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NEO: Giving Back (C-Verse)

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Night Five Quarterfinals: [B]Raphael [/B]vs. Velocidad-[I]You are giving him push as a singles guy, and Velocidad is successful as a tag teamer.[/I] [B]Cal Sanders[/B] vs. Thomas Morgan - Spot vs. Banning-[I]If this is about young guys he will win![/I] [B]Dazzling Dave Diamond[/B] vs. Jerry Martin-[I]Why would Jerry win?[/I] Frankie Dee vs. [B]Kashmir Singh[/B]-[I]I am all about the Ka$h...do I smell a gimmack?[/I] Night Six Quarterfinals: Frankie Dee vs. Thomas Morgan/[B]Cal Sanders[/B]-[I]Best in the (North American Indy) world![/I] Christian Price & Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. [B]Jerry Martin & Titan[/B]-[I]This one was hard to pick. I went with Titan thinking Price will take the fall.[/I] [B]The Dark Ones[/B] vs. I.W.C-[I]I am calling it now-Evil Spirit is Chuck Taylor in a mask![/I] Kashmir Singh vs. [B]Nomad[/B]-[I]I don't think the Indian has enough Ka$h to buy a win here.[/I]
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... [quote][center] [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NEO_banner.png[/IMG] [/center] [FONT="Arial Narrow"][size=3] [center][b]Special Announcements From NEO Championship Wrestling[/b][/center] Night six of the Genesis Tour, scheduled for Thursday, Week 3, 2007 will be moved one day later to Friday, Week 3, 2007. The reason for this change is to accommodate for booking conflicts with the CGC Elimination PPV. Christian Price and CGC’s newest signing, Jerry Martin, are rumored to be participating in the Canadian promotion’s event and we wish them the best of luck. [/quote][/size][/FONT]
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[b][center] [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/Genesis_banner.png[/IMG] NEO Genesis Tour: Night Five Tuesday, Week 3, February 2007 5 people @ Ohio Jewish Center[/center][/b] [b][center] [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NEO/FrankieDee.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NEO/KashmirSingh.jpg[/IMG] Frankie Dee vs. Kashmir Singh[/b] [/center] Nothing beats seeing the first match of the night set a new standard in terms of quality. Especially when it comes from two wrestlers that the Great Lakes fan base really don’t know about. Regarding the match itself, it was a fun opener featuring the martial arts influenced style of Frankie Dee against Kashmir Singh’s American based offense. While each man had a chance to put the other away, it was Dee getting a victory with a well placed Shinanju Kick. [i]Frankie Dee defeated Kashmir Singh in 8:32 by pinfall[/i] [b]Rating: E+[/b] After the match, James Heatly catches up to the victorious Frankie Dee who had these words to say [color=darkgrey]“Morgan. Tonight you have witnessed a preview of what will happen three days from now. The pain I inflicted on Kashmir Singh is nothing to the pain I will inflict on you. On Friday, when your back is on the mat and you are seeing stars, just remember…you have been judged.”[/color] [b]Rating: E-[/b] Jerry Martin comes out to the ring and starts berating the fans. He tells them that Dazzling Dave Diamond isn’t going to come out because he’s afraid he’d lose. This brings out Triple D from the back, foregoing his entrance music. [b]Rating: E+[/b] [b][center] [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NEO/DazzlingDaveDiamond.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NEO/JerryMartin.jpg[/IMG] Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Jerry Martin[/b] [/center] This match might have gone on longer if Jerry Martin was actually looking towards the entrance during his rant. However, at the time Triple D stormed from the back Martin was telling a pleasantly plumped fan just how much fat slob he was at the time. It didn’t take long after Diamond Dave “surprised” Jerry for Martin to be seeing lights after receiving the Dazzle Driver. In reality, I needed to save time for the next two matches and didn’t want to totally bury Jerry Martin. [i]Dazzling Dave Diamond defeated Jerry Martin in 3:56 by pinfall[/i] [b]Rating: E[/b] Thomas Morgan is backstage with a serious look on his face. He says that Cal Sanders better bring his A-game tonight because that what it is going to take to beat him tonight. [b]Rating: E+[/b] [b][center] [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NEO/CalSanders.