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Bring the Pain: A night with Painful Procedure!

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OOC: This is from the beginnings of a diary I started with a TCW game I was playing. The concept was that the story would be told through interviews conducted by Arthur McKing, the host of the [I]Wrestling Roundtable[/I], the Cornelleverse's foremost wrestling talk show. Sadly, I didn't get very far into the diary, but I thought it might be fun to post a couple of the interviews.
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[I]You’re the disease and we’re the cure . . . [/I] [I]Can you handle the Painful Proceeeedure . . . [/I] [B][COLOR=#008000]Arthur McKing[/COLOR]: [/B]Welcome to [I]The Wrestling Roundtable[/I]! As always, I am your “King Arthur”, Arthur McKing, and tonight we have a very special show. Joining us tonight-- fresh off the start of their comeback tour--the hottest band in the land: Randall Hopkirk! Ronnie V. Pain! B.J. Shearer! Painful Procedure! [B][COLOR=#008000]AM[/COLOR][/B]: Guys, thanks for coming. I know it’s been hectic lately and we really appreciate your taking the time to stop by. [B][COLOR=#ff0000]Ronnie V. Pain[/COLOR]: [/B]Hello. [B][COLOR=#0000ff]B.J. Shearer[/COLOR][/B]: Thanks for having us. [B][COLOR=#800080]Randall Hopkirk[/COLOR][/B]: Pleasure to be here. [B][COLOR=#008000]AM[/COLOR][/B]: I know the big story is your “comeback”, and we’ll get to that, but first I’d like to touch a little bit on the past. Get our listeners reacquainted with who Painful Procedure is and where they come from. [B][COLOR=#008000]AM[/COLOR][/B]: Now, Ronnie, you and B.J. have known each other the longest, right? [B][COLOR=#ff0000]RVP[/COLOR][/B]: Yes, that’s right. We wrestled together in PPPW for a few years. [B][COLOR=#0000ff]BS[/COLOR][/B]: (laughs) He stole my title! [B][COLOR=#008000]AM[/COLOR][/B]: (laughs) That’s right, you both held the Philly Power Pro Wrestling Tri-State Championship. You were the company’s first ever champion, weren’t you B.J.? [B][COLOR=#0000ff]BS[/COLOR][/B]: (laughs) Well, Krusher Karloff was champion, but I was fortunate enough to play him. [B][COLOR=#008000]AM[/COLOR][/B]: (laughs) I doubt many people remember your old “evil Russian” gimmick. But it did get you over enough to win three Tri-State Championships. [B][COLOR=#0000ff]BS[/COLOR][/B]: (laughs) My feeling was that the crowd was always happy to see the hero get one over on the old “evil Russian”, so that was why they put the title on me so many times. I can’t explain how Ronnie won it though. [B][COLOR=#ff0000]RVP[/COLOR][/B]: (laughs) Simple, I was the better wrestler. [B][COLOR=#008000]AM[/COLOR][/B]: (laughs) That’s debatable, but it was a surprise that PPPW would have their two top heels face off for the title. [B][COLOR=#ff0000]RVP[/COLOR][/B]: By then, that whole “evil Russian” thing had more than ran it’s course. Hell, by then, what was left of Russia was supposed to be our newest ally. No one would have ever accused the guys behind the scenes of PPPW of being cutting edge or anything, but they recognized when something didn’t work and that Krusher Karloff stuff didn’t work any more in 1995. [B][COLOR=#0000ff]BS[/COLOR][/B]: And I think another reason they did the title switch that way was because they really wanted the belt on Whistler again and, by that point, Karloff versus Whistler had been done to death [B][COLOR=#008000]AM[/COLOR][/B]: After he lost the title, Krusher Karloff was never seen again and, instead, the PPPW fans were introduced to Billy Jack Shearer. [B][COLOR=#0000ff]BS[/COLOR][/B]: Yeah, but I don’t believe they knew what to think of him and the guys backstage sure didn’t know what to do with him. I knew the writing was on the wall for me. When 1996 rolled around, my contract was not renewed and that was that for my time with