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Souled Out Quick Picks WCW World Heavyweight Title "Hollywood" Hogan vs. Sting (c) The Outsiders vs. DDP and The Giant Bret "The Hitman" Hart vs. Curt Hennig WCW Tag Team Title Match The Steiner Brothers w/ Ted Dibiase (c) vs. Vicious and Delicious WCW TV Title Match Harlem Street Fight Konnan vs. Booker T (c) Raven's Rules Handicap Match Raven and Saturn vs. Rey Mysterio Jr. WCW Cruiserweight Title Match Eddie Guerrero vs. Ultimo Dragon (c) Masahiro Chono vs. Bill Goldberg Bonus 1: Who will pin/submit who in the Tag Team Title Match Bonus 2: Who will pin/submit who in the match between The Outsiders and DDP/Giant Prize: Create a Nitro main event
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WCW World Heavyweight Title "Hollywood" Hogan vs. [B]Sting (c)[/B] [B]The Outsiders[/B] vs. DDP and The Giant [B]Bret "The Hitman" Hart[/B] vs. Curt Hennig WCW Tag Team Title Match [B]The Steiner Brothers w/ Ted Dibiase (c)[/B] vs. Vicious and Delicious WCW TV Title Match Harlem Street Fight Konnan vs. [B]Booker T (c)[/B] Raven's Rules Handicap Match [B]Raven and Saturn[/B] vs. Rey Mysterio Jr. WCW Cruiserweight Title Match Eddie Guerrero vs. [B]Ultimo Dragon (c)[/B] Masahiro Chono vs. [B]Bill Goldberg[/B] Bonus 1: Who will pin/submit who in the Tag Team Title Match Scott will pin Vicious Bonus 2: Who will pin/submit who in the match between The Outsiders and DDP/Giant Nash will pin The Giant
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Souled Out Quick Picks WCW World Heavyweight Title "Hollywood" Hogan vs. [B]Sting (c)[/B] The Outsiders vs. [B]DDP and The Giant[/B] [B]Bret "The Hitman" Hart[/B] vs. Curt Hennig WCW Tag Team Title Match The Steiner Brothers w/ Ted Dibiase (c) vs. [B]Vicious and Delicious[/B] WCW TV Title Match Harlem Street Fight [B]Konnan[/B] vs. Booker T (c) Raven's Rules Handicap Match Raven and Saturn vs. [B]Rey Mysterio Jr.[/B] WCW Cruiserweight Title Match [B]Eddie Guerrero[/B] vs. Ultimo Dragon (c) Masahiro Chono vs. [B]Bill Goldberg[/B] Bonus 1: Who will pin/submit who in the Tag Team Title Match Buff will pin Rick Bonus 2: Who will pin/submit who in the match between The Outsiders and DDP/Giant Giant will pin Hall Prize: Create a Nitro main event
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Souled Out Quick Picks WCW World Heavyweight Title [B]"Hollywood" Hogan[/B] vs. Sting (c) The Outsiders vs. [B]DDP and The Giant[/B] (the giant to pin/submit hall) [B]Bret "The Hitman" Hart[/B] vs. Curt Hennig WCW Tag Team Title Match [B]The Steiner Brothers w/ Ted Dibiase[/B] (c) vs. Vicious and Delicious (Scott to pin/submit buff) WCW TV Title Match Harlem Street Fight Konnan vs. [B]Booker T [/B](c) Raven's Rules Handicap Match Raven and Saturn vs. [B]Rey Mysterio Jr.[/B] WCW Cruiserweight Title Match [B]Eddie Guerrero [/B]vs. Ultimo Dragon (c) Masahiro Chono vs. [B]Bill Goldberg[/B] Bonus 1: Who will pin/submit who in the Tag Team Title Match Bonus 2: Who will pin/submit who in the match between The Outsiders and DDP/Giant
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I really love your ppv banners btw. Souled Out Quick Picks WCW World Heavyweight Title "Hollywood" Hogan vs. [B]Sting (c)[/B] The Outsiders vs. [B]DDP and The Giant [/B] [B]Bret "The Hitman" Hart[/B] vs. Curt Hennig WCW Tag Team Title Match [B]The Steiner Brothers w/ Ted Dibiase (c)[/B] vs. Vicious and Delicious WCW TV Title Match Harlem Street Fight Konnan vs. [B]Booker T (c)[/B] Raven's Rules Handicap Match Raven and Saturn vs. [B]Rey Mysterio Jr.[/B] (after Kidman joins in as payback for getting bitched slapped, and since he can since its Raven's rules) WCW Cruiserweight Title Match Eddie Guerrero vs. [B]Ultimo Dragon (c)[/B] Masahiro Chono vs. [B]Bill Goldberg[/B] Bonus 1: I'm hoping for no mass nWo interference here otherwise my pick goes out the window heh, but I'll go for Scotty pinning Norton Bonus 2: Page will pin Hall after Nash turns face.
