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When Writers Strike: NBC wrestling

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[B]Sid Vicious[/B] vs Mark Jindrak Sean O'haire vs [B]Macho Man [/B] [B]Ego[/B] vs Perry & Agulera [B]Bob Sapp[/B] vs Ken Shamrock [B]The Million Dollar Duo [/B]vs Revival [B]Test[/B] vs Mark Wahlberg [B]Hogan & Goldberg[/B] vs Austin & Hart
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[B]Sid Vicious[/B] vs Mark Jindrak [B]Sean O'haire[/B] vs Macho Man [B]Ego[/B] vs Perry & Agulera [B]Bob Sapp[/B] vs Ken Shamrock [B]The Million Dollar Duo[/B] vs Revival Test vs [B]Mark Wahlberg[/B] Hogan & Goldberg vs [B]Austin & Hart[/B]
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final chance to get your predictions in. final chance to let me know if you want to write an article for NBC mag's march issue. the fourth show of febuary will be up as soon as i get it into html. (would have been up sunday except for the server outage)
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*shaking in fear* Wait, wait, i don't remember saying it was any good. did i say that? *stops shaking and looks confused* the man with the thousand post diary calls my 4 pages a "mother", if that isn't the pot calling the kettle stainless steel! But seriously i hope you get at least a fraction out of the experience, i got out of reading your dairy. not that any one should be unaware of nevermore's work but just incase. [URL="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=15014"][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="2"][FONT="Arial Black"][B]ECW Worldwide[/B][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/URL]
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[QUOTE=mistaken;394466]*shaking in fear* Wait, wait, i don't remember saying it was any good. did i say that? *stops shaking and looks confused* the man with the thousand post diary calls my 4 pages a "mother", if that isn't the pot calling the kettle stainless steel! But seriously i hope you get at least a fraction out of the experience, i got out of reading your dairy. not that any one should unaware of nevermore's work but just incase. [URL="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=15014"][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="2"][FONT="Arial Black"][B]ECW Worldwide[/B][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/URL][/QUOTE] Dude, that made me laugh :D ... and thanks for the link; you didn't have to do that ;). Quote The Raven Nevermore
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[SIZE="3"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][FONT="Century Gothic"][CENTER][B]Saturday February 27th, 2008[/B] Photobucket [B]Presents: Pressure Point [/B][/CENTER] [LEFT] [B]Hour 1:[/B] Photobucket Ladies and Gentleman, Live from Studio 5 in Los Angels California, in front of a packed crowd of almost 24,000 screaming fans, this is Pressure Point. The embracement to our sport, having been dealt with last week, we look forward to the last Pressure Point before AfterMath. Friday Night March 5th, Live on PPV or from a theater near you, NBC wrestling brings you our second Explosive special, be sure your there to catch all the action. Including, The Tag Team Title match, who’s entrants will be determined tonight, Sid Vicious vs Randy Savage in a cage match, Bret Hart vs Hulk Hogan in a grudge match. Raven vs DDP in a bowery Death match, and of course our huge main event Goldberg vs ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin for the World Title. Tonight though NBC wrestling’s management want to make sure both Sid and Randy are ready for their match next Friday night, so they will both have warm up matches right here tonight! Now to get you wonderful fans up to speed on the Tag Team tournament, I send you now to my broadcast Colleagues, Chuck Norris and Terry Bradshaw. [B](B+) (B+)[/B]
Our announce team: Chuck Norris and Terry Bradshaw ChuckNorris Photobucket [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “Tag teams are for wimps, you shouldn't need to count on any one else in life.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Good Evening fans, Chuck of course speaks only for himself, and the views he expressed to do not EVER represent the views of myself, the management of NBCw or in fact anyone else on this planet.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"] Chuck: “Terry why’d you have to go and say all that?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Because, to be honest you swim in the deep end Chuck, the problem is the pool is empty.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “Fair enough, as long I know I won’t drown, its all good.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Folks the Tag team preliminary matches were drawn at random, and the two matches we’ll see tonight are…”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “Ego to take on Perry Saturn and Aaron Agulera, …”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “ And The Million Dollar Duo to take on Revival.” [/COLOR][B](D+) (D+)[/B] [B]Sid Vicious over Mark Jindrak in 7:32 (C-)[/B] Photobucket vs Photobucket Sid took control early, Mark Managed to make a good show of it, but a Vicious Bomb end the match. After the three count, Sid put the boots to him a few more times, just to make sure he totally enjoyed the experience of getting in the ring with Sid Vicious. Sid then called for a microphone. “Randy Savage, be afraid, be very afraid, because you might have everyone else fooled, but I know you’re a threat to the well being of me and every one else, every time you enter the building. And at AfterMath, I am going to make sure they haul you out on a stretcher and never let you come back.” [COLOR="Purple"] Chuck: “Did you know the tree is taking on the grass tonight?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Chuck what are you talking about?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “The Giant Sapling will face Ken Shamrock tonight.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Tree, grass that almost makes sense Chuck.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “Yeah, grass ain’t got a chance Tree will block out the sunlight and kill it.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “And now you lost me Chuck.”[/COLOR] [B](B)[/B] [B]Randy Savage over Sean O'haire in 8:02 (B)[/B] Photobucket vs Photobucket Sean began the match with a low blow, and a drop kick but made the mistake of celebrating his early success. Macho returned the favor and drop kicked the poor man over the top rope, and you never want to brawl with Macho on the outside. In the end a broken O’haire was rolled back into the ring, and a flying elbow latter this match was over. Macho rolled to his feet and grabbed a microphone. “Sid Vicious, listen up Brother, I got something to say to ya, Ooooh Yeah, The Macho Man is going to climb into the cage at AfterMath, Dig it. And the Macho Man is gonna be the only one to Climb out of that cage, can ya dig it brother?” [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Folks still ahead tonight Mark Wahlberg will take on Test.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “Why is the main event slot empty on my schedule?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “It hasn’t been booked yet.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “Is this another one of those fan appreciation thingys?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “No Chuck, Bob Costas has big plans, he just hasn’t announced them yet.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “Well then I haven’t announced whether or not I’m sticking around to call the match.”[/COLOR] (Terry just hangs his head. Chuck Norris can walk on water, which is good news because I’m pretty sure he can’t swim.) [B](B+) (A)[/B] [B]Ego over Perry Saturn and Aaron Agulera in 12:53 (D+)[/B] Photobucket & Photobucket vs Photobucket & Photobucket Perry Saturn and Lex Luger Started the match out, Luger’s age showing as Perry ran circles around him. (literally Perry hit Lex with a spine buster and then ran a lap or two around Luger waiting for him to move) Luger responded with a back body drop and a tag to Buff. Buff urned it around, and locked Perry into a figure 4 leg lock, Perry drug buff to the corner, and tagged in Aaron. The two teams went back and forth for the rest of the match up. In the end Buff got a quick roll up on Aaron, and held the ropes while ref counted three. Ego picks up the win. [/left][/font][/color][/size] [SIZE="3"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][FONT="Century Gothic"] [B]Hour 2:[/B] Photobucket Photobucket Ken Shamrock and Test are back stage in a locker room, the door is ajar so we see the proceedings with out either knowing they are on tape. Shamrock, “I barely beat the rap man, I never really answered the question so they didn’t get a good reading, and I drank so much alcohol and sleeping pills the night before the tests results were worthless. But how’d you do it man, how did you convince them your so innocent?”
