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WCW 1998: A prequel to "Death of WCW"

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Quick Picks [B]Bret 'The Hitman' Hart[/B] v Wrath [B]'Cutback' Lash Le Roux[/B] v Bill Goldberg WCW Television Championship: [B]Masahiro Chono [/B]v Lizmark Jr Handicap Cage Match: [B]The Giant [/B]v Scott 'Flash' Norton and Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell WCW Cruiserweight Championship Final Match: Psicosis v [B]Ultimo Dragon[/B] [B]Billy Kidman[/B] v Disco Inferno [B]The Steiner Brothers[/B] v 'British Bulldog' Davey Boy Smith and Jim 'The Anvil' Neidhart v Harlem Heat [B]Kurt Angle[/B] v Raven 'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit and 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair v [B]The British Connection ('Lord' Steven Regal and 'The Belfast Bruiser' Fit Finlay)[/B]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/mondaynitro.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [SIZE="5"][B][CENTER]Bret 'The Hitman' Hart v Wrath[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] Tony Schiavone nearly has a coronary when the big man, Wrath walks down to the ring. Schiavone even mentions tonight could be the night that makes Wrath into the superstar he's destined to be, even at the expense of one Bret Hart. You feel he's getting as emotional as Jerry Lee Lewis-Lawler is about puppies. You can only imagine his disappointment and sheer amazement then when Bret Hart withstood an initial power barrage from the muscular figure, only to assume total control and end it with the Sharpshooter. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via submission, Bret Hart[/SIZE][/CENTER] As Bret Hart leaves the ring, his leans over on his haunches to suck in the big ones after Wrath had earlier winded him with a bear hug in the centre of the ring. A move seemingly confined now to 1980s folklore. As he looked up, the Outsiders had again come down through the crowd, and the two big nWo hombres were mercilessly clubbing the back of Hart. Hall took Hart by the right arm and irish whipped him straight into the steel barricades, with Hart selling the blow to the back perfectly. Just as Kevin Nash signalled for the Jack-knife, Sting dropped down from the rafters. Nash and Hall retreated somewhat by surprise as Sting pointed the black baseball bat at them. As a sign of a challenge, Sting dropped the bat daring the Outsiders to come back. Nash produced a microphone... "Big Sexy... IN DA HOUSE! Bret Hart, you got punked, pal. You talk about being screwed, we talk about a revolution. You talk about traditions, we talk about the future. And the future... you're looking at it! It's our nWo, I guarantee that WCW will be dead within 12 months courtesy of this revolution, and even backwater wrestlers like yourself will come to realise that this was the chosen path of professional wrestling. A new era, a new focus, a more edgier product... the days of Captain Fantastics like yourself is gone, Hart. ACCEPT IT! As for you, Sting... I thought I'd sorted you out at Slamboree, boy. You dare have the audacity to mess with us, in our backyard? You drop your bat? What is that? A challenge? Well, consider it accepted. At the Great American Bash... the Outsiders will destroy Bret Hart...and Sting. And further the revolution. After all... this is TOOOOOOOOOOO SWEEEEEEEEEEET, and this is.... FOR LIFE!" As Hart stands up from his beating, he looks at Sting, and nods at the solitary warrior who then turns towards the Outsiders, and began beating on his chest in classic Sting fashion. Sting is excited! It looks like it all set then, Great American Bash - the Outsiders versus the dream team of Sting and Bret Hart. Backstage, before cut to the commercial break, Bill Goldberg is head butting the locker room door, and beginning the long walk from the back. Tony Schiavone announces that he is up... NEXT! [SIZE="5"][B][CENTER]'Cutback' Lash Le Roux v Bill Goldberg[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] Lash came down complete with his 9 foot longboard... but that was basically the length of the highlight reel that Lash was able to offer tonight. Look, get freaked out...get speared... Splat. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, Bill Goldberg[/SIZE] [I]OOOH YEAH![/I][/CENTER] [I]Pomp and Circumstances[/I] begins to air around the arena, and in his green top hat, and green jacket complete with tassles, 'Macho Man' Randy Savage appears alongside the ultra sexy Miss Elizabeth. She's wearing a white tight hugging dress with minimal length, and she almost nervously escorts Savage, to a rousing reception, to the centre of the ring. Bill Goldberg has not yet dispersed, and Savage has a microphone. Goldberg stands about a half away from Savage, to hear what the madness has to say. "OOOOH YEAH!" Savage exclaims as he wiggles his fingers in front of Goldberg who stands there snarling. "I feel like congratulating you yeah, you see at Slamboree you ended it all. You ended the cancer that has ripped this sport apart limb for limb for too long. What you achieved is everything every man in that locker room needed. I will also tell you this yeah, Hulk Hogan... is a coward. And, cowards won't come back. Bill Goldberg, you everything he is n.." [CENTER][I]n....W....o NN...NNN..NEW WORLD ORDER FF..FF..FOR LIFE[/I][/CENTER] 'Easy E' Eric Bischoff enters from under the Turner-Tron, and with a shake of the head continues to walk down towards the ring. He climbs in, and stands behind Savage, who seemingly refuses to look at him. "Isn't this ironic? Jack, you don't know anything, do you? You talk about Hogan being a coward, you infuse an image of a man you can't trust. I've accepted a lot of comment in the past week or so about this situation, and I've added my own thoughts here or there too. I've accepted the thoughts backstage of many friends and enemies. But you... YOU! YOU! Randy Savage, YOU! YOU are the biggest coward alive, pal..." Savage turns around, and his eyes pulsate in their sockets, his teeth grimmace as he faces up to Bischoff. Bischoff holds up his hand to halt Savage. "I wouldn't do anything, pal. You see, if you do, you're fired! But back to you, Randy Savage. Professional wrestling is currently having the war it required. And it's got nothing to do with that fool you used to commentate with, they're HISTORY! The real deal is right here, between WCW and the nWo. Between the Four Horsemen and nWo. This is history defining, and most people have taken very clear roles in all of this.... Except for..... YOU! Might I remind the fans of a few things, and perhaps yourself, Mr Goldberg? Roll the footage...." [QUOTE][B]Video Recap[/B] [COLOR="Teal"]1996[/COLOR] "Fans, Bash at the Beach is something we've never anticipated," Schiavone comments. "The Outsiders are going at it against Sting, 'Total Package' Lex Luger and 'Macho Man' Randy Savage... Fans, I'm glad we can rely on these three men..." ................... [COLOR="Red"][CENTER]1997[/CENTER][/COLOR] "The nWo is destroying Savage..." Schiavone comments. "If you weeeeeel, dis is madneszzzz Tonah Schiavone..." Dusty Rhodes adds. "Somebody help him! He's one of the heroes of WCW! Someone we can rely on!" ................. [CENTER][COLOR="SeaGreen"]1997[/COLOR][/CENTER] "Savage is walking onnnn," Rhodes adds. "Sting stopped him!" Schiavone comments, echoed by Rhodes. "Let him go," wails Rhodes. "One way or the other, let him go!" Sting turns to the back and Savage continues walking to the ring. "Here he goes," Schiavone notes. Good stuff, Tony. "This is what we need! This is what we need," Heenan exclaims. "Someone, doing something to Hogan's people." "Dey are going blow by blow, they are staggerin each other right here," comments 'The American Dream'. "They're reachin down and giving it allllll now!" ..... [Later that night] "What has Savage got in his pocket? Savage is putting something in Hogan's hands," observes Tony Schiavone. Hogan swings up and clubs 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper with a set of brass knucks. Piper is out cold...[/QUOTE] Bischoff is smiling in the centre of the ring, "Goldberg! You think you can trust... THIS guy? He's been WCW for life, then nWo for life, and now look at him? Back to WCW? Can you trust him?" Savage merely shakes his head in disbelief and leaves the ring. "Yeah, that's right, you carry on, pal! You carry on! You're too gutless to face up to it all. That's your problem Savage!" Goldberg gets in the spear stance, but Bischoff turns around and before Goldberg can start moving, Bischoff scrambles through the ropes, nearly having a heart attack! That was quicker than the speed of light, what a hypocrit talking about cowards! [SIZE="5"][B][CENTER]WCW Television Championship Masahiro Chono (c) v Lizmark Jr[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] I felt for Lizmark tonight, he's a very capable young wrestler but tonight he's going up against a man who's garnering a real reputation as a career killer. A man who's Yakuza Kick could break several vertebrae. Lizmark was anxious for it, he was foxing out Chono, trying to steer clear and always keep his eye on the ball. But Chono is an expert wrestler, and was able to bring Lizmark's anticipation and defences down... rendering him open to... the Yakuza Kick! With Lizmark down and out, Chono put his right boot on his face while Billy Silverman counted the pinfall. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, and STILL WCW Television Champion, Masahiro Chono[/SIZE][/CENTER] We watch a replay of the devastation of Chono's expertly timed Yakuza Kick, and see the whiplash on Lizmark's next, and the prone fall to the mat showing little to no dexterity or natural defence to the fall. Backstage, 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho, complete with the WCW World Heavyweight Championship draped over his right shoulder walks into the path of the Giant in the hallways of this arena. Jericho nods, and has an approving smile on his face - an arrogant, smug smile. "Welcome to Monday...Night...Jericho, BIGFOOT! This is my show pal, you should feel glad I allow you to be here. Look at you, for all that you think you are, you are truly ... nothing. You're an underachiever, you are a failure. And that is something I will never...EVVVVVEEERRRR be. And tonight, Norton and Bagwell, they destroy you. Two men versus ..... You." "Tonight... You learn to FEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRR!!!" The Giant pounds his right first into his open left palm, while Jericho gulps. [SIZE="5"][B][CENTER]Cage Match - Victory by Pinfall or Submission Only - Handicap Match The Giant v Scott 'Flash' Norton and Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] Bagwell and Norton spread out, and tried to take a side each, pounding the lower side muscles of the Giant who initially showed some pain, before grabbing both, one handed, by their heads and throwing them to the ground. Both men leapt back into their turnbuckles in fear. Eventually, Norton caged his way out of the corner, but was greeted by an enormous flat right hand to the chest, and Norton grabbed at it in enormous pain. Bagwell tried to surprise him and come up between his legs to inside cradle him, but the Giant pulled Bagwell up by one arm... CHOKESLAM! Norton ran at him again... BIG BOOT! Norton's head reeled back. The Giant put his right boot over the corpse of Bagwell for the pinfall. These two were no match for the enormity of this powerful individual. