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When Writers Strike: NBC wrestling

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[SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]Fan prediction results:
[/COLOR][/SIZE] So, what did you think of the new graphics? format suggestions, i thinks somethings missing but i can't put my finger on it. to much white space that needs to be broken up just not sure how. maybe indent the interviews and commentary? I also updated the Table of contents, give it a look and tell me if i'm going in the right direction. Thanks so much for tuning it. I've planned out the show through the next ppv (that would be actual plan vs the rough draft i work from that goes out 2-3 months) and i've writen out the formal out line for the next show so hopefully by tonight i will have run it and posted up Costas's radio show.
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I like the new graphics, but it will probably become a mess trying to sort them out on your computer. Maybe if you made a left-side and a right-side for each wrestler, then just mix and match to stick them together. Won't work with Triangle matches, but it could save you some work. As for the format, indenting should work fine, so give it a try. The table of contents looks good as well. Keep up the good work!
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[SIZE="3"][FONT="Century Gothic"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][CENTER][B]Costas on the Radio: Sunday, March 7th, 2008[/B] Photobucket[/CENTER] Sports fans it’s been a huge weekend. I’m Bob Costas and we have so much to talk about this afternoon, so let’s get straight to it. Professional wrestling visited Seattle, and literally blew the top off the Safeco dome. I mean Sid Vicious and ‘Macho Man’ Randy Savage destroyed each other on Friday night, only to reveal along with DDP, that the trio as Madness inc is behind the Anarchy that has been fermenting in NBCw. That Anarchy of course led the management of NBC wrestling to name me primary enforcers of Safety, after I was brutally attacked by DDP in my own Office. I am glad to say that though Goldberg did defeat Steve Austin to retain the world title, a New Breed of Champion, Brock Lesnar and Bob Sapp, were crowned Tag team champs so at least some honor will come to NBC’s title picture. Before we move on to base ball I need to add one more comment. Vin Diesel, welcome to the Restored Order, we know that you will uphold the high moral, physical and ring savvy standards that the fans of NBC wrestling should expect from this sport of champions![/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] Pressure Point - 3/13/2008 Mark Jindrak & Sean O'Haire vs The Millions Dollar Duo Ted Hart(C) vs D'lo Brown for the PP tv title NBC vs Genuine Talent (Ken Shamrock and Sylvester Terkay) for non title match R3: Hulk Hogan vs Rov Van Dam vs Raven R4: Bret Hart vs Mark Wahlberg vs The Rock Test vs Wesley Snipes Vin Diesel vs Diamond Dallas Paige
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[B]Mark Jindrak & Sean O'Haire[/B] vs The Millions Dollar Duo [B]Ted Hart(C)[/B] vs D'lo Brown for the PP tv title [B]NBC[/B] vs Genuine Talent (Ken Shamrock and Sylvester Terkay) for non title match R3: [B]Hulk Hogan [/B]vs Rov Van Dam vs Raven R4: Bret Hart vs Mark Wahlberg vs [B]The Rock[/B] Test vs [B]Wesley Snipes[/B] [B]Vin Diesel[/B] vs Diamond Dallas Paige
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Mark Jindrak & Sean O'Haire vs [B]The Millions Dollar Duo[/B] [B]Ted Hart(C)[/B] vs D'lo Brown for the PP tv title [B]NBC[/B] vs Genuine Talent (Ken Shamrock and Sylvester Terkay) for non title match R3: [B]Hulk Hogan[/B] vs Rov Van Dam vs Raven R4: Bret Hart vs Mark Wahlberg vs [B]The Rock[/B] [B]Test[/B] vs Wesley Snipes [B]Vin Diesel[/B] vs Diamond Dallas Paige
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Mark Jindrak & Sean O'Haire vs [B]The Millions Dollar Duo[/B] [B]Ted Hart(C)[/B] vs D'lo Brown for the PP tv title [B]NBC[/B] vs Genuine Talent (Ken Shamrock and Sylvester Terkay) R3: [B]Hulk Hogan[/B] vs Rov Van Dam vs Raven R4: Bret Hart vs Mark Wahlberg vs [B]The Rock[/B] [B]Test[/B] vs Wesley Snipes Vin Diesel vs [B]Diamond Dallas Paige[/B]
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[SIZE="3"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][FONT="Century Gothic"][CENTER][B]Saturday March 13th, 2008[/B] Photobucket [B]Presents: Pressure Point [/B][/CENTER] [LEFT] [B]Hour 1:[/B] Photobucket Ladies and Gentleman, Live from Studio 5 in Los Angels California, in front of a sold out crowd of 15,000 screaming fans, I’m Bob Costas, Good evening. I just want to remind you that your safety tonight is guaranteed by the Restored Order and it is our mission to stabilize the situation with in NBC wrestling and return honor and dignity to the sport of champions and restore the value to each match with in the squared circle. Let’s go ring side now to start our night of reinvigoration. [B](B)[/B]
“The million Dollar duo is tired of being left out. Cheated out of a shot at the titles, cheated out a return shot the very next night. I want to remind you it was my money, my finical backing that established the tag team division with in No Hold barred wrestling. I Ted Dibiase on Behalf of the Million Dollar Duo demand a shot at the tag team titles!” [B](B-)[/B] Ted and his boys are standing in the middle of the ring making their demands. Not such a good idea, Ted gets rolled to the out side, and Mark and Jay Briscoe get laid into by Mark Jindrak and Sean O’Haire. A ref runs down to the ring and we have our first match of the night. [B](E+)[/B] [B][CENTER]Million Dollar Duo vs Mark Jindrack and Sean O'Haire Photobucket vs Photobucket Million Dollar Duo over Mark Jindrack and Sean O'Haire with help from Ted Dibiase in 7:37 (C-)[/CENTER][/B]Jindrak and O’haire use their size to dominate the match. Mark and Jay have years