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And the card for NYCW Big Time Wrestling: Grandmaster Phunk vs. [B]Whistler[/B] [I]Whistler wins by dq or countout, but Phunk keeps the belt.[/I] Jungle Jack vs. Rick Sanders [I]Jack continues building to a title contender.[/I] [B]Steve Flash[/B] vs. Honest Frank [I]Flash is just better[/I] [B]Slash and Roderick Remus[/B] vs. Harry Wilson and Sammy the Shark [I]The lackeys don't get it done.[/I] ooc: Thanks for the shout out on my diary. Spme possible youngsters to look at that would be a good old school fit (i.e good basics and tech skills) that would be different from me would be Marc Speed, Frankie Dee and Raphael. All have C or better technical skills, are young and have good performance skills.
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[b]Grandmaster Phunk[/b] vs. Whistler [i]Whistler contract is up soon, so I'm thinking a tainted victory.[/i] [b]Jungle Jack[/b] vs. Rick Sanders [i]Jack is the future champion.[/i] [b]Steve Flash[/b] vs. Honest Frank [i]I'm a Flash mark.[/i] [b]Slash and Roderick Remus[/b] vs. Harry Wilson and Sammy the Shark [i]Just a hunch[/i]
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[b]Grandmaster Phunk[/b] vs. Whistler [i]Whistler contract is up soon, so I'm thinking a tainted victory.[/i] [b]Jungle Jack[/b] vs. Rick Sanders [i]Jack is the future champion.[/i] [b]Steve Flash[/b] vs. Honest Frank [i]I'm a Flash mark.[/i] [b]Slash and Roderick Remus[/b] vs. Harry Wilson and Sammy the Shark [i]Just a hunch[/i]
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Thanks for the predictions so far, guys. In reward, here's a glimpse of NYCW Concrete Jungle, my next show after Big Time Wrestling [QUOTE][COLOR="SeaGreen"]Yo, Steve-O, most hip and happening of Cats! How's it hanging, bro?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"I'm sorry, what?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="seagreen"]"Don't be no square, Daddio. Sit down and groove to the music, yeah."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Are you even speaking English?[/COLOR][/QUOTE]
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[FONT="Times New Roman"][SIZE="6"]NYCW Big Time Wrestling[/SIZE][/FONT] Coming to you from the Weston Gymnasium, with an all-time low crowd of 206 people. Man, it just keeps on getting worse. [B][U]Pre-Show/DVD Extras[/U][/B] [B]Roderick Remus and Slash vs. Harry Wilson and Sammy the Shark[/B] This match was largely a test to see if Wilson and Shark had developed any chemistry issues, and to introduce people to Slash (aka Phillip Cooper). For a tag match, this was pretty good, and Slash’s lack of name value was more than made up for by his relative skill (and the fact that he broke off part way through to start boogying on the apron). Roderick Remus took the win by choking out Sammy with a Remus Clutch (evidently mine and Stomper’s ideas on how to keep Sammy strong differ somewhat). [B]Winners: [/B] Roderick Remus and Slash [B]Match Rating:[/B] [I]E+[/I] And next, we have Fern Hathaway coming out to promote her photo-shoot in the next NYCW Magazine, and how hot it is (for NYCW, which means she might show some ankle). And it actually worked damn well. Which is vaguely alarming, as Fern is very young and our average audience is a good bit older. [B]Rating:[/B] [I]D+[/I] [B][U]The Show[/U][/B] [B]Jungle Jack vs. Rick Sanders[/B] JJ debuted his new, Raging Bull style gimmick, which will probably kill his momentum as people had only just got used to his Wild Man gimmick (which wasn't going over, for some reason). Still, that might go some way to keeping his popularity low, which would help us to re-sign him down the line. The story of this match was that Jack was physically dominant but not with it mentally, leading to a time limit draw as he never went for a pinfall. And this match was as good an opening as I’d hoped for, largely thanks to Flash and Sanders’ chemistry- Sanders showed JJ some new technical tricks, and Jack helped Sanders sharpen up his aerial and performance work. A nice little opener, even