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Loyalty/PPA Contract Question

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In order to properly set up my mod, I would like to see if the "loyalty" factor has changed how PPA wrestlers react to contract offers, since Lifetime contracts have been removed. If WrestlerX was signed under a PPV and set to be loyal to (small sized fed) FedX (or OwnerX of FedX) and then FedY (global fed) made him an offer, would WrestlerX (like in TEW07) reject the offer due to his loyal to FedX/OwnerX or would WrestlerX jump at the chance to "make real money" in FedY? I know that a personality has an affect on this decision, but what I am asking is if PPA contracts with loyalty can be signed away, unlike in TEW07. Also, can "loyal" PPA wrestlers work for other companies under other PPA deals? (i.e. Shawn Gonzalez is loyal to DAVE, but can sign to MOSC or USPW under PPA deals, while still being loyal to DAVE)? I guess the questions are primiarily to Adam, since no one else probably knows how this logic works in TEW08. Thanks.
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Not sure about loyal PPAers working for other promotions too (they generally didn't in '07). But workers who're Loyal to an owner of the fed can certainly be tempted away from it if the money and promotion size suit them. Depending on the worker's personality of course. Hell, some people will walk out on their own father if enough money is on the table and you're a big enough step up :P
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