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GCW: From Georgia To The World

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Heavyweight Title Match [b]Paul Orndorff[/b] vs. Ivan Koloff I think Orndorff, after beating Valentine, should have a long reign as champ. I just hope he doesn't get scooped up by WWF or AWA on a written deal. National Tag Team Titles Match Ole Anderson and Thunderbolt Patterson vs. [b]Harley Race and Greg Valentine[/b] Just not a big Thunderbolt fan...... Stan Hansen vs. Terry Funk [B]Double DQ[/B] Which would lead to a huge street fight. A pure brawl, worth the price of admission [b]Buzz Sawyer and Brett Wayne[/b] vs. The Road Warriors The new champs need some face competition. Loser Leaves Town Match The Iron Sheik vs. [b]Tommy Rich[/b] Something tells me that AWA has signed The Iron Shiek to a written deal. Or, you are just punishing Shiek for smoking crack. Arn Anderson vs. [b]Larry Zbyszko[/b] While Anderson isn't at Larry's level yet, a cheap win could setup a great feud
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National Heavyweight Title Match [B]Paul Orndorff[/B] vs. Ivan Koloff Just cant see them having Orndorff losing. Quote: National Tag Team Titles Match Ole Anderson and Thunderbolt Patterson vs.[B] Harley Race and Greg Valentine[/B] It gives them a purpose I believe but I'm guessing Funk might have something to do with it. -PLUS!- Quote: [B]Stan Hansen[/B] vs. Terry Funk I think Hansen gets a big win here over Funk, but again I don't think it will end anything. Would have loved to see this match back in the day, did it ever take place? Quote: Buzz Sawyer and Brett Wayne vs.[B] The Road Warriors[/B] Can't see the warriors dropping it, just a gut feeling. Although if I get this right then I probably got the other tag match wrong. Quote: Loser Leaves Town Match [B]The Iron Sheik[/B] vs. Tommy Rich My guess is Rich sends Sheik alway, (to WWF maybe) Quote: [B]Arn Anderson [/B]vs. Larry Zbyszko I belive Anderson gets the win and is elevated up to another level with this match, Plus theres nothing like an Anderson Spinebuster. Really like this dynasty. I like the whole DOTT universe and I still haven't got a game so I live through you guys who do these dott dynastys and this is one of the best.
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[CENTER][B][SIZE=5]GCW End of Month Spectacular (May)[/SIZE] Friday, Week 4, May 1983 Civic Center Atlanta, Georgia Attendance: 4,183 [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/GCW/BuzzSawyer.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/GCW/BrettSawyer.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/GCW/RoadWarriorAnimal.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/GCW/RoadWarriorHawk.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]Buzz Sawyer and Brett Wayne vs. The Road Warriors[/SIZE] What a way to kick off the show here at the Civic Center in Hotlanta with tough tag team action! The Road Warriors were, of course, accompanied to the ring by Precious Paul Ellering. Last month at Firestorm the Road Warriors beat the Sawyers and the LOD came running down to the ring for this match. They focused their attack on Brett Wayne, sending Buzz out of the ring and the match began with the focused power attack of Animal on Brett Wayne. The Road Warriors kept Wayne within their corner for the first few minutes of the bout, working him over. The Roadies used quick tags in and out to keep a fresh man in the ring at the instructions of Paul Ellering from the outside. Wayne was tossed out of the ring and Buzz was pushed by Animal. Buzz came into the ring and the referee quickly grabbed him to push him back in his corner. This gave Paul Ellering the chance to put the boots to Brett Wayne! Wayne was tossed back in the ring and Ellering gave the signal for the Doomsday Device! Animal made the tag and Hawk began climbing the turnbuckle. As Animal began lifting Wayne, Brett hit him with an elbow and dove on the ropes, crotching Hawk on that top turnbuckle! Brett ducked a clothesline from Animal and rolled over to his corner and tagged in big brother Buzz!!! Buzz came in quickly and knocked down Animal with a clothesline! In came Hawk and he was sent to the ropes and back body dropped to the mat! Paul Ellering jumped on the apron and even he was knocked down by Buzz! The Mad Dog sent Animal over the top rope with a clothesline and turned his attention to Hawk! He lifted Hawk up on his shoulder...Running Powerslam!!! Buzz made the cover: 1... 2... 3!!! What an upset win for the Sawyers! Winners: Buzz Sawyer and Brett Wayne Match Time: 5:56 Match Rating: C Ellering was outside the ring talking to Animal and Animal slid back in behind the celebrating Buzz Sawyer! Buzz was taken down by a clothesline to the back of the head and Animal went after Brett Wayne, lifting him up and military press slamming him to the mat! Hawk had slowly gotten up and began removing one of the spikes from the shoulder pads of the L.O.D.! Brett was laid out as Hawk went to the top turnbuckles! He couldn't! No way! Buzz is slowly getting up! He sees Hawk and leaps on top of his brother! OH MY GOD!! Buzz Sawyer just took one of those solid metal spikes to the back of the head! He is busted wide open, wearing a crimson mask as the Road Warriors look down at the damage and Paul Ellering smiles. What a disgrace! And this is just the beginning! ------ The fans in attendance were treated to a live video of the workout routine of Mr. Wonderful Paul Orndorff! He is shown lifting weights and flexing his muscles and before the video ends he looks into the camera. [U][COLOR=RED]Paul Orndorff[/U] Ivan Koloff, if you think that you can beat Mr. Wonderful you better forget it. Tonight's show is my night to shine! I'm going to walk into the Civic Center with the National Heavyweight Title and leave with it.[/COLOR] ------ Larry Zbyszko is shown down at the podium. [U][COLOR=RED]Larry Zbyszko[/U] Tonight Arn Anderson I'm going to prove why I am the Living Legend in this business. They said I couldn't beat Bruno Sammartino but I proved them wrong. Tonight I will prove the doubters wrong that say I cannot beat you. When I had the Assassin attack you before that was just to help save you from the beating that was to come. Tonight there will be no salvation.