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With Vince Mcmanhon falls in trouble with the law after yet another steroid controversy.Vince puts up his assets on auction.Terry"Hulk"Bollea quickly snatches the rights to WCW.Bollea signs frenid Eric Bischoff as head booker.He signs Jimmy Hart and Nasty Boys to help Bischoff with the booking.Hogan and Bischoff quickly signed Booker T,Paul Wight,The Hurricane,Paul Burchill,Teddy Hart,DH Smith,Nattie Neidhart,Kevin Thorn,Bobby Lashley,Kofi Kingston,Wagner Brown. [B](This dynasty is not under the TEW!!)[/B]
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Bollea was in his office with Eric Bischoff,Nasty Boys and Jimmy Hart. [B]Bollea:[/B]Since Mcmahon has been in trouble with the law lately,WCW will have to go to the fourfront of the wrestling.Eric who have you gotten scouts on. [B]Bischoff:[/B]A couple names I've had are Chris Moore,Joey Superstar,Test,Lita and Venus. [B]Bollea:[/B]Brian,Jerry what tag teams do you guys have for us. [B]Knobs:[/B]Sudden Impact,Cryme Tyme,The Hearthrobs,The New Hart Foundation,The Canadian Bulldogs,The James Boys. [B]Sags:[/B]This could give are tag team divison depth. [B]Bollea:[/B]Jimmy what do you got for me. [B]Hart:[/B]Well I've made sure to find some old WCW talent Glen Gilberetti,Juventud Guerrua and Billy Kidman.
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[B][I][COLOR="Blue"]WCW[/COLOR][/I][/B] 1.Chris Moore(Masters) 2.Antonio Thomas 3.Romeo Roseli 4.Alexis Roucka 5.Kevin Thorn 6.Bobby Lashley 7.Jake Hager 8.Kofi Kingston 9.Wagner Brown 10.Kristal 11.Teddy Hart 12.DH Smith 13.Natayla Neidhart 14.Joey Superstar 15.Lita 16.Test 17.Cybrus 18.Hybrid 19.Marina Santos 20.Booker T 21.Paul Wight 22.Mark Magnus 23.The Hurricane 24.Venus 25.Rene Durpree 28.Glen Gilberetti 26.Charlie Haas 27.Jackie Haas 28.Slyvain Grenier 29.Billy Kidman 30.Juventud Guerrua 31.Orlando Jordan 32.Horshu-Luther Reigns 33.Paul Burchill 34.Katie Lea Burchill 35.Nora Green 36.Shantelle Taylor 37.Super Stacy 38.Kimo 39.Idol Stevens 40.KC James 41.Kassidy James 42.Kane 43.Kole 44.Joey Muraco 45.Necro Butcher 46.Dan Rodman 47.Ted Dibiase Jr 48.Mike Dibiase 49.Lacey Von Erich 50.Rob Van Dam 51.Matt Michaels 52.Melissa Anderson 53.Siaki Miavia 54.Kevin Matthews 55.Alpha Dogg 56.Jazz [B]57.Ryan O'Reily 58.Krissy Vaine[/B] 59.Nick Dinsmore 60.Chris Hero 61.Jack Evans 62.Tyson Dux 63.TJ Wilson [B]64.Johnny Jeter 65.Mike Mondo 66.Nick Mitchell 67.Nick Nemeth 68.Brooke Adams 69.Afa Jr 70.Sheamus O'Shaunessy 71.Bryan Danielson 72.Chris Harris 73.Ron Killings 74.The Boogeyman 75.Rob Conway[/B] These names were signed who were not spoken
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[CENTER][COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="6"]WCW Nitro[/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER] With the new era of WCW just begining,will Hulk Hogan make an Impact. [CENTER]Quick Picks Teddy Hart vs.Billy Kidman Sudden Impact/Marina Santos vs.The Hearthrobs/Alexis Roucka Siaki Miavia vs.Venus Kofi Kingston vs.Orlando Jordan Test vs.The Hurricane/Super Stacy Bobby Lashley vs.RVD vs.Booker T vs.Paul Wight[/CENTER]
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Lol, well, at least he's not lying and has admitted to be Adeezy in the past, sure, here comes another batch of WCW dynasties, but we're already acostumed to Deezy and his non TEW dynasties, the 80 people roster consisting of the same indyn names, the same type of writing even after getting tips from the best writers around, his desperate flaming, etc. Good luck on this and the other 22 upcoming diaries that you'll eventually create in a 30 day span, until you get sick of it, make another account, and repeat.
