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EffVerse: The Beginning [HYPE THREAD]

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So I've been debating since before I even finished EffVerse 2008 2.0 for TEW07 on whether or not I'd be doing an update for TEW08. That answer is a no. However, I will be working on a mod that I think has a possibility of being really cool. It will actually be 3 mods. Effganic, EffVerse 1976, and EffVerse 2008. Effganic is an organic data set that starts in 1920. EffVerse 1976 is a completely fictional 1976 mod based on data I get running a game with the Effganic data. EffVerse 2008 will be built from the EffVerse 1976 mod and will be a present day mod for the fictional universe. This mod will not include any of the CornellVerse characters found in my previous EffVerse mod, but will include all of the workers that were added in to build the EffVerse. This universe will feature it's own unique history in every aspect, including Television Networks, PPV Carriers, Promotions, Workers, etc. I'll keep this first post updated with what has been included, though I probably won't go into specifics. [B][U]Mods Released[/U][/B] [URL=""]Effganic[/URL] [B][U] Mod Being Worked On[/U][/B] EffVerse 1976 [B][U]Work Finished[/U][/B] 800 Workers (Bios being worked on) Titles Television Networks PPV Carriers Over 40 Promotions Contracts [B] *Currently looking for help[/B]
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[QUOTE=Richyg;429432]I played around with the idea of making a "scratch world" mod myself so I'm glad someone is heading this one up! Looking forward to the result :)[/QUOTE] Thanks! I think it's going to be a fun time building the world and watching it grow. The plan is to add a few key people and promotions for the very beginning of the game and then gradually have promotions debut through out and scatter a few wrestlers around up until the bulk of the original EffVerse wrestlers debut. I'm hoping for a bit of input as it's hard to think up enough promotions to keep the world healthy and I die a little inside each time I think of tackling locations. Anyhoot, first post updated.
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Well I'm making an Irish Promotion that has 31 workers set-up for it for my own dynasty im gna run as of 9th June. You could have the promotion, its logos and belts and the workers and their renders if you want them...??
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[QUOTE=Richyg;429922]Well I'm making an Irish Promotion that has 31 workers set-up for it for my own dynasty im gna run as of 9th June. You could have the promotion, its logos and belts and the workers and their renders if you want them...??[/QUOTE] Sent you a PM :)
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[B]Worker Renders[/B] [url]http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=31386[/url] Just make sure you accredit these if you use them as I'm using them for a dynasty. [U][CENTER][B]Promotion Details[/B][/CENTER][/U] [B]Promotion Name:[/B] Celtic Profesional Wrestling [B]Promotion Abbreviation:[/B] CPW [B]Debut Date:[/B] ... [B]Product Settings:[/B] [I]undecided[/I] [B]Promotion Location:[/B] Ireland (UK) [B]Promotion Size:[/B] Small / Regional (u decide) [B]Promotion Logo (only include if I'm allowed to use):[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc237/richyg13/tew08%20work/cpw-1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc237/richyg13/tew08%20work/cpw.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc237/richyg13/tew08%20work/cpw_fightingirish.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc237/richyg13/tew08%20work/cpw_tagtitles.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER]
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[QUOTE=Richyg;429954][B]Worker Renders[/B] [url]http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=31386[/url] Just make sure you accredit these if you use them as I'm using them for a dynasty. [U][CENTER][B]Promotion Details[/B][/CENTER][/U] [B]Promotion Name:[/B] Celtic Profesional Wrestling [B]Promotion Abbreviation:[/B] CPW [B]Debut Date:[/B] ... [B]Product Settings:[/B] [I]undecided[/I] [B]Promotion Location:[/B] Ireland (UK) [B]Promotion Size:[/B] Small / Regional (u decide) [B]Promotion Logo (only include if I'm allowed to use):[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc237/richyg13/tew08%20work/cpw-1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc237/richyg13/tew08%20work/cpw.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc237/richyg13/tew08%20work/cpw_fightingirish.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc237/richyg13/tew08%20work/cpw_tagtitles.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER][/QUOTE] Awesome, thanks a lot! I'll definitely give credit for them. Those belts are awesome, you wouldn't happen to have a template for them would you?