[/COLOR] Larry turned and headed toward the ring. Gordon Solie got some comments from Arn Anderson earlier in the evening. [U][COLOR=RED]Gordon Solie[/U] Hello wrestling fans, Gordon Solie here alongside Arn Anderson. Arn, tonight you look to get some revenge against a man who's been plaguing you for weeks in Larry Zbyszko. Your thoughts going into this match?[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=BLUE]Arn Anderson[/U] Gordon Solie, I've said it a hundred times over, when you mess with an Anderson you're gonna find out just what it feels like to get your ass kicked in the middle of the ring. Ask anyone around here, I don't wear a white hat. I'm not a good guy. Whether you fans cheer for me or whether you boo me you know that you're going to get everything that I have in the middle of the ring. You're gonna get Double A. You're gonna get an Anderson Wrecking Machine. As far as tonight goes, Larry Zbyszko, you've talked a lot of trash but the talking is over. Tonight, we go into that ring and do exactly what it says on the marquee: wrestle and may the best man win.[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/GCW/ArnAnderson.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/GCW/LarryZybszko.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]15 Minute Time Limit Arn Anderson vs. Larry Zbyszko[/SIZE] The first five minutes after the bell rang was mostly spent with posturing by Zbyszko. Anderson would try to lock up with the Living Legend and Zbyszko would step back by the ropes and dip his head out of there, telling the referee to get him back. The two athletes finally locked up and Anderson backed Zbyszko into the corner. The referee looked for a clean break there and Anderson took a thumb to the eye by Zbyszko. Zbyszko turned his attention to the shoulder of Anderson, cinching in an armbar and even a cross arm breaker but Anderson would never give up. Zbyszko stomped on the arm and dropped an elbow on it before locking the armbar back in again. Zbyszko's attack was focused on one area, one arm. He wrapped that arm in a hammerlock and bodyslammed Anderson down on it before laying that arm out and moving to the turnbuckles, climbing all the way to the top! The crowd looked on as Zbyszko leaped and Anderson got a foot up! Zbyszko's face landed right into the sole of Anderson's boot and Zbyszko fell back in the corner as the announcer called out there is only five minutes left! Anderson pushed to his feet and began to lay into Zbyszko with right hands, saving that hurt left arm and favoring it. Anderson whipped Zbyszko into the opposite corner and charged with a splash in the corner! Zbyszko staggered out and fell to the ground. Anderson picked up the Living Legend and whipped him into the ropes...SPINEBUSTER!!! Anderson floats over... 1... 2... DING DING DING!!!! The referee's hand doesn't drop for that third time as the time limit expires! Winner: Time Limit Draw Match Time: 15:00 Match Rating: D+ Anderson got up, talking to the referee and looked angry as he realized he didn't get the win. He fell back in the corner, looking down at Zbyszko as the Living Legend slowly came to. Zbyszko used the ropes to get to his feet and Anderson walked over, offering his hand as a show of respect to Zbyszko. The Living Legend looks down at it and then sneers at Anderson, ignoring the gesture and leaving the ring while Anderson shook his head. ------ The attention turns backstage where Thunderbolt Patterson is seen lying in a pool of his own blood! Gordon Solie calls it a crimson mask that Thunderbolt is wearing at the moment as he is down within the locker room area. How will this play into one of our main events tonight? ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/GCW/IronSheik.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/GCW/TommyRich.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]Loser Leaves Town Match The Iron Sheik vs. Tommy Rich[/SIZE] The crowd was on their feet for this huge contest as the loser of this match would be leaving Georgia Championship Wrestling. The Iron Sheik was hailed by boos from the crowd when he came out. Wildfire was cheered wildly by the fans here in Atlanta. And just think this isn't even the main event! Tommy Rich started the match off hot with several armdrags and a back body drop that sent the Iron Sheik rolling out of the ring to catch a breath while the crowd cheered on Wildfire! The Iron Sheik slowly rolled back into the ring before he was counted out and looked toward Rich. The Iron Sheik backed into a corner and Rich charged at him! The Sheik ducked out of the way and Rich hit the corner hard, bouncing back a few steps and dropping to his knees. The Iron Sheik quickly walked over and stomped the back of Rich to boos from the crowd. The Iron Sheik laid in several more stomps, waving to the crowd and getting them to boo him even more! The 'U.S.A.' chant begins as the Iron Sheik pulls Rich to his feet and lifts him up into a backbreaker, bringing him down to the mat. He makes a cover but only gets a 2 count says referee Scrappy McGowen. The Sheik goes right in with more kicks, leaning down and biting the head of Tommy Rich! Rich is busted wide open by the bite of The Iron Sheik and in excruciating pain! The Iron Sheik walks to a corner and stomps his foot on the ground, loading that boot before giving another kick to the back of Wildfire Tommy Rich! The Iron Sheik grabs Rich's legs and lift them up, turning Rich over into a Boston Crab! The crowd boos, beginning those 'U.S.A.' chants again as the referee asks Rich if he wants to give it up but Rich shakes his head! Tommy Rich's back is in a lot of pain! The Iron Sheik keeps the hold on, stretching backward. Tommy Rich's screams can be heard within the arena as the crowd moves toward defeaning levels with their U.S.A. chant! Rich inches slowly toward the ropes! He pushes himself up slightly with his hands, pushing back toward the ropes. He's getting closer. Shaking his head that he doesn't give up. Rich is inches away from the ropes, pushing himself up high and actually uses his leg