PPPW. [B][COLOR=#008000]AM[/COLOR][/B]: But you were never short on work? [B][COLOR=#0000ff]BS[/COLOR][/B]: No, not really. I mean, even when I was a regular with PPPW we only ran three, four shows a month so I wasn’t tied down to just Philly. That’s how Ronnie and I got so close. We traveled together everywhere. We’d finish a PPPW show on a Friday, pack up his old van, and then hit the road until Wednesday, Thursday the following week. We’d wrestle anywhere they’d book us, sometimes as opponents, sometimes as a team. Sometimes they’d just book Ronnie or they’d just book me, but it didn’t matter because we were out there, having fun, learning everything we could about the business. [B][COLOR=#008000]AM[/COLOR][/B]: And that was when you guys discovered your musical synergy? [B][COLOR=#ff0000]RVP[/COLOR][/B]: (laughs) “Synergy”? Good word. But, yeah, something like that. I had an old guitar with me everywhere we went. It was as much a part of me as my wrestling gear and when I wasn’t wrestling or training I was playing. B.J. had mentioned a million times that he used to play the drums--I didn’t know it was in high school band--and one night in 1996 he finally got the chance to show me. He and I had just wrestled for XFW and we were hanging out with The Insane Heat and a couple other guys and it turned out they were something of a garage band themselves, so they let B.J. and I jam with them. [B][COLOR=#008000]AM[/COLOR][/B]: And it just blossomed from there? [B][COLOR=#0000ff]BS[/COLOR][/B]: Yeah, basically. We had a great time playing together and Ronnie and I decided to start our own band. One of the XFW guys sold me his old drum kit and there you have the beginnings of Painful Procedure. [B][COLOR=#ff0000]RVP[/COLOR][/B]: (laughs) Something like that. But a drummer and a lead guitar don’t make for much of a band, especially since neither of us could really sing.
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[B][COLOR=#0000ff]BS[/COLOR][/B]: (laughs) Good thing everyone in PPPW was a closet Kurt Cobain. As soon as they found out he had a band, the boys in the back were all over Ronnie. He’d probably kill me if he found out I told you this, but the only one who could carry a tune was Brent Hill. He had a real distinctive voice, like dark and kind of brooding and he fit with our sound pretty well, so the three of us became an official band. [B][COLOR=#008000]AM[/COLOR][/B]: See, I never knew that, I never knew that he was a part of the group. [B][COLOR=#ff0000]RVP[/COLOR][/B]: (laughs) Yeah, it’s not something he talks about that much. I don’t know if it embarrasses him or something, but it’s true, Brent Hill, Wrestling Machine #2, was part of the birth of Painful Procedure. He even had a hand in creating what became our theme music. He wrote that melody years ago and it always stuck with me, so when HGC got us together, I played it for them and pushed hard for it to be part of our theme. We didn’t have any words for it or anything, just the melody, but I guess that was enough for them to work with, because a week after I played it for them, they had the song all ready for us. [B][COLOR=#008000]AM[/COLOR][/B]: So, in a way, you have Brent Hill to thank for your early success? [B][COLOR=#0000ff]BS[/COLOR][/B]: I think it is fair to say that we have him to thank for even getting noticed by HGC. He was our lead singer after all and without him there wouldn’t have been any band and without the band there wouldn’t have been any “discovery”. So, yeah, I think Brent had a big hand in our being where we are right now. [B][COLOR=#008000]AM[/COLOR][/B]: Tell me again how you were discovered. [B][COLOR=#ff0000]RVP[/COLOR][/B]: Well, like B.J. said, we were discovered because of the band. The three of us were playing in this little dive bar in Philly and J.K. Stallings’ cousin or something was in the crowd that night and