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Isn't Technology marvellous? Here I am hundreds of miles from home sitting in the town square of Prague assisting in the Tartan army invasion of the Czech Republic. In my hand I have a pint of lager that cost me the equivalent of £1.20 in my other hand I have a handheld device that transmits a broadband internet connection via my laptop at home in Scotland, the mind boggles it really does. I have full access to my computers files from this lil device (just a pity it cant run TEW or Daz Studio :p ) so its like I never really left. Well as the square fills with local girls to see what we really keep under our kilts i'm off to get another beer, I have about 6 hours before my mates arrive on the later flight....... which way to the red light district? :D
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[QUOTE=mistaken;429691]and if you would install TEW and DAZ under a vmware console, rather than on the host machine, you could access those as well. :D[/QUOTE] Unfortunately not :( my handheld thingy doesnt support windows based programs although it does have a windows browser, the OS on this is flash based.
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£1.20? You've gotta do better than that buddy. When I was in Prague over the summer I got a pint for about 30p. Got a large slap up three course meal plus two pints for under a fiver. The backstreets are fantastic for cheap booze and food.
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[QUOTE=Blasphemywebleed;429698]The back street places have been ordered not to open until 6pm, we also have a large ring of police around the square. Funny way to greet the worlds friendliest supporters :D[/QUOTE] The people of Manchester would disagree that Scottish football fans are friendly. :p
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[QUOTE=Undertaker666;429714]The people of Manchester would disagree that Scottish football fans are friendly. :p[/QUOTE] Trying not to bring this thread into another anglo-saxon debate, Rangers fans are not "Scottish football fans", they support a Scottish club but majority don't support Scotland.
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[QUOTE=Blasphemywebleed;429716]Trying not to bring this thread into another anglo-saxon debate, Rangers fans are not "Scottish football fans", they support a Scottish club but majority don't support Scotland.[/QUOTE] Is that similar to most Man U fans dont live in England :p
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[QUOTE=keefmoon;429697]£1.20? You've gotta do better than that buddy. When I was in Prague over the summer I got a pint for about 30p. Got a large slap up three course meal plus two pints for under a fiver. The backstreets are fantastic for cheap booze and food.[/QUOTE] You've got to love Europe; they have their priorities so right :D! Quote The Raven Nevermore
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[QUOTE=Blasphemywebleed;429716]Trying not to bring this thread into another anglo-saxon debate, Rangers fans are not "Scottish football fans", they support a Scottish club but majority don't support Scotland.[/QUOTE] They support a Scottish club and they're from Scotland so they're Scottish citizens, hence they're Scottish football fans.... interesting that you think otherwise.... who do they support? The Faroe Islands? :D [QUOTE=joose2001;429720]Is that similar to most Man U fans dont live in England :p[/QUOTE] We can't help it if our greatness has spread far and wide.... :cool:
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[QUOTE=Undertaker666;429727]They support a Scottish club and they're from Scotland so they're Scottish citizens, hence they're Scottish football fans.... interesting that you think otherwise.... who do they support? The Faroe Islands? :D [/QUOTE] Actually around 50% support England, 40% Northern Ireland and 10% if lucky support Scotland.
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[QUOTE=Blasphemywebleed;429729]Actually around 50% support England, 40% Northern Ireland and 10% if lucky support Scotland.[/QUOTE] That's strange, I thought we were hated by our fellow UK countries. Like the Welsh. I've always been shocked when I've spoken to Welsh fans (Rugby and Football) who want to see England fail. And while I don't condone the actions in Manchester, I think the chant of "we're gonna deep fry your vodka" during the match was pure genius.
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[QUOTE=Blasphemywebleed;429729]Actually around 50% support England, 40% Northern Ireland and 10% if lucky support Scotland.[/QUOTE] Hence proving what a sucky little place you live in, surely ;). You're better than Wales, though. So, you can feel proud of that (not that it's much of an achievement :p). [QUOTE=keefmoon;429736]I've always been shocked when I've spoken to Welsh fans (Rugby and Football) who want to see England fail.[/QUOTE] I wouldn't be. I want to see Wales fail just as they want to see us fail. Grand Slam my arse... EDIT: I'm not racist. I just hate Wales. Quote The Raven Nevermore
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[QUOTE=keefmoon;429736]That's strange, I thought we were hated by our fellow UK countries. Like the Welsh. I've always been shocked when I've spoken to Welsh fans (Rugby and Football) who want to see England fail. And while I don't condone the actions in Manchester, I think the chant of "we're gonna deep fry your vodka" during the match was pure genius.[/QUOTE] There is little to no hatred from the Scotland fans towards any of the home nations. When I started following Scotland 15 years ago it was very anti English but now if some numpty starts an anti English chant at Hampden they get an ear full ;) Deep fry your vodka has been a chant we have used for a while now. It varies depending what country we are in. The rangers fans ripped us off :P
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[QUOTE=Undertaker666;429739]You should really think about how you word things.... :eek:[/QUOTE] Trust you, duck-boy :rolleyes:. Although, I did see this coming (no inuendo to be found here :mad:) a mile off. Quote The Raven Nevermore
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