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, the Giant[/SIZE][/CENTER] Backstage, as 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho watches on a TV monitor, he gulps again with his eyes wide open. He then shakes his head as if to wipe the thought of fear from his mind... "That doesn't scare me........... much." [CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]WCW Cruiserweight Championship - Tournament Final Ultimo Dragon v Psicosis[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] It's been an altogether too short, but very enjoyable tournament putting the best of WCW's prodigious Cruiserweight roster against one another. And tonight, befitting of the global strengths of the division, we have a Japanese superstar and a Mexican rising star facing off. Both masked men have been outstanding in this tournament, so it is truly a struck match between them. Perhaps the experience of numerous staggering victories over the years will stand the Ultimo Dragon in good steed. After an initial slow period where it seemed both men feared an error, they then hooked up and began going for it all. Superman can't fly any better than these guys. I love the suicide planchas, I love the asai moonsaults, I love the corkscrew planchas, this is WCW at it's very best, and tonight it was an extremely enjoyable night to witness such a great match. The crowd were captivated, albeit after some sluggish matches earlier in the evening. This really picked the tempo up, and after a thrilling nine minutes, both men were slugging it out in the center of the ring, man-o-e-mano in very un luchadore style fashion, but perhaps a look at how evenly matched they are and how desperate they are for this coveted gold. Ultimo Dragon finally took control, and went into a go behind position on Psicosis, looking for the Dragon Sleeper, but Psicosis leaned back and grabbed Dragon but the neck, picked him up and hit a stunning inverted brainbuster! Dragon's head hit hard..... Psicosis quickly hooked the leg...1...2....3! PSICOSIS HAS WON!!!! What a moment for this brilliant young Mexican! [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, and NEW WCW Cruiserweight Champion, Psicosis[/SIZE][/CENTER] After the match, Psicosis fell to his knees in adulation as the belt was handed to him. He held it up to his face and kissed it, before standing up and pulling Dragon back to his feet. Dragon nodded his head in respect, as Psicosis turned to the crowd to celebrate. Dragon left the ring, leaving Psicosis to celebrate further this momentous occasion. But a deep thought was simmering in the mind of Ultimo Dragon, who grabbed a steel chair from ringside, unbeknowns to Psicosis. Finally, after the celebration seemed to go on forever, Psicosis turned ar.. BANG! Steel chair to the head! Ultimo Dragon stood above the fallen Cruiserweight Championship Belt, and shook his head. He picked it up, looked at it, and then threw it on the middrift of the fallen Psicosis. [SIZE="5"][B][CENTER]Disco Inferno v Billy Kidman[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] Contrasting attitudes here, Disco the ever jovial jiver and Billy Kidman wanting to separate himself from the misery of Raven. Kidman's attitude has done a complete U-turn, after standing the Flock down at Slamboree at the defiance of Raven, he has become his own man. His look is now slick, he looks clean with his white tank top, he looks an altogether new wrestler from the disgusting flea bitten germ riddled Flock member. Tonight was a continuation of his new rise, unfortunately at the expense of Disco Inferno, who despite giving it all he had still lost focus of the prize at the end of the rope. When he lost concentration, Kidman's quick aerial manouvers siezed the moment. Eventually, Inferno fell prey to the Shooting Star Press. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, Billy Kidman[/SIZE][/CENTER] Post match, 'Das Wunderkind' Alex Wright stepped into the ring and immediately began pushing Disco in the chest in frustration. The cameras moved in on Wright and we could see him utter, "is that it? Is that all you've got?" Disco looked shocked, as Wright left him in the center of the ring to return to the back on his own. [QUOTE][B]Video Recap - Earlier Tonight[/B] Backstage, 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho, complete with the WCW World Heavyweight Championship draped over his right shoulder walks into the path of the Giant in the hallways of this arena. Jericho nods, and has an approving smile on his face - an arrogant, smug smile. "Welcome to Monday...Night...Jericho, BIGFOOT! This is my show pal, you should feel glad I allow you to be here. Look at you, for all that you think you are, you are truly ... nothing. You're an underachiever, you are a failure. And that is something I will never...EVVVVVEEERRRR be. And tonight, Norton and Bagwell, they destroy you. Two men versus ..... You." "Tonight... You learn to FEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRR!!!" The Giant pounds his right first into his open left palm, while Jericho gulps. [/QUOTE] [SIZE="5"][B][CENTER]The Steiners v 'The British Bulldog' Davey Boy Smith and Jim 'The Anvil' Neidhart v Harlem Heat[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] Three teams, one opportunity. An opportunity to move right back to the forefront of the WCW Executive Committee's mind in terms of finding opponents to rival the WCW World Tag Team Champions, the Extreme Innovators. Two well set teams, and two wrestlers with a close bond and a lot of history in the tag ranks albeit it with different partners - Neidhart with Bret Hart and Smith with the Dynamite Kid. So we were seeing an overwhelming amount of experience in this ring tonight. An amazing amount of championships between them... That just descended into a brawl. A streetfight. Winning was one thing, but for the Steiners and Harlem Heat in particular, settling some old scores that just won't go away was just as vital if not more so. The role of Davey Boy and Neidhart appeared simple, to cause as many more rifts within this particular conflict as possible. Both teams just wanted to tear each other limb from limb so the involvement of Neidhart and Smith just infuriated them and caused more tension. Backwards and forth the match went, with numerous near falls countered with run ins, extreme counters and a whole heap of heart to defy their opponents. But how do you defy the great equaliser? No man is immune to a mule kick, and with Rick Steiner caught fighting Stevie RAy outside the ring, it left Scott Steiner doubled over for the Ax Kick. Scott dropped hard to the mat, and Rick was just out of time for the save. Devious no doubt, questionable? Maybe. Successful? Yes. And that's all that matters to Harlem Heat in this ongoing saga between WCW's two most successful tag teams. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Your Winners:[/B] Via pinfall, Harlem Heat[/SIZE][/CENTER] Tony Schiavone: "Fans, what a match! This just won't go away, the rivalry is immense." Mike Tenay: "Speaking of immense Tony, what about Psicosis's Cruiserweight Championship? A great match in lucha libre history as a true prodigal son wins the coveted belt here in WCW. But just as importantly, can you believe it? Sting...Bret Hart, tagging together against the Outsiders at the Great American Bash. It's shaping up to be something special Tony, it's an epic battle between the New World Order and WCW in this continuing war of the wrestling worlds." [CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]Kurt Angle v Raven[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] Speaking of ongoing rivalries, didn't these two men have a barnstormer at Slamboree? There was blood, there was mayhem, but ultimately there was the birth of a new star, and the release of a pack of jolly swagmen who had been lost in the murky underdepths of the brainwashing loner, Raven. Tonight Raven had revenge on the mind, a fired up and desperate Raven is a man to be feared. Tonight he was very keen to send a message to Billy Kidman. His 2IC in the Flock had badly defied his intentions at Slamboree, and Raven believes not only has Kurt Angle cost him the group, but the Benedict Arnold infidel Kidman had just as much to do with it also. Kurt Angle brought game too though, and gave as good as they got. Both men were fighting in the dead centre of the ring, after a good 8 minutes, before Angle managed to overcome Raven. He went in behind him, looking for that Olympic Slam of his, but as he got him up, the Great Muta got up on the apron and sprayed myst into the eyes of Kurt Angle. He fell straight to the mat, releasing Raven back to his feet. Raven, seeing Angle's eyes immediately covered, covering the forehead of Angle so referee Charles Robinson could not see the visual impairment. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, Raven[/SIZE][/CENTER] After the break, 'Mean' Gene Okerlund stood at the bottom of the ramp, decked out in his favourite 'Play it Again Sam' black tupperware party suit. "Alright guys, I thank you. Fans around the country have been imploring this man to lead a revolution for the traditions of professional wrestling, well you asked for it, and he delivered. Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to invite 'Nature Boy'... RIC FLAIR to come out here..." [I]Also Sprach Zarathusta[/I] hits, and out comes the coveted many times World Heavyweight Champion. He's in a sequined blue robe as he moves down the ramp, posing in front of the pyros with his arms extended and doing a full 360 before moving down three or four paces to Okerlund. "MEAN BY GOD GENE! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Did somebody tell me that the Four Horsemen would be partying tonight in Jacksonville, Floridaaaaaaaaa? IS THAT TRUE Mean WOOOO BY GOD GENE? You know something Gene, you speak of beginning a revolution to bring back tradition to professional wrestling. But you forgot one very important word. Honour. The honour of professional wrestling has been crippled by the leaches that swarm into the New World Order, Gene. And they have networks too, the more this battle has been waged, the more the Horsemen have realised that it's going to take time... But it WILL WOOOOOOOO get done! I don't care if I have to go through Bischoff, that abuse of power, that coward, that no good son of a [BEEP] himself! I don't care what croney he throws at me, sooner or later, he'll have to walk that aisle and face one hell of a man! One hell of a body! And for all the marbles in wrestling, I guarantee to you... WOOOOOOOOOOO... it will happen, and there will be a change in the wind. But before we get to that, we get to tonight. And tonight, my partner, my associate, my brother... Chris Benoit and I, after being deceived and forced to wrestle each other on Thunder... WOOOOOOOOOOOOO... we face... The British Connection. And pal, I got a message for Steven Regal. Buddy you've talked the talk, but now it's time to walk the walk. Or learn to put up, and shut up! You're dealing with the Nature Boy, a limousine riding, jet flying, kiss stealing, kissed all the girls and made them cry, wheelin dealing son of a gun! You're dealing with slick Ric! The dirtiest player in the game! A born winner. And there you stand trying to destroy me? You? Destroy me? And then you want to assume my mantle? Not on my watch pal. You see Regal, to be the man, you have to beat the man. And without a shadow of a doubt brother, I am the man. Ric Flair and the Four Horsemen are the best thing going today. WOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Learn to live with it, learn to love it, diamonds are forever... and so is Ric Flair!" [SIZE="5"][B][CENTER]'Nature Boy' Ric Flair and WCW United States Champion 'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit v The British Connection ('Lord' Steven Regal and 'The Belfast Bruiser' Fit Finlay)[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] What an opportunity tonight for Fit Finlay? Perhaps one of the forgotten men of WCW, Finlay is an out and out tough brawler. He breaks necks and cashes cheques. But it was an even bigger opening up for Steven Regal to stamp his authority, to announce himself to the world, and to have Ric Flair sit up and recognise that this young buck was a true heir to his throne. Speaking of heirs to the throne, Flair believes Chris Benoit is the next big thing. And tonight, he showed every reason why Ric Flair should feel so confident. He has a difficult Championship defence at the Great American Bash against Eddie Guerrero, and what better preparation to face two guys who think as ruthlessly as him about getting the pinfall, about getting the submission. About making the match count. It wasn't the most fluid main event on WCW Monday Nitro, but it was a tough striking match. Lots of near falls, lots of power, lots of pain, lots of misery. But tonight, despite Regal at times humiliating Flair on his way to try and take away his mantle, Chris Benoit was in a league of his own and was able to claim the victory with the Crippler Crossface on Finlay for the win, while Flair and Regal brawled up the aisle. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Your Winners:[/B] Via submission, Chris Benoit and Ric Flair[/SIZE][/CENTER] Post match, as Chris Benoit had his arm held aloft, Eddie Guerrero jumped the guard rail and stormed into the ring. But Benoit was aware of it, and the two men spent the last few seconds of Nitro staring each other down......
