothold and keeps them apart. BSS: “I’d love to put you two out there tonight, live on Supreme TV…….” The crowd goes up. BSS: “…….but I can’t.” And they come down. BBS: “The boss suspended you himself, Valiant, so I’m pretty sure he’d get mad If I reinstated you, just in the interest of ratings. In fact, I could probably get in trouble for talking to you now. But my job depends on the numbers my shows produce.” The crowd gets into it again, trying to will him toward it. Scott comically rubs his chin, deep in thought. BSS: “Although I am intrigued……I just can’t do it.” He nods. BSS: “Guards, get him out of here.” As one set of guards wrestles a battling Valiant out a side door, Scott yells after him. BSS: “And if you come back onto SWF property, I’ll have you arrested on the spot.” The door closes, leaving Scott with Bruce. BBS: “As for you, well…….you’re not suspended are you, Mr. Rock Star? Why don’t you bring your wrestling gear to the show next week? If you’re so amped up and ready to fight, I’ll have one waiting for you when you arrive.” He nods again and the guards wrangle Bruce out of the hallway too, away from Big Smack Scott. As the cameras begin to leave the now defused situation, one notices Abby Eisen walk up, joining Big Smack Scott as the temporary GM returns to his office. Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER] Antonio Maxi Marquez vs. Acid[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]-Shooting Star Title Match-[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: AMM wins via pinfall @ 5:59[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: What a match; Marquez and Acid can hook it up and you can bet your bottom dollar that there’ll be a rematch. With the other two members of Mexico’s Most Wanted, Gino Montero and Fuerza, at ringside keeping Plague and Jacob Jett out of the proceedings, AMM takes the fight right to the COTGD’s mysterious masked man, controlling the action almost the entire way, getting an opportunity to show all of his offense before getting the pinfall with the “Champagne Sunrise” at the six minute mark. The real fun begins after the bell when Plague and Emma begin to stir it up with Fuerza and Gino. Marquez laughs as Emma slaps and claws Fuerza, who holds her at arms length, but AMM doesn’t notice Sammy Bach slithering under the bottom rope behind him. In a heartbeat, Bach has slapped on the “BOYB”, wrenching the Mexican sensation as his boys scrap with Gino and Fuerza. Things get hairy with Plague crowning Montero with a chairshot while a distraction from Emma leads Fuerza into a shot of green mist from Acid straight into his eyes, stopping the big man dead in his tracks. As it looks like the COTGD is about to overcome Marquez and his boys, Remmy Skye comes screaming down the ramp with a sharpened baseball bat. The Cult scatters, with everyone, including Bach, heading for the shadows, Remmy again coming to the aid the enemies of his enemies. Jett hisses, lips curled back, from a spot in the audience. Grade: B+[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] A video rolls, highlighting last week’s main event which saw “Mr. Wrestling” Sean McFly prevail over the corporate duo of North American champion Bull Wrecker and Big Smack Scott. At the end, the package shifts into a collage of ‘Morpheus moments’, so to speak, chronicling the return of Morpheus to the SWF and the haunting of Wrecker. Grade: B+ [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER] Joe Sexy/Tom Gilmore vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith/Golden[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Double Disqualification @ 8:10[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: If you were to take the time to look up slobberknocker in the dictionary, there would be several photos of this match used as the example. Initially, it was really quite humorous to watch Bulldozer Brandon Smith and Golden interact and try to function as a tag team, as the two are about as opposite as two people can get. But as the match progresses, it seems that they start to work together more, while Gilmore and Sexy expectedly unravel. Golden DDT’s Sexy as Gilmore laughs on the apron, seeming not to care about the outcome of the match even as Queen Emily yells at him, telling him otherwise. After Sexy kicks out and gets to the corner, his tag is a ruthless backhand slap across the face of his former tag team partner, raising a bright red welt on Gilmore’s face. Angry gets angry and begins shoving Sexy who shoves him back before taking a swing at him. Bulldozer tags in and, running across the ring, he and Golden attack. But Queen Emily sees them coming and alerts her man, who drops and rolls under the ropes to the floor, leaving Sexy in the ring alone to bear the brunt of the double team. And he is put through the ringer, eating Golden’s stunner and getting german suplexed three times by Bulldozer before Smith signals to the crowd that he is going to apply his feared armbar finisher. But as he gets in position, Gilmore springboards in, soaring three quarters of the way across the ring before clotheslining both Bulldozer and Golden out of their boots. Golden gets hit flush and rolls to the floor, but Bulldozer is quick to his feet, sending Gilmore to the floor again, this time retrieving a chair. Bulldozer laughs and leans over the top rope, snatching a chair of his own and beckoning Gilmore back into the ring. He does and without hesitation, they both swing away, engaging in a great chair fight for a few seconds before bashing each other, simultaneously, with the chairs, causing Eugene Williams to call for the bell, disqualifying both teams. The show goes to commercial with shots of all four men, down and beaten, in different spots in and around the ring.