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Pro Wrestling Heaven: Rise of an Indy

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[CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Pro Wrestling Hits[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="3"]"The Inside Scoop since 1975"[/SIZE] [B]Monday Week 1 January 2007[/B][/CENTER] In an interesting development, [B][COLOR="Blue"]Preston Holt [/COLOR][/B]has recently opened up a new wrestling promotion in the great lakes area. Citing a lack of the industry in the region, Holt has christened this new project [B][COLOR="DarkOrange"]Professional Wrestling Heaven[/COLOR][/B], or [COLOR="darkorange"][B]PWH[/B][/COLOR]. Very little information is known at this time, but if the East Coast wars were any indication, Indy promotions around America should take notice. [QUOTE]I know '08's comming along, but I wanted to throw my hat in at the last second, so sue me. This Diary is being done purely for fun. I hope you enjoy it. - Sonfaro[/QUOTE]
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[SIZE="4"][CENTER][B]Pro Wrestling Hits[/B][/CENTER][/SIZE] [B][I][CENTER][SIZE="3"]"The Inside Scoop since 1975"[/SIZE][/CENTER][/I][/B] [B][CENTER]Tuesday Week 1 January 2007[/CENTER][/B] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Preston Holt[/B][/COLOR] held a press conference today regarding his long-term goals for [COLOR="darkorange"][B]PWH[/B][/COLOR]. He stated that primarily, he just didn’t want the promotion in debt within the next two years. He also wanted to make an impact in his region, citing that he there were no othe major promotions in the area. He wants [COLOR="DarkOrange"][B]PWH[/B][/COLOR] to become one of the more popular promotions in the Great Lakes region. Finally, he confirmed that his workers would not be known for Steroid uses, but that they will be known for their abilities in the ring as opposed to their looks. He thanked the press for their time, and stated that the first event, [COLOR="darkorange"][B]PWH:[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="darkorange"][B]G[/B][/COLOR][COLOR="Sienna"][B]e[/B][/COLOR][COLOR="darkorange"][B]n[/B][/COLOR][B][COLOR="sienna"]e[/COLOR][/B][B][COLOR="darkorange"]s[/COLOR][/B][B][COLOR="sienna"]i[/COLOR][/B][B][COLOR="darkorange"]s[/COLOR][/B], would take place at the end of the month, but he failed to explain to the press who would be on the card. Below is the word for word transcript of the press conference, an exclusive from Pro Wrestling Hits: [QUOTE] [Preston Holt enters the Ohio Jewish Center mess hall to greet the press. He looks tired.] [B]PH[/B]: Thank you all for coming, I'm sure this won't take long. The reason for this conference is simple ladies and gentlemen. I'm sure you've heard the rumors. They are indeed true. I am returning to the wrestling business after a brief leave of absence. I have set up a new promotion in the Ohio area, uh... Pro Wrestling Heaven. We're gonna be starting up small, but that's the way things work. Roster lists and all that jazz will be distributed, uh... to the community later in the month. The reason for this press conference... the primary reason for this conference is to go over the goals of the promotion for the next few years. I have a list of nessecities for the booking staff and myself, things we need to get done as a company. This is a business... the business of professional wrestling... [Clears throat] So without any further adieu, these are the goals for PWH... [I][U]Goal Number One[/U][/I]: The promotion must not be in debt when the time expires. This goal is set to last for two years. In two years we're going to make a solid foothold in the Ohio, Michigan, Illanois area. And in that time, I want to make a profit. Uh... That's what... That's how rather, RPW fell out of favor. We were doing great things, but, we just weren't cutting the mustard. Mr. Vibert was gracious enough then to 'buy-out' our company, but uh... I don't want that to happen again. [I][U]Goal Number Two[/U][/I]: The promotion must be more popular in it's home area when the time expires than when the goal was set. And really this is a simple goal. We're not expecting to be... You know... SWF, or TCW big. But I would like to have a good, hardcore following in a few years, and I think we can get that in the coming months. [I][U]Goal Number Three[/U][/I]: And this one's important. Steroid usage in this industry needs to be stamped out. And it's not going to happen if promoters (Like myself, like Richard Eisen, like Phil Vibert) keep hiring these muscle bound freaks of nature just because their big. We're not going to sign, or re-sign anyone who is a user. Period. We're going to be taking tests every month, and the second someone turns up dirty, they'll be gone. That's a promise. A lot of companies will make gaurantees... I'm making a promise. That's it for my goals. Sorry that took so long. Are there any questions? Yes "Bob"? [B]Bob[/B]: You've been out of work... I'm sorry, On Hiatus for quite some time now. What is it you plan on bringing to the industry? [B]PH[/B]: That's a good question. Like I said earlier, I don't plan on becoming an SWF, or a TCW... Or even a USPW if you can catch Strong's show over there. I want to get back to that indy style promotion. Fast paced, hard hitting. CZCW got a similar product, but I want to introduce a varient on that and see if it can get over... Yes, "Lindy"? [B]Lindy[/B]: Exactly what product are you talking about? [B]PH[/B]: Its a modified product. Our key features are the traditions of the old school territorial system, but at the same time the fast paced modern style. The matches should be relativly realistic, but with a flair for a little Lucha Libre and a little bit of daredevil antics. We're not going to be super mainstream, but not so much cult either. Basically we plan on showcasing the best of modern wrestling with a traditional twist. Yes "Steve"? [B]Steve[/B]: How are you planning on getting the word out about PWH? DVD, Word of mouth? Anything like that? [B]PH[/B]: I'm glad you asked that question. Per suggestion by Michael NaGel, we will be streaming our events live via the internet, so that the entire world can see our product. "Bob" again? [B]Bob[/B]: Do you have a set