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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.greydogsoftware.com/images/tew.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] I thought this would be a good idea to help people with updating there rosters and also help Mod Makers. Just post any signings, releases, ect. here. Also if you have any created workers not in the game post them here as well. [U]Created Workers[/U] Angela Fong ~ FCW Tyrone Evans ~ FCW Allison Wonderland ~ ROH Blaine Barrett ~ GBW CORE ~ GBW JT Roberts ~ GBW Ron Wake ~ GBW The Fan ~ GBW Simon Ryme ~ GBW Marty Lurie ~ NWA Dale Gagne ~ AWA Floyd Mayweather Jr ~ WWE [U]Created Promotions[/U] Ground Breaking Wrestling Pro Wrestling Alliance Naked Womens Wrestling League Brew City Wrestling [U]Updates[/U] Trenesha ~ TNA Paul Burchill ~ FCW -->Raw Katie Lee ~ FCW --> Raw Big Show ~ WWE --> Smackdown [U]Injuries[/U] Abyss ~ TNA ~ Off Air ~ 4 Weeks Rey Mysterio ~ WWE ~ Torn Bicep ~ Length Unknown
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[QUOTE=JamIcon1983;371042]WWE Signs Tyrone "The Panther" Evans to FCW WWE Signs Angela Fong to FCW Both need created, I usually copy an existing worker to make new ones. Any ideas on who to copy for these two. Havent heard of Fong but I'm semi-familiar with Evans.[/QUOTE] As far I as know, Fong is a model with no experience. So you can basically copy Brooke Adams/Kelly Kelly/Victoria Crawford's stats. She was scouted at a beauty pagent in Las Vegas so I highly doubt she's actually wrestled before. I'm not sure if she's in your game but Lena Yada might be a good person to copy for Fong too.
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For Tyrone Evans after watching some videos of him I was thinking of using Charles The Hammer Evans, another WWE developmental wrestler. Let me know what you guys think. Also Allison Wonderland needs created. She's part of the Age of the Fall. I used Lacey as a base to go off of.
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[QUOTE=JamIcon1983;371076]Trenesha Biggers Signed By TNA She was part of the WWE Diva Search. She's 6'2" and was part of Against All Odds.[/QUOTE] Are we sure she was signed and this isn't another one of those great TNA 1-2 show appearences and out?
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She is signed. She is a TNA Knockout and will be Scott Steiners valet. Also I am going to be adding a Promotion and posting it here. Ground Breaking Wrestling which is located less than an hour from where I live. Also will be adding some of there talent. Some are already in the game.
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[B]Ground Breaking Wrestling[/B] ~Copy Maryland Championship Wrestling~ Opened: 2003 Prestige: 5% Money: $100,000 Popularity: Tri State (8%) US (1%) Others (0%) Ground Breaking Wrestling is a independent wrestling promotion based in Hanover, Pennsylvania. 1vs1 80% 2vs2 20% Match Ratio 80% Minor Match: 5 Medium Match: 10 Main Match: 15 Intensity: 20 Danger: 30 Womens Wrestling: None T&A: None Face/Heel: None Product Appeal: M,K,L,VL,N,L,N,N,L,N,N,N Roster (In Game) Greg Excellence Ruckus Derek Frazier Roster (Need Created) Blaine Barrett Core JT Roberts Ron Wake Simon Ryme Ian Cross Belts GBW Heavyweight GBW Breaker GBW Tag Team Logo [IMG]http://i254.photobucket.com/albums/hh114/JamIcon1983/GBW.jpg[/IMG]
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[QUOTE=JamIcon1983;371400][B]Ground Breaking Wrestling[/B] ~Copy Maryland Championship Wrestling~ Opened: 2003 Prestige: 5% Money: $100,000 Popularity: Tri State (10%) US (3%) Others (0%) Ground Breaking Wrestling is a independent wrestling promotion based in Hanover, Pennsylvania. Roster (In Game) Greg Excellence Ruckus Derek Frazier [/quote] How can this promotion be 3% in the US? Specially if it is only 10% of the Tri-State area. I am not in the Tri-State area and I have never heard of this promotion. I believe as a local fan your %s are curving. :D
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[B]Blaine Barrett[/B] ~Copy Derek Frazier~ DOB: Unknown (22 y/o?) Styles: Regular Wrestler Size: Middleweight Gimmick: Rich Sucka Finisher: The Prep-handle Bomb Popularity: Tri State (18%) Others (0%) Blaine has a lot to offer the wrestling world. From his ability to crumble opponents with the mic. and his innovative style in the ring, Blaine looks to make a big impact. Contracts Ground Breaking Wrestling (Current GBW Champion) Notes Defeated Derek Frazier to become GBW Champion on July 28, 2007 - GBW Saturday Night Xtreme. [IMG]http://i254.photobucket.com/albums/hh114/JamIcon1983/TEW%20Cuts/BlaineBarrett.jpg[/IMG]
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[B]CORE[/B] ~Copy Ruckus~ DOB: 23 y/o Style: Psychopath Size: Heavyweight Gimmick: Extremist Finishers: World Coming Down & Tower Driver Popularity: Tri State (15%) Others (0%) Much of his childhood is unknown as he's unwilling to discuss it. Apparent anger management issues along with a possible harsh upbrining seem to be evident. There's only rumor and speculation as to what's happened in his life .One of his only possesions a page from a book with the following sentence highlighted: "Man has more to fear than death" - Dracula Contracts Ground Breaking Wrestling Notes Part of Team Ego with JT Roberts [IMG]http://i254.photobucket.com/albums/hh114/JamIcon1983/TEW%20Cuts/CORE.jpg[/IMG]
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[B]"Showtime" JT Roberts[/B] ~Copy Derek Frazier~ DOB: 25 y/o Style: Cruiserweight Size: Lightweight Gimmick: Egomaniac Finishers: Super Kick Popularity: Tri State (16%) Others (0%) Roberts began his career as one of the more popular wrestlers in GBW. He has held the GBW Championship as well as the Breaker Championship. Roberts left GBW to face personal legal issues which he was facing prison time over. He would return shortly thereafter. Contracts Ground Breaking Wrestling Notes Part of Team Ego with CORE [IMG]http://i254.photobucket.com/albums/hh114/JamIcon1983/TEW%20Cuts/JTRoberts.jpg[/IMG]
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[B]Ron Wake[/B] ~Copy Greg Excellence~ DOB: 24 y/o Style: Regular Size: Heavyweight Gimmick: Frat Boy Finishers: Wake-bomb & Tidal Clothesline Popularity: Tri State (12%) Others (0%) Ron Wake is a worker from the Maryland area working most frequently for GBW. Contracts Ground Breaking Wrestling [IMG]http://i254.photobucket.com/albums/hh114/JamIcon1983/TEW%20Cuts/RonnieWake.jpg[/IMG]
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