[/I] [I] Grade: B[/I] [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] Remmy Skye is standing backstage with Tommy Townsend on the interview set, head down, multi-colored hair falling over his face. The SWF’s lead interviewer and Remmy have a great relationship, but on this occasion, Skye is as serious as a heart attack. RS: “It took me a long time to figure out all of the things that I’d been seeing in my dreams; trying to make sense of it all had been impossible. That is, until you became a member of the undead, Jacob Jett. At that point, when the Cult of the Grey Dragon decided I would be your first meal, the meal that sealed you into a life of bloodlust…..it all became crystal clear.” Tommy just shakes his head, not understanding. RS: “I’ve been having visions, Tommy…..of some serious stuff. For a while now, I’ve known what I’d have to do, but I sort of denied it, you know?” There is a shared moment of silence before Tommy understands. RS: “But I can’t ignore it anymore. It must be done.” He produces his sharpened baseball bat and wrings his hands on its handle. RS: “Jacob Jett, I have been charged with sending you back to the hell you came from.” The camera gets close. He raises his eyes. RS: “My name is Remmy Skye….and I hunt vampires.” As he walks off of the set, Tommy Townsend shivers. TT: “He didn’t say ‘bro’ or ‘dude’ once that whole time.” Grade: B [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][CENTER]New Wave vs. LOW 2K11[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]-World Tag Team Title Match-[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: New Wave wins via pinfall @ 5:04[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: Pretty straight forward here; the tag team champions roll over the Lords of War with extreme prejudice, just wearing them out with their persistent attack. In fact, Barrowman and Finch look as good as they ever have, really seeming to have picked up a head of steam with their pay-per-view victory over BHOTWG’s Rebellion. Agony told everyone before “Times of Trouble” that he had decided to hang up his boots and move into a backstage role with the company. I’m all for it, as I think his experience could be valuable to some of the younger members of the roster. However, I don’t think I would’ve invested any time in giving the LOW any sort of push at all, let alone repackaging Puerto Rican Power, if I had know that Agony was going to bail out only a month after signing. The finish comes at just past the five minute mark when Finch hits a monster string of moves, suplexing both members of the Lords of War before climbing to the top rope and dropping a leg onto Warlord Power. After Barrowman hits the ring and clears out the slowly attacking Agony, he leaves Finch alone to apply, for the first time in an SWF ring, his “Special Force”, a mutilation armbar. Power tries, struggling to escape, but is stuck in the middle of the ring and taps out. Baby Jamie calls for the bell as Barrowman climbs back into the ring with the belts, raising his partner’s arm in celebration. Dejected after the loss, Power and Agony begin to exit the ring, but Barrowman calls them back, he and Finch shaking their hands before departing the ring themselves, letting the LOW play to the crowd as a sign of respect. Grade: B-[/I] [CENTER][B][I](commercial)[/I][/B] Photobucket[/CENTER] A promo video plays, hyping Gregory Keith's reign as champion and his secure spot as the face of the Corporation. The piece closes with a montage of Keith raising the title belt the night he won it superimposed over flashes of Sean McFly doing the exact same thing, years ago in the very same ring. Grade: A* [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Peter Michaels sits in the bar area of a hotel during the day on a specially constructed set, ready to interview Darryl Devine. Devine, who will take on the interim CEO Eric Eisen at “Supreme Challenge” in a loser leaves the SWF dog collar match, shows up in a very foul mood. With a few days beard growth and a sneer on his face, he spins a chair around beside Michaels and sits down. But before the voice of the SWF can even begin, Devine starts on his own. DD: “Look, I want to cut though all of the BS and get right down to it, alright Peter?” Michaels nods, loosening his necktie. DD: “I carried this promotion on my back before you got here, Peter, did you know that?” Michaels tries to answer, but is cut off. DD: "For two years...." Cut off again. DD: “.....and every single time, every opportunity that I had to reclaim my prize for it all, the SWF World Heavyweight Championship, I have been cheated by Eric Eisen. I know that I am a better wrestler than he is; a better man. And now I have the chance to send him home to his family mansion, the bedroom across the hall from his comatose father!......and I’m going to do it!” Devine is wringing his hands on the back of the chair as he talks. Michaels is a professional though and attempts to redirect his while he’s still hot. PM: “Are you ready to put…..” Cut off yet again. DD: “….to put my SWF career on the line? No question. If I can't beat him, I don't deserve to be here." PM: “Darryl, you requested this match from the SWF Championship Committee; why a dog collar match?” No hesitation. DD: “Because in a dog collar match, we’ll be separated by only ten feet at all times. That means that he can’t run, that he can’t hide from me; the only way he’s ever dealt with me is by running away. Not this time.....not..this...time.” Michaels presses. PM: “Darryl, the history of the dog collar match is long, but the list of people coming out of it unscathed is short, if not nonexistent. Are you sure you’re ready for what is, without a doubt, a career shortening match?” The camera pans in, close. DD: “It’s not that I don’t know all about that, Peter. I know there will be brutality, I know that there will be blood…..it’s just…. that I…. don’t…. care. I think that this is the situation where this kind of violence, this kind of bloodletting, is necessary. Eric Eisen has pushed me to it. I’m going to end his career. I’m going to send another Eisen home……permanently. ” Whether or not Michaels is done or not, Devine gets up, flipping the chair over in the process and walks off, leaving one of the most talkative men in the business speechless and sheepishly holding his sheet of questions. Grade: A* [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Bull Wrecker vs. Joey Minnesota[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]-North American Title Match-[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Joey Minnesota wins via pinfall @ 10:29[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: A bit less than we expected from our main event, rating wise, but still a big enough shocker from a booking standpoint to make sense in this spot. From the get-go, Joey Minnesota is Bull Wrecker’s training dummy, being absolutely tossed around the squared circle by the North American champion at his leisure. And Wrecker seems to enjoy himself along the way, breaking out a few moves that we haven’t yet seen in his SWF tenure, surprising Minnesota with a tilt-a-whirl suplex before carrying him to the turnbuckles and sitting him awkwardly atop them. Slapping Joey a few times before climbing to the second rope, the Corporate Assassin sneers at the crowd as he hooks Minnesota, snapping him back into the ring with violent authority with a massive superplex, shaking the ring. Referee Jay Fair’s face tells the tale as Wrecker lifts Joey to his feet instead of going for the pin, deciding instead to inflict more punishment. As Wrecker buries his challenger with a pair of absolutely brutal clotheslines, the