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WCW 2008-Eric Bischoff at it again

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[B]Bob Sapp[/B] vs.Vito The New Harlem Heat vs.[B]The James Boys[/B] Buff Bagwell vs.[B]Kevin Thorn[/B] Grandmaster Sexay vs.[B]Wagner Brown/Kristal[/B] [B]Vampiro[/B] vs.Justin Credible [B]The Million Dollar Sons[/B] vs.The Hearthtobs Kevin Nash vs.[B]Sting[/B]
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Quick Picks [B]Bob Sapp[/B] vs.Vito The New Harlem Heat vs.[B]The James Boys[/B] Buff Bagwell vs.[B]Kevin Thorn[/B] Grandmaster Sexay vs.[B]Wagner Brown/Kristal[/B] [B]Vampiro[/B] vs.Justin Credible The Million Dollar Sons vs.The [B]Hearthtobs[/B] [B]Kevin Nash[/B] vs.Sting
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[CENTER][COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="6"]WCW Thunder[/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER] Eric Bischoff music hits as he comes to the ring. [B]Bischoff:[/B]Tonight I have not one, but yes, two huge announcements. [B]Bischoff:[/B]My first announcement is in regards to Superbrawl. At Superbrawl there will be a tournament. but not just any tournament, a tournament to determine the WCW heavyweight champion. [B]Bischoff:[/B]My second announcement is also in reguards to Superbrawl. We we hold a 'Brawl for it all', there will be three teams of 5 competing, under elimination rules. Why you might ask, well the final superstar to score a pin or a submission will be the number one contender for the WCW heavyweight championship. (Commercial Break) (Bob Sapp and Fairplay come out to heat from the crowd) (Vito receives another decent pop from the crowd) [CENTER][B]Bob Sapp vs.Vito[/B][/CENTER] Vito tries to go right after Bob Sapp,but Sapp hits a huge powerslam for 2.Sapp then hits a huge piledriver.Vito puts a few punches in but gets hit with the Beast Bomb for 3 [B]Winner:Bob Sapp Rating:B[/B] We're in the back with The James Boys and Letcia Cline. [B]Cline:[/B]James Boys tonight you guys take on a debuting Tag Team Harlem Heat. [B]KC:[/B]Tonight me and my cousin Cassidy will prove to you new bloods that we are the standard in WCW. (Commercial Break) (Harlem Heat comes out to a huge pop from the crowd) (The James Boys receives huge heat from the crowd) [B][CENTER]Harlem Heat vs.The James Boys[/CENTER][/B] KC James starts out with Shad Gaspard,Gaspard hits a huge sidewalk slam.Gaspard then hits a huge samoan drop.James rallies by hitting a huge powerslam,Gaspard then hits a huge powerbomb for 2.KC James then tags in his cousin Cassidy and Gaspard tags in his partner Jayson Paul.Paul then hits a crossbody on Cassidy,followed by a hurracarana for 2.James then hits a huge dropkick.With the ref distracted Cassidy low blows Paul, dropkicks Gaspard off the ropes and tags in KC James.James then hits the Sky High Powerbomb for 3 [B]Winner:The James Boys Rating:B[/B] We're in the back with Letcia Cline and Buff Bagwell [B]Cline:[/B]Buff tonight you take on a new WCW sensation Kevin Thorn, that match is coming up next, what are your thoughts? [B]Buff:[/B]Well if i wasn't so Buff, so Beautiful and so gifted. I might care, but it's is time for me to teach this young gun a thing or two. (Commercial Break) (Buff Bagwell comes out to a huge pop from the crowd) (Kevin Thorn receives huge heat from the crowd) [CENTER][B]Buff Bagwell vs.Kevin Thorn[/B][/CENTER] Kevin Thorn and Bagwell trade punches to start,Thorn then hits a huge powerslam.Bagwell hits a suplex and a legdrop for 2.Bagwell then hits a huge neckbreaker as Bagwell goes to the top but Thorn hits the ropes. The ropes Split the uprights and Bagwell takes the shot to his groin.Thorn then hits Original Sin for 3. [B]Winner:Kevin Thorn Rating:B[/B] We're in the back with Wagner Brown,Kristal and Letcia Cline [B]Cline:[/B]Wagner Brown tonight you debut against Too Cool's Grandmaster Sexay,what are your thoughts. [B]Kristal:[/B]Tonight Wagner Brown is going to prove he is the Jamaican force in WCW and the clown he is facing will be picked apart piece by piece. (Wagner Brown receives huge heat from the crowd) (Grandmaster Sexay gets a huge pop from the crowd) [CENTER][B]Wagner Brown vs.Grandmaster Sexay.