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XPW Rebirth Presented By Big Vision Entertainment

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[CENTER][I]This story (although parts based on reality) is coming from the crazy mind of author and is fictional, not to be taken seriously[/I] Press Release from Big Vision Entertainment [SIZE="5"]Xtreme Rebirth[/SIZE] [B]THE REBIRTH IS FOR MORE THAN ONE NIGHT![/B] The Cold Day in Hell show in a weeks time originally thought to be a one night affair is now going to be a permanent promotion. The ticket sales for the XPW rebith event has been so good that Big Vision Entertainment has invested money into getting XPW back as a full-time promotion. The DVD's will later be released exclusively through them. ---------------- [B]FINAL OFFICIAL CARD FOR XPW COLD DAY IN HELL CARD ANNOUNCED[/B] Finnally the card for XPW's first show since its rebirth has been announced. In typical XPW fasion only a couple of matches are set in stone, the rest will be unvailed on the night. The card for the show so far is as follows: [B]XPW Dream Tag Team Match[/B] Raven & The Sandman vs. Sabu & Homeless Jimmy [B]Special Challenge[/B] Kaos vs. Vampiro MDogg20 vs. NOSAWA Joey Ryan vs. Super Dragon Johnny Webb vs. Altar Boy Luke vs. Scorpio Sky Be sure to pick up the last tickets avalible to be there for XPW's Rebirth![/CENTER]
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[CENTER][SIZE="5"]XPW Cold Day in Hell[/SIZE] Kris Kloss enters the ring with a microphone soaking in the XPW chants. Kriss welcomes the crowd to XPW Cold Day in Hell. The crowd cheer, but the cheer soon turns to confusion as two people jump the guard rail wearing masks and attack Kris from behind. One stands in the middle of the ring and the other forcefully gets the microphone. [COLOR="Red"]Masked Guy 1#: We are The Big Dealz[/COLOR] They take off there masks to reveal CZW's John Zandig & Nate Hatred. [COLOR="red"]John Zandig: We are CZW, We are hardcore now, We don't need another set of idiots coming in and taking over our territory. We are here to stop this before it even begins.[/COLOR] A song bursts over the speakers, it a song hardcore fans know very, very well. Natural Born Killaz. New Jack and Mustafa enter to a huge roar. New Jack is carrying a bucket of weapons whick goes flying into the ring. I think we have a match (D+) [B]The Gangstas vs. The Big Dealz[/B] Mustafa and New Jack start throwing fists at the CZW invaders and brawl there way out of the ring and into the crowd quickly. The crowd goes nuts as New Jack uses a toaster to scramble the brains of John Zandig. Mustafa slams Nate on the floor. The fight eventually gets back into the ring. Mustafa is knocked off the apron and onto the guardrail. Zandig & Nate use this oppertunity to get the better of New Jack using his own weapons against him. New Jack is already bleeding. Mustafa tries to get in the ring but is knocked off. New Jack gets Mother F'n Bombed by Zandig, he goes for the pin but Mustafa breaks it up. He gets a chair to his head for his troubles. Nate follows him out of the ring. New Jack gets the chair and hits Zandig several times in the head, Zandig goes down to one knee. New Jack delivers a kick to his head. New Jack goes up top and hits the 187 and goes for the pin. Mustafa holds Nate out of the ring and New Jack gets the three count. Winners: The Gangstas (D-) New Jack gets the mic and tells the crowd that CZW can't handle the gangstas. Zandig & Nate leave through the crowd. [B]Alter Boy Luke vs. Johnny Webb vs. Scorpio Sky[/B] The match begins and it is obvious it is going to be a spot fest. Altar Boy Luke does a springboard twisting moonsault to th floor onto his competitors. Altar Boy Luke is looking good Luke goes for a superplex on Scorpio Sky. But Sky fights out and Luke gets his feet stuck up in the turnbuckle. Sky gets thrown a chair and jumps with the chair at his feet into a double stomp with Luke in the