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One thing I've always thought would be good is an optional worker gallery. Just an extra button linked to images in a folder of alternate pictures ect. that could be accessed when you veiw the workers profile. With all the beautiful full body renders people have been doing it would be a good way to include them all in the game. You could use it for any type of wrestler picture you have, so it could be used for alternate pics & renders you may want to use later or after a gimmick change, nice action shots you've found of iconic moments in a wrestlers career, and the perverts out there can just fill it up with lots of half naked diva pics:p This can be completly optional, so the people that don't want clutter can just not add new pics, but the people like me who love all the visual elements of the game can have fun building up gallaries for all their favourite stars, and the TEW renderers can have their work appreciated even more. Theres always the option of Promotional galleries as well, so people can include things like the posters ect. that we see in Dynasties. Thoughts?
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how would you code for that though? You said it yourself. [QUOTE]You could use it for any type of wrestler picture you have, so it could be used for alternate pics & renders you may want to use later or after a gimmick change, nice action shots you've found of iconic moments in a wrestlers career, and the perverts out there can just fill it up with lots of half naked diva pics[/QUOTE] if you didn't use the full body shots, and just went with small pics, the area displaying them would have a huge section of empty space.
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