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Momentum/Stories Questions

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So I'm new to TEW07. Just started a game on the Cornelverse using CGC. I signed a few young guys to develop, stuck them mainly as development talent and/or openers. After a few shows, I'm trying to have almost everyone involved in a storyline to some extent to try to keep everyone's momentum. Obviously, this is a bit difficult. So, a couple questions... 1. Is it necessary or even advisable to have your whole roster involved in stories? 2. Is there any real harm to having a young guy stay as a jobber for awhile, so he can get matches and develop his skills, even though his momentum will be negligible? 3. Does having someone job for awhile with no momentum to speak of make it more difficult to get them over later, when they are ready for a push? 4. When using a midcard guy to job and he complains after you book the match, does ignoring him have any potential consequences later?
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[B]1. Is it necessary or even advisable to have your whole roster involved in stories?[/B] Necessary? No. Advisable? It really depends on how good you are. That many stories can be difficult to keep track of and lead to all kinds of kerfuffle. I tend to find that for sports entertainment shows like CGC one storyline per title with two or three others for undercarders is enough. [B]2. Is there any real harm to having a young guy stay as a jobber for awhile, so he can get matches and develop his skills, even though his momentum will be negligible? [/B] None at all, to the best of my knowledge. In fact, it's a good way to use your really young (under 25) talent. Once they've got a little bit of skill going on, and how much is up to you, then they can start winning. But no, there's no harm in using them as jobbers early on. [B]3. Does having someone job for awhile with no momentum to speak of make it more difficult to get them over later, when they are ready for a push? [/B] Don't think so, but I'm no expert. Obviously if they're at F- momentum, getting them up to title-chasing levels is much harder, but there are ways and means of doing this. And don't underestimate the value of losing your way up the card. If a jobber has a good enough match rating it can actually boost his momentum even if he loses. [B]4. When using a midcard guy to job and he complains after you book the match, does ignoring him have any potential consequences later? [/B] A little- sometimes match ratigns are affected (I think), and it can make contract negotiations harder. But other than that, I don't think so.
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As far as jobbing your young workers to gain experience before a big push, that's nearly exactly what the young lion system in Japan is. In fact, if you play as a Japanese promotion and give a young (under 25 years old, under D level overness) a win over a more established star, the fans actually hate it, and you get a note saying "The fans didn't buy into a young lion like (blank) getting a win over (blank)". In terms of the midcarders losing, it doesn't affect too much that I'm aware of aside from their morale. Typically it happens if you job somebody consistently over the course of their contract (usually if you use the "talk to worker" button in the booking screen and they'll complain about how many losses they've taken lately), and I've had negotiations fail when it comes time to resign workers based on that.
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Great. Thanks guys. I think I'm starting to get this figured out a bit... So other than in the cases of specific pushes, your midcarders job to your upper workers. Your midcarders get their wins over the lower guys, and the lower guys predominently get wins over each other. I think I've also sorta got figured out how to put together a pretty good show with CGC.... Basically, as much of the DeColt's as possible, plus a lot of angles. Seems to work...
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