tree of woe. The chair remains on Luke's face. Johnny does a coast to coast dropkick sending the chair into his face. Sky runs at Johnny and gets rolled up, Johnny gets the win. Winner: Johnny Webb (D) [B]Joey Ryan vs. Super Dragon[/B] Super Dragon & Joey Ryan go way back and have had a long lasting feud. They both rip into each other. It is clear they have good chemistry with each other. Dragon has fun taunting the crowd with insults. Dragon after a close fought affair hits a mental variation of the Psycho Driver for the win. Joey was not happy. Winner: Super Dragon (C-) [B]Mdogg20 vs. NOSAWA[/B] Mdogg hits it off with the crowd quickly, NOSAWA has a harder time. They put on a classic wrestling match, which is the first of the show. The crowd love it, it shows that good wrestling works. Mdogg20 after alot of false finishes wins with a shooting star leg drop which leaves the crowd stunned. Winner: Mdogg20 (C-) [B]Kaos vs. Vampiro[/B] Kaos and Vampiro try there best but after the matches before they could not live up to it. Nor, did I think they could. They tried there chances at going for straight up match, but it did not work. Although it was very clear the crowd was behind Kaos all the way. Kaos hits his patented piledriver for the victory. Winner: Kaos (D) Kris Kloss after his brush with CZW, comes out to tell the crowd that "This is the Main Event" Terry Funk who made an appearance at the fan fest last night goes to the announce booth. [B]Raven & The Sandman vs. Sabu & Homeless Jimmy[/B] Homeless Jimmy comes out with his shopping cart of weapons. Which Sabu makes quick use of by using to bring down Raven. The Sandman takes Jimmy out of the ring. Sabu uses the shopping cart to get himself over the top rope and onto The Sandman. Raven tosses the shopping cart out of the ring. The cart is used in several mental spots before they get back into the ring. Sabu uses a railroad spike to bust open Raven. The Sandman gets barbed wire from under the ring and wraps himself in it. Goes to the rop rope and flips onto Jimmy and Sabu. Raven gets more of the wire and wraps Sabu in it. He gets Sabu and slams him onto Jimmy. Both Jimmy & Sabu are out of it. Raven gets the mic and says he is just as dominant now as he was then and he like then is independant. He hits The Sandman with the raven effect. Raven kicks away at The Sandman. The crowd roar, the cameras then catch Terry Funk taking off his microphone and getting in the ring. Terry asks Raven what is he doing, Raven pauses then goes for a right hook. Funk ducks it and starts firing away at Raven. Raven goes down! The bell is rung. The match is now official. (C-) [B]Terry Funk vs. Raven[/B] Funk looks at the bellman and Raven takes the oppertunity to low blow Terry Funk and kick away at him. Raven takes Funk to the outside and slams him down on the floor. Raven gets a table and puts Funk on it. Raven hits a legdrop from the top rope to the floor. Raven puts Funk back into the ring and pins him. Funk kicks out just before three. Raven picks up Funk and goes for the Raven Effect, Funk reverses and irish whips Raven into the ropes. The Sandman uses a kendo stick in the outside to hit Raven in the face. Roll up by Funk. 1...2...kick out. Raven gets back up another roll up by Funk 1..2..3. Winner: Terry Funk (C) Funk makes a speach to end the show, he thanks the fans for their continued support. (B) Overall: C[/CENTER]
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*Imitating angry PWG fan* (mockingly) JOEY O-E-O-OOOOOOOO JOEY O-E-O OOOOOOOO YOU AIN'T **** JOEY!, YOU AIN'T ****! NOW GET SUPER DRAGON, HE'S GOING TO **** YOU UP JOEY! All that followed by 30 minutes of chanting SUP-ER DRAG-ON
