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[FONT="Palatino Linotype"][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v729/bj_stfc/AAA_Temp2.jpg[/IMG] It's a cold January day in the north-west of the USA and the day before the first AAA event of the year, Pretty Amazing. The big match of the event has Wanda Fish defending her AAA Femme Fatale title against the veteran Catherine Quine in what many fans are calling a dream match-up. But this cold January day was to be unlike any other when Anne Stardust, the owner of AAA, made a shock announcement that a new investor had bought out 50% of the promotion. Speculation is rife over who the investor is but Stardust would only say that they want to remain anonymous for the time being and that this is will not effect the promotion, saying it will be business as usual.[/CENTER][/FONT]
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[CENTER][FONT="Palatino Linotype"][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v729/bj_stfc/AAASimplyAmazing.jpg[/IMG] [B]Tuesday Week 1, January 2007[/B] Mistress Mexico vs Wendy Anderson [U][B]AAA Tag Team[/B][/U] Good Lookin' Bunny (Jessica Bunny & Katherine Goodlooks) vs Wild Times (Devil's Daughter & Vixxen) Golden Delicious vs Suzanne Brazzle [U][B]AAA Top Contender's[/B][/U] Raven Nightfall vs Cherry Bomb Joanne Rodriguez vs Suzue Katayama [U][B]AAA Femme Fatale[/B][/U] Wanda Fish vs Catherine Quine[/FONT][/CENTER]
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[B]Mistress Mexico[/B] vs Wendy Anderson AAA Tag Team Good Lookin' Bunny (Jessica Bunny & Katherine Goodlooks) vs [B]Wild Times (Devil's Daughter & Vixxen)[/B] Golden Delicious vs [B]Suzanne Brazzle[/B] AAA Top Contender's Raven Nightfall vs [B]Cherry Bomb[/B] [B]Joanne Rodriguez[/B] vs Suzue Katayama AAA Femme Fatale [B]Wanda Fish[/B] vs Catherine Quine
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[CENTER][FONT="Palatino Linotype"][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v729/bj_stfc/AAASimplyAmazing.jpg[/IMG] [B]Tuesday Week 1, January 2007 North-West USA, The Portland Center Attendance - 1,000 (SELL-OUT!)[/B] [COLOR="red"]Mistress Mexico[/COLOR] grabs the microphone before the match and plays up on her new Adult Film Star gimmick saying that she is the biggest star ever and there is no man that she can't satisfy. [B]Rating - [/B]E [B][COLOR="red"]Mistress Mexico[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="blue"]Wendy Anderson[/COLOR][/B] A decent match which is dominated by Mistress Mexico and she wraps up the victory with the Red Light Press. [COLOR="red"]Mistress Mexico[/COLOR] def. [COLOR="blue"]Wendy Anderson[/COLOR] by pinfall at 10:13 with the Red Light Press. [B]Rating - [/B]D- [U][B]AAA Tag Team[/B][/U] [B][COLOR="blue"]Good Lookin' Bunny[/COLOR] (Jessica Bunny & Katherine Goodlooks) vs [COLOR="red"]Wild Times[/COLOR] (Devil's Daughter & Vixxen)[/B] A very good back and forth match which looked to be going Good Lookin' Bunny's way until the clearly frustrated Wild Times who couldn't put them away called for Black Widow, who came down and hit the Spider's Kiss on both Bunny and Goodlooks, giving the referee no choice but to disqualify Wild Times. [COLOR="blue"]Good Lookin' Bunny[/COLOR] (Jessica Bunny & Katherine Goodlooks) def. [COLOR="red"]Wild Times[/COLOR] (Devil's Daughter & Vixxen) by DQ at 12:43 to retain the AAA Tag Team Titles when [COLOR="red"]Black Widow[/COLOR] ran in and attacked [COLOR="blue"]Good Lookin' Bunny[/COLOR]. [B]Rating - [/B]D [COLOR="Red"]Black Widow[/COLOR] demands a microphone and says