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/thunder.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Quick Picks[/B] WCW World Heavyweight Championship: 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho (c) v Lodi Wrath v The Giant WCW Cruiserweight Championship: Psicosis (c) v Hector Garza WCW Television Championship: Masahiro Chono (c) v Kurt Angle Scott Hall v Disco Inferno 'British Bulldog' Davey Boy Smith and Jim 'The Anvil' Neidhart v Harlem Heat Sting v Ultimo Dragon 'Dog Faced Gremlin' Rick Steiner v Bill Goldberg Rey Mysterio Jr and Chavo Guerrero Jr v 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair and WCW United States Champion 'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit
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WCW World Heavyweight Championship: [B]'Lionheart' Chris Jericho (c) [/B]v Lodi Wrath v [B]The Giant[/B] WCW Cruiserweight Championship: [B]Psicosis (c) [/B]v Hector Garza WCW Television Championship: [B]Masahiro Chono (c)[/B] v Kurt Angle [B]Scott Hall[/B] v Disco Inferno 'British Bulldog' Davey Boy Smith and Jim 'The Anvil' Neidhart v [B]Harlem Heat[/B] Sting v [B]Ultimo Dragon[/B] [B]'Dog Faced Gremlin' Rick Steiner[/B] v Bill Goldberg [B]Rey Mysterio Jr and Chavo Guerrero Jr[/B] v 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair and WCW United States Champion 'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit
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[QUOTE=Phantom Stranger;549139]This is the only autobiography I can recall reading where I was more pissed off with the guy after reading than before. I'm not sure how much is true, mind, but there are a few points where I figure he's got to be telling the truth as he sees it 'cause there's no way someone would take that line as their 'in my defence'.[/QUOTE] I finished reading it, he certainly had some interesting takes on the situations within WCW. He did also, to my surprise, admit some of his errors. And I thought he explained at least what was his side of the story well on the likes of the Hogan contract, Ric Flair situation, Steve Austin, Mick Foley, the KISS co-branding, Master P, Starrcade '97 (that's one it seems Hogan clearly got wrong) et al. Ultimately I could sense his frustration that he was running it in utter futility due to the management restructure and corporate culture change associated with the mergers with Ted Turner's company and Time Warner firstly, and then AOL later on. It effectively removed Turner from control, and placed a lot of checks and balances to run a normal business organisation, but wrestling is chaotic and always changing and they didn't seem to get that. I laughed when he talked of a meeting with Time Warner execs/accountants et al where they asked for his shows two weeks in advance so they could read them, make corrections etc due to Standards & Practices. Effectively it crippled WCW to going back to targetting the young kid audience, and the WWF with attitude just soaked up WCW's old audience. WCW had some adult mentality themes, like we'd all love to punk our boss well Nash did it on Bischoff, Piper nearly did it on him, the nWo counterculture philosophy was always edgey, and it seemed to me that the audience they had worked hard to attain was taken away from them by bureaucracy and executives who had no idea how to run a successful wrestling business. Ultimately, 1998 appeared to be the year where the conglomerate started working to get rid of WCW from it's line up, ultimately succeeding by 2001. For me it was great reading from a bookers perspective also how he talked a lot about storyline development, and also the SARSA thing that he wanted all his top storylines to hit. I'm sure he's left a lot of stuff out, such as the situation that killed off the successful partnership with NJPW, the Ultimate Warrior situation, why the Giant wanted to leave (granted the Radicalz left while Russo was in charge, but the Giant was indicating he was going while Bischoff was there) etc etc... Overall, my yearning thought from reading the book was I wish that the networks had a little more foresight to give Bischoff's redesigned, reborn, totally new WCW concept a go.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/thunder.jpg[/IMG] [I]n....W....o NN..NN..NEW WORLD ORDER FF..FF..FOR LIFE[/I][/CENTER] And stepping out under the Turner-Tron at the start of another edition of Thursday Thunder, live on the TBS Superstation is the WCW World Heavyweight Champion, 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho. His championship is wrapped firmly around his waist, and he is in his wrestling tights. He poses at the top of the ramp, before mockingly thanking the crowd for their cheers (which are of course jeers) before proceeding down the ramp to the ring. Once in the ring, he addresses this sold out crowd. "Welcome to... THURSDAY NIGHT JERICHO! I'm your host, the ayotalloh of rock.... N ROLLA, the king of the world, Lionheart Chris Jericho... YOUR World Heavyweight Champion! Thank you, thank you for the response, I've never...EVVVVVVEEEERRR had such a response as you've just given me. But, then again, that stands to reason. After all, we are going out live tonight from .... San Francisco, California. And given that's where we are, tonight, on Thursday Night Jericho, all my Jerichoholics out there get your chance to see a different side of 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho. You all know me as being YOUR World Heavyweight Champion, you all know me as being your paragon of good virtue, but what you don't know about me is my liberal views. So tonight, in the city of the Castro, I am granting a World Heavyweight Championship to.... LODI!!!! Come on down here little fella...! You can never...EVVVVEEEEEER accuse me of not being a free minded liberal thinker, huh? After all, I am part of the n...W...o revolution, just like Lodi is part of the..." Before Jericho can finish that off... [I][CENTER]Backstreet's Back... ALRIGHT![/CENTER][/I] Hits out and out comes Lodi, in a very skimpy pink pair of trunks. He comes out with big gold rimmed sunglasses, and runs down to the ring to start off Thunder. [CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]WCW World Heavyweight Championship 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho (c) v Lodi[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] I never thought I would see the day that Lodi was challenging for the most coveted Championship in professional wrestling. I'm still not quite certain he deserves it, and I'm certainly not convinced that Chris Jericho is doing it for liberal equalities. Unlike most other performers though, Jericho does not seem too groused out by Lodi's very feminine moves inside the ring, and while the San Francisco crowd is showing some support to Lodi Jericho uses it to inspire himself to take control of the match, and end it very quickly with the Liontamer. Jericho picks up Lodi post match and goes to shake his hand, but then snaps and hits a hard right armed clothesline to Lodi, knocking him out of the ring and to the floor. The fans are far from impressed. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, and STILL WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Chris Jericho[/SIZE][/CENTER] Backstage, 'Big Sexy' Kevin Nash is watching a large screen in the New World Order dressing room. His face is all wrinkled up in a manner of grimmacing at the match that just transpired. The rest of the nWo are lounging back on the leather sofas behind Nash, who turns around and addresses them. "Did you see that? Did you see that? Where are we at, people? Those fans out there are saying the beginning of the end is coming for the New World Order. Hell, we've allowed those people out the back and those amateurs in the back to get rid of Hogan... we've allowed them to get rid of Savage... Where's Rodman at, I don't know. Page, you lost your United States Championship, the only belts we have right now are the World Heavyweight Championship and the Television Championship. And what do we do? We send our World Heavyweight Champion out there tonight, against.... THAT freak Lodi, and what do we do? We all sit back here in the dressing room watching. That's NOT the nWo way! That's NOT nWo for life..." Scott Hall stands up and joins Nash.. "Hey...Hey Yo! We've all been there, we've all been held back, we're all now changing the landscape of professional wrestling. But you know something, when our brother goes out there to defend his Championship, we should be at the ready. I don't care if it's Page hitting the bang, or Kim running down and flashing the Bang-Bullseye, what I do care about is just what Kev said. Norton, Adams, Vincent, Bagwell... Yo, it's about time you all started pulling your weight. Our Champion nearly got... man loved in the ring for god's sakes! So you're either with us, or you're against us, but it's about time you started proving yourselves. Let's start tonight, and send a message to those WCW punks..." 'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page joins Nash and Hall in the front of the room. "Yo, it's as I see it, when I first laid the seed for this back in 1990, it's time for this to become dominant. By the end of 1998, I want a wrestling show of our own. I want penthouses, I want corporate offices, and I want everyone to know... this is for life! You dig?" Nash nods his head before Hall chimes in once more, "It's like I always say guys, don't sing it... BRING IT!" We cut outside the door, where the Giant is walking towards the ring, and 'Iron' Mike Tenay tells us he will be wrestling, NEXT, after the break! [SIZE="5"][B][CENTER]The Giant v Wrath[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] Thankfully Tony Schiavone isn't on commentary tonight. He doesn't deserve this, to see his hero decapitated. The Giant is on a warpath at the moment, and even the strong man Wrath was unable to avoid the Chokeslam. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, the Giant[/SIZE][/CENTER] Backstage, in a private corporate office, Eric Bischoff is on a cell phone... "Yeah... look, I don't know ... I'm being honest, I don't know where he is... I... I understand but..... HELLO?" [CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]WCW Cruiserweight Championship Psicosis (c) v Hector Garza[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] What an amazing win it was for Psicosis to claim his first ever WCW Championship, taking the Cruiserweight Championship in an epic finale against Ultimo Dragon. Tonight he takes on a fellow south of the border superstar in Hector Garza. Psicosis is starting to get some big time support from the fans, which is deserved. He's taller than most cruiserweights, but still is amazingly agile. The ability to soar from Psicosis is up there with the best of them. And while Hector Garza is no slouch either, tonight he was put away by a massive superplex from the top rope from Psicosis. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, and STILL WCW Cruiserweight Champion, Psicosis[/SIZE][/CENTER] [QUOTE][B]Video Package - The Giant[/B] We cut to the Power Plant, where the Giant is working out, throwing around some amazing weights with the greatest of ease. We cut now to Buddy Lee Parker, the trainer at the Powerplant... "I've seen some amazing talents, but have you seen a 500 pound man break another man's ribs with a fluent drop kick? Have you seen a man strong enough to dump a car on it's side? I've seen him take metal pipe, you know, the strong non flexi type, and completely and utterly twist it and crush it. The Giant is a freak of nature...."[/QUOTE] [CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]nWo Television Championship Masahiro Chono (c) v Kurt Angle[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] Masahiro Chono came to ringside with his helpful colleague, the Great Muta. Angle, all on his lonesome. But he came with the added history of having won gold at the 1996 Atlanta Olympics. This was his big opportunity to prove to the world that he could transition to the professional leagues. Already the signs had been extremely good that he could, but tonight he went up against a master. A master of the devastating Yakuza Kick who could crack a skull with that, and then force his opponent into complete and utter misery with the STF. This one was back and forth, Angle was putting up a very good fight tonight. Chono I don't believe has been under such significant pressure for this Championship in some time. Back and forth it continued, and after an exhaustive brawl both men began slugging it out with their dukes in the centre of the ring. Angle appeared to be tiring, but he ducked one last discus lariat from Chono, got in behind him... OLYMPIC SLAM! Muta got up on the apron, but Angle had planned for it and hit a baseball slide under the bottom rope to send him off to the floor without being able to get the myst away. Chono slowly got back to his feet due to the distraction, and began clubbing away at the back of Angle. Muta got back up on the apron... MYST! BUT ANGLE HAD DUCKED! Chono fell back to the mat... Angle rolled on him...1....2.....3! We have a new Champion!!! [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, and NEW WCW Television Champion, Kurt Angle[/SIZE] [SIZE="5"][B]Disco Inferno v Scott Hall[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] Hall looked fizzed up tonight after his little speech backstage rallying the nWo-ites. Disco, typical clowning around lost total focus and ended up being dumped by the Outsiders Edge. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, Scott Hall[/SIZE][/CENTER] "Ja...Ja...." We look up to the Turner-Tron to see 'Das Wunderkind' Alex Wright in a dressing room looking down on the chaos in the ring, "Hallo, ja you see Disco? Ze want to see you shake undt shake your booty, ja ze do. But you lose Disco, ja, you lose badly. You let me down, ja, you need to screw ze head back onto shoulders ja. Ze nezt time you in ze ring, I want you to concentrate, ja, undt WIN!" [CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]Harlem Heat v 'British Bulldog' Davey Boy Smith and Jim 'The Anvil' Neidhart[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] The 'Heat are on a roll, man. What were Davey Boy and Neidhart going to do? Seriously. The 'Heat is on. They liberally bend the rules where need be, but they get the job done. And they did so again tonight with Booker T hitting his scissors kick on the British Bulldog for the pinfall. Harlem Heat yet again are sending out a signal to all and sundry, and particularly their arch nemesis the Steiners and the current Tag Team Champions, the Extreme Innovators. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Your Winners:[/B] Via pinfall, Harlem Heat[/SIZE][/CENTER] After the break, as Ultimo Dragon waited in the ring, Sting descended from the rafters. As he dropped off the safety cable, he pointed his black baseball bat all around the arena, with no emotion on his face, almost daring the Outsiders to come forth. [CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]Sting v Ultimo Dragon[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] While Ultimo Dragon is undoubtedly a fine wrestler, infact, a world record holder given he held 10 Championships at one time recently, Sting is the solitary warrior of WCW, he is the franchise of this generation. He is the man who has stood up to the New World Order, through thick and a hell of a lot of thin. He's been mistrusted, he's been ostracised, but he keeps coming back for the faith of the traditions of WCW. Tonight he had an unusually quick match, no doubt being carried by the brilliance of the in ring work of Ultimo Dragon, but Sting kept up with the pace with Dragon taking control of most of the match. Finally, Sting, like he is known to do, like ashes to ashes and dust to dust, like the WCW phoenix that he is, found a late surge to grab back ascendency. He sent Dragon into the ropes... STINGER SPLASH! Dragon fell face first to the mat, and Sting applied the Scorpion Deathlock for the victory. There is no doubt that Ultimo Dragon can hang with the elite of professional wrestling, but tonight was a very serious lesson in the endurance and fortitude needed to withstand everything that's thrown at you and find a way to win - which is the recipe to Sting's success. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via submission, Sting[/SIZE] [I]n....W....o NN..NN...NEW WORLD ORDER FF..FF..FOR LIFE TOOOOOOOO SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET[/I][/CENTER] The Outsiders, Hall and Nash walk out underneath the Turner-Tron, complete with microphones. Nash has with him a piece of paper, as Scott Hall begins... "Hey...Hey Yo. Hey Chico, Stinger, you might have heard us before talking about how we had to do something tonight for the name of the New World Order. Well, my friend and I just have... tell 'em Kev..." "BIG SEXY IN DA HOUSE!!! You see this iddy biddy piece of paper, Sting? This piece of paper is something our good friend, and your boss, Eric Bischoff has just got signed off by the WCW Executive Committee. On it, it proclaims that the match at Great American Bash between the Outsiders... why that'd be you and I, Scott... and Bret Hart and Sting, which would be you Sting, not the singer..." "You'd hardly notice the difference bra..." "Good point... Ahem... The match at the Great American Bash is.... officially... A LUMBERJACK MATCH! That's right Sting! No escaping bra... It's as Scott always says..." "DON'T SING IT..... BRING IT!" "You see Sting, at the Great American Bash bra, I'm lifting you up nine feet and then I'm dropping you straight on the point of your head!! The war is on Sting, the war is... ON!" [CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]'Dog Faced Gremlin' Rick Steiner v Bill Goldberg[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] Is Steiner crazy? Actually, don't answer that, the guy goes around barking... We already know the result, let's cue the credits... [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, Bill Goldberg[/SIZE][/CENTER] Backstage, we hear the pop of a champagne cork, and the froth of the champagne pouring out of a large magnum bottle. As we peel back we can see the bottle is being popped by... the new Television Champion, Kurt Angle. He has with him 'Macho Man' Randy Savage and Miss Elizabeth. "Oooh yeah brother, that's the stuff, dig it!" "Oh Randy, I think it's time for a toast.." Elizabeth chimes in. "Yeah dig it, TOAST! TOAST! TOAST!" "Well... a toast? Me? Your Olympic Hero, Kurt Angle? I'd rather we just celebrated my success. Did anyone tell you, I'm a fantastic guitar player and not just a great amateur wrestler?" "Yeah, ooh I'd like to hear that, yeah..." "Well, you're in luck.." We pan back further and find a guitar. Angle sits on the bench, and puts it on his knee and begins to strum (Badly), and then sing (also badly...) [I]It was an...itsy bitsy teenie weenie yellow polka dot bikini... that she wore for the first time today... an itsy bit...[/I] Kurt stops in his tracks as he sees Randy starting to purse his lips, and get tense in the forehead. The madness is striking. "Randy, what's the matter?" Angle asks. "Don't like my signing?" "Yeah I like your singing yeah..." "That's good... I've got another one.." [I]Oh... I went south to see My Sal, Singing Polly Wolly Doodle All the...[/I] "Randy?" Kurt asks again. "What's the matter? Is this the madness sinking in?" "YEAH it is! Oooh yeah! How did you know? Have you been perving brother?" Angle shrugs his shoulders in confusion. "Yeah, that's what Miss Elizabeth was wearing earlier today down at the beach..." "Wait a minute, I swear, it was an honest mistake..." Angle quickly pours a glass of champagne for Savage and thrusts it in his face, but Savage grabs the glass and throws it on the floor before storming out. Miss Elizabeth is cringing in desperation, knowing that was not the intent of Kurt's singing. But you can't stop the madness... Angle shrugs his shoulders after Liz leaves, and begins playing another song... [I]Lou Lou skip to my Lou my darling, Lou Lou skip to my Lou my darling...[/I] [CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]Rey Mysterio Jr and Chavo Guerrero Jr v 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair and WCW United States Champion 'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] A good, solid match to end this edition of Thunder. An edition to capped the rise of one Kurt Angle to WCW Television Champion. A face-a-thon to end it off, and initially Chavo and Rey lit the ring up with some intense pace around the ring, even having Ric Flair selling some of his old school style selling. Chris Benoit though quickly got in and settled it down with some of his crisp wrestling, his fleunt technical suplexes coupled with the brutality of some of his knife edged chops. The fans were really getting into it, before from opposite sides of the ring Eddie Guerrero came in from the crowd to attack Chris Benoit, and Diamond Dallas Page came in and pulled Rey off the apron and began brawling up the aisle with him... [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Your Winners:[/B] No contest, due to a double disqualification[/SIZE][/CENTER] Chavo Guerrero Jr follows Rey up the aisle, and pulls Diamond Dallas Page away from him momentarily, so the two men can get back up towards the Turner Tron to safety. Page rips a microphone from David Penzer... "Yo... That's exactly the problem with WCW today. You're too quick to run. But Rey Mysterio Jr, you can run, but you can't hide. Because sooner or later, when you least expect it... Bada-bing... Bada-bang...BADA-BOOM! You will FEEL...THE....BBBBAAAAAANNNNNNNGGGG!!" Thunder fades out, as we concentrate on Eddie and Chris Benoit beginning to brawl near the guardrail...
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/mondaynitro.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Quick Picks[/B] WCW Cruiserweight Championship: Psicosis (c) v Juventud Guerrera v Billy Kidman Silver King v Bill Goldberg WCW Television Championship: 'Your Olympic Hero' Kurt Angle (c) v Ultimo Dragon WCW Tag Team Championships: The Extreme Innovators (Perry Saturn and 'The Innovator of Offence' Chris Kanyon) (c) v Harlem Heat 'The Man of 1000 Holds' Dean Malenko v Rey Mysterio Jr 'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page v Wrath WCW United States Championship: 'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit (c) v Scott Steiner Curry Man v The Giant The Outsiders v Bret 'The Hitman' Hart and Sting
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WCW Cruiserweight Championship: [B]Psicosis (c)[/B] v Juventud Guerrera v Billy Kidman [I]Psicosis continues to shine as Cruiserweight Champ![/I] Silver King v [B]Bill Goldberg[/B] [I]Silver King is demoted to Silver Prince.[/I] WCW Television Championship: [B]'Your Olympic Hero' Kurt Angle (c)[/B] v Ultimo Dragon [I]Angle with the quick and easy win over the former 10 title Champion.[/I] WCW Tag Team Championships: [B]The Extreme Innovators (Perry Saturn and 'The Innovator of Offence' Chris Kanyon) (c)[/B] v Harlem Heat [I]A close match but Saturn and Kanyon don't give up the belts just yet.[/I] [B]'The Man of 1000 Holds' Dean Malenko[/B] v Rey Mysterio Jr [I]Malenko with the ground and pound on Rey Rey.[/I] [B]'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page[/B] v Wrath [I]Poor Tony![/I] WCW United States Championship: [B]'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit (c)[/B] v Scott Steiner [I]The Canadian Crippler with the hard-fought win.[/I] Curry Man v [B]The Giant[/B] [I]Curry Man gets killed![/I] The Outsiders v Bret 'The Hitman' Hart and Sting [I]No contest.[/I]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/theschavionereport.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Hello to all the great fans of Tony Schiavone and the Schiavone report. I hope you're in for another spectacular 'boomer sooner' free report to the world of professional wrestling. Coming to not from some Connecticut, but from Atlanta, Georgia, this report tonight is a little bit different. Tonight I have with my 'Iron' Mike Tenay, the professor of professional wrestling as you all know. I know my opinion is highly sought, but tonight I thought I'd share the limelight with one of my understudies. [B]Who do you think will come forth to challenge Chris Jericho for the World Heavyweight Championship at the Great American Bash?[/B] Well clearly Tony, with the American slant of the Pay-Per-View and all it's history, particularly in Baltimore, this show has always been about the traditions of WCW and of the United States. Therefore it'd appear unlikely that a non-American will challenge the Canadian Chris Jericho for the Championship. I believe either the Giant or Lex Luger will step forward in the coming weeks. [B]You don't believe Wrath will get a shot?[/B] Wrath needs a lot more time, Tony. [B]I really doubt that, Mike. But hey, I'm just the voice of professional wrestling, what would I know? Mike, you are regarded as somewhat of a lucha libre knowledge book, how did you see the situation at Slamboree which led to Eddie Guerrero being stripped of the WCW Cruiserweight Championship for attempting to demask Rey Mysterio Jr?[/B] In my opinion, Eddie Guerrero knew the risks he was running. He knew the close association held with AAA in Mexico, and he knew that one of the consequences may have been to lose his Championship. As valuable and coveted as the title is, I believe Eddie wanted to send a message to the high-brows of WCW that he is willing to do anything to destroy his opponent, and hopefully get a shot at the World Heavyweight Championship itself. [B]Which has led to Psicosis gaining the Championship[/B] Indeed it has Tony. Psicosis is a very interesting wrestler. Unlike a lot of our lucha libre stars, Psicosis is a first generation superstar. This is his first Championship, but the word from south of the border is that Psicosis is rated very highly down there by lucha libre experts. He is from the fine line of WCW Cruiserweights who are willing to risk body and soul for the gold. As far as his size goes, Psicosis is taller than most of the Cruiserweights but is still extremely agile, and this added physicality along with his exceptional agility leads me to believe his reign may be long, although I have heard rumours that there are many overseas superstars warming up to the prospect of coming to the United States and challenging for the premier championship. [B]Do you have any names on this?[/B] It's speculation at this stage, but my best advice to any fans would be to ensure they tune into Monday Nitro on TNT and Thursday Thunder on TBS to find out if it all eventuates. [B]Finally Tony, on the lucha libre situation, how do you think the situation that occured at Slamboree may mentally affect Rey Mysterio Jr?[/B] I think Rey Mysterio Jr has a long history of being held back due to his size, and other aspects. But no matter the odds, he always finds a way with his enormous courage to overcome the odds. I think a public demasking in a non sanctioned mask match may have had dire consequences for Rey Mysterio Jr, particularly given the traditions of the mask in Mexico. It may have destroyed any prospects he had back down in Mexico, or even Japan where the mask and it's traditions are also revered. You only have to think back to the traditions of the Tiger Mask to understand how the orient views the mask as well. To explain, in these cultures the wrestler undertakes the identity personified by the mask, and to reveal the hidden identity is sacrilege. While it has been done before, it's usually only in sanctioned events such as a title versus mask match, and always carefully subjected to interrogation by the local athletics and wrestling commissions. The fact is though, Rey knew the consequences of the situation and managed to get himself out of harms way. How it affects him is an intrigue, but my guess is that his instinctive courage and tenacity will continue long past the expiry date of his mask's tradition. Usually you can tell that a wrestler without his mask will render him useless, as if he has no point to fight out, but I sense there's more to Rey Mysterio Jr. ... 'Iron' Mike Tenay is the usual lead announcer for Thursday Thunder, and does appear from time to time on TNT's Monday Nitro. Last week I got some fan mail regarding my lyrics of Elton John's. They claim it's hold my closer Tiny Dancer, not Tony Danza. I dispute this heavily. But speaking of music, did everyone notice Kurt Angle, the new WCW Television Champion? Firstly, how on earth he avoided the Yakuza Kick is beyond me because frankly I was waiting for a serious injury to be brought about by it very soon, but how he managed to get past that, win the title and share a song with Randy Savage on TNT? Interesting. What do you think of that, Standards and Practices? Thanks again for reading the greatest wrestling article on the net. Dispelling all the myths from the dirt sheets, and also distinctly 'boomer sooner' and 'puppy free. Yak, when does a man learn to grow up? Yours, TS
