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SWF: Global Domination

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[CENTER][FONT="Century Gothic"][U][B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]To Success![/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/U] A whole year had gone without Eisen firing me. A whole year. I smiled to myself quietly, as there was no way he could fire me - I had single-handedly revolutionised the American wrestling industry, clearing out the dead weight, injecting Lucha Libre and dynamic storylines into the mix, and reaching Global status while TCW faltered and the economy and interest waned. It had been quite a year . . . [I]I've ran a year of my SWF game so to bring you up to speed . . .[/I] [SIZE="3"][B][U]Main Eventers[/U][/B][/SIZE] [U][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Face[/COLOR][/U] [B]Alicia Strong[/B] - Sam Strong's daughter debuted in April 2007, and immediately took the SWF North American Title from Marc DuBois. To add to that, she and Wanda Fish teamed together to take the World Tag Titles, establishing a Girl World Order as they did so. [B]Christian Faith[/B] - Like fine wine, continues to better with age. Wrestler of the Year for 2007, and No.1 in the Top 100, his mega-fued with Richard Eisen has created many stars in the process, and their battle continues to wage still one year later. Leader of the Army of Faith, his counter to the EisenVerse. [B]Jack Bruce[/B] - Jack realised his potential and quickly captured the SWF World Heavyweight Title from Runaway Train in January. He defended that title a massive 17 times, and fought off such adversaries as Sam Keith, Rich Money and Remo. Now a staple main event player, wanting the gold back. [B]Lobster Warrior[/B] - As the SWF shook up the world of wrestling, the versatile Warrior dropped his Underwater Union and became one of 2007's success stories, including headlining successive PPVs for the World Title. While unsuccessful, he is sure to be here for a while. [B]Marc DuBois[/B] - A great year for DuBois. The young French-Canadian exited the lower reaches of the card and captured the North American Title from Rich Money. Lately, has turned good guy after numerous problems with Wolf Hawkins led 'Supreme Dream Team'. [U][COLOR="Red"]Heels[/COLOR][/U] [B]Angry Gilmore[/B] - [COLOR="Orange"]SWF World Heavyweight Champion[/COLOR] - Possibly the best year ever for this amazing wrestler. After winning the inaugural King of the Deathmatch tournament, defeating Steve Frehley, Skull DeBones, Randy Bumfhole and Rich Money in First Blood, Ironman and Tables matches, won the title in the main event of the legendary PPV The Supreme Challenge. While loosely affiliated with the EisenVerse, the World Title scene is hotting up. Just how much longer can he hold onto the title? [B]Big Cat Brandon[/B] - There's a reason Eisen personally selected him to face Christian Faith: he's a monster. Made his debut by defeating Faith 1-2-3, and in the subsequent year, has beaten Faith every time (except for a DQ victory by Faith in the last SWF show of the year). Has never been pinned or submitted, and his on-screen chemistry with manager Richard Eisen guarantees this man a lot of airtime. How long is it before he goes for the title? [B]Rich Money[/B] - The tag partner of Angry Gilmore, he has got main event status not always by winning matches or titles, but by being amazing. Brilliant in the ring, even better on the mic, his only obstacle to success seems to be Jack Bruce, the nemesis who he has yet to defeat decisively. [B]Wolf Hawkins[/B] - Leader of the Supreme Dream Team, the hottest young stable in the wrestling world, his defection from TCW made headlines. The leader of the ****y young guns, he has yet to look for a title, but with the band of degenerates at his side, 2008 could be brilliant for him. [B]Zimmy Bumfhole[/B] - [COLOR="orange"]SWF World Tag Team Champion[/COLOR] - Starting the year as a relatively unknown fan favourite, the Bumfholes are the team everyone loves to hate. After huge singles victories over Angry Gilmore and Rich Money helped them to the upper echleons, they shockingly turned on their friends Alicia Strong and Wanda Fish to take the SWF World Tag Titles for the 3rd time in their young careers. Yet how much longer before Angry Gilmore has to face another Bumfhole? [SIZE="3"][B][U]Upper Midcarders[/U][/B][/SIZE] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"][U]Face[/U][/COLOR] [B]Joanne Rodriguez[/B] - The beautiful J-Ro has established herself as one of the best female talents the SWF has to offer, and has notched up plenty of victories, even duking it out with men like Marc DuBois and Remo. Romantically involved wih Steve Frehley, the recent arrival of Rick Law has showed some strain in their relationship. [B]Skull DeBones[/B] - Still in the SWF, Skull has had a so-so year. With a long rivalry with Squeeky McClean over, hasn't had much success against the Main Eventers. Will he climb back up to the