that their attack is just a preview and that [COLOR="red"]The Darkness[/COLOR] are sending everyone on the roster a message that no-one messes with them in AAA. [B]Rating - [/B]D [B][COLOR="red"]Golden Delicious[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="blue"]Suzanne Brazzle[/COLOR][/B] Both wrestlers showed some promise in this match with the offense being pretty even until Brazzle build up some momentum and hit the Miracle Connection on Delicious to pick up the victory. [COLOR="blue"]Suzanne Brazzle[/COLOR] def. [COLOR="red"]Golden Delicious[/COLOR] by pinfall at 14:51 with the Miracle Connection. [B]Rating - [/B]D+ [COLOR="Red"]Wanda Fish[/COLOR] is backstage telling anyone that'll listen that she will do to [COLOR="blue"]Catherine Quine[/COLOR] what they do to wounded animals and that's put her down. [B]Rating - [/B]C- [U][B]AAA Top Contender's[/B][/U] [B][COLOR="blue"]Raven Nightfall[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="red"]Cherry Bomb[/COLOR][/B] A very promising start to the brewing feud with a great match to kick things off between them. Bomb went for the Cherry Bomb but Nightfall reversed it and then locked on the Night Crawler in the middle of the ring and despite Bomb holding out for ages, she had no choice but to tap out. [COLOR="blue"]Raven Nightfall[/COLOR] def. [COLOR="red"]Cherry Bomb[/COLOR] by submission at 16:37 with the Night Crawler. [B]Rating - [/B]C- [B][COLOR="blue"]Kate Avatar[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="red"]Suzue Katayama[/COLOR][/B] Close to being match of the night as Kate Avatar and Suzue Katayama put on a wrestling clinic with several big moves and near falls throughout. The end of the match sees Katayama pull up the mat on the outside of the ring and hit a brutal looking Katayama powerbomb on Avatar, leaving her unconcious on the outside and the referee counted to the full ten count. [COLOR="red"]Suzue Katayama[/COLOR] def. [COLOR="blue"]Kate Avatar[/COLOR] by countout at 16:24 after a Katayama Powerbomb on the concrete outside. [B]Rating - [/B]C+ EMT's rush down to check on a unconcious [COLOR="blue"]Kate Avatar[/COLOR] and they wheel her away on a stretcher but are met by [COLOR="bed"]Suzue Katayama[/COLOR] at the top of the stage. [COLOR="red"]Katayama[/COLOR] hits the EMT's, grabs the stretcher with [COLOR="blue"]Avatar[/COLOR] on it and pushes it off the stage to the shock of the crowd. Officials and more EMT's run out to check on the prone [COLOR="blue"]Avatar[/COLOR] as [COLOR="red"]Katayama[/COLOR] looks on with a crazy smile. [B]Rating - [/B]D+ [COLOR="blue"]Catherine Quine[/COLOR] is shown looking in a determined mood backstage as she gets ready for the title match against [COLOR="red"]Wanda Fish[/COLOR]. [B]Rating - [/B]C- [U][B]AAA Femme Fatale[/B][/U] [B][COLOR="red"]Wanda Fish[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="blue"]Catherine Quine[/COLOR][/B] Definitely the match of the night as Catherine Quine shows she's lost none of her ability and Wanda Fish proving why she's the Femme Fatale champion. Quine looked like she was about to have her 4th reign as champion after hitting the Cat's Cradle but Fish reversed the pin attempt with a handful of tights to grab the cheap victory. [COLOR="red"]Wanda Fish[/COLOR] def. [COLOR="blue"]Catherine Quine[/COLOR] by pinfall with a handful of tights at 20:11 to retain the AAA Femme Fatale Title. [B]Rating - [/B]C+ [COLOR="blue"]Catherine Quine[/COLOR] can't believe she was so close to winning the title as [COLOR="red"]Wanda Fish[/COLOR] demands the referee raise her hand as she holds aloft the AAA Femme Fatale championship as the show ends. [B]Rating - [/B]C- [B]Show Rating - [/B]C [/FONT] [QUOTE]NOTES: Damn 5SSW, originally planned Gorgon to attack Good Lookin' Bunny and had to sub in Kate Avatar with J-Ro being busy too. Still I can't complain, very good first show :).