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Rage Championship Wrestling

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[CENTER]Photobucket [B]The following was posted on TheSun.co.uk:[/B] Photobucket[/CENTER] Paul Heyman, evil genius behind 'The Heyman Hustle' here on TheSun.co.uk, made a landmark announcement this week with the birth of Rage Championship Wrestling. Heyman, who is notorious in the business for his success & failure with cult promotion ECW, has declared his intention to return to pro wrestling for the first time since his departure from WWE in September. Heyman agreed to sit down with TheSun.co.uk for an interview concerning his return to the grap-game. [B]The Sun: Paul, you have been absent from wrestling for a while now, what prompted your decision to return?[/B] Paul Heyman: I can't really say that it was any one thing. Wrestling is in my blood, I have been involved in this business for over 20 years and, you can ask anybody who has tried, it's a damn hard business to break away from. I've been getting involved in a number of ventures like looking into MMA & 'The Heyman Hustle' of course, and don't get me wrong, I've enjoyed myself, but throughout it all something has been missing, and it just hit me...I miss wrestling. Now a sweaty lockeroom, slipping in blood, surrounded by boorish 300 pound monsters may not sound like much to some, but it sounds like heaven to me! [B]TS: Has your decision been influenced by the state of the current product offered to wrestling fans? I know you're not a big fan.[/B] PH: No, I'm not. I think that both WWE & TNA have taken massive strides in making wrestling something to be embarrassed about again. I think all wrestling fans of a certain age will remember the feeling of shame during the WWF's cartoonish era, and we all remember how it felt to come out of the closet, so to speak, to be able to proudly say, “Yeah! I like wrestling! F*ck you!” And I think we started that with ECW, then Vince took the ball & ran with it. Well I wanted to say to the world once again, wrestling doesn't need to be cartoon characters, wrestling doesn't have to be Doink the Clown or dancing leprechauns, wrestling can be something gutsy, something balls to the wall and something that doesn't make you want to cover your face in shame. In short, I want wrestling to make sense again. [B]TS: So how has RCW been set up, what are the details? And are you worried some people will think it is doomed to failure, because of the fate of ECW?[/B] PH: Well, first of all, I need to stress that this isn't my money this time round. I'm working closely with the money-man & I can tell you from experience that in terms of financial stability, we will be absolutely fine. That's not to say we don't need to be financially responsible for ourselves, this guy isn't Dixie Carter or anything, but it allows us a little breathing space. In terms of details we're going to be based in my old haunting grounds, the Tri-State area, so we'll be booking a lot of old ECW arenas, including [I]the[/I] ECW Arena and also heading into other strong wrestling cities like Chicago & New York. You're going to see a good mix of talent including the 'ECW originals' who are not under lock & key in Stamford and the cream of upcoming indie talent that we hope to mould into 'RCW Originals.' I'm confident that we will be putting on the best shows these guys have seen in years. [B]TS: Do you have anything else to add? A plug for a website, perhaps?[/B] PH: Yeah, check out RCWrestling.com, the home of the revolution, and keep your eyes on us, because I guarantee, you don't want to miss this! [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER]
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[B]RCWrestling.com opened today with the following news:[/B] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] ‘Paul Heyman is proud to announce that the New Alhambra in South Philadelphia will host Rage Championship Wrestling’s inaugral show Battlelines on Saturday, December 15th. Heyman has promised to bring only the most extreme action to the old ECW arena and rumours suggest that a number of Philadelphia’s favourite sons will be on hand at the dawn of a new era of professional wrestling, the era of RCW!’ [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER]
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News [B]Friday December 7th[/B] RCWrestling.com released the following: ‘RCWrestling.com can announce that RCW Commissioner Paul E. Heyman has booked the main event for RCW Battlelines on December 15th from the New Alhambra in South Philly. In a major announcement Heyman declared that the first RCW Heavyweight Champion would be crowned in an Extreme Rules Three Way Dance match between former WWE & WCW star Syxx-Pac, former WCW wrestler & WSX Champion Vampiro and former ECW World Heavyweight champion Sabu! [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] These three men need no introduction and are notorious for pushing the limits of decency wherever they appear. These three men are dangerous enough alone, but three together in one ring, where tables, ladders, chairs, trash cans, hell…anything is legal, fireworks are guaranteed. Put this match inside the powderkeg that is the New Alhambra? Good god it’s gonna be a mess! Three men enter, one leaves as champion…The Battlelines have been drawn.’ [B]Saturday December 8th[/B] RCWrestling.com announced the following: [CENTER]Photobucket [/CENTER] ‘RCWrestling.com is proud to present to you the on screen face of Rage Championship Wrestling, Mauro Ranallo. Ranallo will be handling presenting & broadcast duties on all future RCW DVD releases beginning December 15th at the New Alhambra with Battlelines. We can also announce that Ranallo will be joint by a very special guest colour commentator next Saturday, a man with a long & storied history in South Philly!’ [B]Sunday December 9th[/B] RCWrestling.com has announced the following: [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] ‘Paul Heyman has announced that two icons of the original ECW will be appearing at RCW Battlelines next Saturday. ‘The Queen of Extreme’ Francine managed many stars including Stevie Richards, The Pitbulls, Shane Douglas, Tommy Dreamer, Raven & Justin Credible, in fact, very few people didn’t have Francine (as a manager.) She will be joined by a true hardcore icon, The Sandman. Philly born Sandman is a 5 time ECW world champion and was aparty to some of the sickest moments ever witnessed in the New Alhambra. Both will be on hand to witness the hottest night of action South Philly has seen in quite some time!’ [B]Monday December 10th[/B] RCWrestling.com announced the following: [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] ‘Paul Heyman announced today that not only will we be crowning a first RCW Heavyweight Champion this Saturday at Battlelines, we will also be witnessing a 4-way Tag Dance to crown the first RCW Tag Team champions. Heyman has revealed the teams as The Andersons (Cousins CW & Karl), The World Class Wrecking Crew (Dan Maff & HC Loc), Sexo y Violencia (Juventud Guerrera & Psicosis) and the re-uniting team of Christian York & Joey Matthews. With a tag team division that can already boast these four teams you can expect to see the most competitve doubles matches in the world right here in Rage Championship Wrestling. [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER]
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News [B]Battlelines Preliminary Card[/B] [CENTER]Photobucket RCW Heavyweight Championship Sabu vs. Vampiro vs. Syxx-Pac Justin Credible vs. Mikey Whipwreck RCW Tag Team Championship Christian York & Joey Matthews vs. The Andersons vs. The World Class Wrecking Crew vs. Sexo y Violencia Kid Kash vs. Mistico The Black Army Faction vs. The Blue Meanie & A Surprise Partner Also scheduled to appear: Mauro Ranallo & his surprise Colour Man, The Sandman, Francine, Too Cold Scorpio, Jerry Lynn, Steve Corino & ‘The Extreme Official’ John Finegan Photobucket[/CENTER]
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RCW Heavyweight Championship Sabu vs. Vampiro vs.[B] Syxx-Pac[/B] [B]Justin Credible[/B] vs. Mikey Whipwreck RCW Tag Team Championship Christian York & Joey Matthews vs. [B]The Andersons [/B]vs. The World Class Wrecking Crew vs. Sexo y Violencia Kid Kash vs. [B]Mistico[/B] [B]The Black Army Faction [/B]vs. The Blue Meanie & A Surprise Partner
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RCW Heavyweight Championship [B]Sabu[/B] vs. Vampiro vs. Syxx-Pac Justin Credible vs. [B]Mikey Whipwreck[/B] RCW Tag Team Championship [B]Christian York & Joey Matthews[/B] vs. The Andersons vs. The World Class Wrecking Crew vs. Sexo y Violencia Kid Kash vs.[B] Mistico[/B] [B]The Black Army Faction[/B] vs. The Blue Meanie & A Surprise Partner
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[QUOTE=El_Hombre_Felino;399082][B]OOC:[/B] Hey yo. This is my first attempt at one of these, but I've been reading (and enjoying) the others on here for quite a while. Thought I'd give it go. [B]Whats the worst that could happen?[/B][/QUOTE] You could end up like adeezy :p
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RCW Heavyweight Championship Sabu vs. [B]Vampiro[/B] vs. Syxx-Pac [B]Justin Credible[/B] vs. Mikey Whipwreck RCW Tag Team Championship [B]Christian York & Joey Matthews[/B] vs. The Andersons vs. The World Class Wrecking Crew vs. Sexo y Violencia Kid Kash vs. [B]Mistico[/B] The Black Army Faction vs. [B]The Blue Meanie & A Surprise Partner[/B]
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RCW Heavyweight Championship [B]Sabu[/B] vs. Vampiro vs. Syxx-Pac [B]Justin Credible[/B] vs. Mikey Whipwreck RCW Tag Team Championship [B]Christian York & Joey Matthews[/B] vs. The Andersons vs. The World Class Wrecking Crew vs. Sexo y Violencia Kid Kash vs. [B]Mistico[/B] [B] The Black Army Faction[/B] vs. The Blue Meanie & A Surprise Partner
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News [B]Wednesday December 12th[/B] RCWrestling.com released the following: ‘Following the announcement of the preliminary card for Battlelines speculation has been rife as to the identities of the ‘Black Army Faction’ who will face The Blue Meanie & a surprise partner on Saturday. RCWrestling can exclusively reveal that the ‘Black Army Faction’ has made contact with us at Rage HQ via the following ‘Communique’: [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] This warning is a major threat to Battlelines as the threat is explicit, perform at an RCW event, and become the enemy of this ‘Black Army Faction.’ Two questions remain; ‘Who will risk showing up?’ and ‘Who the hell are the B.A.F.?’ [B]Thursday December 13th[/B] RCWrestling.com released the following: ‘Following yesterdays release of ‘Communique#1′ by the mysterious ‘Black Army Faction’ a number of wrestlers booked to appear at RCW Battlelines this Saturday night have spoken out to RCWrestling.com concerning the situation. Photobucket [B]The Sandman:[/B] ‘This crap is old news, man. I’ve been in this business longer than I can remember and this kinda sh*t goes on all the time. The BAF gotta back up their words with actions if I’m gonna pay any attention.’ Photobucket [B]Mauro Ranallo:[/B] ‘There is no place for these kinds of threats anywhere in pro wrestling. Its got me nervous, I’m gonna be there front and centre presenting the show, I’ve got to consider myself a prime target. Will I still show up? sure, am I happy about it? no sir.’ Photobucket [B]Justin Credible:[/B] ‘These guys, whoever they are, have made their position clear. You’re with ‘em or against ‘em. Me? I look out for three people; Me, Myself & I.’ Photobucket [B]The Blue Meanie:[/B] ‘This is baaad juju.’ [B]Friday December 14th[/B] RCWrestling com released the following: [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] 'One extra match has been added to tommorrow nights RCW Battlelines as we can exclusively reveal that former ECW World Heavyweight Champion, Jerry Lynn will be facing off against Averno. Lynn is a true wrestling legend & deserves (and has attained) the respect of every man in this industry, so it is a great honour to have him signed up to wrestle at the New Alhambra tommorrow night. His opponent is making his debut on American soil & is somewhat unknown north of Mexico. However he is a well respected CMLL superstar & has competed in a number of lucha classics with fellow RCW wrestler Mistico. This promises to be an excellent addition to an already loaded night of action!' [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER]
