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The French have a saying... "Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose." The more things change, the more they stay the same. The Olympics have their torch; the Super Bowl has their halftime show; baseball has a seventh-inning stretch, boxing has ring girls, Grand Theft Auto has rocket launchers... some things never change. And therefore, just as the swallows return to Capistrano, so too does a TEW tradition dating back to the release of the very first TEW game. Be ready, because in two weeks, the journey continues. [b]Welcome.[/b]
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[QUOTE=MaxxHexx;424374]This is funny because this guy is named foreshadowing, and that is just what he is doing. As for mistaken, after you said that I had to go up and check the author to see if it was infinity.[/QUOTE] brand new member, name foreshadowing, with 6 posts all saying essentially the same things in different parts of the forum, that in two weeks the perennial dynasty of TEW is returning. Foreshadowing = Infinitywpi or I'm a bearded billy goat. and hope fully I'm not stealing his thunder by completing the phrase....[B]Welcome[/B] [I]to the coastal zone![/I] I just don't want those who don't know that the zone has had an iteration under every version of TEW to miss what Foreshadowing is hinting at.
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[QUOTE=mistaken;424376][B]brand new member, [/B]name foreshadowing, with 6 posts all saying essentially the same things in different parts of the forum, that in two weeks the perennial dynasty of TEW is returning.[/QUOTE] Not quite. unless there's a way of fudging join dates, he's been 'around' for eighteen months, I applaud anyone who can remember account details that long - I usually forget after a couple of days.
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[QUOTE=James Casey;424413]Not quite. unless there's a way of fudging join dates, he's been 'around' for eighteen months, I applaud anyone who can remember account details that long - I usually forget after a couple of days.[/QUOTE] your so right i did not read the dates, i just read he captions which aligned with the posts at the top of this thread. so now i have to go do some digging. last time foreshadowing came predicted a event on 12-21-2006, the return of the coastal zone followed on 12-23-2006. could be coincidence, or it could be evidence, I guess we'll have to wait and see!
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