top this year? [B]Steve Frehley[/B] - The young wrestler has had an interesting year to say the least. Involved with J-Ro, his life got more complicated when Rick Law arrived and Remo decided to interfere. No.2 in Top 100 wrestlers of the year, could he be in with a shot at greatness this year? [B]Wanda Fish[/B] - The winner of the Battle For Domination rumble, Wanda is guaranteed a shot at the champion in 2 months time, and she certainly earned it, last eliminating Big Cat Brandon. Has held tag team gold with Alicia Strong, and notched up victories over the Bumfholes, Marc DuBois, Squeeky McClean and others. Will Angry Gilmore be able to stop her in March? [B]William Hayes[/B] - Shot onto the radar in the last half of the year, his face turn, coupled with battles with the 'Supreme Dream Team' and a great main event with Christian Faith have sent this youngster high up the card, coming in at No.7 of the Top 100 Wrestlers. With new friends Marc DuBois and Jungle Jack, can they stop The Supreme Dream Team in their tracks? [U][COLOR="Red"]Heels[/COLOR][/U] [B]Darryl Devine[/B] - [COLOR="Orange"]SWF North American Champion[/COLOR] - Steadily rising up the card, his team with Jacob Jett (Mighty Fine) and subsequent status as 2nd in command in the Dream Team have showed everyone what this young star can bring to the table. Has had match of the year candidates, teaming with Jett against the Girl World Order. [B]Randy Bumfhole[/B] - [COLOR="orange"]SWF World Tag Team Champion[/COLOR] - [I]See Zimmy Bumfhole.[/I] [B]Remo[/B] - This destroyer has grown evil over this past year, and seems to find particular pleasure in goading J-Ro and Frehley. Brutal in the ring, with Playboy Jake Sawyer in his corner, has been nothing short of unstoppable at times. [B]Sam Keith[/B] - This veteran was entrusted to give Jack Bruce a run for his money by challenging him in the first months of his reign. Aligned with 'business associate' The Natural, he continues at the top of his game, although he seems to be unhappy with a few of The Natural's decisions lately. [B]Squeeky McClean[/B] - Solid, dependable, Squeeky McClean. His talk shows have probably been the comedy highlight of the year, and his frightened heel act hasn't grown old yet. However, has limited success against main eventers, and is only up here because of charisma. Can he get it done in the ring? [I]Edit: Argh, had information up about most of the roster . . Suppose you'll just have to find out who they are the hard way :p[/I] [/FONT][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="3"][U][B][COLOR="Navy"]SWF Supreme TV Preview[/COLOR][/B][/U][/SIZE] Tonight's Main Event sees [COLOR="Magenta"]Wanda Fish[/COLOR], winner of the International Battle Royale, take on Supreme Dream Team's degenerate leader [COLOR="DimGray"]Wolf Hawkins[/COLOR]. Wanda wants momentum heading into a title showdown with [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Angry Gilmore[/COLOR], but if Hawkins wins, he can catapult himself into title contention. Will Hawkins' associates play any role? Find out tonight! [B]Quick Picks:[/B] Christian Faith vs. Enforcer Roberts Scout & High Concept vs. Dirty Sexy Money (Angry Gilmore & Rich Money) and Sam Keith Wanda Fish vs. Wolf Hawkins Jack Griffith vs. Rick Law Jungle Jack & Marc DuBois vs. Mighty Fine (Darryl Devine & Jacob Jett) [I][SIZE="2"]Predictions welcome![/SIZE][/I] [/FONT][/CENTER]
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[B]Christian Faith[/B] vs. Enforcer Roberts (I think Faith stays strong because Enforcers is old but not as high on the card) [B]Scout & High Concept[/B] vs. Dirty Sexy Money (Angry Gilmore & Rich Money) and Sam Keith ( Sam is getting older and high concept are two young and very talented guys who could be pushed) Wanda Fish vs. [B]Wolf Hawkins[/B] ( I see you pushing Hawkins for a title run like HHH in WWE when he was in D-X) Jack Griffith vs. [B]Rick Law[/B] ( Rick being kept strong, but Griffith is a good worker so we will see) Jungle Jack & Marc DuBois vs. [B]Mighty Fine (Darryl Devine & Jacob Jett)[/B]
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[B]Christian Faith[/B] vs. Enforcer Roberts Scout & High Concept vs. [B]Dirty Sexy Money (Angry Gilmore & Rich Money) and Sam Keith[/B] Wanda Fish vs. [B]Wolf Hawkins[/B] Jack Griffith vs. Rick Law DRAW Jungle Jack & Marc DuBois vs. [B]Mighty Fine (Darryl Devine & Jacob Jett)[/B]
