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WCW 1998: A prequel to "Death of WCW"

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Great Thunder to set up the pay-per-view. You got my money! lol. [B]Rey Mysterio Jr and Chavo Guerrero Jr[/B] v 'K-Dawg' Konnan and Curt Hennig [I]Rey Rey and Chavo continue their winning ways.[/I] WCW Cruiserweight Championship: Psicosis (c) v [B]Jushin 'Thunder' Lyger[/B] [I]Could Jushin Thunder Lyger be the man to finally take down Psicosis? Either way, a 4-5 star match![/I] WCW Television Championship: [B]'The Man of 1000 Holds' Dean Malenko (c)[/B] v Eddie Guerrero [I]Malenko takes care of business.[/I] WCW Tag Team Championships: Harlem Heat (c) v [B]'The British Bulldog' Davey Boy Smith and Jim 'The Anvil' Neidhart[/B] [I]New Champs tonight![/I] [B]'Nature Boy' Ric Flair[/B] v Eric Bischoff [I]It's blasphemy to pick against the Nature Boy! Whooooo![/I] Bret 'The Hitman' Hart v [B]Sting[/B] [I]Never was a huge Bret Hart fan. Though this match could end up in a draw as well.[/I] Scott 'Flash' Norton and Brian Adams v [B]The Outsiders[/B] [I]Outsiders are the better team.[/I] 'Macho Man' Randy Savage v [B]'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page[/B] [I]Savage never sees it coming.......................BANG![/I] WCW World Heavyweight Championship: [B]'Lionheart' Chris Jericho (c)[/B] v 'Total Package' Lex Luger [I]Jericho has a future ahead of him while for Luger the future is now. But Luger still doesn't get the job done.[/I]
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Rey Mysterio Jr and Chavo Guerrero Jr v [B]'K-Dawg' Konnan and Curt Hennig[/B] WCW Cruiserweight Championship: Psicosis (c) v [B]Jushin 'Thunder' Lyger[/B] WCW Television Championship: [B]'The Man of 1000 Holds' Dean Malenko (c)[/B] v Eddie Guerrero WCW Tag Team Championships: Harlem Heat (c) v [B]'The British Bulldog' Davey Boy Smith and Jim 'The Anvil' Neidhart[/B] [B]'Nature Boy' Ric Flair[/B] v Eric Bischoff [B]Bret 'The Hitman' Hart[/B] v Sting Scott 'Flash' Norton and Brian Adams v [B]The Outsiders[/B] 'Macho Man' Randy Savage v [B]'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page[/B] WCW World Heavyweight Championship: [B]'Lionheart' Chris Jericho (c)[/B] v 'Total Package' Lex Luger
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/bashatthebeach.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]Tonight's Celeb-O-Meter marks a true humanitarian of yester-year. A man who so brazenly said that slaves should be emancipated. Sacre bleu! It was so outrageous for the time that such was the disgust of certain rebels towards him that that fatherly figure to a nation was assassinated by the swine John Wilkes Booth. On today, 2nd July, it was the 2nd day of fighting in the decisive Gettysburg Battle. And a few months later, at the site, this figure cited the following:- [CENTER][I]Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation, so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate...we can not consecrate...we can not hallow this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us—that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion—that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain—that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government: of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.[/I][/CENTER] Today's Celeb-O-Meter acknowledges ... Abraham Lincoln, 16th President of the United States. A revolutionary of his time who lived too brief a time, facing the ultimate sacrifice for the morals we hold dear today. [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Abraham-Lincoln.jpg[/IMG][/QUOTE] After we pan around the especially constructed beach side set here in the sold out Ocean Center in Daytona Beach, Florida, we cut to the three wise men, Tony Schiavone, Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan and 'Iron' Mike Tenay who are dressed in floral beach shirts... Can Tony PULLLEAASSSEEE go and change, it clearly does not suit a man of his shapely nature. "Hello fans, and welcome to WCW/nWo Bash at the Beach. I'm Tony Schiavone, and joining me live on Pay-Per-View, in sunny Daytona Beach Florida is Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan and of course 'Iron' Mike Tenay, and guys, Bash at the Beach is truly the Pay-Per-View that revolutionises professional wrestling as we know it. Firstly back in 1996 it was the scene of the infamous turn of he-who-shall-not-be-named, as per the decree of the WCW Board of Directors, who joined the New World Order in the most shocking incident in professional wrestling, and then in 1997, do you remember what it was Bobby?" "Yes I do," Heenan announces. "It was when you nearly blinded the fans at home with a custard tart shirt. Those hameneggers had no idea what hit them." "No, no, Bobby, that's not quite it. In 1997 of course ... Rodzilla, the major crossover star..." "He's a cross something star.." Heenan chimes in. "Wrestled in the main event," Schiavone finishes. "Tony, Bobby, that's the great thing about the Bash at the Beach," Tenay comments. "It's like the legendary movie character Forrest Gump says, you never know what you're going to get..." [CENTER].....[/CENTER] We cut backstage, where 'The American Dream' Dusty Rhodes is on assignment, and he enters the office of 'Easy E' Eric Bischoff. Bischoff is just getting off the phone, as Rhodes waddles in. "Weeeelll, if you weeeeeeeelll, we are live and in kulah daddy..." "Yes we are, Dusty. God, I love this job. You see tonight Dust, I have a special surprise. You see, the tag team match between Rey Mysterio Jr and Chavo Guerrero Jr against the nWo team of Konnan and Curt Hennig will be a qualification match..." "A qwalifac... a qwawifying match... For what?" Rhodes asks. "For a shot at the WCW World Tag Team Championships, anytime they want it. Oh and if you think that's a surprise, wait till later tonight. Tonight we take a man who was once alone in misery and make him the franchise cornerstone of the nWo. The deal is done Dust, now if you don't mind, I have some more calls to make..." [CENTER]....[/CENTER] "Oh my goodness," Schiavone remarks. "Who could he be talking about? Could it be who I think it is..?" "I don't think it's Webster, Tony," replies Bobby Heenan... [CENTER].....[/CENTER] A video plays highlighting the feud between 'Total Package' Lex Luger and WCW World Heavyweight Champion 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho, which will culminate in a World Heavyweight Championship match later tonight. [LIST] [*]We see Luger nearly defy all odds at Uncensored 1997 before Randy Savage criminally robs WCW and allows Hogan to cheat to get a victory for team nWo [*]We see Luger defeat Hulk Hogan on a Monday Nitro show despite constant interference [*]We see Hulk Hogan defeat Lex Luger after interference at Road Wild 1997 [*]We see how close the Giant came to usurping Chris Jericho as WCW World Heavyweight Champion, twice, only to be robbed by the nWo and some dispicable tactics by Jericho [*]We see Luger running into not only save the Giant, but also to prevent another superstar suffer the same crippling fate as he did [*]We see the many run ins between Luger and Jericho since the initial contact, and how this has all led to a World Heavyweight Championship match, tonight, on Pay-Per-View [/LIST] [CENTER]....[/CENTER] Backstage, 'Mean' Gene Okerlund stands by with Bret 'The Hitman' Hart, who stands by in his leather jacket, and his pink sunshades covering his eyes. "Alright guys, I thank you," Okerlund begins. "Tonight, Bret Hart, you go one on one with Sting. A man who has stood as the defender of all that is honourable here in WCW, a man who you think is deceitful, yet whose actions have never indicated as s.." "His actions have never indicated as such? Gene, where have you been? He clearly elbowed me to the head at the Great American Bash. It's clear he has had a problem with me since day one, after all, I'm taking his mantle as the defender of WCW." "In all due fairness Bret Hart, that is a moot point. It seems to be you two are so similar that it has built tension from you, and the accidental elbow has only served as as a weapon for you to use to open up a match with Sting." "Whatever you want to think, Gene. Its not aboooooooot me, its all about Sting. Its all aboooooooot integrity, honour, being true to who you say you are. You see, thats the difference between Sting and I, Gene, I am who I say I am. I say I'm the Excellence of Execution, tonight I'll go out and prove it. I say I'm the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be, tonight... tonight.... I prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt. You see Gene, I'm sick of being screwed, but at least others didn't hide behind a veil. Its like I'm wrestling with shadows Gene, but tonight, I remove one of those shadows and reaffirm why I'm the best there ever will be!" [CENTER]....[/CENTER] [QUOTE][CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]For the Right to Challenge for the WCW World Tag Team Championships [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Konnan10.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/CurtHennig7.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/vshf9.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/ReyMysterio2copy.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/ChavoGuerreroJr1999.jpg[/IMG] 'K-Dawg' Konnan and Curt Hennig v Rey Mysterio Jr and Chavo Guerrero Jr[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] Konnan and Curt Hennig were extremely confident for this one, it was as if they have prior warning that tonight's match was for a shot at the World Tag Team Championships, and they seemed to seek comfort from that. Konnan's arrogance though got the better of him, and soon enough he was fending off a number of quick attacks from Rey Mysterio Jr, before Curt Hennig entered the ring to clothesline Rey and stop the fast paced pandamonium. Chavo tried to get in to assist, but referee Mickey Jay stopped him from getting involved. Rey kept getting cut off and worked over by Konnan and Hennig who tagged fluently and well. After surviving numerous pinfall attempts, and after being put into a perilous sleeper from Curt Hennig, Rey was able to rally with the support of the crowd and get Chavo in, who hit some snappy offence on both Hennig and Konnan, before clearing Hennig out of the ring. As Rick Rude went to help Hennig up, Rey charged through the ring and over the top rope with a suicide plancha, leaving Konnan delirious and groggy and finally finished off by Chavo with the Tornado DDT. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Result:[/B] Your winners, Rey Mysterio Jr and Chavo Guerrero Jr[/SIZE][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Abraham-Lincoln.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Abraham-Lincoln.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Abraham-Lincoln-1.jpg[/IMG][/QUOTE] A video is played highlighting the phenomenal career of Jushin Lyger: [LIST] [*]How Jushin was denied a wrestling license with NJPW because he was too short [*]Living off food scraps and charity, he began to learn the trade in Mexico [*]He trained in the Hart Dungeon [*]Many time IGWP Junior Heavyweight Champion [*]Survived brain tumour surgery in 1996 [*]Wrestled in the very first match in Nitro history against 'Flyin' Brian Pillman [*]Winner of the prestigious 5 Star Match award from Wrestling Observer Magazine 1994 [*]Voted Best Flying Wrestling 5 consecutive years, best technical wrestler 4 consecutive years [*]The second ever WCW Lightweight Champion [/LIST] [CENTER]....[/CENTER] [QUOTE][CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]WCW Cruiserweight Championship [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/PsicosisMask.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/vshf9.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/JushinLiger.jpg[/IMG] Psicosis (c) v Jushin 'Thunder' Lyger[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] Psicosis was stunned by the sudden re-emergence of the premier cruiserweight superstar of the 1990s, Jushin Lyger, at a recent cruiserweight contenders invitational battle royale. Most have been thrilled to see the legend return, but not Psicosis who has apprehensively guarded his cherished championship with his life. Psicosis has been in career best form, and has proven to the world that he is capable of turning the amazing potential into conviction and performance with a steady procession of classy victories. This though was Psicosis' best defence, and possibly his best match in WCW. He's been involved in some roaring matches, but this time it just all clicked. The chemistry with Jushin Lyger is absolutely electric. The pace at times was frenetic, although Jushin is no longer a spot monkey, but someone with real psychological wrestling disciplines. After numerous near falls, and numerous planchas and moonsaults to the outside from Psicosis, the great Championship run of Psicosis came to a tumultuous end when as he attempted a swinging neckbreaker, Lyger thrust him off, whipped him into the ropes and hit a startling drop kick. Lyger's martial arts experience allowed the kick to hit sweet, and with Psicosis groggy planted him with his brainbuster. With Psicosis basically out, Lyger headed to the top and hit his amazing Shooting Star Press, gaining the pinfall, and another championship! [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Result:[/B] Your winner, and NEW WCW Cruiserweight Champion, Psicosis[/SIZE][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Abraham-Lincoln.