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Pro Wrestling Heaven: Rise of an Indy

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glad to see your somehow keeping yourself out of the red and even managing to put on decent shows. I like the idea of giving Preston Holt a company right out of the gates, its not to far fetched and may even cause small ripples in the Cverse
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The Great Lakes area, home of every start up indy fed in the history of the C-Verse! :D Good work so far. I'm glad Duberry Excess is getting some play and I'm a bit jealous that I didn't think of the Ronin gimmick or giving Velocidad a Americanized name like Speed Kid.
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[QUOTE=NickC13573;387593]Touche[/QUOTE] :) [QUOTE=MaxxHexx]grads on the C- Great show considering your small capital and low populaity hurting the angles. Keep it up.[/QUOTE] Thanks. To be honest, I didn't expect it when it happened so I'm pretty pleased with how it went down. [QUOTE=mad5226]glad to see your somehow keeping yourself out of the red and even managing to put on decent shows. I like the idea of giving Preston Holt a company right out of the gates, its not to far fetched and may even cause small ripples in the Cverse[/QUOTE] Thanks, though it's mostly the product at this point. Duberry will be a pretty good worker in two or three years. At this point he's really basic. That's kinda what I was hoping to. To get people who normaly go nowhere in the Cverse over. [QUOTE=foolinc]The Great Lakes area, home of every start up indy fed in the history of the C-Verse! Good work so far. I'm glad Duberry Excess is getting some play and I'm a bit jealous that I didn't think of the Ronin gimmick or giving Velocidad a Americanized name like Speed Kid.[/QUOTE] Thanks. I didn't think a mexican kid called "Velocidad" would ever get over in Chi-town, or Ohio for that matter. Kid Speed on the otherhand... And I'm a Duby mark. So sue me. :cool: - Sonfaro
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[B][CENTER][SIZE="4"]Pro Wrestling Hits[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [I][CENTER][SIZE="3"]"The Inside Scoop since 1975"[/SIZE][/CENTER][/I] PWH seems to be in trouble with the banks again. Their 'Risen' show, their biggest effort thus far, only attracted nine fans to the Ohio Jewish Center, and sponsership hasen't covered their costs. While an exact number is unknown, it is expected that they are in a far deeper hole than previously. Speaking of PWH, their new Champion, 'Ronin' (AKA Frankie Dee who recently debuted for NOTBPW) sat down with Pro Wrestling Hits Columnist Beau Wiggington to discuss everything from Preston Holt, Being a Champion at 21, NOTBPW, the Stones, and riding with Karen Killer all day. Take a look. [QUOTE] [B]Beau:[/B] What’s up Wrestling fans, I’m Beau Wiggington here today with Frankie Dee… Er… I’m sorry, is it Ronin? [B]Ronin:[/B] It doesn’t matter. [B]Beau:[/B] Well we’re stateside, so… would Ronin be alright? [B]Ronin:[/B] Sure. [B]Beau:[/B] You’ve been wrestling now for almost three years now, plying your trade in Canadian Independent shows around… well Canada. Do you feel validated in being signed by a major promotion such as NOTBPW? [B]Ronin:[/B] It feels good. [B]Beau:[/B] ...Okay. New topic. Karen Killer. [B]Ronin:[/B] What about her? [B]Beau:[/B] She's often been reported as a partier. A "Woman of the world". Has she rubbed off on you at all? [B]Ronin:[/B] Not really. [B]Beau:[/B] How is it you can work for NOTBPW and PWH? Isn't there a conflict of interests there? [B]Ronin:[/B] No there isn't. As far as I know Holt and the Stones have a good relationship? [B]Beau:[/B] How is your relationship to the Stones? [B]Ronin:[/B] Fine. [B]Beau:[/B] ...Just fine? Do you and Edd hang out? Do you get tips from Duane? [B]Ronin:[/B] I'm a private person. [B]Beau:[/B] ...I see. [B]Ronin:[/B] We almost done? [B]Beau:[/B] One more question. How do you respond to your critics who say you’re to young to be a main Champion. [B]Ronin:[/B] Pardon? [B]Beau:[/B] In Preston Holt’s PWH. You’ve been awarded the King of Heaven Title right? [B]Ronin:[/B] Yeah, I’m the Champion. [B]Beau:[/B] How do you respond to your critics… [B]Ronin:[/B] I heard you the first time. There will always be critics of the “White Angel”. They’re wrong. It's that simple. I am the future of this business. That's a fact. I'm young, durable, and I'm only going to get better. And if a promoter like Holt and his yes man Michael NaGel want to be the first company to give me a push, then fine by me. That's that. I'm a Champion in PWH. And I'm going to be a Champion in NOTBPW. And that is the gospel truth. [B]Beau:[/B] ...Um. Thanks for your time. [B]Ronin:[/B] Sure.[/QUOTE]