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[CENTER][FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="3"][B]SWF Supreme TV[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i100.photobucket.com/albums/m6/Mtm2k6/SWF-1.jpg[/IMG] [U]Week 1, January 2008 from the Shakeshaft Auditorium, Michigan[/U] [B]Announcers:[/B] [COLOR="Gray"]Sara Silver[/COLOR] and [COLOR="Blue"]Duane Fry[/COLOR] The announcers welcome us to the show, and the crowd erupts, as Christian Faith makes his entrance. Photobucket vs. [IMG]http://i100.photobucket.com/albums/m6/Mtm2k6/EnforcerRoberts.jpg[/IMG] Pretty routine match. The announcers recap the Faith-Eisen-Brandon saga, and Faith is clearly dominant in this match. After some technical grappling, Faith measures Roberts and takes his down with a [B]Leap Of Faith[/B]. [B]Christian Faith def. Enforcer Roberts via pinfall. [B][COLOR="Red"](C+)[/COLOR][/B][/B] [B]---------------[/B] Suddenly, the lights go off and the music backs down. After a good 15 seconds, the lights come back up and [B]Big Cat Brandon[/B] is in the corner. Faith realises and turns around, only to be met by a Big Cat Pounce! Richard Eisen is at ringside and leaves with a huge grin on his face, after having took down his nemesis. [B][COLOR="Red"](B+)[/COLOR][/B] [B]---------------[/B] [IMG]http://i100.photobucket.com/albums/m6/Mtm2k6/JackGriffith.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i100.photobucket.com/albums/m6/Mtm2k6/RickLaw.jpg[/IMG] A very good match. They both seem determined to pick up a victory and vital momentum, and we see some terrific displays of brawling on action (thanks to great chemistry). Rick Law begins to gain the upper hand and clotheslines Griffith over the top rope, and follows outside, suplexing Griffith on to the barrier. However, no-one has started to count in the ring, because [B]Playboy Jake Sawyer[/B] has the referee distracted. Law, disorientated, turns into a chair shot from [B]Remo[/B], who goes back to his manager who has now finished remonstrating with the ref. The referee begins the count, and neither man can make it back up to the ring before 10. [B]Jack Griffith drew with Rick Law via double count-out.[/B] [B][COLOR="red"](B+)[/COLOR][/B] [B]---------------[/B] Remo takes the microphone and asks whether [B]Steve Frehley[/B] was listening to that. "The Demon Destroyer has put you on notice, Frehley. Come find me!" He punctuates the point by nailing Rick Law with [B]The Destroyer[/B] into the turnbuckles, instantly knocking Law out. Sara Silver openly questions whether Frehley would want to take on Remo after that, and adds: [COLOR="Gray"]"But he can't be too upset that Rick Law was taken out tonight!"[/COLOR] [B]---------------[/B] [IMG]http://i100.photobucket.com/albums/m6/Mtm2k6/Scout.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i100.photobucket.com/albums/m6/Mtm2k6/GrouchoBling.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i100.photobucket.com/albums/m6/Mtm2k6/ElmoBenson.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i100.photobucket.com/albums/m6/Mtm2k6/AngryGilmore.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i100.photobucket.com/albums/m6/Mtm2k6/RichMoney.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i100.photobucket.com/albums/m6/Mtm2k6/SamKeith.jpg[/IMG] The fans have insane heat for DirtySexyMoney, and the World Champion and Money's taunting don't help. As for the match, it didn't go too long. The team of Keith, Money and Gilmore overwhelmed their opponents, and even though Scout tried hard, he couldn't make up for High Energy being treated like jobbers. Keith wound up in the ring, and Elmo Benson could not break the [B]Proton Lock[/B]. [B]Sam Keith, Angry Gilmore and Rich Money def. Scout, Elmo Benson and Groucho Bling via submission.[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"](C+)[/COLOR][/B] [B]---------------[/B] Angry Gilmore leaves the ring, and [B]The Natural[/B], Sam Keith's business associate, cilmbs into the ring, at the same time as Scout. He looks with contempt at Scout, and orders Money and Keith to finish him off. Money complies and DDTs Scout out of it, but Sam Keith keeps in the corner, mild disgust in his eyes, visibly mouthing "What the hell?". [B]---------------[/B] [IMG]http://i100.photobucket.com/albums/m6/Mtm2k6/MarcDuBois_alt.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i100.photobucket.com/albums/m6/Mtm2k6/JungleJack.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i100.photobucket.com/albums/m6/Mtm2k6/JacobJett.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i100.photobucket.com/albums/m6/Mtm2k6/DarrylDevine.jpg[/IMG] A great match. These teams know each other well, and everyone has their moments, Jett flying like a ping-pong ball all over, and Devine mixing up his speed with a bit of foul play, showing everyone why he has kept the North American title for some time now. Jungle Jack and DuBois seize control with a fine mix of techincal wrestling and power. In the late stages, DuBois whips Devine into the ropes, but is met with a spinning wheel kick, and Devine immediately goes upstairs and launches himself for a [B]Devine Dream Drop[/B], but DuBois avoids it and Devine crashes and burns. DuBois then puts Devine into a [B]Model Solution[/B], however Jett breaks it up, forcing Jack to take care of Jett. Both wrestlers stagger up, and DuBois grabs Devine from behind to attempt a [B]Marc of Excellence[/B], but Devine holds onto the ropes, and rolls forwards into a victory roll. The referee counts, and doesn't see Devine keep hold for a sneaky 3 count! [B]Mighty Fine (Darryl Devine & Jacob Jett) def. Marc