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Hype: Furbverse Real World Millwaukee screwjob

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What happened in the year 1996? Scott Hall & Kevin Nash's departure from WWF, The Clique MSG incident (Where Hunter Hearst Helmsley was punished for celebrating the departure of his best friends, Nash & Hall, however Shawn Michaels who was also involved barely got a slap on the wrist), Hulk Hogan's shocking Heel turn in WCW, and the inception of the nWo... Wrong! This mod is to be set in August of 1996... Paul Levesque never left WCW and had a pretty good run at a singles career garnering the US title. With Paul Levesque not there to punish for the Kliq incident, and Shawn Michaels threatening Vince to jump with his friends, Vince had no other choice than to make sure Shawn Michaels lost, Shawn Michaels would not relinquish the title however and Vince told him that this was a breach of his contract (which was set to expire soon, anyways)... Shawn, knowing his contract was up soon, began negotiations with Eric Bischoff to bring him in with Nash & Hall. Vince however, scoffed when he heard that his world champion was planning on defecting, and knowing his competitor, realized that he could not trust WCW to not steal the WWE Title by giving Shawn Michaels a little extra cash... Shawn had actually finished negotiations with WCW and was gloating in the locker room about how he was going to the better company. And so it came to be June 23, 1996, Vince had a conversation backstage with British Bulldog, who was facing Shawn Michaels that night and Mr. Perfect was the special guest referee for the contest. Vince had the match go on, with British Bulldog getting the first fall of the match, and most of the fans in the crowd decided that this would therefore be Shawn Michael's night, who would be winning the next two falls, however, British Bulldog began to tune up the band then hit Shawn with the Sweet Chin Music, and Vince McMahon, himself ran to the ring to whisper in Mr. Perfect's ear, when Mr. Perfect called for the bell, claiming Shawn had been knocked out. Shawn got up and was in shock of what had just occurred. Shawn looked down at Vince and spat on him. A number of WWF superstars were outraged, however most realized what a Jackass Shawn had been as of late. Both Aldo Montoya (PJ Polaco/Justin Credible) and 1-2-3 Kid (Sean Waltman) gave in their notices to Vince McMahon the second he came back from the ring and he told them that they could not leave his company until their contracts were up and therefore sent the both of them to work in USWA. There was a physical altercation backstage between Shawn and Vince... Shawn also blamed Bret and Owen who he thought had been in on it. Shortly after Shawn's arrival in WCW, the three Clique members had gotten in Bischoff's ear, and had become his best pals, convincing him that Hulk Hogan was old news and that they were the real stars of WCW... Hogan didn't seem to mind the loss of friendship with Bischoff as this WCW thing wasn't working out so well anyways, and in what some may call a shock move Bischoff granted Hogan a full release. But where would he go? He couldn't go to the WWF, as he had just recently burned too many bridges there... He also began to realize that the movie business had not been fairing him very well... And in what may be the most shocking turn of events in wrestling history, Hulk Hogan bought out Tod Gordon's stock of ECW and kept Paul Heyman as head booker. ECW loyalists were no doubt discusted when they learned the best friend of Eric Bischoff, ECW's worst enemy was buying out their beloved company. However, most turned out just to see what would happen, the fans were surprised, yet still skeptical when Hogan (who had begun training to wrestle the ECW style, his training was from ECW mainstays such as Sabu, Tommy Dreamer, Raven, and Tazz, as well as training on his technical skills with Tazz and former olympian, Kurt Angle, who then joined ECW after becoming good friends with Hogan) began wrestling a more hardcore style and in his debut match in ECW lost to Sabu. Hogan, after leaving WCW and buying ECW was buried on WCW television, mostly by the men who were his best friends and Hogan who saw those as personal attacks got very bitter and developed a strong dislike for all of his old friends who he helped bring in to WCW. That is of course all of Hogan's cronies minus one who was very adamant about defending the man... and refused to go to nitro to bury one of his best friends, he also accepted a full release and jumped to Hogan's ECW, and you may be thinking Ed Leslie or Jim Duggan, but no, none other than "Macho Man" Randy Savage who Hogan had begged Bischoff to bring to WCW and then begged Bischoff to release with him so that Savage could join, Bischoff accepted as long as Savage stayed for two months. Savage's last official match was at WCW's Great American Bash. after being buried and pinned by the debuting Shawn Michaels. Shawn Michaels, then stated that he, Nash & Hall were the New World Order of Wrestling...And thus a revolution was born. Rumor has it, however that Hogan and Bischoff may actually be in cahoots and might not be hating each other. The Dirt Sheets claim that it is a ruse to get ECW to play fair and attack WWF more than it does attack WCW and possibly start an invasion. Heyman's loyalty to mcmahon and Hogan's loyalty to bischoff has sparked controversy due to the fact that both men have inked deals to form a working relationship with both major promotions. They have also changed the September Event's name to The Invasion Invitational Tournament. Apparently, ECW is attempting to borrow some workers from the big two that night to form a tournament. Paul Levesque has become a member of the clique and has begun a friendship with Hall & Nash, with he and Shawn becoming buddy-buddy all of the sudden. Shawn, always the sucker for attention plays along and the two become best of friends. At In Your House 9, Vader, Owen and Bulldog defeated Sycho Sid, Ahmed Johnson and Ultimate Warrior (who was given a leave of absence for a little while when his father's funeral happened) This is only a teaser for the full story of the mod... ;)
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but if you read it said this is the "Furbverse" which means it's his own fantasy mod. I personally can't play older games because i didn't get into wrestling till around 2000, so I just can't connect to the wrestlers and storylines of the older games. This however seems enthralling, and I might have to check this out. I was a little be leery about Hogan owning ECW but that might be one of the most interesting parts about this mod. Can't wait to see more from this furball!
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[quote=D16NJD16;430809]It's a good story but id much rather the choice be up to me to use and to play that out, and just have a really accurate 1996 mod.[/quote] If I'm not mistaken, I believe there is one in the works... Honestly, though I'm considering doing both and keeping it an option to play this scenario.
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