[/QUOTE][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][FONT="Palatino Linotype"][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v729/bj_stfc/AAAMoreThanMeetsTheEye.jpg[/IMG] [B]Tuesday Week 1, February 2007[/B] Mistress Mexico vs Missy Masterson [U][B]AAA Tag Team #1 Contender's[/B][/U] Wild Times (Devil's Daughter & Vixxen) vs The Brendon Sisters (Michelle Brendon & Tracy Brendon) Golden Delicious vs Suzanne Brazzle [U][B]AAA Top Contender's[/B][/U] Raven Nightfall vs Cherry Bomb Joanne Rodriguez vs Suzue Katayama [U][B]AAA Femme Fatale[/B][/U] Wanda Fish vs Catherine Quine[/FONT][/CENTER]
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[B]Mistress Mexico[/B] vs Missy Masterson Continues to dominate untill meeting her real nemesis. AAA Tag Team #1 Contender's [B]Wild Times (Devil's Daughter & Vixxen)[/B] vs The Brendon Sisters (Michelle Brendon & Tracy Brendon) The Darkness aren't done with Good Lookin' Bunny yet. Golden Delicious vs [B]Suzanne Brazzle[/B] bRazle continues her build up. AAA Top Contender's Raven Nightfall vs [B]Cherry Bomb[/B] I'm just a huge fan of Cherry Bomb. [B]Joanne Rodriguez[/B] vs Suzue Katayama Now that you've actually got J-Ro she'll avenge Avatar becaue she knows Katayama had planned to do that to her. AAA Femme Fatale [B]Wanda Fish[/B] vs Catherine Quine Quine will get closer and closer to a win just to have it pulled away a few more times.
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[CENTER][FONT="Palatino Linotype"][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v729/bj_stfc/AAAMoreThanMeetsTheEye.jpg[/IMG] [B]Tuesday Week 1, February 2007 North-West USA, The Portland Center Attendance - 1,000 (SELL-OUT!)[/B] [COLOR="red"]Mistress Mexico[/COLOR] is interviewed backstage by [COLOR="blue"]Remmington Remus[/COLOR] and she tells him that she will show wannabe Missy Masterson tonight who the true adult star is around here. [B]Rating - [/B]E [SIZE="4"][B][COLOR="red"]Mistress Mexico[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="blue"]Missy Masterson[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] Mistress Mexico was on a mission in the match to take Missy Masterson apart and finished her off with the Red Light Press for the win. [COLOR="red"]Mistress Mexico[/COLOR] def. [COLOR="blue"]Missy Masterson[/COLOR] by pinfall at 9:27 by pinfall with the Red Light Press. [B]Rating - [/B]E+ [SIZE="4"][U][B]AAA Tag Team #1 Contender's[/B][/U] [B][COLOR="red"]Wild Times[/COLOR] (Devil's Daughter & Vixxen) vs [COLOR="blue"]The Brendon Sisters[/COLOR] (Michelle Brendon & Tracy Brendon)[/B][/SIZE] Wild Times clearly looked to send a message to Good Lookin' Bunny as they dominated most of the match, although The Brendon Sisters did manage to show off their teamwork midway through. Wild Times picked up the victory after hitting Evil Intentions on Tracy Brendon for the pinfall. [COLOR="red"]Wild Times[/COLOR] (Devil's Daughter & Vixxen) def. [COLOR="blue"]The Brendon Sisters[/COLOR] (Michelle Brendon & Tracy Brendon) by pinfall at 13:11 when Wild Times hit Evil Intentions on Tracy Brendon. [B]Rating - [/B]D- [COLOR="red"]Black Widow[/COLOR] comes down to the ring with [COLOR="red"]Gorgon[/COLOR] after the match and directs [COLOR="red"]Gorgon[/COLOR] to hit brutal