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RCW Battlelines [CENTER]Photobucket From the sold out New Alhambra Arena, Philadelphia, PA Photobucket[/CENTER] The show opens with ‘the voice of RCW’ Mauro Ranallo stood in the ring, he welcomes the Philadelphia faithful, ‘Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the New Alhambra…Welcome to Battlelines…Welcome to RAGE CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING!!!’ He pauses as we witness the first ever R-C-W chant before continuing; ‘Tonight we will witness the crowning of the first RCW Tag Team Champions in a 4 way Tag dance and will see the first RCW Heavyweight Champion as Syxx-Pac, Vampiro and Sabu face off in an Extreme Rules Three Way Dance! Not only that but we will be joined by a Philadelphia legend, a man who represents each one of you guys…’ Ranallo pauses as the crowd pop for The Sandman, ‘A man who embodies the spirit of Philadelphia…Blood, guts & glory…’ [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] Suddenly Deep Purple’s ‘Perfect Stranger’ hits over the sound system and following a customary pause, ‘The Franchise’ Shane Douglas appears under the large red fist that has been erected over the entrance way. He stands & soaks in the reaction of nostalgic cheers from the crowd. He slowly makes his way down towards the ring and pauses, looking up to the skies, before climbing the ringsteps and entering the ring. He walks over towards Ranallo who stops him; ‘I wondered when you would show up! Ladies & Gentlemen, my broadcast colleague, The Franch…’ ‘They know who I am!’ Franchise interrupts to a pop from the crowd, some of whom have been giving Ranallo a bad time. ‘Well, I gotta say,’ Douglas continues, ‘You’re no Joey Styles, but I’ll guess you’ll do. Now I am sat back there waiting for the exact right moment to make my big appearance, when I hear you talking about a Philadelphia legend? About a man who typifies blood, guts & glory? Well I think you’re looking at him Ranallo! You see i’m the Franchise Player around these parts, I am these guys FIRST world champion, I am the man who built this house, and I am the man who carried that company on his shoulders…’ A few boos begin to ring out from the crowd. ‘Shut your mouths. You know its true as much as I do. You are all sat here because of me and you know it. Hell, if it wasn’t for me some of you might have girlfriends & not live in your mommas basement!’ The crowd are starting on get on Douglas back now, ‘Ha!, look I’m not here to make friends & I’m not here to get my ass kissed by nobody, I’m here because I AM the Franchise Player and nothing goes down in my backyard without me knowing about it. So sit your fat asses down and get ready to feel the rage! (C+) At this point System of a Down’s ‘**** the System’ hits and we go to the opening credits of RCW Battlelines! When we return from the opening credits Kid Rock’s Bawitdaba is playing over the sound system as Kid Kash is at ringside, jawing with numerous fans. He then takes a microphone from Bob Artes as he is almost drowned out by boos; ‘Shut your goddamned mouths. Do you think I give a **** what you think about me. Each one of your fat asses is just another dollar in my pocket. I couldn’t give a crap about you, and I couldn’t give a crap about your goddamn arena or a promotion that died on its ass years ago, and why? Because just like me, nobody gives a ****! So I’m gonna come out here as long as Paul E. can keep this going, kick ass, collect my cheque and get the hell out of this craphole of a city. Now get this midget out here!’ (C-) At this point Puto by Molotov hits and Mistico speeds down the aisle, springboards off the top rope and kicks off the match with a crisp dropkick. [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket [B]Kid Kash vs. Mistico[/B][/CENTER] [LIST] [*]Mistico gets the best of the early action and pops the crowd with a sick superkick followed up by a springboard corkscrew senton bomb. [/LIST] [LIST] [*]Kash later took the advantage after a blatant eye poke and followed up with a superstiff Money Drop (Inverted Brainbuster onto the knee). He then proceeded to slow the match down and work over Mistico’s legs, constantly jawing with the crowd in classic heel fashion. [*]Kash looked to be dominating the match, controlling Mistico, until he threw him to ropes and Mistico, with a rush of adrenaline hit La Mistica, locking on an armbar. A shocked Kash held out for a few seconds before ultimately tapping, to a pop from the crowd at 9:50. (C-) [*]Following the match an embarrassed Kash, still nursing his arm, gets up in The Hat Guys face at ringside and throws inaudible abuse at him. Hat guy doesn’t back down and gives as good as he is getting. It looks as though it may brake down into a fist fight until security gets between them and convinces Kash to return to the locker room to a chorus of boos from the crowd. [/LIST] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] We then cut to a backstage area where we can see Syxx-Pac, dressed in street gear, taping up his fists. Syxx Pac looks up to the camera but his face remains still. An awkward moment is felt as Syxx stares down the lens, his emotions impossible to read, before pushing the camera away, cutting the feed to static. (C+) As we return to the arena we can hear ‘Trust’ by Megadeath as Jerry Lynn appears under the fist to a healthy pop from the crowd. He makes his way into the ring and is checked over by John Finegan. Puto by Molotov then hits again and this time Mistico’s contemporary Averno appears to a more muted reaction, he also makes his way into the ring. Bob Artes: ‘Ladies & Gentleman, the following is a singles match, 1 fall to a finish with a time limit of 15 minutes! Introducing in the corner to my left, hailing from Minneapolis, Minnesota, and weighing in tonight at 185 pounds…’The New F’N Show’…Jerry Lynn!…And in the corner to my right, tonight making his debut on U.S. soil, from Mexico City, Mexico and weighing 170 pounds…Averno!’ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Jerry Lynn vs. Averno[/CENTER][/B] [LIST] [*]The match opens up with a series of neat looking reversals that culminate in a standoff that recieves the customary New Alhambra round of applause. [*]Averno vaults Lynn to the outside & hits a no handed suicide dive to the outside. [*]In the ring Lynn takes control with a Tilt-a-Wirl headscissors and follows up hitting a sit-out powerbomb that gets a 2 and a half from Finegan. [*]Averno reverses an attempted flapjack from Lynn & hits the Devil’s wings (Spinning Sit-out Double Underhook Facebuster) but Lynn lifts a shoulder at 2 and 9/10 to a nice pop from the crowd. [*]Averno attempts another, holding Lynn between his legs and underhooking the arms, but Lynn stands, flips Averno over his back while still underhooked, bridges his back and gets the 3 count from Finegan at 7:15! (E) [/LIST] Following the match Lynn & Averno shake hands to the applause of the crowd and Averno leaves the ring to allow Lynn his ovation. However Joey ‘Magnum’ Ryan suddenly runs down the aisle and hits Averno with a forearm shot to the back of the head knocking him down. He then grabs a mic from Bob Artes and enters the ring. ‘Look at that piece of crap’ Ryan points down the aisle at Averno who is recovering from the attack, ‘That piece of crap shouldn’t be allowed in my country, never mind my ring, and believe me, I’m not looking for cheap heat here, that guy don’t deserve to clean my boots.’ Ryan is met by a round of boos. ‘He is the same as every one of you, a worthless blight on society…no, a CANCER on society and a boil on the human race. Now I want all you worthless, jobless wonders to sit back and observe a true slab of masculinity!’ At this point Ryan drops the mic and fumbles around in his illuminous blue trunks and reveals a small bottle of lotion that he smothers onto his body, before retaking the mic. ‘There is a reason that I look like this, and you look like that,’ Ryan points at a plump member of the audience, ‘There is a reason why I am in this ring, and you are sat watching…and there is a reason why I am sleeping with all of your women…Because I am Joey ‘Magnum’ Ryan…And you…Are not!’ (E-) At this point Jerry Lynn, who has been stood in the ring throughout this, taps Ryan on the shoulder, who turns and a look of shock runs across his face as he drops to his knees and begs off. As Lynn looks at the crowd, raising a fist, Ryan hits him with a low blow and calls John Finegan back in the ring to start an impromptu bout. [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Joey Ryan vs. Jerry Lynn[/CENTER][/B] [LIST] [*]Jerry Lynn recovered quickly from the Ryan low blow and took control, hitting a nice rope hung guillotine legdrop and a stiff looking brainbuster. [*]Lynn called for the cradle piledriver to the crowd, but a desperate Joey Ryan went back into his pants and produced a his bottle of lotion that he then sprayed in Lynn’s eyes, following up with That 70s Superkick for the 3 count in 5:41. (E+) [/LIST] Following the match an out of breath Joey ‘Magnum’ Ryan retook the mic; ‘You see!? I told you…You just don’t…measure up…because I’m Joey ‘Magnum’ Ryan, and you…you’re just…Jerry Lynn…’ (E-) Suddenly ‘Woomp There It Is’ by Tag Team hits & 2 Cold Scorpio appears under the red fist to a nice reaction from the crowd, he climbs into the ring where Ryan is once again begging off, Bob Artes hands over his mic to Scorpio, ‘Good god son! I’m 2 Cold Scorpio…and you…you’re just some 70s *****!’ With this Scorpio strikes Ryan with the mic, Finegan enters the ring and we have another match! (E-) [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]2 Cold Scorpio vs. Joey Ryan[/CENTER][/B] [LIST] [*]The match started out with Scorpio dominating and hitting Ryan with a double underhook suplex immediately followed by a german suplex. Every time Scorpio hit a move Ryan tried to escape the ring but Jerry Lynn & Averno were still at ringside and acted as lumberjacks, throwing Ryan back in. [*]Ryan eventually got some offence in after hitting another low blow, managing to hit a Fallaway Pumphandle Slam. [*]At one point Ryan locked on his ‘Nuff Said’ Crossface Chickenwing and it looked as though Scorpio had fallen unconscious, but Scorpio’s hand didn’t fall on the third attempt, and he hulked up & made a comeback with a full on superkick. [*]Scorpio then went up top and hit the ‘Tumbleweed’ Somersault corkscrew legdrop and went for the 3 count. However as Finegan was bringing his hand down for the 3 count Scorpio lifted ‘Magnum’s’ shoulder& shook his head. He then gave the sign for the 450 degree splash which he then hit from the top rope, getting the pin at 9:49. (D-) [/LIST] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Following the match we cut backstage where we are in the backstreets behind the New Alhambra with Sabu and his manager, Bill Alfonso, Fonzie blows his whistle and begins to shriek; ‘Syxx Pac! Vampiro! You’re time has come punks! You’re staring at the end of your wrestling careers! This is Sabu, Punks! This is the Suicidal, Homicidal, Genocidal maniac! And he’s been waiting to get back in there! Back in the New Alhambra! And unlucky for you guys! You stand in the way of Sabu and his destiny, guys! You stand between Sabu & the RCW title! Tell ‘em Sabu!’ Sabu looks over to Fonzie with a surprised look on his face, ‘Go on Sabu, you tell ‘em!’ Fonzie pushes, Sabu simply stares up to the skys and lifts his right arm as we cut away. C Back in the arena the opening guitars of AFI’s ‘God Called in Sick Today’ play over the sound system and all eyes turn to the red fist as three balaclaved figures appear, clearly 2 men and 1 woman. They make their way down to the ring and simultaneously remove their hoods to reveal Skull Von Krush, Devon Storm & Daffney Unger! (D+) As the fans throw abuse at the three in the ring, ‘What Would You Do’ by The Dogg Pound hits & Blue Meanie appears at the stage, pointing into the ring with a confused look on his face. He has a mic; ‘Is that it? Is that the Black Army Faction!? I feel kind of embarrassed for the guy I’ve got in. I told him this was a big deal…and it’s you freaks!?