of experience together an used it to their advantage, repeatedly drawing the referees attention while Ted used his cane to beat, poke and Choke the other two men. In the end a low blow from Dibiase to the legal man and well placed cane trip up allowed Jay Briscoe to get the quick roll up victory over O’Haire. [INDENT][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]“I’m Ben Jordan and tonight I’m Joined by none other that our Pressure Point Television title holder, um, Ted (under his breath) give me a second…”[/COLOR] “Hart you @ss hole, I’m Ted Hart, the man who one week ago beat ten of NBC wrestling’s top athletes to win this title, the man who last week defeated Sean O’haire to retain it, My name is Ted Hart, Learn it , Live it, Love it! [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]“Um, well Mr. Hart, no disrespect but the million dollar duo just defeated Sean O’haire so last weeks victory can’t have meant that much.”[/COLOR] “Ben, Shut your mouth, learn your place, and let the real man hear do the talking. I, Ted Hart welcome all challengers, I encourage competitions, but at the end of the day I will remain in control of this Championship belt.” [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]“Well folks there you have it, a man who certainly seems to know his own name.”[/COLOR] [B](D+)[/B][/INDENT] [B][CENTER]D'lo Brown vs Ted Hart Photobucket Ted Hart over D'lo Brown to retain the PP tv title in 10:02 (C-)[/CENTER][/B]The match was fast paced and totally unbalanced. Ted Hart was running the ropes and hitting moves from every angle. D’lo was slow and lumbering in comparison and Ted had to noticeably slow his game any time D’lo seemed to take control. Ted Hart hit the Hart Attack to finish off the match, well in control. The celebration did not last long, as Chris Kanyon hit the ring, and more precisely Ted Hart’s head with a Steel Chair. D’lo then Joined in the attack. Bret Hart ran down and Clothes lined both men out of the ring, and went to help Ted back to his feet. But Ted pulled away and stood under his own power. [B](E)[/B] [INDENT]Back stage Ken Shamrock and Sylvester Terkay are pushing each other, half the picture is blocked as someone appears to be fiddling with the camera from the front, when he finishes and backs up it’s clear he’s set the camera slightly to low, as Ken is in the frame, sly’s hair is chopped off and Test whole head is out of the frame. “I think We’re good boy’s go ahead and make your announcement.” Ken: “NBC will tremble at our coming, the talentless hacks will find out what it’s like to get in the ring with true talent.” Sly: “The fact is if wrestling is a sport then we are not just the pro’s were the Hall of fame mega stars.” Test: “Guys just tell the fan’s your now the Genuine Talent of the tag team division.” The camera appears to fall over and the the screen goes fuzzy grey for a second. [B](B+)[/B][/INDENT] [B][CENTER]NBC vs Genuine Talent Photobucket vs Photobucket NBC over Genuine Talent in a non title match in 10:49 (C+)[/CENTER][/B] Ken Shamrock took the lumbering hulk of Bob Sapp to the Mat and beat on him, only to be pulled off by the ref for no apparent reason. Sylvester came in and faced off against Brock, the two traded stiff blows, but again Genuine Talent took the upperhand, and were again pulled off by the Referee, Sly got hit by a low blow as he turned to Tag, and was the drug back into NBC’s corner where the referee turned a blind eye to the double team going down. Terkay never managed to make it back to his corner, and though Ken jumped into the ring to break up the three count, the referee ignored the boot to Sapps back and counted the pin fall anyway. After the match the referee appeared to apologize to the fallen Terkay and hurried to the back. [INDENT]Our Announce Team: Chuck Norris and Terry Bradshaw ChuckNorris Photobucket [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Chuck that was despicable!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “I know your supposed to greet our fans, Hello ladies and gentleman and welcome to pressure point.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “that was our third match, I think they know they’ve come to the best place on network television for professional wrestling.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “Now isn’t that the truth, we’re the only place on network television for profession wrestling!” [/COLOR](He smiles clearly proud of this addition) [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Be that as it may, tonight fans, we will have the third and fourth rounds in our round robin tournament.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “That’s right in round three, Hulk Hogan will take on Raven and Rob Van Damn, it might just turn into a blood bath out there!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Don’t I know it Chuck, and in round four, Bret Hart will take on Mark Wahlberg and the Rock, who won one of the two matches last week.”[/COLOR] [B](B) (B+)[/B][/INDENT] [/left][/font][/color][/size] [SIZE="3"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][FONT="Century Gothic"] [B]Hour 2:[/B] The Camera is back stage and see Raven talking to RVD, could they be planning something for their triangle match up? When they notice the camera they quickly shake hands and walk in opposite directions.[B] (C+)[/B] PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketMadness inc storms down to the ring. Macho man and Sid Stalk around the perimeter while DDP takes the mic. “Bob Costas, you talk about restoring order, but you continue to over look the best thing about this federation. Madness inc doesn’t just want to destroy NBC for being over looked, we want our shot as well! We’re not asking, we’re telling you that Madness is going to get a tag title shot or we will tear this building down around you.” Macho Steps close enough to lean into the microphone “Ooooooh Yeaaaah!”