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[B][CENTER][SIZE="4"]Pro Wrestling Hits[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][SIZE="3"]"The Inside Scoop since 1975"[/SIZE][/CENTER] Problems aside, PWH is promoting it's next event, PWH Pride. Already slated is Kid Speed's shot at Ronin's newly won King of Heaven Championship. But the rest of the card also seems to have been set. Preston Holt is looking for a much more satisfying crowd than last go-round. [QUOTE] [B][COLOR="Yellow"][CENTER]PWH Pride[/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [I][CENTER]Sunday Week 4, May 2007[/CENTER][/I] After possiblely the best event in the companies young history, PWH plans to present the good people of Ohio with PWH Pride. As per his win in last months Elimination Chase Finals, Kid Speed gets the first crack at newly crowned Champion Ronin. Can the lightning quick luchadore best the Ice blooded martial artist? Also, the two other members of last months title match face each othe to determine just who main events next months event. Can the Beantonwn Bruiser best the Trademark? And in an Exhibition match, Kashmir Singh takes on Geoff "Air" Borne. Both men are coming off big losses. Will Geoff be 'Borne Again'? Or will Krishna be merciful to the 'Suicide Sheik'. Who will claim the victory when Pride is on the line? [B]#1 Contendership[/B] Duberry Excess vs. Thomas Morgan [B]Exhibition Match[/B] Kashmir Singh vs. Geoff Borne [B]King of Heaven Championship[/B] Kid Speed vs. Ronin[/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B][COLOR="Orange"]PWH Pride[/COLOR][/B] [I]Sunday Week 4, May 2007 The Ohio Jewish Center: 30 fans.[/I][/CENTER] [B]Announcer: Michael NaGel Reported By: Sonny Faron of PWHits.com[/B] Hey guys. Welcome to another instalment of Sonny Faron reviews the little indy that could. They've got a lot of fans tonight for this, good for them. that should really help revenue. Alright, lets get straight to it. The show begins with the King of Heaven Champion, Ronin, with the title straped over his shoulder, and Karen Killer shrilling how dangerous he is into the microphone. Yeah, yeah. We've heard all this before. Look, Karen Killer helped her client look good in this segment, but when your client just won a promotions title, don't you think you should be a little original? [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]F[/COLOR][/B] [B]Duberry Excess defeated Thomas Morgan in 14:53 by pinfall with a Boston Whiplash. [/B] This was actually the best match Excess has ever been in. Of course he was in there with Morgan, the absolute MVP of this promotion. Still this was a really good match, lots of technical wrestling. Excess got the win after reversing a legsweep into a Boston Whiplash. Really solid opener for this promotion. [B][COLOR="Sienna"]D+[/COLOR][/B] Geoff Borne starts out next, when he bumps into a ticked off Thomas Morgan. The two exchange words, before a pissed Morgan walks on to the back. I'm not sure what the purpose of that was. Are they building a Morgan/Bourne fued? And if so, wouldn't they want a better segment? [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]F[/COLOR][/B] [B]Kashmir Singh defeated Geoff Borne in 14:46 by pinfall with a Hinduplex. [/B] Really great match. This show is looking up. Borne and Kashmir have really great chemistry in this match up. Kashmir's entire arsenal was set to put borne on the ground, while Borne wanted to keep the match fast paced. In the end, a mid air lariat and a Hinduplex put Borne down. I'm really likeing this show. [B][COLOR="Sienna"]D+[/COLOR][/B] And we get an internet exclusive. Kid Speed is getting ready for his main event shot. Kashmir Singh shows up and brags about his victory. Speed congratulates him, and states that when he wins the title he'll give Kashmir a shot. Singh laughs and says that it has been preordained by lord Krishna, and that the title will be his regardless. I guess they're building to an eventual Singh/Kid rematch, but I got bored halfway through. Speed did seem to improve his performance skills though. [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]F[/COLOR][/B] [B]Ronin defeated Kid Speed in 17:58 by pinfall with a Shinanju Kick. During the match we also had Kashmir Singh