DuBois and Jungle Jack via pinfall. [COLOR="red"](A)[/COLOR][/B] Post match, Devine and Jett taunt the losers, and Wolf Hawkins comes to the top of the ramp to raise their hands, as Jungle Jack calms DuBois down in the ring. [B]---------------[/B] Back from a commercial, we see [B]American Elemental[/B] standing in the ring. Duane Fry mentions that he has defended the Shooting Star title a whopping 20 times now, and is the joint longest-reigning champion with Angry Gilmore, both having won their belts at Supreme Challenge. Elemental goes on to say he loves wrestling here, but confesses he is a little bored. He wants more challenges. He wants to take pride in himself, to say he is the best Junior wrestler, like his mentor, Elementals I and II. So he puts out an open challenge, to find a new challenger. And just like that, the lights go off like magic, prompting Duane Fry to ask if Big Cat Brandon has returned. Strange music starts up, as the crowd and Elemental look to the entranceway for the source. No such luck, as a masked man enters through the crowd, and attacks Elemental from behind, and drops with a move Fry mentions looks "awfully familiar". The lights are very slowly returning to brightness, and we glimpse the man standing over Elemental and holding his Shooting Star Championship. [IMG]http://i100.photobucket.com/albums/m6/Mtm2k6/Acid.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Blue"]"By god!"[/COLOR] Fry remarks. [COLOR="Blue"]"It's [B]ACID![/B] What's he doing here?!"[/COLOR] No-one has an answer to that, as Acid just leaves the arena by the crowd. Could we have a DAVE invasion? [COLOR="Red"][B](C+)[/B][/COLOR] [I](No, I'd have them evicted on sight ;))[/I] [B]---------------[/B] Richard Eisen pops up on screen for the second time tonight, drawing huge heat. He waits for it to subside (which takes a while) but nevertheless says he’s noticed that the [B]SWF World Tag Team Champions, The Bumfholes[/B], have had a slight lack of competition. “That, however, will change” says Eisen. “Because of their great best-of-seven series, I have come off with another excellent idea. On Legend’s Coliseum, [B]Hell Monkey and Ultimate Phoenix[/B] will team up in a tag team title match!” he continues, to a good pop. [COLOR="Red"][B](B+)[/B][/COLOR] [B]---------------[/B] [IMG]http://i100.photobucket.com/albums/m6/Mtm2k6/WolfHawkins.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i100.photobucket.com/albums/m6/Mtm2k6/WandaFish.jpg[/IMG] The Main Event does not disappoint, as both Wolf and Wanda go all out to gain momentum in their respective struggles. Wolf has really come into his own since leaving TCW, and Wanda has, coming in from the AAA, mixing it up with the men and winning the World War Rumble last month, to earn a title shot at the March PPV against the SWF World Champion. The match itself could have gone on for an age, as control shifted back and forth. Wolf got ****y around the 15th minute and decided to pose on the top turnbuckles, just long enough for Wanda to hit a resounding sit-out powerbomb for a very close 2 count, which compels the stable mates of Hawkins, [B]Davis Wayne Newton and Joey Minnesota[/B] to hit ringside. Minnesota distracts the ref while Newton heads up top. Wolf gains control from the distraction and looks to hit a [B]Full Moon Rising[/B], but Wanda spins him around and throws him into the turnbuckle, crotching Newton! (Sara Silver with line of the night: [COLOR="Gray"]“Newton just discovered gravity!”[/COLOR]) At ringside, Supreme Dream Team rival William Hayes and Alicia Strong make the save for a huge pop and take care of Minnesota and Newton, leaving leader Hawkins dazed and alone. He turns around . . . [B]DISH OF THE DAY![/B] Damn near took his head off! 1 . . 2 . . 3! It’s over! [B]Wanda Fish def. Wolf Hawkins via pinfall. [COLOR="Red"](A*)[/B][/COLOR] [B]---------------[/B] In all the commotion, a lone figure stands atop the stage: the [B]SWF World Heavyweight Champion, Angry Gilmore[/B]. Wanda notices, and looking between him and a fallen Hawkins, smiles. [B][COLOR="Red"](B+)[/B][/COLOR] [B]---------------[/B] [B]Final Rating: B+[/B] [i]Comments much appreciated.[/i] [/FONT][/CENTER]
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Not a bad layout, but it is a huge pet peeve of mine when diaries contain huge influxes of new talent without any real explanation, especially when that talent is all A-list ridiculous level talent.* What promotion anywhere, anytime, ever, would allow their main show to be main evented by workers that have both been working for the company for less than a year? Why have Steve Frehley, Skull DeBones, Remo, Joe Sexy, and the rest take a back burner to a bunch of new talent? Because the new guys are better wrestlers? Since then would that matter in a SE fed? I love C-verse diaries, so I'll read a few more shows, but show some freaking loyalty to your homegrown talent! * Talent, rather than look or popularity. You know, things that generally dictate hirings in wrestling.