[/B][/CENTER] Grandmaster hits a huge dropkick but Brown goes nowhere.Brown hits a belly to belly on Grandmaster thats sends him to the floor.Grandmaster puts little offense in only to get locked into a bear hug forcing Grandmaster to submit [B]Winner:Wagner Brown Rating:B[/B] (Commercial Break) We're in the back with Letcia Cline and Justin Credible [B]Cline:[/B]Justin Credible tonight you take on a WCW original in Vampiro,what are your thoughts. [B]Credible:[/B]Tonight is the night of the"Credible one"and you Vampire freak are going to suffer a "Credible" defeat! (Justin Credible gets some heat from the crowd) (Vampiro receives a huge pop from the crowd) [B][CENTER]Justin Credible vs.Vampiro[/CENTER][/B] Vampiro hits a huge suplex on Justin Credible.Justin Credible then hits a huge dropkick and then takes Vampiro to the top and hits a superplex for 2.Vampiro then hits a piledriver onto the floor.Credible low blows Vampiro an hits "Thats Incredible" for 3. [B]Winner:Justin Credible Rating:C[/B] We're in the back with Letcia Cline and The Million Dollar Sons. [B]Cline:[/B]Teddy,Mike tonight you guys take on the Hearthrobs, what are your thoughts. [B]Teddy:[/B]Tonight we're dedicating this match to our Dad and our Grandma.Hearthrobs you will be fighting two tough ************s and we're brothers. (Commercial Break) (The Million Dollar Sons receive a huge pop from the crowd) The Hearthrobs receive decent heat from the crowd. [CENTER][B]The Million Dollar Sons vs.The Hearthrobs[/B][/CENTER] Teddy starts out with Romeo,Teddy hits a huge powerslam.Romeo hits a huge armdrag takeover,only to hit a huge piledriver for 2.Teddy then hit a huge Million Dollar Stunner for 2.Teddy tags in his brother Mike while Romeo tags in Antonio.Mike Dibiase hits a huge powerbomb,He then goes to the top and hits a Million Dollar Elbow Drop for 3. [B]Winner:The Million Dollar Sons Rating:A[/B] We're in the back with Sting and Letcia Cline [B]Cline:[/B]Sting tonight you get your revenge against Kevin Nash,what are your thoughts. [B]Sting:[/B]I'm going to get back at you Kevin for screwing me out of my match and oh yeah it's showtime. (Commercial Break) (Sting comes out to insane pop from the crowd) (Kevin Nash receives immense heat from the crowd) [B][CENTER]Sting vs.Kevin Nash[/CENTER][/B] Kevin Nash hits a huge big boot to start the match.He then hits a huge legdrop for 2.Sting fights back with a huge piledriver,he then hits a huge Stinger splash.Sting spots 6 Pac on the stage, but undeterred hits the Scorpion deathdrop anyway.As he is about to lock in the Scorpion Deathlock 6 Pac attacks him from behind.He then hits the X factor and Nash then hits the Jacknife powerbomb [B]Winner:Sting by DQ Rating:A+[/B]
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[QUOTE=mistaken;390102]Quick Picks [B]Bob Sapp[/B] vs.Vito The New Harlem Heat vs.[B]The James Boys[/B] Buff Bagwell vs.[B]Kevin Thorn[/B] Grandmaster Sexay vs.[B]Wagner Brown/Kristal[/B] [B]Vampiro[/B] vs.Justin Credible The Million Dollar Sons vs.The [B]Hearthtobs[/B] [B]Kevin Nash[/B] vs.Sting[/QUOTE] 4 of 7 not bad for a Nash,Vampiro and The Hearthrobs [QUOTE=dse81;390087][B]Bob Sapp[/B] vs.Vito The New Harlem Heat vs.[B]The James Boys[/B] Buff Bagwell vs.[B]Kevin Thorn[/B] Grandmaster Sexay vs.[B]Wagner Brown/Kristal[/B] [B]Vampiro[/B] vs.Justin Credible [B]The Million Dollar Sons[/B] vs.The Hearthtobs Kevin Nash vs.[B]Sting[/B][/QUOTE] 6 of 7 Vampiro screwed you of being perfect.
