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Secrets of the Ring Volume Two: Peter Michaels and SWF 2011

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I always felt that it would be hard for you to 'come back' to Volume 2, with the fine effort you are putting into Volume 3. I've seen many a writer try their hand at trying to juggle two projects at once, and unless you present both works in a minimal style [I](short write-ups, virtually non existant presentation) [/I], then I'm afraid it's just not possible to keep both projects going, without at least one being a little neglected, something has to give. I'm looking forward to where Volume 3 is heading, but at the very least you can't leave us all hanging without knowing what happened at the last PPV especially as people were kind enough to predict on it. Even if you do not feel like doing a full write-up, at the very least I would be grateful if you posted the results of Break Like The Wind and I'm sure many others will be too.
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[QUOTE=Tigerkinney;716304]I always felt that it would be hard for you to 'come back' to Volume 2, with the fine effort you are putting into Volume 3. I've seen many a writer try their hand at trying to juggle two projects at once, and unless you present both works in a minimal style [I](short write-ups, virtually non existant presentation) [/I], then I'm afraid it's just not possible to keep both projects going, without at least one being a little neglected, something has to give. [/QUOTE] [I]I didn't really have an issue with finding time to work on both until very recently. It just seems that everything I'm thinking of now relates better to my vision of the new NYCW rather than the SWF. I want to be more edgy and out-of-the-box when it comes to my storytelling and, it seems to me that each attempt at something like that gets soundly crapped upon coming through the SWF. Could it be that stories I'm trying to be edgy with are just poor? Perhaps, but I think it's something else, too.[/I] [QUOTE=Tigerkinney;716304]I'm looking forward to where Volume 3 is heading, but at the very least you can't leave us all hanging without knowing what happened at the last PPV especially as people were kind enough to predict on it. Even if you do not feel like doing a full write-up, at the very least I would be grateful if you posted the results of Break Like The Wind and I'm sure many others will be too. [/QUOTE] [I]I went back and forth trying to decide whether or not to do a wrap up of the last three months as a final post. I didn't think anyone would be too interested. But since that isn't the case, I'll try to have one up before the weekend. Accordingly, I posted an update on the V3 thread and only have one or two more backstory pieces to run before the first show. I'm thinking NYCW gets off the ground with an actual event next week sometime. I hope to see you there. :) [/I]
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The Final Chapter pt1 [I](OOC: Sorry this has taken so long to get to, ya'll. I'm going to break it up into three or four chunks so it's a bit more digestable than the mammoth essay it became when I wrote it. I hope this adds some closure for the readers that followed it, as I was really excited for and proud of this story. Accordingly, I think I'm going to put up a preview for the first NYCW show in Volume Three sometime tomorrow and get that one going full speed.)[/I] [B][I][U][CENTER]Secrets of the Ring Volume Two : The Final Chapter[/CENTER][/U][/I][/B] [B][CENTER]-December-[/CENTER][/B] [I]Coming off of the uber-successful pay-per-view “Break Like the Wind” the SWF is riding a new high, taking on a TCW event on live pay television and defeating them soundly in the ratings. There is no doubt that the interest in the SWF is centered around the shocking turn of Phil Vibert, whose actions at BLTW not only doomed Sean McFly to lose the World Heavyweight Championship, but helped Jack Bruce take it from him as well. Vibert spitting in his face by joining The Corporation and having three titles be held by the group (WH/NA/SS) would only be a momentary victory. McFly is conflicted, his mind elsewhere. Certainly being burned by his trusted advisor and losing the World Title in one fell swoop was a confusing situation, but add to it the revelations of his locker room heart to heart with The Calgary Bulldogs at the PPV in which Dan and Jeremy told Sean that their sister Victoria (McFly’s ex-wife) still had feelings for him, you can understand why. Following the PPV, he leaves, presumably to get his thoughts together. Dan and Jeremy themselves