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!~*The Great Depression of Pro Wrestling(1994) Hype & Sugguestion*~!

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[SIZE="6"][B]Promotion Spotlight #1- World Championship Wrestling[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a235/Game112/WCW5.jpg[/IMG] [B]Promotion Bio[/B] [QUOTE]WCW has become the most popular promotion in the world with the closure of top rival WWF. They have assembled the best roster of talent durning the depression. They have been under heavy criticism for signing Randy Savage who is a known politician to giant of a deal to the point they released talent to make it. They have been trying to expand into Japan as there industry is still strong.[/QUOTE] [B]Event's of Note[/B] [B]The signing of Savage[/B] [QUOTE]The signing of Randy Savage to a huge deal that would pay him millions of dollars and keep him in WCW for eight years sent shockwaves through WCW. On one hand they were getting an extraorinardy talent but on the other he is an egomianic and cost the company millions of dollars to sign. In response WCW released many wrestlers most notably Sting and Ricky Steamboat. Savage is a hated man in the WCW lockerroom and he has very few allies but he does have Eric Bischoffs backing which means alot. Randy Savage and WCW vetran Ric Flair have reportedly almost come to blows many times backstage and are very stiff in there matches together. Wether or not the WCW lockeroom will hold together has yet to be seen.[/QUOTE] [B]NWA Revial[/B] [QUOTE]At this WCW is the #1 promotion in America but with NWA band together as one promotion they could soon be a top challenger for that title. They have a very solid roster of vetrans and a few younger stars. They signed up many talents that WCW released such as Sting and Ricky Steamboat. Also once Ric Flair and Arn Anderson's WCW contracts are up they have stated they will be headed to The NWA. If NWA get Flair it could give them the boast to overtake WCW. WCW is the best now but by no means do they have no competitors for that title.[/QUOTE] [B]The Superstars[/B] [B]'Macho Man' Randy Savage[/B] [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a235/Game112/RandySavage-1.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]'Macho Man' Randy Savage was one of the biggest stars of the WWF and a former two-time World Champion. Extremely agressive in the ring, he moved like a Savage. One of the best in the business. After the closure of WWF Savage signed a big money deal with WCW and is embroiled in a fued with Ric Flair. Savage has become quite hated by many as his signing made WCW release quite a few talents to afford him.He debuted by helping Ric Flair win the WCW World Heavyweight Title from the soon departing Sting at Spring Stampede. Only minutes later he turned on Flair and left him bloody and beatin. He is currently set to face Flair at Bash at The Beach for the WCW World Heavyweight Title.[/QUOTE] [B]WCW World Champion 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair[/B] [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a235/Game112/RicFlairWCW-1.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]'The Nature Boy' Ric Flair has won more World Titles than anyone in history. A timeless wonder, Flair is regarded by many as the greatest of all-time and the epitome of what a pro wrestler should be. Unmatched on the microphone he has cut some of the most famous promos in wrestling history. When the depression began Flair and his best friend Arn Anderson tryed to get a release from WCW along with friend Sting to join the NWA but was denied by Eric Bischoff. He is currently stuck in his WCW contract and has been stuck in a fued with real life enemy Randy Savage. Flair has made it clear when his contract is up he will be heading to the NWA.[/QUOTE] [B]'Rowdy' Roddy Piper[/B] [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a235/Game112/RoddyPiper.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE] Hot Rod' 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper was one of the biggest stars of the 80's and helped to bring pro wrestling into the mainstream. A great promo and highly charismatic, Piper is well past his prime but he can still get the crowd going. Piper signed with WCW immediately after WWF closed, But he has yet to debut for them. Many belive once Savage finish's his feud with Flair, Piper will debut and challenge for the title.[/QUOTE] [B]'The Enforcer' Arn Anderson[/B] [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a235/Game112/arnanderson2.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]'The Enforcer' Arn Anderson is a member of the great Anderson family and one of the greatest tag team wrestlers of all-time. A longtime member of the IV Horsemen. A great technician and one of the best on the mic. Since the great depression of wrestling Anderson has had a few Mainevent chances but it is unknown he will get anymore. He also captured the WCW United States Title. He has threated to leave WCW when his contract expires and join the NWA.[/QUOTE] [B]'Big Daddy Cool' Diesel[/B] [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a235/Game112/KevinNashDiesel-1.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]Kevin Nash was a former basketball player in college who turned to pro wrestling after knee injuries. Began his career as the bodyguard for Shawn Michaels, Diesel. Diesel was signed up by WCW very quickly after WWF closed. He was set to come in and form a tag team with Razor Ramon or Shawn Michaels but WCW failed to meet Razor's or Shawns asking prices so Big Daddy Cool will get a chance to go solo.[/QUOTE]