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[CENTER][COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="6"]WCW Nitro [/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER] What will happen after Sting got screwed by 6 Pac and Kevin Nash.Eric Bischoff will also announce team captains for "the brawl for it all". [CENTER]Quick Picks Bob Sapp vs.Too Cool Kevin Thorn and Judas Mesias vs.The James Boys Rikishi vs.Vampiro Justin Credible vs.Andrew Martin Sudden Impact vs.The Million Dollar Sons Rob Van Dam vs.Bobby Lashley Sting and ??? vs.Kevin Nash and 6 Pac[/CENTER]
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[B]Bob Sapp[/B] vs.Too Cool [B]Kevin Thorn and Judas Mesias[/B] vs.The James Boys Rikishi vs.[B]Vampiro[/B] [B]Justin Credible[/B] vs.Andrew Martin Sudden Impact vs.[B]The Million Dollar Sons[/B] [B]Rob Van Dam[/B] vs.Bobby Lashley [B]Sting and ??? [/B]vs.Kevin Nash and 6 Pac
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[B]Bob Sapp[/B] vs.Too Cool [B]Kevin Thorn and Judas Mesias[/B] vs.The James Boys [B]Rikishi[/B] vs.Vampiro Justin Credible vs.[B]Andrew Martin[/B] Sudden Impact vs.[B]The Million Dollar Sons[/B] Rob Van Dam vs.[B]Bobby Lashley[/B] [B]Sting and ???[/B] vs.Kevin Nash and 6 Pac
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[B]Bob Sapp[/B] vs.Too Cool Kevin Thorn and Judas Mesias vs.[B]The James Boys[/B] [B]Rikishi[/B] vs.Vampiro [B]Justin Credible[/B] vs.Andrew Martin Sudden Impact vs.[B]The Million Dollar Sons[/B] [B]Rob Van Dam[/B] vs.Bobby Lashley Sting and ??? vs.[B]Kevin Nash and 6 Pac[/B]
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[QUOTE=GDiesel62;390837][B]Bob Sapp[/B] vs.Too Cool Kevin Thorn and Judas Mesias vs.[B]The James Boys[/B] [B]Rikishi[/B] vs.Vampiro [B]Justin Credible[/B] vs.Andrew Martin Sudden Impact vs.[B]The Million Dollar Sons[/B] [B]Rob Van Dam[/B] vs.Bobby Lashley Sting and ??? vs.[B]Kevin Nash and 6 Pac[/B][/QUOTE] ...Why are you predicting your own thread?
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[QUOTE=Phantom Stranger;390961]A new fan who started a new game with your posting style, schtick, interests, and the same typing errors you always have? A new fan with a name suspiciously similar to your own? Pull the other one, Deezy.[/QUOTE] It's either him, or someone mocking him, either way, it's sad.
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[QUOTE=Phantom Stranger;390961]A new fan who started a new game with your posting style, schtick, interests, and the same typing errors you always have? A new fan with a name suspiciously similar to your own? Pull the other one, Deezy.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=MVP!;390967]It's either him, or someone mocking him, either way, it's sad.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Phantom Stranger;390969]Hadn't thought of that one. But yes, it is.[/QUOTE] It's not me,I'm telling the truth
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[CENTER][SIZE="6"][COLOR="Blue"]WCW Nitro[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER] Eric Bischoff music hits as he comes to the ring. [B]Bischoff:[/B]Do you know what? SuperBrawl is shaping up to be one hell of an event. [B]Bischoff:[/B]I'm here to announce The James Boys will take on The New Harlem Heat, how cool is that? and speaking of cool, Too Cool and The Million Dollar Sons will also be apart of it, gosh lets make it a 4 team elimination match at Superbrawl! [B]Bischoff:[/B]And while I'm at it, why don't i announce the team Captains for 'the Brawl for it all'.First captain will be John Morrison. (Morrison comes down to the ring.) [B]Bischoff:[/B]The Second Captain will be Rob Van Dam. and hmm, not quite sure, oh what the hay let's make Bobby Lashley the third captin. (John Morrison takes the mic from Bischoff) [B]Morrison:[/B]Lets deal with things in order. First off, my first partner will be Bob Sapp unless he's got a problem with that! Next I am the