Hydra Bombs on [COLOR="blue"]The Brendon Sisters[/COLOR], leaving them out cold on the mat. [B]Rating - [/B]E- [COLOR="red"]Black Widow[/COLOR] shouts at the time keeper to give her a microphone and she issues a warning to [COLOR="blue"]Good Lookin' Bunny[/COLOR] that no-one will get in the way of [COLOR="red"]The Darkness[/COLOR] as they are unstoppable. [B]Rating - [/B]D- [SIZE="4"][B][COLOR="red"]Golden Delicious[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="blue"]Suzanne Brazzle[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] Suzanne Brazzle continued her impressive recent run as she faced Golden Delicious again and picked up another victory in a pretty open and even match. Brazzle hit the Miracle Connection on Delicious to get the three count and pinfall win. [COLOR="blue"]Suzanne Brazzle[/COLOR] def. [COLOR="red"]Golden Delicious[/COLOR] by pinfall at 14:19 with the Miracle Connection. [B]Rating - [/B]D+ [SIZE="4"][B][U][B]AAA Top Contender's[/B][/U] [COLOR="blue"]Raven Nightfall[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="red"]Cherry Bomb[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] A very good match between Raven Nightfall and Cherry Bomb which looked like it could go either way with some tremendous mat wrestling and near falls. Towards the end of the match, Nightfall looks to set up Bomb for the Night Faller but Bomb reversed it and sent Nightfall through the ropes to the outside. Both women start brawling until Bomb hits the Cherry Bomb on the outside then grabs a pair of handcuffs from under the ring and cuffs the prone Nightfall to the metal barrier. Bomb calmly rolls back into the ring as Nightfall is left with no chance of getting back into the ring before the ten count and gets counted out by the referee, handing the countout victory to Bomb. [COLOR="red"]Cherry Bomb[/COLOR] def. [COLOR="blue"]Raven Nightfall[/COLOR] by countout at 14:16 when Nightfall failed to make it back into the ring in time. [B]Rating - [/B]C- [COLOR="blue"]Joanne Rodriguez[/COLOR] is interviewed by [COLOR="blue"]Remmington Remus[/COLOR] backstage and he asks her about the shocking actions of [COLOR="red"]Suzue Katayama[/COLOR] at Simply Amazing. [COLOR="blue"]Rodriguez[/COLOR] says that she knows that what happened to [COLOR="blue"]Kate Avatar[/COLOR] was meant for her and she promises tonight that she will avenge what happened. [B]Rating - [/B]C- [SIZE="4"][B][COLOR="blue"]Joanne Rodriguez[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="red"]Suzue Katayama[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] Joanne Rodriguez went at Suzue Katayama like a house on fire from the beginning of the match, not giving Katayama time to breath or get a chance to use her power and strength. That was until Rodriguez missed a dropkick and Katayama started to use her power moves to take advantage until she had Rodriguez on the ropes, went for a running clothesline but Rodriguez ducked and she went flying out of the ring. Rodriguez put her head through the ropes to grab Katayama to get her back into the ring but unknown to J-Ro, was met by a vicious steel chairshot straight to her skull that Katayama had quickly grabbed hold of. The referee saw it and disqualified Katayama to give Rodriguez the victory. [COLOR="blue"]Joanne Rodriguez[/COLOR] def. [COLOR="red"]Suzue Katayama[/COLOR] by DQ at 18:07 when Katayama used a foreign object. [B]Rating - [/B]C- [COLOR="blue"]Joanne Rodriguez[/COLOR] is down on the mat from the big chairshot to the head from [COLOR="red"]Suzue Katayama[/COLOR] which renders her