Photobucket Photobucket Sylvester Terkay comes into the scene, helping a bandaged up Orlando Jordan, who has a crutch under the other arm. Orlando “I promise you guys the next batch will be better.” Terkay. “It had better be or else this suspension will cost you more than it’s cost me, speaking of that, Test how did you so completely beat the wrap.” Test polishes his knuckles. “First I never lied, those drugs didn’t do crap for my performance so how could they be ‘enhancing’? and second I didn’t beat down Jordan you two losers did that, I just watched. Oh and I stopped taking Orlando’s crap after it kept costing me matches I should have easily won.” The other three all scoff at his confidence, they notice the door is ajar, and push it shut with out ever seeing the camera. [B](B) (B-)[/B]
[B]Bob Sapp over Ken Shamrock in 8:28 (B-)[/B] Photobucket vs Photobucket Ken threw everything he had at The Giant Sapling, it just didn’t work. In the end Bob nailed Shamrock to the canvas with the Timber Line Driver, and then just told the ref to count the 3 while he stood and watched, not bothering to even cover. Photobucket Because Sapp was standing he never saw it coming. Montel Brown hit Sapp from behind with a shoulder tackle, then drove him into the mat with a Grid Iron Way. Montel then prowled around the ring, while Terry Bradshaw clapped from the announce desk. [B](B+)[/B]
[COLOR="DarkSlateGray"] “I’m ben Jordan and joining me tonight is Mark Wahlberg.”[/COLOR] “Ben I’m not really joining you, I was making my way to the locker room to get ready for my match, and you stuck a microphone in my face.” [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]“As that may be, how do you feel about the positivish comments RVD made about you last week?”[/COLOR] “Rob Van Dam and I have respect for each other inside that squared circle, out here in the real world, I don’t give a plug nickel what RVD thinks about me. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]“Well fans there you have it, straight from the source.”[/COLOR] [B](B+)[/B] Photobucket Raven comes up on the Jumbo Tron “Page, What about Raven, what about the respect for me? Last week I come out to scout your match, and rather than be professional about it, you abandon the ring to chase me around back stage for half an hour, until you finally forced me to beat you with a steel chair, just to get away. Why Page, Why?” [B](C+)[/B]
[B]Revival over Million Dollar Duo, Despite interference by Ted Dibiase in 12:15 (D+)[/B] Photobucket & Photobucket vs Photobucket & Photobucket Tatanka and Jannetty provided a well balanced match to the faster aerial moves of the Million Dollar Duo. Mark and Jay went high risk early and often. Tatanka and Jannetty mixed in some power with their own lower risk aerial assaults. Ted Twice tried to sneak around and club the man on the out side with his walking stick. In the end a tag team finisher ‘falling tent’ on Mark and a drop kick to Jay to keep him from coming in the ring, and Revival picks up the three count victory. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]“I’m Ben Jordan, and Diamond Dallas Page has demanded this time to address Raven.”[/COLOR] “Raven, why did I abandon my match and attack you? Because I’m tired of you blind siding me, DDP is taking control of this situation, and one way or another it will be over at AfterMath!” [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]“So your prepared for the bowery death match.”[/COLOR] “I’m prepared to go as far as necessary to end this Ben, as far as necessary!” [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]“Folk I’ll let that speak for its self.”[/COLOR] [B](B-)[/B] [/font][/color][/size] [SIZE="3"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][FONT="Century Gothic"] [B]Hour 3:[/B] Photobucket Bill Goldberg is standing in the ring. “Steve Austin your next. I am the Phenom of NBCw and you are just to old to try and stand in my way. So you picked up a win, miracles happen, but at AfterMath their going to have to cart your body . . .” Photobucket Screeching tires and shattering glass can mean only one thing, as it drowns out Goldberg’s speech. “If you want ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin to shut this wind bags trap give me a Hell Yeah (Echo Hell Yeah) What was that you were saying (echo what) what was that part about miracles (echo what) I want you to tell me to my face something (echo what) what are you going to do when Stone Cold Shoves that title down your throat at AfterMath.” At this point Goldberg and Austin are standing nose to nose. Neither willing to touch the other, and get fired from breaking Costas’s orders. Photobucket “Why don’t the two of you shut the Hell up? It’s obvious to me that neither one of you has what it takes to beat Bret ‘the Hitman’ Hart in a fair fight. Every time I get in the ring with one of you two I get waffled with a chair, and you seem to think that means your victory means something.” At this point we have a three way stare down in the ring. Photobucket Hulk Hogan’s music hits, and the fandamonium is unbelievable. “Brothers, your down their whining about how you all deserve that title, well brother, Hulk Hogan is NBC wrestling and doesn't just want the Title, he deserves the title brother!” at this point all four men are standing shoulder to shoulder starring each other down. All afraid to be the first to throw a fist and find out what Bob Costas will do. Photobucket “Gentleman, since you seem so set on fighting, and since I don’t have a main event. Why don’t I take this opportunity to help us all out. Tonight in that very ring, the four of you will have a chance to get your hands on one another, in a tag team match. Hulk Hogan with Goldberg and Steve Austin with Bret Hart.” All four men start to protest, but Costas just turns his back and exits stage left. [B](B+) x 5[/B]
[B] Mark Wahlberg over Test in 13:01 (B-)[/B] Photobucket vs Photobucket Test tried to hold his size advantage over Mark, it didn’t work. Mark stepped his game up yet one more level. He took the punishment and just seemed to store it up, then when Wahlberg got an opening he just unleashed on Test. Though even through the end, a show stopper from Wahlberg netted him the pin fall win. Photobucket Back stage the camera is following Vin, for reasons unknown, when Vin comes toe to toe with Wesley Snipes. The hall is more than wide enough for the two men to pass but neither is willing to step aside and let the other pass. The camera circles around behind Wes. We see Jessica Biel approaching with a chair, she delivers a ringing shot to the back of Vin’s head. Wesley steps over the fallen star, and he and Jessica walk off arm in arm. [B](B+) (B)[/B]
[COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “So now I know what the main event is!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Yes we do and what a main event it is.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “ Wesley Snipes versus Vin Diesel, what a match up it’s going to be!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “No Chuck! No! Goldberg and Bret Hart versus Hulk Hogan and Steve Austin.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “Why would I want to see that, when clearly Vin versus Wesley in a hallway brawl is about to go down?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “. . .”[/COLOR] [B](B+)[/B] [B] Bret Hart and Steve Austin over Goldberg and Hulk Hogan in 12:42 (B-)[/B] Photobucket & Photobucket vs Photobucket & Photobucket The only person in this match healthy enough to open it up full throttle is the only guy who should really keep it reigned in. They worked the crowd, but every time Hogan got tagged in Goldberg would hit the ring, and every time Hart made his way back into it, Hogan was always diving for the quick tag. Don’t get me wrong, the hatred runs in all directions so every match up was a revenge fest, but no one got the Pay-Per-view for free. In the end Hart Locked Goldberg in the sharp shooter, Hogan came in for the save and took a stunner for his efforts. Hart and Austin pick up the submission win, when Goldberg taps out to the sharpshooter. Austin and Hart celebrate their win. Each climbing the ring posts and posing for the crowd. The Fans are loving it and feeding in to it. As Austin and Hart Pass each other to Trade ring posts, The Rattle Snake puts a boot into Brets gut, and Stunner! The rattle snake is flicking all three fallen men off as the camera fades to black. [B](B+) (B+)[/B] [B] audience: 23,996 rating: B fast overnight: 48.39[/B] [/font][/color][/size] [B]Recap Hour 1[/B]: (66) (3)[B]B+[/B] Bob Costas Intro (3)[B]B+[/B] Bob costas makes warm up matches for sid & savage (3)[B]D+[/B] Announcers Hype Ego vs Perry & Agulera as first live Pick (3)[B]D+[/B] Announcers Hype Revival Vs MDD as second match Match one: (10)[B]C-[/B] [B]Sid Vicious[/B] over Mark Jindrak (5)[B]B+[/B] Vicious talks trash about Savage (3)[B]B[/B] Announcers hype Bob Sapp vs Sylvester Terkay Match two: (10)[B]B[/B] [B]Randy Savage[/B] over Sean O'haire (5)[B]B+[/B] Savage talks trash about sid (3)[B]B+[/B] Announcers hype Mark Wahlberg vs Test (3)[B]A[/B] Announcers hype Mystery Main event Match three: (15)[B]D+[/B] [B]Ego[/B] over Perry Saturn and Aaron Agulera, when Buff hold the ropes for the win. [B]Hour 2:[/B](54) (5)[B]B[/B] back stage Test and Ken Shamrock are Laughing (5)[B]B[/B]- Terkay helps a hobbled Jordan into the picture and we learn how Test beat the lie detector. Match four: (10)[B]B-[/B] [B]Bob Sapp[/B] over Ken Shamrock (5)[B]B+[/B] Montel Brown blind sides Bob Sapp, and hits the Grid Iron Way. (5)[B]B+[/B] Back Stage Ben Jordan Stops Mark Wahlberg and asks how he feels about RVD's mostly Positive Comments about him last week (4)[B]C+[/B] Raven Comes over the Jumbo Tron and Talks about his Bowery Death Match with Page at AfterMath! Match Five: (15)[B]D+[/B] [B]Revival[/B] over Million Dollar Duo, Despite interference by Ted Dibiase (5)[B]B-[/B] Ben Jordan with DDP, how Raven has no idea the depths of hatred that ddp has plumbed in finding his motivation to destroy raven in their match at AfterMath. [B]Hour 3:[/B] (3)[B]B+[/B] Goldberg Comes out to the ring talk about how badly he's going to beat Austin (3)[B]B+[/B] Austin comes to the ring and says yeah just like last time, right? (3)[B]B+[/B] Bret Hart Comes out and say he should have won last nights match and taken Austin's place at AfterMath (3)[B]B+[/B] Hogan walks out and tells them to all quite their whining he is the one who has been wronged (3)[B]B+[/B] We get a giant 4 way stare down that is ended when costas comes out and books a Tag Team match up for tonight. Hogan and Goldberg vs Austin and Hart match six: (15)[B]B-[/B] [B]Mark Whalberg[/B] over Test. (3)[B]B+[/B] Vin Diesel and Wesley Snipes run into each other back Stage, and neither man will yield the right of way (3)[B]B[/B] Jessica Biel Creams Vin with a chair, and she and Wes walk off together. (3)[B]B+[/B] Announcers hype how great this tag match is going to be Match Seven: (15)[B]B-[/B] [B]Bret hart and Steve Austin[/B] over Goldberg and Hulk Hogan (3)[B]B+[/B] Bret Hart and Austin Celebrate (3)[B]B+[/B] Austin Hit's Hart with a stunner and we go off the air with him flicking every one off. [B] audience: 23,996 rating: B fast overnight: 48.39[/B]
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[QUOTE=ADeezy62;394629]Hey if I get this show up Akki would you nominate my dynasty WCW-Eric Bischoff at it again.[/QUOTE] It would be so so nice if there was a rule that you could only nominate one diary per month. Sadly, I can't use that as an excuse. Not to try and hijack another thread with this (HE STARTED IT!!!), but I thought you had some fans who would nominate it? You listed the four of them in the nomination thread. Not that I should be talking, though, since it seems that my CCW diary only has two. On topic, I really can't wait for the Bowery Death Match. Should be gruawesome. Yeah, it's a word. I just invented it.