somehow he found out that the three of us were wrestlers so, after our set, he sat us down and talked to us about maybe giving his cousin a call. [B][COLOR=#008000]AM[/COLOR][/B]: This was, when, about the end of 1996, beginning of 1997? [B][COLOR=#0000ff]BS[/COLOR][/B]: Yeah something like that. Probably sometime in early 1997 because Brent hadn’t won his third Tri-State title yet. But he knew he was in line for another title run, so I think that played a part in his decision not to contact HGC. [B][COLOR=#ff0000]RVP[/COLOR][/B]: It was more than just that, though. I won’t say I know everything that was going through his head at the time, but I know he was really dead set against moving to the West Coast. His family and friends were all on the East Coast and he wasn’t thrilled about the prospect of uprooting his life if HGC were to give him a shot. B.J. and I didn’t have the same ties so, with Brent’s blessing, we contacted J.K. Stallings and set up a meeting. [B][COLOR=#008000]AM[/COLOR][/B]: What was that first meeting like? Was he interested in you guys right away or did you have to try out or anything like that? [B][COLOR=#0000ff]BS[/COLOR][/B]: He seemed real interested to meet us, real gung-ho about the whole idea. His cousin must have done a great job of selling us to him, because he was really excited to meet with us, really excited to see what we could do in the ring and hear us play. I think that was the biggest factor in determining our employment with HGC. [B][COLOR=#008000]AM[/COLOR][/B]: So you pretty much went from that meeting right into being Painful Procedure? [B][COLOR=#ff0000]RVP[/COLOR][/B]: Not really, no. I mean we had the look and we could wrestle well enough for what they wanted, but their initial idea was for Painful Procedure to be a parody, like [I]Spinal Tap[/I] in a wrestling ring or something. They had these ideas of amps “going to 11” and all this ridicules stuff and it didn’t suit us at all. I mean, B.J. and I were both thrilled to be given the chance to work for HGC, but it just didn’t fit with who were and I think after they heard us play a couple of songs, they realized it wouldn’t work the way they initially planned it. [B][COLOR=#008000]AM[/COLOR][/B]: Is it true that they initially wanted Liberty to be the lead singer? [B][COLOR=#0000ff]BS[/COLOR][/B]: Yeah, when Ronnie and I got there, they had a couple other workers sitting in on the meeting. Randall, of course, and Liberty, who was their first choice for lead singer because they thought he could play the campy character they wanted. Honestly, I think things worked out best for everyone involved. [B][COLOR=#008000]AM[/COLOR][/B]: Yeah, a career defining feud with Rip Chord and three TCW World Heavyweight Title runs isn’t a bad consolation prize for Liberty. [B][COLOR=#ff0000]RVP[/COLOR][/B]: (laughs) Yeah, the kid did all right for himself. [B][COLOR=#008000]AM[/COLOR][/B]: So, Randall, you’ve been pretty quiet up until this point. [B][COLOR=#0000ff]BS[/COLOR][/B]: (laughs) Only time you’ll ever see him this quiet. Backstage, in the ring, out on the road, everywhere we go, you can’t get this guy to shut up. [B][COLOR=#800080]RH[/COLOR][/B]: (laughs) Hey, up until this point it was your story, not mine. [B][COLOR=#008000]AM[/COLOR][/B]: So tell us a little bit of your story then. What lead you to that meeting? I know you had been in HGC for a while at that point. [B][COLOR=#800080]RH[/COLOR][/B]: Yeah, I came to HGC about six months or so before they brought in the two clowns who would become my best friends, but I really didn’t have any momentum. I was mostly wrestling darks and stuff, losing in squashes when I did get on TV. It was rough on me because I was a tag team wrestler without a partner and they had no idea how to best utilize my talents. [B][COLOR=#008000]AM[/COLOR][/B]: How did you get involved in Painful Procedure?