“You know what Diamond, I think you have a point. Next week I will feed your degenerate pond scum friends to my New Breed of Champions. In fact I’ll even put the title on the line that no referee in this building will ever count to three for madness.” He smiles evilly, “But Diamond Dallas Paige, I can not and I will not have demands made upon me or my Restored Order by the likes of your low life self. So tonight, in the main event, the epitome of class, the function of perfection, the peak specimen this sport has to offer, Vin Diesel will put you in your place.” [B](B+) (A)[/B] [CENTER][B]Round 3: Raven vs Hulk Hogan vs Rob Van Dam Photobucket Hulk Hogan over Rob Van Dam and Raven in 13:01 (B-)[/B][/CENTER]What ever Raven’s conversation with RVD was about, it wasn’t an alliance, as the two former hardcore warriors tore into each other. Hulk Hogan put him self between the two and wound up on the out side staring at the stars. It was the time out side that actually led to Hogan Picking up the win, as by the time he got back into the ring and delivered two big boots, Raven and RVD had already torn each other apart. A pair of leg drops and Hogan picked up a double pin victory. [INDENT]After the Match Hulk Hogan Called for a microphone, “Well Hulkamaniacs, it looks like Hulk Hogan might actually get what he came to NBC for. Brother one last title run is what Hulk Hogan wants, it what Hulk Hogan Needs, Brother to be quite honest that title belongs around the waste of…” Screeching tires and shattering glass can me only one thing, and by the way the fans explode they were more than ready for the interruption. “If you think this old wind bag should shut his dusty mouth give me a hell yeah (echo hell yeah) now I know you thought we were done (echo what) all finished up (echo what) down right through (echo what) but no one get away from the rattle snake until he says so. (echo what) so I just wanted to make sure you knew exactly where you stood.” A boot to the gut and a stunner finish up Steve Austin’s proclamation, as he hits the canvas and rolls out of the ring. [B](B+) (B+)[/B][/INDENT] [CENTER][B] Round 4:Bret Hart vs Mark Wahlberg vs The Rock Photobucket The Rock over Bret Hart and Mark Wahlberg in 12:45 (A)[/B][/CENTER]The match was absolutely electrifying. The Rock and Bret Hart Traded old school moves. Bret Hart and Mark Wahlberg Trades arm drags and hammer lock tie ups. Mark Wahlberg and The Rock Traded a few power moves until Mark out of no where took a standing leap up onto Rocky’s shoulders and hit him with a devastating Frankestiener. Bret Hart then Clothes lined Mark out to the floor, and turned around right into a rock bottom. A peoples elbow, a raised eyebrow and a three count latter and The Rock has picked up his Second tournament victory, ensuring no more than 5 entrants in the final match for the PPV shot at the title. [INDENT][COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “I can’t wait to see DDP take on Vin Diesel in tonight’s main event.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Or the match that’s up next Test Vs Wesley Snipes.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “Who cares, it’s not like anyone believes a movie star could actually be a wrestler.”[/COLOR] (Terry Just kind of stares at Chuck, “Chuck Norris could have been a super hero, except for two things, 1) He doesn’t look good in a cape 2) He was uncomfortable with the word super, as it does not convey how truly exceptional Chuck Norris is, no chuck would have to be a Mega Hero”) [B](B) (B)[/B][/INDENT] [/font][/color][/size] [SIZE="3"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][FONT="Century Gothic"] [B]Hour 3:[/B] [INDENT]Photobucket We are in a well adorned office, with a definite feminine touch. Soft blue, soft lighting, and pictures off chick flicks hanging on the walls. [COLOR="Teal"]Beil: “Ladies and Gentleman tonight I have the opportunity to talk with one of the most misunderstood tortured souls in wrestling, please help me welcome Raven.”[/COLOR] Raven: (comes in and sits down but instead of in the chair he slumps at it’s feet on the floor) “Jessica why? Why did no one listen when I told them who Paige really was, why did no one listen when I told them that I had nothing to do with it.” [COLOR="Teal"]Beil: “Well, I’m not sure, but sweety if you tell me all about it, I’m listening now.”[/COLOR] Raven: “From the ashes of every great tragedy arises the opportunity to rebuild, new, better stronger, Jessica I want all of NBC wrestling to know that I am going to seize my opportunity out of these ashes.” [COLOR="Teal"]Beil: “Well like they say I guess, you have to strike while the irons hot.” [/COLOR][B](B)[/B]