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/mondaynitro.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The Click of Hooves is heard around the arena, and with the neighing of wild horses, it can only mean one thing. Live here in Charlotte, North Carolina it's the Four Horsemen. Coming from under the Turner-Tron, and led by 'The Enforcer' Arn Anderson, they are all dressed in black suits, in formal Four Horsemen fashion. The fans pop wildly for the Horsemen, as they stride to the ring. First man off the bat is 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair... "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Did somebody tell me that the Horsemen would be having a party in Charlotte... NORTH CAROLINAAAAAAAAAA!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Is that so? Because the last I heard pal, the nWo was taking over. I guess I heard... wrong. You see, diamonds are forever, and so is the Four Horsemen. Now, speaking of scum, I want to talk to you all about 'Lord' Steven Regal. Regal pal, do you know where you are? You're in a dark, lonely place my friend. That's right, because you're cornered, you're waiting for your destiny with the 'Nature Boy'! That's right pal, the dirtiest player in the game! The only difference between me and you pal is that I back my words up. You talk the talk... I walk the walk. You see pal, you said you were gonna finish off Ric Flair. You were going to close Space Mountain. Well as I see it... Space Mountain is STILL the ride with the longest line in the park, and that's a fact, jack! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! There's an old saying that I live by every night of my life, to be the man... you've got to beat the man. And Regal, the man you have to beat is none other than the Nature Boy himself. Mr WCW! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! That's right, slick Ric. The limousine riding, jet flying, stylin profilin wheeling dealing kiss stealing son of a [BEEP] himself. You're nothing but a coward Regal, and you will find out why slick Ric is still... THE MAN!" Flair passes the microphone to Bill Goldberg, who removes his gold framed sunglasses and puts them in the top pocket of his pin stripe suit jacket. "I'm not a man of many words, so I'm going to keep this short and simple. It regards one Hulk Hogan. Hogan, you are a cow..." [I]Pomp and Circumstance[/I] start up, and in a red and white hat, with a red and white tassled jacket, with his beautiful entourage of Miss Elizabeth in a sheer black tight hugging dress, it's 'Macho Man' Randy Savage. He stands at the top of the ramp and twirls around, twirling his finger in the air, before addressing Goldberg. "OOOOH YEAH, I hear what you're saying oh I do. I hear about what you're going to say about Hulk Hogan, I hear you loud and clear brother. The fact of the matter is yeah you cannot trust him. Bottom line is when all's said and done brother that you can't trust him as far as you can throw him..." Flair snatches back the microphone from Goldberg... "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! Well listen here, if it isn't the Macho Man himself. Jack, you are the madness, we all know that. Each and every night of the last 3 or so years, the one present danger I've always known about is you, Savage. You talk about not trusting, to earn trust you need to be able to trust brother, and you can't do it. Bill, I understand you want to trust this man, as he opposes everything you oppose also. But Bill brother, can you look that man in the eye and tell me you trust him? Slick Ric's been around for a while, and while he's the dirtiest player in the game, he knows when someone is playing games. And that's the way of the madness, a succession of cheap games brother. Trust me, Bill, I've been there, I've done that. I know what he's like.." "Brother, YEAH, Goldberg!!! I will prove to you exactly how much you can trust me, brother. I promise you YEAH I do, that by the time this night is through, there will be no doubt of my allegiance to you. DIG IT!" .... After the break, we cut to the three stoog.. I mean three wise men in the commentary booth, with a graphic of Harlem Heat and the Extreme Innovators up on the screen, tonight fighting for the WCW World Tag Team Championships. "Welcome back to Monday Nitro fans, live here from the home of the Four Horsemen, Charlotte, North Carolina, and fans what a night we have in store for you, including the World Tag Team Championships on the line tonight in what promises to be a wrestling extravaganza," Tony Schiavone implores. "That's right Tony, tonight the Extreme Innovators face the greatest test in tag team wrestling, Harlem Heat, many times WCW World Tag Team Champions," Tenay comments. [CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]WCW Cruiserweight Championship Psicosis (c) v Juventud Guerrera v Billy Kidman[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] A three way dance tonight. All men in, no tags needed, all money for leather here tonight. Add in the ingredients of the Cruiserweight Champion Psicosis, thrill seeker Juventud Guerrera and the recently released member of the Flock, Billy Kidman, and it's a recipe for thrills and spills and much excitement for the traditional WCW crowd here in Charlotte. This was as anticipated, another frenetic crowd raiser here. After 6 minutes of exhaustive action, Billy Kidman found himself on the outside, looking to propel himself off the apron onto the top rope and springboard into the ring. However, these dreams were dashed by a blatant cheap shot by the ever present Raven. Juventud used the opportunity to pick Psicosis up for the Juvi Driver, but the larger and stronger Psicosis was able to use his leverage to overcome Juvi, and flip the move into reverse... BANG! A piledriver delivered by Psicosis. And that's it, goodnight nurse. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, and STILL WCW Cruiserweight Champion, Psicosis[/SIZE][/CENTER] Backstage, 'Macho Man' Randy Savage is pacing backwards and forth in his dressing room. His sunglasses are peeled and his eyes are ripped wide open in the exaggerated look that only Savage can give. Miss Elizabeth stands behind her man, worringly looking on. "Ooooh yeah, tonight I will show Goldberg where I stand. YEAH, DIG IT!" [CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]Bill Goldberg v Silver King[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] Pizza, anyone? [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, Bill Goldberg[/SIZE][/CENTER] After the match, 'Macho Man' Randy Savage raced into the ring, and stood opposite Goldberg. He pointed to him, turned to the fans and charismatically twirled his finger to the crowd. He then grabbed Goldberg by the arm and held it aloft. But as Goldberg looked to leave the ring, Savage held onto the arm, pulled him back and dropped him with a hard clothesline! Savage stood over his body, and waived his fingers over Goldberg, before speeding off out of the ring anxious for a Four Horsemen revenge hit. [SIZE="5"][B][CENTER]WCW Television Championship 'Your Olympic Hero' Kurt Angle (c) v Ultimo Dragon[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] Angle came to the ring complete with a replica Ultimo Dragon mask, and pretended to be the Japanese superstar, before ripping it off and throwing it into the crowd. Ultimo Dragon wasn't impressed and immediately hit some stiff kicks to the abdominal area of Angle, doubling him over and then side kicking straight to the chops. Angle went down hard, but instantly shook it off and went straight back onto the attack. Despite Dragon's best intentions, the international superstar was shortchanged by the Olympic superstar who hit that epic Olympic Slam to collect the pinfall. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, and STILL WCW Television Champion, Kurt Angle[/SIZE][/CENTER] Backstage, 'Mean' Gene Okerlund has rushed into the dressing room of 'Macho Man' Randy Savage, who is apprehensively collecting his gear for a fast escape out of Charlotte. "Randy Savage! What on earth was the meaning of your attack earlier on on Bill Goldberg?" "Yeah it'll become clear Gene, on Thunder I plan to lay it all out to the world yeah. But for now, two things. Firstly yeah I'm blowing Charlotte, this is Horsemen territory brother. I may be mad, but I'm not stupid yeah. And secondly, Great American Bash... Bill Goldberg... I want you brother, bottom line, I'll tell you at Thunder exactly why yeah, but at the Great American Bash, yeah I won't walk away... DIG IT!" Savage grabs his bag, and the hand of Miss Elizabeth and purposefully walks out of his dressing room and high tails it towards the carpark. [CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]WCW World Tag Team Championship The Extreme Innovators (Perry Saturn and 'The Innovator of Offence' Chris Kanyon) (c) v Harlem Heat[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] Saturn and Kanyon have certainly been impressive, they came from the clouds to claim the coveted Tag Team Championships. Tonight they face the masters of tag team wrestling, not only veterans but massively accomplished in the way of championships. The skills of cutting the ring off, holding and controlling momentum are all hallmarks of Harlem Heat who will undoubtedly go down as all time greats in tag team wrestling. But Saturn and Kanyon are just so innovative. Saturn is almost psycopathic in terms of the lengths he will go to throw his body around to gain ascendency. Whereas Kanyon is a true student of professional wrestling, and it seems on a nightly basis he contributes something straight out of the box and far from routine to an encounter. This was a Pay-Per-View quality match, and you almost wonder why WCW would give it away on a house show basis. But they have, and here it is. After 9 minutes of innovation from the Extreme Innovators, and stubborn experience and grit from Harlem Heat, it got down to a situation where Kanyon tried to hit a facebuster on Stevie Ray, but Stevie's greater strength meant he was able to himself back to a wide verticle base, and hit a spinning neckbeaker on Kanyon! With Kanyon clutching at his head, Saturn ran in but Booker T ran in and hit the Book-End on Saturn! Kanyon slowly got to his feet, but Stevie Ray hoisted Kanyon onto his shoulders and Booker T leapt form the top rope with an ax kick! Wow! A truly great end, perhaps the only way to hold down these young tyros. Saturn tried valiantly to make the save, but he was out like a light and we have a Championship change right here on Nitro! [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Your Winners:[/B] Via pinfall, and NEW WCW Tag Team Champions, Harlem Heat[/SIZE] [B]The following announcement has been paid for by the New World Order[/B][/CENTER] We cut to an edgey, black and white video clip of the Outsiders, who are in the nWo production studio jamming up some words for Bret Hart and Sting... "Yo, chico, don't sing it... BRING IT!" "You know Scott, it's like we always said. You want a war, you got one! You want some, come get some!" "The nWo is an evolution chico, WCW is going down." "Down where?" "You know where!" "Just like Bret Hart and Sting are going up..." "Up where?" "9 feet up, and dropped straight on the points of their skulls. The evolution continues brah..." [CENTER][B]The preceeding announcement has been paid for by the New World Order[/B][/CENTER] Backstage, 'Mean' Gene Okerlund is standing by with Bret 'The Hitman' Hart and Sting, in front of the WCW logo. Bret Hart has his sunglasses on, while Sting looks emotionless and still. "Alright guys, I have with me now Bret Hart, and Sting. Who at the Great American Bash will face the Outsiders in a lumberjack match. Firstly, Sting, the nWo has been your bitter enemy for so long, and nearly caused such distrust within WCW that your career was over. The Great American Bash represents a grand opportunity to stake revenge. What do you have to say about that?" Gene holds the microphone up to Sting, who stands there, without uttering a word. Hart nods, and then thrusts the microphone in his face. "What I think he means to say Gene, is that since day one all the politics, all the bull[BEEP], just like how I feel Gene, there will be no more screwjobs. No more jobs for the boys in the back. I heard about the New World Order before I came down here to the WCW, but I didn't believe it. But as much as there's [BEEP] up there, it flows straight down here. Outsiders, you came into the WCW and you tried to take it over. Two years later, and you're right back at square one. Because now the defence is set in, the foundations are set in. Whether it's the Stinger, or whether it's Bret Hart, the WCW is fortified. And we plan to show you that NOT just at the Great American Bash, but as far as I'm concerned you can bring it tonight, and we'll show you up again tonight. I don't know how you can feel knowing that despite all your worst attempts at screwing over the boys, WCW still stands strong. Gene, it's like I always say, at the Great American Bash, the Stinger and I are going to show the Outsiders why we are the best there is, best there was...and best...there ever will be! This here, this combination, this is the Excellence....of Execution! So to borrow one of your lines chico Hall, don't sing it... BRING IT!" [CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]'The Man of 1000 Holds' Dean Malenko v Rey Mysterio Jr[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] These two have clashed many times, and have fought previously for the Cruiserweight Championship. Both have had very disturbing pasts with the current WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Chris Jericho. Rey Mysterio is a flambouyant high flier at the peak of his career, Malenko is the pinnacle as far as technical wrestling goes. These two have always put on good 'bouts together, Malenko was in tonight trying to get some respect back for the Horsemen after Goldberg was punked out earlier, while Mysterio needed to show Diamond Dallas Page that there was more to him that the small body frame would suggest. With all that on the line, their sheer respect for each other went out the window and we had a fast, vibrant melee. After Malenko seemed to be claiming control, and seemed to be setting Mysterio up for the Texas Cloverleaf, Mysterio was able to slide outside the ring and steer clear of the submission hold. Malenko went to the apron, and attempted a cross body, but Rey was able to catch him and roll on top of him, using Malenko to brace his fall. Rey went back to the apron... and then ran back into the ring and over the top rope, corkscrew hurricanrana! Malenko went down hard! Rey got hold of Malenko and rolled him back into the ring. Malenko tried to fight back, but the impact was affecting his concentration. With Malenko stumbling, Rey was able to hit the Springboard Hurricanrana into an inside cradle...1...2...3! [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, Rey Mysterio Jr[/SIZE] [SIZE="5"][B]'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page v Wrath[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] After the break, it was DDP's right of reply to Rey Mysterio Jr. As much of a powerhouse as Wrath as, as physical as he is, he's just not as ring savvy as undoubtedly one of the most tactically smart wrestlers going round. After Wrath tried to use his power, Page danced him around and wore him down before snapping his with the Diamond Cutter. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, Diamond Dallas Page[/SIZE][/CENTER] Slumped on the bottom turnbuckle, Diamond Dallas took a microphone from David Penzer. "You love me, you hate me, but one thing's for sure... You'll never forget me. You see, all those years ago when I secretly laid the seeds for the nWo, and then for all those years when you morons trusted me, I had it in the back of my mind of what the evolution of professional wrestling should be like. And Rey Mysterio Jr, it became clear in my mind that there was no place for people like you. You can call it discrimination, you can call it whatever you like, like I care what you say really jack, the fact of the matter is that you're a born loser. Yeah, people talk about your heart, they talk about your tenacity, but the fact is, sooner or later, I'll show you that you're nothing but a bag of Mexican Jumping Beans. How? Bada-bing, bada-bang, BADA-BOOM! FEEL...THE...BANG!" [CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]WCW United States Championship 'The Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit (c) v Scott Steiner[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] Scott Steiner is renowned for his tag team wrestling also, but tonight he had to step into the chambers with a man possessed. A man who has taken the United States Championship to extreme highs. And despite Scott's physical presence, and his experience, Chris Benoit wrapped this one quickly to restore pride into the Horsemen, here in Charlotte. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via submission, and STILL WCW United States Champion, Chris Benoit[/SIZE][/CENTER] Backstage, Eric Bischoff is walking down the aisles, but he is interrupted by 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair. Bischoff rolls his eyes in frustration, as the 'Nature Boy' walks up and ... "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" Right in his face, Bischoff turns his head to the side as if he has just been spat upon. "You got a lot of courage, pal. I don't know what is up, but if you're pulling another one and sending out Savage to work us over, we'll find out... Oh we'll find out and pal, when we do, the Horsemen will take care of it. You see, Bischoff, without Hogan, your little ivory tower is falling apart as you know it. You may claim tonight that you've masterminded, because pal I'm sure you're a part of what happened earlier, you may claim that you've masterminded a few wounds into the flesh of the Horsemen, but brother, to beat the man, you've got to beat the man, and what you failed to achieve was a significant enough hit. We're still here, pal. It's now the time of the Four Horsemen, learn to live with it, learn to love it, because... WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO... it's the best thing going today! And as far as you go personally you son of a [BEEP], YOU! You abuse of power! You coward! One day pal, one day the dirtiest player in the game pal, he'll go beyond all the attorneys in the nWo corporation brother, and he'll show you why they call me.. WOOOOOOOOOOO... slick Ric! A limousine riding, jet flying, kiss stealing, wheelin deal SON OF A GUN! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Enjoy your time in Charlotte pal, because this is HORSEMEN COUNTRY!" Flair nods his head and smiles, before walking off, leaving Bischoff bemused. [SIZE="5"][B][CENTER]Curry Man v The Giant[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] [I]He's Hot! He's Spicey! Tastes Great![/I] But right now he look's like a splattered pancake... [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, the Giant[/SIZE][/CENTER] Backstage, 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho is in the nWo dressing room, watching on a monitor the Giant defeat Curry Man... "Giarantasarous! Is that all you've got to show? On the greatest show of them all.. Monday Night... JERICHO? You don't scare me Giant, you don't... Just because you're like 500 pounds, just because like you could put your fist through a brick wall, just because you could overturn my Chev, you know why you don't scare me? Because I'm your paragon of good virtue, Lionhe.." "Hey there.." Jericho turns around and freaks out in shock, apprehensively thinking it was the Giant. But it was just Scott 'Flash' Norton. "Don't you people knock!" Jericho storms out, leaving Norton surprised. [CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]The Outsiders v Bret 'Hitman' Hart and Sting[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] A prelude to one of WCW's traditional pay-per-views, the Great American Bash, where these two teams will go at each other one last time, in a lumberjack match for a defining blow to the ongoing saga between the nWo and it's corporation takeover of WCW. A wealth of accomplishments and fame inside the ring tonight. Bret Hart is revered around the world as the Excellence of Execution, and in many wrestling publications a dream opponent of his is opinioned to be Sting. Their styles are similar, Sting is a little more upbeat but physically they are quite similar. Both men end their matches with similar moves, with the Scorpion Deathlock and Sharpshooter a tiger's whisker away from being the same. Across the ring from them tonight, the men who started the evolution. Back in 1996, these two men turned up and turned professional wrestling on it's head. Never before, and perhaps never again had such a catrostrophic group come into existence. Here, live, before our very eyes, we were wondering how much truth existed in the so called make believe world of professional wrestling. And the joy of shock and awe was brought back to revive WCW by the nWo. There's no doubting that shock and awe revival was crucial for 1996, but have they overstayed their welcome? Certainly in the eyes of Bret Hart and Sting they have. This will draw the fans in at Great American Bash. But tonight, both teams were very wary not to show all their cards. The big pay day is not too far away, it would be a pity for either team not to make it. Despite all that though, there is cutting edge tension between these men. And due to that, while it was no technical extravaganza, the brawling was intense. Inside the ring it was brutal, but outside the use of the steel steps and the steel guardrails raised the stakes even higher. While neither team wanted to give away all their cards, neither team wanted to leave Nitro with a distinct psychological disadvantage. And as such while they weren't giving away everything, they were using enough to make this a wounded brawl. Eventually, after a brawl-a-thon, Sting found himself up the aisle brawling with Kevin Nash. This left Scott Hall and Bret Hart in the ring. Both men were going toe to toe, Bret Hart hooked Hall up for a forward russian legsweep, but as Hart took Hall down, Hall was able to resecure his grip behind the head of Hart and as well as Hall being driven into the mat hard, so did the head of Bret Hart. Both men lay on their backs exhausted, and with their eyes closed. Both men had accidentally draped an arm over one another....1.......2.......3! [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Your Winner:[/B] Draw due to a double pinfall[/SIZE][/CENTER] Post match, Nash and Sting headed back to the ring, and continued to brawl. They brawled at ringside, with Nash hauling Sting into the steel guardrails. Both Hart and Hall slowly got back to their feet and began duking it out again. DDP ran down to join in the pandamonium, but as he did so so did Bill Goldberg. Before Goldberg though could assist Hart and Sting, he was ambushed by Randy Savage! Rey Mysterio Jr raced down to ringside, and he cut off Diamond Dallas Page before he could make too much of an impact. There was an all in melee surrounding the ring, as Nitro faded to black...
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/thunder.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Quick Picks[/B] WCW Cruiserweight Championship: Psicosis (c) v Curry Man v Hector Garza v 'Wipeout' Evan Karagias WCW Television Championship: 'Your Olympic Hero' Kurt Angle (c) v 'Belfast Bruiser' Fit Finlay 'The Man of 1000 Holds' Dean Malenko v Raven Handicap Match: Scott 'Flash' Norton and Brian Adams v Sting WCW Tag Team Championships: Harlem Heat (c) v Los Vengadores ('The Chairman of WCW' La Parka and Lizmark Jr) 'Big Sexy' Kevin Nash v Bret 'The Hitman' Hart
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I've been a bit too busy to reply, especially as I've skimmed this as of late rather than read it completely and didn't want to leave feedback without giving it the time it deserves. I've finally caught up and I still love it. I think highlight has to be Flair and Regal, it's a great slow build of getting Regal over but if anyone can do it it has to be the Natureboy. I really am starting to accept Jericho as the champion more as of late but one of the best parts of this is Benoit as US Champion. It's perfect booking for him, all he's being asked to do is go out there and having classic matches which suits him down to the ground. So yeah, still really loving it babay.
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Quick Picks WCW Cruiserweight Championship: [B]Psicosis (c)[/B] v Curry Man v Hector Garza v 'Wipeout' Evan Karagias [I]Psicosis slips out the victory.[/I] WCW Television Championship: [B]'Your Olympic Hero' Kurt Angle (c)[/B] v 'Belfast Bruiser' Fit Finlay [I]Angle continues the wins.[/I] [B]'The Man of 1000 Holds' Dean Malenko[/B] v Raven [I]A close battle but Malenko pulls it out.[/I] Handicap Match: Scott 'Flash' Norton and Brian Adams v [B]Sting[/B] [I]Stinger with the handicap win![/I] WCW Tag Team Championships: [B]Harlem Heat (c)[/B] v Los Vengadores ('The Chairman of WCW' La Parka and Lizmark Jr) [I]No way Harlem Heat loses here. Right?[/I] 'Big Sexy' Kevin Nash v Bret 'The Hitman' Hart [I][B]No contest on a draw.[/B][/I]
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Hi Guys I've updated the first post of this dynasty to include a hall of records of sorts. Here I will list Championship changes, including also the number of title reigns that particular title change brought to the wrestler(s). Also it includes a link to all the Pay-Per-Views so that you can go back and click into them without needing to find them. I intend to keep this hall updated because I think one of WCW's key strengths for a long while was it's ability to make numbers of championships etc count, and I think it brought prestige to the belts. [URL=""]This is the location[/URL]
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Thanks mate. I always love looking back at dynasties to see which wrestlers people chose to push, or events that happened at major shows, and with the change to the first post it kind of allows WCW readers to get a feel as to how I've gone with 1998. WCW also used to claim its lineage back to the NWA and up till around probably 1997 it had a major focus on the prestige of the Championships themselves. Sorry for the lack of shows the past few days, I'm reading Bret 'Hitman' Hart's autobiography. At the moment, I rate it up there with 'Superstar' Billy Graham's autobiography. The thing I love about their books out of the wrestling books is their sheer honesty. Bret was certainly no angel and it's interesting to hear him be so critical of himself and various parts of his own family. I found it refreshing compared to the various suck-off biographies from wrestlers that come out from time to time. I'm headed towards the Great American Bash and the Bash at the Beach which for me always marked the midpoint of WCW's run to Starrcade, I'd be interested to know what you guys as readers have thought about this diary, particularly any comparisons to Death of WCW if you were a reader of that as well. Have their been any surprises you've liked, anything you're not happy about etc? I've basically booked up to Starrcade, and also have some ideas for 1999 as well. So provided things don't get on top of me with work, uni, married life, gym etc, this one is probably going to be my longest running diary.