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[B][COLOR=#800080]RH[/COLOR][/B]: Well, like B.J. and Ron have said, they initially wanted to do a rock band parody and [I]Spinal Tap [/I]is my favorite movie so I thought it would be fun to try. Basically, there was a bulletin board posting in the locker room at a couple of events. They were looking for guys who could play an instrument, I was pretty good with the bass, so I threw my hat into the ring. [B][COLOR=#008000]AM[/COLOR][/B]: OK, so they had the three of you together, you had convinced them to do a “serious” take on their rock band idea, and you even had your name. All you were missing was a lead singer. [B][COLOR=#ff0000]RVP[/COLOR][/B]: Yeah, after they dropped the idea of doing it as a parody, Liberty just didn’t seem like the right fit. And, as you mentioned, things didn’t turn out too bad for him. But we did need a lead, someone to be the face of the band. [B][COLOR=#008000]AM[/COLOR][/B]:And that was where Jack Bruce came in? [B][COLOR=#800080]RH[/COLOR][/B]: Yes. He was a special project of Stallings. Great guy, infectious personality. You couldn’t talk to him for more than a couple of minutes and not like him. He was a total ball of energy. By that point in time, he’d been with HGC a couple of months, training, working darks. I wrestled him a couple times and I think we had some fine matches, so I was looking forward to having him as part of the band. [B][COLOR=#008000]AM[/COLOR][/B]: (laughs) The fact that he could even sing some was just a bonus? [B][COLOR=#800080]RH[/COLOR][/B]: Yes, I believe it was. After the direction of the band was determined, and Liberty was rejected, there was never any questions as to who would take his place. I remember it clearly. Stallings, sitting at the head of the table, leaned back and said, [I]“OK, I have the perfect guy for this.” [/I]and that was the end of it. He wouldn’t even entertain other ideas. So, the next day, Ron, B.J. and myself met with Stallings and the writers again and there was Jack Bruce, our new lead singer. [B][COLOR=#008000]AM[/COLOR][/B]: And that was that? That was how Painful Procedure began? [B][COLOR=#ff0000]RVP[/COLOR][/B]: Mostly, yeah. At that second meeting, we all got the chance to bring up our own ideas about how the band should work, what we wanted to accomplish, things like that. It was then that I gave them the melody that Brent Hill had written all those years ago. [B][COLOR=#008000]AM[/COLOR][/B]: When did Floyd Goldworthy come into the picture? [B][COLOR=#0000ff]BS[/COLOR][/B]: None of us had ever really had to cut promos. Krusher Karloff was from Russia, right, so he didn’t speak English. Man Mountain Cahill, Ronnie’s previous gimmick, was the silent monster type, and Randall, down in TWL as Bandit #1, was a masked wrestler who never got promo time either. Even Jack, who was very entertaining, lacked focus. His interviews rambled a lot and he always tended to run long. None of us were comfortable on the mic, at least not in the context of a wrestling interview, so it was only natural for them to add a manager to the band. That it was Floyd Goldworthy came as a bit of a surprise since we were supposed to be a babyface stable, but he came in and helped us all. He taught each of us to play to our strengths and to play off of the strengths of the others in the band. Looking back, he was the perfect choice because, even though his character was a face, he still had that oily, heel-like quality that most people associated with managers and agents. [B][COLOR=#008000]AM[/COLOR][/B]: April 1998. [I]Where Angels Fear To Tread[/I]. Live on PPV. What a crazy debut that must have been for the four of you. [B][COLOR=#800080]RH[/COLOR][/B]: You’d think so, with none of us ever having been on PPV before, but, I feel it went over pretty well. For me, the biggest concern was getting the songs right. We’d been practicing for a couple months, working together in the ring, certainly, but even more so as a band. Until the beginning of 1998, I had never played with Ron or B.J., so it took us a while to gel, a while to get our sound right. So, yeah, debuting live on PPV was a bit nerve-wracking, but mostly because we were expected to play two songs in front of the biggest crowd any of us had ever performed in front of, either wrestling or singing. [B][COLOR=#008000]AM[/COLOR][/B]: Well you did pretty good that night and for a lot of nights afterwards. [B][COLOR=#ff0000]RVP[/COLOR][/B]: (laughs) Yeah we had a pretty good run. [B][COLOR=#008000]AM[/COLOR][/B]: Without question you had a good run. Randall and B.J. are two-time TCW Tag Team champs and both held the now-defunct TCW Hardcore Title. Jack Bruce went on to win the TCW International Title, twice, before he left for SWF in 2004. You were always near the top in terms of merchandise sales. Your cover of [I]Paradise By The Dashboard Light [/I]evenearned you a gold record. [B][COLOR=#800080]RH[/COLOR][/B]: (laughs) I think that had more to do with Meatloaf joining us then with anything we did. [B][COLOR=#008000]AM[/COLOR][/B]: There is no doubt that you had a good run, but what did it feel like when that first big run, that first big push came to an end? [B][COLOR=#ff0000]RVP[/COLOR][/B]: I would never begrudge anyone a chance to make money, but when Jack left, it took the wind out of our sails. He left us in a bad way, dead in the water. I mean, they did a great job of writing him out of the storylines. Having him “go off to find himself musically” was a brilliant idea, even if none of the audience believed it. [B][COLOR=#008000]AM[/COLOR][/B]: So, you don’t believe Jack when he says that he’d like to “get the band back together“? [B][COLOR=#ff0000]RVP[/COLOR][/B]: That is just Jack being Jack. Sometimes I think he is in love with the sound of his own voice, he talks so much. But, no, I don’t think he really wants to come back to TCW or to rejoin Painful Procedure.