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This is just a small update to give some sort of idea how things are looking as far as promotions are going. It's just a list showing how many promotions I have per decade so far. Feel free to comment on how many you think should be in each decade or certain types of style booms and what not. [B][U]Promotions by Decade[/U][/B] 1920's - [B]10[/B] 1930's - [B]0[/B] 1940's - [B]0[/B] 1950's - [B]0[/B] 1960's - [B]1[/B] 1970's - [B]0[/B] 1980's - [B]1[/B] 1990's - [B]3[/B] 2000's - [B]5[/B] Future - [B]0[/B] Not Yet Assigned - [B]18[/B]
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[B][U]The Elite 8[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m88/nlw2006/New%20Eff/SaitaKuroki.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m88/nlw2006/New%20Eff/DanielLoiselle.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m88/nlw2006/New%20Eff/DonLoomis.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m88/nlw2006/New%20Eff/EmilioSuarez.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m88/nlw2006/New%20Eff/FriedrichHerzog.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m88/nlw2006/New%20Eff/JoeBoone.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m88/nlw2006/New%20Eff/LeviAndrews.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m88/nlw2006/New%20Eff/SirAnthonyHenry.jpg[/IMG] No, they are not a stable. However, they are (hopefully) the backbone to this organic world. These are the men who will be responsible for setting things in motion and hopefully be strong enough for promotions to build around. This being organic however, you never know what might happen. [B][U]Southern Pro Wrestling[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m88/nlw2006/New%20Eff/SPW.jpg[/IMG] The first important promotion in the EffVerse.
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Question for the data. Would you all want Television networks or PPV carriers included with a close date? So far, I've just added basic channels that would never close and have been debating if its even worth it to include some that have a closing date. Opinions are needed.
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[QUOTE=djthefunkchris;431039]I'm kind of digging this idea IER! I'll be probably more interested in your 1920 version to be honest. Also like the way your keeping us updated on your progress, as we can see how fast your fleshing it out.[/QUOTE] Thanks. I'm actually thinking about doing 3 mods now, if there is any interest. The first mod would be strictly for those who want an 1920 Organic Mod, so they can control the world themselves. Mod 2 would be an official EffVerse 1920 Mod which would be based on how the EffVerse was actually formed. And lastly, the 3rd mod would be a present day EffVerse Mod. Mod 2 will build off of what happens in a run through of Mod 1 for me and Mod 3 will be built off of that and Mod 2. I think the bulk of the work is going to come after the game is released so that I can sim through the organic world, record all the data and input it. Not to mention all the renders, logos, tv and PPV pics I'll have to do. Definitely going to take a lot of work. Feel free to make suggestions though, I can always use new ideas.
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Updated first post. Didn't seem like I was going to get any Locations input and I decided it might be too much to create them from scratch so I just imported the TEW Locations. Didn't do much data work today but I now have 25 promotion logos finished (more if you count a handful of alts), 1 TV Network logo, and 1 PPV Logo. Still much more to finish, but baby steps and what not.
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Small bump. Another day of graphic work, finishing up more logos. I've about burned myself out on logos though. Consider this an open invitation to anyone with some graphic skill, if you'd like to help out with logos it would be much appreciated. Just reply here or shoot me a pm.
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[QUOTE=djthefunkchris;432119]IER, could you please hit enter in between every sixth or seventh logo please? I have to look at three monitors to see them all at once:) LOL. They look great. Direct and to the point.[/QUOTE] Thanks, and fixed. I wasn't sure if it would auto format for everyone or not as it does on mine (guess that's a no). But yeah, all is well now hopefully.
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[QUOTE=i effin rule;432126]Thanks, and fixed. I wasn't sure if it would auto format for everyone or not as it does on mine (guess that's a no). But yeah, all is well now hopefully.[/QUOTE] Thanks! I have to say, seeing it that way makes me like them even more!! Too bad your all tired of logo's, I like your work.... I prefer a more bold/easy to read type of logo's.. I can't remember (might have been Pain) who, but someone did some outstanding jobs on Title's in that same respect..> They looked realistic but were easy to read exactly what they were.. Real title's scaled down look a bit "smudged" when trying to read them. Good work!
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