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[QUOTE=Guerrerofan777;427937]Lol, well, at least he's not lying and has admitted to be Adeezy in the past, sure, here comes another batch of WCW dynasties, but we're already acostumed to Deezy and his non TEW dynasties, the 80 people roster consisting of the same indyn names, the same type of writing even after getting tips from the best writers around, his desperate flaming, etc. Good luck on this and the other 22 upcoming diaries that you'll eventually create in a 30 day span, until you get sick of it, make another account, and repeat.[/QUOTE] Honestly I'm waiting to the 2008 version of the game.I'm not even close to being desperate and if I was flaming I would post every minute of everyday!
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[QUOTE=MattitudeV2;428033]Honestly I'm waiting to the 2008 version of the game.I'm not even close to being desperate and if I was flaming I would post every minute of everyday![/QUOTE] I'm not talking about right now silly Deezy, but screw it, if you stick with this one and try to do something remotely different, cheers, even though I think that's not gonna happen, but make me eat my words.
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[B][I][SIZE="6"][COLOR="Blue"]from WCW.com[/COLOR][/SIZE][/I][/B] [CENTER][SIZE="5"]WCW gets a development territory[/SIZE][/CENTER] From sources close to the situation have said OVW(Ohio Valley Wrestling) has signed on to become a development territory for WCW.WCW first act was to send down Mark Magnus,Mr Agulia,Kimo,Idol Stevens,Chris Hero,The Hearthrobs,Kane and Kole. [U]We will have more when more becomes available!!![/U]
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[QUOTE=tizzyt;428137]I don't even know how to type the sounds of "amazement".... Mark Magnus, Chris Hero and Aguila in developmental?... :confused: That's.... just... wow... :eek:[/QUOTE] I have too big a roster,I do understand why Hero-because a great piece of ROH.Magnus needs to get his character devloped and Agulia needs the same thing!
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[B][I][SIZE="6"][COLOR="Blue"]from WCW.com[/COLOR][/SIZE][/I][/B] [CENTER][B][I][SIZE="7"]WCW gets TV Contract[/SIZE][/I][/B][/CENTER] In a press conference early today Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff announced that WCW will be on FX and will air at 8'o clock.They also announced the annoucers for the brodcast will be Scott Hudson and Josh Matthews with the intreviewers Letcia Cline and Johnathan Coachman. [U]We will have more when more becomes available!!![/U]
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[CENTER]Photobucket on Photobucket [B][I][SIZE="6"]WCW Nitro[/SIZE][/I][/B][/CENTER] Eric Bischoff comes to ringside receiving huge heat from the crowd. [B]Bischoff:[/B]First thing I want is I'm back,next I would like to welcome you back to WCW Nitro.Finally I would like to introduce you to the new WCW Commisoner Teddy Long! (Teddy Long receives a huge pop from the crowd) [B]Long:[/B]Thanks Playa,So my first act will be the world heavyweight title will be on the line tonight in a fatal 4 way as RVD,Paul Wight,Bobby Lashley and Booker T will get it on. (Teddy Long leaves as the first match is ready to begin) Teddy Hart comes out to huge heat from the crowd. Billy Kidman comes out to huge pop from the crowd. Teddy Hart vs. Billy Kidman We Join the match near it conclusion... Hudson:Teddy Hart and Billy Kidman have put on an excellent opening match for Nitro Matthews:Teddy Hart pokes Kidman in the eye,Hart hits a dropkick. Hudson:Hart to the top he setting up for the Triple Bypass he's got it 1..2..3.. [B]Winner:Teddy Hart[/B] Hart grabs the microphone from the ring announcer. [B]Hart:[/B]You know what makes me sick of you people is that you never have respected the Hart Family Name. [B]Hart:[/B]All that my grandpa Stu,My Uncles Bret and Owen have done for you,and you can't respect me so forget you people (Hart drops the mic in the ring) [B]Hudson:[/B]This kid