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NEO/ThomasMorgan.jpg[/IMG] Cal Sanders vs. Thomas Morgan[/b] [/center] I was kind of worried that I was over doing Sanders vs. Morgan, but from the looks of this match I was wrong. The crowd was clearly into it and, with Morgan being more aggressive than their first two matches; the match had a different feel to it. The ending saw Cal Sanders take a questionable loss after getting pinned with his feet under the bottom rope. Ropes or no ropes, Cal Sanders will be banned from the building during Night Six and Thomas Morgan will face Frankie Dee in the Quarter Finals. [i]Thomas Morgan defeated Cal Sanders in 11:52 by pinfall[/i] [b]Rating: E+[/b] Raphael is alone in the backstage locker room. [color=darkred]“Tonight I face an opponent who could be the fastest wrestler in the world. But Velocidad, wrestling isn’t a race, it’s an art form. And there is no one greater in the art of wrestling than The Artiste himself, Raphael.”[/color] After Raphael’s promo, Sienna DeVille comes up to Raphael and asks if he has a moment. The two leave. [b]Rating: E+[/b] [b][center][IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NEO/Raphael.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NEO/Velocidad.jpg[/IMG] Quarter Finals: Raphael vs. Velocidad[/b][/center] Just when I thought the day couldn’t get any better, Raphael and Velocidad go out and put on the best match in NEO’s young history. Velocidad took advantage of the match early with his speed, however the crafty Raphael was able to ground the luchador with his superior ground game (and just a [i]few[/i] underhanded tactics). Even grounded, Velocidad was able to get a good amount of offense, enough offense to make Raphael roll to the outside of the ring for a breezer. Velocidad wasn’t going to let Raphael catch his breath and took to the air, hitting a planca on an un-expecting Raphael. After both men made it back into the ring to make the ten count, Raphael was able to lock in the Poetic Justice submission. Velocidad almost was able to make it to the ropes, but the pain was just too much. [i]Raphael defeated Velocidad in 15:25 by submission[/i] [b]Rating: D-[/b] [center][size=4][b]Overall Rating: E+[/b][/center][/size]
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[b][center] [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/Genesis_banner.png[/IMG] NEO Genesis Tour: Night Six Friday, Week 3, February 2007 5 people at Ohio Jewish Center[/center][/b] [b][center][IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NEO/DazzlingDaveDiamond.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NEO/KashmirSingh.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NEO/JerryMartin.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NEO/Titan.jpg[/IMG] Dazzling Dave Diamond & Kashmir Singh vs. Jerry Martin & Titan[/b][/center] After the last show's opener it was almost a given that this one was going to look poor in comparison. That said, I'm not sure if there was a lack of chemistry (and if there was, it wasn't bad enough to warrant a note), but I thought the match could have been a bit better. Triple D looked very strong, giving a good beating to Jerry Martin and matching Titan blow for blow. Kashmir Singh was also impressive, but because of the unfortunate fact that Singh was a last minute replace, he was unprepared to counter the Titanic Choke Slam. [i]Jerry Martin and Titan defeated Dazzling Dave Diamond and Kashmir Singh in 9:43 when Titan pinned Kashmir Singh[/i] [b]Rating: E-[/b] Back in the locker room, Nomad tries to cut a promo about how dancing is a waste of time that could be better spent on solving the world's problem. Or at least that was what he wanted to say, as Tempest Appleby was constantly getting in the way with, what else, his dancing. This causes Nomad to lose his control and attack the dancing fool, bringing him out to the ring to start their match. [b]Rating: E-[/b] [b][center][IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NEO/Nomad.