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A Question about Road Agents

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[QUOTE=1PWfan;366636]Is there any point hiring multiple road agents? I've noticed several Computer-run feds do it, but I've never known why.[/QUOTE] As far as their duties in helping out with a match, no I don't believe there to be any reason for more than 1 (as long as he/she is a quality agent). One thing that may affect this (as far as AI is concerned), is that many of the good road agents may also be locker room leaders and the AI is hiring them for their positive effect behind the scenes.
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[QUOTE=Clabobby;367116]If you don't have enough road agents for your size roster, your backstage environment will get out of hand, and you'll be told through email.[/QUOTE] That actually has to do with the number of locker room leaders compared to roster size, not road agents. Unlike in 05, there is no requirement for a road agent per promotion size in the ideal roster, and you can actually have no road agents at all and use some of your active wrestlers as a road agent for the matches. Locker room leaders don't have to be road agents either. They can be wrestlers, personalities, referees, announcers, etc, as long as they have a B+ respect and don't have a negative personality.
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[QUOTE=1PWfan;366636]Is there any point hiring multiple road agents? I've noticed several Computer-run feds do it, but I've never known why.[/QUOTE] That is probably a leftover from 05 when Ideal roster size included a set number of Announcers, referees, managers, road agents etc.
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[QUOTE=Dragonmack;367162]That is probably a leftover from 05 when Ideal roster size included a set number of Announcers, referees, managers, road agents etc.[/QUOTE] Wha.....? Why would you rely purely on 1 roadie to do stuff for you? Thats like saying... we only need one big star, nothing bad could possibly happen to you. Like you retiring or getting injnured or jumping ship or dying or anything like that... Having more than one of anything is a good idea, it's called depth. If they can groom up the next generation of their own job then there will always be a replacement ready. Sure, WE as players know how to work around things but a real locker-room seems to need to have road agents to control stuff. Their abilities might not be simulated in the game as they could be in real life. They seem to be meant to do more in real life and couldn't just be filled in for by any old worker.
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