definition of WCW,I'm sure your aware my name was Nitro in the WWE.I deserve to be the first to put one of these WCW geysers out of business. (Commercial Break) Bischoff interupts the match before it starts and tells bob sapp if he wins he will award him the tv title. Bob Sapp comes out to huge heat from the crowd Too Cool receives a huge pop from the crowd. [B]Bob Sapp vs.Too Cool[/B] Bob Sapp powers over both men hitting huge powerbomb,he then hits Grandmaster with a huge powerslam.He then whips Scotty too Hotty in the corner and hits a huge splash.He then hits a Beast Bomb for 3 [B]Winner:Bob Sapp/Johnny Fairplay Rating:B[/B] We're in the back with the James Boys and Letcia Cline. C[B]line:[/B]James Boys you guys have already been announced for the Tag Title match at SuperBrawl. Tonight you guys have to prove your resume by facing Judas Mesias and Kevin Thorn,what aee your thoughts. [B]KC:[/B]Our thoughts,our thoughts!I thought we proved ourselves to Mr Bischoff, but what do we get two freaky bloodsuckers. (Commercial Break) (The James Boys come out to huge heat from the crowd) (Judas Mesias and Kevin Thorn come out to huge heat from the crowd) [B]The James Boys vs.Kevin Thorn and Judas Mesias/James Mitchell[/B] KC James and Kevin Thorn start out as KC hits a huge sidewalk slam.he then hits a piledriver for 2.Thorn fights back hitting a huge powerbomb,he then hits a huge suplex for 2.He then tags in Judas Mesias,while KC James tags in Cassidy James.Cassidy hits a huge dropkick,Judas Mesias then hits a huge powerslam.Cassidy hits a low blow while he then tags in his cousin who then hits the sky high powerbomb for 3 [B]Winner:The James Boys Rating:B[/B] We're in the back with Rikishi and Letcia Cline [B]Cline:[/B]Rikshi next uptonight you take on Vampiro, what are your thoughts. [B]Rikishi:[/B]Tonight the bad man comes back and does something a vampire should enjoy, beats a bloody taste into his mouth. (Commercial Break) (Rikishi comes out to a huge pop from the crowd) (Vampiro comes out to huge heat from the crowd) [B]Rikishi vs.Vampiro[/B] Rikishi hits a huge samoan drop on Vampiro.Rikishi then hits some powerful kicks to the body.Vampiro rallies hitting a huge dropkick for 2.Vampiro then hits a huge crossbody.Rikishi then kicks him into the corner and hits a stinkface.then he hits the Banzai Drop for 3 [B]Winner:Rikishi Rating:A*[/B] We're in the back with Andrew Martin and Letcia Cline [B]Cline:[/B]Andrew Martin tonight you take on Justin Credible.I've heard he is predicting a win for tonight. [B]Martin:[/B]Tonight Credible you already have this down as your win,well I'm going to make sure that you do not count your chickens before they hatch. (Commercial Break) (Justin Credible comes out to huge heat from the crowd) (Andrew Martin receives a huge pop from the fans) [B]Justin Credible vs.Andrew Martin[/B] Andrew Martin goes right after Credible with a big boot,he then hits a huge sidewalk slam for 2.Credible does fight back hitting a huge superkick knocking Martin off his feet.He then hits a suplex for 2.Credible picks up Martin for "Thats Incredible" but Martin reverses into the Pumphandle slam for the 3 [B]Winner:Andrew Martin Rating:B[/B] We're in the back with the Million Dollars Sons and Letcia Cline. [B]Cline:[/B]Million Dollar Sons tonight you guys take on Sudden Impact,what are your thoughts. [B]Teddy:[/B]Tonight we go against two drunk stupid ass idiots in Sudden Impact,boys we going to prove blood is thicker than alcohol. (Commercial Break) (The Million Dollar Sons come out to huge heat from the crowd) (Sudden Impact come out to a huge pop from the crowd) [B]The Million Dollar Sons vs.Sudden Impact[/B] Ted Dibiase Jr starts out with Hybrid,He then hits a huge bulldog.Dibiase Jr then drops a knee to the face for the 2.Hybrid fights back hitting a huge clothesline.He then goes to the top rope and hits a huge elbow drop.Teddy tags in his brother,while Hybrid tags in Cybrus.Mike