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NEO/TempestAppleby.jpg[/IMG] Nomad vs. Tempest Appleby[/b][/center] If I had to do things over again, I think I would have given this match more time. I couldn't really move it up or now the card without having back to back tag matches, but I definitely could have let these two battle it out longer than they did. Back to the match. Nomad was able to take control of the match early, which isn't that surprising considering he dragged Tempest Appleby to the ring. Appleby was able to recover and make it a match, but a mistimed crossbody gave Nomad enough time to hit the Drift Shift for the win. [i]Nomad defeated Tempest Appleby in 7:50[/i] [b]Rating: E+[/b] In our first video package, we see a Frankie Dee training montage. I'm not sure if the fans were impressed with Dee's martial arts, but I'm pretty sure every cement block and wooden board in a 100 mile radius have pissed their pants after watching Frankie's power, or they would have if they could feel fear, urinate, and/or see. [b]Rating: E+[/b] [b][center][IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NEO/DeCipher.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NEO/EvilSpirit.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NEO/BenWilliams.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NEO/MarkSmart.jpg[/IMG] The Dark Ones vs. The Internet Wrestling Connection[/b][/center] Before summarizing the match, I have to chastise Tigerkinney. Shame on you sir for calling these men jobbers, when they are clearly midcarders. Ok, three of them are clearly midcarders and one is Ben Williams, but the fact remains that because of your name calling, Evil Spirit, couldn't think straight and was off his game. And it was because Spirit was off his game that Mark Smart was able to pin Evil Spirit. I hope you are happy. [i]Internet Wrestling Connection defeated The Dark Ones in 5:57 when Mark Smart pinned Evil Spirit[/i] [b]Rating: E-[/b] After the match, The Dark Ones jumped the Internet Wrestling Connection. As impressive as the beatdown was, I was more impressed with the fact that they were able to antagonize a couple of kids while attacking Ben and Mark. [b]Ratings: D-[/b] Thomas Morgan is interviewed backstage by James Heatly [color=sienna]"Frankie Dee, you say that you are going to inflict pain on me. Well, that's just fine. I'd expect nothing less from a man with your background. That said, I'm going to tell you a secret, wrestling isn't about inflicting the most pain, it's about inflicting the right amount of pain at the right time. The quicker you learn that, the better off you'll be in this business."[/color] [b]Rating: D-[/b] [b][center][IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NEO/FrankieDee.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NEO/ThomasMorgan.jpg[/IMG] Frankie Dee vs. Thomas Morgan[/b][/center] Compared to night five, tonight's undercard left something to be desired. The same could not be said for the main event. Dee/Morgan was just as good, if not better than the match Velocidad and Raphael had three nights ago and pretty much saved tonight's card. This match saw some nice back and forth action between the two competitors. Morgan tried to get in close and take advantage with his superior wrestling ability, while Dee tried to keep Morgan away with strikes. Unfortunately for Frankie Dee, during one of Dee's striking attempts Thomas Morgan was able to catch one of Frankie Dee legs. Knowing that this is the opportunity Morgan was waiting for, Dee tried to pull off an enzuguri. The veteran Morgan was able to duck the enzuguri, twist his body around, and applied his signature submission, the Canadian Cloverleaf in the center of the ring. With no where to go, Dee had no other option but to submit to Morgan. [i]Thomas Morgan defeated Frankie Dee in 15:35 by submission[/i] [b]Rating: D-[/b] [center][size=4][b]Rating Overall: E+[/b][/size][/center] [quote]For those wondering what happened to Christian Price, the young Canadian somehow wasn't able to make it to the show it time. This is a little wonky considering Jerry Martin was able to make it. Meh.[/quote]
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[quote][center] [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NEO_banner.png[/IMG] [/center] [FONT="Arial Narrow"][size=3] [center][b]Welcome to NEO Championship Wrestling[/b][/center] With only one week away from Crowning a Champion, NEO brings to you another week of exciting in-ring action! Main eventing both shows will be the NEO Championship Tournament semi-final matches. The first semi-final match takes place on Tuesday when Dazzling Dave Diamond takes on Titan. Both men have been dominant during their short tenure in NEO Championship Wrestling and look to become one step closer to becoming the first ever NEO