…Oh well, Ladies & Gentlemen…Spike Dudley!’ At this point AC/DC’s ‘Highway to Hell’ hits and Spike appears under the fist, sporting a Sue Me!’ shirt. The two then storm the ring to kick off the match. (D+) [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Skull Von Krush w/Daffney Unger vs. The Blue Meanie & Spike Dudley[/CENTER][/B] [LIST] [*]The match kicks off as Meanie & Spike storm the ring and beat on the B.A.F. Spike goes for a super-quick Acid Drop but is thrown over the top rope to the floor by Skull. [*]The B.A.F. hit some nice double team moves including a Springboard Hart Attack style move. [*]Meanie & Spike looked to have the match when Spike managed to hit the Acid Drop on Storm and it was followed by Meanie’s ‘People’s Legdrop’ However suddenly another Balaclaved man jumped over the ring rails and levelled both men with a pair of stiff chair shots. Skull then hit his elevated DDT onto the chair a& pinned Spike for the victory at 8:59 (D-) [*]Following the match Skull Von Krush, Devon Storm & Daffney continued their assault on Blue Meanie in the ring while the balaclaved man dragged Spike backstage. After some time he reappears on top of the Crows Nest where Ranallo & Douglas are commentating. The man proceeds to pick Spike up into the powerbomb position and drop him down to the arena floor through a merchandise table. Paramedics rush to Spike as we cut backstage. (D+) [/LIST] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] We are now in a locker-room with Karl & CW Anderson and their ‘representative’ Steve Corino. Corino pats both Andersons on the back, ‘You ready guys?’ ‘Hell Yeah!’ comes the response. Corino then turns to the camera; ‘What you see before you are the first RCW Tag Team Champions CW & Karl Anderson! You people here in RCW seem intent on spitting on tradition? Well right here tradition spits back!’ At this point The Andersons spit on an RCW shirt that they have pinned up on a locker, the camera zooms in and focuses on two gobs of spit as Corino continues, ‘You are not going to see these two men flying about trying to get cheap pops from you inbreds in the crowd. We don’t want the adulation of a group of people who care more about big bumps than results. We don’t want the respect of a group of blood hungry idiots. We have more self-respect than any R-C-W chants can give us, and needless to say we have more self-respect than the dumn ****s who clamour over your respect! So why are we here? You may ask. We are here to prove to you that when all is said & done, when all the high spots are over, when every chair has been swung and every table broken that one thing will still be standing and enshrined in the figures of the Andersons…tradition!’ (E) When we return to the ring ‘Sugar’ By System of a Down is playing and Paul Heyman appears under the fist to a huge pop! Heyman makes his way down to ringside and circles the ring slapping hands with the fans before he is given a mic by Bob Artes and enters the ring. [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] ‘My god it’s good to be back’ The fans break out in a chant of Paul E. As Heyman fights back the tears. ‘Please, please, I’m going to keep this short, because I’m on no ego trip. You won’t see me out here every week with a leprechaun son, and not just because I’ve never fiddled with a leprechaun mom! I’m here simply to announce 1 thing, that Rage Championship Wrestling is re-igniting a flame…re-igniting a revolution…and the revolution will be webcast!…Starting this Thursday exclusive to RCWrestling.com…Guerrilla TV!’ At this point a huge banner unfolds from the crows nest and the crowd pops for the new show! (B+) [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] Following Heyman’s departure, ‘Wherever I May Roam’ By Metallica hits & Juventud Guerrera & Psicosis, Sexo y Violencia, appear under the fist. As they make there way into the ring The World Class Wrecking Crews entrance is heralded by Drowning Pool’s ‘Bodies’ and HC Loc & Dan Maff make their way to the ring. They are followed by The Andersons who are accompanied by Steve Corino and finally Christian York & Joey Matthews, who recieved a nice pop on the night of their reforming. Bob Artes: ‘Ladies & Gentlemen, the following is the fatal four way match to crown the first RCW Tag Team Champions! This match is fought under sudden death rules, the first team to take a fall by pinfall or submission will be crowned the victors! Introducing first, weighing in tonight at a combined weight of 400 ponds and hailing from Tijuana Mexico…Juventud Guerrera and Psicosis…Sexo y Violencia! Hailing from Elmira, New York and Newark, New Jersey, respectively, and tipping the scales tonight at 450 pounds…HC Loc and Dan Maff…The World Class Wrecking Crew! And weighing in tonight at a combined 470 Pounds, hailing from Emit North Carolina and accompanied tonight by ‘The King of Old-School’ Steve Corino…CW and Karl…The Andersons! And finally, re-uniting tonight exclusively in RCW, weighing in at a combined weight of 435 pounds and hailing from Fairfax, Virginia…Christian York & Joey Matthews!. [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket [B]Sexo y Violencia vs. The World Class Wrecking Crew vs. The Andersons w/Steve Corino vs. Christian York & Joey Matthews[/B][/CENTER] [LIST] [*]To the delight of the crowd Juventud Guerrera & Joey Matthews started off the bout and put together some smooth exchanges. [*]All chaos breaks loose as Psicosis & Christian York get involved, kicking of a series of topes to the outside, culminating in a suicide plancha by Christian York. Karl Anderson then went up top rope to hit one of his own, but the two teams below parted like the black sea, sending Anderson crashing into Corino. [*]Back in the ring the high flying antics are ended by a brutal Anderson Spinebuster by CW on Joey Matthews. [*]CW & a recovered Karl begin to control the match, effectively ‘cutting the ring in half’ as Corino made clear to the fans at ringside. However Joey Matthews made a hot tag to HC Loc who stormed into the ring kicking of a few minutes of stiff exchanges between the Andersons and the W.C.W.C. [*]Chaos broke loose once more and John Finegan lost control of this one. The finish came as Matthews & York vaulted over the top rope in a pair of symetrical somersault planchas onto Juvi & Psicosis. Meanwhile in the ring HC Loc hit Karl Anderson with the REF Facebuster while Maff hit the Burning Hammer on CW, Finegan counting both pins simultaneously to crown the World Class Wrecking Crew as RCW Tag Team Champions at 16:42 (C-) [/LIST] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] We then cut backstage where we are in a room lit only by candles surrounding the figure of Vampiro. Vampiro look up at the camera, ‘I have been expecting you,’ two morose eyes seem to stare through the lens ‘What is Vampiro thinking? Has he lost the plot? Does he have the proverbial screw loose? Has he descended into the pits of insanity to step into the ring with two of the most twisted men wrestling has ever seen?’ Vampiro lowers his head & then returns with a disturbing childlike grin across his powder white face, adopting a female voice, he continues ‘But I don’t want to go among mad people Alice said’ Vampiro now adopts the voices of the narrator & the Cat ‘Oh, you can’t help that, said the cat We’re all mad here, I’m mad, you’re mad’ Vampiro continues his twisted performance ‘How do you know I’m mad? said Alice You must be, said the Cat or you wouldn’t have come here.’ Vampiro lets out a cackling laugh as the candles extinguish and we cut away from the grotesque scene. (C-) [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] We then cut back to the ring where Guns ‘N’ Roses ‘Paradise City’ is playing & Francine, scantilly clad, appears below the fist. She makes her way down the aisle and sloooowly enters the ring. Francine teases the fans a little before beginning. ‘I like this! It’s ****ing great to be back here! You know I can really feel the atmosphere returning, this feels real! As you all know, I am the ‘Queen of Extreme’ but for quite a few people back in the old days I was just that little bit too extreme’ The crowd pops for Francine, ‘I was even too extreme for Paul E! There was one thing I always wanted to do, but he always said no. The censors wouldn’t allow it, he’d say. Well there aint no censors in the building tonight so…’Francine begins to undo the back of her already barely there dress when suddenly… (E) ‘Whoa, whoa, whoa there!’ the voice is unmistakably that of Cyrus, ‘I don’t think so…no, no, no, not tonight Francine.’ Cyrus makes his way down to the ring, closely followed by the imposing figure of the former Roadkill, Barradock. ‘You really are a brazen hussy, aren’t you Francine?’ The crowd pops & francine shrugs her shoulders and nods, ‘You really have no sense of decency, do you?’ Again Francine concedes with a shrug and the crowd react with a ’show your tits’ chant, which infuriates Cyrus, ‘NO! NO! NO!’ Cyrus climbs into the ring, again followed by the methodical pace of the big man. He gets right into Francine’s face, ‘I mean you are a gutter slut! I mean you are infested! I mean you are a crack whore!’ Francine is no longer seeing the funny side and her face tells it as Cyrus continues, ‘You are disgusting. Don’t you realise that the Amish are a decent people? Don’t you realise the offence you are causing to Barradock? Don’t you realise that we are a simple, wholesome people who are offended by the flesh? Not only do you offend our sensibilities, Francine, but by god, do you offend our eyes!’ The crowd, who are clearly not offended by The Queen of Extreme, boo vociferously, as Cyrus continues, ‘I mean look at you Francine, you got old! Nobody wants to see your tits reach your knees. I look at you, Francine, and I see mutton, I see mutton dressed as lamb…I see…I see Mae Young!’ At this point Francine has had enough and slaps Cyrus hard across the face, Cyrus’ face fills with rage & he retaliates with a slap that knocks Francine to the mat, clutching at her face, Callis turns to the crowd with a proud grin on his face as ‘Enter Sandman’ hits over the sound system. (E+) The crowd goes wild as Cyrus panics in the ring. The cameras scan across the crowds, searching for The Sandman who finally appears in the bleachers. He does his customary entrance, pausing to pour beer into fans mouths, and smashing the cans into his forehead, before reaching ringside where he pours beer into Hat Guys mouth. He then turns his eyes to Cyrus & Barradock, stood over Francine in the ring. Sandman enters and levels Cyrus with a shot from his singapore cain, before Barradock attacks him, John Finegan then enters the ring for another impromtu match. (D-) [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket [B]The Sandman w/Francine vs. Barradock w/Cyrus[/B][/CENTER] [LIST] [*]The match opens with some sluggish brawling that Barradock controls until Finegan calls him off & the Sandman responds with a cane shot that breaks the stick. [*]The Sandman goes on to hit the White Russian Leg Sweep and goes to hit the Heineken-rana, but a recovered Cyrus holds onto Barradock, sending Sandman crashing to the mat. [*]From here Barradock controls, hitting a nice short-powerbomb followed by his walking the ropes elbow drop. [*]At one point Cyrus enters the ring and goes for a spike piledriver on Sandman. However Francine then returns and attacks Cyrus with a flurry of slaps until Barradock drags her off by the hair and hits a piledriver on her. [*]This distraction allows The Sandman to mount a comeback hitting a bulldog and bringing a guard rail into the ring. Laying Barradock over it, he climbs the turnbuckle to hit the Bitchin’ Leg Drop, but Barradock moves, crotching the Sandman on the railing. [*]Don Callis then returns to the ring and sets up a table, lying the agonized Sandman onto it. Barradock then climbs the top rope and hits the Amish Splash through the table. Barradock looks to have won it but unbelievably Sandman kick out at 2 and 9/10. [*]A frustrated Callis then sets up a table outside of the ring and following an in ring Dirt Road Slam onto the now fallen guard rail, positions Sandman onto it. Barradock then climbs up the ring ropes and hits another Amish Splash, driving Sandman through the table onto the concrete floor. This time their is no reprise for Sandman as he is rolled into the ring and Finegan counts the three at 10:13. (D-) [/LIST] Following the match Cyrus takes a microphone and stands alongside Barradock, above the body of Sandman. ‘This is what happens, and this is what will happen to anyone, who offends the principles and morality of myself and my Amish brother…Barradock!’ At this point Barradock leaves the ring but Callis remains behind, stood over Sandman, berating him and spitting in his face. Suddenly, in an undertaker-esque moment, Sandman grabs Callis by the neck and, after bringing himself to his feet, hits him with a piledriver. He then invites Barradock to return to the ring but the Angry Amish Warrior declines. (E+) We then cut to a commercial for Guerrilla TV before returning to ringside where ‘Snap Your Fingers, Snap Your Neck’ is playing. Justin Credible appears under the fist to the sound of boos and makes his way down to the ring where he takes a microphone from Bob Artes; ‘Everybody here knows who I am, everybody here recognises me as their former world heavyweight champion. Paul! Hey, bookerman! You know I was your champion, I was a man who stood beside you until the end. When countless others fled, I went down with the ship Heyman! So I get invited here to Battlelines & I’m ready to pick up where we left off.’ Credible pauses & laughs to himself, ‘But I guess you had other plans, huh Paul? There was no Justin Credible in the main event, no Justin Credible fighting Sandman, no Justin Credible in a Tag Title match, hell no Justin Credible at all! Well I’m not one to sit in the back guzzle a few beers & just watch the show, hell no! You don’t get to waste my time Heyman! My time is worth money & you don’t get to piss it away by not booking me on shows. If I want a match, I’m gonna take one!’ Credible rips off his shirt, ‘I’m main event material god damn it! Now you better send some piece of **** out here Paul E. ‘Cause I’m going nowhere till I get my damn match!’ At this point ‘Pepper’ by Butthole Surfers hits as Mikey Whipwreck appears under the fist. He makes his way down to the ring slapping hands with the fans. (C-) Bob Artes: ‘Introducing in the corner to my left, from Ozone park, New York…Justin Credible. And his opponent, from Buffalo, New York…Mikey Whipwreck!’ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Justin Credible vs. Mikey Whipwreck[/CENTER][/B] [LIST] [*]The match opens with a lock up and the exchange of some stand up holds, befor Mikey manages an arm drag sending a furious Justin Credible kicking the ropes. [*]The match was two & Fro with both workers getting roughly equal spells of advantage [*]Justin Credible hit his corner sitout powerbomb for a near fall, before attempting an elbow drop from the second turnbuckle. However Mikey managed to lift his leg, which connected with Justin’s jaw. [*]Mikey managed to hit a nice Franken-Mikey eliciting a ‘Mikey’ chant from the crowd. [*]The finish came when Mikey went for the Whipwreck driver, but Credible managed to shift his weight to turn it over into That’s incredible, which he then hit for the three count at 11.55 (C-) [/LIST] Following this match we cut to Mauro Ranallo & Shane Douglas in the crows nest who are hyping the main event; [B]Ranallo:[/B] ‘Three of the sickest, most twisted individuals ever to step in a wrestling ring go one-on-one tonight. The prize? The reason to risk their bodies against each other? The RCW Heavyweight Championship!’ [B]Douglas:[/B] ‘That’s right Ranallo. Only people who have fought in that ring can tell you important it is to wear gold around your waist’ I managed it many times…too numerous to mention…but the feeling never changed, the butterflies never stopped.’ [B]Ranallo:[/B] ‘Indeed it must be a very special feeling, but it’s a feeling that all three men have felt before. They have all been champions in various promotions throughout the world…’ [B]Douglas:[/B] ‘Yes they have, and I have fought them all, but at this point in their careers, there may not be too many runs left for them, that makes this one extra special, that makes this one all the more worth fighting for!’ [B]Ranallo:[/B] ‘That may well be the story of this title match, can these three superstars prove that they can still go? Can they prove to a new generation that their reputation as the most twisted, is still well deserved? Lets throw it over to Bob Artes!’ [B]Bob Artes:[/B] ‘Ladies & Gentlemen, the following is the extreme rules three way dance to crown the first RCW Heavyweight Champion!’ The Crowd pops and Syxx Pac appears below the fist, with no music playing, and dressed in street clothes. He doesn’t react to the fans as he makes his way down to the ring. The crowd harass Syxx with a chant of ‘X-Pac Sucks!’ Artes: ‘Introducing first, hailing from Minneapolis, Minnesota and weighing in tonight at 212 pounds…Syxx Pac!’ ‘Another Dead American’ by Lars Fredriksson & The Bastards hits as the lights dim & Vampiro appears at the top of the stage, clad in a long black trenchcoat… Artes: ‘And now weighing in tonight at 225 pounds and fighting out of Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada…Vampiro!’ The crowd boo Vampiro before hushing as ‘Huka Blues’ hits causing a wild pop from the south Philly crowd. Artes: ‘And now…accompanied to the ring by Bill Alfonso, hailing from Bombay Michigan and weighing 220 Pounds…The Homicidal, Suicidal, Genocidal Maniac…SABU!’ The crowd pop wildly as Sabu enters the ring & points to the heavens, before rushing Syxx Pac to start the match. [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket [B]Syxx Pac vs. Vampiro vs. Sabu w/Bill Alfonso[/B][/CENTER] [LIST] [*]Sabu begins the match with a flurry knocking Syxx back down into the corner and hitting a brutal genital baseball slide. He then turns his attention to Vampiro who he hits with a spinning leg lariat. [*]Within a minute of the opening bell Sabu calls for a chair and hits a double jump moonsault onto Vampiro. [*]Sabu is clearing house as Fonzie sets up a table at ringside & Sabu lays Syxx Pac across it & climbs to the top turnbuckle where Alfonso throws him a chair. Sabu flys through the air to hit an Arabian Facebuster. However Syxx Pac manages to dodge it and Sabu goes crashing to the concrete. [*]With Sabu down Vampiro & Syxx Pac go at it, with the crowd seemingly backing Vampiro. [*]The two go back and forth Waltman hitting a spinning leg lariat and a moonsault and Vampiro managing a powerbomb. [*]Syxx Pac gets Vampiro down in the corner following a martial arts kick combo & goes to hit the bronco buster. However he stops at the last minute and flips the crowd a double bird, however as he turns away a rejuvinated Sabu hits him with a missile dropkick. [*]AsSabu concentrates on Syxx Pac, Vampiro goes under the ring & re-emerges with a ladder. He takes it into the ring and double clotheslines Sabu & Syxx with the steps. [*]Vampiro goes to climb the ladder and reaches the top. However Sabu & Syxx both recover and hit simultaneous springboard dropkicks on the ladder, sending Vampiro crashing back to the mat. Both wrestlers then cover Vampiro and he is eliminated. [*]With Vampiro eliminated the pace heats up as Syxx & Sabu go at it hard with the ladder still in the ring. This results in a number of ladder spots including a see-saw attack that caught Sabu clean in the face, busting him wide open. [*]Sabu goes to the top rope but Syxx Pac hits adropkick that sends him crashing back to the concrete. As Sabu slowly rises Syxx then hits a beautiful somersault plancha over the top rope connecting with Sabu & Alfonso. [*]Back in the ring Syxx hits the X-O-Matic for a heart stopping 2 9/10 count. [*]Syxx then proceeds to erect a structure where a table is balanced over two chairs. He then places Sabu on the table and begins to scale the ladder. However Sabu recovers and uses the table to springboard himself into the ladder, sending it teetering over, with Syxx Pac now the man taking the bump to the floor. Both men are now out. [*]As Syxx Pac finally re-enters the ring, Sabu meets him with a flurry of punches & thetwo end up in the corner, with Syxx Pac taking the advatage. Syxx puts Sabu onto the turnbuckle to hit a superplex but Sabu reverses it, sending Syxx Pac gut first onto the laid out ladder. Sabu then called for a chair from Fonzie who threw one. The crowd rose to its feet as Sabu hit a somersault atomic arabian face buster onto Syxx who lay on the ladder. Sabu covered Syxx and John Finegan counted the 3 count at 15:48 to crown Sabu as the first RCW Heavyweight Champion! (C-) [/LIST] After the match the crowd erupts into a ‘Sabu’ chant as the beaten & bruised champion sits on his knees with the belt held up to the heavens. Suddenly Vampiro re-appears with Skull Von Krush & Devon Storm and the Black Army Faction brutally attack an already injured Sabu. Syxx Pac, recovering on the arena floor sees what is happening & considers helping, but then just turns his back & walks away. As the B.A.F. continue their assault on Sabu The Sandman runs down the aisle & hits Skull & Storm with a pair of cane shots. However Vampiro manages to take control when Daffney Unger throws a black powder into Sandman’s eyes & Vampiro hits the Nail in the Coffin. The Black Army Faction then stands victoriuos over Sabu & The Sandman. Vampiro takes the RCW Heavyweight Belt in his hands and spits onto it, before throwing it on Sabu. Vampiro takes the mic; ‘What you are looking at is the Black Army Faction. We promised to destroy Rage Championship Wrestling and this is just the beginning…’ As Vampiro is talking a ballaclaved man enters the ring with a chair & levels Skull & Storm before hitting a DDT on Vampiro. He then helps Sabu & Sandman to their feet, who are weary of the masked man. However he then unmasks to reveal…Terry Funk! as the show finishes with chants of ‘Terry! Terry!’ (C-) [CENTER]Photobucket [B]Overall Rating: D[/B] Photobucket[/CENTER]
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News [B]Sunday December 16th[/B] RCWrestling.com released the following: [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] ‘Rage Championship Wrestling is proud to announce the first episode of RCW Guerrilla TV that will be available on RCWrestling.com from Wednesday night! RCWrestling.com can exclusively announce that in the most explosive half hour in wrestling today, we will be witnessing the debut of Billy Kidman along with a charged main event, featuring Joey Matthews & Christian York against Sexo y Violencia, Juventud Guerrera & Psicosis!’ [B]The following was published on TheWrestlingTabloid.com:[/B] [B]RCW News[/B] [LIST] [*]RCW Battlelines was held last night in fron of approximately 1000 fans at the former ECW Arena in South Philly. The show featured appearances from a number of ECW allumni and was reasonably well recieved by the fans present. [*]Rumours are suggesting that Joey Matthews has made his first & last appearance for the group and has a greed a deal to return to WWE. [*]RCW Guerilla TV will be a weekly half hour show that will broadcast matches from a monthly house show. Decembers show will be taking place tommorrow night from the Hammerstein Ball Room in New York. [*]The following talents should shortly be making appearances with the company; Billy Kidman, Caprice Coleman, TJ Wilson, Teddy Hart and D’Lo Brown [*]RCW is rumoured to be in talks with L.A. Park to make appearances with the company. [/LIST] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER]
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News [B]Tuesday December 18th[/B] RCWrestling.com announced the following: [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] ‘RCW can confirm that Joey Matthews will no longer be appearing with the company. Matthews was booked to appear at the Guerrilla TV tapings last night but no-showed the event and has now taken up his contract with WWE. His former tag partner Christian York selected a new tag team partner to fulfil his booked match against Juventud Guerrera & Psicosis and the match will be available on Guerrilla TV thursday night’ [B]Guerrilla TV Predictions Key[/B] Billy Kidman vs. Caprice Coleman Mikey Whipwreck vs. Joey Ryan Sexo y Violencia vs. Christian York & ???