Dibiase hits a huge powerslam on Cybrus for 2.He then hits a huge powerbomb for 3. [B]Winner:The Million Dollar Sons Rating:B[/B] We're in the back with RVD and Letcia Cline. [B]Cline:[/B]Tonight RVD you face one of the men you will be facing in the 'brawl for it all' match in Bobby Lashley,what are your thoughts. [B]RVD:[/B]Letcia,I'm the whole dam show and Bobby you're going to be another example of that (Commercial Break) (RVD comes out to a huge pop from the crowd) (Bobby Lashley receives a huge pop from the crowd [B]RVD vs.Bobby Lashley[/B] RVD hits a huge spinning heel kick,then he hits rolling thunder for 2.Lashley then hits a huge powerslam on RVD.Lashley then hits a huge suplex for 2.RVD then hits a huge split legged moonsault for 2.Lashley then hits a huge spear for 3. [B]Winner:Bobby Lashley Rating:A[/B] We're in the back with 6 Pac,Kevin Nash and Letcia Cline. [B]Cline:[/B]6 Pac,Kevin tonight you guys take on Sting and his mystery partner. [B]Nash:[/B]Big Sexy wants to prove to all his critics he can still get it done. [B]6 Pac:[/B]Stinger who ever your partner is you won't stand a chance against 6 Pac and Big Sexy. (Commercial Break) (6 Pac and Nash receive huge heat from the crowd) (Sting comes out to a huge pop from the crowd) he points up the isle way to!!!! Afa Jr!! [B]Sting and Afa Jr vs.Kevin Nash and 6 Pac[/B] Afa Jr and 6 Pac start out,Afa Jr hits a huge belly to belly suplex.he then hits 6 pac with a sidewalk slam for 2.Afa Jr tags in Sting,while 6 Pac gets to Kevin Nash.Sting hits a huge dropkick and whips Nash to the corner.He then hits the sting splash for 2.Nash hits a piledriver for 2.Sting then hits the scorpion deathdrop for 2,he then locks in the scorpion death lock forcing Nash to tap. [B]Winner:Sting and Afa Jr Rating:A+[/B]
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[CENTER][SIZE="6"][COLOR="Blue"]WCW Thunder[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER] After bringing Afa Jr into the brawl with Sting,Kevin Nash and 6 Pac.what will be the fallout also Lashley and Rob Van Dam announce 2 team members while John Morrison announces another teammate.Also the participants for the World Heavyweight Championship Tournament. [CENTER]Quick Picks Jayson Paul vs.Cassidy James vs.Scotty Too Hotty vs.Ted Dibiase Jr Rikishi vs.Kevin Thorn Buff Bagwell vs.Wagner Brown Sting vs.6 Pac Kevin Nash vs.Judas Mesias Bob Sapp vs.Rob Van Dam 1st Pick vs.Bobby Lashley 1st Pick[/CENTER]
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Jayson Paul vs.Cassidy James vs.Scotty Too Hotty vs.[B]Ted Dibiase Jr[/B] Rikishi vs.[B]Kevin Thorn[/B] [B]Buff Bagwell[/B] vs.Wagner Brown [B]Sting[/B] vs.6 Pac [B]Kevin Nash[/B] vs.Judas Mesias [B]Bob Sapp[/B] vs.Rob Van Dam 1st Pick vs.Bobby Lashley 1st Pick
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Jayson Paul vs.[B]Cassidy James [/B]vs.Scotty Too Hotty vs.Ted Dibiase Jr [B]Rikishi[/B] vs.Kevin Thorn Buff Bagwell vs.[B]Wagner Brown[/B] [B]Sting[/B] vs.6 Pac [B]Kevin Nash [/B]vs.Judas Mesias Bob Sapp vs.[B]Rob Van Dam 1st Pick [/B]vs.Bobby Lashley 1st Pick
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Why, ifyour booking WCW, do you have a match, then a backstage interview with a person in the next match, then a match. Etc.? WCW had this thing called angles, it wasn't all interviews and matches you know. To say you've had atleast 14 different dynasties, you'd of thought you'd of found a way to go with the products.
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[QUOTE=W3LSHY;393493]Why, ifyour booking WCW, do you have a match, then a backstage interview with a person in the next match, then a match. Etc.? WCW had this thing called angles, it wasn't all interviews and matches you know. To say you've had atleast 14 different dynasties, you'd of thought you'd of found a way to go with the products.[/QUOTE] Angles ok like the wrestler going to an opponent home and stalking(Christan Cage-Abyss or Undertaker,DDP.