screen splits with cameras showing Bulldozer Brandon Smith laughing as he watches the proceedings on a monitor, knowing that it was his stolen title shot contract that led Joey to such an epic beating. With Wrecker lifting Minnesota to his feet yet again, Smith grabs his bags and heads for the building’s exit, confident that Joey’s demise is imminent. The North American champion stands looking over the mess that Minnesota has become, smiling evilly. Fair attempts to intervene, pleading with Wrecker to cover the defenseless Minnesota, but the big man pushes Fair out of his face, flipping the diminutive official head-over-heels into the corner before beginning to circle the ring again, stalking his nearly senseless opponent as he tries to get to his feet. The crowd begins to buzz as small silver spheres begin raining from the ceiling of the arena, floating down and filling the ringside area in a blizzard-like mass. The lights do not go out, but a flash of lightening strikes the stage, bringing the fans to their feet in anticipation. Wrecker goes bezerk, knowing Morpheus’ entrance is coming; he wants revenge for what happened in last week’s main event. A second bolt of lightening flashes, striking the stage, and now the lights flicker, but never go out entirely. [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] From the rafters above, Morpheus descends in a cable, landing only a few feet behind the Corporate Assassin as he stares in the wrong direction, facing the stage; waiting. Casting a shadow over Wrecker from behind, Morpheus too waits……and waits……until it slowly dawns on Wrecker why the crowd is freaking out and he turns around, wearing the perfect “I-think-he-got-me-again” look on his face. Morpheus grabs Wrecker, scooping him up and carrying him a few steps before turning and spiking him into the mat with a huge powerslam, driving all of the wind out of him and laying him flat. Jay Fair and Joey Minnesota both begin to come to, conveniently, at the same time, just as Morpheus re-rigs his cable and flies back up into the catwalks above. Joey has no idea what has happened, but is with it enough to quickly fall on the downed Wrecker. The crowd counts along in full throat…. 1 . . . . 2 . . . . . . 3 Joey rolls off of Wrecker, flat onto the mat alongside him as Jay Fair calls for the bell, grabbing the North American championship from the ringside attendant and draping it across Minnesota’s chest as it heaves. The show ends with another split screen shot. On the left, Minnesota begins to realize what has transpired, holding his new belt with a sense of wonder. On the right, Bulldozer Brandon Smith is watching the show’s conclusion on the TV in his limo, now about a mile away, in total disbelief. Grade: B Show Grade: B[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket [B]Copyright Supreme Sports 2011[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]The Past, Present, and Future of Professional Wrestling[/CENTER][/B]
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[I]I hope I didn’t lead you into believing that the diary was going to go belly-up. (Yes I did. ;)) Far from it, actually. I am interested very much in the idea of competition. The story that I set out to tell with Secrets of the Ring Volume Two is nowhere near complete, and I figure that I’ll need about another year of gametime to see it through to its planned end. By then I think I’ll be ready for a new challenge and have Peter Michaels quits his post as the head booker in the SWF. Now, hold that thought while having this one. When I began the unbelievable task of recreating my save game data from the ’07 game onto the new ’08 one (I know more than a few have done it and I’m sure they’d say the same thing: It’s insane.) I got an idea. Since I was going to get the chance to restart the game in the middle, so to speak, I started a multi player game against myself using Peter Michaels and three other in game characters (who will remain nameless for the time being). I have been booking four major companies simultaneously, steering the game world toward a date. Next year’s SWF Supreme Challenge. At that point, I am going to open up the diary to three other writers to take control of the three other characters and split the diary into a four company battle with an inter-promotional, Monday Night Wars head to head TV style ratings war voted upon and perpetuated by the readers of each individual diary. Imagine knowing that at 8pm EST on Tuesday night, real time, SWF Supreme TV, TCW Presents: Total Wrestling, and NOTBPW Championship Wrestling all were going to be posted, simultaneously, by the board’s best writers attempting to outdo each other with the very act of reading becoming the ratings indicator. To me, that’s an exciting idea. There’s a lot more to tell, but I’ll save it for another occasion. In the coming months of the diary, I’ll use some of Peter Michaels’ shoot interview time to begin fleshing out the rest of the game world as well as using some direct promotional profiles, just to get you caught up on things outside of the SWF. Once again, thank you to everyone who voted for SOTR in this month’s diary of the month. I hope that my enthusiasm for my diary and this community show in my writing. Best, NoNeck [/I]
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Show 33 Preview [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER][SIZE="4"]-Show Thirty-Three Preview-[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [I] Big Smack Scott has certainly raised the bar with his matchmaking for Supreme TV, and this week’s main event may be one of the best in the show’s history…..even if he includes himself in the proceedings. Sean McFly has been on the wrong side of numerous handicap matches designed to take a physical toll on him before important matches against The Corporation. This week, McFly will face off against The Corporation’s team of World Heavyweight champion Gregory Keith and Big Smack Scott, taking the match with a partner…..one of the biggest enemies of The Corporation, Darryl Devine. Can two of the biggest fan favorites in the company pool their collective energies long enough to take a chunk or two out of the hide of the World Champion and Corporate lackey with only two weeks to go before “Supreme Challenge”? Don’t miss what is sure to be one of Supreme TV’s matches of the year. After an encounter/brawl with the suspended Valiant during last week’s Supreme TV, Big Smack Scott told Jack Bruce to bring his wrestling gear to the arena this week, guaranteeing him a match……and what a match it is. This week on Supreme TV, Jack Bruce will go one-on-one with a man who has problems of his own, the bane of the COTGD’s existence, Remmy Skye. Remmy