come within inches of winning the World Tag Team titles at “Break Like the Wind”, but have them stolen from right under their noses by the New Wave beginning a multi team feud that will take the teams to the next PPV. The DWB are very upset and stage a post show beatdown on both teams that is broken up by the biggest group of SWF security to date, leaving the former champions as the heels. The Bull Wrecker/Alicia Strong storyline pushes forward with Mainstream Hernandez inexplicably saving his captors from the descent of police who had cornered them in a motel, aligning him with them and making their new, even weirder promos a steady feature on the website, drawing the company huge dollars. The tag team ranks get another unexpected boost on the second Supreme TV of the month when Gregory Keith, fresh from airing some Corporate dirty laundry and wondering why the group’s focus has shifted from him to World Champion Jack Bruce (who has gone off to Hawaii to shoot a music video) is joined by his brother Matthew, a TCW defection. The Keith brothers squash a pair of teams on one show before forcing themselves into the title picture by KO-ing the DWB as they get set to interfere on a rematch between the New Wave and The Calgary Bulldogs. It leads to a whopper of a four team scramble that, predictably, ends in a disqualification, setting up the Christmas Chaos rematch. The ratings for Supreme TV are still climbing and the accolades begin pouring in for Abby Eisen, whose fan friendly ways are really the key; the main events of late are drawing gold. She promises that the final Supreme TV of December, the day after Christmas episode, will be the most talked about show of the year and will feature a Bulldozer Brandon Smith/Antonio Maxi Marquez ladder match to decide the number one contender for Tom Gilmore's North American title. Was it the most talked about show of the year? Maybe not. Was it the most watched? No question. If chaos is your favorite meal, this was the time to grab a spoon and start shoveling. Before the show even gets rolling, Bull Wrecker and Alicia Strong appear live in an actual wrestling arena for the first time since they went on their ‘tour of violence’ with wrestling legend Sam Strong bloodied and tied to a handcart, wrapped in Christmas lights. Police intervene again but Wrecker is a monster and beats several of them back before making a deft escape with Alicia and Mainstream Hernandez in a stolen car, Mainstream capturing the whole thing on his camera, smiling. The surprises don’t stop there. With all four main event tag teams set to do battle in the tag team scramble at Christmas Chaos cutting an in-ring promo (The Keith’s, the New Wave, The DWB, and the Calgary Bulldogs) a fan jumps the barricade and nails Guide, Scout, Dan jr., and Jeremy with a blackjack. The fan? Gregory and Matthew’s legendary father Sam Keith. Lead Belly and Grease Hogg laugh and take a briefcase full of money from Sam before leaving the arena, and the SWF, for good. They had obviously been told of the plan and were paid off to screen the other teams from seeing the elder Keith’s entrance. At the end of the show, following AMM's ladder match victory, (a surefire MOTY candidate) Sean McFly appears and comes out to the ring. He has been off TV for three weeks and the viewing audience is foaming about the rumors concerning him and his ex wife, Victoria Stone. He stumbles through what sounds like the beginning of a retirement speech when Victoria pushes her way though the crowd and gets to ringside, still wearing her wedding band and holding it up for him to see. With Jack Bruce, Eric Eisen, and the rest of The Corporation watching on a monitor backstage, Victoria and Sean embrace. After a quick whisper in his ear, McFly seems reinvigorated and invokes his rematch clause for a World Title shot at Christmas Chaos. Bruce is so infuriated, he cancels the World Premiere of his band’s new video, which was scheduled to close the show. [/I] [CENTER][B]-Tomorrow: Christmas Chaos and January Wrap-[/B][/CENTER]