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[QUOTE=Akki;394638]It would be so so nice if there was a rule that you could only nominate one diary per month. Sadly, I can't use that as an excuse. Not to try and hijack another thread with this (HE STARTED IT!!!), but I thought you had some fans who would nominate it? You listed the four of them in the nomination thread. Not that I should be talking, though, since it seems that my CCW diary only has two. On topic, I really can't wait for the Bowery Death Match. Should be gruawesome. Yeah, it's a word. I just invented it.[/QUOTE] Ouch I guess i'm denied.
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[QUOTE=Akki;394638] On topic, I really can't wait for the Bowery Death Match. Should be gruawesome. Yeah, it's a word. I just invented it.[/QUOTE] hey that is what this diary is all about. new word count is now 2. [LIST] [*]Grauwesome [*]Fandamonium [/LIST] so far i think we have added much quality to the English language! (as an aside since, i'm posting anyway) I'm running the show now, but will be out of town Thursday through Tuesday, so the PPV won't be up until the midlendish of next week :( sorry to disappoint. on the upside this will give me some time to work on the magazine articles. and [B]NO HYJACKING[/B] my thread! Just because I've got a kick'n table of contents doesn't mean I need a LOT of fluff between each show, just some is enough.
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[SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]Fan prediction results:
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  • 2 weeks later...
[SIZE="3"][FONT="Century Gothic"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][CENTER][B]Costas on the Radio: Sunday, February 28th, 2008[/B] Photobucket[/CENTER] What a week sports fan, welcome to another Sunday edition of Costas on the radio. Before we talk about the NBA or Spring Training, I think we should take a minute and discuss my favorite sport, NBC wrestling. Last nights Pressure Point brought the main event to a Stone Cold boil! Steve Austin and the Reigning Champion Bill Goldberg are just 5 days away from tearing each other apart, in the main event at AfterMath. As well Ego will face revival on Friday night to decide the first ever NBCw tag championship, despite Ego's less than sporting tactics. But if those two teams don’t have enough experience between them, you, like me must be looking forward to Hulk Hogan versus Bret ‘the hitman’ Hart, a match that’s sure to be an instant classic. As well Macho Man and Sid Vicious as well as Raven and DDP have huge scores to settle. So, folk make sure to check you local PPV provider or call and get tickets at a theater near you, as your absolutely not going to want to miss AfterMath this Friday at 8:00 Eastern.[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] (10 man Battle Royal)[INDENT][LIST] [*]*D'lo Brown [*] *Cruzz [*]*Ted Hart [*] *Chris Kanyon [*] *Mark Jindrak [*] *Sean Ohaire [*] *Vampiro [*] *Montel Brown [*] *Mark Mero [*] *Ken Shamrock [/LIST][/INDENT]Ego vs Revival Page vs Raven in bowery death match Sid Vicious vs Randy Savage Bret Hart vs Hulk Hogan Goldberg vs Austin
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(10 man Battle Royal) *D'lo Brown *Cruzz *Ted Hart *Chris Kanyon *Mark Jindrak *Sean Ohaire *Vampiro *Montel Brown *Mark Mero *[B]Ken Shamrock[/B] Ego vs [B]Revival[/B] Page vs [B]Raven[/B] in bowery death match Sid Vicious vs [B]Randy Savage[/B] [B]Bret Hart [/B]vs Hulk Hogan Goldberg vs [B]Austin[/B]
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[SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Century Gothic][CENTER][B]Friday night March 5th, 2008 Live on PPV and Simulcast to Theaters across the country[/B] [IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/wrestlers/AfterMath.jpg[/IMG] [B]NBC Wrestling presents: AfterMath [/B][/CENTER] [LEFT] [B]Hour 1:[/B] Photobucket Sports fans it maybe early March, but here under the Dome of SafeCo field in Seattle Washington you’d never know it. NBC wrestling is proud to present in partner ship with RCA and Motorola, live on Pay-Per-View and Simulcast to local theaters across the nation.[B] AfterMath[/B] We’ve packed just under 34,000 fans into SafeCo field, and the atmosphere is nothing short of Electric. Tonight we will see Randy Savage take on Sid Vicious in one serious Grudge match. We will crown the first ever NBCw tag champs, and Raven and DDP will try to iron out their differences literally in a Bowery Death Match. By the end of the night Hulk Hogan and Bret Hart will have brought their disagreements into the ring, and We will have determined who the better man is Goldberg or Stone Cold Steve Austing, the winner walking away the World Champ. But before we get to that ground shaking action, NBCw has decided to add one more title match to the mix, we’ll start off our evening with a 10 man Over the top battle royal to determine the first ever Pressure Point Television Title holder. So before I die of anticipation lets go straight to the action. [B](B+)(B+)[/B]
Our announce Team: Chuck Norris and Terry Bradshaw ChuckNorris Photobucket [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “Terry I’ve never heard of half the guys on this list before.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Chuck that’s because their the under card, the guys looking to prove they’ve got the stuff.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “Well as long as they don’t have my stuff I’m willing to give them a chance.”[/COLOR] [B]Pressure Point Title Match: Ten Man battle royal all men already in the ring. Settled in 14:34 (C+)[/B] Ted Hart, D'lo Brown, Cruzz, Chris Kanyon, Mark Jindrak, Sean Ohaire, Vampiro, Montel Brown, Mark Mero, Ken Shamrock Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket This battle royal went from zero to sixty even before the bell finished ringing. Ted Hart Drop Kicked D’lo over the top Rope, while Kanyon clothes Lined Cruzz out on the opposite side of the ring. Mark Jindrack scooped slamed Mark Mero over the top and Sean O’haire took Vampiro out with a gorilla press and a toss out to the concrete. Down to six men before the first lock up even took place, Jinkdrack and O’haire both got caught turning around, Mark went down to a single leg take down and was tapping to no avail as Ken Shamrock locked in the ankle lock. Sean got caught by a wicked shoulder tackle from Montel Brown, and was just pushed out of the ring by Kanyon as Chris fought to get across the ring to Ted Hart. Chris never made it, as Montel Brown tried the shoulder takle on Kanyon, Chris caught Brown before he’s hit it though, and back body dropped him out of the ring. Ted made to Drop kick a now charging Kanyon, but his ankle was caught by a writhing Mark Jindrack still in Shamrock’s ankle lock, Teddy used his momentum in dropping to the canvas to Break Mark free and whipped him over the Top rope. Down to a Three way dance, Ted, Ken and Chris, the men faced off circling each other. Ken lunged for Hart, who pulled the top rope down for a low bridge and out to the floor Ken Tumbled. Hart and Kanyon then locked up, and several times it looked like Ted was going over, but he always managed to keep himself in the ring. It was all over when Ted Hart Monkey Flipped the larger man over the Top rope , and it was all Kanyon could do to keep himself from flying into the crowd. [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Folks if that wasn’t the wildest ride I’ve been on in a long time, I don’t know what is!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “Wild, nah up next Ego will face Revival for the Tag Team titles that aught to be wild, but can you answer one question for me Terry?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “What’s that?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “Why does a Tag team need Title belts? Can’t they just hold up each others pants?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “. . .”[/COLOR] [B](C) [/B] Photobucket Ted Dibiase trailed by the million dollar Duo come to the top of the ramp. “Fans I really feel sorry for you tonight. I mean how can they call this a title match, with out the true tag team champions in the ring. Out of the eight guys who started out the hunt to be the first ever NBCw Tag champs, only two have any experience together. No matter what happens tonight, Mark and Jay Briscoe, the million dollar duo are the real Tag title holders of NBC wrestling.” [B](B-)[/B]
Photobucket Back stage Raven is pacing in front of the camera man, he stops and looks dead into the camera. “what about me? What about Raven? Every one is looking at me, commenting on me, blaming me. But when I look at the facts, it’s Diamond Dallas Page the fingers should be pointed at. I would destroy page if my mind were bent to do it, but I’m the injured party no Page. I’m the man denied yet I have constrained myself, but why? Tonight this ends inside that cage.” Raven drops the microphone and walks off. [B](C)[/B]
[B]NBCw Tag Title Match: Ego and Revial double Dq by run ins from MDD and Saturn & Agulera in 11:51 (D+)[/B] PhotobucketPhotobucket Vs. PhotobucketPhotobucket The match was an old school exhibition match. Some power moves from Luger and Bagwell, some low risk aerial moves from Jannetty and Tatanka. Jannettey even had to escape from a torture rack with Tatankas help. But about half way through the match, the million dollar duo, Perry Saturn and Aaron Agulera stormed the ring, and the Referee had no choice but to throw out the match. So it looks like the Belts will not find a home tonight. The referee tries to restore order by having the ring bell, rung repeatedly but to no avail, the 4 team brawl continues up the ramp and into the back. [B](E+)[/B] Photobucket Back stage DDP is with Ben Jordan, Jordan for once is doing nothing more than holding the microphone so Page can scream at the camera. “Me unstable, DDP? Raven, you’re the one with the history of psychotic breaks, the history of absolutely loosing your marbles! Me, me, DDP? Crazy, on the loose, on a rampage? I don’t think so freak boy, I’m just protecting myself, my family and all these fans. And tonight, when I climb into that cage with you, I’m not coming out until I’ve taken care of this situation for good.” DDP unlike Raven just stares down the camera until it cuts away from him. [B](B-)[/B]
[COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “Terry I’ll be honest, I’ve been in a few drunken brawls, and I’ve killed a couple of people by accident, but I think both of those men know exactly what they want to do inside that cage tonight.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Your dead right, unfortunately inside that bowery death match cage, any thing goes, and usually does.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “I just hope they remember the Eyes of the Ranger are upon them.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “That’s good Chuck but it won’t help because were in Seattle, not Texas.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “I’m just saying, but as crazy as those two are, Sid Vicious and Macho Man may just out crazy them."[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Teryy: “and there you aren’t kidding Chuck, those two men won’t even need the weapons to go mental on one another.”[/COLOR] [B](C+) (B+)[/B] Chris Kanyon and D’lo Brown Storm out to the top of the Stage. “D’lo do you know anyone better than Kanyon?” D’lo shakes his head no. “Then how did Kanyon once again get screwed out of winning his match by Ted Hart? Corruption, plain and simple, and Who better than Kanyon to find and destroy the corruption that is ruining NBC wrestling?” D’lo is giving him a one man standing ovation. [B](D)[/B] [/LEFT][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Century Gothic] [B]Hour 2:[/B] [B][CENTER]Raven over Diamond Dalas Page in 12:04 in a bowery death match when the Referee reverses the decision because DDP continues to assault Raven. (B+)[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] (steal cage: check, weapons: check, stop sign: check, two brutal combatants who will stop at nothing: double check) DDP makes his way to the ring first, the referee stops and checks him for weapons (guess it’s not a bring your own toys kinda match) and is let into the steal cage. Raven then follows the same pattern down and into the cage. The Referee has not even locked the door or sounded the bell as the two men begin to beat on each other. DDP breaks a kendo stick across Ravens skull, Raven takes a scull mold using a trash can. The beating continues, the blows being traded faster than the referee can clear the debris out of the way. Raven Hits the even flow DDT onto a steel chair. And it all looked all but over Raven went to the middle turnbuckle to deliver one last trash can shot, but ddp put his knees up and the trash can rebounded into Raven’s head. A diamond Cutter onto a steel chair, and the referee started counting. 1..2..3....8..9..10. the referee called for the bell. The referee raised DDP's hand, ddp Yanked it away and continued to beat on Raven. Security broke into the ring, and pulled Page off of Raven, but he broke free, and power bombed a Prone Raven though a Table that had been set up, earlier in the match. the referee called for the bell again, but Diamond Dallas would not relent. Finally the Referee gave a signal and the ring announcer announced. “Due to unsportsmanlike conduct after the final bell, the referee has reversed his decision the winner of this match by disqualification is Raven.” (yes I did it because I could, I ended a no dq bowery death match by disqualification!) [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]“I’m Ben Jordan and joining me this evening is Rob Van Dam.”[/COLOR] “Ben, it’s me, it’s me it RVD, and can you believe that after that horrific match, DDP is going to climb in the ring with both me and Mark Wahlberg tomorrow night?” [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]“It is amazing, but won’t he have it easier because you and mark will be concentrating on each other?”[/COLOR] “Ben the last thing I would ever consider easy, is getting in the ring with the show stopper Rob Van Dam, when he has something to prove. And that’s the Truth!” [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]“Well there you have it folks, ‘the truth’ form RVD.” [/COLOR] Mark Wahlberg walks in on the interview before RVD can leave the shot. “DDP an after thought, Ben? No way, RVD and Mark Wahlberg will take turns beating on the sorry excuse for a wrestler. Infact I think the winner should be the man who teaches Page the biggest lesson.” [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]“Well fans both RVD and Mark Wahlberg look set to collide with Diamond Dallas Page tomorrow night on Pressure Point!”[/COLOR] Rob and Mark just Stare at each other, and Ben just kind of ducks down so as to get out of the line of fire. At the last possible second when your sure the two are going to tear the set, apart they both smile, shake hands and walk off the set in opposite directions. [B](B+) (B+) (B+)[/B] Our ring announcer, announces our next match Macho Man Randy Savage versus Sid Vicious. Sid makes his way to the ring, but half way down gets attacked by a fan with a sign, “Sid Sucks”. No wait it’s actually Macho Man, laying in huge rights. They brawl right into the cage, which has had the toy from the last match removed. [B](B)[/B] [B][CENTER]Sid Vicious and Randy Savage Double dq count out in a steel cage match at 11:59 (A)[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] Savage continued the serious beating that he had begun outside of the match. ending the series of fists in shot off the ropes, and a wicked clothes line. Macho then mounted the Ropes and delivered the patented madness elbow drop. 1…2…No. Vicious just barley made the kick out. Macho sent him to the rope again, but telegraphed the back body drop and got shoulder tackled to the canvas by a flying Sid. The momentum went back and froth from this point until neither man was standing on solid legs, and every move looked like it would likely be the last, two counts flying back and forth. Finally in desperation, after Macho had kicked out yet again, Sid pulled the Macho Man up to the middle turnbuckle, mounted the top turnbuckle and pulled Macho up for a huge top rope power bomb! Macho came back with a left and a right to Sid’s head, but vicious fought through it and launched both men into the air for a Vicious sit down power bomb, the canvas just could not take it and ripped open dumping both men to the arena floor below the ring…..the crowed grasped, the Referee looked into the gapping wound in the floor….one hand came out from under the ring, then another, two bodies emerged. Macho and Sid both out from under the ring! Both still throwing Haymakers , brawled up the ramp and out of the arena. The referee dumb founded called for the bell, and ruled the match a double Dq count out. (yes that’s twice in once show, I finished a cage match in a dq count out deal with it!) Photobucket A back stage person runs down the ramp and slides in to ring as the cage is raised out of the way. He whispers into the Referee’s ear, the Ref then drops out of the ring and whispers into Terry Bradshaws ear. [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Folk, please don’t be alarmed but we are going to go to a developing situation in the back. As this match took place, yet another heinous attack was perpetrated, and clearly neither Macho Man, nor Sid Vicious could have been Responsible.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “are you sure about that Terry? I mean there was like two minutes they were both under that ring, or where they?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry : “Chuck, not even you’re that fast.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “Wanna bet?”[/COLOR] (all Terry could dow as hang his head and think, “Chuck Norris can be in two places at the same time, but why would we ever want that?”) The camera cuts away from the two announcers to Bob Costas’s office, Costas is surrounded by medics, and a is laid out across his desk, a pool of blood on the desk is dripping onto the floor one drop at a time. All across the walls in multiple sizes and shades of red “MADNESS” is scrawled. [B](A*)[/B]
Photobucket Back stage we are presented with a quickly thrown together interview area. Jessica Beil is being prepped by the makeup people, and the producer is clearing out of the scene giving last minute instructions to stay calm and let the wrestler do the talking. Stone cold walks in and pushes the producer out of the picute “I got this, littleman.” [COLOR="Teal"]Jessia: “Good evening Mr. Austin thank you for taking the time to sit down with us tonight.”[/COLOR] Austin: “Don’t worry your pretty little head about it one bit. Stone Cold knows how to take care of Business.” [COLOR="Teal"]Jessica: “Do you have plans for tonight.” (voice still shaking, obviously not ready to be taking over host duties)[/COLOR] Austin: “Well I can check with my wife, but first Steve Austin is going out to that ring tonight, to deliver a Stone Cold Ass kick to bill Goldberg and bring back the Gold, and that’s the bottom line Because Stone Cold Said so. [COLOR="Teal"]Jessica: “We’ll Ok.”[/COLOR] Austin storms off the set, once again pushing the producer out of the way. [B](B+)[/B]
