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Lesner vs. Mir (Spoilers!!!!!!)

Sons of Kohral

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[QUOTE=Sons of Kohral;367723]Haha, I doubt that. He'll stay with UFC. Ken Shamrock did and never looked back[/QUOTE] Ken was a wrestler, then a shoot wrestler, then UFC, then WWF, then UFC again. I'd hardly say he went to UFC and never looked back, especially considering he did a brief stint in TNA as well...
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[QUOTE=NickC13573;367823]will someone answer my question about the interim title fight?[/QUOTE] In this case, the "interim title fight" means pending. It's because Randy Couture resigned from the UFC, which left the Heavyweight belt vacated. The fight between Big Nog and Silvia was for the actual Heavyweight Championship belt, but the winner cannot be confirmed as the champion until Randy Couture's contract (which has at least one fight left on it) expires, is breached or is fulfilled. The UFC are still kind of in negotiation with Couture to have him fight Big Nog. Hence, the reason why Big Nog *is* but really *isn't* the World Heavyweight Champion. Should the UFC get Couture to agree to fight Big Nog now, it would be for the undisputed UFC World Heavyweight Championship belt. I hope this explanation kinda answers your question. I tried my best....
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[QUOTE=NickC13573;367834]thanks bonedigger, I forgot that Couture was the heavyweight champion.[/QUOTE] couture is technically the champ but reality is he vacated the title but the ufc refuses to say he vacated it because dana still some how thinks that attempting to sue randy will get him to come back to the ufc nog sooner or later will be announced as the champion the same way arolvski was when he won the interim title from sylvia a couple years ago and randy will sit out his contract and go to court trying to fight fedor [QUOTE=alden;367851]It would be intresting if he did come back won the title and them boom, leaves the ufc.[/QUOTE] i doubt it but it's not like this is the first time he has vacated the ufc heavyweight title so it would not shock me if he tries to do that again
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Ahaha, I'm still happy about Nogueira winning. I really hope Randy just fufills his contract with Zuffa and fights Nogueira. If he loses, I'll bet Dana will be more than happy to release him. Though, he seems intent on fighting Fedor, and in a Ring environment no less. That just seems silly of Couture, especially when Nogueira vs Couture is pretty much a dream match for the MMA base as well. Lesnar vs Mir is actually something most people know about though, as well. As long as they follow fighting or something like that, they go, "Brock Lesnar? That big Pro-Wrestler?" when I mention it. Or they've actually heard about it. And people said Lesnar would be bad for MMA. Silly people.
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[QUOTE=BlizzardVeers;367970]Ahaha, I'm still happy about Nogueira winning. I really hope Randy just fufills his contract with Zuffa and fights Nogueira. If he loses, I'll bet Dana will be more than happy to release him. Though, he seems intent on fighting Fedor, and in a Ring environment no less. That just seems silly of Couture, especially when Nogueira vs Couture is pretty much a dream match for the MMA base as well. Lesnar vs Mir is actually something most people know about though, as well. As long as they follow fighting or something like that, they go, "Brock Lesnar? That big Pro-Wrestler?" when I mention it. Or they've actually heard about it. And people said Lesnar would be bad for MMA. Silly people.[/QUOTE] i think randy just wants to retire in the ring fighting fedor because fedor has always been considered the best by educated mma fans and since randy is over 40 he is not getting any younger and does not want to risk losing in the ufc before a fight with fedor since he is 2-2 in his last 4 heavyweight matches only haters of pro wrestling and newbies to the sport would think lesnar is bad for mma... the man had a good background and reminds me of a monster in the cage like bob sapp but better beause of his wrestling skills
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