roster for you promotion yet? [B]PH[/B]: We're looking at a few workers now, uh... Nothing is finalized yet. Like I said, as soon as Michael NaGel has made contact with everyone we need, we will send a full roster sheet out to the public. Yes "Lindy"? [B]Lindy[/B]: You've mentioned him before, but... Who exactly is this Michael NaGel? He's on your production packet that you sent us, but I don't see a picture or a photograph of him and, if you gentleman will excuse me for saying, I don't think a single person in this room knows who he is? [B]PH[/B]: That is a... Excellent question. Um... Wow, I wish he were here to explain it. He's a member of my immediate staff, and once everything is settled, he'll be working as our Announcer on our webcasts. Uh... [shrugs] He's a nice guy... [B]Lindy[/B]: But who is he? How did you two meet? [B]PH[/B]: We met at one of the American Independent events. We were watching a Brady Prince, Elijah Harris match. A lot of this is his idea. "Bob"? [B]Bob[/B]: If it's his idea, where is he? [B]PH[/B]: [Shrugs] He likes his privacy. Anything else? [Scans hands raised] Anything not having to due with Michael NaGel [Hands drop.] Alright, well I'll call it a night if you will. I'm willing to speak with a few more reporters one on one, but I have a lot of work to do in the morning so please, keep it brief. Thank you for your time ladies and gentlemen. [Preston Holt exits stage.] [/QUOTE]
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[SIZE="4"][B][CENTER]Pro Wrestling Hits[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] [CENTER][SIZE="3"]"The Inside Scoop since 1975"[/SIZE][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Saturday, Week 1 January 2007[/CENTER][/B] Some interesting news from the [COLOR="DarkOrange"][B]PWH[/B][/COLOR] promotion. It seems that they have begun talks with other promotions in regards to working deals. While only a local promotion, it seems that [COLOR="Blue"][B]Preston Holt [/B][/COLOR]is serious about getting [COLOR="DarkOrange"]PWH’s[/COLOR] name out there. As it stands, only [COLOR="Indigo"][B][I]North of the Border Pro Wrestling [/I][/B][/COLOR]has made any sort of attempt to confirm it’s relationship with [COLOR="DarkOrange"][B]PWH[/B][/COLOR], though the [COLOR="Indigo"][B]Stones[/B][/COLOR] had no comment to make on the subject. In other [COLOR="DarkOrange"][B]PWH[/B][/COLOR] news, it seems that seven workers have shown up to [COLOR="Blue"][B]Preston Holts [/B][/COLOR]office in regards to employment. While this is not a confirmation of the roster at the moment, the following indy names were said to be waiting outside for several minutes before seeing [COLOR="blue"][B]Holt[/B][/COLOR]: [I]Alan Parent Rob Perkins Velocidad Mark Smart Kashmir Singh Thomas Morgan Duberry Excess[/I]
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[B][CENTER][SIZE="4"]Pro Wrestling Hits[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][SIZE="3"]"The Inside Scoop since 1975"[/SIZE][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Sunday, Week 1 January 2007[/CENTER][/B] Several more workers have confirmed meetings with [B][COLOR="Blue"]Holt [/COLOR][/B]about employment: [I]Karen Killer Warren Technique Tempest Appleby K-Squared Geoff Borne Cal Sanders Frankie Dee[/I] It is interesting to note that none of the previous names were called back for a second meeting. While this does not confirm or deny anything, it does make things seem as though [B][COLOR="Blue"]Holt[/COLOR][/B] has already gotten an idea of whom to sign and whom not to.
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[B][CENTER][SIZE="4"]Pro Wrestling Hits[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][SIZE="3"]"The Inside Scoop since 1975"[/SIZE][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Monday Week 2, January 2007[/CENTER][/B] A final Roster has been announced, as well as the card for the upcoming Genesis and Passover events. The following is the official Roster of Pro Wrestling Heaven: [QUOTE][B]Alan Parent [/B]- "Parental Abuse" Alan Parent is a solid technical wrestler, and has a long, bright future ahead of him. A student of the game, his hero is Japanese legend Haruki Kudo, and he uses many of his moves in tribute. His main concerns seem to stem from his lack of basic wrestling, though he hopes this experience will help him. He’s expected to play a sort of [B][I]Stoner[/I][/B] gimmick, representing a section of todays youth that are no longer connected to the conservative reality of their parents. [B]Cal Sanders [/B]- "The Leaping Lumberjack" Cal Sanders is a technically-gifted youngster from Winnipeg, who seems to have a bright future ahead of him. Sadly his lack of charisma will probably keep him from achieving his full potential. He’s expected to become a sort of nearly man, the worker who gets wins over the little guys but never gets that big break. He’ll be a [B][I]Man on a Mission[/I][/B] to get that big win. [B]Duberry Excess[/B] - Duberry Excess is a young technician from Boston, noted for his slick chain wrestling. Making his pro debut at the age of 18 in 2004, he began by wrestling his rookie year on the East Coast under the name of Jorge Wilkes. Treating it primarily as an exercise in gaining experience, he would head North toward the end of 2005, where has has since become a reliable performer for 4C in Canada. He’s come back to the states to prove that he is the future of the business, as a [B][I]Rebel[/I][/B] face. [B]Geoff "Air" Borne[/B] - Geoff "Air" Borne used to work under his real name of Geoff Cartweight on the US indy circuit. He has since changed to a more dynamic ring name and moved to Europe, where he is improving his skills. He has returned to the states a better wrestler, and is looking to make an impact on the indy scene. He comes into PWH as a sort of everyman, a [B][I]Blue Collar[/I][/B] high flyer. [B]Karen Killer[/B] - "The First Lady Of The Darkness" Karen Killer is a veteran manager, who uses a [B][I]Gothic[/I][/B] gimmick, and is often paired with similarly dark clients. She is probably most famous for her short run with TCW during the 1990s, although she later had a stint as head booker of MAW, a position that she left in 2006. She joins PWH as the manager of the mysterious Ronin, and looks