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Guest cmdrsam
The one thign I have learned with you sir, is that you always seem to have a purpose for what you do. I think the last one I majorly disagreed with you on was I think back in Death of WCW when you had Stevie Ray beat Booker for the TV title. But I enjoyed it at the same time because after you explained how and why you did it, it made sence. There are many great writers here on these boards sir. And I mean no offence to anybody else who write WCW themed shows. But I consider you a master of the domain of WCW sir. And again I do not intended that as an insult to anybody at all. I just thought of somethign. I just wander how you would write an AWA show, or a WWF themed show. Just a thought.
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Dude, I love this. You know that, and you also know most of my thoughts on this. Namely I wasn't a fan of the strap going on Jericho but am being sold to it, I love Benoit as US Champion and I think DDP joining the nWo was one of the best things this year on these boards. Compared to DOWCW? it's hard to say. This will always have the disadvantage of being a follow up to a legendary diary and it seems like it should be easy (push the young talent and depush the over the hill veterans in a roster full of both) but it's a lot harder to keep it realistic. You're doing it well and your write ups are consistently entertaining. I can't compare it to DOWCW? because they're both absolutely top notch.
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[QUOTE=The-619;572486]Dude... I made that Souled Out poster on the first post like 2 or 3 years ago when I sucked at Photoshop for some BTB thing where the hell did you find that?[/QUOTE] lol - are you serious? From recollection I pretty much went through one of the image search engines. I had no idea in the world in all honesty where they each individually come from (except I made the Slamboree one, and have for the remainder of '98 made most of them myself). Mate, that poster doesn't suck, I deliberately looked for the poster that said to me what Souled Out '98 was... I actually thought it may have been the official WCW PPV-poster. If it's a problem mate, I can easily take it down... I don't think I've ran into this problem before... If that was when you sucked, I'd loved to see how good you are now, I really liked it.
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[QUOTE=cmdrsam;572434]The one thign I have learned with you sir, is that you always seem to have a purpose for what you do. I think the last one I majorly disagreed with you on was I think back in Death of WCW when you had Stevie Ray beat Booker for the TV title. But I enjoyed it at the same time because after you explained how and why you did it, it made sence. There are many great writers here on these boards sir. And I mean no offence to anybody else who write WCW themed shows. But I consider you a master of the domain of WCW sir. And again I do not intended that as an insult to anybody at all. I just thought of somethign. I just wander how you would write an AWA show, or a WWF themed show. Just a thought.[/QUOTE] Cheers mate. I don't think I could do an AWA show because I never really saw their product. I grew up way down on the bottom of the globe and we only used to get WWF Pay-Per-Views, and then in the mid 1990s to the late 1990s we got WCW Monday Nitro and the Pay-Per-Views (for free I might add ;-) ) With WWF, I could only do it from a Pay-Per-View perspective. I don't think I have enough of an insight into it to do it justice. I really appreciate your comments pal, as always. [QUOTE=keefmoon;573182]Dude, I love this. You know that, and you also know most of my thoughts on this. Namely I wasn't a fan of the strap going on Jericho but am being sold to it, I love Benoit as US Champion and I think DDP joining the nWo was one of the best things this year on these boards. Compared to DOWCW? it's hard to say. This will always have the disadvantage of being a follow up to a legendary diary and it seems like it should be easy (push the young talent and depush the over the hill veterans in a roster full of both) but it's a lot harder to keep it realistic. You're doing it well and your write ups are consistently entertaining. I can't compare it to DOWCW? because they're both absolutely top notch.[/QUOTE] Well I'm glad the Jericho decision is starting to get over... I really believed in it. I don't know if I feel so strongly in it now as I did back then when I wrote it, but like anything even though I love WCW I really still love learning more and more about what happened. It has been interesting reading from Bischoff's perspective, Bret Hart's perspective et al just to understand a bit more about why people were booked the way they were and the general environment. I really do feel as though Bischoff was leveraged by the corporate mergers and the new policies and Turner's overall loss of control... I guess that's the thing that makes this slightly unrealistically as I don't know how much of what I've done I'd get away with. Particularly say the West Hollywood Blondes which as we know Standards and Practices for real canned. For a sports entertainment product where they tried to bring creative storylines in, I think the whole environment from above must have severely limited what could and couldn't happen. I wonder with the limitations whether things like the finger-poke of doom were the WCW-ites way of trying to push the rules knowing that the more edgey storylines they had been developing had basically when ripped out from under them. I guess the only other thing I would have liked to have heard from Bischoff were the long-term storylines he had developed that he could no longer run with, just to see if he was for real or looking for someone to blame. That's the good thing of doing this diary, it was the era that got me reinterested in wrestling (thanks to Sting and his time in the rafters... at high school we were all massive Sting marks), and because of doing this diary I feel I am still learning so much about why things happened, what controls and checks were in place, and what is realistic and what isn't.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/thunder.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] As we tune into TBS, with 'Iron' Mike Tenay, 'American Dream' Dusty Rhodes and .... sadly, 'Stagger' Lee Marshall, we pan around the sold out crowd and see that the usual ring apron is gone, and the tartan is set up. At the top of the show, 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper's bagpipes begin to blare out throughout the arena, and here comes 'Hot-Rod' himself. He walks down in his familiar kilt with the massive grin from ear to ear, as he proceeds to the ring. In the ring two stools are set up. [I]Pomp and Circumstance[/I] begins after Piper enters the ring, and walking down to the set of Piper's Den is 'Macho Man' Randy Savage. He is not accompanied tonight by Miss Elizabeth, and he is without the big wide brimmed green hat, the fancy sunglasses, or the tassled jacket. Tonight it appears 'Macho Man' Randy Savage is back to bare necessities, due to some very serious events in the world of professional wrestling this past Monday night regarding himself and Bill Goldberg. Savage gets in the ring, and takes a microphone, and sits on the stool opposite Piper. "Ya know something Cleveland," Piper begins, "I was always under the impression that I was the master of surprise. You see, I always thought that it was true when I would say... Just when you thought you knew the answer, I would change the questions. But Randy, Randy my boy, aha... You seem to be doing a very good job of that yourself. You see pal, one second back in 1996 you're fighting for WCW at Bash at the Beach, trying to defy the evolution of the New World Order. Next Year, you are their new secret recruit, turning on... Yours truly, to join Hogan! The following year, this year! You defy Hogan and run out on the New World Order. Just when we think you're figured out pal, you then ambush Bill Goldberg... Pal, I want to know something, and these fans want to know something, are you in the New World Order?" Savage turns his head in disbelief at the question from Piper before addressing the situation. "OOOOOH YEAAAAAAHHHH!!! Isn't that question all these fans want to know, yeah? Isn't it the question that even Eric Bischoff himself wants to know? Yeah, I don't need to provide an answer tonight 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper..." "So you're not denying it? You're not denying that you could be pulling one of the slickest swerves in our sport on us.. AGAIN?" "Piper! The balance of power lies right here yeah, in this very ring. I've had history with both WCW and the New World Order, yeah. I truthfully don't believe I need to tell you where I stand, because I believe these fans yeah, they know. They know the madness, yeah. They know about the Macho Man." "But Mach... I've known you since, oh 1984 or so. And 14 years on of sleeping in dumpy hotels with you, of driving up and down the road with you, I still don't understand you." "What's there to understand, yeah.." "Well firstly, what about Bill Goldberg?" "Bill Goldberg? GOLDBERG? Bill Goldberg is the next... Hogan! Hogan! Hogan! Every move he makes, every step he takes, yeah, it's just like I watched all those years ago when a certain Thunderlips took the stage yeah. Everything's the same, why should these fans be put through that misery over and over. Yeah, you see Piper, it doesn't really matter where the Madness lies, whether it's nWo, whether it's WCW, whether it's on his own, whether it's Horsemen, whe... Look, it just doesn't matter yeah! The thing that matters is ... dignity. I let the politics happen once before yeah, but I'm not going to let it happen again. You dig it? I'm not going to stand by and let another coward, another yella belly yeah come in and push another young wrestler into the background, yeah, while they don't realise it now I'm doing this for the Jerichos, the Benoits, the Guerreros, the Ravens of this world dig it. They're all like Randy Savage was yeah, and I'm here to make sure they too don't fall behind..." Savage stands up, glares up at Piper, before slamming his microphone to the mat and storming off. He looks clearly irate with the whole situation, as we cut to a break. [SIZE="5"][B][CENTER]WCW Cruiserweight Championship Psicosis (c) v Curry Man v 'Wipeout' Evan Karagias v Hector Garza[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] [I]He's Hot! He's Spicy! Tastes Great![/I] And he's a heck of an athlete. This young upstart Curry Man wrestled a very fluent and quick match here tonight. Sadly Karagias wasn't on the same page despite having a bit more experience. Hector Garza put on a brief promising spell of offensive wrestling, but it was largely the Japanese indy star Curry Man and Psicosis stealing the show here. Despite Curry Man's promise, the shining light of the Cruiserweight division, the current Champion Psicosis put on a masterclass and after absorbing a rollicking performance from Curry Man ended it with a flying hurricanrana from the top rope. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, and STILL WCW Cruiserweight Champion, Psicosis[/SIZE][/CENTER] Backstage, Kimberly Page is leaning over to sign an autograph for a kid. Standing behind her are the West Hollywood Blondes, whose jaws are dropped. "Wow man..." Lodi says. "Yeah, I know what you mean." "Do you?" "Yeah of course..." "Her hair is to die for!" Both men say in a camp voice at the same time. Walking onto the scene is 'The British Bulldog' Davey Boy Smith and Jim 'The Anvil' Neidhart. Big Jim strokes his goatee... "Yeah baby!" Neidhart exclaims. "You lot aren't right are you?" Smith asks. "Oh goody, big strong, powerful.... bulging men like you," Lenny says. "Haha! I'll tell you what, how about a match... you two, and us at Nitro!" Lenny nods, and Smith and Neidhart walk off. "Girlfriend, I'm totally hooking that leg baby," Lodi says. [CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]WCW Television Championship 'Your Olympic Hero' Kurt Angle (c) v 'The Belfast Bruiser' Fit Finlay[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] The plucky Irishman hasn't had the best of runs lately, which is sad given his mad propensity to brawl. But the turth is, the Television Championship midcard section of WCW is fairly well stacked, and Finlay's skills at the moment don't quite match up. Though Angle is still very green, he's developing a varied arsenal. Chono and Muta walked down from the back, and looked to jump into the ring. With the referee distracted by Fit Finlay, Muta held Angle as Chono lined up the Yakuza Kick. But Angle ducked and Chono collected Muta! Muta rolled out of the ring in agony, as Chono followed him out. Finlay got back in the ring surprised, and while he looked to check on Muta, Angle was able to get in behind him and hit the Olympic Slam. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, and STILL WCW Television Champion, Kurt Angle[/SIZE][/CENTER] Backstage, Bill Goldberg is walking around angrily in the Four Horsemen dressing room. 