Champion in what will no doubt be a tremendous brawl. The other semi-final matchup might not as be as hyped, but might turn out to be a more competitive contest when “The Trademark” Thomas Morgan takes on “The Artiste” Raphael on Thursday night. In other news, it seems that our wrestlers have been getting some notice from the internet, interviewing Nomad about his work with NEO and 4C Wrestling. On an interesting note, he was quoted as saying he gets nervous the higher he is on the card. Could this explain his lost against Triple D? [/quote][/size][/FONT] Quick Hit Cards Night Seven Semi-Finals: Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Titan DeCipher vs. Mark Smart Frankie Dee & Raphael vs. North - South Connection Cal Sanders vs. Christian Price Night Eight Semi-Finals: Raphael vs. Thomas Morgan Nomad vs. Ben Williams Kashmir Singh vs. Titan Christian Price vs. Jerry Martin
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Night Seven Semi-Finals: [B]Dazzling Dave Diamond [/B]vs. Titan [B]DeCipher[/B] vs. Mark Smart [B]Frankie Dee & Raphael[/B] vs. North - South Connection [B]Cal Sanders[/B] vs. Christian Price Night Eight Semi-Finals: Raphael vs. [B]Thomas Morgan[/B] [B]Nomad[/B] vs. Ben Williams Kashmir Singh vs. [B]Titan[/B] Christian Price vs. [B]Jerry Martin[/B]
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Night Seven Semi-Finals: Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. [B]Titan[/B] [I]I don't think would bring in someone like Titan, unless you were going to do something with him, and I see you building him a the 'monster' heel of NEO.[/I] DeCipher vs. [B]Mark Smart[/B] [I]I suppose both of these guys would take offence again if I called them jobbers. I'll go for the one without the goofy gimmick, as DeCipher's current schtik seems to be losing, then beating people up anyway afterwards.[/I] Frankie Dee & Raphael vs. [B]North - South Connection[/B] [I]Dee and especially Raphael seem to be getting the more solid singles pushes, but I'll go for the proper team to be pull the victory out of the bag.[/I] [B]Cal Sanders[/B] vs. Christian Price [I]Christian Price is competing do you need to ask ?[/I] Night Eight Semi-Finals: Raphael vs. [B]Thomas Morgan[/B] [I]I think it'll be a bit of rough week for Raphael, as he's denied a place in the finals by 'The Trademark'[/I] [B]Nomad [/B]vs. Ben Williams [I]I don't think Nomad will have to worry about his nerves getting the better of him in this match, just over-complacency.[/I] Kashmir Singh vs. [B]Titan[/B] [I]Singh will put a good fight, but Titan rolls on getting a momentum boosting victory before next weeks Title match[/I] Christian Price vs. [B]Jerry Martin[/B] [I]Another 'Cut Price' performance.[/I]
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well this is a fun little company. I love the idea of scaring kids to get back at cheap parents i may have to try that. On another note please stop jobbing Cal, the guy's my idol lol. Night Seven Semi-Finals: [B]Dazzling Dave Diamond[/B] vs. Titan [B]DeCipher[/B] vs. Mark Smart [B]Frankie Dee & Raphael[/B] vs. North - South Connection [B]Cal Sanders[/B] vs. Christian Price Night Eight Semi-Finals: Raphael vs. [B]Thomas Morgan[/B] [B]Nomad[/B] vs. Ben Williams [B]Kashmir Singh[/B] vs. Titan Christian Price vs. [B]Jerry Martin[/B]
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Night Seven Semi-Finals: Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. [B]Titan[/B] [I]Will be a great effort by Triple D, but Sienna DeVille will once again help Titan get the win.[/I] [B]DeCipher[/B] vs. Mark Smart [I]DeCipher will get his revenge from back at Night Two.[/I] [B]Frankie Dee & Raphael[/B] vs. North - South Connection [I]Raphael has the semi-final in the next show, so he'll gain momentum here.[/I] [B]Cal Sanders[/B] vs. Christian Price [I]Poor Price.[/I] Night Eight Semi-Finals: Raphael vs. [B]Thomas Morgan[/B] [I]I'll be disappointed if Morgan doesn't win the whole thing, the guy is great (and, by the way, still undefeated at NEO)![/I] [B]Nomad[/B] vs. Ben Williams [I]No offense to "The Jobber" Ben Williams, but he's just nowhere as good as Nomad.[/I] Kashmir Singh vs. [B]Titan[/B] [I]Gaining momentum for his title match.[/I] Christian Price vs. [B]Jerry Martin[/B] [I]Poor Price.[/I]