strength to power out of the boston crab, sending the Iron Sheik flying to the mat! The crowd cheers as Rich holds his back in pain. Slowly the Iron Sheik pushes to his feet and walks toward Rich but Rich gives him a punch to the gut! Another one! Rich is fighting to his feet with that crimson mask of a face and he leans in, biting the Iron Sheik on the nose! The Iron Sheik cries out in pain as the referee pulls the two apart! Rich grabs the Iron Sheik and lifts him up, bodyslamming him to the mat but then grabs his back in pain, dropping to a knee! Wildfire slowly gets back up and drops an elbow on the Iron Sheik, making a cover: 1...2...kickout! Tommy Rich couldn't hold the Iron Sheik down for the three count! Rich slowly got to his feet and Wildfire climbed to the second turnbuckle, looking down on The Iron Sheik as the Iron Sheik slowly got to his feet. Rich leaped and got caught with a punch right to the gut by the Iron Sheik! The Sheik grabbed Rich and lifted him into a gutwrench suplay before moving over him and locking down on the Camel Clutch! The crowd booed the Iron Sheik and tried to cheer on Rich. Rich fought and fought against the Camel Clutch but couldn't seem to break the hold. After about a minute in the hold, the referee called for the bell and it was over! Wildfire Tommy Rich's career here in Georgia is OVER! Winner: The Iron Sheik Match Time: 16:07 Match Rating: B- ------ While the crowd was stirring over the last match, Gordon Solie had Ole Anderson as a guest. [U][COLOR=RED]Gordon Solie[/U] Ole, we all saw that there was an attack perpetrated on your tag team partner Thunderbolt Patterson earlier tonight. Do you have a status update on him?[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=GREEN]Ole Anderson[/U] You know, Gordon Solie, it's amazing what Harley Race and Greg Valentine will do to gain an advantage in the match later on. But, you know what, that's alright. If Thunderbolt can't compete then I'll defend these National Tag Team Titles by myself because I'm an Anderson. And that means I'm the toughest SOB to ever come around Georgia Championship Wrestling. Whether Harley Race or Greg Valentine likes it, I'm going to stay a Champion tonight.[/COLOR] Intermission before our three major matches[/CENTER][/B]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE=5]GCW End of Month Spectacular (May)[/SIZE] Friday, Week 4, May 1983 Civic Center Atlanta, Georgia Attendance: 4,183 [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/GCW/StanHansen.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/GCW/TerryFunk.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]25 Minute Time Limit Stan Hansen vs. Terry Funk[/SIZE] The fans return from the concessions stands to find a brawl already started in the middle of the ring between these two big Texans. It's a battle of punches in the center of the ring to see who's going to go down first! Right hands exchanged back and forth between the two wrestlers! Hansen blocks a punch and then fires another one into Terry Funk's face and another and another! Hansen builds some momentum and brings Funk to the ground with a right hand! Hansen quickly grabs Funk and lays some forearms to the face and Funk scurries out of the ring, raising his arms and swinging away at no one in particular as he falls back near the crowd. Funk made his way back into the ring and the two locked up and began to push each other trying to see who's the tougher man. The bigger Hansen pushed Funk back and Funk went right back to another lock up and pushed Hansen back! Funk ducked another lockup and chopped Hansen in the chest! A second time! A third knocked Hansen back into a corner where Funk began attacking with shoulders to the gut! A snap mare took Hansen over and Funk began pounding on the back of the head of the Lariat before he moved around and stomped on the leg of Hansen! For the next several minutes, Terry Funk focused on the leg and knee of Hansen, perhaps in preparation for that dreaded Funk Spinning Toe Hold. The next five minutes was spent with Funk keeping the advantage over Hansen. He continued his focus on the leg and on keeping Hansen grounded. The larger Lariat's weight and height advantage are neutralized when he is kept on the mat. Funk got several two counts during this time frame but couldn't keep the big man from Borger, Texas down. Funk decided to call it over and grabbed Hansen, lining him up for a Piledriver but Hansen reversed it with a back body drop! Funk hit the mat, grabbing his back in pain! Hansen grabbed the ropes to stay up as Funk was slow to get to his feet, having used a lot of energy to wear down Hansen. Hansen hobbles toward Funk and begins pounding him with right hands and forearm shots! Funk tries to keep his feet but Hansen takes a step back and Funk falls right on his face! Hansen drops an elbow and makes a cover, getting a two count but Funk kicked out! Hansen got up and wound up his arm, getting ready for Funk to get to his feet. Funk gets up and ducks a lariat attempt from Hansen! The shot took out the referee though! Hansen turns and Funk kicks him downstairs, doubling over Hansen! Funk pulls Hansen in and delivers a big Texas Piledriver! Funk makes the cover but there's no referee to make the count! The announcer calls out '15 seconds remaining!' Funk's eyes go wide and he reaches over, grabbing the referee, trying to wake him up! Funk quickly locks on the Funk Spinning Toe Hold, hoping for a quick submission. The referee is to his knees, looking over at Hansen and then... DING DING DING!!! The referee falls to the mat as Funk raises his hands in victory but the announcement is made that the 25 minute time limit has been reached! There is no winner! Winner: Time Limit Draw Match Time: 25:00 Match Rating: B+ Following the match, Terry Funk is irate! He slides out of the ring and grabs a chair, sliding back in and waiting for Hansen to get up! Hansen is slow to his feet but manages to kick Funk before he can lay down the chair and it's a brawl between these two big Texans all the way to the back! ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/GCW/OleAnderson2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/GCW/ThunderboltPatterson.