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ROF: Last Ditch Effort

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[I]OOC: Don't worry, I AM continuing my BSC diary, though as you noticed I'm doing it on a not regular basis. That one is more my messing around diary when I'm in a funny mood. This one will be my main project though and be more serious, as I feel ROF is a serious promotion. Plus, they're easier to write recaps for since there are no angles.[/I] [COLOR="Navy"][B]To put it simply, I'm what's known as a healer. I jump in, grab the reigns and guide different businesses out of bankruptcy. I have been fairly successful at it, failing only twice out of more than twenty different projects, so it was no wonder that British Samurai got a hold of me. Ring of Fire was in bad shape, but I've dealt with worse. They had $80,000 in the bank and Samurai gave me a list of guidelines I must follow for this project: 1. The promotion must be more prestigious in 2 years. 2. I cannot sign drug addicts. 3. I cannot sign anyone with a criminal record. Pretty simple and all make sense. It should be a piece of cake. As for myself, I'll be taking over the color commentary role. We can't afford $900 for one color commentator, so I kicked Peaches McCream to the curb. I'll do it for fun.[/B][/COLOR]
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A half hour show, and I'm not trying to use all my expensive guys. Title defenses may very well be once every three months at this rate. I just want to see how much we lose with this show. Let's see how it goes! [B][U]ROF Burning Rings[/U][/B] January 2007 British Samurai defeated Stardust Phil Cox in 9:51 by pinfall with a Fisherman's Suplex. Samurai carried this match for sure. Rating: D- Don Henderson defeated Petey Barnes in 9:36 by submission with a Scottish Deathlock. These two seem to be learning alot from each other. Good, improvement is a beautiful thing. Rating: D Merle O'Curle defeated Walter Morgan in 15:48 by submission with a Celtic Wreath. No selling, but a solid main event. Well worthy of being from Ring of Fire. Rating: C- Rating: C- Great show. Beautiful. I'm really happy with the results. Now lets see how much money we bled.
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We lost $3,500 and I think it's because of Walter Morgan's $1,200 ppa contract. So, I'm not using him this time. [B][U]ROF Burning Bridges[/U][/B] February 2007 Don Henderson defeated Stardust Phil Cox in 7:49 by submission with a Scottish Deathlock. Decent opening match. That's all. Rating: D- Billy Robinson defeated Jonni Lowlife in 9:34 by submission with a Capital City Crucifix. Billy Robinson makes defence number 1 of his Ring Of Fire #1 Contender title. Bad middle match. I blame Lowlife. Rating: D- British Samurai defeated K'Lee Hawkins in 15:40 by pinfall with a Fisherman's Suplex. Wow... this show sucked. How is this a D- match!!? Rating: D- Rating: D- Horrible show. I'm depressed now.
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Ah, another ROF diary - good stuff. Morgan is a good worker, although he does have one failing - he can't carry lesser opponents because of his low psychology and selling stats. So he'll work well against a good worker, but less well against a lesser worker. And at his fee, that may be something to watch out for. Use O'Curle as much as possible - his matches with Stardust Phil Cox will probably be the equal of Samurai vs Hawkins! Oh, and Hawkins sucks. Don't expect him to hold up his end of the main event. Good to see you've used Samurai in both shows. That's a necessity early on to keep costs down and match ratings passable. Best of luck with it!
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