[/INDENT] Wesley Snipes makes his way to the ring, only to have Restored Order Charge down the ramp and rough him up. Vin Calling the shots, Brock and Bob pull Snipes apart, and roll his broken from into the ring, for his waiting opponent Test.[B](B+)[/B] [CENTER][B]Wesley Snipes vs Test Photobucket Test over Wesley Snipes in 14:02 (B-)[/B][/CENTER]How Wesley manged to continually kick out, I’m not sure, I, the fans or even Snipes actually knows. He even managed a few moments of offense and a Blade clothes line. But this match was really over before it began, the beat snipes rolled into the waited Test, had no real chance of coming back. In the end Test nailed Wes with the Test-osterone driver to pick up the win. [INDENT]PhotobucketWe’re back in Jessica Beil’s office. [COLOR="Teal"]Beil: “Help me Welcome the most electrifying man in sport entertainment today, and the current leader in the round robin tournament, The Rock!”[/COLOR] Rock: (Steps on screen, tilts his head back and Breaths deeply as the fans roar) “Finally The Rock gets to meet Jessica Beil.” (he holds out a hand and she shakes it, as the two take their seats) [COLOR="Teal"]Beil: “As a member of the Grid Iron way, if you win the tournament, how do you feel about facing a man you currently call an ally?”[/COLOR] Rock: “You know Goldberg and I are on the same page here in NBCw, and we both know that if we get a shot at that world title we are going to leave everything personal outside the ring, and everything else in our being inside that ring to become champion.” [COLOR="Teal"]Beil: “It sound like walking away with that belt is your main focus, good luck to you if you make it to Ground Zero.”[/COLOR] Rock: “Thank you Jessica, but It’s not if, it’s when, If ya smell what the rock is cookin’”[/INDENT] Goldberg storms onto the set, flipping The Rock out of his chair and knocking everything off Jessica’s Desk. “Isn’t this cozy, back here taking up Goldberg’s time, Goldberg’s spot light. I’m the Champion, I’m Goldberg so rock you wanna be next, that’s fine you can be just another victim.” He pushes Rock and storms off the set, leaving miss Beil more than a little shaken. [B](A) (B+)[/B] [CENTER][B]Vin Diesel vs Diamond Dallas Paige Photobucket Vin Diesel over DDP with the help of NBC in 16:04 (A*)[/B][/CENTER] DDP’s ring experience gained him the early advantage and a tilta-wirl-back breaker introduced Diesel to a new level of pain. Paige continued to poor on the hurt, ducking a brutal clothes line and coming back with a wicked drop kick. Vin did well for him self regaining control, before making a rookie mistake and not going for the pin after hitting the Pitch Black DDT. Dallas came back and hit the diamond cutter and rolled Vin up. Brock got on the apron and distracted the ref from the count, when DDP got up to grab the ref, he was met by Sapling and a timberline driver. When the Referee turned back around it was Vin who had Paige rolled up. Your winner by Pin fall, Vin Diesel. Madness poured out of the back and rained down blows on NBC, Vin collapsed back wards onto the canvas, so a rising DDP joined in on the assault on Brock and Sapp, and the five brawled into the back leaving Vin Diesel in the ring trying to find his feet. Vin Diesel calls for a microphone, but before he even gets the first word out Wesley snipes has stormed down to the ring with a chair in hand. Vin Begs off the chair shot, and Snipes appears to have, mercy and turns his back. Diesel pulls back to slug Wes, but Wes Whirls around and wraps the chair around Vin’s head and as we go off the air. “I thought Costas was in sole control, but maybe just maybe….” [B](B+) (B+)[/B] [B]Show Rating: B attendance: 15,000 (sold out) fast overnights: 47.85[/B] [/font][/color][/size] [B]Recap: Hour 1:[/B] (3)[B]B[/B] Bob Costas intro (3)[B]B-[/B] Ted Dibiase complains that MDD needs a shot (3)[B]E+[/B] Jindrack and Ohaire run down to the ring and beat down MDD, a ref runs out and this is our first match. Match one (10)[B]C-[/B] [B]Million Dollar Duo[/B] over Mark Jindrack and Sean O'Haire with help from Ted Dibiase. (3)[B]D+[/B] Ted hart talks to ben jordan on his way to the ring Match two (12)[B]C-[/B] [B]Ted Hart[/B] over D'lo Brown to retian the PP tv title (5)[B]E[/B] after match beat down by Chris Kanyon and D'lo Brown with a save by Bret hart (4)[B]B+[/B] Ken Shamrock & Sylvester Terkay with Test announce they are Genuine Tallent and mak an open challenge Match three (13)[B]C+[/B] [B]NBC[/B] over Genuine Talent in a non title match (3)[B]B[/B] Announcers hype R3: HH vs RVD vs Raven (3)[B]B+[/B] Announcers hype R4: Bret Hart vs Rock vs Mark Wahlberg [B]Hour 2:[/B] (2)[B]C+[/B] Raven and RVD are seen talking back stage when the notice the camera they shake hands and walk off. (5)[B]B+[/B] Madness with DDP storm the ring and Demands a shot at the tag titles (5)[B]A[/B] Bob costas comes out and say next week they'll have thier shot, but tonight DDP will have to face Vin Deisel in the main event Match four: R3 (15)[B]B-[/B] [B]Hulk Hogan[/B] over Rov Van Dam and Raven (5)[B]B+[/B] Hulk Hogan grabs a Microphone and Congratulates RVD and Raven on a great match, but no one can go toe to toe with Hulkamaia (5)[B]B+[/B] Steve Austin comes out and delievers the stunner to to HH how's that for Toe to Toe, ya jack ass? Match five: R4 (15)[B]A[/B] [B]The Rock[/B] over Bret Hart and Mark Wahlberg (3)[B]B[/B] announcers hype Test vs Wesley Snipes (3)[B]B[/B] announcers hype Vin vs DDP Hour 3: (4)[B]B[/B] Raven talks about Madness inc and moving on with his life. (4)[B]B+[/B] NBC beats down Wes on his way to the ring with Vin Calling the shots from the back. Match six (18)[B]B-[/B] [B]Test[/B] over Wesley Snipes (5)[B]A[/B] Jessica Beil setts down with the rock (5)[B]B+[/B] Goldberg storms onto the set and demands to know when he'll get his interview time Match Seven (18)[B]A*[/B] [B]Vin Diesel[/B] over DDP with the help of NBC (3)[B]B+[/B] NBC and Madness with DDP brawl to the back. (3)[B]B+[/B] Vin picks up a microphone but gets slammed with a chair by Wesley snipes as we go off the air. Show Rating: [B]B[/B] attendance: [B]15,000[/B] (sold out) fast overnights: [B]47.85[/B]
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  • 4 weeks later...
[SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]Fan prediction results:
[/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR="DarkRed"]OOC: It's been a long wait, but i really do have at least 3 more show i want to run before i am at a point i would feel comfortable with the effort i made with this diary. and hopefully doing those three will give me ideas for something else, I'm considering trying to negotiate for a 1 hour program, and working in the end of the writers strike. that would allow me to finish each show more quickly and thus make this not such a major undertaking along with working on [URL="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=30250"]Soapland[/URL] and the diary i've really come to enjoy writing, What Happens in [URL="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=30325"]Vegas, stays in Vegas![/URL] oh and how do you like the new avatar, it's a recreation of something i did along time ago but lost, boys and girls back up your data![/COLOR]
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[SIZE="3"][FONT="Century Gothic"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][CENTER][B]Costas on the Radio: Sunday, March 14th, 2008[/B] Photobucket[/CENTER] Sports fans it feels like forever, how long can one week be? Baseball preseason is in full swing, March madness is upon us and Hockey and Basketball playoff are right around the corner. But before we get into all that we need to talk about Professional wrestling. Last night it was insinuated that my Restored Order may not have the iron grip on NBC wrestling that I claim. Well Ladies and Gentlemen I invite you to tune in next Saturday night and witness what a safe environment my new found Order has engendered. Look for the following match ups to take place… [/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] Vampiro vs Ted Hart(C) vs Montel Brown vs Cruzz for the PP tv title Genuine Talent vs Perry Saturn & Aaron Agulera R5: Mark Jindrack vs Hulk Hogan vs Bret Hart R6: DDP vs Wes snipes vs Raven NBC(C) vs Madness for the tag titles Vin Diesel vs The Rock Goldberg(C) vs Test for the world title
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Vampiro vs [B]Ted Hart(C[/B]) vs Montel Brown vs Cruzz for the PP tv title [B]Genuine Talent[/B] vs Perry Saturn & Aaron Agulera R5: Mark Jindrack vs Hulk Hogan vs [B]Bret Hart[/B] R6: DDP vs Wes snipes vs [B]Raven[/B] [B]NBC(C)[/B] vs Madness for the tag titles Vin Diesel vs [B]The Rock[/B] [B]Goldberg(C)[/B] vs Test for the world title
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Dse81, thank you as always for your predictions. Get your predictions in now, the next show goes up at ~ 12:00 EST do you think i should deal wit the fact the writers strike ended at the end of march? or should i forget reality, and keep writing as if it continued on? Thank you as always for stopping in and taking a look.
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Vampiro vs Ted Hart(C) vs [B]Montel Brown[/B] vs Cruzz for the PP tv title [B]Genuine Talent[/B] vs Perry Saturn & Aaron Agulera R5: Mark Jindrak vs Hulk Hogan vs [B]Bret Hart[/B] R6: DDP vs Wes snipes vs [B]Raven[/B] [B]NBC(C)[/B] vs Madness for the tag titles Vin Diesel vs [B]The Rock[/B] [B]Goldberg(C)[/B] vs Test for the world title
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[size="3"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][FONT="Century Gothic"][CENTER][B]Saturday March 20th, 2008[/B] Photobucket [B]Presents: Pressure Point [/B][/CENTER] [LEFT] [B]Hour 1:[/B] Photobucket Ladies and Gentleman, Live from Studio 5 in Los Angels California, in front of a crowd of more than 24,500 screaming fans, I’m Bob Costas, Good evening. I just want to remind you that your safety tonight is guaranteed by the Restored Order. That being said I am excited, as we move into the final night of qualifying for the number one contenders match, to see who will get a shot at the World Title at Ground Zero. As well Tonight NBC will get a chance to try and straighten out two out of the three members of Madness inc in a non-title tag team Match up. Let me assure all of you that as long as I am in control, My will and My enforcers will carry out my wishes. And my wish tonight is for everything to run smoothly. [B](B+)[/B]
[INDENT] Our Announce team: Chuck Norris and Terry Bradshaw ChuckNorris Photobucket [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen”[/COLOR] Chuck is just setting down, a napkin is tucked into his shirt and he has a barbeque stain on his cheek. [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Chuck where have you been.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “What the hell is spring forward?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “The opposite of fall back.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “When did that start?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “… folks lets go back to Ben Jordan talking to Ted Hart.”[/COLOR] (Terry just hangs his head)[/INDENT] [INDENT] Photobucket [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]I’m Ben Jordan and standing with me tonight is the Pressure Point television title holder, um … (fumbles with his cards)… um.[/COLOR] Ben, didn’t we do this last week? I’m Ted Hart, Learn it, Live it, Love it. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Well, ok then, Mr Hart you requested this time.[/COLOR] Bret, look man I respect what you’re trying to do, but tonight, just this once let me prove to fans, to management and to the other wrestlers I not only earned this title but I deserve this title. Because Bret I’m a real man, I can not only talk the talk, I can walk the walk. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Well there you have it folks, the thoughts of a real man.[/COLOR] [B](C+)[/B][/INDENT]