run in and attack Speedy. Ronin makes defence number 1 of his King of Heaven title. [/B] You'd expect the first title defence in a promotion to best the midcard matches. It wasn't the champions fault. Speed looked really nervous, it was clear that he wasn't yet ready to main event the promotion. Both men wen't through the motions in this back, back and forth in a decent, though unspectacular match, including the cheating heel, the comeback face, and a prerequisite ref bump. When it looked like Kid Speed had it won, Kashmir Singh hit the ring while the ref was still out and hit Kid with a Hinduplex. He rolled out the ring and Ronin popped a Shinanju Kick while Karen Killer revived the ref to steal the victory. Decent, but I really wish it hadn't been the main event. [B][COLOR="Sienna"]D[/COLOR][/B] Post match, Singh and Ronin beat down on Speed... Why. Celebrate your win! [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]F-[/COLOR][/B] And here come the other faces. Duberry and Geoff hit the ring to make the save. Really guys? You're an indy, not Sports Entertainment. I don't need to see the same show every month. [COLOR="DarkRed"][B]F-[/B][/COLOR] [B]Overall D[/B] The show was draged down by the main event, pure and simple. It's enough to warrant them more fans, which is only going to help them. While I'm intriuged by a Singh/Speed fued, and a Borne/Morgan rivalry is promising, I just wish they had more heat. And as for Ronin and the King of Heaven Title, I'll reserve judgment for now. But as it stands he reads a lot like imitation Frankie Perez. Here's hoping things get better. [B]Match of the Night:[/B] [B]Kashmir Singh defeated Geoff Borne in 14:46 by pinfall with a Hinduplex. [/B]
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[B][CENTER][SIZE="4"]Pro Wrestling Hits[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][SIZE="3"]"The Inside Scoop since 1975"[/SIZE][/CENTER] Though the banks are still keeping a watchful eye on the promotion, it seems that they seem to be out of real serious danger, and that one decent show will likely give them their first true profit in months. This news has obviously given Preston Holt something to smile about, as he prepares his boys for their next event, PWH Fallen. [QUOTE][B][CENTER][COLOR="DarkRed"]PWH Fallen[/COLOR][/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][I]Sunday Week 4, June 2007[/I][/CENTER] Two men who know eachother very well enter the ring for the second time to determine which of the two of them is the better worker, as Thomas Morgan and Geoff Borne look to establish themselves. Two men who have never met before now have a chance to chase the dream as Duberry Excess looks to remain a main event presence as he takes on Kashmir Singh. The winner of that match will take on the incomparable Ronin and his manager Karen Killer in the main event of this blockbuster. The future is never clear, for often when you think you've risen up, you find that you have Fallen. [B]#1 Contenders Match[/B] Duberry Excess vs. Kashmir Singh [B]Grudge Match[/B] Thomas Morgan vs. Geoff Borne [B]King of Heaven Title[/B] ??? vs. Ronin[/QUOTE]
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[B][COLOR="DarkRed"][CENTER]PWH Fallen[/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [I][CENTER]Sunday Week 4, June 2007 The Ohio Jewish Center: 31 fans.[/CENTER][/I] [B]Announcer: Michael NaGel Reported By: Sonny Faron of PWHits.com[/B] Hey there wrestling fanatics. Sonny Faron here reviewing another fine addition of PWH: The Indy everybody loves to hate. Well not everybody... I don't hate them. :) I've gotta say, I'm hoping they do a little better than last time. Things are looking up. They have one extra person in the Center tonight. A nice little family that's been coming regularly brought their four year old. How cute. The show starts with everybodies favorite babyface Duberry Excess. -_-' Somebody has given the poor boy a microphone. He says that a lot of critics don't like him because he isn't "Indy-tastic" and that they would rather see a train wreck of a spot fest as opposed to a good technical battle. He promised that tonight you wouldn't see a spot-fest. You'd see him whoop Kashmir Singh's... tail (he had to catch himself. There were little kids in the audience tonight), and that he'd be taking the King of Heaven Title back to Boston. It isn't that your critics want a spot-fest kid, it's that you're kind of boring in the ring. Not bad. Just boring. On the mike however, that's another story. I think it was