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[b][center] [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/Genesis_banner.png[/IMG] NEO Genesis Tour: Night Seven Tuesday, Week 3, February 2007 10 people @ Ohio Jewish Center[/b][/center] Thomas Morgan and Velocidad are in the locker room talking when Raphael interrupts. He tells Velocidad not to take advice from a “never was” like Thomas Morgan, and says if he really wants to learn something to bring $100 and come to him. [b]Rating: E[/b] [b][center] [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NEO/DeCipher.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NEO/MarkSmart.jpg[/IMG] DeCipher vs. Mark Smart[/b][/center] I haven’t complained about this before, but it’s a bit frustrating to keep seeing workers not clicking, especially when they are apart of rival tag teams. Oh well, the match didn’t totally bomb and the ending was a point of interest as DeCipher was able to pick up a victory after interference from Nomad!? I wonder what this could be about… [i]DeCipher defeated Mark Smart in 10:06 by pinfall[/i] [b]Rating: E-[/b] Dazzling Dave Diamond comes down the ring and picks up the house mic (on a side note, do we [i]really[/i] to do using a mic for these segments?). Triple D cuts a promo saying that Titan is as strong as he is stupid and says, [color=darkgreen]“There is no way some muscle bound freak is going to beat The Dazzling One! Woooo!”[/color] [b]Rating: E[/b] [b][center] [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NEO/CalSanders.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NEO/ChristianPrice.jpg[/IMG] Cal Sanders vs. Christian Price[/b][/center] Yeah, so anyone who even thought Price had a chance might need to get their head examined. Cal’s coming back from being “banned” and needs a win, while Christian Price is well, Christian Price. Even though it was a complete squash, the match went over really well. Cal looked like he was going to kill Price and Christian made it look like he did. And believe it or not, this is Cal Sanders’ first win in NEO Championship Wrestling. [i]Cal Sanders defeated Christian Price in 5:35[/i] [b]Ratings: E+[/b] Backstage in a dark room we see Nomad, [color=DarkOrange]“Mark, when you wake up you might be wondering what just happened. Well, that’s not the question that you should be asking, Mr. Smart. You should be asking yourself ‘When Nomad hit the Drift Shift on me, did he look [b]nervous[/b]?’ ”[/color] [b]Rating: E-[/b] [b][center] [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NEO/FrankieDee.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NEO/Raphael.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NEO/TempestAppleby.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NEO/Velocidad.jpg[/IMG] Frankie Dee & Raphael vs. North-South Express[/b][/center] Not to be outdone by a squash match, Dee, Raphael, and the N-S Express put on the best tag match in the short history of the promotion. The story of the match was Frankie Dee and Raphael using their superior wrestling ability to counteract Tempest and Velocidad’s high flying offense and tag team antics. The match was fairly even with both sides having chances to get the victory. In the end, Raphael was able to pick up the win for his team rolling up Velocidad after the young Mexican received a vicious Shinanju Kick from Frankie Dee. [i]Raphael and Frankie Dee defeated North-South Express in 12:50 when Raphael pinned Velocidad[/i] [b]Rating: E+[/b] Sienna DeVille and Titan comes out to the ring before Titan’s match. Sienna says that all the strategy in the world won’t overcome Titan’s power and says by the end of the week, her top client will be holding the NEO Championship. [b]Rating: E[/b] [b][center] [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NEO/DazzlingDaveDiamond.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NEO/Titan.jpg[/IMG] Semi-Final: Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Titan[/b][/center] I would be lying if I said that the main event was a little disappointing. While the match was a solid brawl, it just wasn’t as entertaining as the previous matches on the card. In the early moments of match, Triple D became the first person in get in a serious offensive attack on the big man, even taking Titan of his feet with a lariat. Titan was able to turn the tide of the match with the help of his manager, Sienna DeVille. Titan attacked Diamond’s upper back and neck to take away Dave’s ability to use the Dazzle Driver. While the plan was affective Dazzling Dave Diamond was able to advance to the finals by surprising Titian with his secondary finisher, the Diamond Mine. [i]Dazzling Dave Diamond defeated Titan in 10:41 by pinfall[/i] [b]Rating: E[/b] [center][size=4][b]Overall Rating: E[/b][/size][/center]