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RCW Guerrilla TV [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]From The Hammerstein Ballroom, New York City (Att:912)[/CENTER][/B] The Guerrilla TV opening titles start with Biffy Clyro’s ‘Who’s Got A Match?’ but as they are half way through we cut to static before we are in a backstreet where Vampiro is flanked by Skull Von Krush & Devon Storm, with Daffney Unger hanging from a steel fence above them, the footage shot in a n eerie sepia tone. [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Vampiro begins; ‘Sabu! Sandman! Terry Funk! You made yourself more than clear at Battlelines’ Here we cut to footage from Saturday night where Terry Funk came to the rescue of new RCW champion Sabu & The Sandman. ‘It is a noble move to stand up for your convictions, but a foolish one.’ Vampiro pauses, Skull & Storm are each armed with crowbars, ‘Do you realise what you have done? You have painted targets onto your backs Sabu! Sandman! Funk! You have put yourselves in the firing line, and we will be firing discriminately!’ [B](D+)[/B] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] We then cut away where we are met by Mauro Ranallo & Shane Douglas, who look confused stood before their monitor and shuffling through papers up in a commentary booth at the Hammerstein Ballroom. Ranallo clears his throat & picks up his microphone, still clearly confused, ‘Well…we, erm…we apologise for that interuption. That was not a scheduled segment…Quite frankly we are in a state of shock here…’ Ranallo talks off camera ‘…How could they even do that? I mean…’ Douglas interupts, ‘Mauro, Mauro, a little professionalism, please…’ Ranallo looks at Douglas ‘Sure, but come on! How can they do that? I’m sorry…I need a minute here, erm, Lets get to our first match…go!…Cut away!’[B](C)[/B] The camera cuts to the ring where Bob Artes is in the ring; [B]Artes:[/B] New York City! Welcome to RCW Guerrilla TV! The crowd pops and James Brown’s ‘Living In America’ hits & Caprice Coleman appears under the red fist decked out in a red, white & blue top hat and stars & stripes long overcoat. [B]Artes:[/B] Ladies & Gentlemen, introducing first weighing in at 215 pounds and hailing from T-Town, North Carolina…Caprice ‘Apollo’ Coleman! ‘Cochise’ by Audioslave then hits to signal the arrival of Billy Kidman, who appears under the fist to a nice pop from the crowd. Artes: And his opponent, from Allentown, Pennsylvania weighing in a t 217 Pounds…Billy Kidman! [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket [B]Caprice Coleman vs. Billy Kidman[/B][/CENTER] [LIST] [*]Caprice Coleman looked impressive in the opening exchanges hitting a nice axe kick, flooring kidman and following up with a springboard legdrop to the back of the head. [*]The two exchanged moves in an open match, but Kidman took the advantage after Coleman went for a powerbomb, but Kidman hit the Kid Factor. [*]Kidman then went up top & hit the Shooting Star Press to a nice crowd reaction before covering for the three count at 5:11 [B](D-)[/B] [/LIST] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] We then cut to the locker-room where Justin Credible is untaping his fists, he looks into the camera, his eyes furious; ‘Once again Justin Credible gets screwed over by Paul E. Once again Justin Credible is not up to be being booked. This is bull**** Heyman! RCW’s first show & I have to go out ot the ring to get myself a match. The debut of Guerrilla TV & Paul E. Thinks so much of Justin Credible to give me a little spot on camera!? This is bull****! I don’t want camera time, I want to kick ass in the ring!’ Credible pauses, thinking to himself, ‘Heyman, listen up…’ Credible pulls the camera in close, ‘…And listen up good, if I don’t get a match on Guerrilla TV next week, I’m gonna find you backstage here, and drag your fat ass into the ring! Then I’ll have the hardcore bloodfest that I want!’ Credible laughs and rubs his hands together as we cut away. [B](B-)[/B] As we return to the ring Joey Ryan is centre stage oiling himself up causing the New York crowd to boo vociferously, Ryan starts to jaw with the fans when ‘Pepper’ hits and Mikey Whipwreck makes his way down to the ring. [B]Bob Artes:[/B] ‘Introducing first from Los Angeles, California…’ Joey Ryan interupts Artes telling him something. ‘I apologise…from 1970s Los Angeles, California, weighing in at 210 pounds…’ Once again Ryan interupts, instructing Artes, ‘My Apologies…weighing in at a ’stunning’ 210 pounds…Joey ‘Magnum’ Ryan!’ The crowd boo Ryan as he stands in the centre of the ring posing. [B]Bob Artes:[/B] And his opponent, from Buffalo, New York…Mikey Whipwreck!’ The crowd, angry at Ryan’s pretentiousness, cheer for Mikey’s short introduction. [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Joey ‘Magnum’ Ryan vs. Mikey Whipwreck[/CENTER][/B] [LIST] [*]The match starts with some smooth reversals, but this is ended when Ryan hits a mule kick square between Mikey’s legs. [*]Ryan hits a Fallaway Pumphandle slam, pausing while the crowd chants ‘fag-got!’ at him, and follows it up with a powerbomb before going up top to hit a moonsult, however, Whipwreck lifts his knees & Ryan takes them across the gut. [*]Ryan is rolling around the canvas dramatically as the crowd mock him. Whipwreck decides to put an end to the performance and hits a slingshot legdrop. [*]Whipwreck then stalks Ryan as he slowly gets to his feet, before hitting the Whippersnapper for the three count at 4:50. [B](D-)[/B] [/LIST] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] We then cut to a bar where the Sandman is downing a Budweiser, ‘Line ‘em up’ he says to a barman, before turning to the camera; ‘You know Paul E. wanted me in the Hammerstein tonight, I guess he wants me to smash a few singapore canes over the B.A.Fs head. But you know what? I don’t need that ****. If you don’t got a match for me then I’d rather sit back here at Joey’s, drink a few beers, smoke a pack or two, and shoot some pool. You see Vampiro & whoever the hell you other guys are. You aren’t worth getting up from my stool for, you don’t even cross my mind, I want one thing…And thats the RCW Heavyweight title…If you get in my way, hell, I’ll have to get you out of my way…Now **** off, I’m trying to drink here.’ With this the camera turns away but swings back round at the sound of a crash. Sandman is hunched over the bar as Vampiro, Skull & Storm and laying the fists in. Sandman gets aretrieve & throws Storm over the bar & starts laying into Skull but this is ended when Vampiro smashes a beer bottle over Sandman’s skull, busting him wide open. Vampiro takes the shards of the bottle & holds it to Sandmans neck, screaming through his teeth ‘Happy Holidays, from the Black Army Faction!’ We then cut away, back to Mauro & Douglas. [B](D)[/B] Back at the commentary position in the Hammerstain Ballroom Ranallo & Douglas are facing camera; [B]Ranallo:[/B] First off I’d like to say that that was the most cowardly attack I’ve ever witnessed. Not only was it three on one, but they blindsided the Sandman as well!’ [B]Douglas:[/B] You don’t get it, huh, Ranallo? Now I don’t for a second condone their actions, but you gotta admit, they were pretty effective! As they’ll remind you, this is a war!’ Ranallo looks suspiciously at Douglas, [B]Douglas:[/B] What? [B]Ranallo:[/B] Nothing, nothing. Right onto our main event. We were set to see Sexo Y Violencia take on Joey Matthews & Christian York in a tag match tonight, but we got here to the Hammerstein Ballroom & no Joey Matthews, we havn’t seen him all night, and, well, his partner Christian York is in the ring… We cut to the ring where Christian York is standing with a microphone, dressed to compete; [B]Christian York:[/B] I got here tonight ready for this match, a match that was to give me & Joey chance to rectify what went down on Saturday. Well, there was no sign of Joey, and no-ones seen him all night. Now its no secret that he has signed a contract with Vince McMahon, and it’s no secret that this was due to be his last match here in RCW. Well five minutes ago, five minutes before we’re due out here I get this text off Joey…’ York has his phone in his hand and reads from the screen… ‘ ‘Sorry buddy. Not making it tonight. Speak soon.’ And thats it! Now its not the first time that Joey has let me down, deserted me, and sold me out, so I don’t know why I’m surprised, and now I’ve gotta ask, what about my career? Am I gonna chuck it all in ’cause I’ve been repeatedly stabbed in the back by my best friend?’ The crowd boo as York pauses ‘Oh **** no! Now I got me a new partner & we’re going straight to the top & it starts tonight with Juventud & Psicosis…Teddy Hart! Get out here!’ The crowd pops as Teddy appears under the fist, but is instantly attacked by Juvi & Psicosis who bring him doen to the ring to start the match. [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket [B]Sexo Y Violencia vs. Christian York & Teddy Hart[/B][/CENTER] [LIST] [*]Juvi & Psicosis control the early stages of the match following their pearl harbour attack, and put together some nice double team manoeuvres, including a camel clutch, top rope dropkick combo. [*]York & Hart manage to get back into the match when hitting a mirror image pair of flting headscissors on Psicosis & Juvi respectively. [*]Juvi & Psicosis end up on the outside of the ring at opposite ends and York & Hart pop the crowd by hitting simultaneous moonsaults to the floor, crashing down onto their opponents. [*]When the action returns to the ring, however, York goes for a springboard cross body block on Juvi, but is caught & hit with the Juvi Driver, while Psicosis hits a tilt a whirl backbreaker on Hart who is coming to the rescue. Juvi then gets the count on York at 7:01 [B](D)[/B] [/LIST] Following the match a visibly furious Juvi & Psicosis continued with a beat down on their upstart opponents and threw them out to the concrete floor, screaming at them & the fans as RCW Guerrilla TV ends. [B](E) [/B] [CENTER][B]Overall Show Rating: D-[/B] Photobucket[/CENTER]