a pretty good promo in comparison. The fans would have rather seen a match take some of this time, but they were more into it than, say, a Tempest Appleby promo. has a microphone, and says that he is very confident that he will get the win in his upcoming match against Kashmir Singh. [B][COLOR="darkred"]F+[/COLOR][/B] [B]Duberry Excess defeated Kashmir Singh in 14:59 by pinfall with a Boston Whiplash. [/B] Cut and dry here. Singh and Duberry worked a basic heel dominates, face hits Five-Moves-of-Doom at the end for the win. A really by the numbers match that was a pretty good, though not spectacular opener for the show. I guess it's Duberry and Ronin again. Didn't that match bomb last time? [B][COLOR="Sienna"]D[/COLOR][/B] Aannndddd.... He hops into the audience as if he's already won the title. WTF. [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]F[/COLOR][/B] Hey, Internet fans get a special treat. A video plays hyping Thomas Morgan vs. Geoff Borne. It looked like somebody had been playing with their Windows Movie Maker. Really, I've seen Youtube videos better than this. Blah. It served it's purpose I guess, but I didn't care for it. [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]F-[/COLOR][/B] [B]Thomas Morgan defeated Geoff Borne in 14:34 by submission with a Trademark Infringment. [/B] Holy crap! This was alittle better than Kid Speed/Kashmir Singh from a few months ago. Morgan and Borne really stole the show here, their natural chemistry shining through the match. Borne was all over the place, he was hitting all sorts of flying clotheslines. Off the ropes, off the guard rail. They're really pushing that Borne's Lariats are the best in PWH. Still, BornesMorgan locked in the Infringment and it was a done deal. Looks like Morgan has Borne's number. [B][COLOR="darkorange"]C-[/COLOR][/B] Another internet exclusive. Backstage, Karen Killer intercepts Duberry as he prepares to fight Ronin and asks him to simply stand aside. "Whatever worldly pleasures you could ask for, they can be yours." Duberry just looks at her. "Thanks but no thanks. I prefer doing things my way. Besides. I might catch something". And then he walks off, leaving Killer to huff and puff. It was funny to me, but a little distasteful, and it didn't really serve much purpose except to establish roles; Duberry Excess is somebody the champion is worried about, and Karen Killer is a nasty MILF. [COLOR="Red"][B]E-[/B][/COLOR] [B]Ronin defeated Duberry Excess in 17:36 by pinfall with a Shinanju Kick. During the match we also had Karen Killer run in and attack Duberry Excess. Ronin makes defense number 2 of his King of Heaven title. [/B] Another formulaic match up. It wasn't bad, but considering their second match of the year contender was only a few minutes ago, this is sort of dissappointing. Duberry isn't used to going over fifteen minutes. His five moves of doom were a little slower than usual on the intake today. The end came when Excess was looking to hit the Boston Whiplash, and Karen got on the ropes to distract him. He moved over to the ropes to push her off, when she grabs the back of his head and... kisses him? Eww. Shad something in her mouth, I think they've taken a page from Inky the Squid boy. Duberry was sputtering and coughing, and it allowed Ronin to recover long enough to hit the Shinanju Kick that knocked Excess to the mat. One... Two... Three, it's over. [B][COLOR="Sienna"]D[/COLOR][/B] Ronin grabs his title and drags Karen Towards the back, when Duberry rolls to the side and grabs a mike. He was hoarse (or acting hoarse, I couldn't tell), but I think he challenged Ronin to a rematch. Ronin was about to make his way back to the ring for round two but Killer pushed him on to the back, leaving a grumpy Duberry Excess in a dirty ring with what is probably just chocolate syrup all over his mouth and upper torso recieving a half hearted ovation from thirty-one fans (I shouldn't say half hearted. The kids loved him). [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]F[/COLOR][/B] [B]Overall [COLOR="Sienna"]D[/COLOR][/B] Another one of those Main events that made the rest of the card a lot to be desired. Thomas Morgan vs. Geoff Borne should be downloaded as often as possible though, it's one of my favorite matches from this little promotion, and I'm really hoping Morgan gets the big one at some point. [B]Match of the Night: Thomas Morgan defeated Geoff Borne in 14:34 by submission with a Trademark Infringment. [/B]
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