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... [quote][center] [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NEO_banner.png[/IMG] [/center] [FONT="Arial Narrow"][size=3] [center][b]A Special Announcement from NEO Championship Wrestling[/b][/center] After the actions of night seven, both Nomad and Mark Smart have requested a match with each other. For those of you that were not able to see what happened live, it seems Nomad has taken exception to a quote posted on the internet that Nomad says was taken totally out of context. Even though Mark Smart was neither the man that interviewed Nomad nor the one that posted the article, the young Canadian feels that Mark is the representation of the Internet Wrestling Community as a whole, and decided to exact revenge against the IWC by attacking Mr. Smart during his match against DeCipher. After careful consideration, NEO management has granted their request, and scheduled their match for Crowning a Champion. [/quote][/size][/FONT]
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[b][center] [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/Genesis_banner.png[/IMG] NEO Genesis Tour: Night Eight Thursday, Week 4, February 2007 9 people at Ohio Jewish Center[/center][/b] [b][center] [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NEO/KashmirSingh.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NEO/Titan.jpg[/IMG] Kashmir Singh vs. Titan[/b][/center] Awesome, another combination with a lack of chemistry! It was clear from the start of the match that Titan was not in a good mood after losing to Dazzling Dave Diamond two days ago, and took out his frustrations out on Kashmir Singh. However, Titan was a bit overzealous in his attack, and was disqualified by referee Oz Lord after failing to break a five count. [i]Kashmir Singh defeated Titan in 6:31 by disqualification[/i] [b]Rating: E-[/b] Even though he technically lost, Titan celebrates in the ring with his manager, Sienna DeVille, after destroying Kashmir Singh. [b]Rating: E+[/b] [b][center] [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NEO/BenWilliams.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NEO/MarkSmart.jpg[/IMG] Ben Williams vs. Nomad[/b][/center] Usually when a wrestler wants to make a statement he will try to win a match as quickly as possible. Not so tonight for Nomad. Instead, the angry Canadian (we seem to have a lot of these in NEO) tortured Ben Williams for over nine minutes before “mercifully” ending the match with the Drift Shift. Probably could have been a bit better if Ben was in better shape, but there really isn’t much I can do about that. Well not anything that legal anyway. [i]Nomad defeated Ben Williams in 9:02[/i] [b]Rating: E-[/b] After the beating, a sadistic looking Nomad picks up the mic and tells Mark Smart that what happened to Williams is exactly what will happen to him this Saturday at Crowning a Champion. [b]Rating: E-[/b] [b][center][IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NEO/ChristianPrice.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NEO/JerryMartin.jpg[/IMG] Christian Price vs. Jerry Martin[/b][/center] At this point in his NEO career Christian Price winning a match would be considered a miracle. Well as Al Michaels said, “Do you believe in miracles? YES!” Believe it or not, but Christian Price was able to pick up a victory against Jerry Martin after rolling up Jerry when he was arguing a 2 count with Oz Lord. [i]Christian Price defeated Jerry Martin in 5:16[/i] [b]Match: E-[/b] After losing, Jerry Martin snaps, destroying the concessions stand in the process. I don’t think Triple D was very happy to see his Dazzling Dave t-shirts getting stepped on, but even he got a laugh when Jerry slipped on one of the shirts and crashed into a wall. [b]Rating: E[/b] [b][center] [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NEO/Raphael.