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News [B]TheWrestlingTabloid.com featured the following:[/B] [B] Rage Ramblings[/B] [LIST] [*]RCW’s Guerrilla TV! debuted on RCWrestling.com last night and was a reasonably good show. There was plenty of good, but little spectacular. The main event pitted Juventud Guerrera & Psicosis against Christian York & Teddy Hart (Replacing an absent Joey Matthews, who has signed for WWE) and Sexo y Violencia got the duke in an entertaining match, even if somewhat bereft of psycology. [*]It is thought that Christian York & Teddy Hart will be forming a permanent partnership after impressing in their match against Juvi & Psicosis. [*]It looks as though L.A. Park has signed a deal with the company, however with the Guerrilla TV! in the can until January, we will have to wait to see his debut. [*]It is rumoured that next weeks Guerrilla TV! will feature a main event of Justin Credible vs. Terry Funk. [/LIST] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER]
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[B]Sunday December 23rd[/B] [B]RCWrestling released the following:[/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] ‘This weeks Guerrilla TV promises to be an explosive event to say the least. Justin Credible has re-iterated his promise to Paul Heyman. If Heyman doesn’t book him in a match, Credible will hunt the boss down & drag him to the ring. There is no news to report from Paul E.’s office so be sure to tune in on RCWrestling.com from Thursday. We can also exclusively announce that The Sandman will be present, and clearly looking for revenge against the Black Army Faction!’ [B]Monday December 24th[/B] [B]RCWrestling.com announced the following:[/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] ‘Steve Corino has a very special christmas present for RCW and you fans. Corino telephoned Paul Heyman last night to reveal that he had signed a WWE developmental deal with Deep South Wrestling & would, therefore, no longer be appearing at RCW shows. Merry Christmas Steve, you jerk.’ [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B]OOC:[/B] Show should be up this afternoon. Feedback welcome!
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Guerrilla TV [CENTER]Photobucket [B]From the Hammerstein Ballroom (Att:912)[/B][/CENTER] The show opens with Biffy Clyro’s ‘Who’s Got a Match’ and highlights of RCW action. This week we are not interupted by the B.A.F. & cut to a video recapping their attack on The Sandman in ‘Joey’s Bar’ last week. We then cut to Mauro Ranallo & Shane Douglas who discuss the controversial beat down. As Ranallo is talking the theme from ‘Magnum, P.I.’ hits & Joey ‘Magnum’ Ryan appears under the fist. (D) Ryan takes a microphone and enters the ring. ‘Thank You! Thank You!’ Joey is apparently hearing cheers while the crowd boo and scream insults at him. ‘Now I know you have all been following my singles career with great interest recently…’ Joey continues as the boos intensify ‘…Because I’m Joey Ryan, and your not!’ The Crowd hurl more abuse at Ryan ‘But a body as beautiful as this must not be overexcerted and I really shouldn’t be wasting all this talent on lowly scum like you! So I have decided, in the interests of preserving this mecca of manlihood, to take on a tag team partner, a man that you all know and love…Simon Diamond!’ At this point ‘Simon Says’ hits over the sound system & Simon Diamond appears at the fist and does his vintage hand on chin pose. He slowly makes his way into the ring & takes the microphone from Ryan, pauses, and with a smirk on his stubbled face, begins…’Simon has a problem!’ The crowd initially pop for Diamond but begin to turn as he continues his speech. ‘And believe me, it is not Joey ‘Magnum’ Ryan. It is an honour to stand shoulder to shoulder with a man of such beauty! A man of such physicality! A man of such girth!’ The crowd throw chants of ‘Fag-Got at the two in the ring & Ryan covers his ears, stamping his feet. ‘No, no, no. Simon’s problem is that the whole wrestling world has overlooked him. Simon’s problem is that everybody forgot about Simon Diamond! And that will not stand! And do you know why? Because I said so!’ (E) At this point 'Not a Crime' by Gogol Bordello hits and the RCW Tag Team Champions The World Class Wrecking Crew storm the ring, closely followed by John Finegan who calls for the bell. [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Joey Ryan & Simon Diamond vs. The World Class Wrecking Crew[/CENTER][/B] [LIST] [*]Mauro Ranallo announces that he has word that this is an RCW Tag Team Title match. [*]The match starts out with some fast brawling action as the champions take early control with a double flapjack on Ryan. [*]The challengers enjoyed a small period of advantage, managing to hit the Problem Solver spike DDT on Maff. However Loc managed to break the count after 2 to a nice reaction from the crowd. [*]The finish came when Diamond & Ryan were both down in opposite corners. Maff & Loc then simultaneosly ran at their opponents, Maff hitting a Cannonball on Ryan & Loc hitting a stiff kick to Diamond. As the challengers staggered to their feet they were simultaneously hit by A burning Hammer from Maff & A R.E.F. Facebuster from Loc for the three count(s) at 3:41 [B](E+)[/B] [/LIST] Following the match we cut to a promo recorded by Averno & Mistico backstage. With the help of subtitles the Mexicans got their point across; [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B]Averno:[/B] Sexo y Violencia! We’re calling you out bitches! You think you represent Mexican Wrestling here in the states? All you represent is the past of Mexican Wrestling in the states. You want to look to the future? You look to Averno & Mistico!’ [B]Mistico:[/B] Juvi, Psicosis, what you did last week to Teddy Hart & Christian York makes me sick. You don’t think Hispanics have it hard enough in this country? You don’t think our brothers have to work like dogs to get no respect? Well you know why that is Juvi? You know why that is Psico? Its because of old dogs like you acting with no respect. We’re calling you out, and we’re gonna show America the pride & dignity of Lucha Libre! The pride & dignity of Mexico!’ (D-) [CENTER] Photobucket[/CENTER] We then cut to a backstage corridor where a camera is desperately trying to keep up with someone storming down a hallway. A flash of the camera upwards reveals Justin Credible who has halted outside a door, written upon it ‘Paul E.’ on a piece of masking tape. Justin appears to be psyching himself up & is about to grab the handle when there is a push at his shoulder. The camera pans back to reveal Terry Funk! [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] Credible stares at Funk dead in the eye, breathing heavily. Funk, for his part, appears calm & chugs at a Heineken. ‘You better get out of my way old man’ threatens Credible through clenched teeth. Funk takes another swig of his beer, ‘Why’s that son? You got some place to be?’ Credible smirks and shakes his head, wiping at his mouth, ‘You know where I’m going, Funk, so get the **** out of my way!’ Credible’s fury is clear through his almost whispered voice. ‘So you’re gonna go get Paul E. huh? You want your match, huh?’ Funk questions, clearly with a plan. ‘What the ****?’ Funk asks ‘Are you always this stupid or are you making a special effort today?’ With this Funk pushes on the door which swings open to reveal a cardboard cut out of Paul Heyman, flipping the double bird. ‘God damn it!’ screams Credible furious and swings at Funk who dodges the slug and grabs Credible by the collar of his football jersey. ‘You think Paul E.’s a dumb ****, huh?’ Funk is shaking at Credible furiously, ‘You think he’s gonna sit their and wait!?’ He then pushes Credible off, making him stumble slightly, ‘You got your match son,’ Funk says, taking a swig from the bottle he set down, ’see you out there.’ [B](C-)[/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] Back in the arena ‘Enter Sandman’ is playing & Sandman is drinking his way through the crowd to the ring. Once he arrives he takes the mic from Bob Artes and throws him a beer. ‘Vampiro!’ Sandman screams ‘Black Army Faction!’ he pauses as a trickle of blood, caused by a smashed can to the forehead, drips from his nose onto the mic. ‘You made a big mistake boys, you picked the wrong drunk to pick a bar fight with. Now get out here!’ Sandman & the crowd look to the fist but nothing is seen nor heard. ‘Come on, I got a couple of friends for you to meet!’ The camera zooms in on Sandman as he lifts his fists. ‘This here is Lefty Fullington, and here’s his good brother Righty…They’re violent mother f*ckers & they’ve been drinking all day!’ The crowd pop but there is still no sign of the BAF. ‘Hell’ Sandman sighs ‘looks like they got a case of the chicken****s boys! Looks like I’m gonna have to come get you!’ The Sandman then storms up the aisle & dissapears under the fist as we cut away. [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] We cut to static that clears up slightly to reveal the words ‘Riot Act’ before returning to static and then Ranallo & Douglas: [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B]Ranallo:[/B] Well what a night! Joey Ryan gets another richly deserved ass kicking, Averno & Mistico call out Sexo y Violencia, Sandman goes to look for the BAF PLUS we’ve still got an unbelievable main event! [B]Douglas:[/B] Damn right Ranallo, this is a first timer, ‘Old Aged & Crazy’ Terry Funk against Justin Credible & from what we saw earlier, these guys can’t stand each other! [B]Ranallo:[/B]You’ve got to think that Funk is fighting for Paul E. tonight? [B]Douglas:[/B] Do you revel in stating the obvious Ranallo? Of course Funk is fighting for Paul E. against Credible, Justin hates Paul E.’s guts, with good cause, I might add. The pathetic thing about all this is Paul E. hiring a geriatric to fight his battles for him, that kinda sucks, huh? [B]Ranallo:[/B] What do you expect him to do!? He’s not a wrestler! Justin Credible is a former World Champion! He would slaughter him! Lets send it down to Bob Artes. [B]Bob Artes:[/B] Ladies & Gentlemen, it is time for your main event of the evening! ‘Snap your fingers, Snap your Neck’ hits and Justin Credible appears below the fist & raises his arm holding his singapore cane. He makes his way down to the ring, throwing a few dummy swings at fans in the front row. [B]Artes:[/B] Hailing from O-Zone Park, New York & weighing in tonight at 225 pounds…Justin Credible! The crowd boo Credible but these soon turn to cheers as ‘Desperado’ by the Eagles hits and Terry Funk appears at the fist. [B] Artes:[/B] And his opponent, fighting out of the Double Cross Ranch, Amarillo, Texas & weighing in at 247 Pounds,’Old Aged & Crazy!’ Terry Funk! [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket [B]Justin Credible vs. Terry Funk[/B][/CENTER] [LIST] [*]The match starts out with an old fashioned collar & elbow tie up that Funk powers out of with a fast arm drag that garners a pop from the corwd. [*]Credible soons has control after hitting a knee clip & workd over Funks weak joints with a knee breaker & a series of rope assisted stomps. [*]Credible then clims out of the ring & gets a chair, placing it over the knee of Funk, before climbing the top turnbuckle. Funk however recovers & stumbles into the ropes, crotching Credible before blasting him with a super stiff chair shot. [*]As Credible crashes back to the canvas, Funk locks on the spinning toe hold, however he is distracted by Daffney Unger who runs down to ringside screaming, allowing Credible to reverse the toe hold into a figure 4 leglock that Funks legs couldn’t possibly withstand. John Finegan calls for the bell at 5:33 to a chorus of ‘Bull****’ from the crowd as it is uncertain whether Terry tapped. [B](C-)[/B] [/LIST] Following his victory Credible leaves the ring & walks back up the ramp, on his way he is passed by the BAF who run down into the ring & start working over the helpless Terry Funk. The crowd chant ‘Sandman!’ until their wishes are annswered by the sound of Metallica as Sandman enters the ring & clears house with three crisp cane shots for Vampiro, Skull & Storm. Sandman kneels over a cursing Funk as we go off the air. [B](B-)[/B] [CENTER]Overall Show Rating: [B]D+[/B] Photobucket[/CENTER]
