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Interpromotion title match

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Ok thought i would throw out this question before the tew08 game comes out.Is there any way you can get a champion from another promotion to defend his or her belt on one of your wrestling cards??And if yes what if you made that champion loose to a wrestler in your promotion can this be done also?
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no it cannot, from what i read coding reasons is what makes it not happen, the only way i would want it in the game, is if there was a rule where you cannot have the title change hands, unless a contract is agreed on by the owner, where your worker most go to their show and drop the belt back
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that seems like kind of a big feature. I'm pretty sure Adam would have announced it already. No offense to Adam, but it seems like the past few developer's journal entry have been menial things that aren't really [I]that[/I] important. Not that I'm complaining, I just don't think he's gonna pull any big stunts in the last days before release and reveal some big surprise feature.
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Would have been fun Oh well it would have been fun to have a super card with belts from otherpromotions on the line.I rem a supercard we had in Hawaii in the 80s with belts from the NWA,WWF, Japan,Hawaii,Florida,California all on the line.Would have been fun to be able to do that type of super card in the tew08 game.
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[QUOTE=mike b;429596]Oh well it would have been fun to have a super card with belts from otherpromotions on the line.I rem a supercard we had in Hawaii in the 80s with belts from the NWA,WWF, Japan,Hawaii,Florida,California all on the line.Would have been fun to be able to do that type of super card in the tew08 game.[/QUOTE] As a player that loves DOTT, and also had the benefit of watching the "team" put it together (for the '07 version), I would love such a feature. Adam realise's this, and the importance of the feature. Everything I or anyone else has ever asked for, that was reasonable in the creation of a "realistic" mod, has always come through. The "New Worker" section, and the ability to "Import" from other worker area's (for example), was a huge benefit for someone playing DOTT (for example), as it allowed you to grab stars from other database's, that weren't included in the new worker area of DOTT. It allowed for a much longer play (or simulation, for that matter... just sit back and watch the magic). Because of things like this (such as PPV's starting at a certain time... another example that was asked for historical type database's). I am confident that the ONLY reason why this feature won't be in the game, is because there is no reasonable way to code, or add it without breaking the game mechanics. Things beyond "our" controll, so to speak. Even the C-Verse has "historical" type mods now (and very GOOD I'd like to add). It's a win "WIN" for everyone. No way he would leave it out if he had a way to implement it.
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