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[QUOTE=petecrimson00;423931]How has he been for you? He just won my heavyweight Grand Prix beating McSweegan, Boniek, & lastly Zaco (edited contracts). But yeah now hes my heavyweight champion.[/QUOTE] He did that for me and then he tanked horribly. He beat his way through a 16 man tournament and then lost on his first defense to Rav Kapur. After that loss he hasn't taken another win he's now on a 6 match losing streak. Kapur did well for me though beating his way through almost the whole division and then when I adjusted the weight restrictions and Kendall Tracey moved up from Light Heavyweight to Heavyweight Kapur took his first loss for me,losing the title.
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In my company I started from scratch he won his first 3 matches. Then ALPHA-1 signed him up and squashed his momentum by booking him against Hassan Fezzik who just lost to Jeff Carlton a few months before that and was eager for a win. He lost his next two matches as well only recently won his first ALPHA-1 match against Leon Banks, who currently has no weaknesses on his scout report, so I think he's back on track.
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Juzos Skerla has been in and out of the top ten for my GAMMA org. 15-11 overall. He started out in alpha-1 and got fed to the wolves, having a losing record. He got a win, and I had him from 2000-2002 and he went 4-3. He won three in a row in smaller orgs, then I rehired him in 2005 and he's gone 3-2. He's considered dangerous and ranked #7. He's only ever beaten one fighter I would consider great, Mugur Boc. He beat Raul Hughes, too, but Hughes did ****ty in this game (in other games hes been great for me).
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