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Abraham-Lincoln.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Abraham-Lincoln.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Abraham-Lincoln.jpg[/IMG][/QUOTE] We cut backstage where 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair is addressing the Four Horsemen, ironically, in the Four Horsemen dressing room. There seated are 'The Enforcer' Arn Anderson, Bill Goldberg, WCW Television Champion 'The Man of 1000 Holds' Dean Malenko and 'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit, the United States Champion. The iconic Charlotte superstar was in a red sequined robe, as he slicked back his fabled blond hair. "WOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Tonight! Tonight Horsemen, tonight is Bash at the ... WOOOOOOOOO ... Beach! They talk about Bash at the Beach being the event that changes the world. And tonight... Tonight! WOOOOOOOOOOO!!! The Horsemen party. Tonight we style, we profile, tonight, we turn back all the adversities and recement WCW and the Four Horsemen as the icon of professional wrestling. Tonight, we prove once and for all... Diamonds are Forever... and so is... the Four Horsemen! Tonight, Eric Bischoff, you asked me to kill the Horsemen, you asked me to disband the Horsemen. Disband... the... Horsemen? No way pal, you... You're a coward. And tonight... WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO... tonight, you find out why I'm the dirtiest player in the game, brother. Tonight is a TRUE Horsemen party! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" [QUOTE][CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]WCW Television Championship [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/DeanMalenko.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/vshf9.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/EddyGuerrero2.jpg[/IMG] 'The Man of 1000 Holds' Dean Malenko (c) v Eddie Guerrero[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] At the start of the match, Eddie is looking extremely arrogant and confident. HE gets up in Malenko's face and begins paint brushing the stoic Horsemen, who responds by kicking Guerrero straight under the ribs, sending him into the corner and issuing a 10 count flurry of punches to Guerrero's head. From there, Malenko began to grind Guerrero to the mat, executing a host of classic mat moves, designed to limit Guerrero's ability to get to the top rope and fly with the patented Frog Splash. Soon enough though, Guerrero turned the tides with an eye rake. Malenko was practically blinded, and Guerrero took full control. He began working over Malenko with some crisp Russian Legsweeps, neckbreakers, innovative German Suplexes with bridging pinning predicaments, and high vertical suplexes. He went for numerous pin attempts, but every time Malenko had an answer. He even tried Malenko's own Texas Cloverleaf, but Malenko was able to break free, and then the two exchanged a fluent criss cross of chain wrestling, exchanging momentum and ascendency backwards and forth for a minute or so, an exchange that had both men pause at the end almost in acknowledgement of each other. The crowd piped up as they almost demanded their superlatives. Eddie Guerrero charged again, but Malenko stepped outside the rope and Guerrero stopped short. However he was able to bring Malenko back in the hard way with a high vertical suplex. With Malenko having hit the mat hard, Guerrero went to the top. Slowly, but surely, shrugging off the injuries inflicted earlier by Malenko's attack, Guerrero flew, but Malenko was able to get his knees up. With both men down, the referee administered a 10 count, but both men stumbled to their feet at about 8. The two exchanged sloppy punches, before exchanging a loose criss cross chain wrestling exchange that didn't quite parralel their earlier attempts. Malenko went for a cross body, but Guerrero caught him, however Malenko rolled through and attempted to pin in an inside cradle, but Guerrero got loose at two, and then rolled through and had the power over Malenko. With Guerrero's boots on the second rope, the referee counted...1....2....3! Malenko was outdone by Guerrero's use of the ropes, and we have a new Champion! [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Result:[/B] Your winner, and NEW WCW Television Champion, Eddie Guerrero[/SIZE][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Abraham-Lincoln.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Abraham-Lincoln.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Abraham-Lincoln.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Abraham-Lincoln.jpg[/IMG][/QUOTE] Near the Gorilla position, Rey Mysterio Jr and Chavo Guerrero Jr are watching the action on a small monitor, as Harlem Heat pass by them. Chavo grins in ascending arrogance, but the much more powerful Harlem Heat just shrug them off and continue their walk to the ring. [QUOTE][CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]WCW World Tag Team Championships [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/BookerT1999.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/StevieRay.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/vshf9.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Davey_Boy_Smith5-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Jim_Neidhart2.jpg[/IMG] Harlem Heat (c) v 'The British Bulldog' Davey Boy Smith and Jim 'The Anvil' Neidhart[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] This was the disappointment of the night. This match just wasn't up to the standards of the other matches. It was slow, cumbersome, and it was quite long for a match with no real high points. Harlem Heat seemed to dominate from start to finish, with slight fightbacks from Davey Boy and Neidhart, but at the end of the day a woeful Pay-Per-View match was ended with the Harlem Hangover for the pinfall from Booker T. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Result:[/B] Your winners, and still WCW Tag Team Champions, Harlem Heat[/SIZE][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Abraham-Lincoln-1.jpg[/IMG][/QUOTE] After the match, the fatigued Harlem Heat duo held aloft their Championships, but as they looked to disembark from the ring, the fast paced latino music of Rey Mysterio Jr hit, and out came Chavo Guerrero Jr with Rey. Both men motioned for the belts to be around their waists, as they ran to the ring and indicated to Charles Robinson that they were officially lodging their challenge for the Championships, now! Harlem Heat protested in defiance, but Charles Robinson shrugged his shoulders and signalled for the bell. [QUOTE][CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]WCW Tag Team Championships [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/BookerT1999.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/StevieRay.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/vshf9.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/ReyMysterio2copy.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/ChavoGuerreroJr1999.jpg[/IMG] Harlem Heat (c) v Rey Mysterio Jr and Chavo Guerrero Jr[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] An infinitely better match this time, as Rey and Chavo immediately took the attack to a stunned and bewildered Harlem Heat. The experienced Champions sought the safety of the outside, but as they did it just invited Rey and Chavo to leap over the top and hit flying cross bodies to the outside. Rey and Chavo continued the quick paced assault, but their tenacity was halted when Booker T and Stevie Ray countered an irish whip on the outside, to send both Rey and Chavo back into each other. From there, Harlem Heat slowed the pace down from helter skelter to medium on the pace scale. They encouraged quick tags and kept cutting the ring off for Chavo Guerrero, the legal man. Rey tried to help out on a couple of occasions, but Charles Robinson quickly stopped him from coming in, blindly allowing Stevie Ray and Booker T to get in and out of the ring without legal tags. The crowd got behind Chavo, but a few muted comebacks were stopped quickly particularly by the powerful Stevie Ray. They continued to work him over in the corner, before Stevie Ray made the fatal error of irish whipping Chavo across the ring, Chavo slid between the legs of Stevie, sprung to his feet and hit a double feet drop kick to the back of Stevie Ray, followed by a quick leg sweep to bring the big man to the mat. With Stevie down, Chavo began to scramble to the corner, but Stevie caught him by the boot, but Chavo then kicked him to the head and got the hot tag to Rey Mysterio Jr. Booker ran in, and missed with a clothesline, as Rey quickly took him down by attacking the legs. Soon enough it was 2 on 2 pandamonium, before Chavo clotheslined Booker out of the ring, with both men hitting the ground hard on the outside. This left Stevie and Chavo, Stevie went for a wild clothesline, but Chavo ducked and hit a standing side kick to the head of Stevie Ray. With Stevie down, Chavo went to the top. As he climbed, Booker tried to stop him from the outside, but Rey pulled him back and then sent him into the steel barricades at ringside, with Booker being caught with his middrift in an awkward position over the steel barricades. Slowly Stevie got up, and was hit with the Tornado DDT....1.......2.......WE HAVE NEW CHAMPIONS! [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Result:[/B] Your winners, via pinfall and NEW WCW Tag Team Champions, Rey Mysterio Jr and Chavo Guerrero Jr[/SIZE][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Abraham-Lincoln.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Abraham-Lincoln.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Abraham-Lincoln-1.jpg[/IMG][/QUOTE] Rey and Chavo quickly grab the Championships, and race out of the ring, as Stevie Ray and Booker T finally reassemble in the ring, and look on in absolute disbelief that they've had their Championships taken from them in an extremely controversial manner. Booker T and Stevie Ray begin to corner Charles Robinson who allowed the match to go ahead, but before they can truly assault the referee Doug Dillenger and the fun-police drop their usual removal of funny ringside posters to assist Charles Robinson from a rather ominous situation. [QUOTE][SIZE="5"][B][CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/EricBischoff01.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/vshf9.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/RicFlair9.jpg[/IMG] 'Easy E' Eric Bischoff v 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] Before the match started, Flair strutted, he signalled the 4 fingers of the Horsemen, and in those mere actions, he had this crowd on their feet. Eric Bischoff on the other hand hammed it up, he is the corporate suit everyone loves to hate. From the start of the match, Flair dominated. His veteran status was teaching the pasty faced Bischoff a lesson in domination. Flair seemed to be enjoying himself, before Vincent began to distract Scott Dickenson from the apron. With Dickenson distracted, Bischoff was able to ....accidentally.... hit a stumbling elbow to Dickenson, which sent the referee to the mat. At the top of the ramp, Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell, 'K-Dawg' Konnan, Curt Hennig and 'Big Sexy' Kevin Nash came charging to the ring. Flair saw what was coming, and was moritifed to see Daytona Beach's finest police officers standing guard at the top of the ramp as Malenko, Benoit and Goldberg attempted to get to the ring to even things up. The match quickly became a farce, as Nash hit a crippling Power-Bomb on Flair after Flair valiantly tried to fight them all off. Vincent paint brushed Scott Dickenson, as Bischoff hooked the leg. A groggy Dickenson rolled over...1.................2..........................3. What a disgrace. An absolute disgrace. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Result:[/B] Your winner, Eric Bischoff[/SIZE][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Abraham-Lincoln-1.jpg[/IMG][/QUOTE] Post match, David Penzer had his microphone snatched, as the nWo cowards stood towering behind 'Easy E' Eric Bischoff, who celebrated and hugged the cowards. "God, I love this place, I love this job, and I...love....you! Thank you for all making me feel so great, I...I don't know what to say having just beaten a thirteen time... THIRTEEN time... World .... Heavyweight.... Champion. I stand here before you wondering what's next? What else is there to achieve in my wrestling career? I feel like retiring, there's no better time to retire than when you are at the top of the game, like I am tonight. But now,... Ric.... that'd be cowardly. That'd be like... ducking the world of professional wrestling to attend your son's college sports festival instead of doing as you're obligated to do for all these professional wrestling fans. Ric, you know what I'm talking about, pal. So here's what I'm going to do, I'm going to assure you Ric Flair, that by the end of 1998, not only will you be retired, but the Four Horsemen will...truly...God I love this.... be Dead! WOOOO to you too!" [QUOTE][SIZE="5"][B][CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Sting.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/vshf9.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/BretHart6.jpg[/IMG] Sting v Bret 'The Hitman' Hart[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] At the start of the match, after both men circled the ring, Hart and Sting moved to the centre of the ring, and amazingly Bret Hart offered his right hand to Sting. "This is amazing! This is truly amazing!" "It was a set up," Bobby Heenan calls. "These hameneggers truly do respect each other." Sting looked to the fans, and nodded his head before putting out his right hand but as he did Bret Hart grabbed it and wrenched it into a hammerlock, pushing Sting chest first into the corner. It was a ploy, a deceitful ploy, and Hart loved every second of it. He turned to the crowd, arms extended, as the crowd booed him with vociferous intent. Sting though came back hard at Hart, and the two exchanged a crippling exchange of punches in the middle of the ring, before Hart whipped Sting into the ropes, but Sting hit Hart hard with a cross body block. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! He wailed out to the crowd. Perhaps this match means more to him even than Hogan at Starrcade '97? Sting is up for this one. Backwards and forth this match went, with clinical precision, and excellence in ring psychology. The intent of disapproval from both men was amazing, and a few of the spots they went through where both men went for the same move in chain wrestling spots highlighting how similar wrestlers Hart and Sting are. Both men brawled to the outside, as Nick Patrick kept a very loose 10 count, allowing both men to brawl up the aisle, before Hart threw Sting into the steel barricades. Over the barricades they went, as the fighting carried on into the crowd in unprecedented fashion for WCW fans. Security kept the rabid fans at harms length as rights and lefts reigned supreme. Finally Hart raked at the eyes of Sting to gain ascendency before grabbing him by the hair and throwing him head first into the steel barricades. Hart grabbed the legend's right ankle and dropped his entire body weight over it, before wrenching it against the steel barricade. Referee Nick Patrick ordered both men to go to the ring, but both men seemed angry at Patrick's request, which made the talismatic referee controversially allow the carnage to continue. With carte blanche called, Hart took Sting to the top of the entrance ramp and sent Sting head first into a set surfboard, before irish whipping Sting into a mock beach guard high chair. Before Hart could continue the onslaught, Sting was able to kick him in the chest, and regain ascendency. To show Sting's level of anger, he grabbed a camera production cord and wrapped it around Hart's neck, and proceeded to attempt to strangle him! After it appeared Sting was not responding to Nick PAtrick's warnings, security had to make a quick and hasty save for Hart, giving him just enough time to get free. Once Hart was free, after he had finished coughing his lungs up, he grabbed some loose sand from the set and threw it into the eyes of Sting. Nick Patrick by now had seen enough and ordered both men to the ring, otherwise they would face official WCW sanctions Tony Schiavone announced. Sting and Hart hauled each other by their hair back to the ring, and began throwing haymakers again. Hart sent Sting into the corner and then tried a standing 10 count, but Sting grabbed him, thrust him in the corner and proceeded to thrust 10 punches to the head of Hart. With Hart staggered, Sting went for a STINGER SPLASH! But the veteran Hart moved, and Sting went chestfirst into the ring post. With Sting staggered, Bret Hart dropped to the outside and hooked up a figure four leg lock around the ring post, wrenching wretchedly at the leg of Sting. Sting was in agony, but refused to give in, and finally, finally, finally Nick Patrick registered that it was an illegal hold and got Hart to release the hold. Hart then grabbed Sting's right leg and massacred it around the ring post, before jumping on the apron and dropping an elbow over the prey leg of Sting as Hart dropped to the floor. With Sting in merciless pain, Hart went back in the ring and picked Sting up and dumped him with a body slam. Hart dominated the next couple of minutes, before putting Sting in a sleeper hold. The crowd began getting behind Sting, who finally got their vibe and powered his way out. He was limping badly as he ran into the ropes and had not enough power to go for a cross body block, and Hart was able to instead hit a forward russian legsweep. Hart signalled it was time for the Sharpshooter, but as he went to go to the ropes to drop an elbow from the second rope, Sting grabbed him by the boot and hauled him to the ground. He stomped rabidly at the middrift of Hart, before putting on the SCORPION DEATHLOCK! He had it held back, arched back hard. Hart was in agony, but refused to give in. Finally after over a minute, Hart was able to get himself to the rope, and break the hold. Hart rolled to the outside clutching at his knee, before Sting went to the outside and hauled him back in. Before Sting could take advantage though, Hart hit a low blow and inside cradled Sting...1...2... Kick out. Hart rolled back to the outside and seemed to be going inside his trunks, and this time it was not for a funky good time. When he got back in the ring, Sting sent him into the ropes, and as Hart went for a cross body block his right hand hit the head of Sting who went down hard. Bret Hart stuffed the object back into his trunks, with the referee oblivious, and with Sting savagely knocked out cold, Hart covered....1...2....no not this way.....3. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Result:[/B] Your winner, Bret Hart[/SIZE][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Abraham-Lincoln.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Abraham-Lincoln.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Abraham-Lincoln.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Abraham-Lincoln-1.jpg[/IMG][/QUOTE] Backstage, 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair, with a crimson face full of blood, was throwing around steel chairs in the catering area, as 'Mean' Gene Okerlund went to check on the legendary Flair. "Ric... Ric... You must stop this chaos.." "Stop?! STOP!? STOP?! Mean BY GOD GENE! This is just the beginning, pal. Bischoff, the coward, he may have won the battle, but I guarantee, I will win the war...." Flair dropped his sequined robe and began stomping on in it in a manaical haze, as Doug Dillenger and the fun police descended on the scene. [QUOTE][CENTER][SIZE="5"][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/ScottNorton.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Brian_Adams.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/vshf9.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/KevinNash4.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/ScottHall9.jpg[/IMG] [B]Scott 'Flash' Norton and Brian Adams v The Outsiders[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] Not a particularly good match, it was slow, it was seemingly without intent and willingness. A bit of a pointless affair really. Nash and Hall largely continued through this match unhindered, with Hall hitting the Outsiders Edge on Brian Adams for the pinfall. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Result:[/B] Your winners, the Outsiders[/SIZE][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Abraham-Lincoln-1.jpg[/IMG][/QUOTE] Backstage, 'The American Dream' Dusty Rhodes stood by with 'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page in the Bash at the Beach Interview Center. "If you weeeeeel, Dimon Dallasssssss Page, danight you face Wandy Sssavage. You be wheelin and dealin wid a crazy man. A brother from the gutter if you weeeeeeel, a man who can make your back crack and ya knees quiver..." "Dusty, why don't you shut the hell up and let me take control of this situation? Hell, why don't you roll back into the gutter trenches and sleep in the alleys living on pork and beans. Now, tubby, I want you to respect who you are talking to. You are talking to the man who started all this commotion. The man who began all the carnage. The man who plotted the most brilliant scheme in professional wrestling history. And do I care what you or these fans think? You love me, you hate me, but one thing's for sure, you're never gonna forget me! Hell, back at this very event two years, just two years ago, after nearly a decade of deceit and courage, we shocked the world. All the while I acted like a typical insulted WCW inbred. Woe-was-me, hell, what happened there..hic hic? Bunkhouse Buck and Uncle Elmer and the other wrestling has been hics stood back and asked how dare we... how dare we... revolutionise the sport. Yes, how dare we... how dare we take it from dimly lit arenas to mainstream America. How dare we? And what respect do I get? I get punked by Savage? That's jacked up right there! That's jacked up! But I will promise you something Dusty, by the end of tonight, they will respect me. And they will acknowledge the revolution that is the New World Order. It's not a threat, its a promise. Tonight... the revolution continues. Savage, you never know where, you never know when, but you are about to... FEEL...THE...BANG! Bada-bing, Bada-bang... BADA-BOOM!" [QUOTE][SIZE="5"][B][CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/RandySavage5.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/vshf9.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/DiamondDallasPage2.jpg[/IMG] 'Macho Man' Randy Savage v 'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] The feud that seems it will never die. These two have been at it for over 12 months, with their roles virtually in reversed in 1998 as they were in 1997. In 1997, Savage was the insane member of the nWo that the solo freedom fighter DDP went after, and in 1998, Savage is otrocised as his own crazy figure while DDP has loomed as the intellect behind the growth of the nWo. This virtual reversal in roles has made this feud bitter, resentment reigns in the air. Much like the Hart/Sting match from earlier in the evening, this match was not built on great technical wrestling, but rather intensity in the rumble. The fight largely centered outside the ring, with again some liberal application of the rules, as both men exchanged blows with the barricades, the steps, the ring posts, and whatever else they could make use of. The fans were well behind the wide eyed Savage, as DDP cheated and scowled his way to every advantage possible. After an inordinately bitter match, Savage went towards the top rope looking for a flying elbow smash, but before he could launch, Kimberly went to the apron and ambushed him with a low blow. With Savage perilous on the top rope, DDP moved up and took Savage off the rop rope and hit a converted Diamond Cutter. Savage was gone, as Page rolled over, bloody and bitter, with red crimson everywhere, to make the cover. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Result:[/B] Your winner, Diamond Dallas Page[/SIZE][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Abraham-Lincoln.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Abraham-Lincoln.