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair walks up behind and grabs him by the shoulders to turn him around. "Wooooo!! Calm down Gol.." "CALM DOWN? CALM DOWN? CALM DOWN NAITCH?" Goldberg storms off, leaving Flair bemused. [CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]'The Man of 1000 Holds' Dean Malenko v Raven[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] The former Television Champion, and Horsemen, Malenko looked in supreme form tonight, really running the match very smoothly. Raven was being led around by Malenko's experience, although Raven himself is already building a cult following on the dirt sheets for his wrestling skills. After a variety of slams and submission holds, the match got down to a bit of a punch-a-thon. Finally Raven sent Malenko chest first into the corner turnbuckle, Malenko bounced back into the Evenflow DDT! Raven put his feet on the second rope while the pin was being administered to make sure of the victory, although with a move as decisive as the Evenflow it's not really required. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, Raven[/SIZE][/CENTER] Backstage, Kimberly walks back into the nWo dressing room, where just 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho, the WCW World Heavyweight Champion waits. He is sitting on the leather recliner admiring the Championship. "Oh... THAT was very touching. Touching on MY show... Thursday Night.. JERICHO! Seriously, what the hell was that all about?" "What was what all about?" "Look, you stick to signing centrefolds for degenerates rather than sign autographs for fans. The fans are the reason that we need the nWo. Because they worship folks like Ric Flair and... The Giant. But let me tell you something, Kim. While you might sell out the nWo creed, I never..EVVVERRR will. I will defend this cliques honour long into the night. So I've got some advice for you. Learn to understand the nWo and it's ways Kim, and know your job. Your job is to look good, and model high cut bikinis with fabric so thin you could floss with it. My role is to be beautiful, and to be YOUR World Heavyweight Champion. Neither of us sign autographs for the kids, they can do that on the nWo website... For a charge of course. And just like I will never sell out like you just did, I will never...EVVVVERRRRR be defeated. Not even by the Giant." Jericho goes to walk off, but we hear the flush of a toilet, and walking out of the gents is 'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page, with a cigar hanging out of his mouth. "AHHH!!" Jericho shrieks. "Don't you people knock.." "But I was in the mens..." Jericho shakes his head and walks off, as Page looks confused. He clearly did not hear Jericho's comments. [CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]Handicap Match Brian Adams and Scott 'Flash' Norton v Sting[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] The Stinger was up to his eye balls in terms of what he had standing in front of him. Two goliaths from the New World Order. Two rippling musclemen who loved nothing more than causing pain. Sting was outnumbered, he was outpowered. He was on a hiding to nothing. But never tell this wrestler when to quit, he simply doesn't know how to. His life is devoted to ending the nWo, and so quitting now would be something very foreign to him. And despite Adams and Norton double teaming him endlessly, Sting got the Scorpion Death Drop in on Norton after throwing Adams over the top rope to get a quick pinfall for the victory. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, Sting[/SIZE][/CENTER] In the parking lot, Raven pounds on the roof of a Chevvy. Inside the car is Billy Kidman, who is turning over the ignition... in a futile fashion. "You will never escape me Billy. Never! Why would I let you go? What's in it for me? What about Raven?" Finally Kidman's ignition ticked over and he fled from the arena. "Just recently guys, Harlem Heat won their 8th Tag Team Championships," Mike Tenay announces. "Tonight, they put those titles on the line against the exuberant team of La Parka and Lizmark Jr." "If you weeeeeel Mike Tunay," Rhodes adds, "This should be a grippin match." "And it's up next, live on TBS, on Thunder!" [CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]WCW Tag Team Championships Harlem Heat (c) v Los Vengadores ('The Chairman of WCW' La Parka and Lizmark Jr)[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] Who were the wise men kidding? Announcing this as a serious challenge was as disappointing and misleading as figuring out that Deep Throat the version you got to see was about a Watergate informant. This was a job-a-thon. Save for a little bit of chair dancing showmanship from the ever impressive cult figure La Parka, it was always going to be a dominant performance from Harlem Heat. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Your Winners:[/B] Via pinfall, and STILL WCW Tag Team Champions, Harlem Heat[/SIZE][/CENTER] Backstage, 'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit is leaving with 'The Man of 1000 Holds' Dean Malenko. They're both suited up to the nines to hit the town Horsemen style. Suddenly a kid comes out from the lobby area and asks for an autograph, leaving Malenko to walk off without Benoit. Benoit signs the autograph, and then walks through the arena doors to the carpark. A light flickers on, revealing the face of the suspended Eddie Guerrero. "What's the matter papi? Esse you're too scared? If you're not scared esse, how about a street fight... Right here, right now holmes. You and me. A preview of the Great American Bash.." Benoit shakes his head and continues to walk off. "That's right Chris, you continue to walk off. I know the truth, I know the truth esse. And I won't be afraid to tell all about.... You know, esse." Benoit turns to confront Guerrero, who puts his hands up. "Oh esse, you wouldn't touch me now holmes. I'm not ready, and out here in public, if you hit me I could charge you with... you know, esse." "Fine Eddie, why don't you step back through that curtain now, and I'll choke you out... RIGHT HERE, TONIGHT!" "Oh but holmes, papi, your ... Enforcer... he's suspended me. I think he's suspended me to protect you esse, but your time will come. Not only will I get your Championship esse, but one day, maybe now, maybe later holmes... One day, your secret will come out... Ciao holmes..." Backstage, we cut to 'Mean' Gene Okerlund who has with him the WCW World Heavyweight Champion, 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho. "Alright guys, I have with me 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho. Chris, it appears lately you've made me some rather disparaging remarks about the Giant." "The Giant? There's more Gene, have you ever seen my Mexican jumping bean impersonation? Talk about one freak to ano.." Just then, both the Giant and Rey Mysterio Jr walk onto the scene, and 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho takes shelter behind 'Mean' Gene. "Chris," the Giant's very deep voice breaks outs, "This man here... He's twice the man you are. And tonight, I guarantee you're going to find out about that." The Giant peers over the top of Okerlund as Jericho bends at the knees to protect himself, before the Giant smiles and walks off with Rey Mysterio beside him. [CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]'Big Sexy' Kevin Nash v Bret 'The Hitman' Hart[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] The main event of the evening. Two former WWF Champions. Both were mooted to be in the original nWo, but Hart was not attained. Some deny that now, but the rumours around Bret Hart at the time were furiously written. A massive, tall giant of a man against the best technical wrestler in the world. A man who prides himself on wrestling excellence. The son of the great Stu Hart, owner of Stampede Wrestling itself. Hart and Nash fought very different styles here, the laborious slow pace of Nash against the slightly quicker, but not excessively quick storytelling pace of Bret Hart. Hart relied more on quick submissions to bring the big man to the mat and where him down, he also tried to work him around the ring. But Nash's power was evident. Hart finally got Nash down, and looked to be setting up for the Sharpshooter, but as he tried to whip Nash's legs around, he kicked Hart off chest first into the top turnbuckle. Hart stumbled back, and Nash low blowed Hart. He put something back down in his tights, and on closer inspection it looked to be a set of brass knucks. With Hart in obvious agony, Nash was able to take him up and drop him on the point of his skull with the Jack-Knife to claim a moralless victory. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, Kevin Nash[/SIZE][/CENTER] Scott Hall raced down with a spraycan, and they pulled on the pink tights of Bret Hart to expose his back. They started spraying, but before they could finish, Hall could feel in the small of his back the black baseball bat of Sting, who had descended from the rafters. Hall freaked out and left the ring. Nash though grabbed the bat and snapped it in half! Sting though stood defiant, without fear of Nash, but Hall came around the other side of the ring to grab hold of Sting! Sting kept fighting back, but Nash appeared set to Jack-knife him too. But before he could, the speedy little Rey Mysterio Jr raced down to the ring and clipped the knees of 'Big Kev' and before Hall could even think about getting involved again, the massive frame of the Giant was in the ring, and Hall decided that discretion was the better part of valour!
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/mondaynitro.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Quick Picks[/B] WCW Television Championship: 'Your Olympic Hero' Kurt Angle (c) v Hiriyoshi Tenzan Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell v 'The Man of 1000 Holds' Dean Malenko West Hollywood Blondes v Jim 'The Anvil' Neidhart and 'The British Bulldog' Davey Boy Smith Silver King and Latin Passion (Juventud Guerrera and Hector Garza) v Los Vengadores ('The Chairman of WCW' La Parka and Lizmark Jr) and Billy Kidman WCW Cruiserweight Championship: Psicosis (c) v 'Cutback' Lash Le Roux 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair v Brian Adams WCW United States Championship: 'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit (c) v 'Total Package' Lex Luger WCW World Heavyweight Champion 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho and 'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page v The Giant and Rey Mysterio Jr
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[QUOTE=tristram;573303]lol - are you serious? From recollection I pretty much went through one of the image search engines. I had no idea in the world in all honesty where they each individually come from (except I made the Slamboree one, and have for the remainder of '98 made most of them myself). Mate, that poster doesn't suck, I deliberately looked for the poster that said to me what Souled Out '98 was... I actually thought it may have been the official WCW PPV-poster. If it's a problem mate, I can easily take it down... I don't think I've ran into this problem before... If that was when you sucked, I'd loved to see how good you are now, I really liked it.[/QUOTE] Yeah I am serious, didn't think it'd be in an image search engine. But nah it's cool you can keep it up I was just pretty shocked to see that from my old BTB years ago. And as for Photoshop I haven't really used it in about a year but I did improve alot after I made that poster. I might get to reading this BTB later on if I have more spare time on my hands, the reason I started a 1998 WCW one a couple of years ago was cause I have all the 97 Nitro episodes on dvd and wanted to make one on that so this should be interesting.
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Quick Picks WCW Television Championship: [B]'Your Olympic Hero' Kurt Angle (c)[/B] v Hiriyoshi Tenzan [I]Olympic Slam continues the build for Kurt Angle.[/I] Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell v [B]'The Man of 1000 Holds' Dean Malenko[/B] [I]Malenko's GOTTA win this one....right?[/I] [B]West Hollywood Blondes[/B] v Jim 'The Anvil' Neidhart and 'The British Bulldog' Davey Boy Smith [I]As much as I don't want to pick them it just seems to fit.[/I] Silver King and Latin Passion (Juventud Guerrera and Hector Garza) v [B]Los Vengadores ('The Chairman of WCW' La Parka and Lizmark Jr) and Billy Kidman[/B] [I]The International portion of Nitro ends in a chairshot![/I] WCW Cruiserweight Championship: [B]Psicosis[/B] (c) v 'Cutback' Lash Le Roux [I]The Champ retains.[/I] [B]'Nature Boy' Ric Flair[/B] v Brian Adams [I]Whoooooo![/I] WCW United States Championship: [B]'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit (c)[/B] v 'Total Package' Lex Luger [I]A hard-fought victory for Benoit.[/I] WCW World Heavyweight Champion [B]'Lionheart' Chris Jericho and 'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page[/B] v The Giant and Rey Mysterio Jr [I]Either Jericho sneaks out the victory here by pinning Rey or the heels leave the ring and take the countout. I'm going with the first.[/I]
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