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Ok does any one know in general how the games AI goes about creating new workers?? Does it take them from the new worker pool or does it just create them at random? And also if it creates them at random does it also do this in games modded by others?Just a question i was pondering.
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[QUOTE=mike b;422562]Ok does any one know in general how the games AI goes about creating new workers?? Does it take them from the new worker pool or does it just create them at random? And also if it creates them at random does it also do this in games modded by others?Just a question i was pondering.[/QUOTE] It does both. First a modder for a DB can make new workers just like they would normal workers but set them with starting dates that are after the beginning of the game and thus they will show up on those dates, The cornellverse DB will have a lot of new character set to show up through out the game for many years. Second the game has an option for "random worker generation" when I play the C-Verse I usually leave it on off since Adam adds a ton of new workers but if a DB doesn't have new workers you can set it to Low, medium or high and you'll get new workers randomly generated.
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