to bring her client to the echelon of the promotion. [B]Kashmir Singh[/B] - One of the few Indian-born pro wrestlers, Kashmir Singh is a pretty good all-rounder, whose densely muscled physique gives him incredible power for someone of his size. He come to PWH on a mission from ‘The Divine’, representing the high ones as their [B][I]Shiek[/I][/B]. He looks to become a dominant force in the promotion. [B]Kid Speed [/B]- Although it may be very early in his career, some veterans of the lucha libre scene are already hailing young Kid Speed (Velocidad) as the "next big thing" to hit Mexican wrestling. Although he is still inexperienced, inconsistent, and lacking finesse, what cannot be denied is that he is one of the quickest wrestlers you will ever seen, moving around the ring with a dizzying pace and energy. It’s expected he’ll work as a [B][I]Thrill Seeker[/I][/B], always trying to out top his last performance. [B]K-Squared[/B] - K-Squared is a high flying Canadian rookie, who is slowly developing into a decent all-round worker. He used to work under his real name, Kenny Kuntz, but he soon switched to his current ring name as he didn't want to endure an entire career of "creative" chants. He looks to put his past behind him in PWH, and hops that his [B][I]Fun Loving [/I][/B]attitude can win him some fans, as well as championships. [B]Mark Smart [/B]- Los Angeles-based Mark "The Insider" Smart is a youngster who is impressive at both aerial warfare and mat-based wrestling. He broke into the business as the towel boy for USPW, where he was also responsible for picking theme music for everyone. He’s a good looking guy, and he knows it, he believes he is the paragon of youth and a [B][I]Teen Idol [/I][/B]of sorts. He’s looking to jump right into the main event scene. [B]Michael NaGel [/B]- [B][COLOR="Red"]>Error<[/COLOR][/B] [B]Preston Holt [/B]- Preston Holt was the owner of the famous California Pro Wrestling promotion which operated mainly during the 1970s and was famous for focussing on great technical wrestling. Holt was a decent worker himself, although not of the calibre that his four championship wins would indicate. SWF put him out of business in the early 1980s. Years later he ran the short-lived Rapid Pro Wrestling and was part of the East Coast Wars. He’s hoping that PWH can outlast his former promotions. [B]Robert Perkins[/B] - Rob Perkins is a competent Canadian referee. He has been hired on as PWH’s primary referee. [B]Ronin[/B] – The former Frankie Dee is a rookie wrestler who is Canadian by birth, but has strong Asian roots. He debuted in 2004, and was quick to learn how to incorporate his excellent martial arts skills into his ring work. By the end of 2006, feeling he now had the experience to express himself fully, he reinvented himself. Dying his hair white, and displaying several prominent (fake) tattoos, he began calling himself the "White Angel", and carrying himself as an ultra-serious and honourable fighter. With Karen Killer acting as his mouth piece, there’s no telling how dangerous this [B][I]Ice man [/I][/B]can be. [B]Tempest Appleby [/B]- Tempest Appleby, "The Mover From Vancouver", is a very fast lightweight worker, who has an awesome range of top rope moves at his disposal. As well as his homeland of Canada, he also fights regularly in Mexico and Japan. In PWH he looks to help develop some of the youth, representing the [B][I]Old School [/I][/B]goodguy qualities of bygone days. [B]Thomas Morgan[/B] - "Trademark" Thomas Morgan is a great mat wrestler, who has never gotten the break his talent deserves. This is especially puzzling as he has the charisma to back up his in-ring ability. The problem, it seems, is that the [B][I]Arrogant[/I][/B] Morgan won’t shut up about it. He gets his chance to become something in PWH, bringing his repetoir of submissions and mat skills to a PWH ring. [B]Warren Technique[/B] - "The [B][I]Machine[/I][/B]" Warren Technique has only been wrestling professionally since late 2003, but has already shown enough skill and dedication that people have marked him for future success in the business. He joined 4C in the summer of 2004 for his first taste of regular work, and has since become one of the company's hottest properties, thanks in part to a fantastic series of matches with Joey Poison that immediately established Warren as a major contender. He comes to PWH looking for even more gold.[/QUOTE] Also listed in the packet were the scheduled matches to take place on the first two PWH cards; [COLOR="Sienna"][B]PWH Genesis[/B][/COLOR], and [COLOR="Red"][B]PWH Passover[/B][/COLOR] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]PWH Genesis[/B] [I]Sunday Week 4, January 2007[/I][/CENTER] See the Future of wrestling compete for the ultimate prize, as Pro Wrestling Heaven opens it's doors with a bang, kick starting the road to the Championship, "The King of Heaven" is an eight man Tournament, featuring some of the best and brightest talents you've never heard about. This month, four of those eight men compete in quarter final matches to determine who goes on for a chance at the gold. At the same time, witness multiman mayhem, as four men begin the Road to Contendership, as the Elimination Chase for a chance to play spoiler begins, all this action and more at PWH opening... PWH GENESIS!!! [B][I]King of Heaven Tournament Bracket A[/I][/B] Duberry Excess vs. Warren Technique [B][I]Elimination Chase for #1 Contendership: Stage One[/I][/B] Kashmir Singh vs. Kid Speed vs. Alan Parent vs. Kid Speed [B][I]King of Heaven Tournament Bracket A[/I][/B]Tempest Appleby vs. Ronin w/ Karen Killer [RIGHT]Card Subject to Change[/RIGHT] [CENTER][B][U]PWH Passover[/U][/B] [I]Sunday Week 4, Febuary 2007[/I][/CENTER] PWH has already scheduled it's next outing, PWH Passover, in the hopes that the hype will build to more interest. The second half of the King of Heaven Tournament begins Sunday, Week 4 of Febuary 2007. Plus the fallout from The Elimination Chase: Stage One. Who will go on to challenge for the title? And Who will be Passed Over? [B][I]King of Heaven Tournament Bracket B[/I][/B] Mark Smart vs. Geoff Borne [B][I]Elimination Chase for #1 Contendership: Stage Two[/I][/B] [I]???[/I] vs. [I]???[/I] vs. [I]???[/I] [B][I]King of Heaven Tournament Bracket B[/I][/B] K-Squared vs. Thomas Morgan [RIGHT]Card Subject to Change[/RIGHT][/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE=MaxxHexx;384315]Good backstory, good dialog, good formating. As a lover of C-Verse US Indy stuff I would say that this one looks like it has potential.[/QUOTE] Thanks. I'm hoping to make a diary thats as entertaining as the rest on this board. - Sonfaro