[CENTER][B]Ted Hart over Vampiro and Montel Brown and Cruzz to retain the PP tv title in 8:01 (C)[/B] Photobucket vs Photobucket vs Photobucket vs Photobucket[/CENTER] Ted made his way to the ring, the other three were already waiting for him. As the title holder Ted had a target on his back and the other three took turns trading blows with him, but as no one named Kanyon or D’lo were in the match, it eventually evened out, mostly power moves as the three challengers are all large than Ted. It ended cleanly after Montel had taken out Cruzz and Vampiro with the Grid Iron Way, he walked into a Hart Attack, and tapped out to a Sharp shooter from Ted Hart. Photobucket As Montel Brown pulls himself off of the mat, Goldberg slides into the ring, the two appear to trade words. Montel looks offended and Goldberg shoves him, Montel looks shocked, which is whipped off his face by surprise as Goldberg nails him with a standing spear, delivers the Jackhammer and then rolls out of the ring dusting off his hands. [B](B+)[/B]
[CENTER][B]Genuine Talent over Perry Saturn & Aaron Agulera due to miscommunication in 9:47 (C+)[/B] PhotobucketPhotobucket vs PhotobucketPhotobucket[/CENTER] Ken Shamrock started out in the ring with Aaron Agulera, and though double A had the height advantage, he just couldn’t match Ken’s intensity and made the diving tag to Perry Saturn. Saturn brought the match even again and both me end up trading out. Terkay and Agulera tied it up and it became a down hill spiral as ever time double A was in the ring, he dug the hole a little deeper eventually Saturn couldn’t rescue him and Genuine Talent picked up the pin fall. [INDENT][COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “So let me get this right, Hulk Hogan, Bret Hart and Test are going to have a match at 7:40? That’s before the show starts.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “No”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “So Wesley Snipes, Diamond Dallas Paige and Raven are going to?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Chuck its spring forward, stop subtracting an hour from all of the times on the schedule.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “I’ve decided I’m from Oregon and I’m not observing Daylight savings time.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry : “…”[/COLOR] (to himself terry thinks Chuck Norris can bend time, but how far can he bend it before he breaks it?) [B](B+)(B)[/B][/INDENT] [INDENT]Photobucket Back Stage Test corners Bob Costas. Test: “We need to talk, I want to cash in the favor you owe me, for those false accusations.” [COLOR="DarkRed"]Costas: “I don’t owe you a thing.”[/COLOR] Test: “Well you’re going to let me out of tonight’s round robin and give me a shot at the title instead.” [COLOR="DarkRed"]Costas: (scratches his chin in thought) “Your going to owe me after this, but you’ve got Goldberg in the main event tonight. And Mark Jindrak can have your spot in the tournament” [/COLOR][B](B+)[/B][/INDENT]
[CENTER][B]Hulk Hogan over Bret Hart and Mark Jindrak in 12:02 (C+)[/B] Photobucket vs Photobucket vs Photobucket[/CENTER] Bret Hart showed more heart than usual, but Mark Jindrack made both older men look bad, dragging down the importance of this match. Hogan and Hart sold well, but their deficiencies stood out next to the younger man. Hart locked in the sharp shooter to neutralize Mark, but a big boot from Hogan put him down for the count, as Hogan picks up his second bid into the round robin finals. [/left][/font][/color][/size] [SIZE="3"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][FONT="Century Gothic"] [B]Hour 2:[/B] [INDENT]Photobucket Photobucket We are back stage in the softly feminine office of Jessica Beil. [COLOR="Teal"]Beil: Good evening, my guest tonight is the only wrestler willing to kick ass, but ignore taking the names, ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin.[/COLOR] Austin: “I don’t take names, because I don’t have friends, and I don’t have friends, because they’ll just stab you in the back. But for you pretty lady I might make and exception.” [COLOR="Teal"]Beil: (blushing) “Mr Austin are you ready to face the Legend that is Hulk Hogan at Ground Zero.”