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/GCW/HarleyRace2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/GCW/GregValentine.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]National Tag Team Titles Match Ole Anderson and Thunderbolt Patterson vs. Harley Race and Greg Valentine[/SIZE] Ole came down to the ring by himself, handing the belts to the referee and saying that he will defend the titles right here and now by himself if need be. Race and Valentine come down to the ring and the Rock quickly attacks them as soon as they enter the ring! He pounds Race's head into the turnbuckle and takes down Valentine with a clothesline. His best bet is to get this match over quickly. He tosses Race over the top rope and turns back to Valentine, who catches him with a knee to the gut! Valentine rakes his face and the bad guys begin their advantage, using some quick tags to keep a fresh man in while Ole has no one to tag. Valentine lets Ole crawl over to his corner and see that there's no one there to save him before stomping on the leg of Ole Anderson. As the match wears on, it's obvious that Race and Valentine are toying with Ole Anderson, quickly double-teaming whenever Ole starts to make a comeback. Harley Race is in the ring when Ole moves out of the way of an avalanche in the corner and the crowd cheers as Thunderbolt Patterson comes out from the back to join the match! He quickly moves to the corner and stretches his hand out for Ole! The crowd goes wild as Ole crawls to the corner and Thunderbolt is tagged in but so is Greg Valentine! Valentine raises his arms up in hesitation as Thunderbolt charges him with a big forearm shot! Thunderbolt slams Race but gets caught from behind by Valentine with a shot to the back of the knee! Thunderbolt went down like a lead balloon as Valentine and Race took turns kicking on his fallen form. Ole was slowly getting to his feet and he fought Race, knocking both of them outside the ring as Valentine hooked on the Figure 4 Leglock inside the ring! Thunderbolt screamed out in pain, crying for his partner, who isn't there and eventually giving up due to the extreme pain of the Figure 4 and we have NEW National Tag Team Champions! Winners: Harley Race and Greg Valentine Match Time: 7:34 Match Rating: C+ Valentine left the ring and Ole turned to look back in it as the announcement was made. Ole slid back in the ring and helped his partner up and then pushed him back into the corner! Ole was yelling at Thunderbolt something that couldn't be heard by the fans and then turned, walking out without his partner! ------ The attention turned toward the podium where Ivan Koloff was standing. [U][COLOR=RED]Ivan Koloff[/U] Paul Orndorff, I hope that you are shining that National Heavyweight Title belt up real nice. I hope you are taking a good look at it as you sit back in that dressing room because in just a few moments you are stepping in the ring with Russian Bear. Right now, the people around you are calling you Mr. Wonderful. In just a few moments, I am going to knock the Wonderful right out of you.[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/GCW/PaulOrndorff.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/GCW/IvanKoloff.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]National Heavyweight Title Match Paul Orndorff vs. Ivan Koloff[/SIZE] Ivan Koloff waited in the ring while Paul Orndorff came out to cheers from the crowd, sliding inside the ring. They were both met with chants of 'U.S.A., U.S.A.' that made Koloff cover his ears. The referee is Scrappy McGowen and he holds up the National Heavyweight Title belt before calling for the bell. Orndorff flexed in front of Koloff who just stared at him from the corner. The two met nose-to-nose in the center of the ring and some jaw-jacking went on between the two. They locked up and it was a battle for power as neither man would budge. The lock-up broke with neither man giving up position and Ivan raised his right hand, offering up a test of strength with Mr. Wonderful. Orndorff looked to the crowd before raising his hand for it and Koloff kicked him in the gut! Koloff's arms wrapped around Orndorff and he drove him back hard into the corner! Koloff lowered his shoulder and rammed it into Orndorff's gut several times before backing up and driving a knee into Orndorff. Koloff grabbed Orndorff and whipped him across the ring, catching him in a powerslam: 1...2...kickout! Koloff got back up and dropped an elbow across Orndorff's chest. Koloff popped back up and dropped another elbow and then a third! The Russian Bear played to the crowd for a moment, hearing the boos from this pro-American crowd. Koloff turned back toward Orndorff and pulled him up, lifting him slightly and dropping him into a backbreaker, sending Orndorff to the mat. Koloff laid in a few stomps to Orndorff, turning him over and dropping an elbow on the back, focusing his attention there. He took a few steps back and ran toward Orndorff with a big kick to the back! Orndorff cried out in pain as he grabbed the ropes. Koloff bounced off the ropes and leapt toward Orndorff but Mr. Wonderful moved out of the way and Koloff caught the ropes between his legs! The crowd cheered as Orndorff used the ropes to help himself to his feet and charged toward Koloff, clotheslining him down! Orndorff grabbed Koloff and lifted him up into a press slam, grabbing his back afterward and dropping to a knee! Orndorff tried to shake off the effects as he moved toward Koloff who moved toward a corner. Koloff got to his feet and Orndorff fired a forearm shot to the Russian Bear's chest! Orndorff moved up the turnbuckles and began punching away on Koloff's forehead! The crowd counted along with Orndorff's punches: 1...2...all the way to 10! Orndorff dropped back down, kicking Koloff in the gut and pulling him in to a suplay! He floated over onto Koloff: 1...2...kickout by Koloff! Mr. Wonderful pulled up Koloff, who raked him in the face! Orndorff staggered around slightly and Koloff kicked him in the gut, yanking him in and dropping him to the mat with a DDT! What a devestating move! Koloff got back up and yanked Orndorff up into an inverted backbreaker! Orndorff cried