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[B][CENTER][COLOR="Sienna"]PWH Genesis[/COLOR][/CENTER][/B] [I][CENTER]Sunday Week 4, January 2007[/CENTER][/I] [I][CENTER]The Ohio Jewish Center: 13 fans.[/CENTER][/I] [B]Announcer: Michael NaGel[/B] [B]Reported By: Sonny Faron of PWHits.com[/B] Hello wrestling fanatics. My name is Sonny Faron, and it’s my job to relay the results of the newest promotion to hit the Great Lakes area, Pro Wrestling Heaven. Truth be told, I couldn’t make it down to the Ohio Jewish Center, as I am currently residing in North Carolina. But I was able to catch their initial webcast on their site. The show opened with Karen Killer coming out to the ring, along with Ronin. She gives the standard monster heel speech, which is interesting in a lot of ways, seeing as how ‘Ronin’ is 5"8 and only 205lbs. Still, she gives a decent promo that the crowd doesn’t really warm up to. Ronin (Frankie Dee if you’re looking for him on OWW) remained motionless throughout the promo. [B][COLOR="Red"]E-[/COLOR][/B] [B]Duberry Excess defeated Warren Technique in 12:47 by pinfall with a [I]Boston Whiplash.[/I][/B] A solid technical foray between two 4C combatants here. There was nothing fancy about this match, but nothing horrendous about it either. It did give Duberry a chance to debut a new finisher, the Boston Whiplash, a Running Sleeper Slam that allowed him to get the three on his opponent. [B][COLOR="Sienna"]D[/COLOR][/B] The other half of the main event was up next. Tempest Appleby cut a brief promo on the main event, telling the fans how this was his night to shine. The audience didn’t really ever get into it, and it was pretty bland. It’s safe to say that Appleby shouldn’t be given a microphone for a while. [COLOR="DarkRed"][B]F[/B][/COLOR] [B]Kashmir Singh defeated Kid Speed, Alan Parent and Cal Sanders in 16:50 when Kashmir Singh defeated Cal Sanders by submission with a [I]Camel Clutch[/I].[/B] This ended up being your run of the mill Shooting Star fare, with each man playing their rolls well enough. There were however some unexpected spots, Kid Speed got into a nice back and forth stiff kicks exchange between Parent and himself, adding a little more to his rumble skills. Kasmir traded submission attempts with Sanders for a lot of the match. Parent was the odd man out in the match, the only one who looked lost, but after a while his performance skills showed improvement. The spot of the match came when Kid Speed hit what he calls a ‘Speedycarana’ on Parent over the ropes, taking them both out of the ring. Kashmir ended the match after giving Cal what he calls a ‘Hinduplex’ (A half nelson suplex that drops the oppnonet straight on their head) Then locking the Camel Clutch for the win, eliminating Cal Sanders from the "Chase". [B][COLOR="Sienna"]D[/COLOR][/B] The announcer [I](Nagel, NaGel? How is it spelled?) [/I]then informed us via the internet that next month at PWH Passover, the chase continues, with the three who weren’t eliminated going on into a triangle match. At the moment I couldn’t care one way or another, but that’s neither here nor there. [COLOR="DarkRed"][B]F-[/B][/COLOR] [B]Ronin defeated Tempest Appleby in 17:54 by pinfall with a [I]Shinanju Kick[/I].[/B] Another solid, though unspectacular outing in the main event, as the ever stone faced Ronin, took on the ‘Muva’ from Vancuva!’ It was a fairly back and forth exchange, with Ronin using his kicks as weapons. I swear he hits almost as hard as Frankie Perez, you could hear it over the chatter. Tempest isn’t used to going over fifteen minutes or so, by the end of it he had trouble keeping up with Ronin. A boot to the gut allowed Ronin to tee up Appleby for what a modified Glittering Magician Knee’s, he calls it the Shinanju Kick (Whatever a Shinanju is) for the win. [B][COLOR="darkred"]D[/COLOR][/B] Standard fare afterwards. Ronin tees up Appleby again, until Excess makes the save. They jaw jack for a moment, hyping their one on one encounter… when? It certainly won’t be at Passover. I had trouble caring for this. I watched it, but I couldn’t get into it. Karen led Ronin to the back as Duberry made his signature gesture, that nobody knew about. [COLOR="DarkRed"][B]F-[/B][/COLOR] It may sound as though I’m being hard on this promotion, but I’m not. It’s a solid promotion, and it had a solid outing. In fact this event was a success, and it should increase their popularity. It just wasn’t Fox Mask vs. Snap Dragon Steel Cage ’06 or anything like that. At the moment, PWH just looks like your standard Indy. [B]Overall Grade [COLOR="darkred"]D[/COLOR][/B] (This isn’t a bad grade for an indy. It’s just not CZCW level.) [I][B]Match of the Night: Elimination Chase 4way [COLOR="Sienna"]D[/COLOR][/B][/I]
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Good show write up, I like the coverage of the spots and finish. I also like the writing style as being from the POV of some guy watching on the internet. I must say that you did a great job booking, getting that good of a show grade with the low price range for your workers and dealing with the low interview ratings. King of Heaven Tournament Bracket B Mark Smart vs. [B]Geoff Borne[/B]-[I]He is more talented by far. It will be interesting if he can succeed in connecting with US fans after being in Europe so long.[/I] Elimination Chase for #1 Contendership: Stage Two [B]Kashmir Singh[/B] vs. Kid Speed vs. [U]Alan Parent[/U]-[I]I like the idea for this with the four stage number one contender series. It is great for the booker as it lets you see which guys are really working good. Kash getting another fall this time over Parent.[/I] King of Heaven Tournament Bracket B K-Squared vs. [B]Thomas Morgan[/B]-[I]K2 lives up to his last name, as he is a Klutz. Morgan has the talent, though his resign fee may hurt you in several months.[/I] How much money are you starting with?