[/COLOR] Austin: “Let me tell you something about that Geriatric collection of red and yellow dust… Bret hart storms the scene and cracks a chair of Austin’s head “Did you forget about me?” security swarms in and pulls the two apart as Jessica flees the set. [B](B+)[/B][/INDENT] Ted Dibiase comes to the top of the ramp, “I brought the only real tag team, I lobbied for the tag division and then I wrote the check. And now my boys aren’t even being given the respect they deserve! Well I’m here as both their manager and agent to let NBC wrestling know the million dollar duo are on strike until they get another shot at the tag team titles!” [B](C)[/B] [CENTER][B] Wesley Snipes over DDP and Raven in 11:52 (B+)[/B] Photobucket vs Photobucket vs Photobucket[/CENTER] In a surprising turn of events madness inc did not storm the ring and take control of this match, DDP and Raven where content to beat the living day lights out of one another with out their help. In the end Snipes dealt out a pair of blade clothes lines and picked up the pin fall on a battered Paige. The camera is peering around the corner as Orlando Jordan is talking to some one “Yeah, that’ll sell” … “but the guys won’t like that you want me to do it.” The camera comes the rest of the way around the corner, but it’s not Terkay, Shamrock or Test. Orlando Jordan has been talking to RVD who immediately spots the camera, shakes Jordan’s hand and walks off. [B](D+) [/B] [INDENT][COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “Terry the moe guy is talking in my ear again.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “indeed fans let’s go back stage.”[/COLOR][/INDENT] Photobucket Diamond Dallas Paige has kicked in Vin Diesel’s dressing room door. DDP catches Vin off guard and drills him through a service table with a Daimond Cutter. He then crushes him with the couch he’d been sitting on, and takes the potted plant and puts it through the 57” RCA flat screen hanging on the wall. [B](B+) [/B]
[CENTER][B]NBC over Madness for the Tag titles by Dq in 12:30 (C+)[/B] PhotobucketPhotobucket vs PhotobucketPhotobucket[/CENTER] Sid and Macho took control of this match early and The Giant Sappling and Brock Just could not hang. But every time Madness made the cover the Referee would only count to 2. Finally out of frustration Sid went and got two chairs, and Madness laid into the New Breed of Champion, allowing the referee to call for the bell and disqualify Madness Inc. How ever the bell did not stop the beat down, in fact DDP joined them in the ring, pursued by 20 security guards. Madness Inc. left all 23 men (NBC, the Ref and 20 security guards) laid out in the ring, as they fled the actual cops making their way to the ring, by fleeing through the crowd, but not before taking the time to grab the tag team titles. [B](B+)[/B] [INDENT]Photobucket Back Stage Bob Costas, is hurrying from his office trying to make his way out to the ring, when Ken Shamrock and Sylvester Terkay step into his path. Shamrock:“Bob I don’t know if you saw our match tonight, but we are Genuine Talent, and we want a shot at tag team gold! [COLOR="DarkRed"]Costas: “Fine, fine what ever, I need to get out to the ring.”[/COLOR] Terkay: “So we’ve got our match?” [COLOR="DarkRed"]Costas: “What? Oh, no. No, you’ve got a three team match at ground zero with Ego and Revival, the winners will get a shot at the gold the next night on Pressure Point. (his eyes finally focus on the two men) Now get the hell out of my way before I change my mind!”[/COLOR] Shamrock and Terkay flatten themselves against the hallway walls. [B](B+)[/B][/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “Now let me get this straight it’s now almost 10:00”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “That’s right, and almost time for Goldberg to face Test.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Chuck: “Ok! I’ve got it, we’re giving out mountain standard time, instead of Pacific Standard.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Terry: “Forget it Chuck, just get ready for Vin Diesel to take on The Rock.”[/COLOR] (Terry just stares into the distance) [B](B+) (B+)[/B][/INDENT] [/font][/color][/size] [SIZE="3"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][FONT="Century Gothic"] [B]Hour 3:[/B] NBC make their way to ring side, and take seats next to the announce table to a chorus of boos form the crowd that they happily ignore. [B](B+) [/B] Bob Costas is right on their Heels, Vin Diesel with a bandage oh his head, but looking no worse for wear, right at his side. “First off, Madness Inc. when you set foot in this arena next week, I will have a surprise waiting for you. No one and I mean no one disrespects the Restored Order and gets away with it. Next, Rock I don’t want you getting two comfortable waiting for your round robin match next week, so to make sure you understand who’s in control around here, you’ve got a match with Vin right her right now. [B](B+)[/B] [CENTER][B]Vin Diesel over The Rock with help from NBC in 15:28 (B+)[/B] Photobucket vs Photobucket[/CENTER] If you were under any delusion that this was actually a one on one match up, let me dispel it. NBC interfered freely, and there was clearly nothing the referee could do about it. The Rock to his credit gave as good as he got for a solid ten minutes before the numbers game took its toll. Vin finished off Rocky with a pitch black DDT, followed by a three count. After the bell rang, The Restored Order continued their assault on the Rock. Montel dashed down to the ring to help, Goldberg making his way more deliberately. Montel was pounded into the mat by The Restored Order (TRO), and it was not until Goldberg Popped into the ring and dealt out spears, that the beat down from Diesel, Lesnar and Sapp ended. With out checking on either of his fellow member of the Grid Iron Way Goldberg rolled from the ring and made his way back up the ramp. [B](B+)[/B] [INDENT] Photobucket [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]“I’m Ben Jordan and joining me now just moments before his match is Andrew “Test” Martin.”[/COLOR] “Ben, shut your mouth and listen. Goldberg, I’m coming for that title, and with Rocky and Monty going out of here with the EMTs you’re all alone, so I like my chances of walking out of here the NBC World Heavy Weight Champion.” [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]“Folks there you have it straight from the horse’s mouth.” [/COLOR][B](B+)[/B][/INDENT]