out in pain as Koloff stretched Mr. Wonderful out but Orndorff wouldn't give up! Koloff continued to stretch out Mr. Wonderful in that inverted backbreaker with Orndorff crying out in pain but Orndorff would not give up! Eventually, Koloff released the hold and dropped Orndorff to the mat! Orndorff crawled, pulling himself away from the Russian Bear as Koloff got to his feet and stomped on Orndorff's back. He grabbed Orndorff and tossed him out of the ring, raising his arms to the crowd, hearing the boos and chants of 'U.S.A.!' Koloff moved out of the ring and pulled up Orndorff, wrapping him in a Bear Hug outside the ring as Orndorff cried out in pain! Koloff turned and rammed Orndorff's back into the side of the ring! Koloff rolled back in and stood tall as referee Scrappy McGowen continued the count and then called for the bell as Orndorff couldn't make it back into the ring! Winner: Ivan Koloff Match Time: 23:16 Match Rating: C- Ivan Koloff celebrated inside the ring, seeing Scrappy pick up the National Heavyweight Title belt. Koloff walked over and ripped the title belt away from Scrappy and held it up to boos from the crowd. He won but by countout so he shouldn't receive the title belt but it looks like he is going to be leaving with it tonight! What a show! Overall Rating: C Comments/ETC. about the show are welcomed and encouraged.[/B][/CENTER]
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Guest Bolton
Great show man. Great show. Too bad about the C- for the National Heavyweight title match though, but you're getting momentum. :)
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Thanks for the predictions and comments, everyone! I think I got a lot of people on the draws there as I hadn't posted the time limit in the prediction thread, sorry about that! [QUOTE=Bolton;402852]Great show man. Great show. Too bad about the C- for the National Heavyweight title match though, but you're getting momentum. :)[/QUOTE] Yeah I'm a little bummed about the score in the main event. The bad thing is that Orndorff and Koloff have no chemistry whatsoever. That really drew the match down. [QUOTE=combatmedic;403436]I hope Tommy Rich didn't get signed by another company, and you are going to bring back Rich, but under a mask[/QUOTE] Not going to let the cat out of the bag on this one. :) All I can say is tune in and see! :p
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[CENTER][B][COLOR=BLUE]L I V E this Saturday night from the Convention Center in Frankfort, Kentucky and broadcast on TBS[/B][/COLOR] [B][SIZE=6]GEORGIA CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING![/SIZE][/B] [U][B][SIZE=4]MAIN EVENT![/SIZE][/B][/U] [QUOTE][B]Ronnie Garvin vs. Ivan Koloff[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=BLUE][SIZE=4][B]-PLUS!-[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [QUOTE][B]The Lightning Express vs. The Road Warriors[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Les Thornton vs. Mr. Wrestling II[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Bob Armstrong vs. The Iron Sheik[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Larry Zbyszko vs. Italian Stallion[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Plus all the fall-out from the major show. What will Ivan Koloff have to say after beating Paul Orndorff and walking away with the title belt but not as Champion?[/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]BE THERE![/COLOR][/B] Predictions/Comments/Questions/Concerns Always Appreciated![/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE=5]Georgia Championship Wrestling[/SIZE] Saturday, Week 4, May 1983 Convention Center Frankfort, Kentucky Attendance: 4,517 The show begins with highlights from the Paul Orndorff/Ivan Koloff match, ending with Ivan Koloff winning by countout and walking out with the National Heavyweight Title on his shoulder! ------ Larry Zbyszko is down by the podium as the show moves down to ringside. [U][COLOR=RED]Larry Zbyszko[/U] What everyone saw last night in Atlanta was a travesty! Arn Anderson barely survived when that time limit came up and then he wanted me to shake his hand like he did a good job? Sorry, Arn, but I can't do that. What I can do is face you once again at the end of the month and prove to the world that the Living Legend is the best in this business just like I'm going to prove to this young punk tonight: The Italian Stallion. What a disgrace.[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/GCW/LarryZybszko.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/GCW/ItalianStallion.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]Larry Zbyszko vs. Italian Stallion[/SIZE] Larry came down to the ring determined to make good on his words earlier and dominated the match against the Italian Stallion, much to the surprise of no one. Zbyszko focused his attention on the arm and shoulder of the Stallion and Stallion got little to no offense in before Zbyszko hit his shoulderbreaker and got the pinfall victory. During the match, Gordon Solie and Freddy Miller mentioned that Zbyszko and Arn Anderson WOULD indeed be fighting at the end of the month! Winner: Larry Zbyszko Match Time: 9:48 Match Rating: C- ------ A video package is shown detailing the Loser Leaves Town match between the Iron Sheik and Tommy Rich. The Iron Sheik locked Tommy Rich in the Camel Clutch and picked up the submission victory, sending Tommy Rich OUT of Georgia Championship Wrestling! [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/GCW/BobArmstrong.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/GCW/IronSheik.