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[B][SIZE="6"]Promotion Spotlight #2- National Wrestling Alliance[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a235/Game112/NWA.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]Promotion Bio[/SIZE][/B] [QUOTE]The National Wrestling Alliance (NWA) was the largest governing body for a group of independent professional wrestling promotions and sanctions various NWA championships in the United States. The NWA has been in operation since 1948. The NWA Recently united under the banner of one promotion with the closure of WWF and many other promtions due to the steriod scandal trials.[/QUOTE] [B]Events of Note[/B] [B]The NWA Unites to become a National Power[/B] [QUOTE]The NWA president Jim Crockett, Jr. announced on January 1, 1994 that all NWA territories would be absorbed and would form one promtion. Many were excited about this as it would give The NWA a chance to reach National heights again with the WWF closed. The NWA had a steady line up even before former WCW joined them, talents such as The Roadwarriors, Mr. Perfect and Lex Luger. They also have a great line up of younger talent such as Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Chris Candido, The Eliminators & Jeff Jarrett.[/QUOTE] [B]Former WCW Stars flock to Join the NWA[/B] [QUOTE]When the NWA united into one promtion to try to become a national power again many WCW stars wanted to join the promotion. Some were grant release like Sting and Ricky Steamboat due to WCW cost cutting, Others like Barry Windham and Dustin Rhodes were fired due to the company needing money to sign Randy Savage. [/QUOTE] [B]NWA Gets TV![/B] [QUOTE]NWA secured a small syndication TV Show called NWA Main Event. Though it isnt a national deal it is TV air time which isnt easy to come by in hardtimes like theses. The show is only an hour and is short term to see if enough veiws are drawn to warrant a longer one.[/QUOTE] [B]The Superstars[/B] [B]Sting[/B] [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a235/Game112/StingOld.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]Sting is the franchise of WCW. A star since the late 80's he used his great athleticism and natural charisma to become a star and face of WCW. He recently was let go by WCW due to being unhappy with the politics of the company (Eric Bischoff) and also so they could sign Randy Savage. He will be debuting for the new NWA soon.[/QUOTE] [B]Lex Luger[/B] [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a235/Game112/LexLuger3.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]'The Total Package' Lex Luger, a former pro football player, has been a big star in pro wrestling for years. One of the best physiques in wrestling history, Luger has never been the top draw he has the potential to be. After WWF closed Luger nearly signed with WCW but opted to join best friend Sting the new NWA.[/QUOTE] [B]Ricky Steamboat[/B] [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a235/Game112/RickySteamboat5.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]Ricky 'The Dragon' Steamboat is an acclomplished mat wrestler. Known for making his opponents look like a million bucks, he had an incredible feud with Ric Flair over the NWA Title. Some consider him the best technical wrestler of all time and a legend of the business. He left WCW in mid 1993 to take a rest from the business even before the steroid scandals backlash happened. He recently signed with the new NWA.[/QUOTE] [B]Dustin Rhodes[/B] [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a235/Game112/DustinRhodes.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]The son of legendary Dusty Rhodes, Dustin has always wrestled in his father's shadow. Though he lacks the level of talent and charisma of his father, he himself is no slouch. Has a knack for making his opponents look good. WCW Released Rhodes after WWF closed but he quickly signed with the NWA hoping to follow his fathers footsteps as a main star in the promotion.[/QUOTE] [B]Paul Heyman[/B] [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a235/Game112/PaulHeyman.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]Paul E. Dangerously was a great manager in AWA and WCW, before moving on to ECW to take over the head booking job. He has become one of the best bookers in the business. After ECW was absorbed into the new NWA Paul E. followed and joined the NWA. Could Paul bring a tint of Extreme to the NWA Old School Style or will his words fall on deaf ears. Also as a side note Paul E. is in talks with the NWA to buy the ECW name.[/QUOTE]
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I just wanted to update and say this mod is still alive and well. at the moment progress is kinda slow. Also it looks as if there will be delayed release as i wanted to release in august. id now say september at the latest. Its just that IRL ive hit a hardspot and i cant afford to upgrade to TEW 2008 at the moment. But again this mod isnt dead lol =).
