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When Writers Strike: NBC wrestling

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[SIZE="3"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][FONT="Century Gothic"][CENTER][B]Saturday February 6th, 2008[/B] Photobucket [B]Presents: Pressure Point [/B][/CENTER] [LEFT] [B]Hour 1:[/B] Photobucket Ladies and gentlemen welcome to this auspicious evening. Just 24 hours removed from the spectacle that was UnContainable, I don’t believe it’s hyperbole to say that the sport of wrestling has been changed forever. You join us this evening Live from Studio 5, in sunny Los Angels California with no less that 23,800 fans jammed into see Pressure Point, and congratulate the First World Title Champion. Yes Bill Goldberg, with the help of his Grid Iron way, is your new World Champion. But here tonight, I think Stone cold Steve Austin as well as many others may have something to say about that. But we will leave that situation aside for one moment as I turn to my guest this evening. (it is at this point that the camera pulls back and we see that Bob Costas has been joined for the intro by none other that Jessica Biel.)
Photobucket [COLOR="DarkRed"]Costas: “Good evening miss Beil, I’m glad to see that you have been release from the hospital, after the vicious assault you suffered last night at the hands of one Vin Diesel.”[/COLOR] Jessica: “Bob, I’m still sore, but like I’ve said before I was aware of the risks inherent to wrestling, before I aceepted to stand in Wesley’s corner.” [COLOR="DarkRed"]Costas: “But such an unsportsmanlike like action, could hardly have been anticipated.”[/COLOR] Jessica: “No, no I did not see Vin stooping to such a low level, but the doctors say that my not tensing up is what saved me from more severe injury. Either way I’ve talked to Wesley and told him despite my injuries I will continue to support his efforts here in NBC wrestling.” [COLOR="DarkRed"]Costa; “What a noble stance, miss Biel, thank you so much for taking the time this evening!”[/COLOR] [B](B+) (B+)[/B]
Our announce team: Chuck Norris and Terry Bradshaw ChuckNorris Photobucket [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Chuck can you believe the temerity of that girl?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “her names J-E-S-S-I-C-A, not Tammara.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Yes, chuck I’m aware I was commenting on her willingness to put herself in harms way despite the obvious risk.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “What risk?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “That Vin Diesel might Attacker her again.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck “Not going to happen, that sleaze caught Chuck Norris off guard once, not going to happen again! You don’t hurt the ladies in Chucks house!”[/COLOR] (Terry looks truly taken at chucks sincerity) [B]Ted Hart over Orlando Jordan run in by Kanyon and Ken Shamrock in 7:56 (D+)[/B] Photobucket vs Photobucket Ted Hart continued to impress, but the quick moves of Orlando Jordan, kept Jordan in control for most of the match. About half way through the match Kanyon came to ring side and managed to smack Hart with some thing he pulled from his trunks, the ref warned Kanyon off, and Orlando took the opportunity for a quick roll up, but Ted kicked out at 2. When Ken Shamrock then appeared on the ramp, a distracted Jordan walked right into a drop kick that sent him tumbling out to the concrete where Ken Shamrock locked in ankle lock, when Orlando could not return to the ring, the referee awarded the count out victory to Ted Hart. As the young man made his way to the back, he was pushed out of the way as the ‘Million Dollar Duo’ Jay and Mark Briscoe swaggered to the ring with ‘Million Dollar Man’ Ted Dibiase. “My boys here want to know, who is man enough to face the only real tag team in NBCw today? The Million Dollar Duo, will put up the prize money if anyone will step up and face the future 'of tag team wrestling perfection' The Briscoe brothers.” Perry Saturn and Aaron Agulera appear at the top of the ramp, “If you’ll just shut up, you gotta match next week!” [B](E)[/B] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “Terry that guy is talking in my ear again, I thought you did something about that.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Folks, we’re receiving word, that once again something dreadful may have happened back stage.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “If that little man keeps squacking in my ear, something dreadful might happen out here!”[/COLOR] (Terry Just shakes his head) Back Stage Bob Costas is standing over a beat and battered Orlando Jordan. Unlike in previous attacks, no witness, no notes, and tons of pills lay spread out many crushed all around Jordan. (B+) Photobucket Dun, dun, dun. Bill Goldberg makes his way down to the ring, the title strap around his waist. Cracking his neck and shaking out each arm, as if he were preparing for a fight. “Steve Austin want to be next? Steve Austin hasn’t proven he can shine this belt, let alone run with the world champion and the head of the Grid Iron way. I’m truly glad, that you fans have a Champion who is truly worthy of wearing this title. So Steve Austin Bring you’re A game tonight, because; You’re Next!” [B](B+)[/B]
Through out this Montel Brown has made his way to ring side for the next match, as Goldberg relinquishes the ring and makes his way up the ramp, he comes nose to nose with “The Giant Sapling” Bob Sapp, Niether man will give the right of way until the Referee pushes Goldberg to the side and Pulls sap toward the ring. [B]Bob Sapp and Montel Brown double Dq brawl in 8:00 (C) (B+)[/B] Photobucket vs Photobucket Montel takes a beating from the big man, who almost immediately goes for and hits the Timber Line Driver. It takes everything with-in Brown to kick out at 2 and 3/4. Monetel does manage to hit the Gird Iron shoulder tackle, but it barley phases Sapp. As the match appears to be over after a second TLD, Goldberg and Rocky run to ring side, and Bob sapp fails to cover instead turning to face the newcomers, Lesnar is also right on their heels. In a matter of moments the whole ring has turned into a side show and the referee is forced to call for a double dq and security clears the ring. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]“I’m Ben Jordan, and with me tonight is Chris Kanyon”[/COLOR] “Ben who better than Kanyon to have with you tonight?” [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]“…”[/COLOR] “No, don’t answer, I know as well as you do, that you are very upset about the recent inequitable treatment of Chris Kanyon.” [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]“I am?”[/COLOR] “And Who Better than Kanyon to address NBCw Corruption problem? NBCw I want a rematch one on one with Ted Hart, and to ensure I get a fair match, I demand that D’lo Brown be the special guest referee!” [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]“Well there you have it folks, who better than Kanyon to stack the deck in his favor?” [/COLOR][B](D+)[/B] Photobucket Vin Deisel has taken over the ring, microphone in hand. “Wha, wha, wha. You want Wes to stay and fight, you’re gonna stand beside him. Jessica, you’re a joke. Why don’t you shut your slut pie hole, and send that Chuck Norris wanna be snipes out here to take a beating like man. Atleast then these fans will get to see something they really care about tonight.” [B](B+)[/B]