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]Bob Armstrong vs. The Iron Sheik[/SIZE] The crowd cheered heavily for the arrival of Bob Armstrong to the ring and booed just as much when the Iron Sheik came out. This was quite possibly the match of the night as it was a very good back and forth encounter between the two loved and hated wrestlers. It was mentioned during the match that Armstrong dedicated this match to his friend Wildfire Tommy Rich. Armstrong got several near falls following a suplex and a Bulldog but the Iron Sheik would not be pinned. The Iron Sheik came back late in the match with some cheap tactics and began unlacing a boot in the corner. Armstrong came over there and got swatted away by the Iron Sheik with a rake to the eyes. Armstrong staggered a moment, grabbing the official and holding onto him, knocking him down in the corner. The Iron Sheik pulled off a boot and began smacking it against the mat, loading it up! Armstrong turned back toward the Iron Sheik and got NAILED in the face with the boot! The Iron Sheik tossed it out of the ring and made the cover as the referee recovered: 1...2...3!!! The Iron Sheik pulled out the victory. Winner: The Iron Sheik Match Time: 12:05 Match Rating: B- Following the match, The Iron Sheik rolled out of the ring and walked up to the podium, yelling at Gordon Solie in a foreign tongue before standing up to the microphone. [U][COLOR=RED]The Iron Sheik[/U] Just like I beat Wildfire Tommy Rich last night I beat Bob Armstrong here tonight! Only this time, Bob Armstrong can be here next week while Tommy Rich has to sit on unemployment line! Hahahahahaha! Enjoy your time of unemployment, Tommy Rich. I know I'll enjoy laughing at you, American.[/COLOR] ------ It is announced that next week, we are going to see Ronnie Garvin taking on Pez Whatley! Should be a great match! ------ The focus returns to the podium where Les Thornton is out there. [U][COLOR=RED]Les Thornton[/U] Tonight, I take on the man that everyone here in Georgia thinks is such a great wrestler in Mr. Wrestling II. But everyone here should know that I am a superior athlete. I am superior in all things to Mr. Wrestling II and to all you bloody fans watching the tele. That's right. You only have one choice and that's to deal with it when I destroy your hero tonight in Mr. Wrestling II.[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/GCW/LesThornton.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/GCW/MrWrestlingII.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]Les Thornton vs. Mr. Wrestling II[/SIZE] The crowd booed Les Thornton as he came out to the ring and then cheered when Mr. Wrestling II came out. II gained a quick advantage on Thornton, knocking him out of the ring. Thornton looked slightly wide-eyed back into the ring before sliding back in and it was a wrestling clinic early on between these two with quick holds and counterholds and pinfalls that didn't quite make it to three. The fans seemed very impressed with this match in the early-going. Thornton resorted to a low-blow out of sight of the referee to gain the advantage and nailed a few european uppercuts to Mr. Wrestling II's chin. The crowd booed Thornton as he brought Wrestling II to the mat and locked in a scissors hold to the waist, squeezing the life out of Mr. Wrestling II! Wrestling II was able to get to the ropes and as Thornton argued with the referee after the break of the hold, Wrestling II rolled him up: 1...2...kickout! Thornton's eyes were wide and he got taken down with a double leg takedown by Mr. Wrestling II and then catapulted into the turnbuckle face-first! Mr. Wrestling II got back up and kicked Thornton in the gut, bouncing off the ropes and nailing the Million Dollar Knee Lift! Thornton went down in a hurry and Mr. Wrestling II made another cover: 1...2...3! Mr. Wrestling II pulls it out! Winner: Mr. Wrestling II Match Time: 11:54 Match Rating: C+ Mr. Wrestling II celebrated in the middle of the ring following the victory with the fan's support at his back. ------ A video begins to play starting out in the swamps, focusing in on several different kinds of snakes out there before moving up to the mountains where Jake Roberts sits atop a rock, stroking the head of a snake. [U][COLOR=RED]Jake Roberts[/U] You fancy me the original sinner. You think that the Snake is bad but I can tell you that the Snake is good. It's good to be Jake The Snake Roberts. I am the toughest wrestler within Georgia Championship Wrestling and all of the NWA. Guys like Ric Flair won't face me because they know I can and will beat them for their titles. But that's alright because I know that I'm the best. I don't need the title to prove that. And soon all of Georgia Championship Wrestling is going to know that this snake bites and he is poisonous.[/COLOR] Jake throws his head back and laughs, still petting the snake while the cameras fade to black. ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/GCW/BradArmstrong.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/GCW/TimHorner.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/GCW/RoadWarriorAnimal2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/GCW/RoadWarriorHawk2.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]The Lightning Express vs. The Road Warriors[/SIZE] The Lightning Express were already in the ring when Paul Ellering led out an angry tag team in the Road Warriors! The Road Warriors entered the ring and immediately attacked Armstrong and Horner. The Express weren't able to stave it off with their speed as Hawk started out the match and simply dominated both athletes with Paul Ellering even walking to the commentary booth and giving his two cents! Horner was stuck within the ring when Ellering returned and gave the thumbs down signal. Animal lifted Horner up on his shoulders and Hawk came off with the Doomsday Device! Animal made the quick cover and the Road Warriors sealed a very emphatic win! Winners: The Road Warriors Match Time: 5:57 Match Rating: E+ ------ The focus turned to the podium where Ivan Koloff was standing by with Gordon Solie. Ivan was sporting the National Heavyweight Title around his waist! [U][COLOR=RED]Gordon Solie[/U] Hello wrestling fans. Before we go to our main event, I am here alongside The Russian Bear Ivan Koloff. Ivan, last night you took on and beat the National Heavyweight Champion Paul Orndorff but you didn't win the title. Yet now you are sporting it around your waist...[/color] [U][COLOR=GREEN]Ivan Koloff[/U] What do you mean I did not win National Title? Paul Orndorff could not answer ten count! Puny American could not rise to the challenge.[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=RED]Gordon Solie[/U] Yes but here in Georgia you can only win the title by pinfall or submission.