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[QUOTE=Michael Wayne;426333]I still mark out for that gimmick. Funny thing though was they basically used him as a babyface at the end. WWE has had so many crappy gimmicks. 90-96 were the worst. Duke the Dumpster Droese, The Goon, Abe Knuckleball Scwartz, Doink, Dink, The Oddities, Bastian Booger, Skinner, High Energy (anything involving Koko B. Ware was bound to fail), Damien Demento, Giant Gonzoles... I always liked the IRS and Berzerker gimmicks. Rotundo cut awesome IRS promos. And Norde was hilarious. "HUSS! HUSS! HUSS!"[/QUOTE] You know some of these I really enjoyed. Doink, The Oddities, High Energy. But I do have to give you The Goon. What were they thinking there? You have a guy who'd been a solid indie performer for years and years in Wild Bill Irwin and the best thing you can come up with for him is maniacal hockey fan? Talk about talent abuse. Dude could have been a terrific mentor/tag partner for someone and they just totally wasted him. And Bastian Booger. You take one of the best big men the game has seen and turn him into that monstrosity? The man became totally unwatchable purely on the grounds of the gimmick. If you were at all squeamish (and I was), you had to change the channel for the duration of Bastian Booger segments. No two ways about it.
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how could everyone forget "Headcheese" Steve Blackman and Al Snow? I use to love there skits where Al Snow was trying to find Blackman a gimmick and come across Headcheese and tried everything for Blackman to like it lol I also enjoyed Orlando Jordan's "Chief of Staff" gimmick I thought it suit him perfectly. They could of gone so many ways with this gimmick insted of just dropping it like they did
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[QUOTE=Basmat01;426616]how could everyone forget "Headcheese" Steve Blackman and Al Snow? I use to love there skits where Al Snow was trying to find Blackman a gimmick and come across Headcheese and tried everything for Blackman to like it lol I also enjoyed Orlando Jordan's "Chief of Staff" gimmick I thought it suit him perfectly. They could of gone so many ways with this gimmick insted of just dropping it like they did[/QUOTE] Did they drop the gimmick before Orlando Jordan was released for keeping a "friend" around the tour without permission?
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Mr. Perfect was the best gimmick imo. He played it perfectly and it was just awesome. Second for me was Hollywood Hogan. The whole "bigger than the business" egomaniac from 1996-end of 1997 was awesome. It lasted too long, but that was the best he ever was as a character imo. He played a fantastic heel.
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[QUOTE=The Bus;426673]Did they drop the gimmick before Orlando Jordan was released for keeping a "friend" around the tour without permission?[/QUOTE] yes they dropped it way before. It was like one minute he was JBL's Chief of Staff then the next minute he wasnt lol
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