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Auto Booker VS Owner Mode

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[B]Auto booker VS Owner Mode[/B] To me Auto booker just seems to be a lazy way to play TEW. Owner mode mentioned by [B][U]Lucied[/U][/B] seems to have more depth and just saying… “I have to many shows to book”. Adam is obviously firmly against the idea of Auto Booker and I can see why. Working on the idea of Owner mode there can be some great features. [B][U]Hire a Head Booker:[/U][/B] Depending on respect, booking skill, attitude, personality, and good or bad relationships with other workers. This is how you sure chose your head booker. Hiring the likes of Eric Bischoff and having most of the old WCW wrestlers on your roster will cause havoc and most likely crush moral and have Bischoff not push those wrestlers. [B][U]Booking Team:[/U][/B] The current booking team really isn’t being use properly in my opinion. Having them and the head bookers all working on shows would be much more interesting, using all there combined skills, there relationships with each other and there relationships with the talent. [B][U]Over Rule:[/U][/B] Being the Owner you will have the over look on everything you chose. Having an in game tick box on what you would like to over see such as… Championship Matches [LIST] [*]Title Changes [*]Worker Hire [*]New TV Show [*]PPV Events [*]New Championships [*]Show Match’s [*]Creating Tag Teams [*]Changing Promotion Product [*]Changing Booking Team [*]Storylines[/LIST] And so on if you get the point….. [B][U]Stepping Up:[/U][/B] If you think you can run the promotion better or want to save your promotion the expense of hiring a Head Booker. Step into his/her place and book shows with the help and advice of the Booking Team. Over all Auto Booker should never be part of TEW. But using the Owner slot in a more creative and challenging way should be implemented into TEW some how. The current owner slot doesn’t really offer much more than the Head Booker slot. [U]Anyone have more ideas?:confused::D[/U] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B][U]Injuries:[/U][/B] a small and off the subject idea where ur promotion offers stages of injury help. Where it can help ur wrestler’s moral stay high and get back sooner at a cost, or be cheesed off, take longer and cost nothing [LIST] [*]No Care [*]Paid While Off [*]Physiotherapy [*]Full Pay and Physiotherapy [*]Surgery [*]Surgery and Physiotherapy [*]Surgery Physiotherapy and Full Pay (top end)[/LIST]
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I like the idea of promotions taking care of injuries differently. Most indies offer no real coverage, while bigger promotions usually take care of their guys. ROH has recently been doing some sort of health care plan, I believe. Might not be full coverage, but taking somewhat care of their roster, which might make it more attractive to some wrestlers than other promotions.
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As far as injuries are concerned, companies can hire third party insurance companies to take care of that, but this would mean you'll paying big amounts to the insurance company every month regardless of the injuries your guys may/may not sustain. This would force you to decide whether you wanna take a chance and not get insurance, whick means you end up paying huge amounts per injury, or get insurance, be safe and keep paying them every month. But again, in countries like Canada, healthcare is free.
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I got mentioned. I feel special. I'm glad people are taking my idea and adding upon it. The reason behind the suggestion is basically that I don't really like booking a "Sports Entertainment" style. I don't like using angles or storylines. But it seems that all the big companies require them. So I'd like to step back from booking, but while handing the booking to someone else, get other responsibilities to help replace the gameplay lost from giving up the book. The only other option would be the owner. Well, what other responsibilities does the owner have? He has to manage everything from hiring a booker, managing the finances, etc. But, as owner, you should have more control than when you're Head Booker. Also, looking at companies like WWE, and to an extent WCW, you see that the owner has a level of power over the way things are run. Sure, Ted Turner didn't have much to do with WCW, but in the beginning, he did have some people he wanted, and he had WCW management get them. In wrestling, owners are typically very involved. So, the Owner Mode should have some level of guidelines for how the Head Booker should perform. Like, a salary cap if expenses are getting a bit out of hand. Or limiting the head booker to certain types of wrestlers, based on Style, Age, Skills, Popularity, etc. Even shortlisting certain wrestlers and telling your head booker to go after them. Of course, if your head booker isn't performing adequately, fire him and hire a new one. I really think it could work. Either as a TEW mode, or as a spin-off game.
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I think it's an awesome idea and you've made a convert of me. I was big fan of the idea of an auto booker, but after seeing the owner mode idea I no longer want an auto booker. I think not only would owner mode solve the gripes of people who demand auto booker, but it would add a whole new depth to the game for others. As an owner, you could hire/fire your booker, booking team, workers, etc... Plus, you'd have the option to push or depush certain guys. Keeping your workers happy would be a concern, but you'd also have to worry about your booker quitting on you because they don't like the style of product you're trying to get them to book or they want more money or they're tired of your micro-managing, etc... I really like this idea.
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[QUOTE=Day_Dreamer;367563]As far as injuries are concerned, companies can hire third party insurance companies to take care of that, but this would mean you'll paying big amounts to the insurance company every month regardless of the injuries your guys may/may not sustain. This would force you to decide whether you wanna take a chance and not get insurance, whick means you end up paying huge amounts per injury, or get insurance, be safe and keep paying them every month. But again, in countries like Canada, healthcare is free.[/QUOTE] and something like this could affect what you do financially when your promotion is bleeding money. You're losing money, and pretty badly, but you have medical coverage for your workers. Do you continue taking a heavy loss while maintaining that coverage for your wrestlers? Or do you try to stop some of the bleeding and eliminate your medical coverage?
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I don't understand this "Auto Booker VS Owner Mode". If there was an Owner Mode wouldn’t Auto Booker have to be apart it if your head booker books the shows? Don’t get me wrong I think this owner mode as described is great but step 1 to creating Owner Mode as described would be creating an Auto Booker. When I posted the idea for Auto Booker I was hoping for somethng along the lines of this Owner Mode, but I knew step 1 for an Owner Mode would be Mr. Ryland recreating the Autobooker.
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