[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=GREEN]Ivan Koloff[/U] In Russia, if wrestler can no longer fight they forfeit title. They give title to next superstar in line, which is Ivan Koloff. If Paul Orndorff wants another shot, I have an opening at the end of the month. He can come into the ring with Russian Bear and get destroyed again like superstar in the ring tonight. Which reminds me that it's time to go to work, little man.[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/GCW/RonnieGarvin.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/GCW/IvanKoloff.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]Ronnie Garvin vs. Ivan Koloff[/SIZE] The Russian Bear headed down to the ring and slid inside and was immediately attacked by Garvin with several stomps to the back of the head! Garvin lifted Koloff up into the corner and began laying into him with those hands of steel, stripping off the GCW National Title and looking at it. This distracted him long enough that Koloff laid into him with a Russian Sickle from the corner! Garvin was laid out on the ground and Koloff began his own advantage, stomping on Garvin's back and turning his focus to the back of Ronnie Garvin. The next several minutes had Koloff using backbreakers and stomps on the back of Ronnie Garvin and playing to the crowd. The crowd began a 'U.S.A.' chant that only seemed to infuriate Koloff! The Russian Bear rammed Garvin's back into the corner and then slammed a shoulder into his gut! He lifted Garvin in a high vertical suplex that had Garvin grabbing his back. Koloff lifted Garvin back up and locked in the Bear Hug! Garvin shouted in pain and the chants of 'U.S.A.' began again to try to get Garvin to fight out of it. Garvin struggled over and over again but he just couldn't seem to break it. Finally, he had no choice but to give up and Koloff got the win! Winner: Ivan Koloff Match Time: 13:06 Match Rating: B- Ivan picked up his National Heavyweight Title and celebrated with it inside the ring as the cameras faded out. Overall Rating: C+ TV Rating: 2.38[/B][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][U][SIZE=4]GCW: From Georgia To The World[/SIZE][/U][/CENTER] -Jim Barnett is not very happy about Ivan Koloff holding on to the National Heavyweight Title. -Pez Whatley arrived late to the last show and was given a warning. -The last show's tv rating got half hours of 2.39, 2.37 and 2.38 for a final rating of 2.38. -Terry Gordy extended his deal with WCCW. -Mae Young and Ricky Romero retired from wrestling. -World Wrestling Council and Consejo Mundial de Lucha Libre both ended their tv runs at the end of last month. -Expect a major surprise at the next show. -Dory Funk, Jr. and Greg Valentine won the NWA World Tag Team Titles from Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood at the last Mid-Atlantic show. Congrats to the Hammer! The name of their teaming is called The Futurists. -A radio interview with Bill Mulkey threw up an interesting tidbit last night, when he revealed that he enjoyed working against people bigger than himself, feeling that it compliments his style perfectly.
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[CENTER][B][COLOR=BLUE]L I V E this Saturday night from the Broadbent Arena in Louisville, Kentucky and broadcast on TBS[/B][/COLOR] [B][SIZE=6]GEORGIA CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING![/SIZE][/B] [U][B][SIZE=4]MAIN EVENT![/SIZE][/B][/U] [QUOTE][B]Ole Anderson and Thunderbolt Patterson vs. The Road Warriors[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=BLUE][SIZE=4][B]-PLUS!-[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [QUOTE][B]The Midnight Express vs. The Rock and Roll Express[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]The Spoiler vs. Mr. Wrestling II[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Ronnie Garvin vs. Pez Whatley[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Les Thornton vs. Rick McGraw[/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]BE THERE![/COLOR][/B] Predictions/Comments/Questions/Concerns Always Appreciated![/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE=5]Georgia Championship Wrestling[/SIZE] Saturday, Week 1, June 1983 Broadbent Arena Louisville, Kentucky Attendance: 4,657 The show begins with highlights from the Mr. Wrestling II/Les Thornton match last week where Mr. Wrestling II got the win over the British Bruiser. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/GCW/LesThornton.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/GCW/RickMcGraw.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]Les Thornton vs. Rick McGraw[/SIZE] Thornton began this week taking on Quick Rick McGraw. The crowd didn't really care for this match though it was dominated by the British Bruiser Les Thornton. Thornton picked up the pinfall following a Brainbuster. Winner: Les Thornton Match Time: 9:34 Match Rating: D- Following the match, Thornton was handed a microphone. [U][COLOR=RED]Les Thornton[/U] Everyone saw on replay how last week Mr. Wrestling II picked up the win. The British Bruiser slipped on a banana peel and Mr. Wrestling II got the pinfall. You better remember that because it won't happen again. Mr. Wrestling II, I am challenging you to a match at the end of the month Spectacular! I will PROVE that your win was just a fluke![/COLOR] ------ It is announced that the Sawyer Brothers have become the #1 Contenders to the National Tag Team Titles due to their win over the Road Warriors. ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/GCW/RonnieGarvin.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/GCW/PezWhatley.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]Ronnie Garvin vs. Pez Whatley[/SIZE] This was a pretty good match with the crowd getting behind the Man With The Hands Of Stone. Pistol Pez Whatley is no slouch, though, and kept up in the ring with Garvin but began to get tired toward the end of the match. Garvin used this to his advantage and nailed Whatley with the Hands of Stone Punch and got the pinfall victory. Winner: Ronnie Garvin Match Time: 11:58 Match Rating: C ------ A man in a mask walked down to the podium, dressed all in black. [U][COLOR=RED]Masked Man[/U] Iron Sheik, I am a man who was a fan of the man you sent out of GCW: Tommy Rich. I am coming here to exact revenge upon you for losing this great wrestler for GCW. You can call me: Mr. R.