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I don't usually go in for real-world diaries, but this just rules. WCW World Heavyweight Title "Hollywood" Hogan vs. [B]Sting[/B](c) [I]Sting's only just won the belt, it would be stupid to take it off him at this stage. Plus, he's Crow Sting, how can he lose?[/I] The Outsiders vs. [B]DDP and The Giant[/B] [I]More of a sentimental pick than anything else, as DDP was my favourite wrestler during the Monday Night wars (and that includes The Rock and austin)[/I] Bret "The Hitman" Hart vs. [B]Curt Hennig[/B] [I]If I've got the top two correct then the nWo need a win here. If not, I just don't like Bret much. Either way, I predict muchos muchos interference[/I] WCW Tag Team Title Match The Steiner Brothers w/ Ted Dibiase (c) vs. [B]Vicious and Delicious[/B] [I]Whilst I personally would keep it on the Steiners, you appear to be running the 'steiners split up' storyline (not one of my favourites, but there we are), and it would be logical to have Vicious and Delicious to win here to take the win here to push the story along[/I] WCW TV Title Match Harlem Street Fight Konnan vs. [B]Booker T (c)[/B] Raven's Rules Handicap Match Raven and Saturn vs. [B]Rey Mysterio Jr[/B]. WCW Cruiserweight Title Match [B]Eddie Guerrero[/B] vs. Ultimo Dragon (c) Masahiro Chono vs. [B]Bill Goldberg[/B] Bonus 1: I'm guessing Buff over Rick Bonus 2: Hopefully, DDP over Scott
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WCW World Heavyweight Title "Hollywood" Hogan vs. [B]Sting [/B] [B]The Outsiders[/B] vs. DDP and The Giant [B]Bret "The Hitman" Hart[/B] vs. Curt Hennig WCW Tag Team Title Match The Steiner Brothers w/ Ted Dibiase (c) vs. [B]Vicious and Delicious[/B] WCW TV Title Match Harlem Street Fight Konnan vs.[B] Booker T [/B](c) Raven's Rules Handicap Match Raven and Saturn vs. [B]Rey Mysterio Jr.[/B] WCW Cruiserweight Title Match [B]Eddie Guerrero[/B] vs. Ultimo Dragon (c) Masahiro Chono vs. [B]Bill Goldberg[/B] Bonus 1:Scott pins Scott Bonus 2:Hall over DDP
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By an astonishing coincidence I, too, am doing a [i]Souled Out[/i] PPV sometime this week...the only matches we have in common are the main-event. Funny, eh? My picks on this card: Sting The Outsiders Bret Hart Steiner Bros. Booker T Rey Mysterio Jr. Ultimo Dragon Goldberg Tie-Breakers: Scott Steiner pins Scott Norton Kevin Nash pins Diamond Dallas Page ...I'm not too confident on the tie-breakers, however. Ah well.
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[CENTER][SIZE="3"][IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/SouledOutPoster.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/ArrowheadPond.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][B][U]LIVE! From The Anaheim Pond with 15,000 fans in attendance![/U][/B][/SIZE] [I]*The opening video plays set to California Love by Tupac*[/I] [I]*The video highlights The NWO as it is their PPV, giving a very positive spin on The New World Order. After the video the pyro goes off and we shots of the fans going crazy*[/I] [U][B]Time: 4:00 Rating: B[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*The music of Eric Bischoff hits the arena*[/I] [I]*Bischoff makes his way to the ring very slowly and gets in into the ring*[/I] Bischoff: Thank You…Thank You…Thank You…Your cheers are appreciated! [I]*Cheers are being piped in over the loudspeakers as the fans are obviously booing*[/I] Bischoff: Tonight, we are in control! It’s the night where The New World Order makes all of the matches. Right here in Anaheim we are going to show why The New World Order is the best thing going on in wrestling. [I]*Though you can see the crowd booing the sound being heard is cheers*[/I] Bischoff: Let’s not forget that we will also see three NWO members become champions tonight, Konnan is going to be TV champ and Vicious and Delicious are going to beat The Steiners to become WCW Tag Team Champions. This event is going to be glorious!!! The great horrible “dubya see dubya” will be embarrassed!!! And our take-over doesn’t stop here, because after tonight’s domination we are going to take over Nitro tomorrow night! Now I want to introduce to you the man who is going to be calling the action all night long beside me…….. “The Macho Madness” Randy Savage!!! [I]*The NWO’s music hits and Savage makes his way to ringside and takes his spot at the announce table*[/I] Bischoff: We’re going to start things off tonight by seeing the end of Bill Goldberg’s winning streak when he loses to Masa “My Hero” Chono….tonight is going to be TOO SWEET!!! [I]*Bischoff’s music hits and he takes his spot at ringside*[/I] [U][B]Time: 4:00 Rating: A[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/Chono-Goldberg.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][B]Masahiro Chono vs. Bill Goldberg[/B][/SIZE] [I]In a pretty good opener these two power wrestlers go back and forth. The end of this match comes when Goldberg hits the spear followed by The Jackhammer. Bischoff and Savage had an NWO bias throughout the whole match. Tonight the refs are obviously the WCW refs but they are wearing masks to conceal their identities.