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[B][CENTER][SIZE="4"]Pro Wrestling Hits[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][SIZE="3"]"The Inside Scoop since 1975"[/SIZE][/CENTER] Trouble may be brewing for PWH already, as bank tellers were seen conversing with Preston Holt early this morning. How much trouble the company could be in is unknown, but from what is understood, it seems perhaps they used one worker to many. Despite these setbacks, PWH looks to continue it's run, as both its second and third events seem to be in place. [CENTER][B]Monday Week 1, Febuary 2007[/B][/CENTER] [QUOTE][B][CENTER]PWH Passover[/CENTER][/B] [I][CENTER]Sunday Week 4, Febuary 2007[/CENTER][/I] PWH Passover will be the young companies next outing. The second half of the King of Heaven Tournament begins Sunday, Week 4 of Febuary 2007. Geoff Borne makes his long awaited return to the US to face former USPW telent Mark Smart in a quarterfinals match, and two Warring Canadians will duke it out for a chance at greatness as K-Squared and Thomas Morgan finish out the quarter finals. Plus the fallout from The Elimination Chase: Stage One. Kashmir Singh, Alan Parent, and Kid Speed are all still in the running. Who will go on to challenge for the title? And Who will be Passed Over? [B]King of Heaven Tournament Bracket B[/B] Mark Smart vs. Geoff Borne [B]Elimination Chase for #1 Contendership: Stage Two[/B] Kashmir Singh vs. Alan Parent vs. [B]King of Heaven Tournament Bracket B[/B] K-Squared vs. Thomas Morgan [B][CENTER]PWH Crucifixion[/CENTER][/B] [I][CENTER]Sunday Week 4, March 2007[/CENTER][/I] Things begin to come to a head. Slated thus far, Duberry Excess looks to prove that he is top dog in PWH when he takes on Ronin for a chance to make it to the finals. Also, the winners of Bracket B will square off in the main event. Who can survive the Crucifixion? [B]King of Heaven Tournament Bracket A Semi Finals[/B] Duberry Excess vs. Ronin w/ Karen Killer [B]King of Heaven Tournament Bracket B Semi Finals[/B] ??? vs. ??? [/QUOTE] Anyone want to make predictions, Passover will be posted tonight sometime. [QUOTE]How much money are you starting with?[/QUOTE] None. That's what make's this so difficult.:( - Sonfaro
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[B][COLOR="DarkRed"][CENTER]PWH Passover[/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [CENTER] [I]Sunday Week 4, January 2007 The Ohio Jewish Center: 11 fans.[/I][/CENTER] [B]Announcer: Michael NaGel Reported By: Sonny Faron of PWHits.com[/B] Back again for another round of 'heavenly goodness' -_-'. Looks like they lost a few people from last time around. Don't worry kids. Sonny's here. Brought a soda to watch this one with and everything. Lets hope it's a good one. The Show opens with Thomas Morgan, who lists all of his accomplishments in wrestling, and demands the audience respect him. He then runs down K-Squared, and states that once the match is over he’ll be one step closer to the King of Heaven title. A simple promo. The audience wasn’t too receptive to him, but then again they don’t know him very well. [B][COLOR="Red"]E-[/COLOR][/B] [B]Geoff Borne defeated Mark Smart in 12:49 by pinfall with a Borne Again. [/B]I don’t know. Maybe Bourne was the pressure to compete in US soil. Maybe it was the borring, plodding ‘I’m Bruce the giant’ style from Smart. Either way, this was a real let down from the solid work from Genesis. It wasn’t helped by the fact that Mark Smart was visibly tiring toward the end. Thankfully Borne put it away with the Borne Again (flying Lariat UCR fans [that’s right. All two of you.] ) [B][COLOR="Sienna"]D-[/COLOR][/B] NaGel (pronounced Nay-Jel, I actually paid attention to that.) Stated that next month, at Crucifixion, Excess and Ronin would go at it in a semi final. I’ve got to say. I’m fairly certain that no one in the audience really remembered who these guys were. [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]F-[/COLOR][/B] [B]Kid Speed defeated Kashmir Singh and Alan Parent in 19:37 when Kid Speed defeated Alan Parent by pinfall with a Speedycarana. [/B] A little better than their last encounter. Kid Speed hit his Speedycarana in the ring this time! Oh joy. It’s sort of a hopping sunset flip, if that makes any since. It’s nice to look at. Worker of the match however has to be Kashmir Singh. I’m not sure why promotions like 4C or CZCW don’t pick this guy up. Solid fare here. Looks like Kashmir vs. Speed at the finals... Whenever those are. [B][COLOR="Sienna"]D[/COLOR][/B] K-Sqared tries to give a promo in the ring, but the fans don’t really warm up to it, so Thomas Morgan comes out to bicker for about a minute. A little better than Tempest’s outing, but not by much. K-Squared did show some acting ability I didn’t think someone as bland could muster. [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]F[/COLOR][/B] [B]Thomas Morgan defeated K-Squared in 14:42 by submission with a Trademark Infringement. [/B] Definite improvement from the sort of standard fare here, definitely a 4C or CZCW worthy main event. Thomas Morgan was clearly the man in this match, though K-Squared did look to have the match won a few times. A funny spot occurred when Morgan, who hasn’t really been a top ropes competitor, started climbing, when K-Squared caught him and went for a superplex. Morgan, literally started screaming the whole way down “I'm to good for this ****!” Really classic stuff. In the end, Morgan caught K-Squared long enough to lock in his submission, the [I][B]Trademark Infringement[/B][/I]. It’s a cool move. The best way I can describe it though is a wrestler hooks their far leg across the neck of a downed opponent. The wrestler then hooks his hands behind the opponent's head, having one arm pass over their own leg and the other under. The wrestler then pulls backwards with his arms and pushes forward with his leg, causing pressure. It’s complicated, but Morgan pulled it off, and got the win from it. Really good indy match. [B][COLOR="Sienna"]D+[/COLOR][/B] Despite a really exciting match, the fans still don’t have a good Idea of who Morgan is when he started celebrating. I didn’t think an extended celebration was needed anyways. [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]F-[/COLOR][/B] [B]Overall [COLOR="Sienna"]D[/COLOR][/B] (A much better outing from these guys, though it really started off on the wrong foot. Let's hope Smart and Borne can get it together. Kashmir Singh continues to be my MVP, though Morgan may soon give him a run for his money.) [I][B]Match of the Night: [/B][B]Thomas Morgan defeated K-Squared in 14:42 by submission with a Trademark Infringement. [/B][/I]