if Sanders was gasping for breath by the end (which actually kinda helped, given the whole ‘I’ve just been damn near killed’ vibe). [B]Winner:[/B] Draw [B]Match Rating:[/B] [I]D+[/I] Honest Frank is backstage, hyping his title match against Steve Flash [COLOR="Red"]Y’know, Steve, I’m inclined to think you’re a little crazy. First, you hallucinate up a pair of brass knuckles that I hit you with last month, and this month you put the Tri-State regional title on the line against me. Now, I’m not gonna complain-who would? But I will say this, Flashie. You wanna be careful. There’s a lot of very unscrupulous people in NYCW, people that I personally have nothing to do with, that would be inclined to take advantage of a man with a fragile mental state like yours. Me, I’m an Honest guy, though: I promise to you that no harm will come to you during our match. You can trust me, Flash. After All…Would I Lie To You?[/COLOR] Another dependable promo from Frankie, putting over his match with Steve Flash. [B]Rating:[/B] [I]D[/I] [B]Steve Flash vs. Honest Frank[/B] Part of me is tempted to re-hire Land Mass, just to see if Flash can carry him to a decent match. I mean, here we have Frank: a semi-competent brawler, without enough stamina to really go to a full 10 minute match even without going all out, off his game anyway (Frank’s actually a real family man outside the ring, and I heard later that his daughter’s really sick at the moment), and Flash once again manages to pull out a decent result. Damn. Anyway, this was a fairly, typical back-and-forth match, with Flash about to gain the win before Frank once again bought out the knuckles. This time the ref’s back was turned, and before Steph could do anything Frank had got the 1-2-3 and the title. [B]Winner:[/B] Honest Frank [B]Match Rating:[/B] [I]D+[/I] After the match, Frank is still celebrating when Steph Williams hits the ring. [COLOR="Blue"]Y’know, Frank, you might think you’ve gotten away with your cheating tactics this time, but it ain’t gonna last. Next, month, at NYCW Concrete Jungle, how’s about you put your new title on the line in a rematch?[/COLOR] Frank grins, doing his best ‘sleazy heel checking out pure-and-innocent face girl’ routine (and, believe me, it’s a good one). [COLOR="Red"]If you’re so desperate to see poor mad Flashie get another beating, I’m quite willing to be the guy handing it out. Who know, maybe I’ll beat the sanity back into his head. [/COLOR] A nice little segment, reinforcing the overall quality of the show so far. This is definitely the sorta thing I want to be putting out there. [B]Rating:[/B] [I]D[/I] And as that groove-a-licious funk guitar breaks out the crowd comes alive. That’s right, folks, the Black Daddy Mack, the King of Bling, Your NYCW Empire Champion, is here. I give you the one, the only…GRANDMASTER PHUNK! [COLOR="Purple"]What is with you, Whistler? I’ve beaten you, I’ve beaten your little honky pal American Toy, I’m the unbeaten NYCW Empire Champion, and you want another shot at me? Jeez, you white boys are even dumber than I’d thought. Let me make this one nice and clear to you Whistler, since you just don’t seem to get it. You-have-no-chance-in-hell-of-beating me. No time, no place, not EVAH! Tonight, tomorrow, next week, your birthday, Hanukkah…it’s just ain’t ever gonna happen. No matter what you do, there is nothing you can do to defeat me, and you know why? ‘Cos you just ain’t got the FUNK![/COLOR] This could’ve been better, but this is still the best thing on the show, so who cares? [B]Rating:[/B] [I]C[/I] [B]Grandmaster Phunk vs. Whistler[/B] Once again, their lack of chemistry got in the way here, and once again, the crowd didn’t care. These two guys have enough talent to turn a decent-enough brawl even if they’re not reading from the same page, and the crowd was red-hot from the get-go. When Phunk finally managed to hit the Phunk and get the pin, The crowd were just about ready to kill him. [B]Winner:[/B] Grandmaster Phunk [B]Match Rating:[/B] [I]D+[/I] [B][U] Overall Rating:[/U][/B] D+, my best yet. Ooooooooooh Yeeeaaaaahhhhhhhhh!