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[CENTER][COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="6"]WCW Thunder[/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER] Bobby Lashley music hits (Lashley walks down to ring) [B]Lashley:[/B]Tonight I'm here to announce my first two partners.My first partner is going to be one of the great ones!!!! [B]Lashley:[/B]Siaki Miavia!!!!,Also my second partner has lived on the Seringethhi,Monty Brown!!!!. (RVD comes out to a huge pop and grabs the mic from Lashley) [B]RVD:[/B]I'm also here to announce my two picks.My first has been considered the next showstoppa!!! [B]RVD:[/B]Matt Shane!!!.My other partner is a third generation frenchman Rene Durpree!!!!. (Bischoff comes out to huge heat) [B]Bischoff:[/B]Finally, if you two are done. I have an announcement for tonight that actually matters to these people. That is the world heavyweight tournament begins tonight. The first match will be Rikishi versus Kevin Thorn, Then Buff Bagwell will take on Wagner Brown, Followed by Sting versus 6 Pac and to round out the night Kevin Nash will face Judas Mesias. now if you two will exuse me, i have more important things to attend to. (Commercial Break) [B](Jayson Paul comes out to a huge pop from the crowd)[/B] [B](Cassidy James receives huge heat from the crowd)[/B] [B](Scotty Too Hotty receives a huge pop from the crowd)[/B] [B](Ted Dibiase Jr comes out to immense heat from the crowd)[/B] [B]Jayson Paul vs.Cassidy James vs.Scotty Too Hotty vs.Ted Dibiase Jr[/B] Paul goes after James,while Dibiase Jr gets control of Scotty.Paul hits a headscissors on James,While Dibiase Jr hits a huge powerslam on Scotty.Cassidy fights back by hitting a hurracarna on the floor.Dibiase Jr then hits a huge powerbomb for 2.James then throws Dibiase Jr out of the ring and goes to the top and hits a frog splash for 3. [B]Winner:Cassidy James Rating:B[/B] As Scotty Too Hotty is going back too his locker room 5 masked men confront him. "dudes i don't want any trouble!" the masks hide the smiles as they attack him anyway, their final insult a crowbar shot to the knee. [B](Commercial Break)[/B] We're in the back with Kevin Thorn and Letcia Cline [B]Cline:[/B]Kevin Thorn tonight you take on Rikishi in the first round of the world heavyweight tournament.what are your thoughts. [B]Thorn:[/B]Tonight I'm going to prove I'm thirsty for more than blood.I'm thirsty for gold. [B](Kevin Thorn receives huge heat from the crowd)[/B] [B](Rikishi receives a huge pop from the crowd)[/B] [B]Kevin Thorn vs.Rikishi[/B] Kevin Thorn goes right after the big man with big uppercuts. Kevin rocks Kishi back on his heals and hits a huge powerslam.Rikishi responds by hitting a huge samoan drop for 2.Thorn kicks out and hits original sin for 3. [B]Winner:Kevin Thorn Rating:B[/B] [B](Commercial Break)[/B] Buff is in the back talking to some road agents when Kristal taps him on the shoudler. [B]Buff:[/B]What do you want,Kristal. [B]Kristal:[/B]I wanted to make sure you knew that you have no chance in hell of winning tonight. why? (Wagner Brown walks up behind Kristal) [B]Kristal:[/B]that's why! [B](Commercial Break)[/B] [B](Buff Bagwell comes out to a huge pop from the crowd)[/B] [B](Wagner Brown receives huge heat from the crowd)[/B] [B]Buff Bagwell vs.Wagner Brown/Kristal[/B] Buff goes right to work on the big man hitting huge punches that stagger Brown.Brown then hits a huge clothesline and gains control.Brown takes the advantage to hit a huge powerslam for 2.Buff hits a huge dropkick and sets up Brown for the blockbuster but Kristal grabs his boot, giving Wagner time to reverse it into the Xcasty bomb for 3 [B]Winner:Wagner Brown Rating:A*[/B] [B]Grandmaster Sexay barges into Eric Bischoff's office.[/B] [B]Sexay:[/B]Eric! did you see what just happened out there to Scotty? are you going to do something about this? [B]Bischoff:[/B]why yes, yes i did GMS, but you don't see me panicking. Just breath deeply and will figure out who your replacements will be in the fatal four way. [B](Grandmaster Sexay sputters as The New Hart Foundation barges in)[/B] [B]Bischoff:[/B]Well speak of the devil,Teddy,DH how would you guys like Too Cool's spot in the Tag Title fatal four way? [B](they look at each other and smile)[/B] [B]Both:[/B]Why not. [B](They Leave,Grandmaster has suspicious look on his face.)