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[B][CENTER][SIZE="4"]Pro Wrestling Hits[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][SIZE="3"]"The Inside Scoop since 1975"[/SIZE][/CENTER] It’s believed that, despite making a profit last month, that PWH is still on the rocks with the banks. They have apparently been given one month to pay their debts or the bank will foreclose the company. Preston Holt could not be reached for comment, but he cannot be happy with this Development. In other news, PWH Crucifixion has been announced. This could be their make-or-break card, as they seem to be promoting the show as heavily as possible. [QUOTE] [B][CENTER]PWH Crucifixion[/CENTER][/B] [I][CENTER]Sunday Week 4, March 2007[/CENTER][/I] Things begin to come to a head. The Two Elimination Chase losers, Alan Parent and Cal Sanders, battle to regain a little pride from their early Eliminations. Duberry Excess looks to prove that he is top dog in PWH when he takes on Ronin for a chance to make it to the finals. Thomas Morgan has proven himself to be a dangerous opponent. But can he overcome the high-flying prowess of Geoff "Air" Borne? Who can survive the Crucifixion? [B]Exhibition Match[/B] Alan Parent vs. Cal Sanders [B]King of Heaven Tournament Bracket A Semi Finals[/B] Duberry Excess vs. Ronin w/ Karen Killer [B]King of Heaven Tournament Bracket B Semi Finals[/B] Geoff "Air" Borne vs. "Trademark" Thomas Morgan [/QUOTE]
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You may want to take a month off-let your sponsors cover the debt. Exhibition Match Alan Parent vs. [B]Cal Sanders[/B]-[I]Beyond Ka$h, he is the bestguy on the roster.[/I] King of Heaven Tournament Bracket A Semi Finals Duberry Excess vs. [B]Ronin[/B] w/ Karen Killer-[I]You seem to enjoy pushing him so why not?[/I] King of Heaven Tournament Bracket B Semi Finals Geoff "Air" Borne vs. "Trademark" [B]Thomas Morgan [/B]-[I]SQUASH-An example of Otomatopea-and a term to describe this match.[/I]
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[B][CENTER][COLOR="Red"][B]PWH Crucifixion[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER][/B] [I][CENTER]Sunday Week 4, March 2007 The Ohio Jewish Center: 16 fans.[/CENTER][/I] [B]Announcer: Michael NaGel Reported By: Sonny Faron of PWHits.com[/B] Back again for another helping of what could be these guys final show. If the rumors are true they're treading big time water now. I know I'm a little critical of these boys, but we need more indy's like them, otherwise no names would never get the spotlight. Our show opens a with Karen Killer and her Phenom Ronin in the ring, they cut a promo on the match against Duberry and the Title chase in general. Not quite up to par with her last promo, but when you only have sixteen fans listening to you, you can only do so much. (that’s actually a record for these guys by the way.) [COLOR="DarkRed"][B]F+[/B][/COLOR] [B]Alan Parent defeated Cal Sanders in 12:57 by pinfall with a Domestic Violence. [/B] Well this was boring. I’m not sure what management was thinking here. I know Holt likes to make stars out of people who you wouldn’t normally root for, but Parent is as clumsy as ever, and Cal never could get around to carrying him. Parent won the match with an absolutly slopy gutbuster to knee to the face, which I imagine could be cool... If done by someone good. Below par for what these guys need. [B][COLOR="Sienna"]D-[/COLOR][/B] Duberry Excess has a microphone, and says that he is very confident that he will get the win in his upcoming match against Ronin. Short and simple. Not a good promo, but hey, it can’t get much worse. [COLOR="DarkRed"][B]F[/B][/COLOR] [B]Duberry Excess drew with Ronin in 14:43 following a double disqualification.[/B] I’m a little surprised. Not in a good way either. After all that build to this match, I would have thought it to be better. And I can’t even really blame the man I want to for this match. Duberry looked solid enough. It was Ronin. I mean he was really off his game tonight. I can’t put my finger on what his problem was, but he looked almost as tacky as Parent (but only a little.) Both men ended up ignoring the ref getting into each other, and were both disqualified. But what does that mean for the title? This event is not looking good. D- A video plays hyping Kid Speed vs. Kashmir Singh. I really wanted to see one, or either of these two tonight. But it is what it is. [COLOR="DarkRed"][B]F-[/B][/COLOR] Borne is in the ring thanking fans for their support. Which is funny, because you can just tell that no one in the audience tonight keeps up with UCR and it’s over the top antics. Morgan saves another promo from complete obscurity and demands that they get this match over with. [B][COLOR="darkred"]F[/COLOR][/B] [B]Thomas Morgan defeated Geoff Borne in 17:52 by pinfall with a Patent Pending. [/B] They saved the best for last I supposed. This was a really exciting matchup, and the best I’ve seen from them. Morgan really pushed Borne her, as he was visibly tiring toward the end. But you could just tell that Thomas Morgan and Geoff Borne have pretty good chemistry. Everything flowed a little bit better. In the end, Morgan hit what NaGel called the Patent Pending, A spinning sitout Descent from Hell (double underhook face buster for those of you who don’t catch NOTBPW or GCG) For the win. [COLOR="Sienna"][B]D+[/B][/COLOR] Ronin comes out again and attacks Morgan. Apparently he thinks he’s the Bracket A winner. Morgan and Ronin are fighting when out comes Duberry with a chair and a bad attitude. He swings for Ronin’s head, but catches Morgan instead (look ma, I made a rhyme.) Morgan is out cold while Karen Killer has Ronin bail out. The show endes with the bland image of Excess standing over the unconscious Morgan glaring at Ronin. All of this by the way, was rushed into one minute of time, so a lot of it went over the audiences head. A bit unnessisary. If you’re going to do a triple threat for this belt, at least get some heat first. [COLOR="DarkRed"][B]F-[/B][/COLOR] [B]Overall [COLOR="Sienna"]D[/COLOR][/B] A lackluster show made up for by a killer main event. Personally I’m banking on a Morgan reign here, but I’ve got a funny feeling we’re going to endure a bland Excess reign first. [B][I]Match of the Night: Thomas Morgan defeated Geoff Borne in 17:52 by pinfall with a Patent Pending.[/I][/B]
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[B][CENTER][SIZE="4"]Pro Wrestling Hits[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][SIZE="3"]"The Inside Scoop since 1975"[/SIZE][/CENTER] Reports seem to indicate that [B]PWH[/B], [B][COLOR="Blue"]Preston Holt's [/COLOR][/B]upstart independent promotion, has just barely made it back into the black with the bank offices. With a mere sixteen people attending, PWH's last attempt, [COLOR="Red"][B]Crucifixion[/B][/COLOR], PWH still managed to drag in enough of a profit in sponsership money's to lull the bankers... for now. Details are sketchy, but insiders with PWH seem to believe that their next endevor, [B][COLOR="MediumTurquoise"]PWH Risen[/COLOR][/B], will be their biggest show to date, with the finals of their King of Heaven tournament as well as the Elimination Chase. A full card is expected to be released within the next few days.
