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Fun Sandman Moments


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[QUOTE=AfRoMaN36;424068]Funny, but I feel bad for those fans in attendance.[/QUOTE] True that! If you pay your hard earned money to see a top star like this, you have the right to at least expect to see his "B' game, if not his "A" game. You don't expect to see him falling asleep during a front headlock, nor do you expect to hear him get someone's name wrong time and time again. How many times have you gone to concerts to catch a big name act (insert name here) and they couldn't even remember the words to their biggest hits? Wrestlers are preformers as well and they cannot just phone in a night.
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[QUOTE=Steeldogfan;424316]How many times have you gone to concerts to catch a big name act (insert name here) and they couldn't even remember the words to their biggest hits? [/QUOTE] If it was any gig featuring Pete Doherty during his Libertines or Babyshambles gigs, Id be suprised if he even turned up :p
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[QUOTE=AfRoMaN36;424502]Atleast he was smart enough to never pull that crap in the WWE. Save the snizzort for after the show, thank you.[/QUOTE] Actually.. I'm not sure, but I think that he did, and that was the reason they let him go.. I know that's why 'ole Funk was not part of the new ECW. He about fell down the ramp from being drunk/high or something. Got that from Foley notes.
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[QUOTE=djthefunkchris;424647]Actually.. I'm not sure, but I think that he did, and that was the reason they let him go.. I know that's why 'ole Funk was not part of the new ECW. He about fell down the ramp from being drunk/high or something. Got that from Foley notes.[/QUOTE] I always thought it was because he got in a fight with a road agent. If it was an abuse problem, he'd go throught the Wellness Program first. The WWE wouldnt need him dying then being blamed by the media for doing nothing about it.
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