[/B] [B](Commercial Break)[/B] We're in the back with Sting and Letcia Cline [B]Cline:[/B]Sting tonight you take on 6 Pac in the world heavyweight title tournament.What are your thoughts. [B]Sting:[/B]Pac you better hope Kevin Nash isn't around to save you tonight because once the beating starts it won't stop. [B](Sting receives a deafening pop from the crowd)[/B] [B](6 Pac receives huge heat from the crowd)[/B] [B]Sting vs.6 Pac[/B] Sting hits 6 pac with huge punches,he then hits a huge ddt on 6 pac for 2.6 pac rallies to hits some huge kicks to the body of Sting.6 pac whips Sting to the outside where he hits a huge plancha.Sting fight back hitting a huge suplex on the floor.Sting rolls 6 pac and hits the stinger splash for 2.he then hits the scorpion deathdrop.He finally locks in the scorpion deathlock,but Kevin Nash rushes down to ringside.As the ref is seeing if 6 pac taps,Nash grabs the ring bell and hits Sting on the head with it.6 pac crawls on top of Sting for the 3 [B]Winner:6 Pac Rating:A*[/B] We're in the back with Judas Mesias and James Mitchell [B]Mitchell:[/B]Tonight my son"Judas Mesias will show all the people of the world that he is not just good, not just great but a true championship contender, by destroying a former WCW champion! (Commercial Break) [B](Kevin Nash is still receiving boos form the crowd)[/B] [B](Judas Mesias receives some heat as well)[/B] [B]Kevin Nash vs.Judas Mesias[/B] Kevin Nash hits a big boot on Mesias to being the match.Mesias fights back by hitting a thunderous powerslam for 2.Nash fights back hitting a huge ddt for 2.Nash then hits another big boot,Nash then attempts the Jacknife powerbomb but Sting who was under the ring grabs Nash's foot giving Mesias the pin for the 3 [B]Winner:Judas Mesias Rating:A+[/B] We're in the back where Matt Shane is talking to Siaki Miavia, only for both to get attacked from behind by Bob Sapp.Sapp throws Miavia through a glass window, turns and hits the beast bomb on Shane through a wooden table. (Commercial Break) [B](Bob Sapp comes out to huge heat from the crowd) (Matt Shane comes out to a huge pop,he obliviously is hurt) (Siaki Miavia comes out to a pop from the crowd,he also is looks hurt)[/B] [B]Bob Sapp vs.Matt Shane vs.Siaki Miavia[/B] Bob Sapp hits both men with huge clotheslines.He then hits a huge double Samoan drop.Matt Shane and Siaki Miavia fight back against the monster as Shane hits the Sweet Chin Music then Miavia hits the Siakialyspe.Matt Shane then hits a huge hurracarana on Siaki for 2. Siaki rallies hitting a huge spinebuster for 2 on Shane.Siaki then hits the Siakialyspe on Shane for 3. [B]Winner:Siaki Miavia Rating:A+[/B]
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[CENTER][SIZE="6"][COLOR="Blue"]WCW Nitro [/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER] [B][I]One week remains before SuperBrawl and things are starting to shape up.As Too Cool has been eliminated from the tag team title picture.Eric Bischoff has a couple announcements for SuperBrawl while the three teams fill out there teams.Also the debut of After Dark with Kevin Thorn and his special guest is his opponent at SuperBrawl Wagner Brown.[/I][/B] [CENTER]Quick Picks Jack Evans vs.Grandmaster Sexay Buff Bagwell vs.Wagner Brown Sting and Afa Jr vs.Kevin Nash and Justin Credible New Harlem Heat and the Million Dollar Sons vs.The James Boys and The New Hart Foundation John Morrison vs.Bobby Lashley RVD and 6 Pac vs.Kevin Thorn and.Judas Mesias[/CENTER]
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Jack Evans vs[B].Grandmaster Sexay[/B] Buff Bagwell vs.[B]Wagner Brown[/B] Sting and Afa Jr vs.[B]Kevin Nash and Justin Credible[/B] New Harlem Heat and the Million Dollar Sons vs.The James Boys and [B]The New Hart Foundation[/B] [B]John Morrison[/B] vs.RVD vs.Bobby Lashley [B]Wagner Brown and 6 Pac[/B] vs.Kevin Thorn and Judas Mesias
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