has announced his intention to rid the SWF of the vampiric Jacob Jett; will he be able to shift his focus, if only for a little while, to deal with the challenge of the SWF’s resident troublemaking rock star? Tune in to find out. Trying to capitalize on one of last week’s great tag team matches, Scott has booked a one-on-one rematch between two of the four combatants, pitting the face painted freak Golden against the no-nonsense Tom Gilmore in singles action. Big news; a young upstart tag team takes on……another young upstart tag team this week on Supreme TV. With a win last week under their belts, Ryan Powell and Stevie Grayson will try to get a foothold in the upper reaches of the tag team division, taking a match against Futureshock. Mr. Hayes is convinced that he can buy the tag team titles for his squad, starting before “Times of Trouble” to acquire them using a hefty some of the benefactor’s money; can Glenn and Starr top the SWF’s newest tag team and make their bid for the belts the old fashioned way by climbing the ladder? The second of Peter Michaels’ sit-down interviews with the combatants in “The Supreme Challenge’s” Loser-Leaves-SWF Dog Collar match will take place this week as the voice of Supreme interviews the interim CEO of the company, Eric Eisen, from his lavish training facility. After hearing how ready his opponent, Darryl Devine, is, expect Eisen to send a message of his own through Peter Michaels. All of that, plus Mexico’s Most Wanted’s Fuerza makes his in-ring debut, taking on the legendary Warlord Agony on the free internet pre-show.[/I] [B][CENTER]It’s all happening……..this week, on SWF Supreme TV![/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket [B]Copyright Supreme Sports 2011[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]The Past, Present, and Future of Professional Wrestling[/CENTER][/B] -Quick Picks- McFly/Devine vs. Keith/Scott Jack Bruce vs. Remmy Skye Powell/Grayson vs. Futureshock Tom Gilmore vs. Golden Warlord Agony vs. Fuerza
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[B]McFly/Devine[/B] vs. Keith/Scott On one team you've got two stars, on the other you've got one star........and BSS. Oh dear - I actually feel sorry for Greg! [B]Jack Bruce[/B] vs. Remmy Skye In which parallel universe is this match more than a glorified squash? Powell/Grayson vs. [B]Futureshock[/B] One win does not constitute a push (for Ryan/Stevie) [B]Tom Gilmore [/B]vs. Golden Talent wins Warlord Agony vs. [B]Fuerza[/B] Young and untalented v old and....... well you get the idea!
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[quote=Rob4590;504737][B]McFly/Devine[/B] vs. Keith/Scott On one team you've got two stars, on the other you've got one star........and BSS. Oh dear - I actually feel sorry for Greg! [B]Jack Bruce[/B] vs. Remmy Skye In which parallel universe is this match more than a glorified squash? Powell/Grayson vs. [B]Futureshock[/B] One win does not constitute a push (for Ryan/Stevie) [B]Tom Gilmore [/B]vs. Golden Talent wins Warlord Agony vs. [B]Fuerza[/B] Young and untalented v old and....... well you get the idea![/quote] I agree with these predictions 100 Hundred per cent :)
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[CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][SIZE="4"][CENTER]-Deal Goes Bad in SWF?-[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] [I](PWHits.com)- Warlord Agony revealed his intention to retire to some backstage staffers after "Times of Trouble", hoping to join the team as a road agent at the end of the month. But that's not how it is playing out, it seems. Word from the inside is that many ranking members of the office are upset that Agony would sign on with the SWF and then, less than two months later, want to pull the plug on wresting so quickly, knoiwng full well that a lot was done to prepare for his final push, including a LOW style repackaging of Puerto Rican Power. Time will tell how this story finishes; the SWF has yet to release an official statement and still list Agony on promotional materials for their upcoming shows, including "The Supreme Challenge".[/I] (OOC::mad::rolleyes::mad: )
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[b]McFly/Devine[/b] vs. Keith/Scott [b]Jack Bruce[/b] vs. Remmy Skye Powell/Grayson vs. [b]Futureshock[/b] [b]Tom Gilmore[/b] vs. Golden Warlord Agony vs. [b]Fuerza[/b]
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[QUOTE=NoNeck;503906][I]I hope I didn’t lead you into believing that the diary was going to go belly-up. (Yes I did. ;)) Far from it, actually. I am interested very much in the idea of competition. The story that I set out to tell with Secrets of the Ring Volume Two is nowhere near complete, and I figure that I’ll need about another year of gametime to see it through to its planned end. By then I think I’ll be ready for a new challenge and have Peter Michaels quits his post as the head booker in the SWF. Now, hold that thought while having this one. When I began the unbelievable task of recreating my save game data from the ’07 game onto the new ’08 one (I know more than a few have done it and I’m sure they’d say the same thing: It’s insane.) I got an idea. Since I was going to get the chance to restart the game in the middle, so to speak, I started a multi player game against myself using Peter Michaels and three other in game characters (who will remain nameless for the time being). I have been booking four major companies simultaneously, steering the game world toward a date. Next year’s SWF Supreme Challenge. At that point, I am going to open up the diary to three other writers to take control of the three other characters and split the diary into a four company battle with an inter-promotional, Monday Night Wars head to head TV style ratings war voted upon and perpetuated by the readers of each individual diary. Imagine knowing that at 8pm EST on Tuesday night, real time, SWF Supreme TV, TCW Presents: Total Wrestling, and NOTBPW Championship Wrestling all were going to be posted, simultaneously, by the board’s best writers attempting to outdo each other with the very act of reading becoming the ratings indicator. To me, that’s an exciting idea. There’s a lot more to tell, but I’ll save it for another occasion. In the coming months of the diary, I’ll use some of Peter Michaels’ shoot interview time to begin fleshing out the rest of the game world as well as using some direct promotional profiles, just to get you caught up on things outside of the SWF. Once again, thank you to everyone who voted for SOTR in this month’s diary of the month. I hope that my enthusiasm for my diary and this community show in my writing. Best, NoNeck [/I][/QUOTE] It's a huge project. Much luck.