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[I](OOC: One more update to follow and this part of the trilogy can rest in peace. The next part, "Jillefski Takes Manhattan" is ready to go. I'm putting up the preview for the first NYCW show in a couple of hours; feel free to go straight from reading this to predicting in that one. ;) )[/I] [B][CENTER]-Christmas Chaos-[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][I]Jack Bruce d. Sean McFly to retain the World Heavyweight Championship Tom Gilmore d. Antonio Maxi Marquez to retain the NA Title Christian Faith d. Sam Keith Gregory/Matthew Keith d. New Wave and Calgary Bulldogs to win the World Tag Team Titles Joey Minnesota d. Amazing Fire Fly and Gino Montero to retain the SS Title Bulldozer Brandon Smith d. Rocky Golden, Fuerza, Greg Black, and Owen Love[/I][/CENTER] [B][B][CENTER]-January-[/CENTER][/B][/B] [I]Following “Christmas Chaos”, which broke the SWF’s previous PPV buyrate record there is a bit of a shake-up toward the top of the card. With Jack Bruce’s victory came a story turn for Sean McFly. While he is still in line for another rematch against the Corporate champion Jack Bruce, repairing his broken relationship with the mother of his child, Victoria, has taken center stage in his mind. He admits as much in a show opening interview and says that he leaving the SWF indefinitely to return to Canada to be with her. Overwhelming fan favorite GM Abby Eisen announces that there will be a company wide battle royal held to decide the next number one contender. Jack Bruce and Eric Eisen can only look on from backstage as Christian Faith tears through the competition and positions himself as Bruce’s next challenger. With Gregory and Matthew Keith’s win at “Christmas Chaos” landing them the World Tag Team titles, it would seem that The Corporation has control of every championship in the Supreme Wrestling Federation. But on the Tuesday following the PPV, on Supreme TV, papa Sam Keith alludes to the fact that there may be a bit more strife between the Keith clan and Eisen’s faction. In fact, the Keith’s make their first defense against the former champions, The New Wave, comes while Eric Eisen attempts to court the Calgary Bulldogs, presumably to recruit them should the relationship between the Keith’s and The Corporation be irreparable. Dan and Jeremy are happy with the attention, but are totally against joining The Corporation, which leads to World Champ Jack Bruce and Phil Vibert dressing them down in a promo in which he says neither of them is at his level. A challenge follows and Supreme TV gets back to back weeks of World Title matches. However, as you might expect both end with Corporate shenanigans keeping the Stones from winning the gold. Christian Faith, meanwhile, has Corporate problems of his own since being named the number one contender to Bruce’s World Title. Eric Eisen sets him up with a bogus championship contract that stipulates that he must face and defeat every member of the faction before getting his match against Bruce at “When Hell Freezes Over”. First up is Joey Minnesota, who gets dispatched with extreme prejudice, followed by Tom Gilmore, who loses with help from Joey. Faith arrives the next week, the last Supreme TV before “WHFO”, expecting to have to take on one or both Keith’s, but when they balk at Eisen’s request to step into the ring with the motivated legend, the interim CEO suits up himself. It proves to be a bad move wrapped in a good move as Eric gets whitewashed by Faith but opens the door for a sneak attack by JB and Phil Vibert. Eisen backpedals up the ramp but is cut off by the upset Calgary Bulldogs and looks like he is about to receive another beating when Gregory and Matthew Keith jump Dan and Jeremy, getting Eric out of harms way and allowing him to retreat to the backstage area. As he gloats back in his office that The Corporation has returned to full strength, Bruce and Vibert still stomping down Christian Faith in the ring on one side of his giant in-office monitor split screen, The Keith’s bloodying the Calgary Bulldogs on the other; there is a knock at his door and a man in his office. It is the same man who was videotaping him a few months back, serving him with papers and saying that the SWF Board of Trustees is going to terminate their agreement to sell the controlling interest in the company to him, due to his involvement in numerous illegal dealings in his time as interim CEO. An ailing Sam Strong surprisingly appears unannounced at the very end of Supreme TV, looking for anyone’s help in what has turned into a true life and death situation between himself and Bull Wrecker. Strong is convinced that his daughter has been brainwashed and offers up a two million dollar reward to anyone that will help him get her back and settle the score with Wrecker on his terms. The cameras backstage show wrestlers trying not to pay attention to him, afraid of what might happen to them if they show any interest after seeing the horrible things that Wrecker and Alicia Strong have done to Sam. He is alone in his fight. Or is he?[/I] [B][B][CENTER] Tomorrow: "When Hell Freezes Over" and February Wrap featuring "Nothing to Lose" [/CENTER][/B][/B]
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