needs to realize he needs to earn his respect before begging for it. [B]Matthews:[/B]He does have a point his family bulit candian wrestling. [B]Hudson:[/B]Hey Josh are we Canada. [B]Matthews:[/B]No Scott why. [B]Hudson:[/B]So does his family matter bet you both of his uncles would agree with me. We go to the back where Marina Santos,Hybrid and Cybrus are discussing strategy when Alexis Roucka says [B]Roucka:[/B]Do you think you and your two losers have a chance of beating my hearthrobs. [B]Santos:[/B]Yeah you talk a big game but can you and your boys back it up! (Commercial Break) Sudden Impact receives a decent pop from the crowd. The Hearthrobs receive decent heat from the crowd Sudden Impact vs.The Hearthrobs We Join this match near it's conclusion... [B]Hudson:[/B]Sudden Impact has been in full control of this match [B]Matthews:[/B]Alexis Roucka has to be pissed. (Camera pans to Roucka with her screaming at Antonio) [B]Hudson:[/B]Whip into the ropes...wait Roucka grab Hybrid foot. [B]Matthews:[/B]Look behind Hybrid Antonio and Romeo hit the Promise Land 1..2..3 [B]Winner:The Hearthrobs[/B] We go to the back were Letcia Cline and Siaki Miavia [B]Cline:[/B]Siaki Miavia tonight you take on Venus next what are your thoughts. [B]Miavia:[/B]Tonight the legend is born,a new son of samoa gets his shot against the man the call Venus.I thought woman are from Venus.Once I lay the smackdown on your ass that I'll be a champion at Bash at the Beach. (Commercial Break) Venus comes out to a huge pop from the ladies Siaki Miavia receives huge heat from the crowd. Venus vs.Siaki Miavia We Join the match near it conclusion... [B]Hudson:[/B]Venus it beating on Miavia,he's going to the top rope [B]Matthews:[/B]Money Shot oh he got it 1..2..3. [B]Winner:Venus[/B] Stacy Keiblier is in the back when Test walks in on her as she is undressing [B]Stacy:[/B]Andrew!!! [B]Test:[/B]Whoops sorry Stacy [B]Stacy:[/B]It's ok you wannna help shave my legs. [B]Test:[/B]Sure,Stacy!!! (Test winks at the camera as the door shuts) (Commercial Break) Kofi Kingston comes out to huge heat with a microphone [B]Kingston:[/B]My brotha Teddy Long has told me that I will earn a WCW United States Title Match. Orlando Jordan comes out to a decent pop from the crowd. Kofi Kingston vs.Orlando Jordan We Join this match near it's conclusion... [B]Hudson:[/B]Jordan has been dominated by Kingston. [B]Matthews:[/B]Kingston hits Cool Runnings for 1..2..3 [B]Winner:Kofi Kingston[/B] [B]Hudson:[/B]Test vs.The Hurricane next!!! (Commercial Break) Test comes out to a huge pop from the crowd. The Hurricane comes out to a huge pop from the crowd Test vs.The Hurricane We Join this match near his conclusion... [B]Hudson:[/B]Test has been dominating the Hurricane [B]Matthews:[/B]Stacy has been ignoring the Hurricane [B]Hudson:[/B]Hurricane hits the shining wizard for 1..2..kickout [B]Matthews:[/B]Test whips Hurricane into the pumphandle slam for 1..2..3 [B]Winner:Test[/B] [B]Matthews:[/B]The Main Event is next!!!! (Commercial Break) RVD comes out to a huge pop from the crowd Paul Wight comes out to decent heat from the crowd Bobby Lashley comes out to a huge pop from the crowd Booker T receives huge heat from the crowd RVD vs.Paul Wight vs.Bobby Lashley vs.Booker T We Join the match near it's conclusion... Hudson:Booker T hits a Book End on RVD. Matthews:Wait...Bobby Lashley out of nowhere hits the spear 1..2..kickout! Hudson:Paul Wight chokeslam onto Bobby Lashley 1..2..kickout! Matthews:Booker kicks Paul Wight in the gut...axe kick 1..2..3.. [B]Winner:Booker T[/B] (Booker T celebrates with his title as the picture fades to black) [QUOTE]Thoughts or Comments[/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][COLOR="SlateGray"][SIZE="6"]WCW Thunder[/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER] [B][I]What will be the reprecusions of Booker T winning the WCW World Heavyweight Title.[/I][/B] [CENTER]Quick Picks The Hurricane vs.Juventud Guerrua Joey Superstar vs.Charlie Haas Siaki Miavia vs.Venus-Winner will face Kofi Kingston in United States Title Match The Million Dollar Sons vs.Sudden Impact Rene Durpree vs.Idol Stevens Paul Wight vs.RVD vs.Bobby Lashley-Number 1 contender's match.[/CENTER]