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[QUOTE]yeah right I'm not quoting that whole thing again, look up at Astil's post :p [/QUOTE] are the writers already chosen? If so when will they be announced? if not what is the application process (not looking to write, just more curios than anything) Sound like a break out idea though!
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Show 33 "Two" [B][SIZE="4"][CENTER]Show Thirty-Three[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][SIZE="4"][CENTER]“Two”[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] [B][CENTER](Internet Pre-Show)[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] The show opens with Stevie Grayson standing over his friend Ryan Powell somewhere in the arena’s backstage area, cradling Powell’s head. With a horribly bent chair on the floor next to him, it is obvious that someone has blindsided the youngster, leaving Stevie yelling for help until Alex Braun and a pair of paramedics rush onto the scene. Grade: C+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Fuerza vs. Warlord Agony[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Fuerza wins via pinfall @ 3:09[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: With Antonio Maxi Marquez and Gino Montero joining him at ringside, Fuerza dominates Warlord Agony with some very generic big man offense, capping the whole thing off with a nasty hammerlock powerbomb. Power exchanges pushes and shoves with Gino after the bell, but eventually, the two separate and Mexico’s Most Wanted stand three across in the ring, mugging for the hard camera; Marquez standing in the center, the SWF Shooting Star title draped over his shoulder. Grade: C-[/I] The internet feed scrambles for a second, flickering before reappearing. The shot is no longer in the huge Texas arena, but rather of someone’s face. He is blonde, hair the perfect messed-up-to-look-this-good cut; his blue tinted sunglasses highlighting his movie star eyes. [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] “Welcome SWF viewers, to Mainstream.com, your source for everything that’s anything to anyone who’s anyone.” He smiles and leans back, putting his hands behind his head, exuding a nonchalant coolness as he puts his bare feet up on the keyboard, making them the camera’s focal point. “This was just a test; relax. We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming.” He wiggles his toes on one foot, waving with it as the feed goes out again for a second before coming back to the arena, a few techs scrambling around trying to find the problem. Grade: C+ [B][CENTER](Live Telecast)[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] When the show goes live, Bull Wrecker is in the ring standing in front of a shiny black casket. As he runs his hand long its sleek lid, he begins. BW: “Morpheus. You’ve said that you’re going to steal my soul or some such nonsense, haven’t you? I think you have your facts wrong, old man.” He throws the lid open. It is empty. BW: “You see, I don’t claim to have any supernatural powers or abilities or anything like that. I am, however, able to deliver so much brutality, so much violence, that I can put you in the ground, too……permanently. This Sunday night at “The Supreme Challenge”, I’m going to stuff your sphere raining, lightening striking, spooky masked ass into a casket, just like this one and….” The lights expectedly flash a few times before going out. Wrecker is ready, looking all around, expecting Morpheus from any direction. His voice booms over the public address system. M: “Bull Wrecker, your soul will be mine, you are correct.” Wrecker squints in every direction possible, looking all over for Morpheus. BW: “Show yourself!” [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] The spotlights finally capture Morpheus’ shape, standing, as usual, among the catwalks and rigging in the highest reaches of the arena. Wrecker shields his eyes with one hand, pointing at him. BW: “I’m gonna bury you alive this Sunday; I’m going to close you into this casket and….” A flash of lightening strikes one of the ringposts sending the Corporate Assassin scrambling for cover. M: “……I AM NOT OF A MORTAL SOUL; I AM NEITHER ALIVE NOR DEAD.” Just the volume of his voice turns Wrecker into a ‘fraidy cat. M: “I WILL PUT YOU IN YOUR DEATHBOX OF CHOICE FOR YOUR TRIP TO THE OTHER DIMENSION, AND I WILL ALSO SET IT ABAZE WITH THE SKY’S LIGHT!” Morpheus raises his hands up and then casts them forward. As he does, two bolts of lightening come from the arena’s ceiling, joining together above the ring, and striking the casket, causing an explosion; pieces of casket flying everywhere. M: “PREPARE YOURSELF BULL WRECKER! IT SHALL BE SO!” The lights go out completely again with just the spotlight on Morpheus remaining. M: “I………MORPHEUS!” Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Jack Bruce vs. Remmy Skye[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Jack Bruce wins via pinfall @ 9:51[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: Big Smack Scott the GM scores again with this match, as it had the fans alight from the opening bell. Both men come into this with very different personal agendas that really, have nothing to do with the proceedings. But that doesn’t stop them from stealing the show, either. Remmy is unusually aggressive, taking the fight right to the SWF’s rock star, scoring with a triad of fast, fast, fast armdrags and then deciding to work from the mat, holding Bruce in a few different armbar variations. The pace gets decidedly quicker a few moments later when Bruce has run off some offense of his own, reversing out of a backdrop with a rolling backflip and catching Remmy’s head between his knees and planting him face-first into the mat with a modified piledriver of sorts. The match’s finish sees some innovative offense as well. With Remmy reeling and looking like he is heading out the door at any minute, Bruce whips him into the ropes and scores with a reverse DDT neckbreaker that leaves Skye down and in perfect position for the “Welcome to NYC” move triad, nailing him with an elbow drop, a legdrop, and a big splash in succession. But, as wrestling matches tend to go, there is a comeback. Somehow, Skye is able to avoid several of Bruce’s attempts at the “New York Minute”, reaching out and catching the rocker in the jaw with a desperate haymaker, dropping