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NEO/ThomasMorgan.jpg[/IMG] Semi-Final: Raphael vs. Thomas Morgan[/b][/center] This is the match everyone been waiting for. Ok, this was the match [i]I[/i] been waiting for. I don’t think you could blame me considering that both wrestlers are not only highly talented in the ring, but also have complimentary styles. Anyway, this match would have no doubt been the best match in NEO history if they had any chemistry what-so-ever (>_<). With every black cloud, there is a silver lining. This match’s silver lining was that even with the total lack of chemistry; Morgan and Raphael still were able to put out a NEO main event level match. The match itself was a well paced contest with a lot of back and forth mat wrestling between the two. It never ceases to amazes me how much heat you can get by just locking in a “rest” hold. The end of the match got a lot of heat too, as Raphael was able to move on to the finals after Cal Sanders (who else?) distracted Thomas Morgan long enough to let Raphael lock in the heel hook. [i]Raphael defeated Thomas Morgan in 18:56 by submission[/i] [b]Rating: E+[/b] Capping off his victory, Raphael celebrates by putting the boots to Thomas Morgan with the help of Cal Sanders. This doesn’t sit well with Dave Diamond and he storms out from the back and chases Raphael and Sanders away. [b]Rating: E+[/b] After getting laid out Morgan demands a microphone. Thomas Morgan, needing to lend on the ropes, tells Cal Sanders, [color=sienna]“Cal Sanders, I’ve had enough! I’ve tired to ignore the problem, but clearly you are going to go away. Cal, listen up and listen good, you and me, one on one, Crowning A Champion. I don’t even care what the match is, all I care is that when I beat you that I never have to see you ever again!”[/color] After a few long seconds, Cal Sanders emerges from the back, [color=red] “Deal. Prepare yourself for a [b]Canadian Death Match![/b]”[/color] [b]Rating: E[/b] [center][size=4][b]Overall: E[/b][/center][/size]
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[quote][center] [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NEO_banner.png[/IMG] [/center] [FONT="Arial Narrow"][size=3] [center][b][size=5]NEO Championship Wrestling Presents…Crowning A Champion[/b][/size]
[b]NEO Championship Match: Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Raphael[/b][/center] This match isn’t just the most important match in Neo Championship Wrestling’s young life as a promotion, but is also is the biggest match both Dazzling Dave Diamond and Raphael’s young careers. What makes this contest even more intriguing is how different each man is. Dazzling Dave Diamond is a 28 year old rookie, while Raphael is a 19 year old veteran. Triple D uses his impressive strength to pick up victories, while Raphael uses superior mat wrestling and speed. The only thing these two wrestlers share is their drive to make it in the world of wrestling. That and they both have massive egos and blonde hair. [center][b]Canadian Death Match: Cal Sanders vs. Thomas Morgan[/b][/center] When Thomas Morgan debuted in NEO, he declared that his number one goal was to push the new generation of wrestlers so that when it was time they could pick up the ball and run with it. Cal Sanders took exception to Morgan being in the NEO Championship Tournament, citing that if he was really about pushing the new generation, then he wouldn’t have been in the tournament in the first place. Morgan replied that the only way to push wrestlers is to get in the ring and wrestle against them in meaningful matches. And since there isn’t a more meaningful match than one for the top title of a promotion, then he had every right to be in the tournament. In a less than a month this war of words has quickly escalated into a full blown blood feud. Morgan has been getting the better of Sanders in the ring, but Sanders has had the upper hand outside of it, costing Morgan a shot at the NEO Championship as well as inflicting bodily damage to Morgan with a steel chair. Will Cal Sanders finally be able to beat The Trademark or will Thomas Morgan finally be rid of the Leaping Lumberjack? Some of you might be wondering what a Canadian Death Match is. Well, the rules of the match are as follows: 1. There are no disqualifications and pin falls and submissions count anywhere. 