[/I] [U][B]Winner: Goldberg Time: 8:38 Match Time ~ 11:00 Total Segment Rating: B-[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*We cut to ringside where Randy Savage and Eric Bischoff are*[/I] Bischoff: Goldberg…he had to have been cheating! Savage: OOOOHHHH YEAH!!! You know he did Easy E! Bischoff: That’s okay. We’ll make up for it later tonight. Up next is the WCW Cruiserweight Title Match, where a good friend of the New World Order, Eddie Guerrero takes on Ultimo Dragon. Savage: It’s gonna be MADNESS!!! [U][B]Time: 1:00 Rating: B+[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*We cut backstage where Eddie Guerrero has pre-recorded comments*[/I] Guerrero: Dragon earlier this month you took from me what matters most, the WCW Cruiserweight Title. I may have made a deal with the devil to get this shot, but that doesn’t matter, the only thing that matters is me once again being champion. You think you are better than Eddie Guerrero, you think that you deserve that belt, well YOU’RE WRONG! YOU’RE DEAD WRONG! Tonight I show you why I am the best WCW Cruiserweight Champion that there ever has been and tonight the Guerrero dynasty will have another chapter in the history books. [U][B]Time: 2:00 Rating: B-[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/Guerrero-Dragon.jpg[/IMG] [U][B]WCW Cruiserweight Title Match[/B][/U] [SIZE="4"][B]Eddie Guerrero vs. Ultimo Dragon ©[/B][/SIZE] [I]This was a great fast paced match. Both men got in plenty of offense but Dragon seemed to get more than Eddie. Dragon had Eddie locked in a Dragon Sleeper at one point but Guerrero was able to get out and nail Dragon with a brain buster followed by the Frog Splash…that was more than enough to get the three count. Eddie Guerrero is the new WCW Cruiserweight Champion.[/I] [U][B]Winner: NEW WCW CRUISERWEIGHT CHAMPION…….EDDIE GUERRERO Time: 11:55 Match Time ~ 14:00 Total Time Rating: B[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*We cut to ringside where Bischoff and Savage are*[/I] Bischoff: What an amazing match. Savage: That Guerrero is pretty amazing Easy E. Bischoff: That’s why I’m offering him a spot in The NWO tomorrow night on Nitro! Savage: I DIG IT!!! Bischoff: Up next is the Harlem Street Fight for the TV Title where Konnan is going to destroy Booker T. [U][B]Time: 1:00 Rating: B+[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*We cut backstage where a limo pulls up and out steps Hollywood Hogan*[/I] Bischoff: And there he is, the man who will end Sting’s reign of tyranny, Hollywood Hogan. Savage: OOOOOHHHHHH YEAH!!!!! [U][B]Time: 1:00 Rating: B+[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*We cut backstage where Konnan has pre-recorded comments*[/I] Konnan: NWO 4 Life!!! Booker T you see man you made the biggest mistake of your life whenever you accepted my challenge, but you made an even bigger one when you made it a Harlem Street Fight. You see Booker I was brought up fighting, not wrestling, FIGHTING! In the streets of Mexico I got in all kinds of wild brawls involving chairs, light tubes, barbed wire, tables, bottles, you name it I’ve been hit and hit others with it. Tonight I’m bringing all of that to the ring. I guarantee you this Booker, tonight….YOU WILL BLEED!!! VIVA LA RAZA!!! [U][B]Time: 2:00 Rating: B[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/Booker-Konnan.jpg[/IMG] [B]WCW TV Title Match[/B] [U][B]Harlem Street Fight[/B][/U] [SIZE="4"][B]Konnan vs. Booker T ©[/B][/SIZE] [I]This AMAZING match looked more like it belonged on a best of death matches DVD than a WCW pay-per-view. Everything including the kitchen sink was used in this match. Some of the craziest spots included Konnan nailing Booker T with a light tube busting him open, Booker taking a cheese grater to Konnan’s head also busting him open and Booker breaking a barbed wire wrapped two by four across Konnan’s back. We join the match near its conclusion…[/I] Bischoff: Both these men are bloody and battered. Savage: But Konnan is gonna pull it out…OOOOHHHH YEAH!!! [I]*Booker T is down and Konnan goes to pick him up*[/I] Bischoff: It’s time for Konnan to finish this thing off! [I]*As Booker is being pulled up he whips a chair around and nails Konnan right in the head*[/I] Bischoff: NO! Savage: IT’S MADNESS!!!! [I]*Booker T takes the chair and lays it across Konnan’s head and heads to the top rope*[/I] Bischoff: He can’t do this! [I]*HARLEM HANGOVER*[/I] Savage: Not another one….MADNESS!!! [I]*1……2………3*[/I] Bischoff: S***!!!! Savage: OOOOHHHHH NO!!!! [U][B]Winner: STILL WCW TELEVISION CHAMPION…Booker T Time: 10:53 Match Time ~ 16:00 Total Time Rating: A*[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*Rick Rude, Vincent and The Disciple run out from the back*[/I] Bischoff: OH PAYBACK IS A *****!!! [I]*The three men get in the ring and the beat down Booker can not take them*[/I] Bischoff: This is what happens when you don’t lay down for the NWO! [I]*The three men take turns nailing Booker T with weapons until Konnan can get up*[/I] Savage: MADNESS!!! Booker T is gonna get it now…DIG IT!!! [I]*Konnan wraps his fist in barbed wire and unloads on Booker T’s head*[/I] [I]*Booker T’s face is a bloody mess*[/I] [I]*Konnan gets right up in the camera*[/I] Konnan: Booker, you may have won the