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Maybe we could find someway to include the Booking Team a little more, right now I barely look at them. I was thinking maybe there could be a weekly/monthly meeting, depending on the size of the promotion, where based on the teams booking ratings they can fill you in on who is poised to make a breakthrough, who has potential that you haven't really used, and maybe even throw out a few ideas on who would be a good feud or a good matchup to help provide fresh ideas when you may be a little stale. Just a few thoughts post any other ideas or more elaboration for my ideas
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I'd actually like to see a little more interactivity with the team, so this could be cool - as an option. Being a tyrannical boss and ignoring everything my team says is my usual way of things :D Still, being able to meet with the team in a more compat manner would be nice - I believe this was in 04? Having the members off their tips for the titles, pushes etc (which might be influenced by their relationships)... It'd be something nice. Still, it'd also probably be something that a lot of people wouldn't bother with too much. How could it be set up so that it impacts on game play? Perhaps if you ignore persistent reccomendations than the more egotistical members of the team would turn against you, formenting resentment in the locker room...
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[quote=James Casey;367883]I'd actually like to see a little more interactivity with the team, so this could be cool - as an option. Being a tyrannical boss and ignoring everything my team says is my usual way of things :D [/quote] Thats exactly the way I work as well :D Anyway I tend to find the Booking Team gives nonsensical tips, like telling you that most of the roster should be pushed towards winning a tournament title. Say if someone is a main eventer, I won't get a note to tell them that they should be considered for the World Title, I'll get a note saying they should be considered for a Tournament Title that is months away from taking place. Great advice :rolleyes:
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[QUOTE=Tigerkinney;367887]Say if someone is a main eventer, I won't get a note to tell them that they should be considered for the World Title, I'll get a note saying they should be considered for a Tournament Title that is months away from taking place. Great advice :rolleyes:[/QUOTE] At the moment I'm pretty sure the booking team recommends the first title alphabetically that they are compatible for. So lets say you have 3 uppermidcard singles titles called Aerial, Hardcore and International if the worker qualifies for the aerial title then it will recommend that one. I fhe doesn't qualify for the Aerial but does the hardcore he will be recommended for that one and he will only be recommended for the international if he doesn't meet the requirements for the other two. So if your tournament title is called Alpha Title and your big title is called World title but they are both main event then all your main event workers who qualify will be recommended for the tournament title. Your point of nonsensical is still valid I just thought I'd point out why it makes sense to the AI.
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I think the idea just needs to be fleshed out a little more than it is. I like how currently you can select a particular worker and it gives you an idea of their skills, areas of improvement and how they should be pushed. I think it would be simple enough (bad things happen when I think though) to simply have them send you e-mail like everyone else. Perhaps things like "Worker 1 is really hot right now. You might consider giving him a title shot." or "Worker 2 has a horrible gimmick. Perhaps you should consider changing it." Or even something that's already in the game in a way like "Worker 3 has a dreadfully stale character. You should change it before he/she appears on your next show."
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[QUOTE=hulkamaniac;367925]I think it would be simple enough (bad things happen when I think though) to simply have them send you e-mail like everyone else. Perhaps things like "Worker 1 is really hot right now. You might consider giving him a title shot." or "Worker 2 has a horrible gimmick. Perhaps you should consider changing it." Or even something that's already in the game in a way like "Worker 3 has a dreadfully stale character. You should change it before he/she appears on your next show."[/QUOTE] That's the kind of thing I was hoping for. Just something that makes the booking team seem more alive. I generally don't even assign anyone to my booking team because they don't really tell me anything other than what I already know from looking at my roster. Maybe we can even get the workers themselves to email every now and then like they did in EWR when they would send a message that they would like to work with a certain worker.
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I got an e-mail from Pirata Malvado the other day asking to be pushed up the card. I checked, and somehow he'd jumped from F- across the board to E- in the States, seemingly as a result of something clicking following his work in Mexico where his fed had jumped in popularity as well. How that affected his American overness I don't know - but anyway, he did e-mail me. It is a very rare occurrence, though.
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Spillover popularity. When you reach a certain popularity threshold in an area (region or nation) then you will gain a spillover of popularity into other areas. I think it's a C rating nationally to get a boost to E- in the US but I'm not sure.... Also, this is a useful trick for getting people over. If someone is A over in Japan then they rise to C+ everywhere else... as long as they STAY at A overness in Japan then they will always remain with at least C+ in other countres... so job those foreign stars to your rising stars, it won't hurt them at all. :) NOTE: I [i]never[/i] done that with Haruki Kudo in USPW and [i]certainly didn't[/i] end up with a lot of star as a result...
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i also like this idea but also to add to this i'd like to see ethier being able to add more bookers for possibly different things like maybe development camp or even just add him as a writer so he could work on his skills and become better. how often does a guy become better at booking? i haven't seen anyone yet.
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