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[QUOTE=lazorbeak;429582]Not a bad layout, but it is a huge pet peeve of mine when diaries contain huge influxes of new talent without any real explanation, especially when that talent is all A-list ridiculous level talent.* What promotion anywhere, anytime, ever, would allow their main show to be main evented by workers that have both been working for the company for less than a year? Why have Steve Frehley, Skull DeBones, Remo, Joe Sexy, and the rest take a back burner to a bunch of new talent? Because the new guys are better wrestlers? Since then would that matter in a SE fed? I love C-verse diaries, so I'll read a few more shows, but show some freaking loyalty to your homegrown talent! * Talent, rather than look or popularity. You know, things that generally dictate hirings in wrestling.[/QUOTE] This is set a year after the start, so the new influx of talent isn't quite so quick as you may think, and I've changed the product settings slightly which call for better in-ring action. I let Joe Sexy's contract ran out, I would have kept him, but it was not worth the money for something Squeeky McClean can easily do every show (entertain). Remo and Frehley are main-eventers and Skull is still up there in the upper midcard. And talking of homegrown talent, I've turned Marc DuBois, The Bumfholes, Rich Money and Lobster Warrior into main-event stars, and Angry Gilmore has a run with the belt. I've not at all forgotten the homegrown talent, without them I'd probably be doing badly, but sometimes a few do have to take a back-burner. Anyhoo . .
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[CENTER][FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="3"][U][B][COLOR="Navy"]SWF Legend's Coliseum Preview[/COLOR][/B][/U][/SIZE] Tonight's Main Event sees [COLOR="Indigo"]Jack Bruce[/COLOR], former SWF World Heavyweight Champion, take on the [COLOR="Cyan"]SWF World Heavyeight Champion Angry Gilmore[/COLOR] in a match for the title. Jack hasn't been all that impressive lately, but past merits have awarded him a title shot against the very man he lost it to at The Supreme Challenge. Can Angry Gilmore look past Wanda Fish onto his latest challenger? Find out tonight! [B]Quick Picks:[/B] SWF World Tag Team Championship Match: The Bumfholes (Randy & Zimmy) (c) vs. Hell Monkey & Ultimate Phoenix Acid vs. Insane Machine Alicia Strong vs. Suzanne Brazzle Valiant vs. Shooter Sean Deeley Remo vs. Joanne Rodriguez Skull DeBones vs. Cherry Bomb SWF World Heavyweight Championship Match: Angry Gilmore (c) vs. Jack Bruce [I][SIZE="2"]Predictions welcome![/SIZE][/I] [/FONT][/CENTER]
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SWF World Tag Team Championship Match: [B]The Bumfholes (Randy & Zimmy[/B]) (c) vs. Hell Monkey & Ultimate Phoenix [B]Acid[/B] vs. Insane Machine [B]Alicia Strong[/B] vs. Suzanne Brazzle Valiant vs. [B]Shooter Sean Deeley[/B] [B]Remo[/B] vs. Joanne Rodriguez Skull DeBones vs. [B]Cherry Bomb[/B] SWF World Heavyweight Championship Match: Angry Gilmore (c) vs. [B]Jack Bruce[/B] but by DQ
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[CENTER][FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="3"][B]SWF Legend's Coliseum[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i100.photobucket.com/albums/m6/Mtm2k6/SWF-1.jpg[/IMG] [U]Week 1, January 2008 from the Huntsville Fairgrounds, Alabama[/U] [B]Announcers:[/B] [COLOR="Magenta"]Emma Chase[/COLOR] and [COLOR="SeaGreen"]Peter Michaels[/COLOR] The announcers welcome us to the show and we immediately get a screenshot visual hyping the main event of [B]Jack Bruce vs. Angry Gilmore[/B] for the title. Live in the arena, the music of the Bumfholes hits, and the crowd give them first big-heel-of-the-night heat. Photobucket [B][COLOR="Orange"]SWF World Tag Team Championships[/COLOR][/B] PhotobucketPhotobucket vs. PhotobucketPhotobucket Huge support for Phoenix & Monkey tonight form the Alabaman crowd, showing just how far they've come, and with Jennifer Heat directing them from ringside, they're quite capable of taking the titles. They may have slightly fancy costumes but they'd kick your ass too. The duo keep the Bumfholes on the back-foot for a bit, with Phoenix taking to the skies and Hell Monkey just kicking the **** outta