battle, but you are going to lose this war! VIVA LA RAZA!!! [U][B]Time: 3:00 Rating: C+[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*We cut backstage where Scott Hall is getting ready for his match tonight when Kevin Nash walks in*[/I] Hall: Hey Big Kev. Nash: Hey Scott we need to talk. Hall: Apparently so. Nash: Look man you and I go way back. Hall: Yeah we do. Nash: So here’s the deal, when we came here it was to make it to the top and we can’t make it to the top when there’s someone blocking us. Hall: So what do you propose? Nash: The same thing we’ve always done when someone is blocking us…take them out. Hall: You talking about Hogan? [I]*Nash nods his head*[/I] Hall: There’s no way I’m doing that. Nash: But…. Hall: Kev, you’ve been the one talking for several weeks and now it’s my time to talk. Without Hogan we wouldn’t even be here. Yeah we’ve had to take a backseat, but our time is just around the corner. Hogan told me earlier that when he wins tonight I’m going to be the first one to get a shot, and I plan on taking him up on that offer. Nash: He told you that? Hall: Yeah that’s what he said. I know he can be a jerk sometimes, but there’s a method to his madness. Nash: Maybe you’re right… Hall: I am. Nash: Look man, if I’ve been a jerk to you these last couple of weeks…….I’m sorry. Hall: You have been, but no problem brother…Wolfpack Forever man. Nash: Let’s go out there tonight and do what we do best…kick *** and take names. Hall: That’s what I’m talking about. [I]*The two men shake hands and walk out of the locker room together*[/I] [U][B]Time: 3:00 Rating: B[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*We cut backstage to hear from Vicious and Delicious about their match with The Steiner Brothers*[/I] Bagwell: I’M BUFF…I’M THE STUFF…AND THE GIRLS JUST CAN’T GET ENOUGH! Norton: And tonight we become World Tag Team Champions! We’ve sat in the back, in the shadows of our NWO brethren The Outsiders long enough. So tonight we cement our legacy as one of the greatest tag teams of all time. Bagwell: Rick Steiner you are so stupid. You think that you actually stand a chance in this match tonight, you’ve fell on your head one too many times as a baby. Tonight when all is said and done we promise you that everyone at home will be shocked! [U][B]Time: 2:00 Rating: B[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/SteinerBrothers-ViciousandDelicious.jpg[/IMG] [U][B]WCW World Tag Team Title Match[/B][/U] [SIZE="4"][B]Vicious and Delicious vs. The Steiner Brothers w/Ted Dibiase ©[/B][/SIZE] [I]Vicious and Delicious come out to a huge entrance while The Steiners come out through a crappy entry way as all the faces have tonight. Rick and Buff start off the match and Rick gets the better prompting Bagwell to tag Norton. The two big men tangle for a couple of minutes and then Rick goes to tag Scott who refuses a tag and goes to the back while screaming “Once you prove yourself I’ll be back”.[/I] Savage: What’s going on here….OOOOHHHH YEAH!!! [I]Rick Steiner looks confused but at the prompting of Ted Dibiase continues on and actually is able to fight both men off. We join the match near its conclusion…[/I] [I]*Rick Steiner has just thrown Norton for the ring and is getting ready to finish off Buff*[/I] Bischoff: WHERE IS EVERYBODY!!! [I]*Scott Steiner comes running out from the back and gets in the ring*[/I] Savage: GREAT! Now Scott is here…DIG IT!!! [I]*Scott and Rick stare each other down and then hug*[/I] Bischoff: Apparently The Steiners are back on the same page…WHERE IS EVERYBODY!!! [I]*Rick turns his back and Scotty nails him with a forearm*[/I] Bischoff: OOPS…there’s already an NWO member here! Savage: OOOOHHHHH YEAH!!! [I]*Rick and Scott Steiner begin brawling and the two go over the ropes*[/I] Bischoff: Come on! Help him out! [I]*The two Steiners fight on the outside of the ring and the bell rings. Vicious and Delicious have won by countout*[/I] [U][B]Winners: Vicious and Delicious…The Steiner Brothers are still WCW Tag Team Champions Time: 10:54 Match Time ~ 14:00 Total Time Rating: C+[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*Just as Rick was getting the upper hand in his fight with Scotty, Vicious and Delicious join him and they beat down Rick*[/I] Bischoff: Oh this is great! Savage: DIG IT!!!! IT’S MADNESS!!! [I]*Dibiase attempts to help Rick out but is beat up for his efforts*[/I] [I]*Rick takes several chair shots to the head while Scott puts on his NWO shirt*[/I] [U][B]Time: 2:00 Rating: B+[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bischoff: Oh this is too great!!! [I]*Scott Steiner gets a microphone and prepares to speak*[/I] [I]*The fans are booing loudly*[/I] Steiner: SHUT UP!!! The reason I’m standin’ here today with an NWO shirt on my amazing body is because I was sick of carrying that sack of ****!!! Bischoff: We apologize for the language…who am I kidding, no we don’t! HAHAHAHA Steiner: For over ten years I’ve carried him to Tag Team Title after tag team title! Well… [I]*Scott picks up his WCW Tag Team Title*[/I] Steiner: I don’t want it any more! WCW, you can take this belt and stick it up your ***!!! Savage: MADNESS!!! Steiner: I’m coming for singles gold! With my NWO brethren on my