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[QUOTE=DodgyDavid;404163]This diary has turned into a thred for PWG fanboys :D[/QUOTE] Please, in order for that to happen we'd have to mention: 1: Quicksilver's cocaine habit 2: The fact that Chris Bosh is F'N Chris Bosh 3: Have Spanky (Kendrick) congratute Bryan Danielson on an awesome win, only to tell Spanky that he lost, thus making Spanky turn to his left and congratute Samoa Joe on his [I]awesome [/I]win 4: Do 1 and 2 again 5: Have Excalibur cut a promo on how he single handley change the wrestling bussiness as we know it 6: Do 1 and 2 again 7: Have Kevin Steen explain what El Generico's signals mean i.e. Holding his groin in a painful manner means he's hungary or extending his arms means he wants to waltz 8: Do 1 and 2 again 9: Have a fat fan collapse his chair and destroy it after the force of a Super Dragon diving double stomp shakes Frank and Sons TO THE VERY CORE 10: And finally have Disco Machine book an impromptu match over the phone...then do 1 and 2 again Then....then...then we might have a PWG fanboy thread on our hands...after we do 1 and 2 again Yeah...that's the wacky world of PWG [fade to SUP-ER DRAG-ON chants...] Edit: All the bits on the above list can be found on youtube
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[QUOTE=The Celt;404321]Please, in order for that to happen we'd have to mention: 3: Have Spanky (Kendrick) congratute Bryan Danielson on an awesome win, only to tell Spanky that he lost, thus making Spanky turn to his left and congratute Samoa Joe on his [I]awesome [/I]win [/QUOTE] That was the best, but yes, let us continue with the diary
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[CENTER]Press Release from Big Vision Entertainment [B]COLD DAY IN HELL IS IN THE BOOKS[/B] XPW's first show since its rebirth Cold Day in Hell has featured CZW making its presence known, Raven showing his true colours and Terry Funk's return to the ring. The DVD will be avalible through our website later this month. Now, XPW is pleased to announce that in a shock move the next show will take place at the former ECW arena, now CZW arena, this June. More to be announced soon.[/CENTER]
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[CENTER]Press Release from Big Vision Entertainment [B]XPW LONE STANCE TO ROCK THE CZW ARENA, MAIN EVENT ANNOUNCED[/B] As stated earlier XPW next show XPW Lone Stance will take place in the CZW arena. This is of course controversial given that CZW invaded our last show, I don't think the war is over. Raven chose his stance last month by Raven Effecting his own partner in the tag team match The Sandman. Both of them will now face off at Lone Stance as the Main Event, not just for revenge, but for the XPW World Championship. But that won't be the only title on the line...[/CENTER]
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[CENTER]Press Release from Big Vision Entertainment [B]CARD FOR XPW LONE STANCE ANNOUNCED[/B] XPW Lone Stance is sure to be one not to be missed! The show is taking place in the CZW arena, formerly the ECW arena. CZW and XPW have came to an agreement that CZW will not affect the show, but they will get a 3v3 match against us. Zandig & Nate Hatred are going to be teaming up with a mystery CZW wrestler against The Gangstas and Homeless Jimmy. I'm sure it won't just be XPW fans in attendance and this will cause chaos. Super Dragon and Joey Ryan tore down the house at XPW Cold Day in Hell they will have another chance to do so, but this time there is a third person in the mix. B-Boy! Sabu will be taking on a mystery opponent from XPW's past. The man is a former champion of the championship they will be fighting for the XPW King Of The Deathmatch belt. In a rematch from their brutal matches from XPW history. Supreme will be taking on Axl Rotten! This is sure to be a deathmatch to remember. And ofcourse in the Main Event - Raven will be taking on the partner that he put down last month, and the partner that cost him the match against Terry Funk, The Sandman it what is sure to be a brutal affair. The full card is as follows: Raven vs. The Sandman Axl Rotten vs. Supreme Sabu vs. A Mystery Opponent from XPW's past B-Boy vs. Joey Ryan vs. Super Dragon Matt Cross vs. Nate Webb NOSAWA vs. Scorpio Sky Zandig, Hatred & Another CZW invader vs. The Gangstas & Homeless Jimmy [I]Predictions are welcome[/I][/CENTER]