2. After a pin fall or submission, the person pinned has a ten count to get up or back to the ring. 3. If he fails to do so, he loses the match. [center][b]Mark Smart vs. Nomad[/b][/center] At Night Seven, Nomad took revenge against what his mind is the representation of the internet wrestling community, Mark Smart, by interfering in his match against DeCipher. After the brutal attack, Nomad challenged Smart to face him in the ring at Crowning A Champion, a challenge that Smart eagerly accepted. Will Mark Smart’s fate be the same as his tag team partner, Ben Williams or will the Internet Hero be able to best Nomad in the middle of the ring? [center][b]Kashmir Singh vs. Titan[/b][/center] After “losing” to Kashmir Singh two days ago, Titan looks to pick up a formal victory at Crowning A Champion. Will the power and might of Titan be enough to defeat Kashmir or will the veteran from India be able to use his experience to his advantage and pick up another victory over the Canadian brute? [center][b]Tables Match: Christian Price vs. Jerry Martin[/b][/center] After getting upset by Christian Price, a livid Jerry Martin demanded a rematch at Crowning a Champion. NEO Management has decided to accept Martin’s “request.” However, seeing at this is a rubber match, management has also decided to up the stakes and has made this contest a Tables match. Can Jerry Martin prove that his lose on Thursday was a fluke or will Price step up his game and put away The Canadian Bomber? [center][b]Four Corner Survival: DeCipher vs. Evil Spirit vs. Tempest Appleby vs. Velocidad[/b][/center] Rounding out the card will be a special four corner survival match between the North-South Express and the Dark Ones. While, we’ve seen both teams in tag team and singles competitive, it should be interesting to see what happens when tag partners are in the ring at the same time as competitors.[/font][/size][/quote] [b][u]NEO Crowning A Champion Quick Card[/b][/u] NEO Championship Match: Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Raphael Canadian Lumberjack Match: Cal Sanders vs. Thomas Morgan Mark Smart vs. Nomad Tables Match: Christian Price vs. Jerry Martin Kashmir Singh vs. Titan Four Corner Survival: DeCipher vs. Evil Spirit vs. Tempest Appleby vs. Velocidad
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NEO Championship Match: [B]Dazzling Dave Diamond[/B] vs. Raphael [I]I'm picking DDD simply because he is more popular, and therefore will make a better figurehead for the young company.[/I] Canadian Lumberjack Match: Cal Sanders vs. [B]Thomas Morgan[/B] [I]I'm stilll a Thomas Morgan mark. Cal can't do anything but interfere in others' matches and get his ass kicked in his own, anyway.[/I] Mark Smart vs. [B]Nomad[/B] [I]A loss for the IWC is a win for wrestling![/I] Tables Match: Christian Price vs. [B]Jerry Martin[/B] [I]Sorry, I don't see the upset here...[/I] Kashmir Singh vs. [B]Titan[/B] [I]Titan will be the next challenger for DDD's title.[/I] Four Corner Survival: DeCipher vs. Evil Spirit vs. Tempest Appleby vs. [B]Velocidad[/B] [I]Just a hunch.[/I]
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NEO Crowning A Champion Quick Card NEO Championship Match: [B]Dazzling Dave Diamond[/B] vs. Raphael Canadian Lumberjack Match: Cal Sanders vs. [B]Thomas Morgan[/B] Mark Smart vs. [B]Nomad[/B] Tables Match: Christian Price vs. [B]Jerry Martin[/B] Kashmir Singh vs. [B]Titan[/B] Four Corner Survival: DeCipher vs. Evil Spirit vs. Tempest Appleby vs. [B]Velocidad[/B] Apparently I agree with Dansc.
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NEO Championship Match: [B]Dazzling Dave Diamond[/B] vs. Raphael [I]Could go either way, but I too will stump for Triple D[/I] Canadian Lumberjack Match: Cal Sanders vs. [B]Thomas Morgan[/B] [I]Morgan continues to get the better of Sanders, in the ring.[/I] Mark Smart vs. [B]Nomad[/B] [I]Nomad seems to be getting a solid 'slow burn' of a push, losing to Mark Smart would undo the good work.[/I] Tables Match: Christian Price vs. [B]Jerry Martin[/B] [I]Can lightning strike twice and Christian Price, win two in a row ? I highly doubt it.[/I] Kashmir Singh vs. [B]Titan[/B] [I]Titan gets some credibility back after a bad week[/I] Four Corner Survival: DeCipher vs. Evil Spirit vs. Tempest Appleby vs. [B]Velocidad[/B] [I]Seems to be the one with the most potential out of the bunch[/I]
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[b]OOC:[/b]I've been pretty busy with work and college, but I am beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I haven't gotten around to writing up the big event, but to try and make it up I give you this... [center][IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NEO/NEOMusic.png[/IMG][/center] Feel free to predict Crowning A Champion if you haven't already done so. Cheers!
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