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Pro Wrestling Hits[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [SIZE="3"][CENTER]"The Inside Scoop since 1975"[/CENTER][/SIZE] Pro Wrestling Hits had a sit down chat with [B][COLOR="Blue"]Preston Holt[/COLOR][/B], owner of the newest promotion to hit the states, [B][COLOR="DarkOrange"]Pro Wrestling Heaven[/COLOR][/B]. The interview covers everything from the state of wrestling in his eyes, his veiw on the roster, RPW, and many more interesting tidbits, as he builds to the crowning of his champion at PWH Risen. [QUOTE][B]Hits: [/B]Thank you for joining us Mr. Holt. [B]PH:[/B] It's a pleasure to be here. [B]Hits: [/B]Let's get right to it shall we? You've been a man around the indy scene for quite some time now. [B]PH:[/B] That's correct. [B]Hits: [/B]In fact you've actually orchestrated some of the monthy American Independent Supershow's that keep workers in the loop for the bigger promotions. [B]PH:[/B] That's also correct. [B]Hits: [/B]What was it that led you to branch off again into your own promotion? [B]PH:[/B] Well, a lack of variety for one thing. I mean sure, you've got the big three in SWF, TCW, and DAVE. And yeah, the people down in Florida get to see Sam Strong hobble around on his bionic knees. But really it's all the same. SWF always runs with the Runaway Train, TCW can't ever seem to keep the belt off of Cornell for very long, and howmany people actually want to see Bruce the Giant wrestle? I don't mean show up, because he's an impressive figure, but his matches have been worthless for the size of their company. Viberts got the right idea, but a completely hardcore environment takes away from the product as a whole. That's half of the reason why they're in the trouble they're in. Not to mention no one seemed to want to set up shop in the Ohio/Illinois/Michigan region. Quick TV show and boom, they're out. [B]Hits: [/B]So you believe PWH can bring variety? [B]PH:[/B] Double A {[I]All Action[/I]} Division workers going at it like they're the big muscle bound steroid freaks of the 70's? Sure. I think it's different. [B]Hits: [/B]Can any of this influence be attributed to your current announcer, Michael NaGel? [B]PH:[/B] What about him? [B]Hits: [/B]Well, he seems to be the secret voice in your ear these days... [B]PH:[/B] He is a member of managment, but at the end of the day, final say in booking belongs to me. [B]Hits: [/B]You've had some trouble with the banks... [B]PH:[/B] We've cleared all that up now. [B]Hits: [/B]...Yes, but you did have some trouble with them. How are you going to keep this endevor afloat. The reason RPW fell through was bounced checks correct? [B]PH:[/B] RPW fell because we were being raided, and people who claimed to be loyal were demanding ungodly sums. I won't mention any names, but if you were warring with other promotions, wouldn't you think the main event would be on board with you? [B]Hits: [/B]Is this main event on board with you? [B]PH:[/B] Well that's the great thing about this roster. Alot of these kids are talent who the big boys won't pick up for one reason or another. Duberry's been in the midcard of 4C for ages, and I think he's an extrordinary talent. [B]Hits: [/B]Some would argue that he's a little bland at the moment. [B]PH:[/B] You can have your opinion, I'll have mine. [B]Hits: [/B]Speaking of talent and the big boys, is there any truth to the rumors that Frankie... eh... "Ronin" has signed with NOTBPW? [B]PH:[/B] You'd have to speak with Ronin on that. [B]Hits: [/B]They are considered one of the fastest growing promotions on the planet. [B]PH:[/B] Again, I cannot say whether or not Ronin has signed with them. [B]Hits: [/B]Will this in anyway impeed the main event this Sunday, the triple threat for the currently vacant PWH King of Heaven title? [B]PH:[/B] Look, all I can say is come down to the Ohio Jewish Center to find out. We're working dilligently to put on good matchups with young talent in an effort to get them over. PWH Risen looks to be our finest card, so come one come all. It'll be exciting. [B]Hits: [/B]Thank you Mr. Holt for your time. [B]PH:[/B] It was my pleasure.[/QUOTE]
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[B][CENTER][SIZE="4"]Pro Wrestling Hits[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][SIZE="3"]"The Inside Scoop since 1975"[/SIZE][/CENTER] The official card for PWH Risen has been announced. The two key matches of interest include the Elimination Chase Finals, as well as the Three way title match, or "Trinity" match as they're calling it. It is interesting to note that Ronin is still being promoted for the card, despite reports of him signing with NOTBPW. [QUOTE][B][CENTER][COLOR="Blue"]PWH Risen[/COLOR][/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Sunday Week 4, April 2007[/CENTER] PWH presents its biggest card to date, with PWH Risen. The King of Heaven will be crowned on this night, as Ronin, Duberry Excess, and Thomas Morgan all have a viable shot at the championship. The winner of that match will face his first challenge, the winner of the Kashmir Singh/Kid Speed match up. Both men have looked good in the previous stages. Both men have something to prove tonight. Who will rise about it all? Also on the card, PWH attempts it's first Tag match, which is sure to be a crowd pleaser. [B]Exhibition Tag Match[/B] Warren Technique/Tempest Appleby vs. K-Squared/Mark Smart [B]Elimination Chase Final[/B] Kashmir Singh vs. Kid Speed [B]King of Heaven Trinity Match[/B] Thomas Morgan vs. Duberry Excess vs. Ronin[/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B][COLOR="MediumTurquoise"]PWH Risen[/COLOR][/B] [I]Sunday Week 4, April 2007 The Ohio Jewish Center: 9 fans.