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WWF 2001 - Quest of a Jobber

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This diary is going to be a little different and will focus around 1 character, a custom wrestler I have put into the game world. My goal for the diary is to turn a terrible worker into a main event star, and the overall goal is to have him main event wrestlemania 2008. I will be using the excellent wars end re-birth mod starting in 2001. The custom character has been quick added into the database with no popularity and very low skills. On top of this the poor chap has been having some troubles lately and is a raging alcoholic. I will be using the following guidelines for pushing the worker: 1. He can only be booked against workers on a level push with him, one push above him, or anyone below him. I.e when he is an opener he can be booked against openers, lower midcards and enhancement talents. 2. He can not take part in storylines until he is a lower midcard. At lower midcard level he can play a minor role in storylines, once he has reached midcard then he can play a major role. 3. I will not use the in game editor at all, if he gets injured then thats tough luck. 4. If he misbehaves he will be punished like any other worker. Warning-> fine -> suspension etc. However for the diary's purpose I will never terminate his contract. 5. I will use the auto push feature to decide his push. Character details up in a bit.
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Name George Corner Nationality: British Hometown: Glasgow, Scotland. Age: 16 Size: Heavyweight Style: Regular Wrestler Push: Enhancement Talent Natural Dispotsition: Heel [U][B]Skills[/B][/U] [B]Rumble: F+[/B] [B]Technical: F[/B] [B]Flying: F [/B] [B]Entertainment: D[/B] [B]Performance: F[/B] [B]Physical: F[/B] [U][B]Popularity: F- in all areas[/B][/U] George Corner couldn't beleive his luck when he was spotted by a WWF talent scout at a house show in Glasgow. He gleamed with pride as he stuck pen to paper on a 12 month written contract that would see him earn a staggering $150 a week. The money didn't bother him too much he would spend all his time drinking, out on tour and find himself on an endless quest to nail Lilian Garcia..... Alright!!! Little did he know that Vince McMahon sent the talent scout out to find the biggest loser they could find on the whole European tour. Lets face it although at he had the height at 6ft2, with a beer belly that put the Blue meanies to shame and bigger boobs than Trish Stratus he wasn't exactly in peak physical condition. Vinces idea was to have a guy on the roster that was so bad that people had to feel sorry for him, an every day guy that people could relate to. George was sent to train in OVW where he was mentored by Mark Henry and Dave Bautista, after 6 months he was called up to the main roster.
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One big recommendation, give him a lifetime contract in the editor. You don't want him just walking away from you and ending this. Anyway, I know that I for one will be looking forward to see how this one turns out.
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[QUOTE=sheepy;414893]One big recommendation, give him a lifetime contract in the editor. You don't want him just walking away from you and ending this. Anyway, I know that I for one will be looking forward to see how this one turns out.[/QUOTE] Thanks. Yeah I never considered the fact that he would leave. I've given him a lifetime contract now.
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Nice backstory. I'll definitely be giving this a bit of a look in to see how you do. Just to clear it up, you'll be booking WWF realistically but trying to get this character over too, right? It definitely is interesting and I think the whole "lets give the fans an Average Joe" idea is actually more realistic than I thought this was gonna be when you first posted. Good luck.
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RAW Monday Week 1 2001 George Corner couldnt believe it when he arrived at the Allstate arena in Chicago he wandered around the backstage area, mingling with the stars, no one even gave him a 2nd glance. He could hear everyone snickering as he walked past, everyone knew why Vince had signed him, only George didnt realise it. "Ah you must be George" a female voice said from behind him, George swivelled eager to get a look at the lovely Lilian, but was dissapointed to see Linda McMahon standing in front of him. Linda took him to the dressing room where he could get changed. He had received a phone call earlier in the day from Sgt. Slaughter earlier to tell him the details of his gimmick. He was going to be a goofy, clumsy character who would win matches through strange events & mishaps. Linda McMahon told him that he would not be winning his match tonight and the purpose of this match was to get rid of his big crowd nerves. [B]George Corner v Steve Blackman[/B] This was to be the only dark match of the night and it saw George Corner give very little offense indeed. Steve Blackman defeated George Corner in 6:47 with a thrust kick. [B]Rating D[/B] *A pretty rowdy crowd where all over the case of George Corner Other matches: The Dudleys defeated the hollys Chris Benoit defeated Grandmaster Sexay HHH defeated Test & Stevie richards in a triple threat match Steve Austin defeated Tazz
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[QUOTE=keefmoon;414902]Nice backstory. I'll definitely be giving this a bit of a look in to see how you do. Just to clear it up, you'll be booking WWF realistically but trying to get this character over too, right? It definitely is interesting and I think the whole "lets give the fans an Average Joe" idea is actually more realistic than I thought this was gonna be when you first posted. Good luck.[/QUOTE] Thanks. I'll be booking WWF while the diary will concentrate on the one character. I will do monthly updates on the other WWF storylines so I'm not writing too much up in one show and burning myself out.