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Abraham-Lincoln.jpg[/IMG][/QUOTE] Backstage, as the celebrations continued in the nWo dressing room, 'Easy E' popped a bottle of champagne... "Wow! What a night! God, I love this job!..." With that, the clutter of boots could be heard, as 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho emerged from his dressing room corner, looking completely and utterly focused. The nWo cheered in unison as their Champion headed towards the ring. [CENTER]....[/CENTER] "Yes, that's right," Flair said as he sat on a cell phone. "Let's just rain on their little parade shall we.... It's time to launch a counter-strike." [QUOTE][CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]WCW World Heavyweight Championship [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/ChrisJericho2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/vshf9.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/LexLuger3.jpg[/IMG] 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho (c) v 'Total Package' Lex Luger[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho came down to ringside with Vincent and Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell, a long time enemy of 'Total Package' Lex Luger. This caused the challenger much anguish, as he was on his lonesome in the middle of nWo crossfire. Vincent and Bagwell acted as nWo bullies, rolling Luger back into the ring at every chance and landing some cruel blows when not in the view of the referees. This was a classic nWo ambush, one that Luger has suffered on numerous significant occasions in his illustrious career. Despite this, we shouldn't take away from the performance inside the ring, which was still allowed to develop. It was obvious Luger was battling against all odds, but his power game was to the fore, and it helped spike the interest of the fans well. Jericho was putting on a wrestling masterclass as usual, although the pace of his usual matches wasn't quite there as it seemed he deliberately slowed it down to match Luger the veteran. Surprisingly by Luger's recent standards, this was quite a good match. And he began to gain control after a backwards and forth contest. The fans seemed amped, was he going to win his third WCW World Heavyweight Championship right here tonight? He began flexing like only Luger can, signalling to the fans that it was time to head to the Torture Rack. As he did so, Raven began walking down to ringside with a steel chair. "What the hell is the meaning of this?" Tony Schavione pondered. "Is this Bischoff's surprise?" "It would appear so," Heenan added. "Go get 'em Raven! Go get 'em!" "Whose side are you on?" Schiavone asked. "It's time for the revolution Schiavone, the hameneggers in the crowd should support this man!" He kept walking to the ring as Bagwell and Vincent began laughing and slapping their thighs. As Luger looked over the apron, Jericho stood up groggily. Jericho was delirious with joy as he saw Raven continue to approach the ring. "NO! NO! NO!" Schiavone implored, as Raven flashed the nWo signal to Bagwell and Vincent. But as they turned away, he swung the chair BANG! BANG! Over the heads of Bagwell and Vincent. Jericho looked stunned, and he chased behind Luger looking for a clothesline, but Luger ducked and hip tossed Jericho to the outside. Raven grabbed Jericho by the hair and threw him back in. The two men went back and forth as Raven took a seat at ringside. Jericho was sent into the ropes, as Luger looked for his famed bionic elbow, but Jericho ducked, hit the second rope and came back with a lionsault to the standing Luger. Luger went down. Jericho screamed at Raven, but RAven turned away. Jericho continued to pound on the head of Luger, but picking him up and drop kicking him. "Raven is making Jericho earn this victory," Schiavone announced. "He hasn't won yet!" Tenay chimed in. But it was clear the tide was turning, Luger was fading. Jericho sent Luger into the ropes, and hit a daring baseball slide to the knees of Luger as he returned. With Luger down, Jericho kicked him in the mid drift and then stomped on his nether-regions, and ultimately set him up for the Liontamer! With his back arched, Luger had no chance, and from the center of the ring he tapped...! [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Result:[/B] Your winner, and STILL WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Chris Jericho[/SIZE][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Abraham-Lincoln.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Abraham-Lincoln.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Abraham-Lincoln.jpg[/IMG][/QUOTE] With Jericho celebrating, 'Easy E' Eric Bischoff rushed down to ringside and handed Raven a copy of a contract document. "What the hell was the meaning of that? You're part of US now!" Raven looked at the contract, and ripped it up in the face of Eric Bischoff, who was amazed. As we cut away, Raven could be heard uttering... "It's time for MY evolution.... MY evolution...." [B]Quick Results[/B] Rey Mysterio Jr and Chavo Guerrero Jr def 'K-Dawg' Konnan and Curt Hennig WCW Cruiserweight Championship: Jushin 'Thunder' Lyger def Psicosis to win the title WCW Television Championship: Eddie Guerrero def 'The Man of 1000 Holds' Dean Malenko to win the title WCW World Tag Team Championships: Harlem Heat def 'The British Bulldog' Davey Boy Smith and Jim 'The Anvil' Neidhart to retain WCW World Tag Team Championships: Rey Mysterio Jr and Chavo Guerrero Jr def Harlem Heat to win the titles 'Easy E' Eric Bischoff def 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair Bret 'Hitman' Hart def Sting The Outsiders def Scott 'Flash' Norton and Brian Adams 'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page def 'Macho Man' Randy Savage WCW World Heavyweight Championship: 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho def 'Total Package' Lex Luger to retain
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/mondaynitro.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/BillyKidman-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/vshf9.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/JuventudGuerrera-1.jpg[/IMG] Billy Kidman v Juventud Guerrera [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/JushinLiger.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/vshf9.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Ultimo_Dragon.jpg[/IMG] WCW Cruiserweight Championship: Jushin 'Thunder' Lyger (c) v Ultimo Dragon [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/MasahiroChono.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/thGreat_Muta2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/vshf9.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/RickSteiner2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/ScottSteinerOld.jpg[/IMG] Masahiro Chono and the Great Muta v The Steiner Brothers [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/EddyGuerrero2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/vshf9.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Konnan10.jpg[/IMG] WCW Television Championship: Eddie Guerrero (c) v 'K-Dawg' Konnan [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/ReyMysterio2copy.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/ChavoGuerreroJr1999.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/vshf9.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/StevieRay.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/BookerT1999.jpg[/IMG] WCW World Tag Team Championships: Rey Mysterio Jr and Chavo Guerrero Jr (c) v Harlem Heat [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Evan_Karagias2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Lash_LeRoux.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/vshf9.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/LennyLane.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Lodi3.jpg[/IMG] Pipeline Feva ('Wipeout' Evan Karagias and 'Cutback' Lash Le Roux) v West Hollywood Blondes (Lenny Lane and Lodi) [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/DiamondDallasPage2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/CurtHennig7.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/BuffBagwell4.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/vshf9.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/RandySavage5.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/ChrisKanyon.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Perry_Saturn8.jpg[/IMG] 'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page, Curt Hennig and Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell v 'Macho Man' Randy Savage and the Extreme Innovators ('The Innovator of Offence' Chris Kanyon and Perry Saturn) [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/ScottHall9.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/KevinNash4.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/vshf9.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Raven22.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Sting.jpg[/IMG] The Outsiders v Raven and Sting[/CENTER] [QUOTE][B]Quick Picks[/B] Billy Kidman v Juventud Guerrera WCW Cruiserweight Championship: Jushin 'Thunder' Lyger (c) v Ultimo Dragon Masahiro Chono and the Great Muta v The Steiner Brothers WCW Television Championship: Eddie Guerrero (c) v 'K-Dawg' Konnan WCW World Tag Team Championships: Rey Mysterio Jr and Chavo Guerrero Jr (c) v Harlem Heat Pipeline Feva ('Wipeout' Evan Karagias and 'Cutback' Lash Le Roux) v West Hollywood Blondes (Lenny Lane and Lodi) 'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page, Curt Hennig and Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell v 'Macho Man' Randy Savage and the Extreme Innovators ('The Innovator of Offence' Chris Kanyon and Perry Saturn) The Outsiders v Raven and Sting [/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE=JudgeJuryExecutioner;656500]Rey Mysterio Jr and Chavo Guerrero Jr v [B]'K-Dawg' Konnan and Curt Hennig[/B] WCW Cruiserweight Championship: Psicosis (c) v [B]Jushin 'Thunder' Lyger[/B] WCW Television Championship: [B]'The Man of 1000 Holds' Dean Malenko (c)[/B] v Eddie Guerrero WCW Tag Team Championships: Harlem Heat (c) v [B]'The British Bulldog' Davey Boy Smith and Jim 'The Anvil' Neidhart[/B] [B]'Nature Boy' Ric Flair[/B] v Eric Bischoff [B]Bret 'The Hitman' Hart[/B] v Sting Scott 'Flash' Norton and Brian Adams v [B]The Outsiders[/B] 'Macho Man' Randy Savage v [B]'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page[/B] WCW World Heavyweight Championship: [B]'Lionheart' Chris Jericho (c)[/B] v 'Total Package' Lex Luger[/QUOTE] Thanks very much for the tips, mate. [QUOTE=angeldelayette;656294]Great Thunder to set up the pay-per-view. You got my money! lol. [B]Rey Mysterio Jr and Chavo Guerrero Jr[/B] v 'K-Dawg' Konnan and Curt Hennig [I]Rey Rey and Chavo continue their winning ways.[/I] WCW Cruiserweight Championship: Psicosis (c) v [B]Jushin 'Thunder' Lyger[/B] [I]Could Jushin Thunder Lyger be the man to finally take down Psicosis? Either way, a 4-5 star match![/I] WCW Television Championship: [B]'The Man of 1000 Holds' Dean Malenko (c)[/B] v Eddie Guerrero [I]Malenko takes care of business.[/I] WCW Tag Team Championships: Harlem Heat (c) v [B]'The British Bulldog' Davey Boy Smith and Jim 'The Anvil' Neidhart[/B] [I]New Champs tonight![/I] [B]'Nature Boy' Ric Flair[/B] v Eric Bischoff [I]It's blasphemy to pick against the Nature Boy! Whooooo![/I] Bret 'The Hitman' Hart v [B]Sting[/B] [I]Never was a huge Bret Hart fan. Though this match could end up in a draw as well.[/I] Scott 'Flash' Norton and Brian Adams v [B]The Outsiders[/B] [I]Outsiders are the better team.[/I] 'Macho Man' Randy Savage v [B]'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page[/B] [I]Savage never sees it coming.......................BANG![/I] WCW World Heavyweight Championship: [B]'Lionheart' Chris Jericho (c)[/B] v 'Total Package' Lex Luger [I]Jericho has a future ahead of him while for Luger the future is now. But Luger still doesn't get the job done.[/I][/QUOTE] Man, I feel your anguish... I can't believe I booked Flair to lose, I know, I know, the miserable son of a... well, you know what I am doing that. Thanks for the cudos, if you really want feel free to send the cheque through ;-) [QUOTE=darthsiddus2;656284]great show! I like that you let Chono speak in broken English..... WCW didn't actually let him speak but he does know a little English[/QUOTE] Cheers mate, I always thought it was baffling that they didn't make more of the Japanese connection. Even if it holds the midcard together, I feel Chono has a good role to play. [QUOTE=Bigpapa42;656180]Good show and a fitting tribute. Good work, sir.[/QUOTE] Thanks mate, I find myself a week on listening to his music and becoming a self confessed Michael Jackson fan again. For the first time ever, I downloaded an album off I-Tunes... The Essential Michael Jackson collection. I was very sad to hear the news, so I'm glad the tribute was seen as being fitting.