[COLOR="Purple"] Chuck: “I hope Wesley Snipes doesn’t want to be me, he doesn’t have the beard for it.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “What about Austin versus Goldberg, do either of them have enough beard for ya, Chuck?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “Well, Terry we could discuss the benefits of a Goatee, but the truth is there is nothing the out weighs a good beard.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “yeah, but [COLOR="Black"]Just for Men[/COLOR], right chuck?” [/COLOR](trying not to laugh) [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “I don’t know Terry, I might dig a bearded [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Chick.”[/COLOR] Terry: “Well I can tell you two men, who don’t have beards but are going to put up one heck of a fight tonight.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “No one with out a beard can be that good of a fighter.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Well I think Rob Van Damn and Mark Wahlberg might just disagree with that.”[/COLOR] [B](B) (B+)[/B] [/left][/font][/color][/size] [SIZE="3"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][FONT="Century Gothic"] [B]Hour 2:[/B] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “Moe, stop talking in my ear La, La, La”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Folks back stage they have just aroused Orlando Jordan, and he confirmed it was not the macho man that attacked him, but when pressed refused to answer any further questions.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “La, La, La I can’t hear you.”[/COLOR] (Terry signs) [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “This attack just seems to be a copy cat crime.”[/COLOR] (Terry thinks to him self, “Chuck Norris can travel faster than light, but he’s not very bright.”) [B](C+)[/B] [B]Buff Bagwell and Marty Jannetty over Lex Luger & Tatanka in 12:42 when Luger turns on Tatank (C-)[/B] Photobucket Photobucket vs Photobucket Photobucket Bagwell and Tatanka square off, locking up for a test of strength. Buff gets dominated, but lashes out with a boot below the belt, and poses down, while Tatanka writhes on the canvass. Buff then tags in Jannetty, and we have a pretty clean match up for a while, until Tatanka makes a leaping dive to tag in Lex. Lex immediately goes dirty with a thumb to the eyes, and a drop toe hold into the ring posts. The match continues to be ugly, as Jannetty tries desperately to get the tag. Finnally, Marty manages to tag in Buff, who rushes toward Lex, who immediately retreat to tag in the wild Indian. After making the tag, Tatanka thunder toward Bugg, while Lex climbs the ring post. Luger flys across the ring, and nails Tatanka his own partner with a huge elbow. Luger and Bagwell High five and then perform a double suplex on Tatanka, Jannetty storms in for the save but Luger holds him off while Buff picks up the win. Bagwell and Luger grab a pair of microphones from ring side. “I’m Buff, and He’s the Stuff, and together we’re Ego.” “You got it man, we’re all Ego, and no one is going to stand in our way.” “NBCw is talking about forming a Tag Division, and we figure two specimen such as ourselves should have no problem walking all over the tag division.” [B](C-)[/B] PhotobucketRandy Savage storms down the ramp, and takes up residence at the announce desk. “Oooh Yeahhh! NBCw have I got a treat for you. Ooh Brother this is big, the macho man’s got proof, Oooh Yeahh. Now if you folks in the back would be so kind, brother, and roll that tape I brought with me.” The tape rolls on the Jumbo-tron but all that plays is grey static. All Macho can do is stare blankly up at the giant screen. [B](B+)[/B] Sid Vicious comes to the top of the ramp. “Hey randy, it’s all right, really we believe you, and these men here, have a nice white jacket in your size. I promise they won’t hurt you … to much.” Macho struggles with security but inevitably exits in the straight jacket. [B](B+)[/B]
[B]Mark Wahlberg over RVD in 15:02 (B)[/B] Photobucket vs Photobucket D@MN! If Mark Looked strong in their first match up, then he looked wicked strong in this one. Rob as always was explosive, but Walberg matched his intensity at every turn. The highlight of the match was shortly after Van Dam had left Mark laid out with a nasty vertical suplex, Rob went up for the five start splash, but as he was coming down, Wahlberg pulled out a break dancing move, flipping on his stomach and firing his feet up to essential let Rob Drop kick himself while mark was still half laying on the canvas. The match back on even footing, ended when out of no where, Mark Dropped Rob with the Showstopper! A three count latter and each man owned a victory over the other. Unfortunately the bell did not stop the match, as Mark took advantage of a prone RVD, driving a knee to his gut before going and delivering a chair shot to Robs lower back. If there was any doubt that Mark was capable of being as violent as any wrestler in the building, Mark took the time to clear up that misconception. [B](A)[/B] [B]From the Desk of NBCw and Bob Costas:[/B] Photobucket “Ladies and Gentleman, I ask for just two minutes of your precious time tonight, it is my dubious duty to announce two things. Firstly, NBCw has launched a full investigation into the dealings of one Orlando Realdo Jordan. It seems many of the pills found about his prone body contained performance enhancing substances, and a search of his locker yielded large quantities of cash. Ken Shamrock, Sylvester Terakay and Andrew Test Martin are invited to speak with NBC officials at their earliest convenience. Secondly, despite my ernest pleadings to the contrary NBC wrestling manegment, have deicded to give the “Macho Man” Randy Savage one more week to produce his proof of innocence before we terminate his contract, and recommend pyciatric evaluation to the authorities.” [B](B+)[/B]
Photobucket In the ring. “Raven, man oh man, Raven. I just gotta apologize for last night. I mean, I meant to dominate you, but man, I truly did not mean to leave that big a dent in your scull. To beat you from ring post ring post, and with in an inch of your life, no it wasn’t my intention. Nah whom I kidding, Raven you threaten my family, and I’m gald I kicked *SS into the ground so deep in the ground your still trying to dig your way out!” [B](B)[/B]
[/size][/color][/font] [SIZE="3"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][FONT="Century Gothic"] [B]Hour 3:[/B] [B]“Stone Cold” Steve Austin over Goldberg in a non title match at 18:01 (B+)[/B] Photobucket vs Photobucket The adage is best kind of rattle snake to encounter is a dead rattle snake. I guess no one ever told Goldberg this. The match was back and forth, but the truth is Goldberg never firmly placed himself in control, and in the end, a missed spear turned into a Stunner, and Goldbergs kick out came at 3 and 1/2 and Steve Austin picked up the victory over our newly crowned Champ. After the match, Austin Rolled Goldberg out of the ring unceremoniously. “If you think that Goldberg got his *ss kicked, just give me a H*ll Yeah (echo H*ll Yeah) Now Mr. Goldberg I think it’s time you give me my title shot! I’m not asking, I’m godamn garunteening you’re gonna give it to me!” [B](B)[/B] Photobucket That’s about all Stone Cold got out before, Bret Hart dumps the rattle snake on his head, and then locks in the sharp shooter. [B](B+)[/B] Bret Hart picks up Austin’s fallen mic. “Goldberg, you almost cost me my career, if anyone in this ring deserves a shot at that gold, it’s the excellence of exacution. The best there was, the best there is, and the best there ever will be is the only man you Owe a title shot.” [B](B+)[/B]
Photobucket Raven comes on the Jumbo-tron. “Page, in every generation there are only a handful that have the potential for greatness, the rest of the rabble must scrable and scrape to pull them selves up by their boot straps just to achieve mediocrity. Page I will return you to the mediocrity, if it’s the last thing I do!” [B](C+)[/B]
PhotobucketPhotobucket Hulk Hogan strolls to the ring in a suit a tie. “Hulkamanics, have you noticed the disturbing trend? I come out here to deliever the entertainment value to you the fans, and the next think I know I’m tasting canvass. Well, Brother, Hulk Hogan is tired of being NBCw's punching bag.” “Hold on, why don’t you shut your rudy-poo candy *ss, before I have to do it for you. Infact why don’t you take that self righteous sniveling, shine it up real nice, turn it side ways and shove it straight up your …” “Hold on Brother this is a family show, are you looking for me to take you to school?” Hogan grabs his dress shirt and pulls revealing, Hogan is already in his red and yellow ring gear. [B](B+) (B+)[/B]