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[SIZE="6"][B][I][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]from WCW.com...[/COLOR][/I][/B][/SIZE] [CENTER][B][I][U][SIZE="6"]Booker T to open Thunder[/SIZE][/U][/I][/B][/CENTER] Booker T will open Thunder after his World heavyweight title win.what will the champion have to say... [U]We will have more when more becomes available!!![/U]
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[B]The Hurricane[/B] vs.Juventud Guerrua [B]Joey Superstar[/B] vs.Charlie Haas [B]Siaki Miavia[/B] vs.Venus-Winner will face Kofi Kingston in United States Title Match [B]The Million Dollar Sons[/B] vs.Sudden Impact [B]Rene Durpree[/B] vs.Idol Stevens Paul Wight vs.RVD vs.[B]Bobby Lashley[/B]-Number 1 contender's match
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[CENTER][COLOR="SlateGray"][SIZE="6"]Photobucket on Photobucket[/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER] (Teddy Long is in the ring with a mircophone) [B]Long:[/B]I'm here to introduce the new WCW World Heavyweight Champion Booker T!!! (Booker T's music hits as he receives huge heat from the crowd) [B]Booker T:[/B]Thank you Teddy,you people have never gave me my respect after I left WWE.I finally deserve to be called a six time,six time,six time WCW Champion. [B]Long:[/B]See that is why Booker tonight we are going to figure out who your number 1 contender will be so it will be Bobby Lashley vs.Paul Wight vs.Rob Van Dam for a chance at your WCW Title. (Teddy Long and Booker T leaves as are first match is about to begin) The Hurricane comes out to a huge pop from the crowd. Juventud Guerrua receives huge heat from the crowd. [B]The Hurricane vs.Juventud Guerrua [/B] We Join this match near it's conclusion... Hudson:Hurricane is showing his dominace in this match Matthews:Juvi to the top but Hurricane throws him off. Hudson:Hurricane hits the Eye of the Hurricane 1..2..3.. [B]Winner:The Hurricane[/B] (Hurricane asks for a mic) [B]Hurricane:[/B]Citzen Teddy Hart you ask why you don't get respect. [B]Hurricane:[/B]It is because you have not earn it,people all around this business have to earn respect. (Teddy Hart comes out to huge heat from the crowd.) [B]Hart:[/B]Who the hell are you Hurricane last time I checked have only one the cruiserweight title once. [B]Hart:[/B]My Uncles never had to earn respect they had to beat it out of punks like you! (Teddy Long's music hits) [B]Long:[/B]Alright fellas I'll settle this we are going to have a Ladder Match at Bash at the Beach for the WCW Cruiserweight Title. (Commercial Break) We are back were we see Joey Superstar enter the women's locker room where Stacy Keibler is taking a shower [B]Superstar:[/B]Hello,is anyone in hear. [B]Keiblier:[/B]Yes,please leave im in the shower. (Joey enters the shower room and locks a huge kiss on Stacy) (Stacy slaps Joey Superstar,Joey attempts to attack her as Test comes out of nowhere delivering a huge big boot) (Charlie Haas receives a decent pop from the crowd) Joey Superstar receives huge heat from the crowd for what he just did) [B]Charlie Haas vs.Joey Superstar[/B] We Join this match near it's conclusion... [B]Hudson:[/B]Superstar has controlled this match from the outset [B]Matthews:[/B]Superstar setting up for the Superstar kick and he got for 1..2..3 [B]Winner:Joey Superstar[/B] We go to the back where Venus and Siaki Miavia are walking towards the ring. [B]Hudson:[/B]Miavia versus Venus to determine a number one contender for the US title next! (Commercial Break) (Siaki Miavia comes out to huge heat from the crowd) (Venus receives a huge pop from the crowd) [B]Siaki Miavia vs.Venus[/B] We Join this match near it's conclusion... [B]Hudson:[/B]Venus clotheslining Miavia to the outside [B]Matthews:[/B]Venus jumps off the rope cross body onto Miavia. [B]Hudson:[/B]Miavia hits a snap suplex on the floor. [B]Matthews:[/B]The