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Billy Kidman v Juventud Guerrera WCW Cruiserweight Championship: [B]Jushin 'Thunder' Lyger (c)[/B] v Ultimo Dragon Thunder is on a roll [B]Masahiro Chono and the Great Muta[/B] v The Steiner Brothers WCW Television Championship: [B]Eddie Guerrero (c)[/B] v 'K-Dawg' Konnan WCW World Tag Team Championships: [B]Rey Mysterio Jr and Chavo Guerrero Jr[/B] (c) v Harlem Heat Pipeline Feva ('Wipeout' Evan Karagias and 'Cutback' Lash Le Roux) v [B]West Hollywood Blondes (Lenny Lane and Lodi)[/B] [B]'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page, Curt Hennig and Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell [/B]v 'Macho Man' Randy Savage and the Extreme Innovators ('The Innovator of Offence' Chris Kanyon and Perry Saturn) The Outsiders v [B]Raven and Sting[/B]
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Thanks mate for the tips. Be interested to gauge the reaction to the Raven situation at the end of Bash at the Beach, I had deliberately booked the hype around BATB being the event which shocked the world - IE the Hogan turn, Rodman wrestling in '97 etc, and it was something to try and propel Raven from being beyond being just a loner who stagnates in the midcard, without damaging the heat of the combatants in the main event. I'm always mindful, particularly with main events, about elevating another story over the story being told in the ring and I was trying to be careful around that while still setting up Raven. Deep down, I hope all my fellow Nature Boys out there know just how hard it was to write the words, your winner, Eric Bischoff... but it has significance, I thought the feud for real in WCW had so much more potential than it really delivered, and I've kinda being playing off Ric's real life promo on Nitro at the reformation of the Four Horsemen in Greensville where he went apo on Eric Bischoff. I look back at that promo and I still rate it as my favourite Ric Flair promo amongst so many awesome promos, and I'm amazed that nothing really truly eventuated out of the Horsemen beyond that, in fact Ric moved into a series of feuds that made little sense and Benoit, Malenko went to the midcard, and McMichael was never destined to make it IMO. I kinda feel we're developing the feuds that I saw in my mind so clearly, so I hope you can see it all coming together driving to the big show at Starrcade, and of course beyond (and yes I have booked beyond that now). I'm glad Sting and Bret Hart are now at each other, there should have been so much more of them for real IMO. So much more for Bret Hart, full stop. Cheers
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Love Bash the Beach. Raven is tough for me personally to book in my diary because I don't ever feel like I can capture "him." I will say that I hate that you had BOTH Sting and Flair lose on the same night! GRRRRRRRRRR! Lol I understand how you feel about Flair losing. Booking him to lose at Havoc was really tough for me too! Anyway, here are my picks: Billy Kidman v [B]Juventud Guerrera[/B] I was just never that big on Kidman. WCW Cruiserweight Championship: [B]Jushin 'Thunder' Lyger[/B] (c) v Ultimo Dragon Wow. Two of my favorites here. Liger just won the strap though so he wins, but Ultimo is such an awesome hand to have on the roster. Imagine if both these guys came to the ring with all their belts! [B] Masahiro Chono and the Great Muta[/B] v The Steiner Brothers I won't pick against these two. WCW Television Championship: [B]Eddie Guerrero (c)[/B] v 'K-Dawg' Konnan Orale! Arriba la raza! Odio Konnan! WCW World Tag Team Championships: [B]Rey Mysterio Jr and Chavo Guerrero Jr[/B] (c) v Harlem Heat Harlem Heat's time has come and gone. [B] Pipeline Feva ('Wipeout' Evan Karagias and 'Cutback' Lash Le Roux)[/B] v West Hollywood Blondes (Lenny Lane and Lodi) Lenny and Lodi blow-what? Pun you say? 'The Master of the Diamon[B]d Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page, Curt Hennig and Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell v 'Macho Man' Randy Savage and the Extreme Innovators ('The Innovator of Offence' Chris Kanyon and Perry Saturn)[/B] Wow this is tough...I would usually never pick against Hennig and Page, but Savage and Kanyon are on the other side and...and...well...ok, Buff is the perfect "third guy on the team to do the job" The Outsiders v [B]Raven and Sting [/B] Love the Outsiders, but Raven is going big and Sting rules.
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[B]Billy Kidman[/B] v Juventud Guerrera WCW Cruiserweight Championship: [B]Jushin 'Thunder' Lyger[/B] (c) v Ultimo Dragon Masahiro Chono and the Great Muta v [B]The Steiner Brothers[/B] WCW Television Championship: [B]Eddie Guerrero[/B] (c) v 'K-Dawg' Konnan WCW World Tag Team Championships: [B]Rey Mysterio Jr and Chavo Guerrero Jr[/B] (c) v Harlem Heat [B]Pipeline Feva ('Wipeout' Evan Karagias and 'Cutback' Lash Le Roux)[/B] v West Hollywood Blondes (Lenny Lane and Lodi) [B]'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page, Curt Hennig and Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell[/B] v 'Macho Man' Randy Savage and the Extreme Innovators ('The Innovator of Offence' Chris Kanyon and Perry Saturn) The Outsiders v [B]Raven and Sting[/B]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/mondaynitro.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]Tonight's Celeb-O-Meter goes out to all my American pals on here. Tomorrow your time, and today my time, marks the 4th of July. Independence day. So tonight's Celeb-O-Meter salutes the author of the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson... [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/225px-T_Jefferson_by_Charles_Willso.jpg[/IMG][/QUOTE] "Welcome fans to Mobile Alabama, and WCW Monday Nitro. With me, Tony Schiavone tonight are of course my esteemed colleagues Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan, and 'Iron' Mike Tenay and guys last night at Bash at the Beach, it was the nWo who copped a rude surprise!" "I think Raven should be in the clink, he broke a contract Tony," Heenan says. "Well Bobby, you're entitled to your opinion, and more of that later on, but first, as you can hear from the music, Juventud Guerrera is in action here tonight, on what promises to be another great... Monday Nitro!" [QUOTE][CENTER][B][SIZE="5"][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/BillyKidman-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/vshf9.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/JuventudGuerrera-1.jpg[/IMG] Billy Kidman v Juventud Guerrera[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] A typical Nitro opener, highlighting the speed and agility of the various cruiserweights here in WCW. This was a lightning match between these two supreme athletes, of course Billy Kidman recently gained his freedom from Raven while Juventud is a latino superstar. The crowd were right into this, particularly behind Juventud who hit a couple of outstanding planchas. He sealed the deal in an exciting match by hitting the 450 Splash from the top rope on Kidman for the pinfall. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Result:[/B] Your winner, Juventud Guerrera[/SIZE][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/225px-T_Jefferson_by_Charles_Willso.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/225px-T_Jefferson_by_Charles_Willso.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/225px-T_Jefferson_by_Charles_Wil-1.jpg[/IMG][/QUOTE] After the match, we cut to a video of the ending to Bash at the Beach, and the lead up to the incident involving Raven: [LIST] [*]We see Raven on a previous telecast leave Bischoff's office seemingly satisfied that a deal has been struck [*]We see Bischoff infer that Raven will defect to the nWo tonight [*]Before the main event, Ric Flair is on a cell phone saying that the Horsemen will curtail the plans [*]During the main event, Raven comes down to ringside with a steel chair [*]Buff Bagwell, Vincent and Chris Jericho are all happy to see his presence [*]Surprisingly, Raven swings the steel chair over the head of Bagwell and Vincent, and completely shocks Chris Jericho [*]After the match, Bischoff comes down to the ringside area and argues with Raven [*]"It's time for MY evolution.... MY evolution...." - these words are echoed over and over again, as we see the look of absolute shock on the face of Eric Bischoff [/LIST] [CENTER][I]n...W...o NN..NN...NEW WORLD ORDER... FF..FF..FOR LIFE[/I][/CENTER] The familiar music of the nWo starts up, as 'Easy E' Eric Bischoff airplanes down the ramp, with the Outsiders, Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell, Vincent, Curt Hennig, 'K-Dawg' Konnan, 'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page and WCW World Heavyweight Champion 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho walking arrogantly behind Bischoff. Once in the ring, they hug and embrace, before Bischoff addresses the crowd. "God, I love this job," Bischoff states. "Last night, yours truly.... moi... defeated 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair. I wouldn't be surprised if Ric decides to stay in Charlotte with his family, .... hey, Ric... you may even want to take a bit of time out and, you know, go watch the son's amateur wrestling. The truth is Ric Flair, your time has been and gone, and while you go and watch your son... the amateur, remember who you're dealing with. This is the nWo, the true professionals of revolution. Now, onto another subject. Last night, there was to be an extra addition to the nWo. You all know who I'm talking about, the man from the Bowery himself... Raven. Raven, last night not only did you break a legally binding contract, that I feel perfectly entitled to sue you for but I see that as wasteful since you have nothing of use anyway, but you broke a promise. You broke an oath. You broke your word to the brotherhood. And behind me, I have some guys who ... lets just say aren't too happy when people don't perform to expectations. Just ask Scott Norton and Brian Adams. You are what I would call...." A modified version of Nirvana's [I]Come as you are[/I] hits the PA system, as Raven steps forth to the top of the ramp. The crowd are behind him, this is indeed an unusual reaction for Raven. "Eric Bischoff, what about me? What about the Raven? What about what's right? What about what's wrong? What about these fans? Mobile...Alabama! Can you believe the words coming out of the mouth of Eric Bischoff. A brotherhood? An oath? I've heard it all from you Eric Bischoff, I've heard you talk about revolutions, evolutions, designs, realligns, pins, wins, this and that but the truth is Bischoff... the truth is... right here. The loneliness I've been subjected to over all my years Eric has allowed me to see the light, it has allowed me to see the truth, and its through me that the fans will see the true revolution of professional wrestling, Eric. Things are going to change around here..." "Hold on a second Ra..." "Shut your mouth, Eric! This is my time. This is Raven's revolution. This is not about you. But... but... I'm more than happy to show you the power of loneliness tonight Eric, you see tonight, I've had it approved by your pals on the WCW Board of Directors that tonight, it will be... the Outsiders... versus... Sting and RAVEN! You can screw me with your contract if you must Eric, but I don't follow your petty conditions, I follow the law of the legions of lonely people in the world who can see the truth, who can see the light. Through me these people will revolt. That's not a threat, that's not a contract, that's a promise! So it is written, so it shall come to pass... Quoth the Raven! Nevermore!" [CENTER]....[/CENTER] Backstage, Bret 'The Hitman' Hart accidentally bumps into the man he defeated in controversial circumstances last night, the solitary warrior himself, Sting. Hart grins arrogantly, but Sting rather surprisingly reacts and forces him throat first against the brick wall. We focus on Sting's emotionless face, before his eyes widen, and his emotionless lips slowly turn to a crazed smile. [QUOTE][CENTER][SIZE="5"][B][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/JushinLiger.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/vshf9.