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[B]Smackdown - Thursday, Week 1, May 2001[/B] When George arrived at the MCI centre for the Smackdown taping, Jerry Lynn was arguing with Sgt. Slaughter when George approached Jerry stormed away. "Whats up with him?" George asked, "He just found out he is jobbing to you tonight, but dont worry, Jerry is a pro and will look after you in the ring.". George couldnt bring himself to approach Jerry to discuss the match but around 5 minutes before they were due to go out Jerry bit the bullet and came over. He made it clear that he wasnt happy with the way the match was going to go but ensured George that no harm would come to him. Rather than giving George a fluke victory Sgt. Slaughter insisted that it be a clean victory, which is what Jerry was so pissed off about. [B]George Corner v Jerry Lynn[/B] George Corner defeated Jerry Lynn in 5:31 by pinfall after a "from Hell" (Chokeslam) [B]Other Matches[/B] William Regal defeated Scotty 2 Hotty Kane defeated Billy Gunn Bigshow defeated the Godfather The Rock defeated Al Snow (Steve Austin attacked the Rock after the match) Edge & Christian v Chris Benoit & Chris Jericho ended in a double count out.
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[B]WWF Insurrextion in England, Saturday, Week 1, May 2001[/B] On the way to the airport to head to the UK for Insurrextion George made a new friend. A new guy named Paul London had just signed for the company andwas also who he'd be working with him at this show. George couldnt believe his eyes when they were waiting in the lounge and The Undertaker came over to talk to Them. "You're George right?", Was he dreaming? "Um.... yeah i'm George". "I know a lot of the guys seem a little hard on you but thats how they are with all the new guys. Look some of the guys told me you have a little thing for Lillian Garcia right? Well my seat is next to hers on the plane, why dont we swap?" Man George couldnt believe his luck, friends with the new guy, Taker speaking to him and now getting to sit next to Lilian on the plane. George bounded onto the plane for the long haul flight. He spent all the way to London wedged between Big show & Rikishi, all the while Undertaker laughed his ass off all the way there. [B]George Corner v Paul London[/B] George Corner defeated Paul London after London botched a moonsault[/B] [B]Rating: D[/B] [U][B]Other Matches[/B][/U] [B]Matt Hardy v William Regal[/B] William Regal made it clear that he was disgusted with an American holding the European title and threw down the challenge the other night on Smackdown. Matt Hardy Defeated William Regal by pinfall after a twist of fate. After the match William Regal beat down Hardy with a chair. [B]Rating: B+[/B] [B]Edge v Chris Jericho[/B] Commisioner Foley made it clear on Smackdown that Edge & Christian would only get a shot at the titles if they could beat both the champions in singles action. Chris Benoit accompanied Jericho to the ring but Christian was no where to be seen. Chris Jericho locked in the walls of Jericho only for Christian to attack Benoit at ringside, Jericho broke the hold only for Edge to recover with the spear and pinned Jericho for the 1,2,3. After the match Edge & Christian continued to beat Benoit down. [B]Rating: A[/B] [B]Christian v Chris Benoit[/B] Commisioner Foley banned both Edge & Chris Jericho from ringside. Benoit tried to put up a fight but was too weak from the vicious attack from earlier. Christian wins by pinfall in 8:53. [B]Rating: A[/B] [B]Kane v The Rock[/B] Vince McMahon couldnt have made it any harder for the Rock to earn his title shot against Steve Austin, he would have to beat Intercontinental champion Kane in a non title match. The 2 powerhouses looked absolutely inseperable as neither would stay down for the 3 count. When the match looked to be going Kanes way The Rock hit the Rock Bottom from nowhere, as he was teeing up the Peoples Elbow the Ref was taken out by HHH and Stone Cold Steve Austin. HHH went to work on Kane as Austin beat down The Rock. The Ref recovered and called the double DQ. [B]Rating: A*[/B] [B]HHH v The Undertaker[/B] HHH & Stone cold were set to take on the Dudleys in a Tables match in the main event, but as punishment for Interfering in the last match commisioner Foley announced that HHH would now face the Undertaker and Stone cold would face the Dudleys alone in a handicap tables match. The Undertaker defeated HHH in 16:51 following a tombstone. [B]Rating B+[/B] [B] Dudleys v Steve Austin (Handicap Tables Match)[/B] This match had barely gone on for 5 mins when The Undertaker, Kane & The Rock ran down the aisle and attacked Stone Cold, the ref had no choice but to ring the bell. [B]Rating: A[/B]
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