helpless as Katayama lifts up her leg, opens up the chair and sandwiches her ankle between the metal. The referee tries to stop [COLOR="red"]Katayama[/COLOR] but gets pushed away as she climbs to the top rope and comes flying off with a stomp right down on the chair. EMT's rush down to check on a screaming in pain [COLOR="blue"]Rodriguez[/COLOR] as [COLOR="red"]Katayama[/COLOR] looks on with a sick smile across her face. [B]Rating - [/B]D+ [SIZE="4"][B][U][B]AAA Femme Fatale[/B][/U] [COLOR="red"]Wanda Fish[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="blue"]Catherine Quine[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] Another match of the night from Wanda Fish and Catherine Quine as they show their chemistry facing each other as they took each other to their very limits. Both women kicked out of each other's finishers during the match but Quine looked like she was about to hit a second Cat's Cradle on Fish to get the victory. That was until Fish jumped out of the ring, grabbed her Femme Fatale title and delibrately didn't make it back into the ring before the ten count. [COLOR="blue"]Catherine Quine[/COLOR] def. [COLOR="red"]Wanda Fish[/COLOR] by countout at 21:11 when Fish delibrately didn't make the ten count. [B]Rating - [/B]C+ [COLOR="blue"]Catherine Quine[/COLOR] is furious after the match at [COLOR="red"]Wanda Fish's[/COLOR] cheap tactics to retain her Femme Fatale title and makes a beeline straight for her outside the ring. [COLOR="red"]Fish[/COLOR] is too busy smiling at her tactics to see [COLOR="blue"]Quine[/COLOR] coming as [COLOR="blue"]The Cat[/COLOR] launches herself at [COLOR="red"]Fish[/COLOR] with a Lou Thesz press takedown. A huge catfight breaks out between them as officials and other wrestlers run down to break it up as the show ends. [B]Rating - [/B]C+ [B]Show Rating - [/B]C [/FONT] [QUOTE][B]NOTES:[/B] Another very good show with several of the feuds, particularly the Fish-Quine one, starting to really heat up. Good to have everyone available too so could run the show how I wanted. [/QUOTE][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][FONT="Palatino Linotype"][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v729/bj_stfc/AAAGirlOnGirlAction.jpg[/IMG] [B]Tuesday Week 1, March 2007[/B] Mistress Mexico vs Sara Marie York [U][B]AAA Tag Team[/B][/U] Good Lookin' Bunny (Jessica Bunny & Katherine Goodlooks) vs Wild Times (Devil's Daughter & Vixxen) Golden Delicious vs Suzanne Brazzle [U][B]AAA Top Contender's - Win By Pinfall Or Submission Only[/B][/U] Raven Nightfall vs Cherry Bomb Joanne Rodriguez & ????? vs Suzue Katayama & ????? [U][B]AAA Femme Fatale Cage Match[/B][/U] Wanda Fish vs Catherine Quine[/FONT][/CENTER]
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[B]Mistress Mexico[/B] vs Sara Marie York See Delicious vs Brazzle AAA Tag Team Good Lookin' Bunny (Jessica Bunny & Katherine Goodlooks) vs [B]Wild Times (Devil's Daughter & Vixxen)[/B] Maybe a little early for a title change but I think Wild Times is ready for it. Golden Delicious vs [B]Suzanne Brazzle[/B] With a few wins under thier belt Brazzle vs Mexico will be upcoming. AAA Top Contender's - Win By Pinfall Or Submission Only Raven Nightfall vs [B]Cherry Bomb[/B] I love me some Cherry Bomb [B]Joanne Rodriguez & ?????[/B] vs Suzue Katayama & ????? J-Ro takes a clean win this time and probably teams with her partner from 5SSW. Suzue maybe teams with Gorgon. AAA Femme Fatale Cage Match [B]Wanda Fish[/B] vs Catherine Quine Fish has no where to run in a cage match but she'll find a way to cheat herself into a win.