them. However, the veteran tag instincts of the Bumfholes soon come into play, and they use every trick in the book to keep Phoenix away from his partner. Late in the match, Phoenix manages to make the hot tag to Hell Monkey, who rocks the champions with suplexes of all kinds, but Zimmy manages to turn the tide with a poke to the eyes. Phoenix heads up top, aiming for Zimmy, who ducks but catches Randy in a crossbody anyway, but Zimmy takes Phoenix down with a leg lariat, jarring Phoenix's head on the bottom rope. In all the commotion, Hell Monkey has been waiting patiently in the corner, and we see why: he's lining up the [B]Hell Fire Kick![/B] New champions? Zimmy notices and using his 'veteran' instincts, marches up to Jennifer Heat and throws her directly into the ring barrier with a sick thud, drawing outcry from the crowd and Peter Michaels, but not the referee who was keeping an eye in the ring. Monkey sees this however and goes to the ropes to grab Zimmy by the hair, but Zimmy drops him with a Stun Gun. Zimmy climbs back, and Randy is up . . [B]Bumfhole-in-Two![/B] Connects! 1 . . 2 . . Phoenix can't quite make the save . . 3! [B]The Bumfholes def. Hell Monkey & Ultimate Phoenix via pinfall. This is their 4th defence of the SWF World Tag Team Championships. [B][COLOR="Red"](B-)[/COLOR][/B][/B] [B]---------------[/B] Backstage, [B]Wanda Fish[/B] is stretching, but suddenly a huge shadow looms over her; [B]Big Cat Brandon.[/B] Brandon sneers and asks how she could possibly win the title. He goes on to say how he would easily take it, dominant as he is, but is stopped in mid-sentence by a hand over his mouth; he looks incensed. [COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]"Quiet, Kitty"[/COLOR] says Wanda. [COLOR="darkslateblue"]"Just because I beat you last month, you've been whining and b****ing for ages now. Just accept the fact that I am better than you, OK?"[/COLOR] She walks away. [COLOR="darkslateblue"]"Oh, and so is Christian Faith."[/COLOR] The last comment really gets to Brandon, and he runs after Wanda then pins her up against the wall, only for yet another person to enter the camera shot: SWF owner, [B]Richard Eisen.[/B] [COLOR="Red"]"Play nicely, James. You don't know where she's been"[/COLOR] he sneers. [COLOR="red"]"I suggest you run along now, quickly, little Fishy" [/COLOR]and Wanda walks away, throwing looks of deepest loathing at the two. [COLOR="red"]"Poor Christian"[/COLOR] Eisen adds. [COLOR="red"]"Still in the hospital from what I hear. Oh dear . . "[/COLOR] he smiles. [B][COLOR="Red"](B+)[/COLOR][/B] [B]---------------[/B] [IMG]http://i100.photobucket.com/albums/m6/Mtm2k6/Acid.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i100.photobucket.com/albums/m6/Mtm2k6/InsaneMachine.jpg[/IMG] American Elemental joins Chase & Michaels on commentary, and is immediately asked by Emma just how long does he think he'll keep the title for now Acid is around. Elemental ignores her as the action kicks off. The match was vicious in itself. Both traded hard shots which echoed through the arena, and blows which look like they could have felled a small rhino. As the match progressed, you could tell Acid wanted it a little bit more, and started to gain the upper hand. Insane Machine got right back into it though, and went up top, looking for a missile drop kick. But Acid was no stranger to that, dodged him, and locked him straight into the [B]Acidity Test[/B]. Machine fought, but Acid wrenched it in harder, staring right at Elemental at ringside while doing so. Insane Machine had no choice but to tap. Post match, Acid made the belt motion at Elemental, while Elemental stood up, defiant. [B]Acid def. Insane Machine via submission.[/B] [B][COLOR="red"](C+)[/COLOR][/B] [B]---------------[/B] [IMG]http://i100.photobucket.com/albums/m6/Mtm2k6/AliciaStrong_alt.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i100.photobucket.com/albums/m6/Mtm2k6/SuzanneBrazzle_alt1.jpg[/IMG] Alicia dominated Suzanne, and seemed intent on sending a message to the roster not to forget her. One impressive [B]Angel Driver[/B] later, we sure didn't. [B]Alicia Strong def. Suzanne Brazzle via pinfall.