side there is nothing that can stop me…I am Big Poppa Pump and I have the largest arms in the world…I make the freaks holler and I’m gonna make some dollas’…HOLLA IF YOU HEAR ME!!! [I]*The NWO music hits as Vicious and Delicious pose with Steiner in the ring*[/I] Bischoff: Hey Schiavone I know you’re watching this at home, and tonight is the greatest night in the history of our sport! [U][B]Time: 2:00 Rating: B[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*We cut to ringside with Savage and Bischoff*[/I] Bischoff: And we just get stronger in numbers! Savage: OOOOHHHHH YEAH!!! Bischoff: Scott Steiner is now a member of The New World Order! Oh that was awesome to see that retard Rick get his butt handed to him like that. Savage: OOOOOOHHHHHH YEAH!!! Bischoff: Any champion in WCW who wants a shot at “Big Poppa Pump” needs to bring it because he will embarrass you! Savage: DIG IT!!! Bischoff: That was great I don’t know how that’s going to be topped. But up next is the Raven’s Rules Handicap Match. [U][B]Time: 2:00 Rating: B+[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*A video plays hyping Raven and Saturn vs. Rey Mysterio Jr.*[/I] [U][B]Time: 2:00 Rating: B[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/Raven-SaturnvReyMysterio.jpg[/IMG] [U][B]Raven’s Rules[/B][/U] [SIZE="4"][B]Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Saturn and Raven[/B][/SIZE] [I]In this match the deck was stacked heavily against Rey Mysterio Jr. Though the match was Raven’s Rules, Raven and Saturn still had to tag in and out of the match. Rey tried to use his speed to elude Saturn and Raven, but both of these men are very athletic as well. Saturn used his awesome technical skills to keep Rey grounded and he would tag Raven in from time to time and Raven would use his power. Rey eventually was able to get his momentum going and took Raven out of the ring. As Rey was preparing to hit Saturn with the Hurracarana the two masked men who appeared on Nitro several weeks ago came running out of the crowd and nailed Rey with their double team move. Following that Raven climbed back in the ring and got the three count.[/I] [U][B]Winner: Raven and Saturn Time: 12:43 Match Time ~ 15:00 Total Time Rating: B+[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*Raven gets a microphone as the two men go outside and get a table from under the ring*[/I] Raven: Rey! You should have never stuck your nose in my business! That was the biggest mistake of your life! You and all of your friends have been taking time that belongs to me! So you have your friends and I have mine… [I]*The two masked men set up the table in the ring*[/I] Raven: I have some friends that I have brought with me, the newest members of The Flock… [I]*The two men pull their hoods off*[/I] Raven: BUBBA RAY and D-VON DUDLEY!!! THE DUDLEY BOYZ!!!! [I]*Bubba and D-Von send Rey off the ropes and deliver a 3-D through a table*[/I] Raven: This isn’t over! Your punishment isn’t done! Tomorrow night on Nitro you bring three of your friends, I’ll bring Saturn, D-Von and Bubba and we’ll see you in the ring…Quote The Raven……..NEVERMORE!!! [U][B]Time: 2:00 Rating: C-[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*We cut backstage to hear comments from The Outsiders*[/I] Hall: Tonight, DDP…Giant you’re on our turf! Nash: Most of the time we’re fighting you guys at some dubya see dubya event, but tonight it’s at NWO Souled Out! Hall: Kev, what you gonna do to the big goof tonight? Nash: Plain and simple…I’m gonna attempt to end his career. I may jackknife his on his head and make him about a foot shorter; I might break his legs with one of my amazing submission moves… Hall: You’ve got some moves! Nash: Yeah, they’re so great that if I bust them out it would cause some peoples heads to blow up so I don’t bust them out often cause it would make a big mess. What are you going to do to DDP tonight? Hall: I’m gonna show him why I’m the bad guy! Why I am one the best wrestlers alive today, it’s a tie between Me, Kev and Hogan by the way, and I’m going to let him know that The NWO is just too…… Nash: SSSSSWWWWEEEEEEEEEEEETTTTT!!!! Hall: NWO 4 LIFE!!! Nash: WHATCHA GONNA DO BROTHERS…WHEN THE OUTSIDERS RUN WILD ON YOU!!!!!! *Hall stares at Nash* Hall: Are you making fun of Hollywood? Nash: I thought we were over this! Hall: I did too. Nash: Let’s just go do our business. [I]*Nash walks out*[/I] Hall: ………………………………………. [I]*Hall shrugs his shoulders and walks out behind Nash*[/I] [U][B]Time: 2:00 Rating: B+[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/Nash-DDPvHall-Nash.