Photobucket vs Photobucket The Rock and Hogan, seemed to truly electrify the crowd. The two worked every angle the crowd was looking for. The rock taking a huge back body drop, Hogan taking a rock bottom and then delivering the big boot and guillotine leg drop, but only picking up a two count. The peoples elbow, reversed the rolls and the rock picked up a two count. A ref bump, led to a Brock Lesnar run in, but Goldberg was hot on Lesnar’s heels, and so the Rock escaped the f-5. Bret Hart seemed to be right on Goldberg’s heels, and lined Goldberg up for a chair shot, once again Goldberg ducked at the last possible second, the chair shot ringing Hulk Hogan’s bell one more time. Lesnar, Hart, and Goldberg all making a quick retreat, as another official came in to restore order. Hogan stumbles back to his feet, but a second rock bottom, and The Rock picked up the easy three for the win. [B] Attendance: 23,886 show Rating: B+ Fast overnight: 48.18[/B] [/size][/color][/font] [SIZE="3"][B]Recap: Fifth show Hour 1:[/B][/SIZE] (3)[B]B+[/B] bob Costas welcomes us to the program (3)[B]B+[/B] Bob costas intervies Jessica biel First match: (10)[B]D+[/B] [B]Ted Hart[/B] over Orlando Jordan run in by Kanyon and Ken Shamrock (4)[B]E[/B] briscoe call out with ted D Perry and aaron answer Briscoe call out (5)[B]B+[/B] Bob costas above a knocked out an bloodied orlando jordan (copy cat attack) (5)[B]B+[/B] Goldberg comes down to the ring and talks about how great it is to be the first champion second match: (10)[B]C[/B] [B]Bob Sapp[/B] and Montel Brown double Dq brawl (5)[B]B+[/B] brawl Grid Iron way vs Sapp and Lesnar (4)[B]D+[/B] Kanyon Demands a rematch with Ted Hart and a fair Referee (5)[B]B+[/B] Vin Diesel tells Jessica to stop her whining, send Wes out for another beating (3)[B]B+[/B] announcers hype Austin vs goldberg (3)[B]B[/B] announcers hype RVD vs whalberg [SIZE="3"][B] Hour 2:[/B][/SIZE] (3)[B]C+[/B] announcers let us know that the attack on Orlando Jordan was ruled a copy cat crime Third match: (15)[B]C-[/B] Bagwell and Janetty over Luger & tatanka (turn on tatanka by Luger, Bagwell and luger form a Second official tag team, EGO) (4)[B]C-[/B] EGO talks (4)[B]B+[/B] Savage shows up with video proof, but the video has been erased (4)[B]B+[/B] sid comes out and taunts Macho Fourth match: (17)[B]B[/B] [B]Mark Wahlberg[/B] over RVD (5)[B]A[/B] mark continues the beating on RVD (3)[B]B+[/B] Bob Costas anounces an NBCw probe into Orlano Jordan's dealings here in NBCw, and nbc has postponed firing Savage, until next week so he can try and produce the proof. (5)[B]B[/B] Diamond dallas page apologizes for how brutally he beat raven last night [SIZE="3"][B] Hour 3:[/B][/SIZE] fifth match: (20)[B]B+[/B] [B]austin[/B] over goldberg non title match (3)[B]B[/B] Austin demands a title match (3)[B]B+[/B] Bret hart comes out and austin eats canvas (3)[B]B+[/B] Bret hart demands his shot at goldberg (4)[B]C+[/B] Raven responds to page (4)[B]B+[/B] Hogan comes out and says he is tired of being a punching bag and he is starting with the rock right here tonight for payback (3)[B]B+[/B] Rock comes out and says you want it you got it right here right now Sixth match: (20)[B]B[/B] The Rock over Hulk hogan, Brock interferes, goldberg comes in for the save, bret chases goldberg into the ring, swings and yet again nails Hogan. [B] Attendance: 23,886 show Rating: B+ Fast overnight: 48.18[/B]
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[QUOTE=Akki;389110]Orlando Jordan vs [B]Ted Hart[/B] Bob Sapp vs [B]Montel Brown[/B] [B]Buff Bagwell & Marty Jannetty[/B] vs Lex Luger & Tatanka Mark Wahlberg vs [B]Rob Van Dam[/B] The Rock vs [B]Hulk Hogan[/B][/QUOTE] posted after the show went up, we're going to have to go to judge mills lane, on this one....."I'll allow it"...man that was close!
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[SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]Fan voting restults:
[/COLOR][/SIZE] Though i did credit Akki's left out answer as a positive response to his all time total.
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Take a look at the very first post: [URL="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?p=369049#post369049"][COLOR="Navy"]First Post[/COLOR][/URL] I've added a table of contents. what are your thought? Suggestion? Thank you again for the feed back!
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[COLOR="DarkRed"]OOC:I didn’t know bob had his own radio program. In reality it is tapped Saturday afternoons, but since it air on Sunday’s here in Delaware, I’m going to assume NBC could have it’s tape date moved to Sunday’s. does the table of contents add anything?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"][SIZE="3"][FONT="Century Gothic"][CENTER][B]Costas on the Radio: Sunday, February 7th, 2008[/B] Photobucket[/CENTER] The Sport and Spectacle that is wrestling, is my home away from home every Saturday night. Last night was HUGE, Stone Cold took down Goldberg, granted the title was not on the line, as well we got a legendary match between the Rock and Hulk Hogan, that did nothing but throw fuel on the fire blazing between the Grid Iron way and Brock Lesnar and “The Giant Sappling” Bob Sapp. Oh, and Hogan can’t be Happy about a second Chair shot from Bret Hart in as many weeks, accidental or not. If you’ve been following this sport for any time you know about the screw loose in Randy Savages head. But I must say I strongly disagree with NBC managements choice to give Randy one more week to prove his innocence. Savage is madman, who if left unchecked may cause some serious damage. Believe me, Sid had it right, Macho belongs in a straight Jacket! With all that being Said I hope you and all the fans of the sport of wrestling Join me next Saturday night, at pressure point, The Line up looks fantastic. The Following Stars are sure to be in action![/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] Bret Hart & Ted Hart vs D'lo and Chris Kanyon Million Dollar Duo (the briscoes) vs perry saturn and agulera Test vs Rob Van Dam vs Marc Mero Raven vs Mark Wahlberg “Stone Cold” Steve Austin vs Hulk Hogan Wesley snipes vs Brock Lesnar
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[B]Bret Hart & Ted Hart[/B] vs D'lo and Chris Kanyon [B]Million Dollar Duo (the briscoes)[/B] vs perry saturn and agulera Test vs [B]Rob Van Dam [/B]vs Marc Mero [B]Raven [/B]vs Mark Wahlberg [B]“Stone Cold” Steve Austin[/B] vs Hulk Hogan Wesley snipes vs [B]Brock Lesnar[/B] I like the table of contents, but it could get pretty long if this dynasty goes on for awhile.
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[QUOTE=dse81;390208] I like the table of contents, but it could get pretty long if this dynasty goes on for awhile.[/QUOTE] You speak much truth, I was thinking a table format, the 4 Pressure points all on the same line and then the PPV by itself. does it look to you like that would fit? i view in 1280 X 1024, but on lower screen resolutions that might shmoosh things up a bit.
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[quote=mistaken;390265]You speak much truth, I was thinking a table format, the 4 Pressure points all on the same line and then the PPV by itself. does it look to you like that would fit? i view in 1280 X 1024, but on lower screen resolutions that might shmoosh things up a bit.[/quote] I think that would work. Hope it turns out alright.
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[B]Bret Hart & Ted Hart[/B] vs D'lo and Chris Kanyon Million Dollar Duo (the briscoes) vs [B]perry saturn and agulera[/B] Test vs [B]Rob Van Dam[/B] vs Marc Mero [B]Raven[/B] vs Mark Wahlberg [B]"Stone Cold” Steve Austin[/B] vs Hulk Hogan Wesley snipes vs [B]Brock Lesnar[/B]
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[B]Bret Hart & Ted Hart [/B]vs D'lo and Chris Kanyon [B]Million Dollar Duo (the briscoes)[/B] vs perry saturn and agulera Test vs [B]Rob Van Dam[/B] vs Marc Mero [B]Raven[/B] vs Mark Wahlberg “[B]Stone Cold” Steve Austin[/B] vs Hulk Hogan Wesley snipes vs [B]Brock Lesnar[/B]
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[SIZE="3"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][FONT="Century Gothic"][CENTER][B]Saturday February 13th, 2008[/B] Photobucket [B]Presents: Pressure Point [/B][/CENTER] [LEFT] [B]Hour 1:[/B] Photobucket Ladies and Gentlemen good evening. Tonight in front of a sold out crowd of 15,000 screaming fans we broadcasting Live from Studio 5 in Los Angels, this is Pressure Point. The Stakes are high and emotions run higher, tonight not one but two tag team match ups. Will Ego after their surprise formation last week, when Luger betrayed Tatanka, be able to pull out a win over the pairing of Tatanka and Jannetty? And as long as we are on the subject of tag team wrestling, the management of NBCw have told me it’s time to announce the formation of a tag team division, and Tag Tile match up will take Place at our next Pay-per-view, to Decide the first Champions. If that’s not enough, it is also my extreme pleasure to announce to you the fans, that on March 5th, NBC wrestling will be proud to bring you AfterMath. In the wake of UnContainable, there will be a lot of unfinished business that will have to be resolved. So make sure to join us on PPV of live at a theater near you the first Friday in March for AfterMath. [B](B+) (B-)[/B]