The Camera follows Stone Cold down the hallway until we happen upon Wesley snipes coming down one corridor, and Vin Diesel down the other. At the intersection the two stars come face to face. Small trash talk is exchanged, glares and general dislike are echoed in both directions. Finally Vin Steps aside, as he Snipes passes, Vin Sticks out a foot and trips him. “That fall is nothing compared to what's in store for you, leave now before you get hurt.” Vin Spits on the fallen Snipes and walks off.[B](B+)[/B] [/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Century Gothic] [B]Hour 3:[/B] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “Can you believe he pushed him down like that? Just no class any more!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “If you need Class the next match should be full of it, Hulk Hogan versus Bret ‘the hitman’ Hart.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “I’m not sure I want to take that class it sounds like it’s for old people.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Chuck in sports their called veterans and they put on clinics because they know their craft so well.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “if I wanted to watch the classics I get that ESPN classics Channel, I want new and exciting.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Remind me to get you Animal Planet.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “Why, is that new and exciting?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “No, I’m hoping one of the sharks will eat your.”[/COLOR] (Chuck looks supremely hurt, Terry is just shaking his head.) [B](B+)[/B] Photobucket Still in the make shift interview space, Jessica Beil looking slightly more composed as Goldberg’s music hits and he makes his way onto the set, and takes a seat in his folding chair. [COLOR="Teal"]Jessica: “Mr Goldberg this is the a huge title defense for you here tonight. How do you plan to deal with the rattle snake Stone Cold Steve Austin?”[/COLOR] Goldberg: (grinning that eirie grin): “Steve Austin is NEXT! The spear and Jack Hammer will prevail.” [COLOR="Teal"]Jessica: “But what about the last time you faced Austin just three weeks ago?”[/COLOR] Goldberg: “Lightning doesn’t strike the same place twice, Steve Austin is NEXT!” (at this point Goldberg pops to his feet and stomps through the folding chair, and storms off the screen screaming who’s next.) If Jessica had regained her composure she has now paled out to white as a sheet. [B](B+)[/B] [B][CENTER]Bret Hart over Hulk Hogan in 12:45 (B-)[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] Bret Hart and Hulk Hogan started out the match by locking up. Neither man looked to gain the upper hand until Hulk Hogan used a cheep kick to gain the upper hand, and powered Hart into the air for a body slam. The two men continued back and forth, old school clinic was a good description of this match. Bret regained control with a huge back body drop, and sealed the deal with a side Russian leg sweep. Hart Locked in the sharp shooter, but Hulk Hogan would not tap out, he tried to crawl forward, but Hart drug him back to the center of the ring, he tried to go left, and then right, but the same result. Finally Hulk, his back on fire, couldn’t take it any more and he had to tap out to the excellence of execution. Your winner by tap out Bret Hart. Bret Hart toured the turnbuckles, but as an honorable opponent he called attention to the valiant efforts of Hulk Hogan. After mounting all four ring posts Bret called for a microphone. “Steve Austin last week you were supposed to be my partner, but you felt the need to subject me to a Stone Cold Stunner, after Our hard fought victory, I just want to wish you good luck tonight, but when it’s all said and done don’t forget to look over your shoulder, because I’ll be standing right behind you when you least expect it.” [B](B+) (B+)[/B] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Chuck do you know what our main event is?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “Why of course I do it’s right here on my schedule.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “So, what is it?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “Well if you know why should I tell you?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Chuck, just tell the people what your schedule say the main event is?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “I can’t, I lost it.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Folk, while Chuck tries to find his paper work, I hope your ready for our main event, Goldberg will defend his NBC world title against Steve Austin.”[/COLOR] [B](A)[/B] [B][CENTER]Goldberg over Steve Austin with a little help from The Rock in 17:59 (B)[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] These two tied it up, trading blows neither staggering the other with thier huge rights and lefts. Finally Goldberg tried to whip Austin to the ropes, but Stone Cold stood his ground, and then tried to whip Goldberg to the ropes. Goldberg stood his ground and tried again to whip Austin, but got the same result, Stone Cold rather, than try to whip Goldberg to the ropes ran through him with a standing clothes line. And then flipped off the fallen Goldberg. Goldberg got to his feet and charged Austin looking for the spear, but Stone Cold had lured him in and moved out of the way at the last possible second and Goldberg Ate Steel ring post. Goldberg fell back to the canvass clutching his shoulder, but Steve Austin did not capitalize as The Rock was making his way ring side and Austin was scream at him. Austin Turns and drags Goldberg to his feet and delivers the Stunner. The Rock Pulled himself up to the apron, taking the referees attention from the match, and causing Austin to pause and flip Rocky the double bird. Goldberg used the opportunity to plant a low blow into Stone Cold’s nether regions, The rock dropped back from the apron, with Austin doubled over Goldberg popped from the canvas and roared, set up and delivered the spear, followed up by the jack hammer, 1,2,3 your winner and still NBC World Champion Goldberg. The Rock pulls himself into the ring and he and Goldberg celebrate. [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Bob Costas comes out to the top of the ramp, heavily bandaged. “Cut the Music, now you two loser in the ring listen up, and all you fans shut your stinking mouths. For your safety, and for the good of this company, NBC management has placed me in sole control of NBCw. In light of my recent attack, order must be brought to this sport!” Costas raises both hands, to his left Brock Lesnar walks out, to his right Bob Sapp walks out. “These are my enforcers, in fact they are a New Breed of Champion! And they will restore order to NBC wrestling.” Costas drops his hands and Brock and Bob storm the ring and tear apart both the Rock and Goldberg. “You know what?” Bob asks no one in particular. “Since we didn’t have a Tag Champ crowned tonight, here are your new Tag Champs. NBC!” The show fades to black with a close up on Bob Costas’ smiling face. [B](B) (B+)[/B] [b] attendance: 33,806 rating: B buy rate:8.17[/b] [/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE] [B]After math recap[/B] DA:C Ted with Bret Hart insult Kanyon and D'lo DM:C+ The Rock over Trent Acid [B]Hour 1:[/B] (3)[B]B+[/B] Bob Costas welcomes us to AfterMath (3)[B]B+[/B] Bob Costas announces a 10 man battle royal for the PP title Match one: (15)[B]C+[/B] Ten Man battle royal [B]*Ted Hart[/B] *D'lo Brown *Cruzz *Chris Kanyon *Mark Jindrak *Sean Ohaire *Vampiro *Montel Brown *Mark Mero *Ken Shamrock (3)[B]C[/B] Announcers hype Ego vs Revival (3)[B]B-[/B] Ted Dibiase with Million dollar duo come out say how much of a farce this match up is with out his boys in it. (4)[B]C [/B]Back stage Raven warns that DDP, he knows he is the psycopath. Match Two: (14)[B]D+[/B] Ego and Revial [B]double Dq[/B] by run ins from MDD and Saturn & Agulera (3)[B]E+[/B] All four teams brawl to the back (4)[B]B-[/B] DDp answers Raven, look at the track record why would anyont think i'm the unstable one? (3)[B]C+[/B] anouncers hype Raven vs DDP (3)[B]B+[/B] anouncers hype Sid vicious vs Randy Savage (2)[B]D[/B] Chris Kanyon and D'lo brown storm out to the ring to complain about thier loss in the battle Royal [B] Hour 2:[/B] Match three: (14)[B]B+[/B] [B]Raven[/B] over Diamond Dalas Page, when the Referee stops the match, and DDP keeps attacking. (3)[B]B+ [/B]Back stage with RVd (3)[B]B+[/B] mark Wahlberg walks in on the interview (3)[B]B+ [/B]the two end up shaking hands rather than tearing the set apart (3)[B]B[/B] Macho attacks vicious on his way to the ring. Match Four: (14)[B]A[/B] Sid Vicious and Randy Savage [B]Double dq count out[/B] in a steel cage (sid power bomb Randy through the canvas, they both crawl out from under the ring and brawl into the back) (10)[B]A*[/B] We cut to the back while the brawl goes on into the stands, Costas has been attacked in his office durring the match, Madness is scrawled on the wall in red. (5)[B]B+[/B] Sit down Interview with Steve Austin Hosted by Jessica Beil (5)[B]B+[/B] outside the interview room Wesley and Vin come nose to nose, Vin warns Wesley thing are about to change [B]hour 3:[/B] (3)[B]B+[/B] Anouncers hype Bret Hart vs Hulk Hogan next! (5)[B]B+[/B] Sit down Interview with Goldberg Hosted by Jessica Beil Match Five: (15)[B]B-[/B] [B]Bret Hart[/B] over Hulk Hogan (3)[B]B+[/B] Bret Hart takes a moment to celebrate his win (3)[B]B+[/B] Bret stops and takes up a mic and tells Steve Austin to prepare for pay back! (3)[B]A[/B] announcers hype Goldberg vs Austin Next! Match Six: (20)[B]B[/B] [B]Goldberg[/B] over Steve Austin with a little help from The Rock (4)[B]B[/B] Bob costas in bandages comes out and says he has a surpise, he's in charge now, and he has brought some enforcers to keep order (4)[B]B+[/B] Brock Lesnar and Bob Sapp hit the ring and take out the Rock and Goldberg, Costas introduces Them as a New Breed of Champions,infact your tag team champs NBC! from safeco field [B]attendance: 33,806 rating: B buy rate:8.17[/B]
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Thank you for participating dse81. still an unbroken prediction streak. i've credited the ppv as 4 out 6 giving you a total record of 36 out of 58. To every one else who stops by, thank you so much for taking the time to read. did the additional graphics add anything? I still think the format can use some work, what are your thoughts? is the story getting any better? thank you as always for your feed back. I have started work on Marchs magazine. and then we will move on to Saturday nights Pressure Point, where i have another set of huge revelations in store, what did you think of Costas uniting with Bob Sapp and Brock?