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The mood after Big Time Wrestling was…well, let’s just say that when old-school wrestlers party, they really party. Big Time Wrestling might have had an all-time low attendance, but all 206 people had loved the show, and a couple of people were actually describing us as the best show of the month. Hell, the mood was still good when I got into the office for my next meeting with Stomper. [COLOR="DarkRed"]“Good work on the last show kid. Even if it did cost us nearly a thousand bucks”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]“Yeah well, what do you expect? Three main eventers plus Steve Flash, it’s pretty much a given that there’s gonna be a lotta money being spent. And with the economy going back into recession we’re gonna be seeing smaller audiences for a while, I’m guessing”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]“Hmph. I just hope you know what you’re doing is all. That’s my money we’re losing”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]“Don’t worry about it uncle. After all, it would take a pretty big disaster for us to really lose something now”[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkred"]“Like, say, Black Hat Bailey’s contract being up for negotiation?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]“…Yeah, pretty much. Gotta go.”[/COLOR] *** As you could probably have guessed, Black Hat Bailey turned down any attempt to negotiate a new contract, leaving me with a nasty-looking hole in my main event scene. Still, he was gonna be around for Concrete Jungle, and I had plans for his last match with us already. Other big news for the month was the entry into the biz of two very hot prospects. One, Kristen Pearce, was the sister of Jessie out of the SWF, and bore all the signs of being a promising manager, whilst the other, Davis Wayne Newton, HAD to be the bastard offspring of Dan Stone Jnr. There is literally no other way of explaining how he came to be so damn good at the age of 19. Naturally, I put the moves in on both of them (to sign, you gutter-minded perverts). My card for NYCW Concrete Jungle looked something like this: [B]Black Hat Bailey vs. Jungle Jack [/B] [I]At Manhattan Mayhem, these two had one is widely regarded as one NYCW’s finest matches to date. With Black Hat Bailey poised to leave NYCW, he has demanded that his final match be against The King of the Jungle in an effort to avenge his loss on their last meeting. Will he manage it before he leaves, or will it be a bad case of Déjà vu for the man in the hat?[/I] [B]Honest Frank vs. Steve Flash vs. Roderick Remus[/B] [I]In light of Steph Williams’ accusations against Frank, it has been decided that his first title defence will be against not only the former champion Steve Flash but also the man he beat to get his title shot, Roderick Remus. Will Frank retain his title in the face of not one, but two contenders? Will Flash get one back? Will Remus steal the win (probably not)?[/I] [B]Barry Kingman vs. American Machine[/B] [I]In a Cross-Border Battle, the American Powerhouse faces the Canadian Technician. Who will prevail?[/I] For the dark, I pencilled in TJ Bailey vs. Kashmir Singh, so TJ could polish his skills some more.
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[QUOTE=1PWfan;387461]My card for NYCW Concrete Jungle looked something like this: Black Hat Bailey vs. [b]Jungle Jack [/B] [I]At Manhattan Mayhem, these two had one is widely regarded as one NYCW’s finest matches to date. With Black Hat Bailey poised to leave NYCW, he has demanded that his final match be against The King of the Jungle in an effort to avenge his loss on their last meeting. Will he manage it before he leaves, or will it be a bad case of Déjà vu for the man in the hat?[/I][/quote] To job out Jungle Jack to a departing talent would be absurd. BHB can contribute to Jack Marlowe's rise to fame as he goes out. He's a professional, he'll understand. [quote][B]Honest Frank[/b] vs. Steve Flash vs. Roderick Remus [I]In light of Steph Williams’ accusations against Frank, it has been decided that his first title defence will be against not only the former champion Steve Flash but also the man he beat to get his title shot, Roderick Remus. Will Frank retain his title in the face of not one, but two contenders? Will Flash get one back? Will Remus steal the win (probably not)?[/I][/quote] Having Remus take the fall gives Frank a clean win, silencing Steve and Steph and leaving them to move into a higher division. [quote][B]Barry Kingman[/b] vs. American Machine [I]In a Cross-Border Battle, the American Powerhouse faces the Canadian Technician. Who will prevail?[/I][/quote] Kingman has a strong upside - a lot stronger than the Machine. His technical skills can help a lot to fill in gaps in the Main Event when he gets there. [quote]For the dark, I pencilled in TJ Bailey vs. [B]Kashmir Singh[/B], so TJ could polish his skills some more.[/QUOTE] Learn, my friend. Just learn on your back. Good luck!
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Black Hat Bailey vs. [B]Jungle Jack [/B] With Bailey on his way out, it is time for him to job some overness to the next Empire challenger. [B]Honest Frank [/B]vs. Steve Flash vs. Roderick Remus [I]Since he just won it, he will find a way to cheat to victory again.[/I] [B]Barry Kingman[/B] vs. American Machine [I]Machine has excellent potential, but needs time to develop, whereas Kingman is already at his potential and just needs overness and momentum.[/I]
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Whoops Well, there are many posts to come, but I just accidentally deleted my NYCW game. If anyone knows of a way to get it back, then I would be very grateful, but otherwise I'll probably start either a new NYCW diary, or something very similar (although at this rate I'll be the new ADeezy by th ened of the month...).
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[QUOTE=1PWfan;389688]Well, there are many posts to come, but I just accidentally deleted my NYCW game. If anyone knows of a way to get it back, then I would be very grateful, but otherwise I'll probably start either a new NYCW diary, or something very similar (although at this rate I'll be the new ADeezy by th ened of the month...).[/QUOTE] Yeah, I had that happen to my first diary too (which happened to also a NYCW diary). I think you might be out of luck. And from experience, you might not be able to get into your new game, so you might want to think about doing a slightly different game. Maybe a CV-97 NYCW game.
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[QUOTE=1PWfan;389688]Well, there are many posts to come, but I just accidentally deleted my NYCW game. If anyone knows of a way to get it back, then I would be very grateful, but otherwise I'll probably start either a new NYCW diary, or something very similar (although at this rate I'll be the new ADeezy by the end of the month...).[/QUOTE] NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Serious bummer, dude. And it was all going so well!
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