ref's count is up to 4. [B]Hudson:[/B]Venus whips Miavia into the ring post. [B]Matthews:[/B]the ref count is up to 6. [B]Hudson:[/B]Venus runs after Miavia and gets hit with a powerslam. [B]Matthews:[/B]The count is up to 8 [B]Hudson:[/B]Miavia hits the Siakilyspe on the floor (The Bell rings) [B]Winner:No Contest[/B] Teddy Long comes up on the Titantron. [B]Long:[/B]Due tp this match going to a countout I have no other choice to make this match a triple threat match. [B]Long:[/B]So it will be Kofi Kingston vs.Venus vs.Siaki Miavia at Bash at the Beach. Ted Dibiase is in the back with his sons. [B]Dibiase:[/B]Tonight I'm here to debut my sons Teddy Jr and Mike [B]Teddy:[/B]Thanks dad,we came to WCW to make a total impact. [B]Mike:[/B]Sudden Impact you will be the first example of are WCW reign. (Commercial Break) (The Million Dollar Sons come out to minor heat from the crowd) (Sudden Impact receives a decent pop from the crowd) [B]The Million Dollar Sons vs.Sudden Impact[/B] We Join this match near it's conclusion... [B]Hudson:[/B]The Million Dollar Sons are showing there dominace [B]Matthews:[/B]Wait,Cybrus gets reversed into the Million Dollar Stunner 1..2..3 [B]Winner:The Million Dollars Sons[/B] Rene Dupree is in the back Letica Cline [B]Cline:[/B]Tonight Rene Dupree you take on Idol Stevens.what are your thoughts! [B]Dupree:[/B]Tonight I'm going to make sure Stevens feel what my people have felt. (Commercial Break) Rene Dupree receives huge heat from the crowd. Idol [B]Stevens receives little heat from the crowd. Rene Dupree vs.Idol Stevens[/B] We Join this match near it's conclusion... [B]Hudson:[/B]Dupree has been a little rusty. [B]Matthews:[/B]Don't let him here you say that. [B]Hudson:[/B]Stevens to the top,Dupree caught him hitting the Dupree driver 1..2..3 [B]Winner:Rene Dupree[/B] We see RVD,Paul Wight and Bobby Lashley [B]Hudson:[/B]the number 1 contender match is next. (Commercial Break) RVD receives a huge pop from the crowd. Paul Wight receives some heat from the crowd. Bobby Lashley receives a decent pop from the crowd RVD vs.Paul Wight vs.Bobby Lashley We Join this match near it's conclusion... [B]Hudson:[/B]Tonight Main Event has been great so far. [B]Matthews:[/B]Paul Wight got RVD up chokeslam 1..2..kickout. [B]Hudson:[/B]Bobby Lashley out of nowhere with a SPEAR!!1..2..kickout. [B]Matthews:[/B]RVD to the top Five Star Frog Splash 1..2..kickout sending him all the way to the outside. [B]Hudson:[/B]Wait Lashley up he setting up for another spear,he got it 1..2..3 [B]Winner:Bobby Lashley[/B] As Bobby is celebrating,Booker comes through the crowd and cracks Lashley in the head with a chair.He picks up Lashley and hits the Book End on the chair. [B]Booker T:[/B]Bobby Lashley see you at bash at the beach! [B](Screen fades with Booker looking at Lashley)[/B]
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[CENTER][SIZE="6"][COLOR="Blue"]WCW Nitro[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER]What will happen after Booker T despicable attack on Bobby Lashley Quick Picks Teddy Hart and the Hearthrobs vs.The Hurricane and Sudden Impact Test vs.Joey Superstar The Candian Bulldogs vs.The James Boys Slyvain Grenier vs.Orlando Jordan RVD vs.Paul Wight Bobby Lashley vs.Idol Stevens Booker T vs.Paul Burchill[/CENTER]
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[B]Teddy Hart and the Hearthrobs [/B]vs.The Hurricane and Sudden Impact [B]Test[/B] vs.Joey Superstar [B]The Candian Bulldogs[/B] vs.The James Boys [B]Slyvain Grenier [/B]vs.Orlando Jordan RVD vs.[B]Paul Wight[/B] [B]Bobby Lashley[/B] vs.Idol Stevens [B]Booker T[/B] vs.Paul Burchill
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[QUOTE=DarkMaverick87;433789]Wow it looks like you're using my mod (as the Hybrid, Cybrus, Marina Santos, Nora Green gimmicks were added by me for my Big 4 mod). I didn't think anyone cared for it. Good to know someone does. I'm making an update for 2008 as we speak.[/QUOTE] just so you don't get excited he isn't using TEW, so i doubt he's using your mod.