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][B]The Outsiders vs. DDP and The Giant[/B][/SIZE] [I]This match started with all of the participants brawling around the ring including one spot where Hall accidentally hit Nash. After brawling for about three minutes order was restored and the match took the form of a regular tag match. The Outsiders were able to corner DDP and begin to work him over in their corner working on his ribs in a situation similar to the six man main event on Nitro. DDP tried to get the tag into The Giant but failed every time. Page finally got the tag into the big man and he cleaned house. At this point all hell broke loose and the four men brawled once again. After another couple of minutes of brawling Hall was able to nail DDP with some brass knuckles and get the pin fall for the three count. [/I] Bischoff: The Outsiders have just proven why The NWO is the best thing going in wrestling today! Screw that! We are the best thing that has ever been in wrestling…PERIOD! Savage: OOOOOOOHHHHHHHH YEAH!!! DIG IT!!!! [U][B]Winners: The Outsiders Time: 14:16 Match Time ~ 17:00 Total Time Rating: A*[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*We cut to ringside with Eric Bischoff and Randy Savage*[/I] Bischoff: Coming up next Curt Hennig is going to humiliate a man who has tried time and time again to show up The New World Order. Savage: OOOOOOOOHHHHHH BRET HART!!! Bischoff: Curt Hennig is one of the greatest technical wrestler of our day, while on the other hand Bret Hart is a man who has always had Vinny Mac around to protect his beloved little pet. Well guess what “HITMAN” you’re not up north anymore. You are now on NWO Souled Out and you’re about to be beat by the best technical wrestler alive today, CURT HENNIG!!! Savage: DIG IT!!! Bischoff: Yeah Randy we do DIG IT! [U][B]Time: 2:00 Rating: B+[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*A video plays hyping the WCW career of Curt Hennig with comments from NWO B-Teamers talking about how he is the greatest wrestler (outside of Hollywood Hogan) that they have had the privilege of sharing the ring with*[/I] [U][B]Time: 2:00 Rating: B+[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/Hart-Hennig.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][B]Bret "The Hitman" Hart vs. Curt Hennig w/Rick Rude[/B][/SIZE] [I]In this match Bret Hart is making his in-ring WCW pay-per-view debut. Bret and Curt put on a really good wrestling match, this was not as good as some of their bouts from the early 90’s but it was no slouch of a match. We join this match near its conclusion…[/I] Bischoff: Curt Hennig has showed why he is one of the greatest wrestlers alive during this match. Savage: Hart hasn’t been too bad either… Bischoff: Shut up Randy! Savage: DIG IT!!! [I]*Hart comes off the ropes and nails Hennig with a flying clothesline*[/I] [I]*Rick Rude gets up on the apron and distracts “The Hitman”*[/I] [I]*Hennig recovers and rolls up “The Hitman”*[/I] Bischoff: IT’S OVER!!! [I]*1…….2………*[/I] *Hart slips out and rolls Hennig up* [I]*1…….2…………3!!!!!*[/I] Bischoff: NO! NO! NO! I’m not paying these refs good money for them to be clean! [I]*Bret Hart celebrates in the ring as Hennig hangs his head in shame*[/I] [U][B]Winner: Bret Hart Time: 24:22 Match Time ~ 26:00 Total Time Rating: A[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*We cut backstage where Hollywood Hogan has comments about his match with Sting*[/I] [I]*Hogan has his back turned to the camera flexing as he begins to speak*[/I] Hogan: 500 Days…500 days is how many days I’ve been World Heavyweight Champion since the New World Order has come into existence. Sting, you stole my belt from me! You and that no good Bret Hart! I beat you in that ring clean brother! 1….2….3! You know it, I know it, the whole world knows it. [I]*Video plays of three count from Starrcade* *Hogan turns and faces the camera*[/I] Hogan: I beat you…clean! Yet you are the World Heavyweight Champion! Sting, tonight is the last night of your reign! In my backyard in Anaheim at The Pond it will be your last stand. I’m going to beat you to a bloody pulp and then drop the big leg drop on you and once again become World Heavyweight Champion. There nothing Bret Hart, JJ Dillon, Ric Flair, DDP, Lex Luger, The Giant or any other WCW stooges can do about it! So Sting, WHATCHA GONNA DO WHEN HOLLYWOOD HOGAN AND THE NEW WORLD ORDER RUN WILD ON YOU!!!!!!! [U][B]Time: 3:00 Rating: B+[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*A video plays hyping the history between Hogan and Sting going all the way back to when “Fake Sting” joined The NWO. It then progressed to Hogan’s domination of the Heavyweight Title before finally showing Sting hitting NWO members with the bat. The video portrayed Sting as the villain of the situation*[/I] [U][B]Time: 3:00 Rating: B+[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/Sting-Hogan.jpg[/IMG] [U][B]WCW World Heavyweight Title Match[/B][/U] [SIZE="4"][B]Hollywood Hogan vs. Sting ©[/B][/SIZE] [I]The two men come to the ring and waste no time going at it. The two men brawl for a couple of minutes and Hogan takes the upper hand. Hogan takes his belt off and begins whipping Sting in the middle of the ring. Sting attempts to fight back but gets his eyes raked. Hollywood takes his wrist tape off and chokes Sting. Hogan continues to work on Sting but he continues to attempt to fight back. Sting pulls a “Hogan” and “Hulks Up”. Sting gets the upper hand only for a moment as Scott Hall runs out and nails Sting from behind while the referee pretends not to see it. Hogan once again gets control of the match and is working over Sting’s legs trying to keep him grounded. Hogan uses the ropes to choke Sting while yelling into the camera “Sting is nothing”. We join the match near its conclusion…[/I] Bischoff: What a fantastic match!!! Savage: Hogan is dominating…DIG IT!!! [I]*Hollywood body slams Sting in the middle of the ring* *Hogan motions to the crowd for the leg drop*[/I] Bischoff: OH IT’S ABOUT TO BE OVER NOW!!! Savage: OOOOOOHHHHHHH YEAH!!! [I]*Hogan goes off the ropes….STING kips up*[/I] Bischoff: OH MY GOD! [I]*Sting begins unloading with rights and lefts*[/I] Bischoff: NO! NO! NO! [I]*Sting whips Hogan into the corner…STINGER SPLASH*[/I] Bischoff: EVERONE IN THE BACK GET OUT HERE!!! [I]*The NWO members (everyone except Kevin Nash) start coming towards the ring, but they are met by Bret Hart, DDP, and The Giant who fight them off*[/I] Bischoff: Savage! Get out there and help them! [I]*Savage leaves the announce area but is met with a Diamond Cutter from DDP*[/I] [I]*Sting picks Hogan up inside the ring….SCORPION DEATHDROP!!!*[/I] Bischoff: OH NO! Ref you better not count that three! [I]*1……………………..2……………………………..*[/I] [I]*Bischoff is now standing on top of the table*[/I] Bischoff: YOU BETTER NOT COUNT THAT THREE!!! [I]*The ref looks at Bischoff* *……………….3!!!!*[/I] Bischoff: NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! This isn’t what was supposed to happen!!! [U][B]Winner: STILL WCW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION….STING!!! Time: 18:18 Match Time ~ 20:00 Total Time Rating: A[/B][/U] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*Bischoff takes his headset off and throws it down without saying another word*[/I] [I]*J.J. Dillon makes his way out from the crappy face entry way with a microphone in hand*[/I] Dillon: Sting congratulations on successfully defending your WCW Heavyweight Championship on enemy territory. [I]*The fans cheer*[/I] Dillon: Next month will be one of our biggest pay-per-views of the year, Superbrawl. I have already decided who your opponent in the main event of that show will be. Next month at Superbrawl you will be defending your WCW World Heavyweight Title against…….BRET “THE HITMAN” HART!!! [I]*Sting smiles in the ring* *Bret Hart gets in the ring and the two men shake hands as Souled Out goes off the air*[/I] [U][B]Time: 2:00 Rating: B+[/B][/U] [U][B]Final Rating: A[/B][/U][/SIZE][/CENTER]
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[QUOTE=mad5226;411408]WCW World Heavyweight Title "Hollywood" Hogan vs. [B]Sting (c)[/B] [B]The Outsiders[/B] vs. DDP and The Giant [B]Bret "The Hitman" Hart[/B] vs. Curt Hennig WCW Tag Team Title Match [B]The Steiner Brothers w/ Ted Dibiase (c)[/B] vs. Vicious and Delicious WCW TV Title Match Harlem Street Fight Konnan vs. [B]Booker T (c)[/B] Raven's Rules Handicap Match [B]Raven and Saturn[/B] vs. Rey Mysterio Jr. WCW Cruiserweight Title Match Eddie Guerrero vs. [B]Ultimo Dragon (c)[/B] Masahiro Chono vs. [B]Bill Goldberg[/B] Bonus 1: Who will pin/submit who in the Tag Team Title Match Scott will pin Vicious Bonus 2: Who will pin/submit who in the match between The Outsiders and DDP/Giant Nash will pin The Giant[/QUOTE] 6/10 (including bonuses) Pretty good. [QUOTE=BloodyKnuckles;411451]Souled Out Quick Picks WCW World Heavyweight Title "Hollywood" Hogan vs. [B]Sting (c)[/B] The Outsiders vs. [B]DDP and The Giant[/B] [B]Bret "The Hitman" Hart[/B] vs. Curt Hennig WCW Tag Team Title Match The Steiner Brothers w/ Ted Dibiase (c) vs. [B]Vicious and Delicious[/B] WCW TV Title Match Harlem Street Fight [B]Konnan[/B] vs. Booker T (c) Raven's Rules Handicap Match Raven and Saturn vs. [B]Rey Mysterio Jr.[/B] WCW Cruiserweight Title Match [B]Eddie Guerrero[/B] vs. Ultimo Dragon (c) Masahiro Chono vs. [B]Bill Goldberg[/B] Bonus 1: Who will pin/submit who in the Tag Team Title Match Buff will pin Rick Bonus 2: Who will pin/submit who in the match between The Outsiders and DDP/Giant Giant will pin Hall Prize: Create a Nitro main event[/QUOTE] 5/10...fifty percent isn't too bad [QUOTE=gg17;411669]Souled Out Quick Picks WCW World Heavyweight Title [B]"Hollywood" Hogan[/B] vs. Sting (c) The Outsiders vs. [B]DDP and The Giant[/B] (the giant to pin/submit hall) [B]Bret "The Hitman" Hart[/B] vs. Curt Hennig WCW Tag Team Title Match [B]The Steiner Brothers w/ Ted Dibiase[/B] (c) vs. Vicious and Delicious (Scott to pin/submit buff) WCW TV Title Match Harlem Street Fight Konnan vs. [B]Booker T [/B](c) Raven's Rules Handicap Match Raven and Saturn vs. [B]Rey Mysterio Jr.[/B] WCW Cruiserweight Title Match [B]Eddie Guerrero [/B]vs. Ultimo Dragon (c) Masahiro Chono vs. [B]Bill Goldberg[/B] Bonus 1: Who will pin/submit who in the Tag Team Title Match Bonus 2: Who will pin/submit who in the match between The Outsiders and DDP/Giant[/QUOTE] 4/10...Don't think you've used the picks before...hope you are enjoying the diary. [QUOTE=tom_wk;412362]I really love your ppv banners btw. Souled Out Quick Picks WCW World Heavyweight Title "Hollywood" Hogan vs. [B]Sting (c)[/B] The Outsiders vs. [B]DDP and The Giant [/B] [B]Bret "The Hitman" Hart[/B] vs. Curt Hennig WCW Tag Team Title Match [B]The Steiner Brothers w/ Ted Dibiase (c)[/B] vs. Vicious and Delicious WCW TV Title Match Harlem Street Fight Konnan vs. [B]Booker T (c)[/B] Raven's Rules Handicap Match Raven and Saturn vs. [B]Rey Mysterio Jr.