JB and giving him a chance. Remmy holds his neck as he climbs up to the top turnbuckle, waiting a few seconds for Bruce to turn around, looking for the “Skye Diver”, but as he does so, he notices that the Cult of the Grey Dragon have assembled on the stage. The split second is all Bruce needs as he leaps up onto the top cable and brings Remmy crashing thunderously to the mat with a “NYM” from off the top. The members of the Cult wait until the bell rings before proceeding down the ramp, toward the ring, led by the ultra-serious Sammy Bach. But before they can get all the way to the ring….. [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] …..Mexico’s Most Wanted come tearing down the ramp behind them, starting a huge brawl that quickly takes over the entire ringside area and even spills into the crowd with Acid’s running backflip from off of the ring apron sending he and Gino Montero over the barricade and into the front row of fans. As security descends and Jack Bruce looks on from the ring, cameras shoot outside where a cameraman thinks he sees Valiant running amongst some cars in the parking lot. The shot is shaky and nothing is viewable, but it is clear the cameraman believes who he saw was the suspended big man. Bruce is clearly angry and smolders as the show comes back to the ring, MMW and the COTGD finally separated. AG: “Did you see anything, Peter? Was that him?” PM: “If Valiant is here tonight, Ana, Big Smack Scott will have him arrested on sight.” Grade: (match) B+ (post) B+[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] The cameras speed backstage where Joey Minnesota is on the run, sprinting down a people-full hallway, knocking over some make-up chairs and lights on his way out a side door, Bulldozer Brandon Smith in hot pursuit. Dozer has to step over a rack of lights downed in the doorway and upon getting outside, has lost Joey, who has jumped in a waiting cab and is already at least two hundred yards away. Suddenly, the cab screeches to a halt, still within sight. Joey pops out the side window, holding the North American title out over his head, antagonizing Bulldozer, whose contract it was that Joey cashed in for the title shot. As the cabs lights flash and it tears off around the corner, the camera pulls back showing a very angry Bulldozer, huffing and puffing, swearing under his breath, vowing to get revenge on Minnesota. BBS: “That belt.....should have.....been mine.” Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Futureshock vs. Powell/Grayson[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Futureshock wins via pinfall @ 7:33[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: While the crowd wasn’t altogether into this one, as it was a letdown from the Remmy/Bruce opener, it was still precisely what we had hoped it would be, and it served its purpose well. Steve Flash said that these guys were absolutely tearing it up on some recent house shows, stealing them as the show’s opener on a few occasions, so we decided to slingshot them from the internet pre-show onto the main show. But, he also pointed out that each match was meticulously scripted by he and our other agent Alex Braun and that they were always under five minutes long. That being said, we thought it would be a great barometer to see what we really had by giving them eight minutes and letting them call it in the ring themselves. It wasn’t a train wreck, but it does give us plenty to work on from here on out. The finish comes at just under the eight minute mark, with KC Glenn stopping Stevie Grayson’s high energy rally with a wicked ballshot, sending him walking wobbly-kneed toward Brett Starr who drills him with a yakuza kick. Dumping Powell, still selling his “injuries” from the earlier backstage attack, off of the apron, Glenn lifts Stevie and whirls him around, smearing him into the canvas with his finisher, the air-raid crash before making the decisive cover. Mr. Hayes climbs into the ring, holding up both Glenn’s and Starr’s arms, facing the hard cam and glowering at it. Grade: C+[/I] (Commercial) [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] Mr. Hayes is waiting, standing still, sunglasses still on inside after Futureshock’s match, when the Dirty White Boyz turn a corner backstage. Initially they put their hands up, expecting an attack from Futureshock, but Hayes just stands, non-threatening, until they slowly lower them, listening when the bodyguard finally speaks. MH: “Hear me out. I’d…..” Lead Belly cuts him off, putting a hand right in front of his face. LB: “….we have no interest in your dirty money, man. And neither did the LOW, did they? You don’t even have to bother…” But Mr. Hayes cuts him off, stepping forward and holding up the briefcase attached to his wrist. MH: “Oh no? I was under the impression that you guys were for hire. Wasn’t that your purpose here in the SWF; what you do?” They think about it. MH: “Only I won’t be paying you in beer, my friends.” Lead Belly and Hogg understand, still smiting about the way they were used by Eric Eisen and the Corporation during his investigation into the still unsolved backstage fire, months ago. MH: “KC Glenn and Brett Starr are the future of this business. Their benefactor has very deep pockets and believes they should be the tag team champions sooner rather than later…..” He smiles….but only a little bit; the corners barely curled. MH: “….and I’m willing to offer you a very hefty sum of money to do what The Rebellion couldn’t and the Lords of War wouldn’t. A……VERY….hefty sum indeed.” Suddenly, as if he is snapping out of a trance, Grease Hogg sighs aloud and shakes his partner’s shoulder, ‘waking’ him up as well. LB: “Nope. Not interested.” Hogg shakes him again and motions toward the cafeteria. LB: “Not at all.” As the number one contenders turn and walk away from Mr. Hayes, the camera catches Lead Belly glancing back over his shoulder, staring longingly at the briefcase swinging from Hayes’ wrist. Grade: B [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Tom Gilmore vs. Golden[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Tom Gilmore wins via pinfall @ 6:42[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: With Queen Emily cheering him on at ringside, keeping her head on a swivel looking out for Joe Sexy, Gilmore steamrolls Golden and, although it takes him a few more minutes than usual, he makes handy