[B] Bret Hart & Ted Hart over Chris Kanyon & D’lo Brown with Jennifer Blake in 8:02 (C)[/B] Photobucket Photobucket vs Photobucket Photobucket The match was as even as you might expect. When Ted hart was in the ring, Kanyon and D’lo took turns beating on him, and Jennifer Blake had to be warned off the ring several times and was eventually ejected from ring sided by the Referee. Ted would inevitably get the tag to Bret who would charge into the ring as fast as his broken body would let him and clean house. The match ended when Bret locked the sharp shooter in on Chris Kanyon, D’lo jumped in for the save, but got drop kicked out of the ring by Ted Hart. Kanyon Tapped, and Bret and Ted Celebrated in the center of the ring.Bret Hart then signaled for a microphone as Kanyon and D’lo retreated up the ramp. “If you two nobodies want to demand a fair match, why don’t you let me be the referee, and lets see what happens?” Kanyon walks to the back as if he didn’t hear the offer. [B](D)[/B] Photobucket Photobucket Back stage we are in the office of Bob Costas. Bob is behind his desk, and a technician is monitoring a polygraph. Sylvester Terkay walks in and sits down. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Costas: “Mr. Terkay this will only take a moment. NBC will not have any of its athletes using performance enhancing drugs, to ensure this we are going to ask you a few simple questions to ensure you’re clean.[/COLOR] (The tech puts two stickums on Sly’s forehead and a cuff around his bicep) [COLOR="DarkRed"]Costas: “Have you now, or at any point knowingly used any performance enhancing substances?”[/COLOR] Terkay: “No.” [COLOR="DarkRed"]Costas: “Did you have anything to do with the attack on Orlando Jordan or the pills found about his person?”[/COLOR] Terkay: “No.” [COLOR="DarkRed"]Costas: “Thank you very much for your time, you’re excused.”[/COLOR] (The tech whispers something in Costas’s ear, Bob smiles) [B](B)[/B] Costas: “Ladies and gentleman, we wanted to make sure we let you know that Orlando Jordan is in a hospital room this evening recovering from last weeks sever beating, at the hands of an unknown party. Unfortunately Orlando has invoked his civil liberties and refuses to further aide in any of our investigations.” [B](C+)[/B] Photobucket Photobucket Ken Shamrock enters the office and takes a seat while the tech sets him up, he jumps causing the tech to fall to the floor. Ken just chuckles. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Costas: “Mr. Shamrock, I assume Mr. Terkay told you what to expect, just answer the questions as honestly as possible.”[/COLOR] (The tech nods that he is ready) [COLOR="DarkRed"]Costas: “Have you now, or at any point knowingly used any performance enhancing substances?”[/COLOR] Ken: “Depends on what your definition of performance, enhancing and substances are, because yes, I drink, I smoke and I take my vitamins.” [COLOR="DarkRed"]Costas: (glowering) “Did you have anything to do with the attack on Orlando Jordan or the pills found about his person?”[/COLOR] Ken: “Well, Orlando is my friend, so from that perspective yes, I guess I and everyone who knew him were involved in Orlando’s attack.” [COLOR="DarkRed"]Costas: “That wasn’t the question I asked, but I’m sure the tech got what he needed. You may go Mr. Shamrock.”[/COLOR] (the tech whispers something else in Costas’s ear, Bob Frowns deeply) [B](A)[/B]
Photobucket Photobucket vs Photobucket Photobucket Perry Saturn and Aaron Agulera took control of the match early and never gave it back. The only positive for the Briscoe bothers was their superior tag experience allowed them to cycle in and out of the ring, to keep from getting too beat up. Saturn managed to lock in the rings of Saturn on Jay, but mark came in to break it up by kicking Perry in the head. Perry tagged out, and Aaron took an Irish whip to the corner where Ted on the outside flung powder into Aaron’s eyes. This gave Jay and Mark the time to hit the million Dollar Crash, and Jay held Perry off while Mark picked up the three. While Perry Helped Aaron get the crap out of his eye’s Dibiase took a mic and stood on the ring Apron. “I think NBCw got that check I sent them. That’s right they should call the tag division the Million Dollar Dream, because I thought it up and then I wrote the check. So let me tell you that these two boys here are the first Official tag team and they wants a crack at that title belt!” [B](B-)[/B] Perry Saturn drop kicks Ted off the ring Apron, and Aaron Clothes lines the two brothers out of the ring. Perry grabs Dibiase’s fallen mic. “Hey if your two nimrods are in, then where do Saturn and Agulera sign up for this little pig pickin’?” Aaron doesn’t look so sure he wants to be part of this. [B](E+)[/B] Ego hits the top of the ramp. “I’m Buff and he’s the stuff and together we’re Ego.” “Listen here you little wanna-be’s and Neanderthals Ego was the first official tag team in NBCw.” “And Buff is going to make sure he gets to be the first to wear the gold.” “So we demand first shot at the tag titles!” [B](D+)[/B] Ego gets sent rolling down the ramp when Tatanka and Jannetty storm out and pop Luger and Bagwell with steel chairs. Jannetty Picks up the microphone. “Welcome to the REVIVAL, we’ll see you in the ring.” “AYAYAYAYAYA” Tatanka throws the microphone down and revival heads back stage. [B](D+) (D+)[/B] Our Announce team: Chuck Norris and Terry Bradshaw ChuckNorris Photobucket [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Chuck, can you believe we started the night with only one official tag team, and now we not only have a Tag Title on the line at AfterMath but 4 teams vying for it!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “Yeah, yeah, yeah, Terry so what, Chuck Norris can fight two men at once but no one ever gave me a tag title.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Was it a three way bout like tonight’s RVD vs. Test vs. Marc Mero? Because Chuck that’s still singles competition.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “No it wasn’t, I’m telling you it was two on one, and I deserve a title for it, to go with my 6 world Karate championships.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Well I don’t know about that, but are you ready for Mark Wahlberg's match with the demented man they call Raven.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “what’s demented is I fight two full grown teenage girls for a parking spot at the mall during Christmas, and you don’t think I deserve a title!”[/COLOR] (Terry just hangs his head in shame) [B](C+) (B-)[/B] [/left][/font][/color][/size] [SIZE="3"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][FONT="Century Gothic"] [B]Hour 2:[/B] Photobucket Photobucket We return to Bob Costas’s office, the polygraph technician is fiddling with some dials. Test swaggers into the room. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Costas: “Mr. Martin please take your seat, this will only take a moment, and is for both your own health and safety, as well as the well being of the other wrestlers, staff and families of NBCw.”[/COLOR] (The polygraph tech sets up Test, and returns to his dials) Test: “Bob with all due respect, screw you!” [COLOR="DarkRed"]Costas: (slightly flustered) ““Have you now, or at any point knowingly used any performance enhancing substances?”[/COLOR] Test: “Why the Hell would Andrew ‘Test’ Martin need to do that?” [COLOR="DarkRed"]Costas: “Just answer the question.”[/COLOR] Test: “NO! I have not used any substance that enhanced my performance [COLOR="DarkRed"]Costas: “Did you have anything to do with the attack on Orlando Jordan or the pills found about his person?” .”[/COLOR] Test: “yes, I knocked those pills on the ground when he tried to push that Sh*t on me, but he was picking them up when I walked off.” [COLOR="DarkRed"]Costas: “We’re done here, I wish I could say it’s been a pleasure.” [/COLOR] (The tech leans over to Costas’s, Bob jaw about hits the floor) [B](B+)[/B] [B] Rob van dam over Test and Mark Mero in 13:01 (C+)[/B] Photobucket vs Photobucket vs Photobucket Test fresh off of being grilled by Bob Costas, exploded like a fire cracker. He drop kicked RVD over the top rope and only the fact that it was in the direction of the ramp kept RVD from crowd surfing. Test then proceeded to take Mero’s Head off with a clothes line and about killed him with a Test-tosterone driver. Rob kicked Test in the back of the head to break up the three count, and Test and Rvd went at it for the rest of the match, Mero never budged from his position in the center of the ring. Rob almost lost the match when he failed to follow up on an Irish whip after noticing that Mark Walberg had come to ring side, and test rolled Van Dam up for 2. A round house Kick and a five star splash eventually netted RVD the hard fought three count. Photobucket Macho man makes his way back down to the announce table, “Hellooo, Gentle men, “The Macho Man” has got the proof you requiire. If you dig, I brought the whole enchilada this time.” Randy pulls out a photo case and lays 8X10 glossies down, at the same time the images make it up on the Jumbo-tron. “You see what I’m talkin' about, just take a look at the time stamps on these photos. “The Macho man” could not possibly have attacked, Bret Hart or Jessica beil, Oooh Yeah. Like I’ve said all along, “the Macho man” hand noothin’ to do with it.” [B](B+)[/B]