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[center]Raven vs. [B]The Sandman[/B] Axl Rotten vs. [B]Supreme[/B] Sabu vs. A Mystery Opponent from XPW's past ([B]Messiah[/B]) B-Boy vs. [B]Joey Ryan[/B] vs. Super Dragon (B-Boy to be the loser) [B]Matt Cross [/B]vs. Nate Webb [B]NOSAWA [/B]vs. Scorpio Sky [B]Zandig, Hatred & Another CZW invader[/B] vs. The Gangstas & Homeless Jimmy[/center]
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[CENTER][SIZE="5"]XPW Lone Stance[/SIZE] John Zandig, Nate Hatred &...Necro Butcher come through the crowd some of which are chanting for CZW but the majority for XPW. Necro Butcher gets a really good pop. Natural Born Killaz sends the crowd wild. Homeless Jimmy and the gangstas, Mustafa and New Jack with his buggy in toe come through the curtain. [B]John Zandig, Nate Hatred & The Necro Butcher vs. The Gangstas & Homeless Jimmy[/B] The match was an out and out brawl. The crowd did not seem to like it...at all and really did not like how overbooked it was. I found it surprising that the former ECW arena did not like a brawl...weird. I almost can't blame them, as far as brawls go this was pretty bad. New Jack climbs the Eagles Nest and Homeless Jimmy puts Nate Hatred on a table. New Jack jumps off the nest and onto Hatred. In the ring though, Necro Butcher puts Mustafa in the agiotic spike. Mustafa is out cold and the referee calls for the bell. Winners: Necro Butcher, John Zandig & Nate Hatred (E) The CZW invaders get out of dodge quick before New Jack can get to them by going through the crowd. [B]NOSAWA vs. Scorpio Sky[/B] The match was pretty short but the crowd really enjoyed it and both competitors but in some good work. NOSAWA looks really good in the match getting the win over Scorpio Sky with a Michinoku Driver II Winner: NOSAWA (C-) This section of the show after the big brawl to get the show started is pretty fast paced, with little time in between the next match begins. [B]Mdogg20 Matt Cross vs. Nate Webb[/B] Matt Cross is flying all over the place in this match and it was obviously what the crowd wanted to see. The match was really good and Nate Webb showed off what he can do aswell. Matt Cross is really over with the crowd. After Nate Webb crashes and burns, Matt Cross goes up top and hits a shooting star press for the victory. (C) Super Dragon comes out next for his match with B-Boy and Joey Ryan, he enjoys picking away at the crowd at the CZW arena. [B]B-Boy vs. Joey Ryan vs. Super Dragon[/B] In what was a dissapointing contest from where I sit. Super Dragon and Joey Ryan where really going at it and B-Boy was upset about being left out. But B-Boy made his presence known by hitting a huge springboard moonsault to the floor. Super Dragon isolated B-Boy in the ring and managed to desimate him. Joey was having a tough time saving him. Joey gets up on the apron but Super Dragon hits a huge enzuguri on Ryan and then hits the curb stomp on the broken down B-Boy for the victory Winner: Super Dragon (D) After Sabu makes his entrence for his match. The lights go out... When they come back on The Messiah is in the entrence way, the crowd goes nuts. [COLOR="Red"]Robby Mireno: Wow, this is a man I never thought would ever return to an XPW ring[/COLOR] [B]XPW King of The Deathmatch Championship Sabu vs. The Messiah[/B] These two obviously have chemistry and after the pop The Messiah got he did not have to put on a great match, but they both delivered one hell of a deathmatch. At one point Sabu powerbomed The Messiah into thumbtacks. Sabu went up top for the arabian facebuster but it misses. The Messiah makes him pay for it with the Fall from grace. The Messiah gets the three count and is the new King of The Deathmatch Champion Winner: The Messiah (C) More deathmatch equipment