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Ultimo_Dragon.jpg[/IMG] WCW Cruiserweight Championship: Jushin 'Thunder' Lyger (c) v Ultimo Dragon[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] Two legends of the Japanese lightweight scene. A lot of history between them, many stories written across the Japanese scene about who truly is the best. No better chance to settle the score than right here tonight. A slightly slower match than the earlier match, but perhaps more succinct and crisp. Things flowed a lot better, and what we saw was two absolute legends trying to out do one another, regularly finding similar offences meaning many counters. Eventually, after a great match, Ultimo Dragon went for the Dragon Sleeper, but before he could grip Jushin's head in, the legend flung himself back and got high up and over Ultimo Dragon and into a go behind. Ultimo Dragon was stunned, but he was stunned further when Jushin hit the Brainbuster for the pinfall. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Result:[/B] Your winner, and STILL WCW Cruiserweight Champion, Jushin Lyger[/SIZE][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/225px-T_Jefferson_by_Charles_Willso.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/225px-T_Jefferson_by_Charles_Willso.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/225px-T_Jefferson_by_Charles_Willso.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/225px-T_Jefferson_by_Charles_Wil-1.jpg[/IMG][/QUOTE] After the match, the former WCW Cruiserweight Champion, Psicosis, who lost the strap last night at Bash at the Beach entered the ring and stared down Jushin Lyger. The two masks were basically syncing with one another, but not a move was thrown in anger, as the two men stood in deathly silence out of respect on one hand but also the knowledge that on any given night these two could steal the show and steal the Championship. [QUOTE][SIZE="5"][B][CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/MasahiroChono.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/thGreat_Muta2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/vshf9.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/RickSteiner2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/ScottSteinerOld.jpg[/IMG] Masahiro Chono and the Great Muta v The Steiner Brothers[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] There is a bit of history here, given the Steiners have spent some time wrestling in Japan over the years. Chono and Muta took it to the Steiners, but ultimately the experienced duo was able to stay in the match and eventually Scott Steiner was able to hit the Frankensteiner on Muta for the win. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Result:[/B] Your winners, the Steiner Brothers[/SIZE][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/225px-T_Jefferson_by_Charles_Willso.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/225px-T_Jefferson_by_Charles_Willso.jpg[/IMG][/QUOTE] We cut to a series of still photographs from last night's Bash at the Beach, from the Flair/Bischoff showdown: [LIST] [*]We see Flair confidently strut in the ring [*]Bischoff escape to the sanctity of outside the ring in fear of Flair [*]Kevin Nash and his pals rushing down to the ring [*]Daytona's finest, or least finest, officers blocking the entrance to the actual arena as the nWo put a hit on Flair [*]Bischoff feigning surprise hooking the leg of Flair for a scandalous pinfall [/LIST] [QUOTE][CENTER][SIZE="5"][B][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/EddyGuerrero2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/vshf9.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Konnan10.jpg[/IMG] WCW Television Championship: Eddie Guerrero (c) v 'K-Dawg' Konnan[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] Eddie's first defence was not his finest. Konnan is not in his league. At least not for working the quicker styles of the US, at least not with the weight he seems to be perenially carrying. Konnan was given some short sharp spots to run with, but Eddie stole the show winning with the Frog Splash for the pinfall. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Result:[/B] Your winner, and STILL WCW Television Champion, Eddie Guerrero[/SIZE][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/225px-T_Jefferson_by_Charles_Willso.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/225px-T_Jefferson_by_Charles_Willso.jpg[/IMG][/QUOTE] After the match, Eddie Guerrero took the microphone from David Penzer. "Esse... Rey Mysterio, my own flesh and blood, Chavo. Last night holmes, last night we started a latino evolution esse. Last night, I became WCW Television Champion, and last night you picked up the World Tag Team Championships. Holmes, we know what it is to be a latino superstar, we know what it is that the luchadores in Mexico struggle for night in, night out. Its honour, its integrity. Rey, esse, I apologise to you holmes for all the acts I have done to you, I now realise again the importance of your mask. And I extend my hand out to you holmes, join me for all the luchadores south of the border looking for a leading hand, join me holmes... Think about it, we could really show the way for all our latino brothers esse, if we unite..." [QUOTE][CENTER][SIZE="5"][B][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/ReyMysterio2copy.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/ChavoGuerreroJr1999.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/vshf9.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/StevieRay.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/BookerT1999.jpg[/IMG] WCW World Tag Team Championships: Rey Mysterio Jr and Chavo Guerrero Jr (c) v Harlem Heat[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] A rematch from last night, Harlem Heat came out with a power game designed to inflict damage on their smaller opponents not only to win the match but to gain vengeance on how they lost the Championships. The first six or seven minutes of the bout was all Harlem Heat, with Rey and Chavo frantically beating several pinfall attempts and countering a couple of finishing moves just in the knick of time. After a frantic battle, the tide started to turn, and Rey's speed was too much for Stevie Ray. Both teams made tags, and Chavo came in and blew away Booker T. The four men eventually were involved in mid ring pandamonium, with the extra speed of Rey and Chavo holding sway in the chain wrestling. Finally, after a very crisp match, Rey Mysterio hit a Springboard Hurricanrana on the unsuspecting Stevie Ray. Booker T tried to make the save, but Chavo blocked him off. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Result:[/B] Your winners, and STILL WCW Tag Team Champions, Rey Mysterio Jr and Chavo Guerrero Jr[/SIZE][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/225px-T_Jefferson_by_Charles_Willso.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/225px-T_Jefferson_by_Charles_Willso.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/225px-T_Jefferson_by_Charles_Wil-1.jpg[/IMG][/QUOTE] Eddie Guerrero walked back down the aisle and could audibly be heard asking Rey and Chavo for their decision. But the Tag Team Champions looked at each other, before agreeing to turn down Eddie. Guerrero was incensed, and headed to the back cursing the ground on which Chavo and Rey walked upon. [CENTER]....[/CENTER] After the break, the Outsider, Scott Hall made his way to ringside, and once in the ring flicked his toothpick at David Penzer before snatching the microphone from him. "Hey....Hey Yo! You may have heard by now but we've been going around and taking a little survey. And it goes a little something like this... How many of you are here to see the lame.....dubbya cee dubbya?" The crowd is quite neutral actually, perhaps this isn't the ardent WCW territory we thought it was. "Ok... Ok.... How many of you here in Mobile are here to see the ....." [I]TOOOOOOOOOOO SWWWWWWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET[/I] "nWo?" The crowd strangely erupts. I'm surprised this is such pro nWo territory. "Ok... Ok... Survey says, one more for the bad guys! Now, onto business. It seems that Scott Hall is struggling to get the respect he deserves. 1998 was supposed to be my year. I won World War III the year before, I was ready to launch the bad guy world tour. But who oh who should get in my way, but the Four Horsemen. So I'm out here now to make a challenge to that punk Chris Benoit. You see Benoit, chico, you've been dodging a true legend like this bad guy for far too long, and chico... I feel I would make a much better United States Champion. So chico, I have some words for you. If you want to be known as a legend, you want some? Come get some! Don't sing it... Bring it!" The clicking of the hooves is heard, as 'The Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit walks forth down the ramp, with the United States Championship slung over his left shoulder. He approaches the ring and once in the ring flicks the Four Horsemen signal to Hall. Hall in turn turns away, before turning back and spitting in the face of Benoit. Benoit goes to clotheline Hall out of the ring, but Hall ducks and ends up sliding out of the ring on his own accord. Hall signals his scarey signal, before audibly being heard calling Benoit a punk. [QUOTE][CENTER][SIZE="5"][B][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Evan_Karagias2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Lash_LeRoux.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/vshf9.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/LennyLane.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Lodi3.jpg[/IMG] Pipeline Feva ('Wipeout' Evan Karagias and 'Cutback' Lash Le Roux) v West Hollywood Blondes (Lenny Lane and Lodi)[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] A quick match as two of the younger teams in WCW go at it. The match was quite open, with both sides gaining some advantages, before Lenny Lane executed the Tiger Tamer on Evan Karagias who submitted instantly. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Result:[/B] Your winners, West Hollywood Blondes[/SIZE][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/225px-T_Jefferson_by_Charles_Willso.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/225px-T_Jefferson_by_Charles_Wil-1.jpg[/IMG][/QUOTE] Backstage, we cut straight away to where Eddie Guerrero was supervising a hit by Harlem Heat on the WCW Tag Team Champions, Rey Mysterio Jr and his own nephew Chavo Guerrero Jr. The Champions were on the ground, with Booker T and Stevie Ray on top pounding rights and lefts ad nauseum. The chaos was ended when the Steiners arrived on the scene, chasing off Harlem Heat and Eddie Guerrero. [CENTER]....[/CENTER] We cut to a hallway, where 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair, in a red sequined robe was indeed in attendance tonight, and Tony Schiavone announced that he would be here next to talk to the fans about last night. [CENTER]....[/CENTER] A graphic populated the screen highlighting that tonight in the main event, Raven and Sting would tag against the Outsiders. [CENTER]....[/CENTER] After the break, [I]Also Sprach Zarathrusta[/I] played out amongst the arenas faithful, as the 'Nature Boy' appeared and walked to the bottom of the ramp, doing a full 360 with his arms out in adulation as the firework pyros bursted out behind him. He continued to walk to the ring, and once in the ring strutted for the fans, before David Penzer obliged him with a microphone. "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Did somebody tell me that the Four Horsemen would be here to party in MOBILEEEEE? Could it be true? Last night! Last night! That coward, that charleton, that cheat Eric Bischoff... you pal, you only served to increase the bounty on your head, pal. You see when you cheat a legend, you only cheat yourself in the long run. Why? Because over my career pal, there's been a saying that's been true for the Horsemen and Ric Flair. Its this. You put one of ours in hospital, we put two of yours in body bags! You've tried to kill the Horsemen, and I bet deep down in the back you think you did it last night. You think you killed Ric Flair's career? Pal, I've been savaged by the biggest and the baddest and the ugliest of them all, the likes of Wahoo McDaniel, and to a man I've outlasted them all, and I still stand here today. All you've done pal is cement your place in history, as another one who's been beaten by the Nature Boy! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! You see Eric Bischoff, you won the battle, but the war still rages, and it only intensifies from here pal, I promise you that! I promise you! You see, I'm still slick Ric, I'm still the dirtiest player in the game, and while you think you've out-played me, you can never... NEVER! Outplay the player! So I'm here tonight to confirm one thing Eric Bischoff! Last night you did not end me! Nor did you stop me. I'm still the same jet flying, limousine riding, kiss stealing wheelin dealin son of a gun, I'm still the Nature Boy, and you're still a coward. At the end of all this pal, you will find out once and for all why they say Diamonds are Forever, and so is RIC FLAIR! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" [QUOTE][B][CENTER][SIZE="5"][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/DiamondDallasPage2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/CurtHennig7.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/BuffBagwell4.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/vshf9.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/RandySavage5.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/ChrisKanyon.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Perry_Saturn8.jpg[/IMG] 'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page, Curt Hennig and Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell v 'Macho Man' Randy Savage and the Extreme Innovators ('The Innovator of Offence' Chris Kanyon and Perry Saturn)[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] This was a very, very good match. Slightly overbooked, as you'd expect with a six man match, many saves for many near falls. It seemed most of the wrestlers got to hit their finishers and have a minute or two to showcase their skills, it was all around quite a good match. Most of the tension existed still between Savage and Page, Page kept taking every shortcut in the book to only fire up Savage moreso. After 12 minutes of near falls, this open match ended when DDP hit the Diamond Cutter on Kanyon, and then Saturn, both of whom rolled out of the ring, but as he went for one on Savage he copped an elbow to the head. Savage then raked his eyes, as Page went to the corner blinded. He accidentally tagged in Bagwell, who became the fall guy, as Savage hit an innovative neckbreaker. Hennig came racing in but copped a clothesline, as Savage went to the top... Flying Elbow Drop! [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Result:[/B] Your winners, Randy Savage and the Extreme Innovators[/SIZE][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/225px-T_Jefferson_by_Charles_Willso.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/225px-T_Jefferson_by_Charles_Willso.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/225px-T_Jefferson_by_Charles_Willso.jpg[/IMG][/QUOTE] After the break, the ring was decked out in tartan, with two stools. It was time for Pipers Den. With the aforementioned Scottish legend 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper already in the ring in his kilt. "Aha... Tonight, tonight Mobile.... My show promises to bring you the stars, so tonight.... come on down, the man, the myth, the legend, he is still unbeaten in his professional wrestling career. The man with the streak... BILL GOLDBERG!" The stuttering marching music of Goldberg starts, as we cut to the back and see him headbutt his locker room door, and with Doug Dillenger and the fun police in attendance to escort him he makes the long walk from the back and to the bottom of the ramp, where is consumed by firey pyros, before bursting out and thrusting his right and left arms as the steam literally blows out of his ears. He continues to march to the ring, where he accepts a microphone from Roddy Piper. "Aha... Thanks for being on the show tonight, a show that promises to change the question before you even know the answer. That's how quick I am, pal. Now, I want to get down to it very quickly. You are of course... unbeaten in professional wrestling. How do you feel about that?" "It's a feeling of great pride Roddy, being a Four Horsemen and being unbeaten is a great honour." "It must make you though anxious to know that sooner or later, your streak will end..." "What are you trying to say Roddy? I mean really, who is going to stop me? Evan Karagias?" In between all the names he mentions he has a quick chuckle. "Riggs?.... Damian 666?.... Super Calo?.... The Giant...?" Goldberg continues to laugh, but as he turns around, the Giant begins striding down to ringside. He climbs into the ring, over the top rope incensed. The Giant walks up to Goldberg and stands over the top of him... "You laugh, Goldberg?" He asks. Goldberg looks at him, and refuses to dismiss it as a joke, and instead jaws up to his ... well, shoulders. The Giant opens his right hand and slaps a massive slap straight across the chest of Goldberg who falls straight to the ground. The Giant thrusts his hand high in the air posing for the Chokeslam, but before he can get hold of Goldberg, he tunnel rolls to the corner. Goldberg finally gets up, and gets in the spear stance. He comes charging, but the Giant moves out of his way, as Goldberg rolls out of the ring. [QUOTE][CENTER][SIZE="5"][B][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/ScottHall9.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/KevinNash4.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/vshf9.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Raven22.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Sting.jpg[/IMG] The Outsiders v Raven and Sting[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] The commentators were talking a lot about the act of Raven last night, and whether there was substance to his vow, or whether it was going to be an underhanded way of turning on Sting. Tony Schiavone in particular was unsure of Raven. But Raven's acts here tonight carried on the diligent denial last night, and the revolution ended up being the involvement more of the outside, and breaking up the general context of rules. Of course, most of Raven's matches are Ravens Rules due to his contractual right, and this was no different. What this meant was Raven was able to use all sorts of weapons to bring anarchy to the ring. Despite all that, and while it was exciting to see a point of difference in a WCW main event, this was quite an even match. Hall in particular was very strong, and there seemed to be a distinct antagonism between Nash and Raven. As the night started to get towards its conclusion, Chris Benoit walked down to ringside and this caused a distraction for the Outsiders, with the man in the ring, Scott Hall losing focus and copping an Evenflow DDT from Raven. Before Nash knew it, Hall had lost the match. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Result:[/B] Your winners, Raven and Sting[/SIZE][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/225px-T_Jefferson_by_Charles_Willso.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/225px-T_Jefferson_by_Charles_Willso.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/225px-T_Jefferson_by_Charles_Willso.jpg[/IMG][/QUOTE] As Raven stood over Scott Hall, Bret 'The Hitman' Hart charged the ring with a steel chair, but before he could slam it over the oblivious head of Sting, Raven was able to pull him out of the way, and grab Hart and drop him as well with the Evenflow! Nash charged in the ring, but before he could hit the big boot on Raven, he was able to duck and get out of the ring before starting to stumble to the back. [B][U]Quick Results[/U][/B] Juventud Guerrera def Billy Kidman WCW Cruiserweight Championship: Jushin 'Thunder' Lyger (c) def Ultimo Dragon The Steiner Brothers def Masahiro Chono and the Great Muta WCW Television Championship: Eddie Guerrero (c) def 'K-Dawg' Konnan WCW Tag Team Championships: Rey Mysterio Jr and Chavo Guerrero Jr (c) def Harlem Heat West Hollywood Blondes (Lenny Lane and Lodi) def Pipeline Feva ('Wipeout' Evan Karagias and 'Cutback' Lash Le Roux) 'Macho Man' Randy Savage and the Extreme Innovators ('The Innovator of Offence' Chris Kanyon and Perry Saturn) def 'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page, Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell and Curt Hennig Raven and Sting def The Outsiders
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/thunder.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Evan_Karagias2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Lash_LeRoux.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/vshf9.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/JushinLiger.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/PsicosisMask.jpg[/IMG] Pipeline Feva ('Wipeout' Evan Karagias and 'Cutback' Lash Le Roux) v WCW Cruiserweight Champion Jushin 'Thunder' Lyger and Psicosis [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/EddyGuerrero2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/vshf9.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Curry_Man3.jpg[/IMG] WCW Television Championship Eddie Guerrero (c) v Curry Man [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/ScottHall9.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/KevinNash4.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/vshf9.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/DiscoInferno.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/AlexWright6.jpg[/IMG] The Outsiders v Dancing Fools (Disco Inferno and 'Das Wunderkind' Alex Wright) [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/ReyMysterio2copy.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Chavo_Guerrero12.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/vshf9.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/JuventudGuerrera-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Hector_Garza2.jpg[/IMG] WCW Tag Team Championships Rey Mysterio Jr and Chavo Guerrero Jr (c) v Latin Passion (Juventud Guerrera and Hector Garza) [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/ChrisBenoit4.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/vshf9.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/StevenRegal2.jpg[/IMG] WCW United States Championship 'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit (c) v 'Lord' Steven Regal [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/BretHart6.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/vshf9.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Raven22.jpg[/IMG] Bret 'The Hitman' Hart v Raven [/CENTER] [B][U]Quick Picks[/U][/B] Pipeline Feva ('Wipeout' Evan Karagias and 'Cutback' Lash Le Roux) v WCW Cruiserweight Champion Jushin 'Thunder' Lyger and Psicosis WCW Television Championship: Eddie Guerrero (c) v Curry Man The Outsiders v Dancing Fools (Disco Inferno and 'Das Wunderkind' Alex Wright) WCW Tag Team Championships: Rey Mysterio Jr and Chavo Guerrero Jr (c) v Latin Passion (Juventud Guerrera and Hector Garza) WCW United States Championship: 'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit (c) v 'Lord' Steven Regal Bret 'The Hitman' Hart v Raven
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[QUOTE=MattitudeV2;659556]Billy Kidman v Juventud Guerrera WCW Cruiserweight Championship: [B]Jushin 'Thunder' Lyger (c)[/B] v Ultimo Dragon Thunder is on a roll [B]Masahiro Chono and the Great Muta[/B] v The Steiner Brothers WCW Television Championship: [B]Eddie Guerrero (c)[/B] v 'K-Dawg' Konnan WCW World Tag Team Championships: [B]Rey Mysterio Jr and Chavo Guerrero Jr[/B] (c) v Harlem Heat Pipeline Feva ('Wipeout' Evan Karagias and 'Cutback' Lash Le Roux) v [B]West Hollywood Blondes (Lenny Lane and Lodi)[/B] [B]'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page, Curt Hennig and Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell [/B]v 'Macho Man' Randy Savage and the Extreme Innovators ('The Innovator of Offence' Chris Kanyon and Perry Saturn) The Outsiders v [B]Raven and Sting[/B][/QUOTE] Thanks again for the tips, mate. [QUOTE=justtxyank;660203]Love Bash the Beach. Raven is tough for me personally to book in my diary because I don't ever feel like I can capture "him." I will say that I hate that you had BOTH Sting and Flair lose on the same night! GRRRRRRRRRR! Lol I understand how you feel about Flair losing. Booking him to lose at Havoc was really tough for me too! Anyway, here are my picks: Billy Kidman v [B]Juventud Guerrera[/B] I was just never that big on Kidman. WCW Cruiserweight Championship: [B]Jushin 'Thunder' Lyger[/B] (c) v Ultimo Dragon Wow. Two of my favorites here. Liger just won the strap though so he wins, but Ultimo is such an awesome hand to have on the roster. Imagine if both these guys came to the ring with all their belts! [B] Masahiro Chono and the Great Muta[/B] v The Steiner Brothers I won't pick against these two. WCW Television Championship: [B]Eddie Guerrero (c)[/B] v 'K-Dawg' Konnan Orale! Arriba la raza! Odio Konnan! WCW World Tag Team Championships: [B]Rey Mysterio Jr and Chavo Guerrero Jr[/B] (c) v Harlem Heat Harlem Heat's time has come and gone. [B] Pipeline Feva ('Wipeout' Evan Karagias and 'Cutback' Lash Le Roux)[/B] v West Hollywood Blondes (Lenny Lane and Lodi) Lenny and Lodi blow-what? Pun you say? 