[INDENT] PhotobucketPhotobucketWe are back in Jessica Beil’s office, this time she is setting with the red and yellow legend. [COLOR="Teal"]Beil: “Good evening Mr. Hogan, are you ready to face Stone Cold at Ground Zero?”[/COLOR] Hogan: “Well firstly, that match is only if I loose the round robin finals next week, and Sister you know that’s not going to happen. But Ready? No, ready was two weeks ago I’m chomping at the bit and rearing to kick some rattle snake tail.” [COLOR="Teal"]Beil: “How do you respond to Austin’s assertion that you are a ‘geriatric’ wrestler”[/COLOR] Hogan: “I’ll I’ve got to say to that is ‘Brother what ya gonna do when the red and yellow runs… Bret hart once again floors Jessica’s guest with a chair, and must be pulled off by security. He is pulled from the room still screaming “Did you forget about me!” [B](B+)[/B][/INDENT] [center][B]Goldberg over Test to retain the World Heavy Weight Title in 16:22 (A*)[/B] Photobucket vs Photobucket[/center] This match was 16 minutes worth of highlight real footage. Test and Goldberg started with a test of strength that neither man could get the upper hand in. Goldberg then whipped Test off to the ropes, but telegraphed the back body drop and caught a missile drop kick to the chin instead. Goldberg Battled back and nailed Test with the spear, but Test managed to escape from the Jack Hammer and set Goldberg up for the Test-osterone drive. Only to have Goldberg kick out an 2 and 9/10ths. Test of course got mad and argued with the referee, but paid enough attention to side step Goldberg’s second spear. The referee how ever was not as fortunate and caught it full on, this unfortunately meant there was no ref to count Test’s second Test-osterone inspired pin attempt. A second referee ran down from the back, slid into the ring , just to once again have Goldberg escape by the hair on his chin at 2 and 9/10ths. Goldberg rallied back and hit the spear and jackhammer to pick up the pin count victory. Despite the two near falls, Goldberg takes his title and tours the ring belts, playing to the fans, and emphasizing his hard fought victory. [B](B+)[/B] [B]attendance:24,501 rating:B+ viewers:49.48[/B] [/font][/color][/size] [B]Recap: Hour 1:[/B] (3)[B]B+[/B] Bob Costas intro (3)[B]C+[/B] Ted Hart comes out before the match and makes a heart felt plea for Bret not to get involved [B]Match one[/B] (12)[B]C[/B] [B]Ted Hart[/B] over Vampiro and Montel Brown and Cruzz to retain the PP tv title (5)[B]B+[/B] Goldberg storms the ring and stomps a mud hole in monty for loosing the match [B]Match two[/B] (12)[B]C+[/B] [B]Genuine Talen[/B]t over Perry Saturn & Aaron Agulera due to miscomunication (3)[B]B+[/B] anouncers hype hogan, hart, test (3)[B]B [/B] anouncers hype snipes, page, raven (4)[B]B+[/B] Test wants to cash in on his false accusation, he wants a title match here tonight. mark J will take his place in the round robin [B]Match three: R5[/B] (15)[B]C+[/B] [B]Hulk Hogan[/B] over Bret Hart and Mark Jindrak [B] Hour 2:[/B] (5)[B]B+[/B] Jessica Beil sits down with Stone Cold to talk about his match at ground zero with Hulk Hogan Bret Hart comes in and floors stone cold (3)[B]C[/B] Ted Dibiase comes out and apologizes that the Million Dollar duo aren't here, there on strike until the are give another shot at the tag team gold. [B]Match four: R6[/B] (15)[B]B+[/B] Wesley Snipes over DDP and Raven (3)[B]D+[/B] Ben Jordan catches Orlando Jordan talking to RVD, the two quickly hurry away (5)[B]B+[/B] Paige burst into Vins dressing room and destroys Vin and everything in the dressing room. [B]Match five[/B] (15)[B]C+[/B] [B]NBC[/B] over Madness for the Tag titles by Dq (5)[B]B+[/B] Madness inc, destroys NBC and the 20 staff and security that pour from the back, they then exit through the crowd as police come down the ramp. taking the title belts with them (3)[B]B+[/B] Shamrock and Terkay corner Costas trying to make his way out to the ring and demand a tag title shot. (3)[B]B+[/B] Announcers hype Vin vs Rock (3)[B]B+[/B] Announcers hype goldberg vs Test [B]Hour 3:[/B] (3)[B]B+[/B] Nbc comes down and takes seats beside the announce table (5)B+ Bob costas comes out and tells the rock to get out here he doesn't have the night off [B]Match six[/B] (18)[B]B+[/B] Vin Diesel over The Rock with help from NBC (5)[B]B+[/B] After the match the restored order begins to take apart the rock, Montel and Goldberg dive into the ring, but golberg clearly does not have his heart in the save. (3)[B]B+[/B] Test tells Ben Jordan he's on the way to the ring to become world champ (5)[B]B+[/B] Jessica Beil sets down with Hulk Hogan and Bret comes in again and lays out Hogan. [B]Match seven[/B] (18)[B]A*[/B] Goldberg over Test to retain the World Heavy Weight Title (barely) (3)[B]B+[/B] Goldberg storms the ring screaming who's next [B] attendance:24,501 rating:B+ viewers:49.48[/B]
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