work of his opponent, decimating the face-painted freak with his full repertoire. The most interesting thing that the people will take away from the match is Gilmore’s focus and precision, as they really notice the extra oomph in every single motion he makes. With Golden reeling, Angry hits him with a flurry of open handed chops, staggering the larger man and leaving him leaning against the ropes for support, wide open and easy to hit with a huge step-up shining wizard. He is meticulous, going to work on Golden’s arm and keeping him on his back, unable to gain any leverage advantage until he lifts him back up and whips him into the ropes, dropping him with a back elbow. Jenny pounds ring apron as Golden rolls around, urging her man on, but Gilmore is relentless, dropping a pair of knees and smearing Golden’s face paint before lifting him by the hair and twisting his head around with a spinning back kick. Emily points, laughing at Golden as Angry hops onto the top rope and takes to the air, scoring with a legdrop and nipping up, leering at the crowd the whole time. [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] They begin to pop like crazy when Joe Sexy makes his way out to the ringside area, with Queen Emily getting right in his face at the base of the ramp. Golden begins to stir while Gilmore watches the goings-on between his former partner and his manager, slowly getting to his feet behind Tom. Sexy and Gilmore exchange words with Emily trying to keep Sexy back, when suddenly, Gilmore rears back and shockingly spits in Sexy’s face. Just as he gets out a grin, Golden spins him around. But Gilmore slugs him in the face before he can get off the stunner and drops him with an “Anger Management” for the tidy three count. Emily is finally joined by a few SWF security staffers who get in front of Sexy, too, as he and Gilmore continue to exchange pleasantries, Sexy still wiping spit out of his eye and Gilmore standing, arms raised, in the ring. Grade: B[/I] [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] Gregory Keith and Big Smack Scott make their way toward the ring, Keith leading the way with the SWF World Title around his waist. A staffer runs up and tells Scott that a few more people think they’ve seen the suspended Valiant on the premises. Keith walks ahead as BSS stays back, taking his job as the temporary GM very seriously. BSS: “You go round up some of the cops that are backstage eating the free food and tell them to be on the lookout for him.” The staffer turns and head toward the catering area with Scott bellowing after her. BSS: “He is NOT to be let inside the building! Under any circumstances!” Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] Peter Michaels is joined by Eric Eisen as the two sit across from each other on Eisen’s private jet, the interview being taped as Eisen left to sequester himself for training. He is dead serious throughout, his usual arrogance toned down but mixed with a new intensity. PM: “Eric, at “Supreme Challenge” you will step into the ring to face the man who has been your biggest rival, literally for years, Darryl Devine.” Eisen nods. PM: “Not only is it a dog collar match, which is guaranteed to be a brutal affair, but, at stake, your very livelihood as a member of the SWF roster. If you lose, are you really going to be able to just walk away?” Eric nods slowly and looks up a little, still not really making eye contact with Peter or looking at the camera. EE: “I’ll have no problem heading home if I can’t beat Devine, and you can quote me on that, Michaels. And, I see how you might think that it would be hard for me to do. I mean, really, I’ve finally ascended to my rightful place at the helm of my family’s company and given us a new attitude for the next millennium, and how’s it going Peter? In under a year we’ve seen our fortunes turn around; the SWF is cutting edge again, the SWF is setting TV ratings records again, the SWF is the best….again.” Michaels takes his turn nodding. EE: “For me it’s meant more responsibility, sure, but it’s also meant more money, more fame, more money, more power, and, of course…..more money.” This draws a frown from Michaels. EE: “Darryl Devine has been a lot of things to me over the last thirty months. But among all of the things he’s been, the thing he’s been most often is……my b*tch.” Peter looks as though he’d get up and end the interview if he weren’t trapped with Eisen in the cabin of a jet. EE: “How many times have I beaten him? Answer me that? It’s been so many times that I’ve actually lost count. He’s lost so many important matches to me……he can’t possibly believe that this one, the biggest of them all, will be any different. What do you think Michaels? Aren’t you a respected wrestling journalist or is that all BS?” Michaels snorts a bit and adjusts his tie. PM: “I don’t think you’ve ever had a match against Darryl Devine that was on the up-and-up. You’ve always had the scales tipped in your….” Eisen shakes his head, cutting off Peter by rudely putting his hand up. EE: “Bottom line, Michaels, I’m not going anywhere. This is my company. I’m going to beat Darryl Devine, I’m going to bloody Darryl Devine, and then I’m going to drag Darryl Devine out the door and into the street……and out of the SWF forever.” He finally looks up, his eyes locking onto the camera. EE: “You are going to have to go face to face with the devil himself, Darryl. Are you prepared to do that; to stare pure evil in the face? Because that’s what you’re going to have to do….and pure evil is capable of anything; I’m capable of anything.” Grade: A* [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Sean McFly/Darryl Devine vs. Gregory Keith/Big Smack Scott[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: McFly/Devine win via pinfall @ 12:26[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: A major main event; giving something like this away on free television is something that I’m very proud to do. In fact, I love when other companies (TCW) keep everything in a holding pattern until their ppv’s and still expect the fans to pop for what they know to be meaningless matches on their TV programming. In this one, while there were no titles on the line, we still put three of our biggest names out there in the same match, under direct orders to deliver the goods, and everything was top notch. The majority of the match is spent with