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[CENTER]Photobucket on Photobucket[/CENTER] (Teddy Long music hits as he receives a huge pop from the crowd) [B]Long:[/B]I'm here tonight to introduce the number 1 contender Bobby Lashley but first I'm going to run down the lineup of Bash at the Beach. First we will have The Cruiserweight title Ladder Match between Hurricane and Teddy Hart.Next we will have the United States Title Triple Threat match between Kofi Kingston,Venus and Siaki Miavia.Finally we will have Bobby Lashley vs.Booker T for the WCW World heavyweight title.With out further ado the number 1 contender for the WCW world heavyweight title Bobby Lashley!! (Bobby Lashley comes out to a huge pop from the crowd) [B]Lashley:[/B]Thanks Teddy,Booker what you did to me on Thunder has had me fuming for the past 3 days.I'm defitnely going to give you all I got at Bash at the Beach. (Booker T music hits as he receives huge heat) [B]Booker T:[/B]Bobby,there will be no way you beat me at Bash at the Beach because I talked Teddy into making are match into a Highway to Hell match.the match will take place in a three celled structure.The first structure will be a normal cell,the second cell will be filled with weapons and the last cell will have ladders as the title will hang above the final cell. (Commercial Break) (Teddy Hart comes out to decent heat from the crowd) (The Hearthrobs come out to decent heat from the crowd) (The Hurricane comes out to a decent pop from the crowd) Sudden Impact come out to a decent pop from the crowd) [B]Teddy Hart and The Heartthrobs vs.The Hurricane and Sudden Impact[/B] We Join this match near it's conclusion... [B]Hudson:[/B]This match has been a great opener for Nitro. [B]Matthews:[/B]Hart Attack on to the floor on the other competitors. [B]Hudson:[/B]Hart rolls hurricane into the ring,whip into the ropes and... [B]Matthews:[/B]Clothesline by the Hurricane,Hurricane setting Hart up for the Hurrislam and he got it 1..2..3 [B]Winner:Hurricane and Sudden Impact[/B] Were in the back with Test and Stacy Keiblier in their locker room [B]Test:[/B]Stacy I want you to stay here for my match against Joey Superstar. [B]Stacy:[/B]No,Andrew I'm coming out with you! [B]Test:[/B]No,Stacy it's to dangerous out their. [B]Stacy(depressed):[/B]Ok Andrew. (Test leaves as he walking Superstar hits him in the back with a chair) [B]Superstar:[/B]This is for your Stacy (Superstar slams the chair onto Test's hand) (Test is crying in pain!) (Commercial Break) We're back when a new Tag Team walks down the isle way. [B]Smith:[/B]My Name is DH Smith,I'm the son of the great British Bulldog.My Partner is TJ Wilson he is my brother in law as he is married to my cousin Natayla Neidhart.Without I'm here to introduce our manager Natayla Neidhart. (Natayla Neidhart comes down to huge heat) Neidhart:My cosuin and husband are here to make an impact in the WCW Tag Team divison and they are going to the win the WCW Tag Titles. [B](Natayla cackles out in laughter)[/B] (The James Boys receive a decent pop from the crowd) The Canadian Bulldogs vs.The James Boys We Join this match near it's conclusion... [B]Hudson:[/B]These Bulldogs are showing they are real powerhouses [B]Matthews:[/B]Kassidy James up to the top