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[CENTER] [URL="http://s273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/?action=view¤t=March08magcover.jpg"][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/March08magcover.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [/CENTER] [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=3][FONT=Century Gothic][CENTER][B]Contents:[/B][/CENTER] [B]*[/B] An Interview with the new interviewer Jessica Beil [B]*[/B] Are illegal substances ruining our sport? [B]*[/B] Macho Man didn’t do it, nor could Sid, Who is the mystery attacker?!? [B]*[/B] How much power does Bob Costas Really Have? [B]*[/B] The Most Electrifying Man in Sports Entertainment… Maybe[INDENT]By DSE81 [/INDENT] [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[B] Changing Directions, and interview with Jessica Biel By Bob Costas[/B] Every so often this job has it’s privileges, it was my honor to sit down with Jessica Beil away from the lights, the ring action and the wrestlers coming and going, and asks how she likes the roll she is being transitioned into. That of NBC’s newest correspondent journalist. [B]Costas:[/B] “Good evening Ms. Beil, thank you so much for taking the time to sit down to talk with me and the fans about your new role her in NBCw.” [B]Beil:[/B] “Oh, no, Bob thank you for giving me this opportunity.” [B]Costas:[/B]: “Your good on your feet, quick on the stick, and not only do the fans adore you, but back stage the talent seems to honestly respect you.” [B]Beil:[/B] “You know Bob I showed up back stage, and their were all these whispers, I think the guys really resented free pass I was getting. Then I went out there and took the stiff shots and came back to work the next day and never complained, just handled my role and kept treating everyone professionally. In the end I think they responded to that.” [B]Costas:[/B] “At least for now, your still helping your friend Wesley Snipes find his way here in NBC wrestling, do you see a point where your going to say enough is enough and kick him to the curb?” [B]Beil:[/B] “No, never , Really Bob, he’s a dear friend, and really the only reason I took this opportunity, now I’m having a blast, but I have no intention of forgetting who brought me to the dance.” [B]Costas:[/B] “well thank you so much for taking time out of your busy schedual to sit down and talk with us about your role as our newest corespondant Journalist.” [B]Beil:[/B] “Any time and I Hope to see all of you fans out in the trenches. Because I’m warning you now, I’m no fluff reporter, it’s the hard hitting action for this news woman!” [B] Are illegal substances ruining our sport?[/B] Performance Enhancing, Prescription and illicit drugs are prevacent in sports in generals. But here at NBCw it appears that we may have our own drug gang! Orlando Jordan, has all but admitted on the air that he is providing at a minimum a performance enhancing substance to Sylvester Terkay, Ken Shamrock and Andrew ‘Test’ Martin. But as none of the four realized they were on camera will NBCw be able to take any further action against these four? But my real question, who else is on the juice? And will NBC wrestling really step up to the plate and make sure that all of the wrestlers here are and remain clean. I maintain that NBCw like every other sport publicly stands against the practice of doping, but behind the scenes loves the money and drama that always seems to follow professional sports doping. [B] Macho Man didn’t do it, nor could Sid, Who is the mystery attacker?!?[/B] So Sid say’s Macho man did it! Macho thinks Sid had a hand in it! But with both men locked in a cage, Bob Costas was busted open and laid out. The announcers office was painted with the same ‘Madness’ tag, and no other hints of who the attacker was have yet turned up. But how affective is it to terrorize a federation, when no one knows who you are or what it is you want? What exactly does this mystery attacker hope to achieve and when will he or if it’s possible she reveal herself?
[B] How much power does Bob Costas Really Have?[/B] So Big Bob Costas got his nose bloodied. Well welcome to a the big leagues little man. But at the first signs that he might have to actually get involved what does Costas do? He runs to management and demands to be protected from the athletes he’s working with. So what did management do? Fearing that their golden boy will go back to Crockett or water polo or what ever it was Bob used to do, they told him to do what ever he need to do to protect himself. Bob never one to look a gift horse in the mouth, Costas wrote up a contract giving him the right to do anything he feels necessary to ensure not only his own safety but also that of the fans and crew of No-hold Barred Championship Wrestling. So When Brock Lesnar and Bob Sapp beat down Goldberg and the Rock at AfterMath, Bob was leading the charge. But does Costas really have that kind of power? Or can NBC management step in and bring Bob Costas to heel? Only time will tell how far the announcers power reaches, but how far will he go before we find out his limits?
[B] The Most Electrifying Man in Sports Entertainment… Maybe By DSE81 [/B] Photobucket Here we are with a second edition of NBCw Magazine. A lot has happened in the past weeks, and the industries best and brightest have really shone. Well, mostly. One glaring omission seems to be the biggest draw in the company; The Rock. A few years ago, Duane ‘The Rock’ Johnson could have easily filled a solid half hour on any wrestling program on the planet. Now, after some Hollywood success, he’s reduced to one short segment on NBCw, or the occasional match (with *gasp* no mic time!). Maybe years on the red carpet has slowed him down. Maybe he’s lost that special something, that ‘spark’, that made it all work. Maybe management doesn’t know how to use him. Heck, maybe management is trying to cover for the fact that he’s lost his edge. Anyway you slice it, that’s a lot of ‘maybe’s. But how about these; maybe he is exactly the same as he was when he left the business. Maybe he’s just as electrifying as he was before, but we all look back through rose-tinted glasses, and see him as being bigger and better then he ever really was. There is only really one way to tell; giving him time. As is so apparent in the industry, nothing happens overnight. The Rock is really just one hot feud, one new catchphrase, one amazing segment away from being ‘The most electrifying man in Sports Entertainment.’ Maybe he’s treading water, but maybe, just maybe, he’s getting ready to swim for it.
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[SIZE="3"][COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Century Gothic"][B]Commercial for Pressure Point:[/B] AfterMath Settled nothing! It left more questions than it answered and NBC wrestling changed for ever when Bob Costas was given full control of the sport in order to restore the safe operation of NBCw for all of the staff, crew and fans of the sport. So join us Saturday night on Pressure Point, when we find out what the Bob Costas has in store for NBCw and what the fall out from his attack will be?[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE] Ted Hart vs Sean O’haire Cruzz vs Mark Jindrack vs Chris Kanyon NBC vs Ego Vs Revival R1: DDp vs RVD vs Mark Whalberg R2: Wesley Snipes vs The Rock vs Test Sid Vicious vs Raven Steve Austin vs Vin Diesel
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[B]Ted Hart[/B] vs Sean O’haire Cruzz vs [B]Mark Jindrack[/B] vs Chris Kanyon NBC vs Ego Vs [B]Revival[/B] R1: DDp vs [B]RVD[/B] vs Mark Whalberg R2: Wesley Snipes vs [B]The Rock[/B] vs Test Sid Vicious vs [B]Raven[/B] [B]Steve Austin[/B] vs Vin Diesel
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Ted Hart vs [B]Sean O’haire[/B] Cruzz vs [B]Mark Jindrack[/B] vs Chris Kanyon [B]NBC [/B]vs Ego Vs Revival R1: DDp vs [B]RVD[/B] vs Mark Whalberg R2: Wesley Snipes vs [B]The Rock[/B] vs Test Sid Vicious vs [B]Raven[/B] [B]Steve Austin[/B] vs Vin Diesel
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[B]Ted Hart[/B] vs Sean O’haire Cruzz vs Mark Jindrack vs [B]Chris Kanyon[/B] NBC vs Ego Vs [B]Revival[/B] R1: DDp vs [B]RVD[/B] vs Mark Whalberg R2: Wesley Snipes vs [B]The Rock [/B]vs Test [B]Sid Vicious[/B] vs Raven [B]Steve Austin[/B] vs Vin Diesel
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Ok i want to save myself some work. I liked the new graphics for the match ups. (the frame with both workers in it) I am going to expand it for tag teams, and triangle matches. but, if you didn't like it, or thoght it added nothing more than the way it was going up, then I would be more than glad not to do the additional work for no addition quality. side note have 2 & 1/2 hours of the next PP written hope to finish it tonight and have it up tomorrow. as always get in on the predictions while you can. this months winner may have a hand in deciding May's PPV name!
