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[ALLENVERSE] ***Official Thread***

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[QUOTE=jgriff3029;428016]Will you be updqting the a-verse history to cover the happenings from your last release until June 08[/QUOTE] Yeah, I plan on doing a good bit of the history of the major promotions from the "add-on" (UPW/CNWF, APW, AWF), some major history occurences (Allen/Williams/Victor screwjob of June 1999, the CNWF money scandal, etc.), some background of key players (Ace Allen, Arthur King, Sir Edgar, Lex Victor, Paul Starr, Dwayne Havok, etc.) to give some insight about these guys, and some variances in the Cornellverse history (i.e. the Elmo Benson/Bart Biggz/Ana Garcia love triangle of 2006, Groucho Bling jumping to APW in 2007, Kurt Laramee's troubles in SWF and jump to UPW, Jack Marlowe undefeated streak and domination in UPW, etc). Then there will be an "update history" that will note what has changed from January 2008 (Allenverse 1.2-TEW2007) to now June 2008 (Allenverse 2.0-TEW2008)... which shouldn't be a whole lot, but there are a few that I have in mind (actually will have to wait until I see the changes in the Cornellverse to see if they will work or not). I am juggling the idea of closing DAVE and having UPW assume the promotion as a "brand" (which would give the promotion three brands (UPW/CNWF/DAVE)), since they have been seemingly on the edge of closure... (any opininons on this???) And I'm open for any suggestions that anyone has...? Thanks.
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Just an update. I have gotten through about 80% of the "Allenverse" workers, updating their bios from the TEW2007 version, adjusting stats and the new features. I have already edited the injury file that I carried over (which was huge to begin with). I will probably finish up the other 20% of the workers either tonight or tomorrow (while I'm at work LOL), and then start on a Match file from scratch. From there it will be editing the Promotions file, and then after that, I will make an Angles file from scratch. From there it will be waiting for the beta as there really isn't anything else that I can just import. Then hopefully it will be Saturday and I can get my hands on the beta, so I can merge the Allenverse data I have worked on. Then add Contracts, Relationships, Tag Teams, Stables, examine the changes to the Cornellverse to make sure they can work with the Allenverse characters, and then edit the Cornellverse changes (Contracts/Relationships/etc)... try a couple of test runs, and then release the first version of the Allenverse 2.0... From there, I'm going to probably build a small web page explaining the Allenverse characters/history. Nothing elaborate, just simple HTML with some graphics, glorified text file. :) Exciting stuff for me... anyone else? :) Any suggestions?
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  • 2 weeks later...
Alright, the database is pretty much complete. Updates on the top post. I have been testing it for about two days now. It is about where I want the mod to start. Its hard to see the long term effects due to only being able to go to month 1, but I am thinking it will be okay. The only things I may do at this point are make individual monthly events for the regional promotions added (LACW, NYWA, TWA, and HWO) but the AI seems to do a decent job with that. The *beta* links are at the top. I had to remove some of the worker pics that I had in the TEW2007 version due to conflicts with some of the new Cornellverse workers. The best way to install this mod is to create a database called "Allenverse" and then copy the data files over the created one. Then copy the "Default" database pictures folder into the "Allenverse" pictures folder. From there, copy the "Allenverse" picture pack into the "Default" picture pack. If that's confusing, PM me. :) If you really want the "complete" picture pack, you can get it from the TEW2007 Allenverse release, although some of the pictures conflict with the new Cornellverse workers. Link to [URL=""]TEW2007 Allenverse Thread[/URL]. Everyone enjoy. Feedback is welcome.
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