[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"](C+)[/COLOR][/B] [B]---------------[/B] Backstage, we join [B]The Natural[/B] and [B]Sam Keith[/B] apparently in the middle of a blazing argument. Keith tells Natural that he hasn't liked his decisions lately and thinks The Natural is using him to try and get to the top. [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]"Well, kid, that's just not gonna happen!"[/COLOR] The Natural replies, maybe a little dramatically, that he made Keith back into something good, because when The Natural first found Keith, he was washed up. Keith laughs a little menacingly. [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]"Me? Washed up? Tell me, Damian, what have you achieved? Nothing. Just remember that."[/COLOR] Keith waks out, as The Natural has an unreadable look on his face. [COLOR="Red"][B](B-)[/B][/COLOR] [B]---------------[/B] [IMG]http://i100.photobucket.com/albums/m6/Mtm2k6/ShooterSeanDeeley.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i100.photobucket.com/albums/m6/Mtm2k6/Valiant.jpg[/IMG] Brilliant match. These two are on the undercard, but management have high hopes for both, and after this match it's not hard to see why. They both look at ease working with each other, and Deeley's technical, straight submission based offence contrasts nicely with Valiant's power and undoubted charisma, as he slowly gets the crowd behind him. However, Deeley is just to good on this occasion, and after Valiant misses a corner clothesline, Deeley hits the [B]German Suplex[/B] to get a three count. However, Valiant gets a small ovation after his performance, and walks out with a grim smile on his face. [B]Shooter Sean Deeley def. Valiant via pinfall. [COLOR="red"](B+)[/COLOR][/B] [B]---------------[/B] A hype video plays, reminding the folks at how yet again of the main event, nicely recapping the story that led to [B]Jack Bruce[/B] and [B]Angry Gilmore[/B] at The Supreme Challenge and focusing extensively on the SWF World Championship. [B][COLOR="Red"](B+)[/COLOR][/B] [B]---------------[/B] [IMG]http://i100.photobucket.com/albums/m6/Mtm2k6/JoanneRodriguez.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i100.photobucket.com/albums/m6/Mtm2k6/Remo.jpg[/IMG] J-Ro looks a little scared stepping into the ring with Remo, and she should be, as Remo's monster streak has really come out lately, and she is without the support of Rick Law or Steve Frehley. Remo is dominant in the match. He hits power move after power move, and keeps J-Ro's shoulders up every time he goes for a pinfall, and slaps her around for laughs, irritating the crowd, who want to see J-Ro upset him. They get a small portion of their wish when J-Ro lowblows the ****y monster while the referee is tending to a turnbuckle that Remo has earlier removed, and quickly goes for the [B]J-Rocker[/B]. Remo snatches her out of mid-air and hits the [B]Destroyer[/B] much to Playboy Jake Sawyer's delight. But instead of going for the cover, he slides to the outside and grabs and steel chair and re-enters the rings, waiting for J-Ro to get up with a huge amount of focus. The crowd chant for Frehley, but he doesn't show, and eventually J-Ro stands up . . to a sick chairshot to the head, temporarily silencing the arena, and much to the disgust of the commentators, Michaels going silent like the crowd and Emma Chase, normally great supporter of the heels, saying in an audible whisper: [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]"That was sick!"[/COLOR] The referee has no choice but to call for the bell. [B]Joanne Rodriguez def. Remo via disqualification. [COLOR="Red"](B+)[/B][/COLOR] [B]---------------[/B] J-Ro is saved from further attack however, when [B]Rick Law[/B] and [B]Steve Frehley[/B] run to the ring, causing Remo to bail. Rick Law makes sure Remo can't get back in, and Frehley tends to a fallen J-Ro. They decide it would be better not to argue this time. [B][COLOR="Red"](B)[/B][/COLOR] [B]---------------[/B] [IMG]http://i100.photobucket.com/albums/m6/Mtm2k6/SkullDeBones.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i100.photobucket.com/albums/m6/Mtm2k6/CherryBomb.jpg[/IMG] The less said about this match the better. Neither competitor had the necessary psychology to back up their ugly, awkward brawling, in which Skull kept coming out on top. There was a slight comedy moment when both mad wrestlers bellowed at each other, but Skull finally put the crowd out of it's misery with the [B]Skull Krusher.