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[SIZE="3"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][FONT="Century Gothic"][CENTER][B]Saturday March 6th, 2008[/B] Photobucket [B]Presents: Pressure Point [/B][/CENTER] [LEFT] [B]Hour 1:[/B] Photobucket Ladies and Gentleman, Live from Studio 5 in Los Angels California, in front of a sold out crowd of 15,000 screaming fans, Good evening and welcome to Pressure Point. I, Bob Costas have not only the pleasure of being your host tonight, but as of last night at AfterMath I have been named the Directing Authority of Work Guaranteed-safety. From now on you can refer to me as the Top DAWG of NBCw. Last night I made my first Formal action in that capacity and recruited the New Breed of Champions, The Giant Sapling and Brock Lesnar to be NBCw primary enforcers of Safety. Later tonight I will make my second announcement as top dawg, but more importantly tonight I am announcing a tournament for the number one contender ship to Bill Goldberg’s title. It will be a three week round robin tournament, with two matches each week, anyone picking up a victory in the three man matches will be a part of the up to six man battle royal the week before our next PPV, Ground Zero which will be held April 5th. [B](B) (B+)[/B]
Our Announce Team: Chuck Norris and Terry Bradshaw ChuckNorris Photobucket [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “Good evening folk, the top dog has told me for the safety of the fans I need to keep my mind in the game.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Chuck, is that even possible? Can’t we just focus on our fist match up of the eveing, Ted Hart’s first defense of the PP TV title against non other than Sean O’haire.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “I don’t know if it’s possible I always thought I was supposed to keep my mind in my head and I can’t figure out how to get it out.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Chuck the hard part is trying to figure out which game to put it in.” [/COLOR](he can barley keep a straight face) [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: (wrinkling his brow) “I know should it be backgammon or Parcheesi?”[/COLOR] (Terry just hangs his head)[B] (D+)[/B] [CENTER][B]Sean O'haire vs Ted Hart For the Pressure Point Title[/B] Photobucket [B]Ted Hart over Sean O'Haire to retain the PP title in 7:55 (C)[/B][/CENTER] The high flying of Ted took control early, but O’haire finally got his hands on Ted and nailed him with a huge vertical suplex, and then planted him into the mat with a power Bomb. Ted tried to fight back and O’haire complained to the ref about a low blow. While the referee’s back was turned to admonish Ted, Bret slipped into the ring and floored O’haire with the title and slid back out before anyone noticed. O’hiare stumbling back to his feet got hit with a huge drop kick and got rolled up for the three. But before Ted could even contemplate celebrating his ill gotten win, Chris Kanyon hoped up onto the apron grabbed Hart’s title and floored Ted with it. Climbed into the ring and paraded around with Teddy’s title. [B](E)[/B] Photobucket As Kanyon turned his attention back to a slowly rising Ted Hart, Bret ran in and put himself in between the big man and his nephew. When Kanyon took a swing at Bret, it was one mistake to many, and before Chris even new what hit him, Hart had delievered the side Russian leg sweep and had Kanyon tapping out to the sharp shooter. [B](C-)[/B]
[COLOR="Purple"] Chuck: “Terry, I’m not sure how much Ted Hart is going to appreciate this level of involvement by his uncle.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “How right you are Chuck I see problems on the Horizon.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “Yeah, Bret should have stopped Kanyon before he ever even made it to the ring, I mean what kind of uncle lets the guy attack and then helps out.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Well I’m not sure Chuck, but rest assured I know of six guys that are all going to need as much help as they can get tonight, from their tag team partners that is.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “Speaking of our three way tag team match between Ego, Revival and NBC, The New Breed of Champions are making their way ring side as we speak.”[/COLOR] Brock and Bob, are indeed making their way ring side, they pull folding chairs out from under the ring, and set them up just to the side of the announce table. [B](B-) (B+)[/B] [CENTER][B]Chris Kanyon vs Cruzz vs Mark Jindrak[/B] Photobucket [B]Chris Kanyon over Cruzz and Mark Jindrack in 7:34 (C)[/B][/CENTER] Chris is still favoring his leg from Hart’s Sharp shooter, so he let’s Cruzz and Jindrak Beat on each other, while he slides in and out of the ring grabbing a leg here and throwing a punch at a turned back there. After Mark has basically dominated the match destroying the younger Cruzz, Kanyon slides in to break up the pin attempt, nails Mark Jindrack with the Kanyon Driver and picks up the three count. We come back from Commercial break to the entrance of Ego, as Buff and Lex make their way to the ring, Marty Jannette and Tatanka are storming down the ramp to attack them. NBC joins the fray from their spot at ring side and the fight is on before the three teams even make it to the ring. [B](B-)[/B] [CENTER][B]Ego vs Revival vs NBC for the NBC Tag Team Championship[/B] PhotobucketPhotobucket vs PhotobucketPhotobucket vs PhotobucketPhotobucket [B]NBC over Ego and Revival with the help of Vin Deisel to win the NBC Tag Team Championships in 13:00 (C)[/B][/CENTER] Though Brock and Sapling dominated the entrance the Referee slowly restores order and the three legal men square off, the team mates from Ego and Revival despite their own miss givings team up fend off the attacks of Brock and Sapp. Both team battle back and it looks like the numbers game may actually finish off team NBC, when Bob Distracts the ref and Vin Deisel slides in and delivers two picture perfect Pitch Black DDT’s and clears the ring apron on his way out of the ring. The Giant Sapling then delivers the Timberline Driver to Tatanka and picks up the three count victory. A New Breed of Champions are now officially your NBCw tag team champions! [/left][/font][/color][/size] [SIZE="3"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][FONT="Century Gothic"] [B]Hour 2:[/B] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “If you thought that match was Crazy, wait until you see Raven take on Sid Vicious tonight.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “You know what? I think Raven might be the guy attacking people.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “I don’t think I would bet against you on that one Chuck.” [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “Who said anything about betting?[/COLOR][/COLOR] (Terry thinks to himself, ‘Chuck Norris Never Bets, because Chuck Norris isn’t Lucky, but he is always right!’) [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Never mind chuck, but are you ready for our main event?...”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck “No, it’s like an hour away and I need to use the restroom get a fresh coke, and maybe grab a bite to eat before I’ll be ready for that.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Well fans since I know you are, Steve Austin fresh off his loss to the champ Goldberg will be here to face one the Hollywood Three, Vin Diesel.[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"][COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “I hope he doesn’t hurt him to bad.”[/COLOR] Terry: “To right, the actors take that chance every time they step in the ring with these wrestlers.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “I’m worried about Steve Austin, with that bad neck of his, one Pitch Black DDT, and he may never walk again!”[/COLOR] [B](B) (B)[/B] Photobucket Bob Costas makes his way to the ring, shooting the announce team a dirty look as he moves into the ring. “Ladies and gentlemen I’m here to congratulate NBC on winning the titles, they are truly the best champions this company could have hoped for! But I also need to announce the two round robin matches for this evening. Round 1 will be Rob Van Dam, Diamond Dallas Page and Mark Wahlberg. Round 2 will be Wesley Snipes, Test and The Rock.” Fandamonium forces the top dawg to stop at this point and wait for the noise to subside. “On a much more serious note I am out here to demand that the man who attacked me last night come out here and face me. Let me warn whom ever is at fault that should I have to increase the scope and breadth of this investigation, when I do find you the consequences shall be much more severe than if you wise up and come forward now!”
