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Best TEW game of the series?


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So what is your favorite TEW game of the series, I would like to think the most obvious answer would be the most recent version. Only reason I started this thread was because I strongly think that TEW 04 was (to me) by far the best in the series. I just loved that game sooooo much and it seems like there were so many other things you could do with it. Training camps, workers didn't just appear from no where and have to wrestle to be trained, they came from your training camps and stayed there to learn for a year from trainers you assigned. The workers felt alive with booking team comments and road agents with all the questions you could ask them. And a percentage was used instead of the letters for talent rating. And everything with the roster was done from one page. Just seemed like it was so much more of a sturdy game and just amazing all together. I still prefer it to this day. But what do you guys think, I'm interested to know?
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EWR was simply put amazing. It was the best advertising Adam could have ever done. That game hasn't been updated since what 02 or 03 and people still play it. Sure its not anywhere near as intense as TEW but the game stands alone as amazing, free fun. There is so much, and so many things you can do. TEW 04 again was just great. So many features I miss from this series, I'd stay up all night playing it, then again nothing like that, nothing that intense, that in depth had ever been done before. It was like a 100 EWR's rolled into one. I took forever just to get the hang of it let alone master it. TEW 05 I didn't get, I played the demo, played it on a friends computer SEVERAL times, I just couldn't get into it, maybe it was the transition between 04 and 07. We saw some features lost, we saw grading done differently, it really was a brand new game, I just didn't care for it. 07 I've had since the day it came out and I still love it. Its obviously the best. I'm not completely sold on 08 yet. Adam hasn't dropped that one feature (what knows what it is or if he has it) that will make me go I *HAVE* to get this game. National Battle seems neat and I like the Chemistry Archives but so far its not enough for me to want to buy the game. He's only given us ten updates, with ninety more to go I'm sure something will change this opinion.
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