[/B] (after Kidman joins in as payback for getting bitched slapped, and since he can since its Raven's rules) WCW Cruiserweight Title Match Eddie Guerrero vs. [B]Ultimo Dragon (c)[/B] Masahiro Chono vs. [B]Bill Goldberg[/B] Bonus 1: I'm hoping for no mass nWo interference here otherwise my pick goes out the window heh, but I'll go for Scotty pinning Norton Bonus 2: Page will pin Hall after Nash turns face.[/QUOTE] 4/10...thanks for your comments on the banners [QUOTE=1PWfan;412413]I don't usually go in for real-world diaries, but this just rules. WCW World Heavyweight Title "Hollywood" Hogan vs. [B]Sting[/B](c) [I]Sting's only just won the belt, it would be stupid to take it off him at this stage. Plus, he's Crow Sting, how can he lose?[/I] The Outsiders vs. [B]DDP and The Giant[/B] [I]More of a sentimental pick than anything else, as DDP was my favourite wrestler during the Monday Night wars (and that includes The Rock and austin)[/I] Bret "The Hitman" Hart vs. [B]Curt Hennig[/B] [I]If I've got the top two correct then the nWo need a win here. If not, I just don't like Bret much. Either way, I predict muchos muchos interference[/I] WCW Tag Team Title Match The Steiner Brothers w/ Ted Dibiase (c) vs. [B]Vicious and Delicious[/B] [I]Whilst I personally would keep it on the Steiners, you appear to be running the 'steiners split up' storyline (not one of my favourites, but there we are), and it would be logical to have Vicious and Delicious to win here to take the win here to push the story along[/I] WCW TV Title Match Harlem Street Fight Konnan vs. [B]Booker T (c)[/B] Raven's Rules Handicap Match Raven and Saturn vs. [B]Rey Mysterio Jr[/B]. WCW Cruiserweight Title Match [B]Eddie Guerrero[/B] vs. Ultimo Dragon (c) Masahiro Chono vs. [B]Bill Goldberg[/B] Bonus 1: I'm guessing Buff over Rick Bonus 2: Hopefully, DDP over Scott[/QUOTE] I'm glad that you like the diary. 6/10 nice job. [QUOTE=MattitudeV2;412809]WCW World Heavyweight Title "Hollywood" Hogan vs. [B]Sting [/B] [B]The Outsiders[/B] vs. DDP and The Giant [B]Bret "The Hitman" Hart[/B] vs. Curt Hennig WCW Tag Team Title Match The Steiner Brothers w/ Ted Dibiase (c) vs. [B]Vicious and Delicious[/B] WCW TV Title Match Harlem Street Fight Konnan vs.[B] Booker T [/B](c) Raven's Rules Handicap Match Raven and Saturn vs. [B]Rey Mysterio Jr.[/B] WCW Cruiserweight Title Match [B]Eddie Guerrero[/B] vs. Ultimo Dragon (c) Masahiro Chono vs. [B]Bill Goldberg[/B] Bonus 1:Scott pins Scott Bonus 2:Hall over DDP[/QUOTE] 8/10...GREAT JOB!!! The only two you missed were the handicap match and the first bonus. [QUOTE=Zakarl;412886]By an astonishing coincidence I, too, am doing a [i]Souled Out[/i] PPV sometime this week...the only matches we have in common are the main-event. Funny, eh? My picks on this card: Sting The Outsiders Bret Hart Steiner Bros. Booker T Rey Mysterio Jr. Ultimo Dragon Goldberg Tie-Breakers: Scott Steiner pins Scott Norton Kevin Nash pins Diamond Dallas Page ...I'm not too confident on the tie-breakers, however. Ah well.[/QUOTE] Hello fellow WCW diary writer! 5/10 pretty decent -------------------------------------------------------------------------- THIS MONTH'S PPV PICK WINNER IS................MATTITUDE V2!! Congrats you get to pick a WCW Nitro Main Event! Thanks to everyone for following my diary. I really would like to know what everyone thought of the pay-per-view.
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Well, I was definitely entertained and surprised by it...the Dudley Boyz are definitely an interesting development, even if they threw a spanner in my Rey "[i]overcoming the odds[/i]" idea. I was kind of hoping that Eddie would lose in a protected fashion to stay above the lower-card Cruiserweight Belt, but that's just a personal preference... Also, more Savage on colour commentary!
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[QUOTE=Zakarl;413561]Well, I was definitely entertained and surprised by it...the Dudley Boyz are definitely an interesting development, even if they threw a spanner in my Rey "[i]overcoming the odds[/i]" idea. I was kind of hoping that Eddie would lose in a protected fashion to stay above the lower-card Cruiserweight Belt, but that's just a personal preference... Also, more Savage on colour commentary![/QUOTE]Thanks for the comments. The Dudley Boyz would have fit in this era of WCW with Raven IMO. I have big plans for Raven and The Flock. As far as Eddie and the Cruiser belt goes...I fell it was never given the respect it deserves and I hope to elevate the cruiser belt to a place of higher noteritety.
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Hey, I'm all for giving the Cruiserweight Belt more gravitas...so more power to you for that. What mod are you using, also? I'm using an edited Montreal Aftermath mod, as noted in my diary...and it seems that Jay "Blitzkrieg" Ross isn't in it. Since he's a definite favourite of mine, anybody got a decent set of stats for him? He's going to get a massive push as a long-reigning Cruiserweight Champion...
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Well, seeing as how my Webternets are presently all-but-dead ([i]I went way over my download cap[/i]) I wouldn't be able to do that for some time...but still, thanks, I'll get around to it when I can.
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