Photobucket Sid Vicious hit the top of the ramp, the security squad behind him with the straight jacket again. “These are clear forgeries, I mean my four year old nephew could do a better job of doctoring photos than that. Randy Savage you’re a nut case, and absolute fruit, and these men are here to help you try on that jacket again.” Randy ends up going willingly this time though not restrained, having clearly shown that he was not at fault in at least two of the attacks. [B](B+)[/B]
A short Video plays for Raven and Page’s feud. Footage of the van “I will tear page from the book of life”. Footage of DDP picking up the victory at UnContainable, using the brass Knucks, and footage of last week’s apology for beating raven so severely. [B](C+)[/B] [B]Mark Wahlberg over Raven when DDP interferes at 17:34 (C)[/B] Photobucket vs Photobucket Once again Mark Wahlberg showed up as a wrestler rather than a side show after thought. Raven uncharacteristically kept it in the ring, and made it more of a wrestling match about moves and holds than a knock down drag out brawl. About halfway though Mark went for the showstopper, only to have it reversed into the even flow DDT. Raven to 2 and 1/2 before page pulled the ref from the ring to break the count. DDP the stormed into the ring and delivered the diamond cutter. Mark and Raven continued the match, but it was only a matter of time before Wahlberg hit the showstopper for three picking up the W. Photobucket DDP rolls back into the ring and pushes the celebrating Mark Wahlberg over the top rope. He the digs in his trunks and pulls the brass knucks back out. The beating on Raven continues until security pours into the ring and pulls Page off of Raven. “You wanna mess with me and my family B*tch, you messed with the wrong man Raven.” [B](C)[/B]
[COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “Terry do you know I went all week with out killing anyone.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “So did I chuck what’s your point?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “Really, a whole week Terry or just six days? Which is close to a week right?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Chuck to be honest I’ve never killed anyone.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “ooh”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Chuck and I’ll bet that neither have either of the men in our main event.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “Oh, Wesley Snipes has got have killed some body!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Maybe his acting has caused some indigestion but no deaths yet.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “Well Brock Lesnar . . .”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “NO Chuck!”[/COLOR] (All Terry can think is “Chuck Norris killed a 100 ninja’s with just a tooth brush, Damn chuck Norris must have some bad breath!”) [B](B+)[/B] [/size][/color][/font] [SIZE="3"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][FONT="Century Gothic"] [B]Hour 3:[/B] Hulk Hogan makes his way to the ring. “Hulkamanics, last week I made my way out here to let the locker room know I’m not a punching bag. And Brother, wouldn’t you know it the rock came out here and challenged Hulk Hogan. Now Brother that’s all fine and dandy until Bret the hitman Hart wrapped a chair around my noggin for the second week in a row. . .” [B](B+)[/B] Screeching tires and shattering glass can mean only one thing. ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin appears at the top of the ramp. “If you want stone cold to shut up this tired old geezer, give me a hell yeah (echo hell yeah) I’m sorry I didn’t quite catch that. (ECHO HELL YEAH). Well then Mr. Hulk whania, why don’t you stand right there while Austin 3:16 comes right down there and kicks your geriatric @ss!”[B] (B+)[/B] [B]Stone Cold over Hulk Hogan, when Goldberg runs in on Austin and Bret Hart levels Hogan by accident again at 12:51 (B-)[/B] Photobucket vs Photobucket Hulk Hogan and Stone Cold should have put on a better match than this. They hit the spots, the crowd went wild, but it just did not have the certain something and came up a little short. Hogan accidently whipped Austin right into the ref, which allowed Goldberg to run into the ring and spear Stone Cold. Bret hart was right on the phenom’s heels and lined Goldberg up for the Chair shot, but once again Goldberg moved out of the way at the right moment, and the chair shot ended up connecting with Hogan’s skull. The two intruders retreated back up the ramp, as Steve capitalized on the run in to deliver the stunner and pick up the pin fall victory. Austin calls for a microphone. “Goldberg, Goldberg, Goldberg. Not only can’t you beat me, not only do you owe me a shot at that piece tin on your waist you call a championship, now you’ve just plain pissed me off. I’m not asking, I’m not telling, this is me Godd*mn Guaranteeing you’re going to meet me in the main event at AfterMath so I can personally deliver your Stone Cold @$$ kicking!” [B](B+)[/B] Photobucket Goldberg comes into the ring and a stare down ensues, neither man willing to back down one inch. Bob Costas comes to the top of the ramp. “Gentlemen I won’t have this, this is a sport of decorum, you will indeed meet in the ring at Aftermath, but if either of you so much as breathes in the others air space with out my consent before that, I will have you both terminated.” [B](B+)[/B]
[B]Brock Lesnar over Wesley snipes with Jessica beil, when vin diesel runs in and attacks both Wes and jes in 17:45 (A)[/B] Photobucket vs Photobucket w/ Photobucket Wesley Snipes showed a valiant effort. Bob Sapp on the out side twice tried to wrangle Jessica only to get slapped, but to Wes’s credit he stayed focused on Lesnar. Brock took the match to the mat and Snipes had a hard time at first, until he realized that he had learned close quarters combat for passenger 57 and brought the match back to even footing. At this point Brock switched tactics and brought the power game. Again Wes had to fight just to keep his shoulder off the mat until he realized he could out quick Lesnar based on the speed he had picked up in white men can’t jump. In the end of Wes’s efforts were for not, Vin Diesel hit the ring, and Wes with the Pitch Black DDT, Vin rolled out of the ring and caught Jessica with one as well. Lesnar wasted no time in pick Wes up and delivering the F-5 followed by a three count. Photobucket Lesnar never one to leave well enough alone, along with Bob Sapp began to assault Wes after the bell has rung. The beating continued until The Rock hit the ring, and Rock bottomed Bob Sapp, and back body dropped Brock over the top rope and out onto the floor. We fade to black as EMT’s are carting Jessica off, and The Rock is checking on Wesley Snipes. [B](B+)[/B]
[B] Attendance: 15,000 (sold out) Show rating: B+ Fast overnight: 49.22[/B] [/size][/color][/font] [SIZE="3"][B]Recap: Sixth show[/SIZE] Hour 1:[/B] (3)[B]B+[/B] Intro by bob costas (3)[B]B-[/B] announces the inception of the tag title, and a tag division first match (10)[B]C[/B] [B]Bret & Ted Hart[/B] over D'lo and chriss Kanyon with Jennifer Blake (5)[B]D[/B] Bret agrees that who better than Kanyon to get a fair fight, he will guest ref next week (3)[B]B[/B] Nbc and bob costas interview sylvester terkay ie drug gate (2)[B]C+[/B] Update on the condition of Orlando jorday (3)[B]A[/B] Nbc and bob costas interview Ken shamrock ie drug gate Second match (10)[B]D+[/B] [B]Jay & Mark briscoe[/B] over Perry Saturn and Aaron Agulera when Ted dibiase there powder in Aaron's eyes. (3)[B]B-[/B] Dibiase says his boys are the first officail entrants in the tag tournament (3)[B]E+[/B] Perry saturn and Aaron Agulera wanted to be counted in too. (3)[B]D+[/B] Ego shows up at the top of the ramp and say that's fine, they can beat the washed up and wanna-bes (3)[B]D+[/B] Tatanka and Jannetty attack ego from Behind (3)[B]D+[/B] Tatanka adn Jannetty are Revival, and they want into the tag tournament as well (3)[B]C+[/B] hype for mark wahlberg vs raven (3)[B]B-[/B] hype for rvd vs test vs marc mero hour2: (5)[B]B+[/B] Nbc and bob costas interview andrew test martin, ie drug gate Third Match (15)[B]C+[/B] [B]Rob van dam[/B] over Test and Mark merro despite Mark Wahlberg coming to ring side. (5)[B]B+[/B] Macho comes out with time stamped photo's proving his innocents (5)[B]B+[/B] Vicious comes to the top of the ramp and says he doesn't think it's enough proof (2)[B]C[/B] raven vs Diamond Dallas page hype video Fourth match (20)[B]C[/B] [B]Mark Wahlberg[/B] over Raven when DDP interferes. (5)[B]C[/B] DDP continues the beat down on raven (3)[B]B+[/B] Hype for brock vs snipes hour 3: (5)[B]B+[/B] Hogan is out complaining about being a punching bag again (5)[B]B+[/B] Austin comes out telling Hogan to stop his wining. Fift Match (15)[B]B-[/B] [B]Stone Cold [/B]over Hulk Hogan, when goldberg runs in on Austin and bret hart levels hogan by accident again. (5)[B]B+[/B] Austin still wins the match and calls goldberg out to face him like a man and give him his title shot. (5)[B]B+[/B] costas break it up and bans the two from being uncivil. sixth match (20)[B]A[/B] [B]Brock Lesnar[/B] over Wesley snipes with Jessica beil, when vin deisel runs in and attacks both wes and jes. (5)[B]B+[/B] Brock and sapp start to pick wes apart but the rock runs in for the save. [B] Infront of : 15,000 Show rating: B+ fast overnight: 49.22[/B]
