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Question about contracts...

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Two questions, really. At various size levels, what contract sizes should you stick to? Second, what is the best way to determine the money made on a win? So far, I basically played the walkthrough, and Jenny DeNeuve seems awful expensive for WEFF. She beat Alison Beattie for the belt, then wanted a raise to $25,000! Should people like that just be released due to being too expensive, or do you keep people like that and take the hit to the bank account? Sorry I am such a newbie, it works a bit differently that TEW2007 obviously! :p Thanks any advance for any help. Great new game!
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[QUOTE]At various size levels, what contract sizes should you stick to?[/QUOTE] If you're big or higher, money shouldn't be a problem so sign whoever you like. At medium or lower, generally, you should be ok signing most fighters as long as it's no more than $50,000 or so. It depends a lot on how much you can make on each event. [QUOTE]Second, what is the best way to determine the money made on a win?[/QUOTE] I'm not sure I understand what you're asking. Do you mean how much money you make on an event? If so, the advice tab on the booking screen will give you an estimate. [QUOTE] So far, I basically played the walkthrough, and Jenny DeNeuve seems awful expensive for WEFF. She beat Alison Beattie for the belt, then wanted a raise to $25,000! Should people like that just be released due to being too expensive, or do you keep people like that and take the hit to the bank account?[/QUOTE] She is worth it, trust me. She's the most popular, the most skilled, and the most exciting fighter in the WEFF, and she has a very bright future. Besides, she's really the only fighter that requests that much money early on like that. You can afford the expenses.
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Thanks for the help! As for clearing up one of my questions . . . [QUOTE=Nephrinn;367704]I'm not sure I understand what you're asking. Do you mean how much money you make on an event? If so, the advice tab on the booking screen will give you an estimate.[/QUOTE] This is a question about how much money a fighter makes on a win in their contract. It defaults to the same as their base pay, but I am assuming that it probably is not all that wise to do something like give a person $25,000 per fight [i]and[/i] $25,000 per win, though obviously I could be wrong. In the demo, I signed Jenny DeNeuve to $25,000 per match, but only gave $20,000 per win, and she signed it. I imagine I could go lower, but I am not sure how the mechanics handle it. Are players expected to make these numbers lower, or is it best to give them the higher value for wins?
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[QUOTE]In the demo, I signed Jenny DeNeuve to $25,000 per match, but only gave $20,000 per win, and she signed it. I imagine I could go lower, but I am not sure how the mechanics handle it. Are players expected to make these numbers lower, or is it best to give them the higher value for wins?[/QUOTE] I guess the reason you can go lower is to simulate the aspect of negotiating a deal. There's a percentage of how low you can go based on the default win value. For example, the lowest you can go for a $25,000 contract is $19,000. For a $3,000 contract, it's $2,300. As far as I know, there isn't any reason to sign them for more money. If you do, other fighters may start requesting more too.
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