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[B][COLOR=#0000ff]BS[/COLOR][/B]: But, he’d be welcome to, if he ever felt like coming back. Like Ronnie said, we don’t hold anything against him. Put any of us in the same position, and we’d have made the same choice. But, yeah, it did hurt us when he left. How could it not hurt? We’d been together for almost six years, good times and bad, so, really any of us leaving would have hurt. That it was Jack, that it was the face of the band, yeah, that really killed our momentum. [B][COLOR=#008000]AM[/COLOR][/B]: But then you got a new face. [B][COLOR=#800080]RH[/COLOR][/B]: Yes we did, but one I always felt didn’t fit. Troy Tornado is a great kid, great worker, absolutely phenomenal in the ring. He even has a decent singing voice, but he was totally wrong for what we were, for what Painful Procedure was. That said, I loved working with him, loved having him around. He is such a sponge, such a willing student of the game. Ron, or B.J., or myself would teach him something, once, maybe twice, and he’d pick it up like it was nothing, use it like it was his own, like he’d always been doing it, whether it was a wrestling move or a guitar riff or anything. [B][COLOR=#008000]AM[/COLOR][/B]: So, how come you felt he didn’t fit? [B][COLOR=#800080]RH[/COLOR][/B]: Musically, I don’t think he was on the same page as the rest of us. Now, he sang the songs pretty well, gave it his all every time out, but he just wasn’t what we needed as a lead singer. It’s hard to explain. Maybe it had something to do with his age, maybe it had something to do with us just being so used to Jack, but it never felt right with Troy. I know that over the years bands have changed their lead singers and survived--even thrived--with a new voice, but I don’t think he was the voice we needed. That we lasted two years together was amazing and I say that more as a statement of how popular Troy became. It was obvious he had outgrown us and it was time to pull the trigger on his heel turn. [B][COLOR=#008000]AM[/COLOR][/B]: So, in short succession, you lost your second lead singer and then your manager walked away. Things looked bleak. [B][COLOR=#ff0000]RVP[/COLOR][/B]: I felt bad for Randall and B.J. because I knew I was going to be put into a program with Troy, but they really didn’t have any ideas for either of them. [B][COLOR=#800080]RH[/COLOR][/B]: (laughs) It was even kicked around that we put masks on and bring back the Bandits. Not my first choice, but if that was what they would have wanted, that is what I would have done. [B][COLOR=#008000]AM[/COLOR][/B]: (laughs) Fortunately it wasn’t anything that drastic. [B][COLOR=#800080]RH[/COLOR][/B]: Thankfully, no, the Bandits never made a reappearance. As Ron said, certain things that worked in the past just wouldn’t work in modern wrestling and I feel that the time of the masked worker--with very few exceptions--is past. Certainly the concept wouldn’t have worked as well in TCW as it did in Texas. [B][COLOR=#008000]AM[/COLOR][/B]: So Randall, you and B.J. remained Painful Procedure. [B][COLOR=#800080]RH[/COLOR][/B]: Want to know the strange part? Liberty was the one who pushed the hardest for us to keep the name alive. By then he’d had some real success with TCW and was well-respected backstage--especially by Stallings--so he had some influence on keeping the name alive. [B][COLOR=#ff0000]RVP[/COLOR][/B]: (laughs) Probably had nothing to do with the fact that the name still moved merchandise, huh? [B][COLOR=#0000ff]BS[/COLOR][/B]: (laughs) Despite Ronnie’s concerns about our direction, I knew we’d have a little more time on top. We still held the Tag Team titles, so I knew Painful Procedure would last at least long enough to move the belts off us. But, beyond that, no, we didn’t know what to expect. [B][COLOR=#008000]AM[/COLOR][/B]: So, a few uninspired feuds and then, [I]bam[/I], you found yourselves in a program with