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I don't understand this. WCW never released Sting when they signed Randy Savage. Is this some sort of fantasy mod? If not then you need to freshen up on your WCW history. In 1994 Sting feuded with Rick Rude and Big Van Vader over the WCW International World Heavyweight Title, had a title unification match with Flair, and teamed with Hogan. He was very much a part of WCW. Plus Lex Luger was still in the WWF in 1994 and didn't leave until 1995.
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[SIZE="6"][B]Promotion Spotlight #3 - International Wrestling ReVolution (IWR)[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a235/Game112/IWR.jpg[/IMG] [B]Promotion Bio[/B] [QUOTE]International Wrestling ReVolution or IWR opened up in 1994 after WWF closed. Vince Russo is the head man and has Scott Levy Better Known as Raven book for the promotion. They have an edgy style unheard before now. They have a huge cult following but it has yet to be seen if they can make the leap to mainstream. Konnan of the AAA has brought the some of the best young Luchadore's to IWR like such talents as Rey Jr. , Juventud Guerrera, & Psicosis and they have become quite the attraction and the foundation for IWR.[/QUOTE] [B]Event's of Note[/B] [B]Russo Opens IWR and Raven Books[/B] [QUOTE]Former Radio Talk Show Vince Russo started up his promotion at the start of 1994. In an interveiw he swore he would bring a new and fresh product to the wrestling world. He also anounced that former WWF and WCW Scott Levy who is now known as Raven would be the head booker and creative writer for the promotion. [/QUOTE] [B]IWR Makes Deal with AAA[/B] [QUOTE] In early this year Konnan and Vince Russo came to a agreement that would see many young lucha's be able to wrestle for IWR. Konnan has promised American fans that they will be entertained like never before by the exciting Mexican style. it is still unkown the extent of the deal but there have been rumours that down the line they may start and inter-promotional War storyline.[/QUOTE] [B]The Superstars[/B] [B]Raven[/B] [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a235/Game112/Raven.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]Raven spent time in the WCW as a wreslter and then WWF as an announcer and manager before there closure. He has re-invented himself and became one of the finest minds and talkers in the business. Has developed a cult following across the nation of fans who admire his dark, grunge personality. It was announced on New Years Day 1994 that he will be the head booker for the upstart IWR Promotion. Raven has stated that he hopes to re-invent how wrestling is seen and what happens in IWR will blow away anything any 'Mainstream' promotions book. He has also had some particularly nasty things to say about Randy Savage and Eric Bischoff.[/QUOTE] [B]Faarooq[/B] [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a235/Game112/RonSimmons4.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]Ron Simmons was a former WCW World Heavyweight Champion. A four time All-American Football player in College, Simmons has used a power game to become quite successfull in wrestling. Stayed with ECW till they folded durning the great depression of wrestling. recently signed with IWR and has takin a very risky racist gimmick and now uses the name Faarooq.[/QUOTE] [B]Konnan[/B] [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a235/Game112/Konnan11.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]Konnan is one of the most popular wrestlers in Mexico, so popular that he has a regular returning role on a famous soap opera. Highly charismatic and great on the mic, Konnan is very athletic and powerfull. Konnan signed with IWR in early 1994 and has brought many young luchadore with him. Konna is a memeber of IWR booking team and is third in charge below only Vince Russo and Raven. K-Dawg plays the role of an angry hispanic who belives he being held down due to his heritage on screen.[/QUOTE]
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i now have 350 workers finished 250 Active and 100 New Workers i plan on having a grand total of around 700 - 1000 probaly more aroundb 1000 hopefully and there will be around 13 - 17 Active promotions. im going to set a soft release date of Late August or Early September but it could be Later or even sooner depending of various things. the reason for the release date being so long is i want to be able play and enjoy TEW 2008 and not get burnt out making a mod. But i hope to release my first complete and GOOD mod.
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