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[SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]Fan voting restults:
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[SIZE="3"][FONT="Century Gothic"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][CENTER][B]Costas on the Radio: Sunday, February 14th, 2008[/B] Photobucket[/CENTER] What a beautiful winter weekend we are having down here in Florida, mid 70’s and sunny. No time like the present to talk sports. But before we beat the dead horse that was the supper bowl, or look forward to spring training I want to talk to you about the sport that never sleeps. Last Week NBCw continued to impress. The Macho man surprised me as well as the NBC management team when he provided clear cut evidence, that in at least 2 cases he could not have been the mystery attacker. And the raw spot that Sid Vicious has rubbed over this whole debacle has led to what should be a great match up at Aftermath on March 5th. And Oh my word! Mark Wahlberg has once again shown that he can hang with the best Athletes in our sport, once again picking up a huge win, this time over the veteran Raven, though I will say that Page’s attack on Raven did put him at a slight disadvantage. Before we get to our first caller I do want to make one last comment. I am deeply saddened that any member of our roster, or any member of any sport would choose the short cut of performance enhancing drugs over the hard work and dedication that are sure to ensure their safe and healthy success. In that Regard Sylvester Terkay was suspended, and Ken Shamrock is still under investigation, but our sincerest apologies go out to Andrew ‘test’ Martin for our suspicions, as both his polygraph and other tests came back clean. The following clean athletes can be seen this Saturday night on Pressure Point, and be sure not to miss Aftermath Friday march 5th.[/COLOR] [/FONT][/SIZE] Chris Kanyon vs Ted Hart with Bret hart as the special guest referee Randy Savage and Revival vs Sid Vicious and Ego Ken Shamrock vs Montel Brown Vin Diesel vs Diamond Dallas page ‘Stone Cold’ SteveAustin vs Bret ‘the hitman’ Hart The Rock and Goldberg vs Brock Lesnar and ‘the Giant Sapling’ Bob Sapp
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Chris Kanyon vs [B]Ted Hart[/B] with Bret hart as the special guest referee [B]Randy Savage and Revival[/B] vs Sid Vicious and Ego Ken Shamrock vs [B]Montel Brown[/B] Vin Diesel vs [B]Diamond Dallas page[/B] [B]‘Stone Cold’ SteveAustin[/B] vs Bret ‘the hitman’ Hart [B]The Rock and Goldberg[/B] vs Brock Lesnar and ‘the Giant Sapling’ Bob Sapp
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Chris Kanyon vs [B]Ted Hart [/B]with Bret hart as the special guest referee [B]Randy Savage and Revival[/B] vs Sid Vicious and Ego [B]Ken Shamrock[/B] vs Montel Brown [B]Vin Diesel[/B] vs Diamond Dallas page [B]‘Stone Cold’ SteveAustin[/B] vs Bret ‘the hitman’ Hart [B]The Rock and Goldberg[/B] vs Brock Lesnar and ‘the Giant Sapling’ Bob Sapp
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[B]Chris Kanyon[/B] vs Ted Hart with Bret hart as the special guest referee [B]Randy Savage and Revival[/B] vs Sid Vicious and Ego Ken Shamrock vs [B]Montel Brown[/B] Vin Diesel vs [B]Diamond Dallas page[/B] ‘Stone Cold’ SteveAustin vs [B]Bret ‘the hitman’ Hart[/B] [B]The Rock and Goldberg[/B] vs Brock Lesnar and ‘the Giant Sapling’ Bob Sapp
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Thank you to Destiny, dse81, and Akki for your predictions. the next show is done, i shall have it edited and up by tomorrow night. [QUOTE=The Ego;391799]Ego Rules!!![/QUOTE] Yes that was my first thought, but after further consideration . . . let's just say we'll see and leave it at that. :D
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[SIZE="3"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][FONT="Century Gothic"][CENTER][B]Saturday February 20th, 2008[/B] Photobucket [B]Presents: Pressure Point [/B][/CENTER] [LEFT] [B]Hour 1:[/B] Photobucket Ladies and Gentleman, Live from Studio 5 in Los Angels California, in front of a sell out crowd of 15,000 screaming fans, this is pressure point. Tonight the highs and lows of the sport we know and love will be on display. Goldberg your world Champion, along with the Rock will be part of a tag team main event, against Brock Lesnar and The Giant Sapling. But on a darker note we also have to deal with the apparent use of performance enhancing drugs here in NBCw, the managements decisions will be handed down tonight. On a lighter note, The tag division, and the rivalries that come with any belt are shaping up to make the hunt for the title a memorable one. Next week we will have two preliminary match up. The winner of each match will advance to take part in a match for the title on AfterMath! The four teams involved are Ego, The Million Dollar Duo, Perry and Agulera and Revival, the match ups shall be chosen at random live next week. [B](B+) (B-)[/B]
Photobucket Photobucket “Macho Man” Randy Save Storms out to the ring. “Sid Vicious, brother, you’ve go to the count of 5 to get your sorry carcass out here, Oooh Yeah. Because the Macho man has got some busssineess, that he needs to take of, Dig it?” Sid hits the top of the ramp, but just stares down at Savage. “Sid, you’ve been bad mothin’ the Macho Man, and I think you owe me a chance to kick your sorry ass, at AfterMath, Oooh Yeaaah.” “Savage, I’m just crazy enough to get in a ring with you. But to make sure we keep every thing on the up and up, I want you in side of a steel cage. Can you deal with that?” Savage, “I’m game with if you are Brother!” [B](B+) (B+)[/B]
[B]Ted Hart over Chris Kanyon with special guest referee Bret Hart by Dq when D'lo assaults both Harts (D)[/B] Photobucket vs Photobucket Despite Chris being the bigger and more experienced of the two, he continued to try and pull cheap shots. Jennifer Blake tried to interfere from ring side, and any time, Bret had his back turned, D’lo and Kanyon tried to double team Ted. The match essential broke down into a 2 on one, after Jennifer pulled Bret out of the ring, while Bret was counting a quick role up on Kanyon. Bret called for the disqualification and helped Ted Hart clear the ring. How ever a battered Ted, was not much help, and when Jennifer blind sided Bret hart with the ring bell, it became a three on two beat down on the Harts. Once both men were down for the count, Kanyon called for a microphone. “NBCw, who better than Kanyon to once again expose the corruption. Look yet another referee interfered in my match. I beg of you, make the fair and honest D’lo brown the sole referee of my matches, it is the only equitable thing to do. Who better than Kanyon?” [B](C-) (C-)[/B] Our announce team: Chuck Norris and Terry Bradshaw. ChuckNorris Photobucket [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “What a night, folks we sorry for the late start, but you just didn’t get here on time!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Chuck what are you talking about, they’ve been here since 8:00 when they were greeted by Bob Costas.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “Well then how come it’s after 8:30 and we’re just now getting to say good evening to them?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Chuck, we went straight into macho man’s challenge followed by the tremendous match between, Ted Hart and Chris Kanyon.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “Well as far as I’m concerned they didn’t get here until I greeted them. So they are Late!”[/COLOR] Terry: “Either way they made it in time to see the great three on three of Macho man with Revival take on Sid Vicious and Ego.” [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “But since they weren’t here they don’t know about the Tag title prelims next week, or macho’s challenge.