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[CENTER][FONT="Palatino Linotype"][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v729/bj_stfc/AAAGirlOnGirlAction.jpg[/IMG] [B]Tuesday Week 1, March 2007 North-West USA, The Portland Center Attendance - 1,000 (SELL-OUT!)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Remmington Remus[/COLOR] is backstage with [COLOR="red"]Mistress Mexico[/COLOR] as he asks her thoughts on her upcoming match against [COLOR="blue"]Sara Marie York[/COLOR]. [COLOR="red"]The Mistress[/COLOR] says that after she easily wins her match against York, she'll be putting everyone on the AAA roster on alert because when she wants something, she gets it and she guarantees that she will be fully satisfied. [B]Rating - [/B]E+ [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v729/bj_stfc/MissMexico.jpg[/IMG][COLOR="white"]12345[/COLOR][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v729/bj_stfc/SaraMarieYork.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"][COLOR="red"]Mistress Mexico[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="blue"]Sara Marie York[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] Mistress Mexico had to work harder than she thought against the promising Sara Marie York but still had more than enough in the end to get the win after hitting the Red Light Press on York. [B][COLOR="red"]Mistress Mexico[/COLOR] def. [COLOR="blue"]Sara Marie York[/COLOR] by pinfall at 8:28 with a Red Light Press.[/B] [B]Rating - [/B]D [COLOR="blue"]Tsuki Kawamata[/COLOR] comes out of [COLOR="blue"]Joanne Rodriguez's [/COLOR]dressing room and is walking along backstage when she's knocked flying by a big boot to the face from [COLOR="red"]Suzue Katayama[/COLOR]. [COLOR="red"]Black Widow[/COLOR] is directing orders as [COLOR="red"]Katayama[/COLOR] picks up [COLOR="blue"]Kawamata[/COLOR] by the throat, positions her next to a conveniently placed table and chokeslams her straight through it. [COLOR="red"]Widow[/COLOR] and [COLOR="red"]Katayama[/COLOR] laugh as they leave the scene of the crime as officials and [COLOR="blue"]J-Ro[/COLOR] come running to check on the unconcious [COLOR="blue"]Kawamata[/COLOR]. [B]Rating - [/B]D- [B][SIZE="4"][U][B]AAA Tag Team[/B][/U] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v729/bj_stfc/KatherineGoodlooks.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v729/bj_stfc/JessicaBunny.jpg[/IMG][COLOR="white"]12345[/COLOR][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v729/bj_stfc/DevilsDaughter.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v729/bj_stfc/Vixxen.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="blue"]Good Lookin' Bunny[/COLOR] (Jessica Bunny & Katherine Goodlooks) vs [COLOR="red"]Wild Times [/COLOR](Devil's Daughter & Vixxen)[/SIZE][/B] A closely fought match between both teams with no clue who was going to eventually win throughout until the end of the match when Devil's Daughter brawled with Katherine Goodlooks on the outside and Jessica Bunny went for a roll-up on Devil's Daughter but Daughter reversed it and got the three count and the victory, thanks to a big handful of the ropes to steal the AAA Tag Team Titles. [B][COLOR="red"]Wild Times[/COLOR] def. [COLOR="blue"]Good Lookin' Bunny[/COLOR] when [COLOR="red"]Vixxen[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="blue"]Jessica Bunny[/COLOR] by pinfall at 11:51 while using the ropes for leverage. [COLOR="red"]Wild Times[/COLOR] win the AAA Tag Team Titles.[/B] [B]Rating - [/B]D A video is played that shows [COLOR="red"]Wanda Fish's[/COLOR] great matches and glorious moments and also shows [COLOR="red"]Wanda[/COLOR] talking about her greatness and saying that she is the greatest women's wrestler in professional wrestling history. She finishes by saying that she will once again prove tonight against the has-been [COLOR="blue"]Catherine Quine[/COLOR] that there is no-one even remotely in her league. [B]Rating - [/B]D+ [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v729/bj_stfc/GoldenDelicious.jpg[/IMG][COLOR="white"]12345[/COLOR][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v729/bj_stfc/SuzanneBrazzle_alt1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"][COLOR="red"]Golden Delicious[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="blue"]Suzanne Brazzle[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] Golden Delicious put up her best showing so far up against Suzanne Brazzle in a pretty decent match but Brazzle showed her class in the end as she hit the Miracle Connection on Delicious for the pinfall. [B][COLOR="blue"]Suzanne Brazzle[/COLOR] def. [COLOR="red"]Golden Delicious[/COLOR] by pinfall at 11:37 with a Miracle Connection.