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News [B]Friday December 28th[/B] [B]RCWrestling announced the following:[/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] ‘Rage Championship Wrestling debuts in Buffalo at the Flickinger Center on Sunday night with January’s Guerrilla TV tapings. Confirmed to appear are the following: RCW Heavyweight Champion Sabu, Syxx Pac, The Black Army Faction, The Sandman, Terry Funk, Sexo y Violencia, Averno, Mistico, Billy Kidman, Kid Kash, Mikey Whipwreck, Too Cold Scorpio, the return of Francine and much more! Tickets are almost sold out, so be sure to get yours fast!’ [B]TheWrestlingTabloid released the following:[/B] [B]Rage Ramblings[/B] [LIST] [*]Reaction to the current episode of Guerrilla TV has been on the whole positive with fans enjoying the Funk/Credible segment & Sandman promo. A major criticism however has been the rushed nature of the main event & the screwy finish. Although rumours suggest that the ‘did he tap?’ nature will lead to a major rematch. [*]The ‘Riot Act’ promo is believed to refer to RCW’s next major show, scheduled for the second week of February. [*]Expect to see Mikey Whipwreck play a large role on Guerrilla TV in January, the TV tapings are in his (billed) hometown of Buffalo, New York. [*]Speaking of which, in addition to the names listed on RCWrestling.com do not be surprised if any of D’Lo Brown, L.A. Park, Spike Dudley, Barradock and, of course, any of the talent featured on last months Guerrilla TV, show up. All have some level of agreement to appear for the group. [/LIST] [B]Tuesday January 1st[/B] RCWrestling announced the following: [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] ‘Rage Championship Wrestling can announce that it will be returning to Buffalo, NY on February 16th for RCW Riot Act! As the second of RCWs ‘Supershows’ we are guaranteed to see all the top names in one place in one night. Stay tuned to Guerrilla TV and logged on to RCWrestling.com for further news!’ [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER]
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Guerrilla Tv Preview RCWrestling.com released the following: [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] ‘Guerrilla TV promises to once again be a humdinger this week. It has been confirmed that RCW Heavyweight champion Sabu will be in attendance & will be joining the RCW front against the BAF by taking on Skull Von Krush. Sabu wanted to get his hands on a BAF member so badly that he has put his title on the line. Also on the show Averno & Mistico will team up for the first time in an RCW ring as they face newcomers The No Limits Squad, Ace Steel & BJ Whitmer! The Mexicans are intent on showing the pride of Lucha Libre in the face of recent actions of compatriots Juventud Guerrera & Psicosis’ [CENTER][B]Prediction Key[/B] No Limits Squad vs. Averno & Mistico Sabu vs. Skull Von Krush Photobucket[/CENTER]
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Guerrilla TV [CENTER]Photobucket [B]From the Flickinger Center (Att:961)[/B][/CENTER] This weeks webcast opens with a recap of the Black Army Factions attack on Terry Funk following his match with Justin Credible last week, and of the Sandman running in for the save. We then cut to Mauro Ranallo & Shane Douglas; [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B]Ranallo:[/B] Hello ladies & gentlemen and welcome to RCW Guerrilla TV debuting here in Buffalo, New York…Rage Championship Wrestling starts the new year at war, the Battlelines have well and trully been drawn. On one side The Sandman, Terry Funk and the RCW Heavyweight Champion Sabu, on the other The Black Army Faction. [B]Douglas:[/B] Thats right Mauro, and nothing draws the crowds like conflict. It’s the name of the game and you are seeing it right here on Guerrilla TV! Ranallo turns to Douglas, raising an eyebrow; [B]Ranallo:[/B] I’m sorry Shane? You’re coming across like the BAF are a good thing? That we should be happy they are in our ring? Do you realise if they had their way you & I would be out of jobs? [B]Douglas:[/B] Whoa there Ranallo! I never said that! All I am saying is that whenever sick S.O.B’s like the BAF are going up against even sicker S.O.B’s like Sabu, Funk & The Sandman…well…I’ll put it this way…It’s good for business. [B]Ranallo:[/B] Screw business! I’m starting to wonder about you Douglas…lets throw this down to Bob Artes! [B]Bob Artes:[/B] Ladies & Gentlemen, the following is a tag team match, introducing first… ‘Five Minutes Alone’ by Pantera hits over the speaker system and as the guitar riff breaks in Ace Steel & BJ Whitmer, The No Limits Squad, appear under the fist to a muted response from the crowd. Whitmer & Steel heel it up in classic fashion knocking a drink out of a fans hand and squaring up to him as Atlas security get between them. [B]Artes:[/B] …from Owensboro, Kentucky…BJ Whitmer! And his tag team partner, from Chicago, Illinois…Ace Steel! Weighing in at a combined weight of 447 pounds, they are The No Limits Squad! ‘Puto’ then hits and the crowd pop as Mistico flys through the curtain & is followed by Averno, the two rush down the aisle and get the match started before Artes can introduce them. [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket [B]The No Limits Squad vs. Respeto[/B][/CENTER] [LIST] [*]Respeto gain the early advantage as they catch No Limits jawing with fans, Averno throwing Steel over the top rope before hitting a huracanrana on Whitmer, followed instantly by a Mistico springboard frog splash. [*]As the match settles down Steel manages to take control over Averno, hitting a Dynamite Kid like Snap Suplex followed by a springboard legdrop. [*]No Limits kept control with a series of quick tags before Ace Steel took Averno on his shoulders & BJ Whitmer went up top rope as if to hit a Doomsday Device. However Averno managed to duck Whitmer’s clothesline, spin around Steel’s shoulders and hit another Hurracanrana. [*]The race was now on for the hot tag and Averno just managed to tag Mistico as No Limits were regrouping. Mistico was a Casa en Fuego hitting a sprinboard corkscrew bodypress on Steel. [*]Averno then recovered & hit the spinning double underhook facebuster on Whitmer, followed by a picture perfect top rope moonsault from Mistico for the three count at 4:52 [B](D-)[/B] [/LIST] As Mistico was tending to a still hurt Averno two men in hoodies, with their faces covered by scarves, jumped over the barriers and entered the ring, brandishing a pair of crowbars they laid waste to Averno & Mistico. One took Mistico and hit what was unmistakably a Juvi Driver before the other hit a top rope legdrop. The fans, now under no illusions as to who the attackers were, boo vociferously as the two men unmask to reveal Juventud Guerrera & Psicosis. Sexo y Violencia spit on their fallen victims as we cut away. [B](E+)[/B] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] We then cut backstage where we are in a lockeroom with The Sandman & Terry Funk. The two men are sharing a couple six packs, both looking battle weary as they turn to camera. The Sandman begins to speak in a charachteristic low pitched menacing voice. [B]Sandman:[/B] I’m not gonna beat around the bush here. You cameras know what you are here for. You’re here to hear The Sandman & Terry Funk talk about the Black Army Faction. Well i’m not one for long monologues. The words don’t come so easy to me anymore. So how to put this… The Sandman pauses, cracks open a Budweiser & downs it in one, crushes the can in his fist, and returns his gaze to the camera… [B]Sandman:[/B] You guys suck dick. The Sandman then cracks open another beer as Funk takes over, head bandaged from last weeks attack, speaking at first in his barely audible whisper. [B]Funk:[/B] Vampiro, Skull Von Krush, Devon Storm, even that little slut Daffney, you have shamed me. You see, you beat me pretty good last week, you bust me wide open. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been beat up worse in my career & probably will be again, and my wife has opened countless bags holding my blood stained gear. But last week when I got home & my wife opened up that bag & saw those crusted black stains on my gear, and saw the scar on my head, she wasn’t alone, my grandson was standing there. Funk pauses to sip at his drink & rub his eyes before continuing; [B]Funk:[/B] This kid aint stupid, he’s growing up so fast it scares the **** out of me, and he knows his wrestling. He asks ‘who bloodied you, grandpa? was it Abdullah? Was it Flair? was it Dusty? was it Mick?’ And I had to look into his eyes and say ‘No son, it was Vampiro, it was Skull Von Krush, it was Devon Storm and it was…Daffney. At this point rage fills Funk’s eyes as he smashes his beer down & grabs the camera pulling it in close to his face, screaming through snarling teeth; [B]Funk:[/B]And you know what!? I saw a little bit of myself die right there! I saw it in his eyes! Grandpa’s no hero no more! Grandpa really is a washed up has been! Grandpa got beaten by who!? At this Funk, tears visible in his eyes picks up the chair he was sat on & slams it into the wall, before storming out of the room, dinting the door on his way out, leaving Sandman face to the camera cigarette dangling from his lip. He takes it out & breathes a cloud of smoke into the lense. [B]Sandman:[/B] Black Army Faction, we want you at Riot Act. The Sandman smirks as we cut to static that fades into the Riot Act banner, before returning to Mauro Ranallo & Shane Douglas. [B]Ranallo:[/B] Ladies & Gentlemen we have an exclusive announcement to make here on Guerrilla TV tonight. I can announce that tonight will mark the first match in a tournament to crown a new champion here in Rage Championship Wrestling. [B]Douglas:[/B] Thats right, RCW owner Paul Heyman has declared that we will be witnessing a tournament to crown the first RCW Internet Champion! Eight of the toughest SOBs on the independent circuit will face off to become the first ever champion! [B]Ranallo:[/B] And right here in RCW titles mean something, this belt will undoubtedly be a stepping stone to the big one, and these 8 guys have an opportunity to make a real name for themselves. Lets throw it down to Bob Artes, for this first round match! [B]Bob Artes:[/B] Ladies & Gentlemen, the following is a first round match in the RCW Internet Title Tournament! ‘Bawitdaba’ hits over the sound system as Kid Kash appears to a chorus of boos from the RCW fans, as we cut to action showing Kash’s jawing with fans from RCW Battlelines and security dragging him away from Hat Guy. When we return Kash is in the ring until he spots Hat Guy at ringside here in Buffalo. Kash heads out of the ring towards him but is interupted by Atlas Security. ‘Danger at the Door’ then hits and D’Lo Brown appears on the stage to a nice pop from a crowd who were not expecting to him tonight. He makes his way down to the ring, high-fiving fans. [B]Artes:[/B] Introducing first, weighing in at 202 Pounds and hailing from Johnson City, Tennessee…Kid Kash! The crowd boo Kash & are clearly getting under his skin as he continues to hurl abuse at the front row. [B]Artes:[/B] And his opponent, making his RCW debut, weighing 278 pounds and hailing from Chicago, Illinois…D’Lo Brown! The crowd give D’Lo a ‘welcome back’ chant, having seen little of him on the U.S. scene for some years. [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Kid Kash vs. D’Lo Brown[/CENTER][/B] [LIST] [*]The match starts off with a lock up, and Kash takes D’Lo in a side headlock, scruffing his head and shouting ‘Who’s bad now, huh!?’ Who’s bad now!?’ but D’Lo reverses with a side suplex and gives his head shaking routine to an embaressed Kash on the canvas. [*]D’Lo takes early control with a nice Leg Lariat and Swinging Side Slam, causing Kash to bail to the outside.D’Lo follows Kash but is met with a Smash Mouth chair shot. [*]Back in the ring to two exchange a series of near falls before Kash rolls D’Lo up near the corner, hooking his legs onto the turnbuckle to get a cheap three count at 3:54 [B](D-)[/B] [/LIST] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] We then cut to the lockeroom where we are with C.W. & Karl Anderson & a man who we have not seen before in RCW. Bald, headed and a fair few quarter pounders overweight, he dabs at a sweaty brow and adjusts his illuminous green tie before, startled, he looks to camera. [B]Easton:[/B] About freakin’ time! We’ve been sat back here waiting for our promo time like a trio of nobodies! Do you know who I am!? The camera shakes from side to side as an unseen voice can be heard mumbling ‘well, I’m not really sure…’ [B]Easton:[/B] You know who I am! Such insolence and from who? some 100 pound wannabe who holds a camera cos he’ll never get in the ring. Would you treat Bobby Heenan like this? huh? Jim Cornette? Gary Hart? Kimchee?… Again the muffled voice can be heard, ‘well…maybe Kimchee…’ [B]Easton:[/B] This really doesn’t matter, the point at hand is this pair of wrecking balls right here! At this point CW & Karl, who have been sat in the background during Easton’s rant, stand and surround him. [B]Easton:[/B] These two monsters are the past, present & future of tag team wrestling. These two will dominate the RCW tag ranks. These two will flatten anything & anyone who stands in their way. And we may as well start at the top… Karl Anderson then steps forward and takes over… [B]Karl Anderson:[/B] Dan Maff! HC Loc! You are wearing something that belongs to us! The only way you could beat us was in a 4 way match where you could hide from us. The only reason you are holding our belts is because we got sidetracked by two other teams & a rotten manager who high-tailed it to Stamford the first chance he got! Now, with E.S. Easton guiding the way there is no stopping us…tell ‘em C-dub! [B]CW:[/B] The World Class Wrecking Crew, eh? You’re looking at it boys, and we’re headed straight for ya! The clock is ticking, and its ticking down to Riot Act. We don’t want no distractions, we want you two in the ring with the belts on the line, real old school. No gimmicks, no nothing, just a plain fight, The “World Class Wrecking Crew” versus the Andersons! [B]Easton:[/B] Dan Maff? HC Loc? Consider yourselves called out! [B](D-)[/B] We then cut to Ranallo & Douglas who are ready to introduce the main event. [B]Douglas:[/B] There you have it Ranallo, The Andersons, your next RCW Tag Team Champs! [B]Ranallo:[/B] Why does it not surprise me you would side with the Andersons & that toad of a man E.S. Easton? [B]Douglas:[/B] Look Ranallo, I’ve had it with you & you’re god damn insinuations, you got something to say, you say it! [B]Ranallo:[/B] Well, in the interests of professionalism I don’t think this is the time or the…oh screw it. You wanna know what I think Douglas!? Ranallo steps up into Douglas’ face and refuses to back down despite Douglas’ obvious size & experience advantage. [B]Douglas:[/B]Yeah Ranallo, I do! [B]Ranallo:[/B]You wanna know what I think? I think you’re scum, I think you’re the scurge of this company, I curse Paul Heyman every day you show up to work, I think you’re a brazen bully, I [I]don’t[/I] think you have two brain cells to rub together but worst of all…worst than all that…I think there’s something you’re not letting on…I think you know something…Aw hell, I think you’re up to something…And I don’t think you got any loyalty to Rage Championship Wrestling! There is an awkward pause after Ranallo’s rant before Douglas takes off his headset. He turns to Ranallo, as though about to strike him, but thinks again, turns his back & walks away. Ranallo takes a few moments to calm himself & return to camera. [B]Ranallo:[/B] Ladies & Gentlemen, I have to apologise for that, he just wound me up too far. I guess I’ll be announcing the main event alone...and what a main event it is, I’ll throw this down to Bob Artes… [B]Bob Artes:[/B] Ladies & Gentlemen the following is a singles match for the RCW Heavyweight Title!!! AFI’s ‘God Called in Sick Today’ hits over the sound system as Skull Von Krush appears at the top of the ramp, bedecked in a long black trenchcoat & accompanied by Daffney… [B]Ranallo:[/B] Skull Von Krush, you will remember this guy under his other moniker, Vito LoGrosso, but after hooking up with Vampiro & the BAF he has reverted to his alter-ego, and a vicious blood hungry alter-ego it is. It is worth mentioning that Paul Heyman has banned the rest of the Black Army Faction from ringside for this match, whether that ruling will be honored is another thing. Krush & Daffney enter the ring & stand silent and composed in one corner as ‘Huka Blues’ hits & Bill Alfonso leads the RCW Heavyweight Champion Sabu out to the ring. [B]Artes:[/B] Introducing first the challenger, representing the Black Army Faction and accompanied by Daffney (The crowd boo Daffney, with two middle fingers the response from the BAFer) weighing 250 Pounds…Skull Von Krush!!! The crowd boo Skull as he stands emotionless, staring into Sabu’s eyes. [B]Artes:[/B] And accompanied by Bill Alfonso, hailing from Bombay, Michigan and weighing in at 220 pounds, the RCW Heavyweight Champion…Sabu!!! [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Skull Von Krush w/Daffney vs. Sabu w/Bill Alfonso[/CENTER][/B] [LIST] [*]Skull & Sabu meet in the middle of the ring & stare emotionless into each others eyes until Sabu points to the skies and attacks Skull with a series of forearms. He then hits the ropes but Skull catches him with a sidewalk slam for a shockingly close 2 count. [*]From here Skull has the advantage and hits a stiff Savate kick, connecting with Sabu’s jaw. [*]Skull sends Sabu into the ropes but Sabu jumps to the top, springboards & hits a leg lariat. [*]Sabu sends Skull into the corner where Alfonso, on the canvas, connects witha chair shot, before throwing the weapon to Sabu, who sets up the chair near the corner. He then runs from the opposite corner and launches himself from the chair at Skull. However Skull ducks & Sabu manages to land feet first on the top turnbuckle. Skull grabs Sabu and slams him from the top turnbuckle, face first into the chair. [*]Skull then hits in Implant DDT on sabu onto the partially destroyed chair before covering for the one-two-thr…no! Sabu kicks out! [*]A shocked Skull then motions to the back, at which point Vampiro & Devon Storm run out & set upon Sabu, throwing referee Jim Molineux out of the ring, causing a no contest at 6:49 [B](C)[/B] [/LIST] Following the match the BAF continue their assault on the RCW Champ until The Sandman & Terry Funk run down the aisle, kicking off a wild brawl that also sees Daffney & Bill Alfonso go at it. As the opposing factions go at it a man in a black tranchcoat & ballaclava comes out to the ring brandishing a singapore cain which he uses to level Sabu, Sandman, Funk & Alfonso. He then stands, with a recovered Black Army Faction over the fallen bodies of their foes as Guerrilla TV comes to an end. [CENTER][B]Overall Show Rating: D[/B] Photobucket[/CENTER]
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I just wanted to say that this diary is cool. I love the cult feel - it brings memories to me of that one trip I got to take to an infamous bingo hall so many years ago. Keep it up! What MOD are you using? I don't play real world much so.. WOULD LIKE TO KNOW THE WHEREABOUTS AND AVAILABILTY OF: Super Dragon, El Generico, Homeless Jimmy, Perry Saturn, Lance Storm, Joker, Delirious, Colt Cabana, Davey Richards, Nick Dinsmore. (PLUS OTHERS BUT 10 IS GOOD: :) ) Any I think would be valuable members of the RAGE roster.
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