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Fine Chuck, but they’re still in time for, Vin Diesel vs Diamond Dallas Page.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “What ever you say Terry, and stop talking about gas stations and paper jewelry stores in Texas. Jesh man, you’d think you could show some professionalism.”[/COLOR] (Terry just hangs his head) [B](C+)(B)[/B] [B] Macho Man and Revival over Sid Vicious and Ego by Dq (C)[/B] Photobucket & Photobucket Photobucket vs Photobucket &Photobucket Photobucket Macho and Revival make their way to the ring first, but Sid and Ego, come in and attack them from behind before they can make it into the ring and a three on three brawl ensues. The referee manages to restore order long enough to ring the bell and officially start the match. That’s about as long as it takes for Sid to come up with three chairs and this match is a Dq victory for macho and Revival almost as soon as it starts. Chair shots are passed out to Savage, Jannetty and Tatnaka. The Dirty work done Luger, Bagwell and Vicious make their way backstage with their opponents out cold in the ring. While the medical staff comes down to the ring to check on the three laid out stars, Ted Dibiase and the Million Dollar Duo come to the top of the ramp. “For what I paid, I know you are looking at the first ever NBCw Tag title champs. Don’t get me wrong two out of three of the other teams will be stiff competition. But for my money, I’m pretty sure these two boys behind me are your Tag team champions.” As the ref walks by jay pulls out a Franklin and tries to hand it to him. [B](C+)[/B] Perry Saturn and a reluctant Aaron Agulera attack Ted, and his boys from behind, but the staff quickly breaks it up and moves both teams back stage. [B](E)[/B] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “Terry, I’m not sure the Audience is here yet.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Chuck didn’t we just cover this?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “I know, I know, but when Chuck Norris didn’t welcome them, They may have wandered away on confusion.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “They wouldn’t do that, they don’t want to miss ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin’s match with Bret ‘the Hitman’ Hart.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “But since they arrived late, they won’t know that Kanyon And D’lo already put the boots to the Hitman.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “I’m sure they’ll see the highlight real before the match starts, but they’re in for a treat, our main event is Goldberg and The Rock vs Brock Lesnar and ‘the gaint sapling’ Bob Sapp.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “True, but at this point, they might feel their so late that it’s rude to stick around for the rest of the show.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Chuck I promise not to tell any one if you don’t” (he puts his fore finger to his lips as if he’s keeping a secret)[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “That could work.”[/COLOR] (Terry thinks to himself, “Chuck Norris has never had to keep as secret, because after he tells them, he kills them. I hope he doesn’t try to kill the audience.) [B](B+) (B+)[/B] [/left][/font][/color][/size] [SIZE="3"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][FONT="Century Gothic"] [B]Hour 2:[/B] Photobucket We’re in Costas’s office. Bob is behind his desk, Wesley Snipes and Jessica Biel seated to one side. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Costas: “Mr. Snipes, Miss Biel, after last weeks treatment at the hands of Vin Diesel, you’ve got to be ready to call it quits.”[/COLOR] Snipes: “I don’t quit, not because one guy can’t keep his nose out of my business.” [COLOR="DarkRed"]Costas: “But at what cost Mr. Snipes? Vin Diesel seems quite willing to destroy Jessica to get to you, you have to consider her well being too.”[/COLOR] Beil: “Bob, I don’t let bullies dictate my life, and Wes isn’t going to back down form this one either.” [COLOR="DarkRed"]Costas: “Thank you both for your time, but I highly suggest you rethink your positions.” [/COLOR][B](B+)[/B]
[B] Montel Brown over Ken Shamrock, when shamrock runs out of gas (C)[/B] Photobucket vs Photobucket Shamrock Dominates the early going. Stiff punches, a wicked belly to belly suplex, and an ankle lock that Montel barley makes it to the ropes to get out of. Then as everything seems to be building toward the Shamrock victory, his swings become wild, and a clothes line attempt fails to take Brown off his feet. A Shoulder Tackle and a Grid Iron Driver and Montel Brown picks up the pin fall victory. Photobucket Photobucket Bob Costas has taken up residence in the center of the ring, wearing a Very somber look. “Mr Terkay if you will Join me in the ring. Mr’s Shamrock and Martin, if you could also make your way ring side.” All three men make their way down to the ring. Terkay takes up a position opposite Costas. “Mr Terkay, your test and your polygraph show conclusively that you are actively using performance enhancing drugs, and were directly responsible for the attack on Orlando Jordan. Thus it is NBCw management’s decision that you are to be suspended with out pay for 30 days.” Costas Turns his Attention to Ken Shamrock. “Mr. Shamrock, both your tests and polygraph were inconclusive, at this time we can not take any action, but be aware we will be monitoring you closely and if we find any proof, actions similar to those taken with Mr Terkay will be applied to you as well.” Finally Bob turns toward Test. “Mr Martin, Test, we here at NBCw apologize that we had to drag your name into this investigation. Your tests and polygraph both showed clearly that you are not currently using performance enhancing substances, nor were you involved in the attack on Orlando Jordan. Please accept our deepest apologies.” Test looks Bob Costas straight in the eye, “Bob I stick by my earlier assertion, Screw you Bob!” he and the other two walk out of the ring.[B] (B)(B+)(B+)[/B]
Photobucket [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]“I’m Ben Jordan and joining me tonight is Raven.”[/COLOR] “What about me Ben? What about Raven, Page I want to bring this fued to an end, but you continue to drive my rage.” [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]“Well, what about terrorizing the man and his family.”[/COLOR] “Ben, if Raven were in to Terrorize DDP, he would be lying in a gutter begging death to take him. I have nothing to do with Pages current problems. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]“Well, folks there you have Ravens side of the story.” [/COLOR][B](B)[/B]
[B] Vin Diesel over Diamond Dallas Page, when DDP abandons the ring to chase Raven (B+)[/B] Photobucket vs Photobucket Vin Diesel and Page were going blow for blow. Diesel frustrated that he could not get the upper hand pushed the referee after a long two count. As the Referee admonished Vin, DDP noticed that Raven had come to the top of the ramp. Rather than wait for Raven to hit the ring, Page rolls over the top rope, and chases Raven down. The Referee noticing that Vin is the only one still in ring has no choice but to count page out, and give the victory to Vin. The camera is in the back, we see The Rock and Goldberg congratulate Montel on his win, and get ready for their main event match. [B](B+)[/B] Photobucket [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"] “I’m Ben Jordan, and with me this evening is Rob Van Dam.”[/COLOR] “Ben have you seen how far Mark Wahlberg has already come?” [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]“I have are you a Wahlberg fan?”[/COLOR] “Not by a long shot Ben, I think his talent is shining through, but he needs and attitude adjustment, and R-V-D is just the man to provide it.” [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]“Fans that’s how Rvd sees it.”[/COLOR] [B](B-)[/B]
[/font][/color][/size] [SIZE="3"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][FONT="Century Gothic"] [B]Hour 3:[/B] Photobucket Screeching tires and Shattering glass, Stone Cold hits the ramp and the fandamonium ensues. “If you think Stone Cold is going to get some payback tonight, give me a hell yeah. (echo Hell Yeah) So two men are on my bad side tonight (echo what) Bret hart thinks he can blind side me (echo what) and Goldberg thinks he can ignore me (echo what) well I’ll tell you what, I’ll take care of one insult tonight, and the other at AfterMath.” [B](B+)[/B]
