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Old Suggestion of Mine, Export Database

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Hey, I haven't been around for a while. I've been really busy with school and now work. Anyway, seeing as how TEW08 has been officially announced etc, I wanted to ask about or if it isn't involved, bring up my suggestion for being able to export an excel or even csv spread sheet of your game. This way the sheet could be imported through a database on a website and the TEW could be used for online leagues (as I have an idea how to run an e-fed/e-booker league with TEW) or Booker's diary easily. If nothing else, the game should output HTML files of shows, your fed's "website" (roster, shows, news etc) List of free agents and other leagues. Honestly, the database file would be best though, dumping all the game's data into a csv file (which I'm sure could be a simple conversion from the current database in-game). I just think this opens up TEW to be something so much more and would help with those who do 4-player games etc...just imagine. You can run your show that week and then export a set of HTML files or database that would plug into your website's code and display for everyone to view. It leaves so many possibilities open that way. For the database, an import feature would be cool too (if you develop a script on your website that allows someone to change names etc, you can import that to the game) as it could help with mod development but I understand if that wouldn't be allow...just exporting would be great!
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