the Wrestling Machines. [B][COLOR=#800080]RH[/COLOR][/B]: I feel this was the pinnacle of my in-ring career. That feud brought out the best in me as a worker. Brent and John can absolutely flat-out wrestle, and the fact that I could even keep myself from looking too foolish against them made me proud. My only regret is that it couldn’t have been longer. But I understand the need to get the gold on the Machines. They are just too good not to be champions. [B][COLOR=#008000]AM[/COLOR][/B]: After your title loss, Painful Procedure dropped out of the spotlight for a while. [B][COLOR=#0000ff]BS[/COLOR][/B]: (laughs) Well Randall and I both had some vacation coming to us, and I know I took advantage of it. But, yeah, they decided to take us off TV for a while, try to keep us fresh. We worked a few dark matches but, really, we were off TV for almost six months. [B][COLOR=#008000]AM[/COLOR][/B]: And that brings us to the present, correct? [B][COLOR=#800080]RH[/COLOR][/B]: Yes. Ron had been moved into a feud with our old manager, Floyd Goldworthy, and his new client, American Buffalo and, by the start of 2007, The Dark Brotherhood had also become involved. Needing backup, Ron turned to those he could trust the most and so the three of us were back together again. [B][COLOR=#008000]AM[/COLOR][/B]: Those first vignettes--Ronnie alone in his locker room, on his cell phone, talking to someone about “getting the band back together“--got a huge reaction from the crowd. Did that come as a surprise to any of you? [B][COLOR=#800080]RH[/COLOR][/B]: Honestly, I feel that a lot of the fans were under the mistaken impression that Ron was talking with Jack Bruce. Remember, it was around that time that Jack gave the interview to [I]Pro Wrestling Hits[/I] where he said he would be interested in getting the band back together. So, while I was grateful for the response, I think it was a little bit skewed with unrealistic expectations.
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[B][COLOR=#008000]AM[/COLOR][/B]: There was never any thoughts of brining Jack back in for your reunion? [B][COLOR=#800080]RH[/COLOR][/B]: No, none. Management doesn’t tell us everything, of course, but new like that would have been too hard too keep under wraps for long, so if they even entertained the idea of bringing Jack back we would have heard of it. Given the situation, I don’t think it would have even been possible. [B][COLOR=#008000]AM[/COLOR][/B]: April 2007. [I]Where Angels Fear To Tread. [/I]Live on PPV. Sound familiar? [B][COLOR=#0000ff]BS[/COLOR][/B]: It was great, bringing things full circle like that. The only thing that would have made it better would have been if Jack could have been there, but it was still a great moment, a great night for the three of us. Our music hit, the pyro went, and there we were again, the hottest band in the land. [B][COLOR=#008000]AM[/COLOR][/B]: Even though you lost that match, I have a feeling that the feud is far from over. [B][COLOR=#ff0000]RVP[/COLOR][/B]: (laughs) To be fair, they did have a four-on-three advantage. [B][COLOR=#008000]AM[/COLOR][/B]: (laughs) True. True. So, any surprises coming up? Any other old members, perhaps some still under contract to TCW, rejoining the band in the near future? [B][COLOR=#0000ff]BS[/COLOR][/B]: Wish we could tell you, but it’s like Randall mentioned, management doesn’t tell us everything, even where it concerns us. But I think it is highly unlikely that you’ll see Troy back with the band anytime soon. His team with Wolf Hawkins is just too good to split up right now. [B][COLOR=#008000]AM[/COLOR][/B]: Good stuff. Well, guys, I’d like to thank you all for stopping by. Any chance you have some time to answer a few e-mails? [B][COLOR=#800080]RH[/COLOR][/B]: Absolutely. [B][COLOR=#008000]AM[/COLOR][/B]: Great. [B][COLOR=#008000]AM[/COLOR][/B]: Ken from Louisiana writes: “Any chance of seeing Jack Bruce back with the band?” [B][COLOR=#800080]RH[/COLOR][/B]: (laughs) Well I think we answered that one already, but it bears repeating. For the foreseeable future, no, I don’t feel Jack will be back with Painful Procedure, or even TCW. This is a business where you never say never, but I don’t see him coming back anytime soon. [B][COLOR=#008000]AM[/COLOR][/B]: K-dogg from Las Vegas writes: “Love you guys. So glad to hear you three were getting back together. Was just wondering; if you could choose anyone in the business, who you would pick as your new lead singer, and what do you think of my choice-- Remmy Skye--as the new front man for the band?” [B][COLOR=#ff0000]RVP[/COLOR][/B]: Anyone at all? That’s a good question. Ideally, I think all three of us would like to have Jack back, but as far as a new face, I would have to say someone like “Rockin’” Ryan Turner would be a good fit. [B][COLOR=#0000ff]BS[/COLOR][/B]: He’s that guy in Mid Atlantic, right? [B][COLOR=#008000]AM[/COLOR][/B]: Yes, that’s him. [B][COLOR=#0000ff]BS[/COLOR][/B]: I hear he can actually sing, so that helps. I’d have to go with The Insane Heat, or whatever he is calling himself these days. [B][COLOR=#008000]AM[/COLOR][/B]: He works as Destiny, in CGC. [B][COLOR=#0000ff]BS[/COLOR][/B]: (laughs) Yeah, well, him. I think we had a good vibe with him way back when Ronnie and I played together for the first time, so I think he’d work out well in Painful Procedure. As far as Remmy Skye, I can’t say I know a lot about him. [B][COLOR=#800080]RH[/COLOR][/B]: He’s a bit of a free-spirit. I met him once a couple years ago. He had some artwork on exhibit in a small gallery in L.A. and I had the chance to talk with him then. Nice guy, but I don’t know how well he’d fit in. My choice is a bit unconventional, probably not someone people have heard of. He wrestles in the UK, under the name Rolling Johnny Stones. [B][COLOR=#008000]AM[/COLOR][/B]: Back in 2006, when they were taken over by Jeff Nova, we featured 21CW on an episode of the Roundtable. His name came up as one to watch, but I have to confess I don’t know much about him. [B][COLOR=#800080]RH[/COLOR][/B]: I’ve never met him, but we’ve exchanged e-mails through his website and I have seen clips of his band online as well. I feel it would be a seamless transition, should we ever be fortunate enough to work with him. [B][COLOR=#008000]AM[/COLOR][/B]: This next one is form Mary in L.A.: “Is it true what they say about drummers’. . . you know?” [B][COLOR=#0000ff]BS[/COLOR][/B]: (laughs) Seriously? [B][COLOR=#008000]AM[/COLOR][/B]: (laughs) I just ask the questions, I don’t make them up. [B][COLOR=#ff0000]RVP[/COLOR][/B]: (laughs) I’d like to take this one. As someone who has spent more than his fair share of time in locker rooms with B.J., let me assure you that whatever you heard about drummers is true. The man is like a tripod. [B][COLOR=#0000ff]BS[/COLOR][/B]: (laughs) Come on, Ronnie. [B][COLOR=#ff0000]RVP[/COLOR][/B]: (laughs) Hand to God, like a baby’s arm holding an apple. [B][COLOR=#008000]AM[/COLOR][/B]: (laughs) You guys are just too much. OK, one more before we go. Scott from Denver: “Love you guys; been a fan forever. Any plans to release another album?” [B][COLOR=#800080]RH[/COLOR][/B]: Ideally, we’d love to put together another album. Lacking a lead singer, that makes it a bit hard at the moment, but I feel that there are more big things in store for Painful Procedure and another album is not out of the question. [B][COLOR=#008000]AM[/COLOR][/B]: Well guys, I want to thank you once again for your time. It was a blast having you and hopefully we can get you back sometime in the future. As always, look for the complete transcript of this Roundtable online tomorrow, and head back next week for a Roundtable discussion with Angel Athletic Association superstars, past and present. Until then, I remain your humble host, Arthur McKing. Goodnight Canada!
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