is put by the ring, this takes some time and the crowd are getting restless. [B]Deathmatch Axl Rotten vs. Supreme[/B] This match was a dud to say the very least. This match really served as an eye opener for me, even old school XPW fans hated it, and I can't blame them. Supreme is someone that needs to be phazed out...fast. Winner: Supreme (E) The Sandman makes his way through the crowd to the delight of the fans in attendance, all ready for a perhaps title win. [B]XPW World Championship Raven vs. The Sandman[/B] Raven and The Sandman put it all on the table and the come out aces. They are looking like they did five years ago with nothing stopping them. Raven leads the match after The Sandman takes a wicked bump out of the ring. The Sandman fights back and hits the rolling rock with a ladder. The Sandman goes for the White Russian Leg Sweep but Raven counters it and hits the Raven Effect. 1..2..NO! The resiliant Sandman kicks out. Raven picks him back up and spikes him down again with the Raven Effect but this time onto the ladder. 1..2..3. Winner: Raven (C+) CZW invaders run through the crowd and into the ring as Raven leaves. Hatred & Necro Butcher keep The Sandman in the corner as Zandig cuts a promo [COLOR="red"]Zandig: You think we were not going to show our faces again, what do you take us for...[/COLOR] The Sandman breaks from Hatreds & Necro's grasp and hits Zandig over the back of the head with his Kendo stick. Then a shot to both Hatreds & Necro's head. The CZW invaders get out of the ring. The Sandman shouts at Necro [COLOR="red"]The Sandman: Me and you next month, come on![/COLOR] Necro neutrally agrees as they exit via the crowd.[/CENTER]
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Alright, got most of my predictions right including the return of Messiah. It's great that Sabu and Messiah have chemisty, which should make booking them a little easier. I would have gone with Raven if i knew that the title was on the line so next time can you label the match a title match please man. Fun show, shame about the CZW Vs Gangsta and Jimmy match.
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Press Release from Big Vision Entertainment [B]XPW BAPTIZED IN BLOOD IV NEXT MONTH[/B] XPW Baptized in Blood IV will be making its return next month, thats right that also includes a hellish King Of The Deathmatch tournament for the title that Messiah won against Sabu at XPW Lone Stance. But, this year with CZW's invasion of XPW, CZW stars John Zandig & Necro Butcher will take part, what will happen if a CZW worker can win our King Of The Deathmatch championship? The line-up for the first round is as follows: [B]BEDS OF BARBED WIRE AND NAILS DEATHMATCH[/B] Necro Butcher vs. The Sandman [B]300 LIGHTBULBS DEATHMATCH[/B] The Messiah vs. Axl Rotten [B]BARBED WIRE BAT DEATHMATCH[/B] Supreme vs. Zandig [B]BARBED WIRE LADDER DEATHMATCH[/B] New Jack vs. Sabu But thats not all, as in non-tournament matches [B]XPW World Championship[/B] Raven vs. Kaos Nate Webb vs. Joey Ryan vs. Super Dragon [I]Predictions Welcome[/I]
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[center]BEDS OF BARBED WIRE AND NAILS DEATHMATCH Necro Butcher vs. [B]The Sandman[/B] 300 LIGHTBULBS DEATHMATCH [B]The Messiah [/B]vs. Axl Rotten BARBED WIRE BAT DEATHMATCH [B]Supreme [/B]vs. Zandig BARBED WIRE LADDER DEATHMATCH New Jack vs. [B]Sabu[/B] But thats not all, as in non-tournament matches XPW World Championship [B]Raven [/B]vs. Kaos Nate Webb vs. Joey Ryan vs. [B]Super Dragon[/B][/center] Also, would this not be XPW BAPTIZED IN BLOOD IV as there was already a BIBIII?
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[QUOTE=DodgyDavid;405665]Good point :) Who do you think will win the semi-finals and the tournament[/QUOTE] Hmmm...not quite sure...Sabu Vs Supreme would be my personal pick for the final, but any combo of Supreme, Messiah, Sandman or Sabu would be good.
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