[/B] [B]Skull DeBones def. Cherry Bomb via pinfall. [COLOR="Red"](D+)[/COLOR][/B] [B]---------------[/B] We see [B]Rich Money[/B] for the first time tonight, and he looks to be in a good mood, whistling and singing, making sexually inappropriate comments to numerous female backstage workers. He turns a corner, and stops whistling, staring wide-eyed at the floor. We soon know why: [B]Richard Eisen[/B] is laying there, bloody and unconcious. [B][COLOR="Red"](B+)[/B][/COLOR] [B]---------------[/B] Photobucket [B][COLOR="Orange"]SWF World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR][/B] [IMG]http://i100.photobucket.com/albums/m6/Mtm2k6/AngryGilmore.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i100.photobucket.com/albums/m6/Mtm2k6/JackBruce.jpg[/IMG] Brilliant end to the show. The ring announcer makes the full formal introductions for the title match, as he did the tag title match earlier, and this little detail hypes the crowd, desperate to see Jack take back the World title. And what a match. There are so many near falls, it seems anyone could walk away, and both kick out of the other's finisher. Finally, Jack takes control and sends Gilmore to the ropes, and hurrancanranas him into a pinfall. 1 . . 2 . . Gilmore kicks out at the last second! Jack can't believe it, and turns to the referee to disupte this. Angry gets up and shoulder barges Bruce to the corner, winding him. He sets him up for a superplex, but Bruce pushes him off, and goes for a picture-perfect diving ebow drop! But Angry scouts this and moves, causing Jack to land in a heap, holding his head. Angry gets up, and signals to the crowd: [B]The Anger Management[/B] is on it's way. Angry drags Jack up, and sets him up, but Jack runs, taking Angry to the corner with him, and Gilmore is knocked silly when his head collides with the turnbuckle! The crowd rise, sensing a finish, and Jack doesn't disappoint when he launches into a [B]New York Minute[/B] attempt! But again a finisher is blocked, as Angry ducks and trips him, taking the wind out of his sails. He holds Jack from the back, and signals, but nobody knows what this move could be. He hits it with full impact, dropping Jack on his head, and it's soon apparent: a [B]Reverse Anger Management![/B] That may be more effective than the traditional one! Jack looks as if he may kick out, but can't: Gilmore retains in a brilliant match! [B]Angry Gilmore def. Jack Bruce via pinfall. He makes defence number 14 of the SWF World Heavyweight Championship. [COLOR="red"](A*)[/COLOR][/B] [B]---------------[/B] Music starts up, but it isn't Angry Gilmore's; [B]Alicia Strong[/B] walks onto the stage with a microphone in hand. She says she's noticed there's a title that hasn't had the name Strong on it: the SWF World Title! She wants a title shot. Angry grabs the mic, and says he'd love to make sure Sam was disappointed in his daughter again, and says Alicia will be just another challenger for his crown. He says the match will be at When Hell Freezes Over, which is just what would happen if Alicia won the title! Alicia smiles and walks to the back, leaving the end shot on a disappointed and frustrated Jack Bruce, who is just coming to. [B][COLOR="Red"](A)[/B][/COLOR] [B]---------------[/B] [B]Final Rating: B[/B] [i]Comments much appreciated.[/i] [/FONT][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="3"][U][B][COLOR="Navy"]SWF Supreme TV Preview[/COLOR][/B][/U][/SIZE] Tonight's Main Event is expected to be a SWF North American Championship match between [COLOR="YellowGreen"]William Hayes[/COLOR], and [COLOR="Cyan"]SWF North American Champion Darryl Devine[/COLOR] in a match for the title. Supreme Dream Team's Devine and Hayes have been at each other's throats recently, as Hayes has emerged as the No.1 Contender to the title. However, sources indicate a bigger match could happen in the main event slot of Supreme TV. Find out tonight! [B]Quick Picks:[/B] SWF North American Championship Match: Darryl Devine (c) vs. William Hayes Jungle Jack & ??? vs. Island Boyz (Rhino Umaga & Akima Brave) Rich Money vs. Aaron Andrews (2/3 Falls) Squeeky McClean vs. Bart Biggz [I][SIZE="2"]Predictions welcome![/SIZE][/I] [/FONT][/CENTER]
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