[/B] [B]Rating - [/B]D+ [COLOR="blue"]Suzanne Brazzle[/COLOR] is celebrating her third consecutive victory over [COLOR="Red"]Golden Delicious[/COLOR] when [COLOR="red"]Mistress Mexico[/COLOR] suddenly appears behind her in the ring and hits the Red Light Press on [COLOR="blue"]Brazzle[/COLOR]. [B]Rating - [/B]E+ [COLOR="red"]Mistress Mexico[/COLOR] grabs a microphone and tells [COLOR="blue"]Suzanne Brazzle[/COLOR] that she'll take maximum pleasure in using her as a stepping stone. [B]Rating - [/B]E+ [B][SIZE="4"][U][B]AAA Top Contender's (Win By Pinfall Or Submission Only)[/B][/U] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v729/bj_stfc/RavenNightfall.jpg[/IMG][COLOR="white"]12345[/COLOR][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v729/bj_stfc/CherryBomb.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="blue"]Raven Nightfall[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="red"]Cherry Bomb[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] A extremely hard fought match as both women really upped their games against each other. The end of the match sees Raven Nightfall setting up Cherry Bomb for the Night Faller but Bomb reversed it into a Cherry Bomb and rolls up Nightfall with a big handful of tights for good measure to make sure of the victory and win the AAA Top Contender's Title. [B][COLOR="red"]Cherry Bomb[/COLOR] def. [COLOR="blue"]Raven Nightfall[/COLOR] by pinfall at 15:35 with a Cherry Bomb and a handful of tights. Cherry Bomb wins the AAA Top Contender's title.[/B] [B]Rating - [/B]D+ [COLOR="red"]Black Widow[/COLOR] is in the mood to talk before the match against [COLOR="blue"]Joanne Rodriguez[/COLOR] as she issues a chilling warning to [COLOR="blue"]J-Ro[/COLOR] that their attack on [COLOR="blue"]Tsuki Kawamata[/COLOR] is further proof that no-one stands in the way of [COLOR="red"]The Darkness[/COLOR] and she will enjoy [COLOR="blue"]J-Ro's[/COLOR] imminent destruction by the hands of [COLOR="red"]Suzue Katayama[/COLOR]. [B]Rating - [/B]D+ [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v729/bj_stfc/JoanneRodriguez.jpg[/IMG][COLOR="white"]12345[/COLOR][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v729/bj_stfc/SuzueKatayama_alt1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v729/bj_stfc/BlackWidow.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"][COLOR="blue"]Joanne Rodriguez[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="red"]Suzue Katayama[/COLOR] & [COLOR="red"]Black Widow[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] Joanne Rodriguez had it all to do in this match after the brutal attack on Tsuki Kawamata who was meant to be her partner. Suzue Katayama used her pure power and strength to dominate Rodriguez throughout with Black Widow spending most of her time on the apron. The advantage swung hugely in J-Ro's favour towards the end of the match though when the referee was knocked unconcious by a stray big boot from Katayama and Kate Avatar comes running down to the ring and nearly takes Katayama's head off with a huge chairshot. Black Widow can't believe her eyes at Avatar's appearance and then turns round straight into a J-Rocker from Rodriguez and Avatar wakes up the referee to count the one, two, three for the victory. [B][COLOR="blue"]Joanne Rodriguez[/COLOR] def. [COLOR="red"]Suzue Katayama[/COLOR] and [COLOR="red"]Black Widow[/COLOR] when [COLOR="blue"]Joanne Rodriguez[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="red"]Black Widow[/COLOR] by pinfall with a J-Rocker after [COLOR="blue"]Kate Avatar[/COLOR] distracted [COLOR="red"]Black Widow[/COLOR] at 14:32.[/B] [B]Rating - [/B]D+ [COLOR="red"]Black Widow[/COLOR] looks furious at the loss thanks to the shocking distraction as she and [COLOR="red"]the groggy Suzue Katayama look on.