Video of Bret Hart attacking Stone Cold before verbally berating Goldberg. The video then shows Hart Locking in the Sharp Shooter on Austin.[B] (B+)[/B] [B]Steve Austin over Bret Hart when Hogan hits the ring and clocks Austin with a chair and then Hart (B+)[/B] Photobucket vs Photobucket Steve Austin and Bret Hart run the ropes on each other. A clothes line leaves Bret Hart lying on the Canvas gasping for breath. A big Back body drop leave Austin in the same state. Bret Kicks at two after a wicked Stunner. Austin Kicks out at 2 and a half after a Russian leg Sweep. Stone Cold hit a second Stunner and went for the pin, as Hulk Hogan rolls in with a chair, and Decks Austin, he follows up by decking Hart. The referee calls for the bell and awards the match to Austin as he was the first to be attacked. Photobucket Hulk Hogan Continues to beat on Bret Hart, security issues from the back to separate the two. As Hogan is hauled from the ring, and the staff attends to the unconscious Hart, Bob Costas comes to the top of the ramp, microphone in hand. “You two can’t keep doing this week after week. If either of you lay a hand on the other with out my permission before AfterMath, I’ll terminate both of you contracts as fast as I will Austin or Goldbergs!” [B](B+) (B+)[/B]
[COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Chuck, Bob just mentioned Goldberg and Austin.”[/COLOR] Chuck: “Yeah, if I were them I’d knock out Bob Costas and then go after my opponent anyway.” [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “And that among other reasons is why your behind the announce desk.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “No one cages Chuck Norris, Chuck Norris could destroy this desk with his pinkie if he wanted to.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “I can’t speak to that, but I am sure at AfterMath Goldberg and Austin will tear down the house.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “No doubt.”[/COLOR] [B](B+)[/B] [B]Brock Lesnar and "the Giant Sapling" Bob Sapp over Goldberg and the Rock, when Goldberg and Rock miscommunicate (B-)[/B] Photobucket & Photobucket vs Photobucket & Photobucket Brock Lesnar and Goldberg start the match out, the amount of power in the match is unbelievable, and after both men have unleashed powerful moves that would kill most men, when neither man can stand the beating any longer they both tag out to their partners. Bob Sapp and The rock Trade power moves for agility and quickness. In the end The Rock floors Bob Sapp and hits the peoples elbow. The Rock tags Goldberg in order to double team Sapp. Goldberg charges Brock instead, and Lesnar low bridges the top rope sending Goldberg out to the floor. Lesnar charges into the ring as the Referee checks on Goldberg, and hits the F-5 on The Rock. When the Referee turns back around Bob Sapp has The Rock rolled up and the referee counts the Three. Brock and Bob steal the win. Brock Lesnar and ‘the giant sapling” Bob Sapp storm around the ring celebrating as we fade to black. [B](B+)[/B] [B]Attendance:15,000 (sold out) Rating: B Fast overnight: 48.10[/B] [/font][/color][/size] [B][SIZE="2"]Recap Hour 1:[/SIZE][/B] (3)[B]B+[/B] Bob Costas intro (3)[B]B-[/B] Costas announces the competitors for the tag title, and how this will be laid out. (5)[B]B+[/B] Randy savage demands a match with Sid Vicious to clear his name (5)[B]B+[/B] Vicious comes out and says a match is fine with him, but he want's it at aftermath in as steel cage First Match: (10)[B]D[/B] [B]Ted Hart[/B] over Chris Kanyon with special guest referee Bret Hart by Dq when D'lo asualts both harts (3)[B]C-[/B] After the match Kanyon and D'lo beat on the Harts (3)[B]C-[/B] Kanyon takes a mic and said this is the begining of cleaning the coruption from NBCw (3)[B]C+[/B] Anouncers hype that Sid with Ego vs Macho with Revival has just been made for tonight (3)[B]B[/B] Anouncers hype Vin Diesel vs Diamond dallas page Second match: (10)[B]C[/B] [B]Macho Man and Revival[/B] over Sid Vicious and Ego (3)[B]C+[/B] Ted Dibiase comes to the top of the ramp and garuntees that the million dollar duo will be the first tag champs. (3)[B]E[/B] Perry Saturn and Aaron Agulera attack the briscoes from behind. (3)[B]B+[/B] Anouncers Hype Steve Austin vs Bret Hart (3)[B]B+[/B] Anouncers hype Goldberg and the Rock vs Brock Lesnar and Bob Sapp [B][SIZE="2"]Hour 2:[/SIZE][/B] (5)[B]B+[/B] Bob Costas interview Wesley snipes and Jessica beil on how they feel about last weeks attack by Vin Diesel Third Match: (15)[B]C+[/B] [B]Montel Brown[/B] over Ken Shamrock, when shamrock runs out of gas (3)[B]B[/B] Bob Costas calls Sylvester Terkay to the ring and suspends him for failing the polygraph (4)[B]B+[/B] Bob Costas calls Ken Shamrock to the ring and tells him he wishes he could suspend him, but the test was inconclusive, infact it did not even confirm Ken Shamrock had a pulse. (3)[B]B+[/B] Bob Costas calls Test to the ring, and appoligeses for ever thinking Test was involved in this afair. (3)[B]B[/B] Back stage ben jordan stops Raven for a quick interview Fourth Match: (20)[B]B+[/B] [B]Vin Diesel[/B] over Diamond Dallas Page, when DDP abandons the ring to chase Raven (3)[B]B+[/B] Grid iron way seen in the back preparing for tonights match up. (4)[B]B-[/B] Rob van dam stops to tell Ben Jordan how much he has grown to respect Mark Wahlbergs skill, if not his style. [B][SIZE="2"]Hour 3:[/SIZE][/B] (5)[B]B+[/B] Austin comes out and taunts GOldberg, about making an example of Bret Hart (3)[B]B+[/B] vid of Bret hart taking out Austin 2 weeks ago fifth match: (15)[B]B+[/B] [B]Steve Austin[/B] over Bret Hart when Hogan hits the ring and clocks Austin with the chair and then Hart. (5)[B]B+[/B] Hogan continues to savage Bret Hart. (2)[B]B+[/B] Bob Costas comes to the ring and bans Hogan from touching Hart out sideo of the ring before the match NBCw management just made for AfterMath! (5)[B]B+[/B] Announcers hype the Goldberg vs Austing match at AfterMath. sixth match: (20)[B]B-[/B] [B]Brock Lesnar and "the Giant Sapling" Bob Sapp [/B]over Goldberg and the Rock, when Goldberg and Rock miscomunicate. (5)[B]B+[/B] Brock Lesnar and Bob Sapp Celebrate thier win in the ring as we fade to black [B]Attendance:15,000 (sold out) Rating: B Fast overnight: 48.10[/B]
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[SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]Fan voting restults:
Oh and i'm crediting 1 to The Ego, for predicting Ego rules! The standings for this months PP are Dse 11 Akki 10, the winner after this weeks PP will be asked (though under no obligation) to write one of the articles for NBCw Mag's February issue. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
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[SIZE="3"][FONT="Century Gothic"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][CENTER][B]Costas on the Radio: Sunday, February 21th, 2008[/B] Photobucket[/CENTER] Good afternoon folks, I don’t want to waste any time today, I want to get right down to the heart of it, right off the bat. I want to apologize profusely, it was not my intention of offending, I did of course realize that last week was St. Valentines day. But here at Costas on the radio, we made a conscious decision to talk sports, not soap opera, and that is why this week I want to start right out with the sport of Professional wrestling. Last night on pressure point the young man Ted Hart continued to impress, that boy has a bright future in this business, but considering his pedigree, it can’t come as much of a shock to anyone. Chris Kanyon continues to come up short, and with his short fuse I am afraid one of these days he is just going to snap, and really hurt someone. We of course took care of some unsavory business last night. Sylvester Terkay is currently serving one month’s unpaid leave from NBCw in ring action, for the use of performance enhancing substances. Ken Shamrock is still skating on thin ice. But we do, want to once again make sure that Andrew ‘Test” Martin knows he has our deepest regrets for his involvement in this investigation, despite the way he choose to speak to me last night. Finally, I just want to make one quick comment about the Goldberg/Rock versus Brock Lessnar/Bob Sapp match. Congratulations to Brock and Bob for picking up the win, but Goldberg and Rocky for all the talk about being team players, it really looks like you two need to make sure you’re reading the same play book, before you step in the ring together. Next Saturay night is shaping up to be a great Pressure Point, Just look at who we have on the card this coming weekend… [/size][/color][/font] Sid Vicious vs Mark Jindrak Sean O'haire vs Macho Man Ego vs Perry & Agulera Bob Sapp vs Ken Shamrock The Million Dollar Duo vs Revival Test vs Mark Wahlberg Hogan & Goldberg vs Austin & Hart
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