Darryl Devine hooking it up with the World Champion, as we really wanted to tease McFly’s entrance as long as possible. And when he finally makes a tag in, the roof nearly flies off of the place; I’m pretty sure the anticipation of these two meeting at “The Supreme Challenge” had a little something to do with it, too. They exchange heated offense and do so without burning off too much of their heat, with Gregory Keith finally deciding to roll out of the ring to escape the situation, blind tagging BSS on his way to the floor. McFly presses, but Keith laps the ring twice before just throwing up his hands and heading back up the ramp toward the locker room. Scott stands in the ring in disbelief for a few seconds before Darryl Devine surprises him, spinning him around and rocking him with a “Devine Dream Drop” that sends him ass-over-teakettle before he comes to a stop. The crowd loves it, but mix their cheers with boos for Gregory Keith who has made it onto the stage and just stands there, watching Scott try to get to his feet. McFly climbs back through the ropes as Jay Fair continues his count on Keith, but Devine’s second “DDD” on Big Smack Scott floors him for good, with McFly covering the GM for three before Fair can finish counting Keith out. Devine and “Mr. Wrestling” celebrate in the ring and play to the crowd as the World Champion pushes his way through the curtain, running his mouth the whole time. Grade: B+[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] As Big Smack Scott recovers and begins slowly walking up the ramp, Abby Eisen runs out onto the stage accompanied by two uniformed police officers, pointing to Scott. Cop: “Are you the man in charge here?” Scott is still trying to shake the cobwebs and holds his head. BSS: “Sure. Why….” The officer leans over and whispers something into Scott’s ear. His expression is unexplainable. BSS: “I don’t believe it. Where is he?” Abby grabs Scott and whispers something to him as well. BSS: “Both of them?” The officers motion for Scott to follow him. The show closes with a shot of Scott hurriedly climbing into a company car and following a cruiser, lights flashing, sirens wailing, out of the parking lot and into the darkness. Grade: B+ Show Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket [B]Copyright Supreme Sports 2011[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]The Past, Present, and Future of Professional Wrestling[/CENTER][/B]
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[QUOTE=The_Curator;509128]are the writers already chosen? If so when will they be announced? if not what is the application process (not looking to write, just more curios than anything) Sound like a break out idea though![/QUOTE] No, nothing is set in stone yet. I've sent a few PM's to my favorite writers and gotten a couple of offers via PM as well, so we'll see how it shakes out. It'll be a while before we get it all squared away, but if it works out anywhere near my expectation, I think it'll be something exciting and different for the board. I have done some work on the story and think I might release it as a scenario mod, too, it's just such an intriguing concept. Keep reading, ya'll. I hope you're enjoying it. :)
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Show 34 Preview [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER][SIZE="4"]-Show Thirty-Four Preview-[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [I]Jack Bruce and Valiant arrested at a Dallas hospital? Backstage staffers are buzzing following the conclusion of last weeks’ show, drawing guest GM Big Smack Scott from the arena to apparently bail out his two superstars. Details are sure to continue filtering in all week long and, no doubt, there will be an update on this week’s Supreme TV. How crazy has this story become? Scott will pull double duty again this week, handling his GM chores as well as stepping into the squared circle for a match. After things got a bit feisty between them in last week’s main event, Big Smack Scott booked himself in a singles match against Darryl Devine to open this week’s “Supreme TV”. With the show only days before Devine’s Loser Leaves the SWF Dog Collar match against interim CEO Eric Eisen at “The Supreme Challenge”, Big Smack Scott has undoubtedly put himself in position to suck up to his boss by tenderizing Devine some for Eisen. How will he fare? Tune in to find out. And it’s another doozy of a main event this week on Supreme TV with a bitter rivalry coming to a head. Former partners turned rivals, turned bitter rivals, Tom Gilmore will step into the ring to face Joe Sexy one-on-one, in the show’s feature spot. After Gilmore spat in the face of Sexy following his match last week, this match is sure to be a personal affair and a fabulous way for the fans to get geared up for “The Supreme Challenge”. With “Supreme Challenge “ just around the corner, the multi-tiered feud between the Cult of the Grey Dragon, Mexico’s Most Wanted, and Remmy Skye is reaching a head. On this episode of “Supreme TV”, the leader of MMW, Antonio Maxi Marquez will be teaming up with Remmy Skye, his vampire hunting ally, as they take on Sammy Bach and Jacob Jett. How will this incarnation of their good vs. evil battle play out? Many folks remarked about how rejuvenated The Guru looked and acted backstage at last week’s “Supreme TV”, very excited to talk about his tag team, The Can-Am Blondes, who return to action this week taking on the young fan favorites, Stevie Grayson and Ryan Powell. For some time, Love and Carvill have been on the outside looking in when it comes to the tag title picture. With The Guru’s perseverance and Frederique’s training, will The Can-Am Blondes finally turn the corner? Plus. Golden will be back in action, looking to rebound from his loss to Tom Gilmore last week, taking on John Greed on the free internet pre-show. [CENTER] [B]Don’t you dare miss the last “Supreme TV” before “The Supreme Challenge”. Enough said. [/B] [/CENTER] [CENTER]Photobucket [B]Copyright Supreme Sports 2011[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]The Past, Present, and Future of Professional Wrestling[/CENTER][/B][/I] -Quick Picks- Tom Gilmore vs. Joe Sexy Sammy Bach/Jacob Jett vs. AMM/Remmy Skye Darryl Devine vs. Big Smack Scott Can-Am Blondes vs. Ryan Powell/Stevie Grayson Golden vs. John Greed
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