[/I][/CENTER] [B]Announcer: Michael NaGel Reported By: Sonny Faron of PWHits.com[/B] Hi folks, this is Sonny Faron, dragged away from Atlantic beach to report on the wonderfully wacky world of Holts PWH. This is evidently the biggest show they've done so far. So why is their crowd at a record low? Beats me. Maybe it's a horrible undercard. But I digress. Welcome to Risen. As the show opened, we see a brief video leading to the main event for tonight. But with only three shows, there wasn't a whole lot of good singles footage to make this video even a little worthwhile. Thankfully it was less than a minute. [COLOR="DarkRed"][B]F-[/B][/COLOR] The next segment, which I guess was an extra for internet fans, involved Duberry Excess barging into Thomas Morgans dressing room, demanding that the Trademark stay out of his way in the title match. Morgan ensured Excess that whatever issues he has with Ronin and Karen Killer, that he'll stay out of the way. But as far as the title was concerned, it was as good as his. I don't know what was more ludicrous, Excess thinking an opponet in a triple threat would stay out of the match, or Thomas Morgan having his own locker room. [COLOR="darkred"][B]F+[/B][/COLOR] [B]Tempest Appleby and Warren Technique defeated K-Squared and Mark Smart in 15:22 when Tempest Appleby defeated Mark Smart by pinfall with a Tempest Driver. [/B] The match was introduced as a tag team match, and I think it's a pretty good veiw of managment testing the tag team waters. It was, as is usual with this promotion, a decent contest, with Tempest Appleby improving the performance of the match. Mark Smart was the odd man out, as he was the only one who looked like he couldn't keep up. Tempest won the match after he caught Smart with a spinning brainbuster he calls the Tempest Driver. [B][COLOR="Sienna"]D[/COLOR][/B] Another internet exclusive I guess. Karen Killer enters the locker room of the Trademark and asks politely for Thomas Morgan to simply back out of the match, as Duberry and her client (who curiosly hasn't made it on screen yet. I wonder if he'll really be here) have unfinished business. Morgan declines (again) and states he's after the title. Killer says that's to bad, as she could make it... worth his while? Oh my God. Is Karen Killer hitting on TM? Seriously, you should see Morgans face. He looks like he's going to cry. He then kicks Killer out of his room and locks the door. I would have rated this worse, but I got to tell you, I thought it was hillarious. Everything was on, from Karen's creepy and charismatic performance, to Morgans face at the end. Served no real purpose though. [B][COLOR="Red"]E-[/COLOR][/B] [B]Kid Speed defeated Kashmir Singh in 14:52 by pinfall with a Speedycarana. [/B] Remember back when I said Geoff Borne and Thomas Morgan had natural Chemestry when it came to main event matches? Remember when I said it was the best match this promotions ever had? Take all of that, and shove it. From pillar to post, this is one of the better indy matches this month, right up their with the Matt Sparrow/Plauge match from CZCW's Spring Break Bash a few weeks ago. Kid Speed and Kashmir Singh have great chemistry, and it showed in their performances tonight. Kid Speed really steped up his performance skills, busting out hurricanrana's, armdrags, anything to keep the Sheik off his feet. He litterally out ran Singh for most of this match, though Singh was no slouch, powerslams, clothselines, suplexes; all with the intention of slowing the luchadore down. The end of the match came in a flash. Singh sent Kid to the ropes, looking for a flapjack spinebuster. Kid came down, and popped a Speedycarana out of nowhere for the one, two, three on a shocked Kashmir Singh. Match of the Night thus far. [B][COLOR="DarkOrange"]C-[/COLOR][/B] Having picked up the victory, Kid Speed goes out into the crowd to celebrate with his people... all nine of them. After that good a match, just walk to the back with your hands raised. [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]F-[/COLOR][/B] [B]Ronin defeated Duberry Excess and Thomas Morgan in 16:56; the order of elimination was Thomas Morgan first, and finally Duberry Excess. Ronin wins the King of Heaven title. [/B] They had a hard act to follow. In the end, the main event wasn't as good as the one precieding it. That said, it was on par with, (probably a little better than) the James Prudence/Donnie J match not long ago. Good indy main event. A little suprising how soon Morgan was out as well, a Boston Whiplash from Excess took him out after he knocked Ronin out of the ring. the final five minute consisted of more technically based wrestling, multiple nearfalls. Around this time it was obvious that Duberry didn't have the energy to go on much longer, but Ronin cut it short, rolling out of an Excess Force attempt and snapping off a seriously stiff Shinanju Kick for the victory, and the title. [B][COLOR="Sienna"]D+[/COLOR][/B] Good match, annoying celebrationg. Ronin just holding the belt looking lost while Killer screams like a maniac. I want those forty five seconds back. [COLOR="DarkRed"][B]F-[/B][/COLOR] [B]Overall D+[/B] This is probably the best show this young promotion has offered, and this is the first time I've really gotten into something they've shown me. I feel for them financially though, I know they were really pushing for this show, and for only nine people to bother turning out, it can't be good for finances. Ronin isn't the guy I would have given the belt to out right, but his whole 'White Angel' gimmik bleeds over here and I guess it's part of the aesthetic. Duberry is the last person I would have picked to be top face in any indy promotion, pet project certainly, but not main event rebel face, but he did alright here. The clear MVP of this promotion within the first four months has been Thomas Morgan, with Kashmir Singh a close second. I'm actually a little amped for their next show, Pride. Kid Speed vs. Ronin for the King of Heaven title? Should be an interesting bout. [B][I]Match of the Night: Kid Speed defeated Kashmir Singh in 14:52 by pinfall with a Speedycarana.[/I][/B]
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