Photobucket DDP’s music Hit’s “What about D D F###ing P!, Mr Top Dawg, Mr Bob Costas and NBC management just keep over looking the best thing on their roster, and I’m just supposed to sit back and take it!” at this point Dallas has pulled him self into the ring, and come face to face with Bob. NBC has begun coming down the ramp. “Well Mr Costas Have I got news for you.” [COLOR="Black"]“DIAMOND CUTTER, DIAMOND CUTTER!” [/COLOR]Terry Bradshaw and Chuck Norris Scream in unison. Brock and Sapp charge the ring, but through the crowd one from either side of the ramp come ‘Macho Man’ Randy Savage and Sid Vicious each carrying a night stick, to cut off NBC’s progress and beat them back up the ramp. While DDP puts a couple more boots to Costas, Macho and Vicious make their way back into the Ring. “Let me introduce you to the corporation of domination, the only organization to require senility as a right of membership, we are Madness inc. and NBC wrestling is about to get BANGED!!!” [B](B+) (B) (B) (B+) [/B]
[CENTER][B]Raven vs Sid Vicious[/B] Photobucket [B]Sid Vicious with Randy Savage over Raven in 12:14 (C+)[/B][/CENTER] Raven is the only man I know who walks into a clear 3 on 1 match up with his head held high, and the belief he actually has a chance to win the match. To the referee’s credit he tried to call a clean match, but with DDP still ring side directing traffic, and Macho blatantly interfering from ring side, there was no hope. Sid Picked up Raven and delivered the Vicious Bomb to pick up the pin fall. Their Job clearly done Madness inc made their way back stage leaving medics to come and tend to the fallen Raven. [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Chuck can you believe what we just saw. DDP is our mystery attacker.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “And Macho and Vicious are actually working together?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Fans all that and we haven’t even got to our number one contender’s match ups yet. I mean RVD and Mark Wahlberg are going to have to get in the ring with that psychopath DDP right here tonight!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “And after that Wesley Snipes, Test and the Rock are going to bring down the house in a match where any one of the three could truly give Goldberg a run for his title.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “That’s a very astute observation.”[/COLOR] (there seems to be some pride in terry’s voice) [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “Yeah I mean in a foot race the lack of body hair on those three will be a definite advantage over the much more manly haired Goldberg.” [/COLOR](Chuck smiles as if he’s solved the hardest problem on the SAT’s) (Terry just shakes his head in that why me fashion)[B] (B-) (B)[/B] [CENTER][B]Mark Wahlberg vs Diamond Dallas Page vs Rob Van Dam[/B] Photobucket [B]Diamond Dallas Paige over Rob Van Dam and Mark Wahlberg in 13:02 (C+)[/B][/CENTER] I’m sure this match had the potential to be a show stopping classic. But the truth is an intentional ref bump perpetrated by DDP, allowed his cronies to come and run rough shod over RVD and Wahlberg. Macho hit the elbow drop on RVD. Sid hit the Vicious bomb on Mark. And DDP hit both with the diamond cutter. When the beat down was complete, Madness inc rolled the referee back in and smacked him until he woke up to count DDP’s victory. No sooner than the Referee had counted Three, Madness inc. pulled him from the ring and continued to dismantle both Rob and Mark. Just as it looked like no one in the back would stand up against Madness inc, Raven ran down and slid into the ring, steel chair in hand. Bandaged up from his beating at the hands of these three earlier he dealt out stiff chair shots. Rvd and Mark managed to regain their feet, and the three managed to make Madness inc retreat from ring side. [B](B+) (B+)[/B] [/font][/color][/size] [SIZE="3"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][FONT="Century Gothic"] [B]Hour 3:[/B] Photobucket Madness inc makes it almost all the way up the ramp before backing into Bob Costas, NBC and squad of LA’s finest. Madness makes to fight but Tazers take down all three. Bob Costas and his Cronies step over the writhing men. “Ladies and Gentleman that is how my regieme will deal with minor annoyances such as madness inc. We will fall back and return with the numbers to deal with the situation.”
Photobucket “Now I know we have dealt with who will get a title shot at Ground Zero on April 5th, but I would like to introduce you to the man who will be champion the following month at May’s PPV.” Vin Diesel walks out and stands next to Costas. Vin takes the microphone from bob, “Vin Diesel is what a champion should be, bright, hard working and willing to stop at nothing for the good of the company. From now on I will be the top Dawg’s right hand man, I AM the will of NBC wrestling and with the enforcers Brock and Sapling nothing will stand in my way!” [B](B+) (B+)[/B]
[CENTER][B]Wesley Snipes vs The Rock vs Test[/B] Photobucket [B]The Rock over Test and Wesley Snipes in 13:14 (B-)[/B][/CENTER] This was a great match, not a classic but a solid showing. The rock and Test traded blows, Snipes and the rock traded take downs. Wes and Test locked up and traded supplexs. The match continued to highlight how well Snipes was learning the craft. The fact is though The Rock had shaken off the ring rust, had stopped holding back and had come into true from. Double rock bottoms, double peoples elbows, and he Locked in his brand new submission move on Test, the Hollywood PayDay! Test tried to hold out but had not choice but to tap. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"] “Good evening I’m Ben Jordan and joining me tonight is the Movie Star and rising wrestling protégée Mark Whalberg.”[/COLOR] “Ben as usual you’ve just stopped me in the hall and shoved a mic in my face, but for once I’m glad.” [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]“My pleasure to be of service how do you feel about you loss tonight?”[/COLOR] “Well Ben, since I got jumped by a couple of goons I really don’t care, what I do care about is proving in the ring just how good I am, and after once again being in the ring with incomparable RVD, I want one last match to prove my self! A match at Ground Zero.” [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]“well you heard it hear first folks, Mark Wahlberg just challenged RVD to a match at Ground Zero.” [/COLOR][B](B+)[/B] Photobucket Screeching tires and shattering glass, and the fandamonium erupts. Stone Cold makes his way to the ring. “If you think Austin 3:16 should kick some @ss tonight give me a HELL YEAH! (Echo Hell Yeah) Last night Goldberg was getting his but whooped (echo what) He was getting his hide tanned (echo what) I mean I was cleaning the mat with his face. (Echo what) Until The Rock stuck his showbiz brown nose in my business . . . [B](B+)[/B]
[center][B]Vin Deisel vs 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin[/B] Photobucket [B]Vin Deisel over Steve Austin (with the help of NBC) in 18:00 (A)[/B][/center] Vin cuts Austin off with a boot to the gut, the referee run down to the ring calling for the bell and this match is under way. Diesel shows his lack of ring experience by immediately going for the Pitch Black DDT. Stone Cold reverses and takes control of the match. Vin manages to kick out of an early pin attempt and even hold his own for a while, but as the match drags past 15 minutes Diesel begins to fade. Good thing that he has Costas and NBC on his side. Brock distracts the referee by claiming a set of brass knuckles belonged to Austin, while Sapling pulls Steve out of the ring and nails him with the Timber line driver on the out side. NBC backs up the ramp while Vin pulls the rattle snake back into the ring and nails him with the Pitch Black DDT and pick up the pin fall. Wesley Snipes run down to the ring as Vin and NBC ignore the ref and continues to pick apart Austin. Chair shots to both members of NBC leave Wes and Vin in the ring one on one. A wild swing misses and Vin Nails Wes with a boot to the gut and Drops wes on his head with the Pitch Black DDT into the chair. Things only get worse as Lesnar and Sapp get back up from the chair shots, and Snipes takes an F-5 followed by a Timberline Driver. Deisel, Lesnar and Sapp parade around the ring, the crumpled forms of Wesley Snipes and Steve Austin at their feet. [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"] “Bob Costas was not kidding at After math when he said he was in Sole Control of NBCw.”[/COLOR] (we fade to black) [B](A) (B+)[/B] [B] Attendance: 15,000 (Sold Out) Show Rating: [SIZE="4"]A[/SIZE] fast over night: 49.83[/B] [/font][/color][/size] [B]Recap: Hour 1:[/B] (3)[B]B[/B] Bob Costas welcomes us to his program (3)[B]B+[/B] Bob announces to those who might have missed it, he has formed New Breed of Champions or NBC (3)[B]D+[/B] announcers hype tonights first match, the first defense of the new PP title Match one: (10)[B]C[/B] [B]Ted Hart[/B] over Sean O'Haire to retain the PP title (3)[B]E[/B] Chris Kanyon comes out and attacks Ted Hart (3)[B]C-[/B] Bret Hart runs in for the save on his nephew. (3)[B]B-[/B] announcers hype three way tag title match up for tonight (3)[B]B+[/B] NBC make their way to ring side to watch the match Match two: (10)[B]C[/B] [B]Chris kanyon[/B] over Cruzz and Mark Jindrack (4)[B]B-[/B] Nbc beat down ego and revival before they can get to the ring Match three: (15)[B]C[/B] [B]NBC [/B]over Ego and Revival with the help of Vin Deisel [B]Hour 2:[/B] (3)[B]B[/B] anouncers hype sid vicious vs Raven (3)[B]B[/B] anouncers hype vin vs steve Austin (3)[B]B+[/B] Bob Costas announces a round robin tournament for the title shot at Ground Zero on April 5th (2)[B]B[/B] Bob goes on to demand to know who attacked him, as NBC joins him (2)[B]B[/B] [B]DDP, Savage and Vicious[/B] attack Costas and NBC from behind. (5)[B]B+[/B] [B]DDP introduces the three as madness inc.[/B] Match four: (15)[B]C+[/B] [B]Sid Vicious[/B] with MM over Raven (3)[B]B-[/B] announcers hype RR1 (3)[B]B[/B] announcers hype RR2 Match five: rr1 (15)[B]C+[/B] [B]DDP[/B] over RVD and Mark Wahlberg (3)[B]B+[/B] DDp with Savage and vicious attacks both RVD and Whalberg (3)[B]B+[/B] Raven runs in with a chair and cleans house [B]Hour 3:[/B] (3)[B]B+[/B] Bob Costas anounces the newest member of NBC, Vin Deisel, who will get his shot at the title at May's event (5)[B]B+[/B] [B]Vin Deisel[/B] comes out and takes the mic and tells every one how glad he is to be apart of NBC Match six: rr2 (15)[B]B-[/B] [B]The Rock[/B] over Test and Wesley Snipes (3)[B]B+[/B] Mark Wahlberg back stage asks for one last match with Rob Van Dam! (4)[B]B+[/B] Steve Austin begins to complain about last nights match, before his opponent comes to the ring Match seven: (20)[B]A[/B] Vin Deisel over Steve Austin (with the help of NBC) (5)[B]A[/B] Wesley Snipes comes out and beats down Vin (5)[B]B+[/B] it turns into a 3 on one as Brock and Lesnar hit the ring [B] Attendance: 15,000 (Sold Out) Show Rating: A fast over night: 49.83[/B]
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