rope... [B]Hudson:[/B]Smith catches him into and turns it into the running powerslam for 1...2..3 [B]Winner:The Canadian Bulldogs[/B] Were in the back with Slyvain Grenier and Letcia Cline [B]Cline:[/B]Slyvain tonight you take on a "blue chipper" in Orlando Jordan. [B]Grenier:[/B]First I give you this... (Slyvain hands Cline a rose) [B]Grenier:[/B]Tonight Orlando you think you have the skills to beat me.I'll make sure you are just another pretty face. [B](Commercial Break)[/B] Slyvain Grenier receives a huge pop from the crowd Orlando Jordan receives decent heat from the crowd. Slyvain Grenier vs.Orlando Jordan We Join this match near it's conclusion... [B]Hudson:[/B]Jordan has been giving it to Grenier [B]Matthews:[/B]Jordan going for a ddt,it's been reversed. [B]Hudson:[/B]He's got'em up for the 3 seconds of fame and down 1..2..3 [B]Winner:Slyvain Grenier[/B] Were in the back with RVD and Letcia Cline. [B]Cline:[/B]RVD tonight you take on Paul Wight what are your thoughts [B]RVD:[/B]Paul I hold all of the respect in the world for you but... (Paul Wight comes into picture) [B]Wight:[/B]What are you saying,that you can beat me. [B]RVD:[/B]No,Paul not at all... (Paul hits RVD with a huge chair shot to the head) ([B]Commercial Break)[/B] We come back with Paul Wight making his entrance [B]Hudson:[/B]What Paul Wight just did to RVD sickens me. [B]Matthews:[/B]Yeah I haveto agree with you on that. (RVD comes out to a huge pop from the crowd) Paul Wight vs.RVD We join this match near it's conclusion... [B]Hudson:[/B]Paul Wight has been picking apart RVD. [B]Matthews:[/B]RVD trying to knock down Paul Wight [B]Hudson:[/B]Oh jeez,Paul Wight delivers a huge headbutt. [B]Matthews:[/B]Paul Wight picks up RVD for the showstopper chokeslam for 1..2..3 [B]Winner:Paul Wight[/B] We See Bobby Lashley in the back [B]Hudson:[/B]Bobby Lashley versus Idol Stevens Next!!! [B](Commercial Break)[/B] We come back where Bobby Lashley comes out to a huge pop from the crowd. Idol Stevens comes out to decent heat from the crowd. Bobby Lashley vs.Idol Stevens We Join this match nears it's conclusion... [B]Hudson:[/B]Lashley whips Stevens off the ropes and hits one hell of a spinebuster. [B]Matthews:[/B]Lashley to the corner,Stevens getting up and Lashley hits a huge spear for 1..2..3 [B]Winner:Bobby Lashley[/B] We go to the back where Booker T is standing by with Letcia Cline. [B]Cline:[/B]Well Booker,Bobby Lashley just defeat his opponent so what do you think about taking on Paul Burchill. [B]Booker T:[/B]Bobby,good job on your match tonight as for you Paul expect to get beat by the six time WCW champion. [B]Booker T:[/B]Now can you dig that SUCKAAAA!!!! (Commercial Break) Booker T comes out to huge heat from the crowd Paul Burchill receives a little pop from the crowd Booker T vs.Paul Burchill We Join this match near it's conclusion... [B]Hudson:[/B]Burchill is showing some toughness staying in there with the WCW Champion. [B]Matthews:[/B]Oh wait Burchill gets caught with a kick to the gut,Axe Kick 1..2..kickout. [B]Hudson:[/B]Booker can not believe it,where Booker going he's getting a chair oh And he just busted Burchill open. Matthews:The ref is calling for the DQ. [B]Winner:Paul Burchill[/B]
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