'The Master of the Diamon[B]d Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page, Curt Hennig and Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell v 'Macho Man' Randy Savage and the Extreme Innovators ('The Innovator of Offence' Chris Kanyon and Perry Saturn)[/B] Wow this is tough...I would usually never pick against Hennig and Page, but Savage and Kanyon are on the other side and...and...well...ok, Buff is the perfect "third guy on the team to do the job" The Outsiders v [B]Raven and Sting [/B] Love the Outsiders, but Raven is going big and Sting rules.[/QUOTE] Glad to see you feel my difficulty in booking Flair for the loss ;-) Thanks again for the tips pal. [QUOTE=pat21532;660205][B]Billy Kidman[/B] v Juventud Guerrera WCW Cruiserweight Championship: [B]Jushin 'Thunder' Lyger[/B] (c) v Ultimo Dragon Masahiro Chono and the Great Muta v [B]The Steiner Brothers[/B] WCW Television Championship: [B]Eddie Guerrero[/B] (c) v 'K-Dawg' Konnan WCW World Tag Team Championships: [B]Rey Mysterio Jr and Chavo Guerrero Jr[/B] (c) v Harlem Heat [B]Pipeline Feva ('Wipeout' Evan Karagias and 'Cutback' Lash Le Roux)[/B] v West Hollywood Blondes (Lenny Lane and Lodi) [B]'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page, Curt Hennig and Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell[/B] v 'Macho Man' Randy Savage and the Extreme Innovators ('The Innovator of Offence' Chris Kanyon and Perry Saturn) The Outsiders v [B]Raven and Sting[/B][/QUOTE] Thanks for the tips, hope you enjoyed the show. [QUOTE=Bigpapa42;660680]Good show, Tristam. Like what you're doing with Raven. Good work on those promos.[/QUOTE] Appreciate the support mate, glad to see Raven getting a good reaction. :)
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Sorry I missed the picks for Nitro! I missed the updates for some reason and just read the Bash. The Flair loss is fine as long as he gets it back...in spades. ;) Pipeline Feva ('Wipeout' Evan Karagias and 'Cutback' Lash Le Roux) v [B]WCW Cruiserweight Champion Jushin 'Thunder' Lyger and Psicosis[/B] [I]Two top Cruiserweights as a tag team? What a match they could have with Rey Rey and Chavo![/I] WCW Television Championship: [B]Eddie Guerrero (c)[/B] v Curry Man [I]He's hot, he's spicy, he gets pinned great![/I] [B]The Outsiders[/B] v Dancing Fools (Disco Inferno and 'Das Wunderkind' Alex Wright) [I]Outsiders are pissed over the loss on Nitro and decimate the poor Dancing Fools.[/I] WCW Tag Team Championships: [B]Rey Mysterio Jr and Chavo Guerrero Jr (c)[/B] v Latin Passion (Juventud Guerrera and Hector Garza) [I]Rey Rey and Chavito definitely won't lose the belts here.[/I] WCW United States Championship: [B]'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit (c)[/B] v 'Lord' Steven Regal [I]Flashes 4 fingers in the air.[/I] Bret 'The Hitman' Hart v [B]Raven[/B] [I]Raven seems to be getting a major push here and it continues with a huge win over the Excellence of Execution after interference or a distraction by Sting.[/I]
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[B][U]Quick Picks[/U][/B] Pipeline Feva ('Wipeout' Evan Karagias and 'Cutback' Lash Le Roux) v WCW Cruiserweight Champion [B]Jushin 'Thunder' Lyger and Psicosis[/B] WCW Television Championship: [B]Eddie Guerrero [/B](c) v Curry Man [B]The Outsiders[/B] v Dancing Fools (Disco Inferno and 'Das Wunderkind' Alex Wright) WCW Tag Team Championships: [B]Rey Mysterio Jr and Chavo Guerrero Jr[/B] (c) v Latin Passion (Juventud Guerrera and Hector Garza) WCW United States Championship: [B]'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit[/B] (c) v 'Lord' Steven Regal [B]Bret 'The Hitman' Hart[/B] v Raven
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[B]Pipeline Feva [/B]('Wipeout' Evan Karagias and 'Cutback' Lash Le Roux) v WCW Cruiserweight Champion Jushin 'Thunder' Lyger and Psicosis WCW Television Championship: [B]Eddie Guerrero[/B] (c) v Curry Man [B]The Outsiders[/B] v Dancing Fools (Disco Inferno and 'Das Wunderkind' Alex Wright) WCW Tag Team Championships: [B]Rey Mysterio Jr and Chavo Guerrero Jr[/B] (c) v Latin Passion (Juventud Guerrera and Hector Garza) WCW United States Championship: [B]'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit[/B] (c) v 'Lord' Steven Regal Bret 'The Hitman' Hart v [B]Raven[/B]
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I thought it'd be interesting to see how the tips have gone in this diary. I must say, looking at the high percentages of wins, I'm glad I'm not on the blackjack table for the house at the casino, because I sure am paying out a lot! :eek: [CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/picks.gif[/IMG][/CENTER] Congrats to all on your tips :D
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[QUOTE=tristram;661147]I thought it'd be interesting to see how the tips have gone in this diary. I must say, looking at the high percentages of wins, I'm glad I'm not on the blackjack table for the house at the casino, because I sure am paying out a lot! :eek: [CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/picks.gif[/IMG][/CENTER] Congrats to all on your tips :D[/QUOTE] Looks like i must start predicting again...since i have 7 wins and only 1 loss:D
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Well guys, I'm outta here for the next 2-3 weeks. I'm going away on a summer holiday... :D Thunder will go up pretty much first thing upon my return... I just want to say the last month or two that I've been back doing this has been probably the most enjoyable period I've had writing. Mostly because of the support its started to get, it means a lot to me to get your predictions, your critiques, your comments etc. I've tried funking it up a bit with a few graphics because even I've found it difficult to read the earlier shows in the thread which are mostly text, so I hope that breaks things up and makes the story easier to follow. The thing that has probably been most difficult is to keep WCW realistic to the time, but institute enough changes that in my view would have kept WCW interesting and evolving. I thought I'd leave you with something similar that I did in Death of WCW, which was a few questions to gauge your views on WCW and this diary. If y'all could take a moment to help me out with your views that'd be great, and of course it'd help my booking out. [B]Your Favourite Wrestler in the Diary:[/B] [B]Your Least Favourite Wrestling in the Diary:[/B] [B]Your views on the nWo/Four Horsemen storyline:[/B] [B]Your views on the wrestlers brought into the diary (Kurt Angle, Jushin Lyger, Curry Man):[/B] [B]Who is the wrestler you think will explode through to Starrcade?[/B] [B]Your favourite moment?[/B] [B]Your view on Chris Jericho as World Heavyweight Champion (personally, I know this was a controversial move but I'm hoping that the standard of main event has improved with him there)[/B] [B]Your favourite feud?[/B] [B]Your thoughts on Hulk Hogan leaving WCW?[/B] [B]Any other comments you want to make?[/B]
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[QUOTE=Wink;661175]Looks like i must start predicting again...since i have 7 wins and only 1 loss:D[/QUOTE] 87.5% win rate :eek: I'm getting killed here! Most of the success rates are really high which is quite interesting.
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Quick Picks Pipeline Feva ('Wipeout' Evan Karagias and 'Cutback' Lash Le Roux) v [B]WCW Cruiserweight Champion Jushin 'Thunder' Lyger and Psicosis[/B]WCW Television Championship: [B]Eddie Guerrero (c)[/B] v Curry Man [B]The Outsiders [/B]v Dancing Fools (Disco Inferno and 'Das Wunderkind' Alex Wright) WCW Tag Team Championships: [B]Rey Mysterio Jr and Chavo Guerrero Jr (c)[/B] v Latin Passion (Juventud Guerrera and Hector Garza) WCW United States Championship:[B] 'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit (c)[/B] v 'Lord' Steven Regal [B]Bret 'The Hitman' Hart [/B]v Raven
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Your Favourite Wrestler in the Diary: Raven-He's been bulit up very well Your Least Favourite Wrestling in the Diary: None Your views on the nWo/Four Horsemen storyline: Love it definitley like the addition of Goldberg to the Horsemen as it makes him relevant. Your views on the wrestlers brought into the diary (Kurt Angle, Jushin Lyger, Curry Man):Angle's character is the best at of all of them since he and Lyger have won gold. Who is the wrestler you think will explode through to Starrcade? Raven Your favourite moment? Jericho beating Sting Your view on Chris Jericho as World Heavyweight Champion:It's great because if WCW would have done it they might still be in business. Your favourite feud:Flair/Bischoff Your thoughts on Hulk Hogan leaving WCW:It was a smart move because Hogan was done in the Late 90's Any other comments you want to make:It's great because there are so many bulidable characters and great champions.
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Pipeline Feva ('Wipeout' Evan Karagias and 'Cutback' Lash Le Roux) v [B]WCW Cruiserweight Champion Jushin 'Thunder' Lyger and Psicosis[/B] WCW Television Championship: [B]Eddie Guerrero (c)[/B] v Curry Man [B]The Outsiders[/B] v Dancing Fools (Disco Inferno and 'Das Wunderkind' Alex Wright) WCW Tag Team Championships: [B]Rey Mysterio Jr and Chavo Guerrero Jr (c)[/B] v Latin Passion (Juventud Guerrera and Hector Garza) WCW United States Championship: [B]'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit (c)[/B] v 'Lord' Steven Regal [B]Bret 'The Hitman' Hart[/B] v Raven
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[B]Your Favourite Wrestler in the Diary:[/B] I'll have to go with Flair here. Your characterisation of the Nature Boy is still one of the best out there. [B]Your Least Favourite Wrestling in the Diary:[/B] I don't so much have a least favourite, as a few guys I don't really care about, because I never got into wrestling until 2002. Scott Norton, Brian Adams, even Perry Saturn and Chris Kanyon (here anyway, Kanyon was awesome in DoWCW). [B]Your views on the nWo/Four Horsemen storyline:[/B] Anything involving you and the Horsemen is awesome in my book. [B]Your views on the wrestlers brought into the diary (Kurt Angle, Jushin Lyger, Curry Man):[/B] Brilliant signings, every last one. These are the guys WCW would have brought in if they had half a clue. Brilliant cruiserweights in Lyger and Curry Man. A great all-round athlete, with charisma, legitimacy, and a ready-made gimmick in Kurt Angle (especially knowing now what he became in the future). Instead, they poached their superstars from WWF everywhere they could. [B]Who is the wrestler you think will explode through to Starrcade?[/B] I honestly think Chris Benoit could hit main event status by Starrcade. You're pushing him pretty hard, and it's only a matter of time before he becomes too good for the US Title. [B]Your favourite moment?[/B] I'm tempted to say Kurt Angle's debut, or DDP's turn, or the return of the Horsemen, but there's one moment that tops them all... 26/4/2008. The first day. I don't think I've marked out that hard for a diary ever. The day Tris returned to WCW. It was a good day. [B]Your view on Chris Jericho as World Heavyweight Champion (personally, I know this was a controversial move but I'm hoping that the standard of main event has improved with him there)[/B] I wasn't entirely sure he was on the level, and even now I'm a bit iffy. He's get some high-profile wins, but it still doesn't do it for me. But I feel the same way about a lot of people. Until they win their second or third title, I just don't view them as main eventers. Like Jeff Hardy or CM Punk in the real world, I still don't see them as real top guys. [B]Your favourite feud?[/B] The building troubles between Sting and Bret look promising. [B]Your thoughts on Hulk Hogan leaving WCW?[/B] I spend a lot of time criticising Hogan, everywhere I go, so I think it was a smart move. That said, I still mark out for him every time he's on TV. Sure, he's old, slow, and a politician, but he's still the biggest legend of all time. He made wrestling what it is today. The man knows how to work a crowd, and is valuable in that respect. Although, the fact that people keep bringing him up in conversation makes me wonder if he's really gone at all... [B]Any other comments you want to make?[/B] You're still doing an awesome job mate, keep up the good work.
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