[/COLOR] ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/GCW/TheSpoiler2.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/GCW/MrWrestlingII2.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]The Spoiler vs. Mr. Wrestling II[/SIZE] Paul Ellering led the Spoiler down to the ring for this match against Mr. Wrestling II. Neither of the two masked men seemed to want to sell for the other one, making this a very hard-hitting contest. Ellering made a bit of a difference for the Spoiler, interfering within the match at times to keep the Spoiler's momentum going. Mr. Wrestling II started coming back toward the end when Les Thornton came into the ring and attacked him from behind, causing the DQ! Winner: Mr. Wrestling II Match Time: 14:46 Match Rating: D+ Thornton smiled as he slipped out of the ring. Mr. Wrestling II slowly got to his knees and picked up a microphone. [U][COLOR=RED]Mr. Wrestling II[/U] Les Thornton, I accept![/COLOR] ------ A video begins to play showing Paul Orndorff working out harder than ever. As he finishes his workout, he looks toward the camera. [U][COLOR=RED]Paul Orndorff[/U] Ivan Koloff, I'm going to be ready to get my title back. No one steals a title from Mr. Wonderful![/COLOR] ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/GCW/StanLane.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/GCW/BobbyEaton.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/GCW/RickyMorton.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/GCW/RobertGibson.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]The Midnight Express vs. The Rock and Roll Express[/SIZE] Another match in the ongoing feud between these two teams. Both teams showed excellent teamwork with the Midnight Express having that extra advantage of Jim Cornette at ringside. The crowd is slowly getting into both teams and the Rock and Rollers actually scored the victory here when Gibson pinned Lane following a Double Dropkick! Winners: The Rock and Roll Express Match Time: 9:36 Match Rating: D ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/GCW/OleAnderson2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/GCW/ThunderboltPatterson.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/GCW/RoadWarriorAnimal.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/GCW/RoadWarriorHawk.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]Ole Anderson and Thunderbolt Patterson vs. The Road Warriors[/SIZE] A hard-hitting main event as Ole and Thunderbolt took on the Road Warriors. The tag team problems that Ole and Thunderbolt have been having were definitely shown in this bout as Ole mostly refused to tag in Thunderbolt, despite having issues with the Road Warriors and getting beat down. Finally Ole did make the tag and Thunderbolt was a house of fire on the Road Warriors, clotheslining them both down. He gave them a double noggin knocker and even knocked Ellering off the apron! Ole came back in the ring to help out and grabbed Road Warrior Animal, holding his arms back as Thunderbolt wound up a punch! Animal ducked when Thunderbolt sent the punch and Ole was knocked to the ground! Animal grabbed Thunderbolt and somehow hoisted the large athlete on his shoulders, showing off his power! Hawk leapt off the top turnbuckle and completed the Doomsday Device with Animal making the quick cover and the Road Warriors are victorious over the former National Tag Team Champs! Winners: The Road Warriors Match Time: 5:43 Match Rating: C The Road Warriors rolled out of the ring and Thunderbolt and Ole were slow to get up. They looked at each other and Ole pushed Thunderbolt with Thunderbolt pushing Ole back! The two wrestlers nearly came to blows but Thunderbolt rolled out of the ring and headed to the back. ------ NEXT WEEK!!! The Russian Bear Ivan Koloff takes on.... THE AMERICAN DREAM DUSTY RHODES!!! Overall Rating: C- TV Rating: 2.23[/B][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][U][SIZE=4]GCW: From Georgia To The World[/SIZE][/U][/CENTER] -Georgia Championship Wrestling got a pretty good tv rating of 2.23 this past Saturday night with half hours of 2.24, 2.22 and 2.23. -Mr. Wrestling signed an extension to remain part of the GCW roster. -Terry Funk signed an extension to remain part of the GCW roster.
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And following the next card I was removed as Head Booker for Georgia Championship Wrestling. But this doesn't end my career. Oh no no no. Not by a long shot. The day after my release, GCW also released: The Mulkey Brothers Randy Barber Mike Starbuck Tim Horner Pat Rose Blackjack Lanza moved in as Head Booker for GCW following my absence.
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In an ironic turn of events, at the GCW End of Month Spectacular, Ivan Koloff defeated Paul Orndorff for the National Heavyweight Title. and The Road Warriors defeated the Rock and Roll Express in a match that resulted in a Multiple Concussion Syndrome for Road Warrior Hawk that will have him out for 14 months, 3 weeks. Then to end the month, another series of releases came from Georgia Championship Wrestling: Rick McGraw Pez Whatley Brett Wayne Brad Armstrong Bullet Bob Armstrong Italian Stallion Robert Gibson *Paul Orndorff!* Joe Lightfoot Jake Roberts The Iron Sheik!
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[B]Wrestler of the Year 1983:[/B] Terry Funk [B]Young Wrestler of the Year 1983:[/B] El Brazo [B]Veteran Wrestler of the Year 1983:[/B] Dr. Wagner [B]Female Wrestler of the Year 1983:[/B] Devil Masami [B]Promotion of the Year 1983:[/B] AJPW [B]Match of the Year 1983:[/B] Harley Race, Terry Funk and Greg Valentine defeated Ole Anderson, Stan Hansen and Thunderbolt Patterson, held by GCW at GCW Firestorm in April [B]Show of the Year 1983:[/B] CWA All Stars, held by CWA in December [B]Top Ten Wrestlers:[/B] 1. Ric Flair 2. Stan Hansen 3. Terry Funk 4. Giant Baba 5. El Solitario 6. Dos Caras 7. Harley Race 8. Jos Leduc 9. Dr. Wagner 10. El Matematico
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