[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]J-Ro[/COLOR] and [COLOR="blue"]Kate Avatar[/COLOR] are clearly delighted, as they celebrate in the ring at getting one over on the members of [COLOR="red"]The Darkness[/COLOR]. [B]Rating - [/B]D+ [COLOR="blue"]Catherine Quine[/COLOR] is backstage being interviewed by [COLOR="blue"]Remmington Remus[/COLOR] and he asks her for her thoughts on the big AAA Femme Fatale title cage match against [COLOR="red"]Wanda Fish[/COLOR]. [COLOR="blue"]The Cat[/COLOR] says that [COLOR="red"]Wanda[/COLOR] has no place to hide tonight and that her underhand tactics will count for nothing so we will finally see if she can back up her claims that she is the greatest female wrestling star in history. [B]Rating - [/B]C- [B][SIZE="4"][U][B]AAA Femme Fatale (Cage Match)[/B][/U] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v729/bj_stfc/WandaFish.jpg[/IMG][COLOR="white"]12345[/COLOR][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v729/bj_stfc/CatherineQuine.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="red"]Wanda Fish[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="blue"]Catherine Quine[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] Another top match between Wanda Fish and Catherine Quine as they showed their chemistry together with Wanda being taken to her limits by The Cat's in-ring abilities. Towards the end of the match, Quine sets up Fish for the Cat's Cradle but Fish reverses it and sends Quine hurtling into the referee who gets knocked unconcious. Quine then tries again and manages to hit the Cat's Cradle the second time and walks out the cage door but there's no referee so has to go back into the ring. Quine goes to pick up Fish but she pulls out brass knuckles and hits Quine square in the face then hits the Dish Of The Day. The referee wakes up as Fish walks out the cage door and is named the winner of the match to retain her AAA Femme Fatale Title. [B][COLOR="red"]Wanda Fish[/COLOR] def. [COLOR="blue"]Catherine Quine[/COLOR] by escaping the cage at 21:19 as the referee didn't see Catherine Quine escape first after being knocked unconcious.[/B] [B]Rating - [/B]D+ [B]Show Rating - [/B]D+ [QUOTE][B]NOTES:[/B] Another good show but thought the main event deserved a better rating.[/QUOTE] [/FONT][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][FONT="Palatino Linotype"][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v729/bj_stfc/AAANotJustAPrettyFace.jpg[/IMG] [B]Tuesday Week 1, April 2007[/B] Agent 69 vs Missy Masterson [U][B]AAA Tag Team[/B][/U] Wild Times (Devil's Daughter & Vixxen) vs Good Lookin' Bunny (Jessica Bunny & Katherine Goodlooks) Mistress Mexico vs Suzanne Brazzle [U][B]AAA Top Contender's[/B][/U] Cherry Bomb vs Raven Nightfall Joanne Rodriguez & Kate Avatar vs Suzue Katayama & Black Widow [U][B]AAA Femme Fatale (Falls Count Anywhere)[/B][/U] Wanda Fish vs Catherine Quine[/FONT][/CENTER]
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[B]Agent 69[/B] vs Missy Masterson AAA Tag Team [B]Wild Times (Devil's Daughter & Vixxen)[/B] vs Good Lookin' Bunny (Jessica Bunny & Katherine Goodlooks) Mistress Mexico vs [B]Suzanne Brazzle[/B] AAA Top Contender's [B]Cherry Bomb[/B] vs Raven Nightfall Joanne Rodriguez & Kate Avatar vs [B]Suzue Katayama & Black Widow[/B] AAA Femme Fatale (Falls Count Anywhere) [B]Wanda Fish[/B] vs Catherine Quine
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[B]Agent 69[/B] vs Missy Masterson This could go either way but I like Agent 69's gimmick and look so I'm gonna go for her. AAA Tag Team Wild Times (Devil's Daughter & Vixxen) vs [B]Good Lookin' Bunny (Jessica Bunny & Katherine Goodlooks)[/B] Wild Times will find that their win was luck but being the ever cunning team they will lose by DQ to retain their titles. Eother that or walk off mid match. [B]Mistress Mexico[/B] vs Suzanne Brazzle Being the beginning of the feud I think Double M is gonna take a few underhanded wins. AAA Top Contender's [B]Cherry Bomb[/B] vs Raven Nightfall Cherry Bomb holds this title until she actually gets a shot at the Femme Fatale title [B]Joanne Rodriguez & Kate Avatar[/B] vs Suzue Katayama & Black Widow I think this will be one of those feuds where no matter how much the heels cheat they don't manage to get that many wins. AAA Femme Fatale (Falls Count Anywhere) Wanda Fish vs [B]Catherine Quine[/B] Now is Quine's time she's been denied long enough. I called all of the matches on the last show accurately and even called one of the two Mystery Partners even if she didn't wrestle.
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